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@2015 All Rights Reserved . Monitor8

Monitor8 An IoT Enablement Service

Provider IoT Thought Series


Kevin R. Curtis

VP, IoT Solutions


[email protected] 703.665.9218

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Table of Contents Executive Summary .................................................................................................. 1

Background ................................................................................................................... 1

Strategy .......................................................................................................................... 4

Service Offering and IoT Eco System .......................................................................... 5

Customer Benefits ........................................................................................................ 6

Differentiators ................................................................................................................ 6

Demand Side Analysis .................................................................................................. 7

Monitor8 Services ......................................................................................................... 8

Contact Information ...................................................................................................... 9

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Executive Summary

This paper depicts IoT’s transformational opportunities, defines the IoT landscape and provides strategy, target markets, service menu and differentiation strategy for Monitor8, a next generation IoT Enablement, Systems and software as a service (SaaS) solution provider.


Internet of things (IoT) will usher in a 3rd wave in internet based connectivity. The wave is enabled by seven factors: 1) proliferation of embedded sensors, 2) availability of low priced embeddable sensors; 3) low cost and ubiquitous wireless connectivity; 4) low cost and massively scalable cloud computing capacity; 5) nearly unlimited IP addresses with migration from IPv4 to IPv6) scalable service oriented and device agnostics IoT services software (platforms) and 7) robust cloud based analytic algorithms and tools. Today, these seven factors enable real-time monitoring and autonomic control of industrial, home-based and personal assets to ascertain condition and affect their state.

These new enabling technologies woven together by new IoT platforms will usher in the 3rd wave of internet where real-time situational awareness of things and people will yield actionable intelligence to pre-emptively optimize and affect condition, health, quality of life, state and thereby increasing efficiency and efficiencies of industrial, home and social operations. IDC forecasts that by 2020 nearly 28 billion things will be connected to the Internet. Other well regarded forecasters predict the IoT market will exceed several trillion dollars by 2020. The game is on but lack of a turn-key, device agnostic and cloud based platform that acts as an integration layer had impeded IoT adoption.

To capitalize on the market potential and to bring about vendor and system agnostic IoT solutions, Monitor8, a new breed of IoT solution and service provider leverages end-to-end solutions including a cloud based IoT SaaS service to enable the rapid enablement of this 3rd wave of internet. We Enable IoT for Your Vertical!

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Strategy Adoption of IoT enabling solutions is hampered by the complexity and number of vendors, building blocks and underlying protocols as demonstrated below:

The landscape complexity and the plethora of providers elucidates the challenge in selecting a turn-key IoT solution causing slow adoption. Nearly every landscape player is focused in their respective domain. To alleviate this complexity, Monitor8 has selected and woven a best-of-breed eco system of IoT solution providers and developed our turn-key SaaS IoT cloud service. It requires no programming skills, it is a managed service provisioned for a monthly service fee and it presents clients with no up-front capital expenditures (Capex) to get started.

Monitor8 focuses on three market segments with our IoT solution: 1) commercial and public sector Facility Management (FM) operators/service providers; 2) Logistics Operators; 3) and Inspection and Security Operations. These market segments currently seek an end-to-end solution that can be rapidly deployed. By 2020, these five segments are collectively forecasted to invest nearly $300b in IoT consulting, services, integration and analytics.

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Service Offering and IoT Eco System

In the commercial market, Monitor8 ( provides an IoT cloud service that enables enterprises to remotely monitor, control and affect their deployed assets to gain real-time situational awareness and operational control with no major upfront costs or complex programming needs. Monitor8 IoT solutions and services enable enterprises to remotely monitor, control and affect their deployed equipment, machinery, assets and devices collectively known as “Things” on a private, 2-factor authenticated secure cloud consistent Cloud Credentialing Council’s and with IC-ITE and JIE architectures.

As depicted below, Monitor8 IoT SaaS cloud provides an end-to-end remote monitoring, control and autonomic operations solution with a robust security architecture and full enterprise connectivity via Oracle, SAP and connectors. All alerts, critical event notifications and elevation are handled via cloud embedded twilio service. Under this notification construct, pre-emptive repair and maintenance actions can be invoked by notifying the personnel with proximity to systems in questions while the right parts are procured and sent to a location from the nearest warehouse or depot.

The Monitor8 approach scales seamlessly over multiple asset types and product lines thereby increasing Monitor8 asset counts and SaaS service revenues.

