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  • 7/30/2019 Motto Letter RCG


    Dear Brethren,

    This is very hard for me to write but I feel I must, due to wrong heresies, doctrines and teachings that have been

    the product of the leading minister in the Restored Church of God.

    After the split of Global and Living I received a tape entitled Conference Q&A dated 2-20-99 from Ohio. I

    had a telephone conversation with Mr. Pack shortly after receiving this tape. I had some serious concerns of

    Harold Smiths wrong doctrinal teachings. In this telephone conversation, Mr. Pack told me it was all right for

    Harold Smith to teach these, based on the fact that Harold Smith stated it was speculative, and Mr. Pack also

    said, that if God was using Harold Smith to reveal prophecy we were not to fight that. He stated he was, close

    friends, with Harold Smith. Mr. Pack states this on his Conference Q&A tape, Harold and I are pretty close.

    We talk a good bit, because most ministers, dont look a lot at prophecy. He does, I do, and Rex Sexton does,

    Mr. McNair does ma certain degree, he also weaves it with history a great deal, but God is going to show us

    some things. Also on this tape he says, What does God want us to know? Now we dont want to start

    plugging things in that are human theories, they have to stand the test. But, but anything we teach well do that.

    Now Mr. Armstrong by the way always allowed us to preach prophecy as though it was speculative. So

    thats different and we have to say if something is speculation.

    God says, Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets (Amos

    3:7). Concerning this scripture Mr. Pack states,

    Now theres two ways to take that, Number One, is that literal? He will only tell His prophets? Well whats the

    point of telling, telling the prophets? The idea is, the prophets, are suppose to tell Gods people. Unless you just

    take it literally. But even what God revealed to Daniel, Daniel never understood, he didnt understand any of it

    and he probably wrote more than any other proph, any other prophet on the subject whats gonna happen at the

    end. He said now what does this mean? God says forget it, its not for you, its for us.

    On The Men Who Would Be Kings tape (10-31-98), he refers of Mr. Armstrong, and says,

    He understood truth comes into the church through an Apostle and not others, and not another way, oh,

    that does not mean you cannot speculate about the unfolding of prophetic events, as the end draws closer. Of

    course he understood that. He knew that God, will, do nothing except He reveal it to His servants the prophets.

    Not that were prophets in the end, but God will show us things that He didnt even show to Daniel who wanted

    to inquire into a lot of things in that book that he recorded, wasnt allowed to understand.

    On 5-1-99 on his Q&A Session tape he says,

    ...Of course the person will stand up and say Im speculating. Does that make it okay? What if I stand up and

    speculate brethren were here Saturday, you know, Id, Id like to speculate we should be keeping Tuesday.

    Okay, thats, thats still wrong. Id like to speculate, we, can put up a Christmas tree. I mean you cant do that.

    Now sure you can add a little bit of knowledge on top as we said in the sermon. Later, on this same tape hestates, Harold Smith is on the Council and he voted to have me removed from the Council, now that doesnt

    seem too strange really when you consider the fact that Im in disagreement with his doctrines and his

    teachings. I mean his speculations. Whatever he calls them. And that Im no longer allowed, these, are the Rest

    of the Terms, to, to call them false doctrines and so forth. Well I couldnt agree with that.

    On Beware of False Brethren (10-23-99), Mr. Pack tells us wheat can turn to tares and tares can turn to

    wheat. God tells us brethren, the tares are sons of the wicked one, (Matt. 13:38), who is the devil.

    What fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness and what communion has light with darkness? (II

    Corinthians 6:14). This is the message which we heard from Him and declared to you, that God is light and in

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    Him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not

    practice the truth (I John 1:5-6). He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning (I

    John 2:8). You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer

    from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he

    speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar, and the father of it (John 8:44). I have not written to you

    because you do not know the truth but because you know it, and no lie is of the truth (I John 2:21).

    Pentecost 1999 in Ohio, Mr. Pack said there was no differences in rewards of the different Eras of the Church.

    The whole lesson, number 42, of the original 58 Bible Correspondence Lessons states there most certainly are.

    Please read.

