Download - Motivation

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Motivation The challenge

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Learning Objectives

• To debate if people can be motivated to work by others.

• To evaluate the relationship between money & motivation.

• To understand the role of motivation and how it affects our approach to the management of people.

• To understand the differences between intrinsic & extrinsic motivation, and how they can be used.

• To understand the concept of engagement and relate it to management practice.

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• “We know nothing about motivation. All we can do is write books about it.” – Drucker

• I think the big mistake in schools is trying to teach children anything, and by using fear as the basic motivation. Fear of getting failing grades, fear of not staying with your class, etc. Interest can produce learning on a scale compared to fear as a nuclear explosion to a firecracker.” S Kubrick

• “Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly.” – S Covey

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• Define motivation

• Does general motivation and workplace motivation differ?

• What are the challenges to motivating others? (workplace)

• Give examples of motivational techniques (workplace)

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1. Negative Motivation: can motivational factors influence people to behave negatively?

2. What do you think of the term demotivating?

3. How does an organisation and a manager approach motivation differently ?

4. What do you think of the term job satisfaction?

5. Why do we need motivated employees?

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Your thoughts

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Full Metal Jacket

Private Pyle has dishonoured himself and Private Pyle has dishonoured himself and

dishonoured the platoon. I have tried to dishonoured the platoon. I have tried to

help him. But I have failed. I have failed help him. But I have failed. I have failed

because YOU have not helped me. YOU because YOU have not helped me. YOU

people, have not given Private Pyle the people, have not given Private Pyle the

proper proper motivationmotivation! So, from now on, ! So, from now on,

whenever Private Pyle fluffs up, I will not whenever Private Pyle fluffs up, I will not

punish him! I will punish all of YOU! And the punish him! I will punish all of YOU! And the

way I see it ladies, you owe me for One jelly way I see it ladies, you owe me for One jelly

doughnut! Now, get down on your faces! doughnut! Now, get down on your faces!

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Motivational Theories

• Maslow 1943

• McClelland 1960

• McGregor 1960

• Herzberg 1962

• Vroom 1964

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How does this theory apply to the workplace?

What are the weaknesses of this theory?

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Maslow – Hierarchy of Needs

Existence, Relatedness and Growth – Alderfer ‘72

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Investment theory –

Rusbult 1980

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McGregor – Theory X & Y



Work to goals

Want to Achieve

Enjoy decision making

Lack Integrity

Avoid responsibility

Need direction

MBO - Drucker