Download - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Father of Our Nation-My Life is my Message -1869-1948

  • October 2 , Gandhi Jayanthi Celebrated as INTERNATIONAL NON VIOLENCE DAY all Over the World.

    First human to win hearts of people of most countries. His statues were present in more than 70 Nations.

    World Countries more than 100 nations released postage stamps depicting Gandhis image , a great respect not provided to any other leaders earth has made.`

    During Gandhis Centenary birth anniversary celebration on 1969 , more than 40 countries released postage stamp on same day.

    His Words on Swaraj or Independence: God has given me the urge for freedom and therefore I deem myself to be a free man.

    This presentation is an effort to spread his message through his life


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    S.NOContent DescriptionS.NOContent DescriptionACover pageC-16Call Back of Civil Disobedience BContents PageC-17Means (Causes) all important and not End ( Effects) CGandhi -My Life is My MessageC-18Salt Tax & Dandi MarchC-1ChildhoodC-19Village Life for Poorna SwarayC-2Non Violence from Home to OutsideC-20Conference in EnglandC-3Law studies at EnglandC-21Harijan Against UntouchabilityC-4New Barrister at South AfricaC-22All Men are brothersC-5Physical DisciplinesC-23World War IIC-6Black Act in South AfricaC-24Quit India MovementC-7Socail Living in South AfricaC-25Hindu Muslim Communal RiotsC-8Letter to TolstoyC-26Preaching Life Giving EducationC-9SatyaGraha in South AfricaC-27Service to Needy & IgnoredC-10True Satyagrahi Be the ChangeC-28India & His DreamC-11Hero in IndiaC-29Indian Independence & Pakistan partitionC-12Initial Reforms in IndiaC-30Gandhiji for Ultimate Peace.C-13Jallian walabagh Tragedy & Start of Civil DisobedienceDProgressing HumanityC-14Birth of KhadiETrue Friend to ALLC-15SwadeshiFHonor to Gandhi

  • Gandhis father was a politician. He was Prime Minister of Porbandar, a small princely state in Western India

    Putlibai was second wife of karamchand and was highly religious , strictly following devotional , religious laws , fasting etc as portrayed in Hinduism.Gandhi read the life story of Shravan devoting all his ife for the service of father & mother. He aspired to be like sharavan.

    He once watched the drama of Harichandra , and he wept deeply on seeing the sacrifice & self suffering voluntarily accepted by the King to safeguard Truth & Dharma.Whenever he got chance he never missed to watch the drama. He has watched it it more than 10 times.

    In younger days he was inspired that Shravan and Harichandra are worth roles to be followed in life.*

    YearHis Life1869, oct 2Born at porbandar, Kathiwad , Gujarat to Karamchand ( kaba) and Putlibai Gandhi. He has two brothers.1876Attended primary school in Rajkot. He did not involve in sports but walked long distance to his school from home. He did not read any other books other than academics during this period and loved to reach home early and serve his Father. He had a strong feeling of respect to his teachers that he never thought of troubling them and completed his Home works sincerely.1876Betrothed to Kasturba, daughter of Gokuldas Makanji , a Merchant.1881Entered High school at Rajkot. Once in exam his teacher himself allowed / motivated him to copy , which he never expected from teacher. Still he maintained same respect to teacher. Doing his duty to fullest was his only concern. He never learnt the art of copying through out his life.He had a bad handwriting and which he worried only in later days. He later insisted youngsters , children to develop GOOD handwriting and it is very essential part of education.

  • *Honest and Loving HusbandIn the later part of his life in South Africa , once he brought a rule that every member of the colony resident shall clean the common toilet. When he imposed it on Kasturba , she denied first. This angered Gandhiji and asked her to obey forcibly or leave the home. Kasturba being a brave women ashamed his manliness for sending a dependant Wife out of Home .Then Gandhiji did work of Toilet cleaning of the part of his wife also , after which Kasturba as a dutiful wife voluntarily agreed for the work. In the process of making her obey him , he developed Ahimsa intrinsically and learnt sacrifice , self suffering , leadership etc. One must be ready to give up his own life for the sake of value one leads , then only one could preach to others. You cannot make others follow by Power for long time. It is temporary. Voluntary involvement of others ( ie through Ahimsa) is the real success of Leadership.