    He was asked, Will, the Living Church of God be responsible for the churchs debt? On the Conference

    Q&A tape (2-20-99), his reply,

    But because we are involved in Ill just say, again I dont want to cross a line I can not cross. We are involved

    with certain negotiations going on there. I mean everybody knows that. Our attorney, they have hired an

    attorney, their talking, with us and there is certain things we just cannot or will not except. What those issues are

    and how they play out, I dont want to go into with you. But I just want to say, that the long and the short of it is

    we have to get some kind of remedy, there has to be some remedy. Later he says, Were telling them were

    sorry but you did this to us were expecting remedy. And later he states, There are some remedies that have to

    take place thats kind of a legal term. Well just have to see what happens. Then on his Q&A Session tapedated 5-1-99, to quote him he says, Im totally opposed to any legal action. I just wanted to say that.

    Brethren, God says Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unrighteous, and not

    before the saints? (I Corinthians 6:1). But whoever slaps you on the cheek, turn the other also. If anyone

    wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak also. (Matt. 5:39-40).

    Mr. Pack gave several acceptable reasons for divorce. I suggest rereading Marriage and Divorce by Mr.

    Armstrong (1973 edition).

    Love Is Gods Foundation 10-30-99 he says,

    Turn to Genesis chapter 1. I dont know if I have ever in my ministry, 28 years, started a sermon by, Lets

    turn to the beginning of things. If I have I have forgotten. In Genesis chapter 1 it says, In the beginning God

    created the heaven and the earth. Now I just want ta, stop and ask a fundamental question. God says He

    inhabits eternity in the Book of Isaiah. You and I are right now, inhabiting this room. We drove over here in cars

    and we inhabited those cars. Its where we were, its what we were in, on the way here. And we left our house,

    which is our habitation. Its what we inhabit, uh, before we got in the car. Which, we inhabited to get to this

    room. Which, we are now inhabiting. Well, God says His habitation or what He inhabits is a thing called

    eternity. Now eternity is not a room, a car or a house. But its where God lives. Its His habitation.

    Now God has been around forever, absolutely forever. I made a comment at the Feast. Some, um, because I

    was a little unclear, to perhaps not be clear on what I meant. And maybe the fault was mine. I was trying to

    show that we are, Romans 2:7, says to seek for glory, honor, immortality, an, eternal life. God says to seek

    immortality and eternal life, and of course immortality primarily means an incorruptible condition And I usedimmortal like life, is like a stick with no ends on the other end and mortal life is like a stick, a yard stick. Two

    ends, a beginning and an end. And I tried to show, maybe not well, but I tried to show that once we are born into

    the Kingdom of God there is of course a specific beginning. But then we are made of this material, this stuff,

    and you cant call the Spirit of God material or stuff but I cant think of a different term other than essence, that

    is in fact eternal. And it will be as if we, had always, been God, but we will be able to tap into the eternal

    existence that is Gods. God inhabits eternity, and we will be made not of some body in an warehouse that God

    hands us at the time of the resurrection, when we are born, thats a beginning, into the family of God, but we

    will be made ofGods Spirit.Which was given to us in earnest, as a down payment, that will be changed at

    the time were resurrected. And some maybe thought and I guess the way I said it, was, maybe I said even

    differently, the two different Feast sites thats probably true. Ive been saying that and actually teaching those,



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    those verses that way for 22 years. Mr. Armstrong understood it that way but in the end probably not clear.

    But we will literally inhabit eternity at that point. Thatll be where we live. Now thats not what the sermon is

    about but I wanted to clear it up. I wanted to show that yes we do have a, a point at which we are absolutely a

    part of Gods Family, beginning with a birth at a specific event and point called the resurrection. But we now

    can access everything if I can use another analogy that is in Gods library, which is existed for all eternity.

    Everything Hes ever known or done we can access. It will be as though we have access to that past. However,

    that sets up the question about which the sermon is directed and to which the sermon is directed. In the

    beginning God created the heavens and the earth, basic question, Ready? One word, why? Why did God create

    the heavens and the earth if He existed for all time? If Christ is the Alpha and the Omega along with the Fatherthe beginning and the end always been here, brethren why did God need to create the heaven and the earth?

