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Moulds and mycotoxins Magic mushrooms and toadstools aside, what can eating fungi do to you? A chance e ncoun ter with a mould led Fle ming to a life-saving drug (a lbeit he didn ' t fully appreciate it at the time), but meeting a mould need not always be so sere ndipitous.

The fact is that many fungi produce chemically unusua l substances - often exceedingly poisonous - called mycotox· ins. Moulds ~re the worst offenders in this respect. They can contaminate our foodstuffs and then we inadvcncmly con· sume them.

Most people certain ly won't cat ob· viously mouldy food, but moulds can he present without be ing easi ly visible. Alternatively. although contaminating fungi might have died or been removed by special treatments. their mycotoxins may stil l be intact.

Accordingly, people in the food produc­tion and preparation indust ries take the grea test care to prevent any fungal conwmi· nation. In the past , however, before scicn· tists became aware of mycotoxins. matters were not so well controlled.

Fearsome fungi

One of the most notorious mycotoxicoses - the name given to diseases that myco­toxins cause- was ergotism. The cu lprot, the fungus Claviceps purpurl!a, grows on some grains. especially rye. Parts of the fungus. called ergots , become fragmented and dispersed throughout the nour during the milling process .

The toxins in ergots arc all derivatives of lysergic acid. which is also the precursor of the hallucinogen LSD. Consequen tl y. vic­tims suffer from unpleasant hallucinations as well as the other effects of the toxins. which include a cun~triction of the arteries th<tt gives rise to a sensation of burning in the affected parts. and may ul ti mately lead to gangrene. In severe cases the victim dies.

Episodes of bizarre hchaviour in villages in the Middle Ages. such as wi tch-burning and seeing visions of angels or devi ls. h;we been attributed to ergot poisoning. The I11St known case of this distressing disease in Europe occurred in a French vi llage in 1954, when more than 200 people became ill and four died . The ou tbreak was well studied and was traced tu gross negligence on the part of a mi ller.

Outbreaks of ergotism have hccn reported more recen11y in drought-affected

areas of Africa and India, and may well continue to occur in these regions because of food shortages and less stringent health control measures.

People can also ingc~t mycotoxins sec­ond-hand, as it were. An example occurred in the 1970s in Denmark, where some pigs were found at slaughter tO have kidney innammation. The cause was even tually traced to ochratoxin A. a mycotoxin pro­duced in th is case by Penicillium vir· idicalllm , which orten grows on Danish barley. a constituent of the pig feed. (Barley with any hint of mould wou ld not of course be used for hum~n consumption.)

By law. the diseased pig kidneys were destroyed, hut other pans of the carcasses were released for uoe. Later analy~es of pork and bacon showed the presence of ochratoxin A from the feed , unchanged, in the pig fa t.

A sma ll risk therefore c.xists for humans who might cat this - particularly the Danish farmers who usually cat their own (uninspected) pigs. And andeed. rates of death caused by kidney failure an: unusu · all y high in some rural areas in Denmark.

Risks in A ustralia?

The question naturally arises: how much at risk is the Austra lian population from diseases caused by mycotox ins?

We can be quite sure that we arc safe from ergotism. Ergots do not occur on whea t, our Staple cereal. and we have no evidence that the causative fungus is a problem on rye or tritica le here. Similarly, we have no reason to suspect that ochra­toxins arc significant in Australia. Of course. it wouldn't do any harm to check a little further. but as usua l resources and finance arc limi ting.

Moulds belonging to the genus Fusarium , growing mainly on wheat and com. can produce a whole battery of toxins called trichothecencs. Analytical techniques to detect these arc tricky. <Is is the identifica­tion of the different Fusarium species.

One of the most toxic trichothecenes. T - 2, h;as been implie<atcd in outbreaks of a mycotox.icosis in the U.S.S.R., occurring frequent ly earlier this century. In this case. the gn1in on which Fusarium grew had alternately frozen and thawed when it was left to overwinter in the fields during war-time labour shonagcs.

However, scien ti sts now suspect that freezing and thawing may not always be necessary for the development of the toxin. and T2 is now known to be a cause of disease in fcetllot unimols in the Uni ted Sta tes. Trichothccenes cause severe inter· na t bleeding. accompanied by muscle spasm~ and convulsions. Symptoms also include vomiting blood, and hacmorrh;<gcs under the skin.