    YearHis Life1883At the age of 13 , he got married to kasturba. He wanted Kasturba as ideal wife and imposed many rules on her. Kasturba , a free girl did not obeyed him in earlier days , which angered Gandhi. Gandhi feared to go out in dark , while he observed Kasturba to be fearless, he felt shame to tell to her at that time.

  • During his high school days , he won scholarship for his discipine & performance. He was one among very few from rajkot , who were entitled for the scholarship. He had good relation ship with teachers due to his respect to elders. His brothers struggled a lot to gather money and send to England for his study of Law. Earlier Gandhi rented a larger house , tried to imitate British living style, joined music class and After thinking about the struggle of his brothers , shifted to a very small room and gave up music class. He also wear simple clothes and simple diet and save nearly half of money than before during his stay in EnglandAs a teenager he was attracted by his brothers friend telling that Taking non vegetarian diet will build muscles and strength. As the friend is athletic and physically more strong than him , he fall in his arguments and tried eating meat once. He tried theft and also smoking as a youngster.

    Later through his own experience and reading a book in England while studying law , he realized vegetarian diet as healthy for human and later Formed a Vegetarian Diet Society in England & South Africa.He also found FASTING as best remedy for most diseases and best purification process by his voluntary experiments while staying in London.*

    YearHis Life1885Father died at the age of 13 by severe disease. There was much great love between him & father that once he wrote a letter to his father disclosing that he has theft , done smoking and taken Non vegetarian diet once.He saw tears from his fathers eyes while reading letter , after which he took vow not to be untruthful to parents.1887Passed Matriculation exam at Ahmadabad and entered Samaldas college, Bhavnagar, kathiawad1888First of four sons born. In total he had four sons.1891His fathers friend insisted Putlibai to make Gandhi a lawyer and go to England as he has many friends in England.Gandhi Sailed from Bombay to England for law study. Promised his mother that he will not touch MEAT , ALCHOHOL and WOMEN under any condition, after which her mother allowed him to travel.The regional head of the village any how informed that he should not go to England as it is against the restrictions meant in religious dharma.

    His mother & brothers supported hims , that he moved to England to study law. 18912 Summer. Returned to India after being called to bar. Began practice of law in Bombay and Rajkot.

  • Members of Ambulance Corps , Boer warMembers of Natal Congress*Dropped from train

    YearHis Life1893Sailed to South Africa to become barrister for an Indian Firm. Found himself subjected to all kinds of discrimination. No first class compartments were reserved for colour people irrespective of being a barrister. He was thrown out of train in spite he had a first class ticket. In towns , village residents coloured people were not allowed to move in platforms. 1894Prepared to return to India after completing law case, but was persuaded by Indian colony to remain in SA and do public work and earn a living as a lawyer.Drafted first petition sent by the Indians to a South African legislature.1894May Organised Natal Indian Congress to safeguard the rights of Indian Migrants1896Returned back to India for six months to bring back Wife & Children. In 1896Dec Sailed back for South Africa with family. Was mobbed when he disembarked at Durban for Europeans thought he wrote ill about Europeans in South Africa when he was in India.1899Organised Indian Ambulance Corps for British in Boer War helping England. The service earned respect and popularity for Gandhi among English people. If we want to enjoy the rights of English government then we must help the government. This was the policy behind the support to England1901 - 19021901 Embarked with family for India, promising to return to South Africa if Indian community there needed his services again. 1901 1902 Travelled extensively in India, attended Indian National Congress meeting in Calcutta, and opened law office in Bombay.1902 Returned to South Africa after urgent request from Indian community.

  • He lived as a normal house holder life. Gandhis mother is religious which made Gandhi also to be religious. Gandhi read Bhagavad-Gita and many other informations of various sources and religions.

    He took the vow of continence , obstinacy from sex on1906 and obeyed his vow till death. Kasturaba also agreed with him and both lead a pious and friendly life with out any discrimination of sex as portrayed in Hindu Dharma.

    He fasted often to control his palate. He was a pure vegetarian through out his life and abstained from salt , milk (considering milk belongs to only its offspring and so milk as violence diet ) , spices temporarily to gain control over his palate. Weekly once he followed SILENCE or abstaining from speech He regularly meditated closing his eyes every day early morning.Indulgence in any form weakens physical body, mental ability and disturbs one from his true purpose of life. External control through contraception to be replaced by voluntary mind control or surrendering through understanding the healthy living granted by brahmacharya.

