Download - Monday 8 th September 2014. The Year 6 Team Helen Pye, Sophie Collings, Sian Smith and Sarah Haydon (Maths support) Helen Pye – Upper School Leader First.

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  • Monday 8 th September 2014
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  • The Year 6 Team Helen Pye, Sophie Collings, Sian Smith and Sarah Haydon (Maths support) Helen Pye Upper School Leader First point of contact Mrs Cooper Headteacher Mrs Haydon Deputy Mrs Pye Upper School Leader Class Teacher
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  • School Priorities 2013/2014 Ensure that spelling is taught consistently and effectively across the school Provide highly effective differentiation in all aspects of a lesson Assessment and tracking leads to individualised target setting Ensure learners demonstrate a high level of accountability and engagement Prepare for changes to the curriculum (Sept 2014) Continue to develop communication between home and school Significantly reduce % of holidays taken in term time
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  • PROVISIONAL SOLENT JUNIOR SCHOOL END OF KEY STAGE 2 RESULTS 2013 / 14 KS2 RESULTS 2013/14 SOLENT 2012/13 SOLENT 2012/13 PORTS 2012/13 NATIONAL 2011/12 SOLENT 2011/12 PORTS 2011/12 NATIONAL Reading level 4+96% 83%86%100%85%87% Reading level 555%58%40%45%54%41%48% Writing level 4+92%91%77%84%86%74%81% Writing level 535% 20%30% 20%28% English level 4+ 96%82%85% English level 5 48%29%38% GPS level 4+88%78%57%74% GPS level 555%48%40%48% GPS level 63%0% Maths level 4+94%96%81%85%91%82%84% Maths level 553%44%34%41%45%35%39% Maths level 66%2% 6% English & Maths level 4+ 91%75%80% English & Maths level 5 34.5%21%27% 2 levels of progress English 94%84%87% 2 levels of progress Maths97% 83%88%92%85%88% 2 levels progress Reading97%95%82%88% 2 levels progress writing97%98%82%92% R / W / M level 4+90%88%69%75%84%66% R / W / M level 530%26%14%21%25%15%
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  • School Priorities 2014/2015 Embed the new curriculum for Years 3, 4 and 5 Develop a new assessment system without National Curriculum levels (which are no longer in use for Years 3, 4 and 5) Utilise vehicles for Parent Voice to inform curriculum and assessment development Participate in the National Challenge Partners Programme to ensure rigorous processes of external self review and evaluation Further develop our coaching programme for teachers to enable them to share expertise and deliver outstanding teaching Continue to work with parents to reduce % of holidays taken in term time
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  • Attendance At Solent we want all children to have the best possible attendance at school to enable each and every child to reach their full potential. There is a strong link between good school attendance and achieving good results for children. Children who frequently miss school may fall behind in their work which may affect their future prospects. Setting good attendance patterns from an early age will also help your child later on. Good school attendance also shows future employers that a young person is reliable, more likely to achieve well and play a positive role in their community.
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  • Children who do not attend school regularly are more likely to: Fall behind in their school work. Find it difficult to make and keep friends. Be unhappy at school. Misbehave so others cannot see that they are finding the work difficult. Get into bad routines that can affect them getting or keeping a job later in life.
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  • Attendance 90%= a day1 week 2 days= 4 weeks 80%= 1 day 2 weeks 4 days= 8 weeks 10 minutes late to school each day = 33 hours lost learning time in one year 90% attendance through school life is equal to a whole year of school being missed! Percentage Attendance Weekly/ Termly/Yearly
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  • Communication We know that the good communication is essential Feel free to pop in after school (Tues-Fri) or phone to make an appointment. Email addresses to be included in curriculum letters Parent Voice Important information will be forwarded by text, please make sure the office have up to date contact details.
