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October 2016

Ysgol Bro BanwBehaviour Policy


The Behaviour Policy is to be used in conjunction with The Break time Supervision Policy (Appendix 1) and The Kit Bag for Promoting Positive Behaviour (Appendix 2).


Behaviour means self-discipline on the part of each individual pupil in the school.A sense of respect for peers, property and the environment must be engendered amongst all pupils.Pupils are encouraged to realise that they, as individuals, are members of a community.They will learn that anti-social behaviour affects everyone in the school.The policy will build the self-esteem of each individual pupil.The policy will eradicate bullying, either physical or emotional.The policy will guard against any pupil being inappropriately influenced, subjected to duress, radicalisation or any form of racial intolerance (in keeping with the PREVENT agenda)The policy will ensure honesty; trust and fairness; tolerance and compassion; the virtues of self-respect and self-discipline.In order to achieve these aims a whole-school approach will be required. Parental influence and support is also an essential ingredient in achieving an acceptable code of behaviour amongst pupils.


The policy will ensure an ethos where all pupils feel safe and secure.The policy will ensure an atmosphere that is not threatening.The policy will ensure that pupils realise that bad behaviour will not be tolerated.The policy will ensure that pupils’ bad behaviour will be subject to sanctions that will affect them personally as well as other members of the class or team.


The Government notes that:

‘Good behaviour and discipline are key foundations of good education. Without an orderly atmosphere, effective teaching and learning cannot take place. If children are permitted to misbehave at school, or to absent themselves from it, they prejudice their own educational chances. Worse, they disrupt the education of the children around them.’

The Elton Report on ‘Discipline in Schools’ adds in its summary of the main recommendations:

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October 2016


Should set up systems to monitor disruption.Should provide In-Service training and support.


Should draw up ‘clear statements of behaviour’Should promote a positive atmosphere for all pupils.


Should be encouraged to participate in Records of Achievement.Should be consulted on matters of school policy to do with behaviour management in schools.


Should be urged to take greater direct responsibility for their child’s behaviour.Should co-operate with schools in implementing school systems of behaviour management.


Announced that ‘the management of pupil behaviour is a matter of national priority.’


Used to encourage good behaviour:


The tangible mechanism for rewarding good behaviour and sanctioning unacceptable behaviour is the Merit System. Children are awarded merits for the positive acts that are undertaken throughout the school day. By the same token, merit points are deducted when behaviour is unacceptable.


100% attendance, which is a contributory factor to good behaviour, will be rewarded.Absences must be notified by parent/guardian and, wherever possible, accompanied by a letter of explanation. A phone call or verbal message is noted in the register.Parents are rewarded for their child’s 100% attendance.

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No child sent out of class when misbehaving, but they will lose periods/minutes of their playtimes.More than one child needing discipline will all be in one classroom (Conference Room) during the lunch break (1st sitting - 11.50 am - 12.10pm) along with the designated member of teaching staff and LSA. The class teacher provides work. Merit points will be used for disciplinary purposes with subsequent deductions for misbehaviour.In the Infant department, staff are to inform the parents.Children should not be in school prior to the agreed times for the start of the day.During playtime the class teacher must evacuate children.Children are to use the right hand side of the corridor to minimise collisions and possible confrontations.No running in the corridors at any time.Children are not to use main doors when unsupervised.Children are not to use classrooms or other secluded areas without permission.


Points awarded will be no more than +2 and no less than -2.

Excellent workVery good workGood work

+2 and groupcall home+1+1

Very poor behaviourPoor behaviourUnsatisfactory behaviour

-2 and involvement of SMT -1 -1


Bad behaviour is not acceptable and every effort must be made to discourage unacceptable behaviour and to encourage good manners and courtesy amongst pupils and towards adults.Examples:The loss of their playtime, periods of playtimes or minutes of playtimes.Merit points deducted for unacceptable behaviour.Not allowed to take part in representative games, which also means they are leaving their teammates and the school down.