Fortunate ly, no known problems with triehothccencs occur in Austra lia. Serious outbreaks of Fusarium moulds arc quite obvious when growing on a crop, and any infected wheat wou ld au tomatically be downgraded and declared unfit for human consumption. (This is not always the case in poor countries.)

llarvest: the process of pulling peanuts.


Where our peaautll grow

Athenon Tableland

Burnell River


Although some peanuts grow in northern New South Wales and the Northern Territory, large-sca le production is confmed to Queensland, and 85% of its crop comes from tbe Burnett region , witb the A therlon Tableland and Rockhamplon areas producing most of the rest.

The only area where we know that we have to take particular care is the Austra­lian peanut crop. Roast peanuts arc a popular and nutritious snack, and plenty or people like their peanut butter. too - so much so. in fact. that the peanut industry is worth about $30 million a year to Australia.

However, two species of the mould genus Aspergillus, namely A. flavus and A. parasitiws. can grow on peanut plants and may invade the nuts themselves. Moreover. they can produce their own toxins, called allatoxins. The name comes from 'A. flavus toxins'.

These toxins were first detected in .1960. following the deaths in Britain of 100 000 tu rkeys that had been fed on peanut meal. Ironically we now know that probably the majority of A. flavus isolates do not produce aflatoxins. whereas virtually all A.

parasiriws isolates do. ( It requires an expert to tell the two species apart, and often moulds called A. flavus may include some A. pamsiticus. For this reason we wi ll use A. flavus here ro denote both species unless otherwise st~ted.)

Mlatoxins in su[ficient doses (5-10 mg) can cause acute (short-term) poisoning, which may lead to fatal liver damage. This is so exceedingly rare that the world's scientific literature contains no absolutely confirmed cases in humans. In smaller quantities aOatoxins may cause no notice-

able illness at all . but, insidiously,thcy may be carcinogenic. acting to produce liver cancers and possibly genetic or other damage many years later.

The fact that atlatoxins are among the most poisonous substances known need not unduly worry the AustTalian consumer. The peanut industry has long been aware of the problem, and Dr John Pitt, a mycologist now specia lising in mycotoxins, and Ms Ailsa Hocking, both of the CStRO Division of Food Research in Sydney, httve been researching the problem in some detai l.

With the help of funds from the National Peanu t Council o f Austra lia and " Com­monwealth Special Research Grant. they set to work - first. to develop a culture medium that allows simple but reliable iden ti fication of A . f/tlvtrs and A. pamsiticus, and then. armed with this, to perform detai led surveys of soils and farms in the main peanut-growing areas.

Peanuts are p<~rticularl y susceptible to A . flavus a11ack because they grow under­ground. The growth of the mould can occur ar a number of srages: while peanuts arc sti ll maturing in the soil: after they arc pulled from the ground, during drying: or finally during storage. but only if poor practice allows the moisture content of the nuts to rise above the low level that prevents mould growth.

In the laboratory, the first task was to obtain rapid idcnrific~tion of the mould in samples. Dr Pitt and Ms Hocking devised a special growth medium (AFPA) for the fungus. As well as all the usua l compounds essential for funga l nutrition. and others to prevent bacteria l contamination, this selec­tive medium contains ferric ammonium citrate at a concentration of 0·05%. The ferric ions react with an organic compound called aspergillic acid. which the fungus produces, to give a bright and uistinctive orange-yellow colour visible underneath the fungus through the Petri dish.

The mould itself, Aspergillus flavus , in laboratory culture.

The method is re li able (Dr Pitt estab­lished that false negatives occur in on ly 2·9% of cases and false positives in on ly 1·4%). and gives results wi thin 42 hours when incubated at the correct temperature. inste;od of the 4 days generally n.:quircd with the older identification medium.

ln lhe field

To get a general picture of the problem. Dr Pitt and his staff examined hundreds of soil samples from land in which peanuts had recent ly grown, from under pastures. and from virgin forest in nearby a reas.

Nearly 90% of samples from peanut farm land con tained A. f/11v11s spores, bur the levels varied widely - from 100 spores per gram of soil to 50 000 per gram. High levels of A. flavus in soils arc not neces.<arily associated wi th high levels of invasion of the peanut plants, because other factors arc also important. However. farms with low numbers of A. flnvlls spores in the soil are less likely to have the mould in their peanuts at pulling.