    ...Even if the earth is the universe, is 17 billion years old. Lets theorize that it is. Lets take the far end of that

    and lets suppose the Big Bang theory is correct and God started the universe that way. I, I have a problem with

    it but I dont know, well find out from God when we can access all that Hes known for eternity. But my point

    is, If you, go to the far end of that estimate, you still have a lot of time prior to that, eternity as a matter of fact,

    going as far back as eternity goes where God had not created the heaven and the earth. Why did God do it,

    if God had existed for multiple vigintillion of years? Vigintillion is one with 63 zeroes, its suppose to be the

    biggest number in the universe. I, I dont know why thats the biggest number. Why 63 zeroes is as big as it gets

    but thats what Im told. Well if God was here long before that because rememberthats eternity. Why did He

    reach a point in time where He said Im gonna create a heavens and the earth...?

    The plan for Christ to die began literally at the foundation of the world. The foundation is, is, the bottombuilding block. You know what a foundation of a house is. The foundation of the universe is when God started

    to build it. Why? Why was that part of the plan?

    Now after God decided to build the universe questions were gonna have to come up from all people who were

    part of it, why did He do it? Well part of the plan was literally from the beginning. He knew He would have to

    have a Savior die but why? Why would a Savior have to die? Turn to John 10... Every time I have studied this

    subject I find I have drifted away from the fundamental understanding and Ive not answered the question yet.

    Were gonna let God do it. John 10:17, therefore John 10:17, Therefore does My Father love Me because I lay

    down My life, and He made that decision at the foundation of the universe, that I might take it again.

    They had plenty of fellowship with 100 of millions of angels so says the book of Rev... that is not a

    stretch...100 million even after 1/3 revolted and rebelled there was still 2/3 of what the bible calls 100s ofmillion and millions and millions if you remember the verse, plenty ofpeople, to talk to. If God wanted council

    He had 24 elders around Him. He had archangels, two of them still faithful now those actually rebelled later. I

    think you understand that so at that point if were really gonna be correct, let me correct myself they are all

    faithful so God had all of them. Why did He need to have his Son go risk Himself? Now theres another

    heresy that sprung up. That Christ could not sin ...John 3, John chapter 3. I heard this verse. Its maybe the

    only verse I ever really remember from my Presbyterian days, and everybody stops short of the verse after it.

    John 3 says and it explains Gods motive for why He risked His Son and why He created the universe in the first

    place. Here, for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believed in Him,

    now we know from Rev. 13:8 that decision was made at the beginning before He ever even made the world. He

    decided He loved it because Christ was slain from the foundations of the world. That decision was made at the

    very beginning when God started laying the bricks of His plan. He loved the world in advance that He gave Hisonly begotten Son, that whosoever believed in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God sent not

    His Son. This is the key verse, into the world to condemn the world, that the world through Him might be

    saved. That death was planned long ago and Gods motive very simply was in a word love...

    Note: Rev. 5:11; Then I looked and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures and

    elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands.

    I John 4, John is often called the apostle of love, and yet John talked more about truth, by the way. And no,

    Body, calls him, the apostle of truth. But the reality is John was the apostle of love, and somebody else was not

    the apostle of truth, if there, if we could say there was such, and if there was it was John, cause its not like you

    can have truth or have love. Gods word it says in another place is John, I John 2, was actually perfected in love



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    and love is perfected in His word, I think the way it actually says it.

    Note I John 2:5, it states, But whoever keeps His word truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we

    know that we are in Him.

    The word, inhabit in Isaiah 57:15 in Strongs Exhaustive Concordance is # 7931- Shakan: a prim. root [appar.

    Akin (by trans) to 7901 through the idea oflodging; compare 5531, 7925]; to reside or permanently stay (lit.) or

    fig.): - abide, continue, (cause to, make to) dwell(-er), have habitation, inhabit, lay, place, (cause to) remain,

    rest, set (up).

    The word inhabit can mean a state that He abides, continues, permanently stays, or (cause to) remain. Because

    the word eternity is # 5703 ad; from 5710; prop. A (peremptory) terminus, i.e. (by implication) duration in the

    sense ofadvance orperpetuity (substantially as a noun, either with or without a preposition): - eternity, ever

    (-lasting, -more), old, perpetually, + world without end. #5710 adah; a primitive root; advance, i.e.pass on or

    continue; causative to remove; specifically to bedeck(i.e. bring an ornament upon): adorn, deck (self), pass by,

    take away.