In instances of persistent bad behaviour the parent will be asked to attend the school to discuss the problems at the earliest opportunity, so that they are aware and can add their support to the efforts of the school.

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October 2016


Bad language will not be tolerated and will be subject to the sanctions, which will be applied.


We teach the children how to solve their own problems through discussion, so that they learn how to think things through and talk together until they agree.Through our support we help them to develop the ability to take responsibility for their own actions, and to see the links between their own behaviour and the consequences of their actions.We speak assertively to disruptive pupils, using language, which is decisive, firm and clear. We aim to approach discipline in a positive and consistent way.


The school rules are regularly referred to in assemblies and by staff members and are reinforced when appropriate. Copies of the school / classroom rules are displayed prominently around the school. For example:Running is prohibited within the school.Pupils are to walk on the right-hand side of the corridors.Coats are to be worn at the pupils’ pegs and not carried or swung in the corridors.Pupils are to enter and leave the building via their designated entrances and exits thereby, wherever possible, avoiding congestion.Pupils are to walk to their appropriate lines at the end of break or prior to lunch.Pupils walk into the hall for lunch in their appropriate classes.Jewellery is not allowed. Earrings should be covered with tape.Pupils, who arrive late, sign in at the office.Pupils who are not collected on time are kept on the premises under supervision. Pupils are not allowed to wander aimlessly in the school grounds or adjacent playing fields and car park.

The school rules are therefore categorised as:


These apply to the way we learn and play in the classrooms and outside. They cover things like co-operation, how we get attention or help in the class, behaviour in class etc.

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These apply to the way we move around the class and in the school building as well as how we come to school.


These rules apply to the way we treat each other.


These rules apply to the way we solve problems between each other.SAFETY RULES (SCHOOL)

These cover safe behaviour, use of equipment etc.


These rules apply to the agreed method of communication within the classroom and in the playground, appropriate talking levels, using positive and courteous language.


Remember that these are bonus activities. Poor discipline will result in their loss for the badly behaved pupil.


Quiet atmosphere promoted in classes. Raised voice used occasionally rather than being the norm.Staff to maintain firm discipline in corridors, hall and yard etc. with all pupils, not just their own class.Poor behaviour recorded by class teachers.Perpetual serious misbehaviour to be reported to the SMT/Headteacher – this cannot be a daily event; otherwise it loses its impact.Staff to discuss problematic pupils with headteacher and parent to try to resolve the situation.If a threat is made, e.g. to miss games or a visit, it must be adhered to.Compliment those for good behaviour.


The incidents/dates are recorded by the staff member and if necessary, the headteacher.When all else has failed, the pupil is reminded of previous incidents and that the next incident will mean that parents will be asked to attend the school.Parents invited into the school to discuss the problems.

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An explanation is provided to the parents of the importance of school/home co-operation.Request the assistance of the Education Psychologist.The Additional Learning Needs Department are contacted through the Behaviour Support Service.See Exclusion Document (legal procedures).


These are aligned to the Home School agreement pack, which states:

The Child – I will:Attend school regularly and on time.Bring all the equipment I need every day.Wear the school uniform and be tidy.Do my classwork and homework as well as I can.


I will do my best at all times.I will endeavour to produce neat work.I will not talk whilst working in class.I will put my hand up when answering questions.I will not disrupt the learning in the classroom.I will be courteous and polite to all adults and pupils.I will respect other people’s belongings and feelings.I will ensure homework is completed on time.


I will walk down the right hand side of the corridor in single file.I will be friendly and considerate to all my friends.I will use kind hands and feet.I will treat others as I expect to be treated myself.I will keep the yard clean and put all the rubbish in the bin.I will line up quietly when the bell sounds.I will play outside on the yard during playtimes.I will use a soft ball on the yard.


Rewarding good behaviour is addressed in many different ways at Ysgol Bro Banw.For example:Praise within the classroom situation.Merit pointsComments in pupils’ workbooks and homework books.Comment in end of year written report.Pupil to visit headteacher’s office for praise, comments, certificates, stamps etc.