    As he grew older and his experience in social , economic & political field increased he got fully convinced t that no worker who has not overcome lust ( through all five senses & mind) can hope to render any genuine service to any great cause for himself or others.His Words in Sarvodaya:

    The root meaning of Brahmacahrya may be given thus: that conduct which puts one in Touch with GOD . The conduct consists in the fullest control over all the senses. This is the true and relevant meaning of the word. Popularly it has come to mean mere physical control over the organ of generation. This narrow meaning has debased Brahmacharya and made its practice all but Impossible. Control over the organ of generation is impossible without proper control over all the senses. They are all interdependent.Mere physical control even if it can be attained for some time is of little or no use , without dislike developed n Mind.*

    YearHis Life1903-19061903 Summer. Opened law office in Johannesburg.1904 Established the weekly journal, Indian Opinion.1906March Organised Indian Ambulance Corps for Zulu "Rebellion".1906In 1906 at the age of 36 Took vow of continence for life with the agreement of Kasturba.

  • Recuperating from attack by other Indians for agreement with Smut.Later understood the righteousness in hims and apologized himBlack Act-No right to VoteBurning Government issued identity cardMembers of Non violent resistance in SA*

    YearHis Life19061906Sept. First satyagraha campaign began with meeting in Johannesburg in protest against proposed Asiatic ordinance directed against Indian immigrants in Transvaal.1906Oct. Sailed for England to present Indians case to Colonial Secretary and started back to South Africa in December.19071907June Organised satyagraha against compulsory registration of Asians ("The Black Act") , for a separate law for Asians. Asians were denied the Right To Vote1908 - 19091908Jan. Stood trial for instigating satyagraha and was sentenced to two months' imprisonment in Johannesburg jail (his first imprisonment). 1908Jan. Was summoned to consult General Smuts at Pretoria; compromise reached; was released from jail.1908Feb. Attacked and wounded by Indian extremist, Mir Alam, for reaching settlement with Smuts.1908 Aug. After Smuts broke agreement, Second Satyagraha campaign began with bonfire of registration certificates. 1908Oct. Arrested for not having identity certificate ( burnt in fire) , and sentenced to two months' imprisonment in Volksrust jail.1909Feb. Sentenced to three months imprisonment in Volksrust and Pretoria jails.

  • Tolstoy farm-21 miles from Johannesburg.Gandhis venture into communal livingThe first had been Phoenix Farm near DurbanLater Gandhi founded ashrams in India.His Words in Sarvodaya:

    The one book which brought instantaneous and practical transformation in my life was Unto This Last. I translated it later in to Gujarati , entitling it Sarvodaya ( Welfare of all ) .The teachings of Unto This Last I understood to be

    Good of the individual lies in the good of all and not Most. Idea of majority acceptation or winning to be replaced by acceptance by ALL and respect the feelings of minority also.

    2) That a lawyers work has the same value as barbers inasmuch as all have the same RIGHT of earning their livelihood from their work and live life to their fullest.

    3) That a life of labor, ie life of the tiller of the soil and handicraftsman is the life worth living.

    First of these I knew . The second I had dimly realized. Third had never occurred to me. Unto This Last made it as clear as daylight for me that the second and third were contained in the first. I arose with the dawn, ready to reduce these principles to Practice.*

    YearHis Life19091909June Sailed for England again to present Indians' case.1909Nov. Returned to SA, writing Hind Swaraj 1910InMay Established Tolstoy Farm near Johannesburg.1913Began penitential fast (one meal a day f4 months) because of moral lapse of two members of Phoenix Settlement.1914InJan. Underwent fourteen days' fast for moral lapse of members of Phoenix Settlement

  • Tolstoy: I want to tell others what I feel particularly clearly and what to my mind is of great importance namely that which is called nonviolent resistance but which is really nothing else but the teaching of love*

  • Gandhi ceased to wear European clothes. He believed that simple dress was appropriate for defending the rights of ordinary Indians .

    He believed to help poor , it is needed to live poor vountarily to understand the real state of them.

    This is a meditation ( merging with the object ) in social actionGreat march of 2000 Indians in transvaal border.*

    YearHis Life19131913Sept. Helped campaign against nullification of marriages not celebrated according to Christian rites, with Kasturba and other women being sentenced for crossing the Transvaal border without permits.