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Monitor8 IoT Cloud Benefits for Customers

By providing the best IoT SaaS platform which transparently embeds that largest collaborative array of eco-system partners in the market as well as a platform that can read sensor data from over 300 device and sensor manufacturers, we aim to become a de-facto open source IoT back-end and analytics solution. The Monitor8 SaaS IoT cloud enables our customers to gain the following advantages:

Efficiently store sensor data in an easy-to access, high-performance and secure cloud repository

Leverage a drag and drop graphical user interface (GUI) and flexible rules engine to process data, events, alarms, and trigger actions

Rapidly build new innovative applications using powerful drag and drop application development features and REST API services

Easily connect to remote devices and sensors with a variety of connectivity methods expanding over 200 types of industrial controllers and devices

Scalable, flexible platform to allow for consistent top performance as hundreds of thousands of chatty and data intensive assets are connected

Monitor, service and analyze connected sensors and things using a SaaS based cloud connected product management applications from anywhere and on any device

Enhance operational support processes while enabling service innovations for new incremental revenues and adding excitement features to mature service / product lines

Integrate Monitor8 SaaS IoT cloud with enterprise systems and applications

In summary, with the Monitor8 cloud, connected products can be brought online much faster than ground-up development and be immediately available for service in the field and integrate into back-office systems. Monitor8 Differentiators

Monitor8 board, management, personnel and eco-system partners have a unique advantage over competitors. We understand our target market IoT operational pain-points and have been involved in the first and second generation of remote monitoring and prognostics. We are intimately familiar with the operational environments and current technology baseline of public sector, military, national security, intelligence, CBRNE, homeland defense, commercial logistics and building automation markets. We have either installed, worked on or modernized many of the ISR, C2 (Command & Control), LogC2 or building automation systems in these markets directly or via

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channels like General Dynamics, BAE, QinetiQ and Vencore (Tier-1 SIs). Fore mentioned systems are the foundation of IoT or Condition Based Maintenance Plus (CBM+).

Sensor data collection form assets, devices and things is the beginning of a truly end-to-end IoT offering for intelligent systems. The intelligence in connected devices is derived by conducting analytics on sensor data to facilitate preemptive, prognostic and autonomic posture. To that end, Monitor8 brings to bear a strong big-data analytics heritage to bear. We are leaders in Hadoop analytics, AWS EMR and data visualization aka visual business intelligence (V-BI). On the public sector front, we possess facility clearance and Top Secret cleared personnel that can glean customer requirements via interaction with their executives and Product Teams. Furthermore, many of our public employees are former military or have worked with Intelligence Agencies. We also have an academic relationship and have worked on collection, processing and monitoring of predictive maintenance sensor data feeds from platforms like the Apache Helicopter.

IoT Demand Side Analysis

Most analysts agree that IoT opportunities abound, but that the IoT market growth is challenged by several obstacles, including scarce IoT knowledge and skills to design and build IoT data models and applications. We believe that Monitor8 technology and our partner’s capabilities can address these market challenges and leverage the huge market potential ahead.

The following summarizes the demand-side for service offerings in IoT:

1. Design and development of a new connected product or service o Enterprises may have an idea, or even a vision, but are not sure how to

proceed, and likely can’t be successful on their own. Examples are: Manufactures who want to enhance their own products Owner operators who want to provide mixed OEM solutions Solution providers looking to create new businesses

2. Course correction or acceleration of a stalled M2M program Enterprises may be unable to sustain momentum or expand their

M2M/IoT initiative, either within a product line or across the organization

This opportunity may require revisiting the business case, architecture, technical skills and data analytics

3. Replacement of a legacy, or home grown, M2M solution Many Enterprises that have previously developed their own solutions,

are now struggling. Their existing systems may be unable to scale are too costly to maintain, or too rigid and inflexible to satisfy changing business requirements or expanding use cases.

This opportunity may require revisiting the business case, architecture, technical skills, data analytics, or even internal/external incentives

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The exploding IOT market has created one of the best growth opportunities for service providers in over a decade. In addition to the universal drive for connected products, connected services, and enhanced customer experiences, IoT technologies and solutions are expected to have a significant impact on revenues and cost models across almost all industries. To that end, Monitor8 has put together an organizational structure, required complementary capabilities, end-to-end services and the IoT technology platform to address the demand side issues discussed above.

Monitor8 Services

Monitor8 will have four top-level classes of service:

1. IoT Strategy, Business Case and ROI Models, Planning, Consulting, BPR, Business Process & Operational Transformation

2. IoT Solution Roadmap, Architecture and Phased Implementation Plans – Initial Proof of Concept (PoC)

3. Visual Analytics, Sensor Data Mining, Mobile Alert Notifications (Through Wholly Owned Subsidiary DynamicDatum and CCG Cloud Advisory)

4. SaaS / Cloud Based IoT platform for Condition Monitoring Service in vertical such as utilities, transportations and logistics command and control (LogC2)

For our full service menu, please visit our web site at and provide your contact details.

Contact Information

Executive Sponsor Contact

Name Kevin R. Curtis Title VP, Solutions State/Country Virginia, USA Email [email protected] Office /Mobile # 703.665.9218