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October 2016

Praise in assemblies.Certificates and awards will be presented in special assemblies.Consultation with parents – informal, consultation during parents’ evening and groupcall to inform parents


All pupils are expected to follow the ‘Code of Conduct’ as set out below:


We will not accept bad language, answering back or hurtful comments to others. This, with the use of threats, is a form of bullying.


In all schools children are encouraged to sort out disputes without fighting.There are always adults to help in school. It is essential that children remember that ‘playtimes’ are not times for any form of fighting.


In the event that a child is chastised, we expect that this is accepted without sulking or defiance. By the same token, it is imperative that the reason for the admonishment is explained to the child in order that they are able to learn from it.


We expect children to line up properly and to eat their food sensibly. They must also be polite to the canteen staff and the lunchtime supervisors.


The curriculum demands that the children work in groups. Group rules are an intrinsic aspect of our delivery and all children must be clear on the expectations. The onus for this lies with the class teacher with reference to class rules. School is a microcosm of society and we wish to engender our children with the skills necessary to play an active and valid part in society.


At the Special Unit the issue of behaviour and its management becomes an integral component of an individual programme of work for each child.

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October 2016

All aspects of behaviour modification and management require close monitoring and a team approach, which ensures clear and consistent responses to inappropriate behaviour.Team teach is incorporated into the Special Unit’s behaviour policy – please refer to Special Unit’s behaviour policy. Whenever possible, we aim to celebrate positive behaviour thus giving a clear message to all students as to the benefits achieved through positive behaviour.No child is allowed outside the main Special Unit boundary unless accompanied by an appropriate adult between 9.15am and 3.30pm.


School rules are kept to a minimum. Children are expected to conduct themselves in a courteous and orderly manner at all times. If the need does arise to correct the individual, the punishment administered for misdemeanour will be reasonable and moderate, as expected by the parent when the child has done wrong. These are necessary for the smooth functioning of the school and, also, for the benefit and safety of the pupils themselves. Some of the main rules are:Pupils are expected to arrive in school by 8.40am (Junior) 8.50am (Foundation Phase).No child is allowed outside the main school boundary without permission between 8.40am – 2.55pm for the Junior department and 8.50am – 2.40pm for the Foundation Phase department.Chewing gum, sweets and lollipops are not to be eaten during school hours.No knives or dangerous instruments are to be brought to school.No climbing of walls, fences, railing, gates, drainpipes etc.Children should not bring toys or games to school.


Through the merit system, our priority is to foster positive behaviour and encourage self-discipline, but there may be occasions when a child’s behaviour infringes on the rights of others. In such situations there are a series of procedures, with possible consequences, which are followed:The children are taught what is acceptable behaviour and are aware of the consequences of breaking the rules. Similarly, any parent accepting a place at Ysgol Bro Banw is therefore accepting our Code of Conduct and the procedures we have agreed and adopted for responding to inappropriate behaviour.Parents will have also signed the Home/School Contract.

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This will be classed into three categories:

Abusive behaviour.Behaviour, which prevents others from learning.Dangerous behaviour.

Each situation that arises is different and will be treated with sensitivity by the staff of the school. Provocation is always taken into consideration and all points of view taken into account. It is the aim of the school to foster a partnership with the parents to help pupils manage anti-social/ behavioural/ emotional difficulties.We are prepared to listen and be flexible in our response.Ultimately, if pupil continues to violate the rights of others and/or shows no sign of wanting to change, part time attendance or exclusion will be considered.The school rules are regularly referred to in assemblies and are reinforced when appropriate.


If a pupil’s behaviour is continually intruding upon teaching and learning time or if a pupil has received fixed term exclusion, a behaviour plan may be developed as a part of the teacher/pupil action plan to improve behaviour.A behaviour plan is a behaviour agreement between pupil and teacher.The plan needs to be agreed by all the parties concerned.It should identify problem behaviours and focus on one or two at a time for improvement.The plan will present ways for pupils to achieve appropriate behaviour.