By contrasl. Dr Pitt found that A. flavt.s is largely absent from virgin soils and

The distinctive orange colour produced by J\ . f/<H'LIS when il grows o n Or Pill's specially designed identification medium.

F,.cQs 49, Spnng 1986 23

Conventional d rying of peanuts in the fie ld aJter harvest. A CStRO \H>rker is sampling for A. flavus.

pasture land. or about 30 virgin <oil (I hat is. undisturbed fore>l soil) samples. only three conlmncd detectable levels of the fungus. and one of these had come from a drainage path of n peanut field.

By analysmg ~pore numbers Dr Pin also ~how~d I hat any substantial rain(all ~aused a quick und drumatic (ten· to a hundred· fold) decrease in numbers of spores in the >Oil. AI fir\1 glance, lhi~ seem~ rather strange for a mould. which one might cApect to hkc damp climates. but Dr Pin has sho\\ n that the rain causes population mcre;l,c; m many other soil mtcro­organasms. wmc of which prey on A . fla•••ts. His research has also demonstrated thmlow mo"ture levels favour the uwaston of the planh by A . flm•rts. a~ " " II as its survival in the soil, because moisture sucss reduce~ 1hc planl's vigour Hnd render~ it more susccp1ihle to infection.

Or Pill und his colleagues monitored !he levels of the mould growing in the nowers. peg~. and developing nuts of the peanut plants . Then they checked the nuts. ahcr han esl. for A flm••u and for moisture content. and for the quantity. if any. of actunl anaw~in,.

I 1ke mo>l agricultural pests. A>pergtllu~ spp. cause more trouble in some years !hun

other~. rcl;ned Ill climate ~ntd seasonal [actor. . Dr Pitt wanted 10 know whclh<:r they invudcd peanuts after pulling and. if ~o. what wou ld prevent this? He also wanted 10 know whether il was possible 10 pred1CI a bi!d ye:•r with heavy A. flttvus mfc~!.1tion m ndvance; if so. !hen farmer~ could be forewarned and suitable prc­caullonar) mca~urc;, which he hoped to 1dcn11f) . could be taken.

After conunuous sampling from 1'180 to 19R-l. he C'tabli,hcd that peanuts arc not invaded hy A. j11u•ttr after pulling. The nul itself is relatively resistant to extensive fungal growth.

llnwcvcr, peanut s colonised hy the mould while still underground suffer tt

marked build-up of anatoxins after pulling. Rapid drying. 10 levels of humidity in I he pea nul of less than 12"/o . minimised the build-up, because no! even this relauvely

drought-tolerant mould can survive a! ~uch a lo" water level.

Normal drying, taking from 6to 10 day~.

involves leaving the pulled peanuts ou tside without cover. Indoor mechanica l venti la­tion makes drying more ra pid :n1d cfficionl, but is expe nsive. Dr Pitt's work shows thai o nly I hose peanut crops extensively invaded before pu lling need the costly mechanical drying 10 prevent ,,natoxin build-up.

With regard 10 possible prediction, unfortunately the work concluded that mvasion of the nowcr or peg by Asp<'rgrllrts fla•••tS bore lillie relation to levels of the mould tn the nuts at harvest. However, a good warning to the industry C<tn come

from the >tale of the nuts during the Ia'' week before pulling.

I f. in "ny year. samples taken then from severa l farms show heavy fungal eonwmi­nnlion {quite simple 10 confirm with Dr Pill\ >CI~clive growth medium). not onl) wlll the more rapid drying method be recommended , but also the pe;mul·,hcllcr, can be warned 10 be c.:spectally alert for <tn:llo~ms Conversely. in n good )Car. much of the expensi\'e drying on the farm . and ~omc of the exhaustive leMtng by the 'hcllcrs. cou ld be reduced.

Out conclusions in this area cannot he clear-cut. Remember that man y A.1prrgillm fltrvu.\' i:.ohHcs do no1 produce the tOxi n. And the moulds of A . pamsiticus. ali hough I hey uppcur capable of it. do no! produce !he toxin all the time. Toxins arc generally only produced at one stage in the life cycle. anti then probably only rf the food source ~~ adequate. These factors complicate any predictions of aflatoxin production.