    According to the New Lexicon Websters Dictionary peremptory means: - is imperious, curtly authoritative

    that cannot be denied or refused, aperemptory command (law:) final, absolute [fr. L.Peremptorius, destructive,

    decisive]. Perpetuity is the quality or state of being inalienable forever or for a period beyond certain limits.

    Inalienable is - of that which cannot be given or taken away. The word perpetually means eternal, everlasting,

    constant or continual. Eternity is time orexistence without beginning or end, a seemingly, endless time or


    In the booklet A World Held Captive (pg. 4-5) under the heading Very First Creation: Angels - were told,

    First before all else, the God family created angels. Angels are spirit beings, immortal, with power of mind

    superior to human.

    God creates in dual stages. Angel life was not completed until Character had been formed within them....

    Scripture indicate a third of angels were placed on the earth prior to final formation of their character.

    Following the initial creation of angels, God created the UNIVERSE. Chapters one and two of Genesis statethat the earth and the heaven - the physical universe with galaxies - were all created in the same day. In this

    instance day does not necessarily mean a 24 hour day, but a general period of time.

    Job 38 says plainly the earth was created when angels had been previously created. God placed a throne of

    GOVERNMENT on the earth. Both Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 reveal the cherub Lucifer being placed on the

    throne of the earth. II Peter 2:4 reveals that angels sinned. Lucifer was a super archangel. Lucifer had been

    trained in the administration of Gods government on the throne of God in Heaven....

    So the Government of God on the earth had been replaced by the government of Satan.

    ...Their sin brought physical chaos, decay, ruin and darkness to the physical earth.

    Under the heading: Man Is Created

    Genesis 1:1 God (Hebrew):Elohim- Gods, (meaning God arid the Word) is revealed as the Creator of the

    universe, including the earth. The earth was - BECAME (resulting from angelic sin) - tohu and bohu, Hebrew

    words meaning chaotic and in confusion, waste and empty.

    In the booklet Did God Create a Devil (pg. 7) ... In Exodus 25:17-20, you will find a description of the very

    throne of God in heaven, from which He rules the entire vast limitless universe. About this throne are two

    cherubim - super archangels - whose wings spread out and coverthe throne. This personage, then, is the former

    Lucifer, who was at the very throne of the universe, thoroughly experienced in the Government of God over the

    universe. Now he is pictured being on earth. But he had been, formerly, at the very throne of God, as the next



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    words plainly say:

    ...Thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.

    Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity [lawlessness] wast found in


    Then God attributes to him violence, sin, corruption of wisdom, perversion, saying he became proud - his heart

    lifted up because of his beauty...

    Page 4 of this same book it states, Now turn to the book of Jude. In the sixth verse, you read this: And theangels which kept not their estate, but left their habitation [they had a place where they lived, a habitation, an

    estate, and they left it], he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great


    On pg. 6 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the

    ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will exalt my throne above the stars

    of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the

    heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High (Isaiah 14:12-14)...

    Notice: this former archangel had been placed as ruler over the angels who followed him into sin. He had a

    throne. He said he would exalt his throne above the stars (angels) of God. It already was exalted above the

    angels on earth the angels that sinned with him. Now he was going to exalt it over Gods ANGELS in

    heaven. He was going to invade Gods heaven, knock God off the throne of the universe, and rule the whole


    In Isaiah 14:12-14 it speaks only of Lucifer (now called Satan the Adversary), former archangel in heaven

    instructed in the Government of God, rebelled and Is reserved under the chains of darkness and cast down to

    earth. In Daniel 12 it says Michael shall stand up that great prince who stands watch over the sons of your

    people. Jude 9, Yet Michael the archangel, in contending with the devil, when he disputed about the body of

    Moses, dared not bring against him a reviling accusation, but said The Lord rebuke you! Rev. 12:7-8 And

    war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not

    prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer.

    Concerning Gabriel, Daniel 8:16 ...Daniel make this man understand the vision Chapter 9 verse 21 & 22

    ...Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning being caused to fly swiftly, reached me about the

    time of the evening offering. And he informed me, and talked with me, and said Daniel, I have now come forth

    to give you skill to understand. Luke 1:19 and the angel answered and said to him, I am Gabriel, who stands

    in the presence of God, and was sent to speak to you and bring you these glad tidings. Verse 26, Now in the

    sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent to a city of Galilee named Nazareth.