In the event of persistent non-compliance, fixed term or permanent exclusion will be considered. Please refer to the Exclusion Policy.

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The safety and wellbeing of all the pupils is of paramount importance. The pupils are particularly vulnerable at break times and lunchtimes, as it is during these times that they are afforded more autonomy and are together collectively in a larger number. For these reasons, it is vital that all adults whose duty it is to supervise the children are aware of the protocols to be followed.

All staff have a timetabled duty allocation, which identifies the location of where the duty is to be undertaken on any given day.

The main duty times are:

Before/after school care (7.45am to 4.00pm)Break timeLunchtimeDuty at the exit door

Arrangements must be made by the event organiser to ensure that pupils are supervised during play, concert, sport rehearsals/practices or other events that bring small groups into school out of hours. PE staff should also supervise pupils at both home and away sporting events.


The responsibility begins at 7.45am when pupils arrive for Breakfast Club. However, this responsibility falls to the Breakfast Club staff and the designated manager of the Local Authority Catering Department and does not come under the remit of the headteacher or the governing body.Children who attend this club are allowed into School at 8.30am and go straight into class, where their teacher will be waiting for them. Children who do not attend this club are allowed into school at 8.30am (Junior department), 8.40am (Foundation Phase department).


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October 2016

Class teachers should be ready to receive children at 8.30am. Electronic registration is to take place immediately once the bell goes. No child should be allowed off site during school hours unless there is clear evidence of a request from the parent or guardian. Such requests should be made in writing and retained in the office.No pupil may leave the premises unless accompanied by the adult responsible for him or her. This adult must have been identified in writing and in advance, as a designated adult. No pupil should be sent off site on a personal errand on behalf of a member of staff.If a pupil is unwell, permission should be sought from the headteacher/deputy-headteacher/SMT to contact parents. The office staff should be asked to make the telephone call. If a child leaves before the end of the school day, the register should be annotated accordingly. If a child sustains an injury whilst on school premises, an accident slip must be completed.No class should be left unsupervised at any time. Failure to comply with this directive could result in disciplinary action.In the case of pupils being excused normal lessons (e.g. for peripatetic music, drama, rehearsals, etc.The teacher in charge of the activity is responsible for the child’s supervision.No child should be put outside the classroom, either as part of a lesson or as a sanction, without adult supervision.All staff should be aware of the need to check whether any unaccompanied stranger that observed on the premises is there in an official capacity. All adults should either display a staff or visitor badge at all times. If in doubt about the validity of an individual, please contact the headteacher immediately.

SUPERVISION AT BREAK TIMES Break times are the opportunities that the children have to relax and unwind.Staff can do much to ensure that these are pleasant periods for all. The school has a ‘buddy system’ in operation. If any child appears to be alone, please check to ensure that all is as it should be and direct a ‘buddy’ to the child. There must be adequate supervision both indoors and outdoors throughout all break times. In the case of the Foundation Phase, appropriate staffing levels must be maintained at all times. This requires that staff be present on the playground and duty staff should ensure that all areas of the playground are supervised.Children can become bored very easily and it is at these times that issues escalate and become problematic. Much can be done to avoid any problems by engaging with the children and ensuring that all have company. iPads are not to be utilised as activities for wet play.Staff must ensure that:There is an adult wearing a first aid ‘tummy bag’ on each yard at all times.Attention must be focused on the children at all times.