Precaut io ns

If anatoxins arc present. what happen~

1hcn? Fir,t. t hey must be detected . Fortu­

nutcly. they have the property of nuorcsc­ing with n blue-green colour u nd~r

ultraviolet light. The sample M peanuts 10 be ICslcd is homogenised. and !hen thin-

l;~yer chroma!Ogntphy is used 10 separate ana1oxins from tbe many other compounds

present in squashed peanuts. Curremly, these techn1ques can detect

ana toxins in quantities as small '" I p.g per kg of peanuts. which is one part in a thou~and million. l11c lcgallimil. :t\ recom­mended by !he National llca lth and Medi ­ca l Research Council. is 15 1-'1!. per kg. While it lakes I mg ( 1000 1'-S) to cau'c acute sickness in humans, lower doses could induce cancer and we do not have prec1se figures , for obvious reason~.

Every 10-tonne batch of peanut\ " routinely ~ampled for anaws""· bu!!h1s is ju>l the first step. The probh;rn "1ha1 JUSI one extremely heavily infected individual peanut could comain as much a' 0· 1 g ( 100 mg) - the lethal limit. 11u:rcfore , every individual peanut must be checked in some way.

ll's clea rl y not possible 10 annly>e each ontl every o ne, as the process involves !he des truction of the nut ; but. fortunnlcly for

us. the kernels of mouldy nul> almo'i always have a darker colour than their uninfec!ed brethren. Based on lhJ'. the Peanut Marketing Board. independent peanut-shellers, and peanul-procC\'IlN all usc electronic sorting macluncs thai .can each indtvidual nul at leas! once. and often three ltmes or more. If a discoloured nul is detected as the nuts ~•ream pa'l the elcetronie eye. it is knockod oul by a blast of a1r. lluman sorters arc on hand 10 check !his process.

Mouldy nuts can nor be sold. anu ;1rc used lo make peanut nil. The refining procc" ndds an alkali that removes !he toxins. However, peanut oil fctchc' n hmcr price !han the nuts themselves. and ~o a hcavtly conlarnimlleu crop represents a severe economtc loss.

Alkali t reatment cannot be apphcd to whole nut!;, but can we remove or destroy anatoxins in any other way'? Short of destroying the nut. the on ly possibi li ty may he hcruing.. Unfortunately. anatoxin\ arc

IJunks of colour sorters at the l'conut Marketing Board . Kingaroy. Rigorous sorting ens ures that any mouldy pcun uts arc discard ed .

Mycotoxins on the farm

As well as affecting us. mycotoxicoses can be a problem for our livestock.

Facial eczema in sheep is caused by eating perennial ryegrass infected with the fungus Pithomyce.t chartarum. which pro­

duces a toxin . The disease occurs sporadic­ally in W..stern Austra lia and Victoria, <Ond average annual losses arc small.

But the most serious known mycotoxic disease of stock in Australia iS lupinosis, which causes annual losses amQ\mting to perhaps $16 million. The bulk of 1his represents the production lost through leaving lupin stubbles ungrazed.

As the name lupinosis implies, the animals become ill and may die after eating post-harvest lupin stalks and roughage. The lupin is infected by a mould grandly called Phqnr()psis leprostromiformis. The mould is present on the Living plant. but flourishes on the dead leaves after harvest - spe<Jially if the humidity is high.

The disease i' more of a problem in Western Australia. where 500 000 ha were sown with lupins in 1984, as against 70 000 ha in the eastern States. Each year fam1ers report. on average. more than 1000 sheep killed by the disease. and losses also occur through the decrease in production C::<tUSCd by sicknes§ in the animals that survive.

Lupinosis-i> not a new condition. Indeed. in the 1870sscientists in Germany suggested the possibility of fungal involvement in the

disease. In the 1950s it appeared in Western Austmlia and South Africa. ilnd the role of the fungus was confirmed by scoentists in both countries in the early 1970s.

Phomopsin. the toxin produced by the

fungus. damages the liver. eventually cau-<· ing cirrhosis. The animal stops feeding. and death may occur within a few days of the

<tppearance of the disease.

heat-stable. Temperatures o f too•c will only destroy from 30 to 50% of the aflatoxins, and this is clearly not sufficient.