    1913Nov. Third satyagraha campaign begun by leading "great march" of 2,000 Indian miners from Newcastle across Transvaal border in Natal.A protest against the ban on Indian immigration, and the ruling that only Christian marriages were legal.

    1913Nov. Arrested three times in four days (at Palmford, Standerton, and Teakworth) and sentenced at Dundee to nine months' imprisonment; tried at Volksrust in second trial and sentenced to three months' imprisonment with his European co-workers, Polak and Kallenbach. Imprisoned in Volksrust jail for a few days and then taken to Bloemfontein in Orange Free State.1913Dec. Released unconditionally in expectation of a compromise settlement, C.F. Andrews and W.W. Pearson having been sent by Indians in India to negotiate.Eventually there was a compromise with the government of General Smuts19141914Jan. Satyagraha campaign suspended, with pending agreement between Smuts, C.F. Andrews, and Gandhi, and with ultimate passage of Indian Relief Act.

  • Changing others may not be in our hand , but non cooperating for the evil things is in individuals control and through this change could be brought. No human is so bad as to be beyond redemption. No human being so perfect to warrant destruction of whom he considers to be wholly evil.

    Non Cooperation & Civil disobedience movements brought change in government policies and rule itself. How change could be brought ? Consider capital labour Unjust activities or inequality in agriculture.

    The moment cultivators of the soil realize their power , the zamndari will be sterilized. What can the poor Land owner do when the labor simply deny to work for the land , unless they are paid enough to feed ,cloth and educate themselves and their children in decent manner.

    The whole reason why the labour fails is instead of sterilizing capital, labour wants to seize that capital and become capitalist itself. Consistency in principle is required for winning a change. So internal change of the individual brings change in the world also.

    Capitalism is in the blood of most poorest person and not only in rich. So mere money & wealth donations wont help improvement. Taste to work to be cultivated to bring any change.His Words in Sarvodaya:

    In every great cause it is not the numbers of fighters that counts but it is the quality of which they are made that becomes the deciding factor. The greatest men of the world have always stood alone.

    Being the change is the true essence of Sataygrahi. He is ready to sacrifice his life to bring the change but do not accept the evil to safeguard his life.

    A satyagrahi must carry out what ever is laid out for bringing change with cool determination giving way neither to excitement nor depression . He is his own leader with total faith and vision and complete zeal and enthusiasm through out his struggle and after.

    Gandhi in satyagraha struggle at South Africa, *

  • Great Welcome in India at Karachi. Non Violence Principle in SA spread whole of IndiaGokhale, His Political Guru*Gandhi called his method Satyagraha, meaning struggle for truth. He was prepared to sacrifice his own well-being in order to change the hearts of his opponents

    HIS WORDS:Truth unifies all humankind and always wins, Love, not violence, is the proper relation among people Satyagraha is strength soul-force and not weakness. The life of a Satyagrahi could be described as -- living simply, in accordance with needs, in tranquility -- does not fear death, is always willing to sacrifice for justice -- disobeys and accepts the punishment that goes with ItNon Cooperation: Non co operation will open the eyes to the wrong he may be doing. One has to strive for conversion and not for destruction as a whole.His words on Violence : An for an makes the whole world blind.

    YearHis Life19141914July Left South Africa forever, sailing from Cape town for London with Kasturba and Kallenbach, arriving just at beginning of World War I.1914 Organised Indian Ambulance Corps in England, but was obliged to sail for India because of pleurisy

  • He returned to India in 1915. World war I began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918. INC leaders accepted the request from British to support them in war. In the mean time He was preparing for a National Unity that he identified himself as a poor .

    At this time Indian villagers were poorly paid, and many were dying of famine. In 1915, back in India, Gandhi set up an ashram - a self-sufficient community, where he ate a simple diet, and lived like the poorest villagers.