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It is imperative that staff are vigilant and continually observe the children, checking for any inappropriate behaviour and that all are engaged safely.Where there are two members of staff on duty, one should walk around the yard constantly. Never leave the yard unsupervised. There must be an adult with the children at all times.No child should have a glass bottle either in the lunch hall or on the yard.Pupils should not be left in a classroom at break times unless supervised by a member of staff.The level of supervision for clement weather may not be suitable for weather where all pupils are required to be indoors. During these times an increased staffing ratio will be needed and the departmental leaders are responsible for organising this.The lunch hall can be problematic if staff do not take measures to ensure an orderly environment. Children should enter in an orderly manner and be supervised as they access and exit the lunch hall in addition to on the yards.The merit point system is the school’s mechanism for rewarding positive behaviour and punishing inappropriate behaviour. For this to be effective it must be used regularly. Supervising staff must carry ‘Playtime Note-Pads’. These notes are given to children who demonstrate very good behaviour or inappropriate behaviour. These can be passed to the teacher when the children are collected from the yard. It avoids any unnecessary wasting of time conveying information orally and the teacher can act upon the information when back in the classroom.Any accidents must be dealt with in accordance with the Health and Safety policy and a slip must be completed at all times, detailing the cause for the accident. For any accident that gives cause for concern, the advice of the headteacher or deputy headteacher must be sought.


A number of staff have received Emergency First Aid training and there are also designated First Aiders on each site. First aid boxes are in all potentially high-risk areas and staff on duty carry tummy bags which contain a basic first aid kit.


Parents are responsible for ensuring that their child travels safely to and from school. Should parents choose to use private transport arrangements e.g. taxi, day care vehicle, it is their responsibility to inform school of these arrangements. Parents whose child is in receipt of Local Authority funded transport have entered into the agreement with the Local Authority and the school is not responsible for pupils once they have been handed over into the care of either a parent or an escort at the end of the school day. This is also applicable for pupils, prior to the pupil being handed over upon arrival at school.


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October 2016

The arrangements for the supervision of pupils during educational visits and trips out of school are detailed in the Educational Visits policy.


Pupils do not have access to the cleaning, catering and caretaking areas of the school, nor into the staffrooms.


All new members of staff receive an induction into the school’s expectations and appropriate levels of pupil supervision. The staff handbook provides initial literature and can serve as a platform for further questions and discussion. The departmental head is responsible for the induction of staff into that department and meetings with new staff are regular until the individual feels comfortable with their new environment and understands the expectations incumbent upon them.


Pupils who are staying for After School Care are to be escorted by the class teacher or a member of the support team to the location for the appropriate activity.A register is taken of the children and the ratio of care is adjusted to comply with the requirement for supervision of FPH children i.e. 1 level 3 or equivalent adult for every 8 children.


All areas (other than those afore mentioned) are accessible to pupils for the majority of the school day. However, it is sometimes necessary to adjust the accessibility to react to staffing ratios and timetabled activities. The following guidance should be adhered to:There should be at least one adult in each area that children are accessing, taking account of the requirements for staffing ratios as set out in the statutory guidance for EYFS.Staff will plan the use of their areas and detail the staffing arrangements on their daily plans, to ensure that all individual members of staff are aware of where they should be during each session.Staff should remain mindful of the number of children who are wishing to access one particular area and change their location of supervision, or call for an additional adult, in response to the fluctuation of numbers.


Children should be escorted in to the hall for lunch where teachers, TAs and MSAs supervise them.

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October 2016

It is essential that pupils are encouraged to walk in a quiet, orderly manner when traversing the corridors.After children have eaten their lunch they are escorted on to the yards until the end of the lunchtime session.There should be at least one adult in every area that children access, taking account of statutory guidance for staffing ratios for the EYFS.Staff should remain mindful of the number of children who wish to access a particular area and change their location of supervision or call for support, in response to a fluctuation in numbers.



Positive Behaviour Toolkit:The following strategies are to be implemented at Ysgol Bro Banw:

‘Pupils repeat behaviours that work, so do not give those behaviours energy.’


Very powerful if whole school sticks to the same script.Use scripts in all situations but all staff must stick to the same script.


‘I’m asking you for the first time to…’‘I’m asking you for the second time to…’‘Remember if you do not follow my direction when I ask you the third time I could fast track you onto the ‘Lunchtime behaviour programme.’‘I’m asking you for the third time to…’ SOS

Stop, Observe and Switch the thinking as to why a child is behaving in a certain manner, e.g. flicking a pen. Separate yourself from the behaviour - maybe say ‘I’m interested in that…’


After playtimes when children can’t agree who is at fault – provides an opportunity for the children to write down/record the event in detail. The aim being that this will daunt them and they will agree to disagree.