O ther crops

Aspergillus flavttr can grow on many other plants. but will seldom produce tOxin unless a sufficiently concentrated nutrient source is avai lable. For example, it grows on coffee plants withOtll apparenil y producing toxi n. A danger is probably only present with oily nuts and seeds. which in Australia could include pistachio nuts , sunflower seeds, and corn. Dr Pitt is not aware of any aflatoxin problem with these products. but he i$ unable to check this because of lack of resources at present.

Strangely, sheep seem particularly sus­ceptible to the toxin. Just J mg per kg of

body weight, given by mouth, is a falal dose for them. Rats and some other mammals can tolerate higher doses.

A group of scientist_< led by Dr Claude Culvenor. ol CStRO's Division of Animal Health in Melbourne. has for some ye<\rs studied lupinosis, as well as (>ther stock diseases caused by toxins. The researchers have isolated phomopsin , the toxin , and. no easy feat. determined its structure. It is a fX:ptidc with six modified amino acids and an unusual large ring.

We also know that phomopsin prevents cell division. and it does this by attaching to tubulin. an important protein within cells. Tubulin forms the spiodle - the delicate ~pparatus that pulls the chromo­somes apart during cell division. Phomop­sin is. therefore. starting to be seen as an i ntcresting tool for molecular and cell biologists probing the mechanism of cell division.

Sheep and Lheir owners <Ire no doubt les.~

en thused by it. We have no'cure' for lupino~is. The only

answer is not to use lupins if rain has fallen after harvest. Some good news is that. as far as we know. the fungus in the field grows only on lupins.

The structure of Phomopsin A. a myco­toxin produced by f'homopsis leptos· tromiformis (Kuhn) Bub<1k ex Lino.J. J .A. Edgar. C.C.J . Culvenor, J.L. Frahn. A.J. Jones, C.P. Gorst·Allman. W F.O. Marasas, P.S. Steyn, R. Vleg· gaar. and P .L. Wessels. f n ·Tricothecenes and Other Toxins'. ed. J. Lacey. (John Wiley and Sons Lid: Chichester I 985.)

Around the world , mycotoxins nrc start­

ing to be implicated in various known diseases. They have also. sadly. been strongly implicated in warfare; many scien­tists consider that the notorious 'yellow rain ' in South-East Asia contained

trichothecenes. The aflatoxin story itself is not ye t fully

unravelled. Aflatoxins exist in more than one form. Dr Pi tt suspects that most of them are not , in fact , carcinogenic by themselves . Evidence is accumulating to suggest that they are only carcinogenic in ·collaboration' , as it were. with the virus that causes hepatitis B. This may help explain some observations from overseas that communities exposed to relatively high

What the consumer will not meet; mouldy. discoloured 11eanuts rejected by the elect ronic eye.

levels of atlatoxins in some areas do not develop the exp ected levels of liver cancer.

All of this s hows that appare ntly 'pure' scientific such as those relati ng to moulds may reveal important facts that require urgent action. In the case of aflatoxins, we do not have a magic 'cure' to prevent the growth of the mould o n the peanut plants. What is possible. however. is to be sufficiently aware o f the problem.

and its status from year to yea r. so that we can control the public health aspects of it.

Why d oes the mould do it?

One final question you may be asking yourself: why docs this little mould produce such lethal compounds? Dr Pili speculates that the answer is mites. Apparently. these tiny arachnids are voracious predators on many moulds; but when they hit our

aflmoxic friends. they curl top and die, leaving the mo uld in pea<;C. But Dr Pitt is wary of proving this by introducing any experime ntal mites because they constitute frightening agents of contamination in any mycology laboratory. As they chew their way from one harmless mould to anotlwr, they carry spores and cause chaos in the ordered cultures of our mycologists - a ' miley' important problem!

Roger Beckmann

More about 1he topic

The significance of potentially toxigenic fungi in foods. J .l. Pitt . Food Technol­ogy in A us tralia, 1984, 36, 218-19.

Mycotoxins in hum on health. J. I. Pitt. CS/1?0 Food Reseorch Quarterly, 1981. 41. 31- 7.

An improved medium for the detection of Aspergill11s flavoL~ and A. parasiticus. Lt. Pitt, A .D. Hocking, and D.R. Glenn. Journal of Applied Bac1eriology. 1983, 54 , 1()9-14.

Mycotox ins in food products. J .I. Pitt . Culwre. 1985. 6(2).

E<t>.< J9, Spring t9S6 25