    Vinoba Bhave was one of his best Associate in the Sabarmathi Ashram

    In 1918 Gandhi began a series of campaign and constructive programs to get them to stand up for themselves against the British who were ruling India. *

    YearHis Life19151915 Secured removal of customs harassment of passengers at Viramgam; first incipient Satyagraha campaign in India.19151915May Established Satyagraha Ashram at Kochrab, near Ahmedabad, and soon admitted an untouchable family; in 1917 moved ashram to new site, Sabarmati River.19161916Feb. Gave speech at opening of Hindu University at Benares.19171917 Helped secure removal of recruiting of South African indenture workers in India..1917 Led successful satyagraha campaign for rights of peasants on indigo plantations in Champaran. Defied an order to leave area in April, was arrest at Motihari and tried, but case was withdrawn. Mahadev Desai joined him at Champaran.19181918Feb. Led strike of mill workers at Ahmedabad. Mill owner agreed to arbitration after his three-day fast (his first fast in India).1918March Led satyagraha campaign for peasants in Kheda.1918 Attended Viceroy's War Conference at Delhi and agreed that Indians should be recruited for World War I.1918 Began recruiting campaign, but was taken ill and came near death; agreed to drink goat's milk and learned spinning during convalescence.

  • Jallian Wallabagh Tragedy: The British became worried about keeping control. Soldiers were ordered to prevent people from gathering together for meetings. Nevertheless, in 1919 ten thousand unarmed people attended a protest meeting in Amritsar.Without warning, British soldiers fired on the crowd, killing nearly 400 people, and wounding over one thousand , including children ,women and elderly people.Gandhi asked for SELF rule and Britishers to quit India. He informed 3000 British could not rule 3 million Indians. Ours is not a drive for power, but purely a non-violent fight for India's independence. He told Civil disobedience shall endure till British themselves feel the Justice in quiting India.*

    YearHis Life1919Jalian Walla bagh Massacre at Amristar19191919 Spring. Rowlatt Bills (perpetuating withdrawal of civil liberties for seditious crimes) passed, and first all-India satyagraha campaign conceived.1919April Organised nation-wide hartal - suspension of activity for a day - against Rowlatt Bills.19191919April Arrested at Kosi near Delhi on way to Punjab and escorted back to Bombay, but never tried.1919 Fasted at Sabarmati for three days in penitence for violence and suspended satyagraha campaign, which he called a Himalayan miscalculation" because people were not disciplined enough.

    1919 Assumed editorship of English weekly, Young India, and Gujarati weekly, Navajivan.1919Oct. After five months' refusal, authorities allowed him to visit scene of April disorders in Punjab. Worked closely with Motilal Nehru. Conducted extensive inquiry into violence in many Punjab villages.

  • Constructive Program: Khadi Spiining

    He taught his Indian friends to go against the English was by making their own cloth instead of buying cloth from the English. You see the English would have cotton grown in India, then they would have it picked by Indians, put on ships, ship it to England where it would be spun into thread, woven into cloth, shipped back to India and sold to the Indian people for a higher price. In fact, the English had laws that forced the Indians to buy only this cloth.Gandhi said, NO WAY, that is not fair!! Why should we have to buy back our own cotton cloth?! Lets spin it ourselves! So he learned how to spin cotton thread on a spinning wheel - and weave it into cloth. He spun his own yarn and made his own cloth. He encouraged others to do the same, instead of buying imported British material.All over India , spinning wheel was spread by the active congress leaders. People all over India renounced the European clothes and purchased hand woven Indian cloths. Spinning wheel is demonstrated by congress leaders & members in villages through out India.Not only khadi but also many handicraft products.

    Spinning Wheel Chakra symbol became the FLAG of (INC) Indian National Congress which after modified as Indian National Flag after independence. Khadi Spinning : It is a symbol of self reliant Labor. It is suggestive of bread lab worker, non exploitation. It will provide alternate income to the poor and also contribute towards decentralization and economic equality. *Burning / abandoning of European clothsINC Flag with spinning wheel & tricolor

    YearHis Life19201920April. Elected president of All-India Home Rule League.1920June Successfully urged resolution for a Satyagraha campaign of non-cooperation at Moslem Conference at Allahabad and at Congress sessions at Calcutta (Sept.) and Nagpur (Dec.)19211921Aug. Presided at bonfire of foreign cloth in Bombay.1921Sept. Gave up wearing shirt and cap and resolved to wear only a loin-cloth in devotion to homespun cotton and simplicity.

  • *In India Swadeshi is implemented through its ancient culture. For a man in India , HOME is the mini country for him to take care. Every man , woman born on India are given a great responsibility of keeping their Home divine & Peaceful.If the Homes are peaceful , then automatically the whole state, & nation will be peaceful.

