Download - Mrs. Pieczynski. Alliteration Kennings Caesura No Rhyme Oral Tradition-Scops Runes.


Mrs. Pieczynski

Anglo-Saxon Riddles

The Exeter Book c.975

AlliterationKenningsCaesuraNo RhymeOral Tradition-ScopsRunes

Old English

On earth this warrior is strangely born Of two dumb creatures, drawn gleaming Into the world, bright and useful to men. It is tended, kept, covered by women-- Strong and savage, it serves well, A gentle slave to firm masters Who mind its measure and feed it fairly With a careful hand. To these it brings Warm blessings; to those who let it run Wild it brings a grim reward.

Riddle Example

On earth this warrior is strangely born Of two dumb creatures, drawn gleaming

KENNINGInto the world, bright and useful to men. It is tended, kept, covered by women-- Strong and savage, it serves well, ALLITERATIONA gentle slave to firm masters Who mind its measure and feed it fairly With a careful hand. To these it brings CAESURAWarm blessings; to those who let it run Wild it brings a grim reward.

Riddle Example

On earth this warrior is strangely born Of two dumb creatures, drawn gleaming

KENNINGInto the world, bright and useful to men. It is tended, kept, covered by women-- Strong and savage, it serves well, ALLITERATIONA gentle slave to firm masters Who mind its measure and feed it fairly With a careful hand. To these it brings CAESURAWarm blessings; to those who let it run Wild it brings a grim reward.

Riddle Answer: FIRE

A major scholar of the English language, specializing in Old and Middle English

Wrote The Hobbit (1937) and The Lord of the Rings (1954-1955), Middle-earth.

Riddles from The Hobbit

JRR Tolkien (1892-1973)

Who is your HERO?Write 10 lines of clues in the Anglo-Saxon

format. (Do NOT rhyme your riddle!)Your riddle must include the following:

2 kennings (Underline and Explain)2 alliterations (Underline)

Write a Riddle