    These scriptures clearly show Michael and Gabriel are not reserved in chains of darkness or rebelled but

    actually are Gods faithful archangels working as Gods servants not against Him.

    He gave Adam a chance to take the place of Satan the Devil, sit on the throne, restore the government of God

    on earth. Adam rejected the tremendous opportunity, yielded to Satan who to this day remains on earths throne

    as the god of this world. Christ, the second Adam, will soon come to sit on that throne and restore the

    government of God (Acts 3:19-21). Remember Satan had been placed in rulership. (Did God Create a Devil

    pg. 9).

    Adam had the chance to supplant him. In the contest to see if Adam would conquer, if he would obey, he failed.

    He obeyed the devil instead, and man became the property of the devil... (Page 9 of Did God Create a


    Under heading: At the Foundations of the World in the booklet A World Held Captive(pg. l1), Upon

    Adams sin, God closed the tree of life, until the second Adam, Jesus Christ, should pay the ransom price.



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    There cannot be a law without a penalty. The penalty of human sin is DEATH. At this very foundation of the

    world, it was determined that Jesus Christ, as the Lamb of God, should be slain in payment of the penalty for

    all human sin (Rev. 13:8), effective upon repentance and faith. It was also determined by God at that time that

    all Adams children should die (Heb. 9:27), but as in Adam all must die, so in Christ the same ALL shall be

    made alive by a resurrection from the dead to be judged. (I Cor. 15:22).

    On the previous page, ...God could have RESTORED the government of God on earth through Adam, had he

    chosen the WAY of ETERNAL LIFE. Further down on this page Mr. Armstrong writes, ...The human family

    was a direct threat to Satans continued rule on earths throne.

    It might well appear that Satan struck his master stroke in kidnapping Adam, the first human, by whom God

    purposed to reproduce himself millions of times over. But Gods purpose cannot be thwarted.

    That is the reason God then, at the very time ofAdams disobedience and kidnapping, decreed that Jesus

    the second Adam, should come. He would be Gods means of paying for the ransom to reclaim his potential

    children... The very begotten FAMILY of God, for which Adam had been created, would now be started in and

    through the SECOND ADAM.

    Jesus, unlike the first Adam did choose the tree of Life. He did obey God. He meet, conquered and qualified to

    replace Satan on the throne of the earth....

    Jesus coming BEGAN the SPIRITUAL PHASE of Gods creation of humans. Jesus did not come to reform or

    save this world Satans world. He came to start a DIFFERENT WORLD. It was Gods plan to start it through

    his CHURCH.

    Thirty Reasons to Reconsider 1-30-99,

    ...The wise that understand, Christ called those the wise virgins. But also theres the group, the last era. Who

    are poor, wretched, miserable, blind and naked, they dont understand and Christ called them the foolish virgins,

    all of the virgins were virgins, and all of them slept but some awakened.

    Note Matt. 25:7 God says Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps.

    Dont Ever Compromise 9-27-97,

    I was entering my third tithe year, the only tithe, year, Ive ever really kept, because as a minister you dont

    do it. But it was the year I was laid off back in 1972 and it happened to coincide with my 3rd tithe year. So I

    remember sitting down with my wife and saying, honey, were gonna keep 3rd tithe. Now we dont have a job so

    we were not gonna give any yet. But once we get a job were gonna keep 3rd tithe. So as soon as I did get a job

    then I had to keep, I had to pay 1st and 3rd tithe, thats why I know what its like. For almost a year when I was

    rehired and of course keep second tithe.

    Q&A 5-1-99,

    ...Do we bank our tithe or do we tithe and I said its your call. Tithes belong to God. I gave the standard answer

    and you are responsible for making the decision with what to do with those tithes. Some of you heard me saythis, I am consistent to tell you not to pay your tithe and then I do pay my tithe because I draw a corporate

    salary. I tithe, I dont know if I should or shouldnt, let me use that, but I have, As a grounds for tithing, but I

    do. I am sure to tell people that. One lady decided I told her we shouldnt tithe she called in and I get a

    conference call.

    If Mr. Pack was receiving money from his fathers company in Sept. of 1997 he should have been paying 3rd

    tithe. And second as a minister of God he should know he should pay tithe, Numbers 18:26-28.