    The expansion of actual human values is ensured in India through its Family Structure.This is the reason why INDIA has been called as LAND of GODS in the scriptures of India.It is the family background of a individual moulds the life.Knowing the greatness of Human Life , strict disciplines , duties & rights were formulated for being a husband , wife, parents, and children & other relations. Else life & death would be considered very simple and all activites will be oriented towards short term happiness of a individual in his life time and no great aim shall prevail among people.Swadeshi his wordsi n Sarvodaya : is the use of all home made things to the exclusion of foreign things , in so far as such use is necessary for the protection of Home Industry more especially those industries with out which India will become pauperized. Excluding all foreign products irrespective of its great use to humanity is a narrow interpreation of Swadeshi.

  • *He did not want freedom born out of blood shed or violence. Even if the freedom delays by thousand more years he wanted it all only by Non violence means.

    He was more concerned of developing the weak & poor village people in to skilled , educated, disciplined & good hearted . Enthusiastic people and bring SELF RULE feasible thereby automatic Independence or Freedom. He concentrated much on the means of making free , indepednent India rather than asking for Rights to British.

    Gandhi did not fight only for Indian political Freedom , but fought for real peoples freedom all over earth . He wants freedom of poor farmers, labors, masons, carpenters, helpless beggars from poverty, ignorance.For him Non violence Truth ( Means ) are more important than INDIAN FREEDOM ( Ends) itself. He Fasted till death stopped the non co operation movement in 1922 February all over India , when the whole of India was aroused , because two of the English Men are killed at Chauri Chaura. His real Nonviolence was understood by other leaders Nehru & Sardar Patel and all over world at this Chauri Chaura Incident. For most men success over British due to their helpless created by this Civil disobedience & Non cooperation movement tempted them to eliminate Brtish by Force & Violence. Gandhiji wanted Freedom through Pure Non violence and hence Called back the Movement. Also he knew success over british by violnce shall only be temporary.

    YearHis Life19211921Nov. Fasted at Bombay for five days because of communal rioting following visit of Prince of Wales (later Edward VIII and Duke of Windsor).1921Dec. Mass civil disobedience, with thousands in jail. Gandhi invested with "sole executive authority" on behalf of Congress.1922Feb. Suspended mass disobedience because of violence at Chauri Chaura and undertook five-day fast of penance at Bardoli.19221922March Arrested at Sabarmati in charge of sedition in Young India. Pleaded guilty in famous. He wrote that British Government in India as EVIL. 1922 Statement at the "great trial" in Ahmadabad before Judge Broomfield. Sentenced to six years' imprisonment in Yeravda jail.1923 Wrote Satyagraha in South Africa and part of his autobiography in prison

  • Sarvodaya: The clearest possible definition of the goal and its appreciation would fail if we do not know and utilize the means of achieving it. I have therefore concerned myself principally with the conservation of the means and their progressive use.

    I feel too that the progress towards the goal will be in exact proportion to the purity of our means.He took time out to look for a pencil and the reason behind was, that pencil was given by a little child when he visited one of the homes in India. Same way once he was visited by Nehru & Sardar to discuss Politics in his home. He served his goat with food before went out with them.

    Thus for him duty towards his pet is in no way inferior to freedom movement and or respect towards a childs feeling is no way less to the great leaders, zamindars, British people he deals. He has no hurry towards his goals , but gave high importance to daily duties which are causes for the End.*

    YearHis Life19241924Jan. Was operated on for appendicitis and unconditionally released from prison in February.1924Sept Began 21-day "great fast" at Mohammed Ali's home near Delhi as penance for communal rioting (between Hindus and Moslems), especially at Kohat.1924Dec. Presided over Congress session at Belgaum as president.19251925Nov. Fasted at Sabarmati for seven days because of misbehaviour of members of ashram.1925Dec. Announced one-year political silence and immobility at Congress session at Cawnpore.19271927 No-tax satyagraha campaign launched at Bardoli, led by Sardar Patel.19281928Dec. Moved compromise resolution at Congress session at Calcutta, calling for complete independence within one year, or else the beginning of another all-Indian Satyagraha campaign.

  • British rulers continued to collect heavy taxes from the people, which kept them in poverty.It was symbolic of the lack of freedom for Indians in their own country.Gandhi after initiating salt march to Dandi, his followers, INC Leaders, members all over nation , extracted salt from sea and taught common people all over nation the art of making salt from sea. People abandoned buying salt from market ,but made their own salt and get distributed.Dandi MarchDemonstrating Making Salt *

    YearHis Life1929-311929March Arrested for burning foreign cloth in Calcutta and fined one rupee.1929Dec. Congress session at Lahore declared complete independence and a boycott of the legislature and fixed January 26 as National Independence Day. Third all-Indian Satyagraha campaign began.