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  • SATs Tests in Maths, Reading, Grammar/Spelling and Punctuation Changes to most recent Maths and Reading SATs Level 6 Teacher assessment/SATs results Preparation for transfer to secondary school
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  • Standards/Assessment Effective transition from year five Pupil Tracker: updated twice a year with progress and targets Assessments are made half termly. Arrange to meet class teacher if you are ever concerned. Children are increasingly involved in the assessment process
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  • Solent Junior School Assessment 2014/2015 TBC DatesActions Week Beginning 8 th Sept Year 4, 5 and 6 Curriculum Evenings Monday 6 th Oct After school Review of childrens work Tuesday 7 th & Wednesday 8 th Oct Parents Evening February/MarchMid Year Assessments available on tracker February/MarchMaths and English Mid Year Reports February/MarchReview of childrens work 3 5 pm Tuesday 3rd & Wednesday 4 th March Parents Evening May 11 th 14thSATs week June/July Open Afternoon Review childrens work Opportunity to meet your childs new class teacher June/JulyEnd of Year Reports
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  • How can you be involved? Encourage your child to talk about their learning what have you learnt today? Support your childs home learning by encouraging a sense of responsibility and independence (good habit for year 7 and beyond) Nurture a sense of pride in their work Discuss your childs targets and successes Encourage a positive learning routine
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  • Home School Learning TASKGIVEN OUTDUE INTIMINGS YEAR 6 Spellings Weekly differentiated spelling lists Monday Spelling list sent home with child Friday Tested within literacy lesson Self directed Maths and English task every week. Times table practice Maths - Tuesday English - Friday Maths - Friday English - Wed 40 mins per task Reading - Reading book and reading record book in school and take home each day 1/2 termly genre lists and tasks as pupils come to them in RR book First week back after each half term Self directed LU creative task - once every term, linked to Learning Units Self directed Children all have access to online sites to support their learning- MyMaths for maths and Bug Club for literacy. Later, this half term we will introduce a maths games site called SumDog which links maths games to levelled objectives. These sites can be accessed from home. We may, on occasion, give out homework linked to these sites. If computer access is an issue at home, please let us know, so that we can provide time in school for children to use our laptops to complete homework. Children all have individual logons and passwords.
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  • Maths From analysis of SATs tests at the end of year 5 and teacher assessment children have been placed into 4 maths groups to offer maximum support, challenge and differentiation. Regular assessments Target setting Differentiated home learning
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  • English From analysis of end of year 5 data and teacher assessments children have been placed into 3 Literacy groups to offer maximum support, challenge and differentiation. Reading and writing SPaG test Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Reading records and reading bingo Regular assessments Target setting Differentiated home learning
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  • School Council We have a very active School Council Current issues: Charities and attendance Senior Pupils Head Boy and Girl
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  • PE and Games ClassOutdoor GamesIndoor PE/Dance/Gym 6PThursdayMonday 6STuesdayThursday 6CFridayThursday PE KIT: Navy/black/white PE shorts Plain white T-shirt Change of socks Trainers (no converse or plimsolls for outdoor) All jewellery must be removed. If earrings are unable to be removed, they should be covered with surgical tape (provided from home) Please ensure your childs PE kit remains at school all week.
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  • Healthy Snacks and Lunches Acceptable breaktime snacks; fruit, cheese string, meat snack or breakfast bar. No chocolate! Water bottles should be in school every day No juices or flavoured water in class We encourage a healthy balanced lunch, a small chocolate biscuit is permitted, everything in moderation!
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  • Learning Unit -Pack up your troubles History - How the Home Front helped the war effort to succeed Hook Visitor performance Reasons for war Preparations Evacuation & Blitz Rationing Primary evidence Visit to D-Day Museum on Remembrance Day in Autumn 2 Art - Henry Moores shelter drawings and the power of the propaganda poster Music - War Time Music ICT - Internet research and Multimedia presentations DT - Make do and mend slipper project PSHE Our World
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  • Dates for your diary 11 th May SATs Week 22 nd September Little Canada Week Week Beginning 13 th July 2014- Year 6 Production Summer Term Sex Education Other visits and events to enhance your child's learning will be scheduled throughout the year.