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October 2016

These are available in school and are very useful to manage behaviour on the playground.The ‘note’ is used to inform class teachers if children have been well behaved or badly behaved.


Finding the pattern.

Antecedents:What happened before the behaviour?

Behaviour:What was the behaviour? E.g. Every Monday and Friday the child does not listen and runs off.

Consequence:What happened after the behaviour?Child is put to stand on the time out spot and is sometimes taken to the headteacher.Possibly the child behaves in this way in order to ensure the reaction results in what he actually wants, e.g. not going out to play, as he has no friends. Therefore, a punishment to stay in suits the child, as it does not reveal his lack of friends.


Ensure they are:Understood by children, staff and parents/carers.Fair.Consistent.Gives a logical response to behaviour.Teaches appropriate behaviour.

GRADUATED RESPONSE Cards (as in football) can be used as a warning instead of a verbal warning.This may be less disruptive in a class situation i.e. it doesn’t cut across the class activity.

Lunchtime Behaviour Programme (Junior Site)

This is the ultimate punishment, the consequence of the misbehaviours. Children don’t want to go onto the LBP.Children can stay on it for between 1 and 5 days, dependent on the nature and seriousness of the incident.The child will be sent to the conference room during the lunch break (1st sitting – 11.50 -12.10pm) along with the designated member of teaching staff/LSA.



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Tactical IgnoringMove towards pupil, private word.When… then direction, e.g. ‘Can I go on the computer?’ Instead of saying ‘No’ say ‘Not yet but when you’ve finished…’Diversion/Distraction, e.g. give them a task to do.However ensure that the activity isn’t fuelling their bad behaviour.


Name…pause…direction…thanks, e.g. pen down-thank you.More effective and more of an expectation rather than ‘please’, as please suggests pleading.


Keep hands, feet, objects and unkind words to ourselves.Respect one another and our surroundings.Be ready when an adult signals for attention.Use correct voice level.(3 rules for younger children 5 for older pupils)


TogetherEveryone AchievesMore


When choosing a strategy, use for a month and then change to another. This keeps the children focused.Use anything that motivates the children to behave.


‘I am stopping the conversation now.’ ‘I am going to walk away and give you a chance to think about your behaviour.’ ‘I know that when I come back we can have a polite, productive conversation.’


When telling a child off, ensure that you keep it short and to the point.Keep a reprimand short and to the point.


Positively Reinforce on effort, not outcome.For example:

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‘You’ve put a great deal of effort into that.’‘I appreciate the effort that’s gone into that.’


Meet and GreetReducing the space.Standing in the door to limit the space available and children have to think about their entry.Setting a tone of expectation of behaviour.Standing at the door means that the children have to negotiate you to enter the classroom.

PositionYour position in the classroom is very important. Constantly scanning the room/weaving in and out. Making your presence felt.


Pick a Hotspot.(Target things that we want them to change)

E.g. what are your hotspots?Unkind words during playtimeLine up quietly.Walk into assembly sensibly and quietly.Focus on the task.Remember to say please and thank you.Complete home activities.Hang your coat and bag on your peg.Sit quietly and sensibly.Tidy up the classroom when asked.Moving around the building safely and sensibly.Ensure you treat LSAs and lunchtime supervisors with repect.

Choose 3.

Possibly focus on 1 hotspot a week.Reward children by giving a sticker/reward for following the positive behaviour hotspot. Do this for 4 weeks then leave for 2 to 3 weeks and then restart in order to keep children and staff motivated.

REWARDS (Positive reinforcement rewards)

Golden Ticket/Activity TicketReward Tickets gives access to a reward table.

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GroupcallLots of children choose this as a reward so that parents get involved in praising too.

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