    193012-Mar Set out from Sabamarti with 79 volunteers on historic salt march 278 miles from sabarmati to sea at Dandi.19306-Apr Broke salt law by picking salt up at seashore as whole world watched.1930May Arrested by armed policemen at Karadi and imprisoned in Yeravda jail without trial.One hundred thousand persons arrested all over India. There was no Congress in December because all leaders were in jail but still Sat extraction by common man continued .British has to accept their defeat before such a great campaign.1931Jan. Released unconditionally with 30 other Congress leaders.1931March Gandhi-Irwin (Viceroy) Pact signed, which ended civil disobedience.

  • Constructive Programs: For him constructive programs are the real means for Indian Independence while non cooperation, civil disobedience are only supporting wings. The main constructive works or Means for Poorna Swaraj ( True Democracy ) are

    Khadi , Bread Labor , Physical Labor in place of Industry cloths , centralization & machines.Agriculture, Tree Plantation ,Village Sanitation Hygiene & Health , Nature Cure, Diet & ReformsMoral Education to children ,Adult Education & Awareness ProgramsUnion for children, youths, girls, women, labors & retired employees of various occupations for active involvement of people of all strata's of society.1) Bread labor : How can a man , who does not do any body labor , have the Right to eat. Hence we are told in Gita food taken with out sacrifice is a stolen food. Here sacrifice could imply only Brea d labour or every individual must earn his food with his own hands. Scavenging thus taken up will help one for true appreciation of equality of man & economic equality. It is not waste of time for an intellect , but will serve to improve and complete the quality of the intellect. 2) Industrialism : I am afraid Industrialism to be a curse for mankind. Machinery has its place . But iam against its indiscriminate multiplication. Men go on Saving Labour through Machinery till thousands are without work and thrown on the open streets to die of starvation. Decentralized production like khadi , will ensure full mental & moral growth of masses. Centralization ( machine based production) as a system is inconsistent with non-violent structure of society. Gandhis steadfast SPINNING WHEEL KHADI movement made the whole world realized the dark part of Industrialization.Khadi spinning & Salt March and other constructive programs which uplifted the economy & life of poor . Even today foreign companies try to prevent Indians using their own natural resources, such as drugs companies which try to patent Indian medicinal plants.

    About Village Swaraj in Sarvodaya: I am convinced that if India has to attain true freedom and through India the whole world also, then sooner or later the fact must be recognized that the people will have to live in village , not in towns, in huts not in palaces. Indias development lies in five lakh ( 5,00,000) villages not in five thousand ( 5000) towns.

    He visualized Indian village s as busy industries with every individual a example of true satyagrahi always busy , joyfull & enthusiastic in his work & researches. Khadi & Bread labor , village sanitation will serve as source of work. Villager will have no time to waste and allows no laziness. His life will be a constant lesson to his neighbors in ceaseless and joy giving work.*

  • Round table conference in England Lancashire1931 in Lancashire. In India, Gandhi had campaigned against the import of cotton cloth from England. This caused many textile workers in England to lose their jobs. Gandhi visited them to show his solidarity and they showed theirs.British government was not taking Indian demands for independence seriously. A conference was organized in London, but nothing changed . Gandhiji Pointed: I find that my work lies outside the conference. Conference without feel towards peoples needs is meaningless. While in England, Gandhi met the King and the Prime Minister He told a reporter: You people wear plus-fours, mine are minus-fours!1931 St James Palace*

    YearHis Life19311931Aug. Sailed from Bombay accompanied by Desai, Naidu, Mira, etc., for the second Round Table Conference, arriving in London via Marseilles, where he was met by C.F. Andrews.1931 Autumn. Resided at Kingsley Hall in London slums, broadcast to America, visited universities, met celebrities, and attended Round Table Conference sessions.19311931Dec. Left England for Switzerland, where he met Romain Rolland, and Italy, where he met Mussolini.19311931Dec. Arrived in India. Was authorised by Congress to renew satyagraha campaign (fourth nation-wide effort).1932Jan. Arrested in Bombay with Sardar Patel and detained without trial at Yeravda prison.

