Download - Mouth

  • 1. Mouth Maryam and Lara 9E

2. Function The mouth is a body organ that is adapted to receiving food and starting off the digestion process. In the mouth, there are other organs like the tongue and teeth, which roll the food around and crush it respectively, breaking it down to smaller pieces for swallowing. 3. Structure 4. The mouth contains the enzyme amylase. This enzyme is contained in the saliva. The saliva is in 3 salivary pairs of salivary glands which is found under the tongue, at the back of the jaws, and in the cheeks. Saliva also has lysozyme which helps break micro-organisms. The saliva is used to help soften the food so that it is easy for people to swallow. Amylase digests starch into maltose. Digestion process/Enzymes 5. After the food is chewed it is formed into a ball or bolus and pushed back to the pharynx. This is where the food will leave the mouth and enter the esophagus.. To stop food from entering the windpipe there is a small flap called the epiglottis. This flap closes over the trachea to stop food from entering. 6. The brain governs the initial stages of eating and swallowing. 7. Once food enters the mouth the teeth break it down into smaller and smaller pieces. This has the dual function of making the food easier to swallow and increasing the surface area of food on which the saliva can act. The tongue, lips and cheeks assist the teeth in the process by allowing the food to be "rolled" around the oral cavity. The mechanical action described above produces a softened bolus of food which is now ready to be swallowed. 8. Here the bolus is pushed into the upper part of the pharynx by the action of the tongue. 9. As the bolus pushes it's way into the oesophagus it automatically pushes the epiglottis downwards further closing off the airway. 10. This is an animation of the whole process