    Asleep in the End Time 12-26-98,

    See then that you walk circumspectly, that means looking around, your eyes are open, your not sleep



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    walking. Not as fools, but as wise. A lot of people walk as fools, redeeming the time because the days are


    I disagreed with this, while in Global, we then were told that word circumspectly meant looking around. I was

    told then because there is an asterisk before the number it could have a different meaning other than stated in

    the concordance and I would need the comparative concordance. My concordance states the asterisk calls

    attention to the fact in the text quoted the leading word is changed for some other in the Revised Version.

    Eph. 5:15 the Greek word is akribos #199; adv. From the same as 196: exactly: circumspectly, diligently,

    perfect (-ly).

    # 196 akribestatos more exactly, most straitest.

    Ex. 23:13 was used also, as, example, of looking around. Its Hebrew word shamar #8104 means a prim. root;

    prop. To hedge about (as with thorns), i.e.guard; gen. toprotect, attend to, etc.: - beware, be circumspect, take

    heed (to self), keep (-er, self), mark, look narrowly, observe, preserve, regard, reserve, save (self), sure, (that

    lay) wait (for) watch (-man).

    If you read these chapters in their context you will find in Eph. 5:15 circumspectly means exactly, accurately,

    diligently, and not looking around.

    Humble Yourselves Because God Cannot 7-3-99,

    ...Verse 37, Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honor the king of heaven, See? The 7 years of, of,

    uh, uh being like an animal and chewing grass with the dew of the earth is now over. God heard that, and hes

    saying and I extol the king of heaven, all whose work is truth, and His ways judgment. And those who walk in

    pride He is able to abase. Uh, see there? It says God can humble people. See it says it right there? And, and

    Nebuchadnezzar was now humbled. Thats not what it says. It says God can abase people. It does not say He

    humbled him. And there is a difference, and you can even look it up in Hebrew and youll find to be abased is

    one thing, if we say something is basic, equivalent to fundamental. If something is basic its at the bottom of a

    matter. Its the base on which other things stand if something is basic. If somebody has been abased theyve

    been brought down but that does not make their mind humble. Its a totally different matter.

    Daniel 4:37 the number is 8214 shephal: correp. To 8213: - abase, humble, put down, subdue.

    #8213 shaphel: a prim. root: to depress or sink (espec. Fig. to humiliate, intrans. Or trans.): - abase, bring (cast,

    put) down, debase, humble, (self), be (bring, lay, make, put) low (-er).

    There are three other instances of verses containing Strongs # 8214. Daniel 5:19 put down, Daniel 5:22

    humble, and Daniel 7:24 subdue are used in the place of abase. These are all 4 different words but having the

    same meaning in Hebrew.

    The lexicon for Strongs # 8214 means to be or bring low, humble.

    Lesson 53 under the heading The Beginning of Todays Era of Gods Church, Mr. Armstrong had been very

    successful in business as a young man. But three times God had swept his business away in order to humblehim. Then God called and converted him.

    10 Points For The Crisis (12-12-98),

    I want to make a statement about me, now if I became deceived I will never tell you what Im going to tell you

    now... Im telling you, if I go off into strange ideas, misconduct, rebellion, you name it, dont follow me. I want

    to tell you that now, because If I start doing that Im gonna try to get you to follow me. Im gonna come to you

    and tell you it doesnt apply, it doesnt mean me, no, no, no, no because ABCD and XYZ. Do you understand

    what Im saying? Listen to me now. When I tell you dont follow me if I go off into weird ideas, or if I get off

    into other things that are totally absolutely unscriptural conduct, because if I do Im gonna paint it with a



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    different face and try to get you to follow me. Do you understand what Im saying brethren? Please remember

    that because I promise you that if I become deceived, Ill forget it, and Ill want you to forget it. And I hope

    youll remember it well enough to quote it back to me. But, Ill tell you what, Im not going anywhere.

    Some will say Im picky, straining at gnats, or over righteous. Mr. Packs, Doctrinal Changes/Explanation of

    Events (l1-28-98) when he spoke of Mr. Meredith he had no problems pointing out what some would call

    picky and we found them important. God tells us to prove all things and to take heed that no one deceives us.

    Brethren we cannot follow someone, who, does not speak the truth. We chose to hang on to the full truth and

    nothing but, let us not fall and stumble now. There is a wolf amongst the sheep. Flee.


    Theresa Motto

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