  • Harijan Fund CollectionGandhiji observed especially among Hindus that a community of people were considered inferior by the rest of the people of same Community.

    To fight against such discrimination , he started a Press named HARI Jan meaning Son of HARI the Hindu GOD.*Fast against Untouchability

    YearHis Life19321932Sept. 20 Began "perpetual fast unto death" while in prison in protest of British action giving separate electorates to untouchables.1932Sept. 26 Concluded "epic fast with historic cell scene in presence of Tagore after British accepted "Yeravda Pact".1932Dec. Joined fast initiated by another prisoner, Appasaheb Patwardhan, against Untouchability; but fast ended in two days.19331933 Began weekly publication of Harijan in place of Young India.193319338-May Began self-purification fast of 21 days against untouchability and was released from prison by government on first day. Fast concluded after 21 days at Poona.

    1933July Disbanded Sabarmati ashram, which became centre for removal of untouchability1933Aug Arrested and imprisoned at Yeravda for four days with 34 members of his ashram. When he refused to leave Yeravda village for Poona, he was sentenced to one year's imprisonment at Yeravda.1933Aug. 16 Began fast against refusal of government to grant him permission to work against untouchability while in prison; on fifth day of fast he was removed to Sassoon Hospital; his health was precarious; he was unconditionally released on eighth day.1933Nov. Began ten-month tour of every province in India to help end untouchability.1933Nov. Kasturba arrested and imprisoned for sixth time in two years.

  • About Untouchability:None can be born untouchable. all are sparks of the one & same fire.Anti Untouchability is not fulfilled merely by making friends with untouchables, but by loving all ife as our own selves.Removal of Untouchability means love for and service of the whole world, and thus merges in to Ahimsa. It spells the breaking down of barriers in between men and various orders of being.

    According to him , the spiritual plane with cosmic love , universal brotherhood , as its gunas has no manifestation of its own and it can manifest only through physical , family , social , political and at last in the economic plane. With out economic equality, there is no Poorna Swaraj or real freedom.

    Thus Economic inequality is a Type of Un Touchability with Occupations as barrier. One occupation is considered superior to other .Economic UnEquality a form of Un Touch abilityLove is fake if you utilize a mason , carpenter, farmer ,manual labor for your needs in life and deny to provide required wage to him to enable him , his family, his community to learn , develop other skills , knowledge and rights to live life to their fullest same as you.*Public gathering against Untouchability

    YearHis Life19341934July Fasted at Wardha ashram for seven days in penance against intolerance of opponents of the movement against un touchability.19341934Oct. Launched All-India Village Industries Association.19351935 Health declined; moved to Bombay to recover.19361936 Visited Seagon, a village near Wardha in the Central Provinces, and decided to settle there... (This was renamed Sevagram in 1940 and eventually became an ashram for his disciples.)19371937Jan. Visited Travancore for removal of untouchability.

  • 1939 letter to Hitler*As per Gandhi, Nonviolence is the law of our species as violence is the law of the brute. The spirit lies dormant in the brute and he knows no law but that of physical might. The dignity of man requires obedience to a higher law-to the strength of the spirit....

  • Writing a draft about Quit India Movement*In Quit India CompaignGandhiji made his famous DO or DIE speech stating we shall either free India or Die in the attempt.In this struggle the common people of the country demonstrated unparalleled heroism.

    Other factors which added to the momentum of movement are prices were shooting up and there were shortage of rice every where.

    YearHis Life19381938 Autumn. Tour of Northwest Frontier Province with the Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, Muslim Leader19391939March Began fast unto death as part of Satyagraha campaign in Rajkot; fast ended four days later when Viceroy appointed as arbitrator.19401940Oct. Launched limited, individual civil-disobedience campaign against Britain's refusal to allow Indians to express their opinions regarding World War II - 23,000 persons imprisoned within a year.19421942 Harijan resumed publication after being suspended for 15 months.19421942March Met Sir Stafford Cripps in New Delhi but called his proposals "a post-dated cheque"; they were ultimately rejected by Congress.1942Aug. Congress passed "Quit India" resolution - the final nation-wide satyagraha campaign - with Gandhi as leader.1942Aug. 9 Arrested with other Congress leaders and Kasturba and imprisoned in Aga Khan Palace near Poona, with populace revolting in many parts of India. He began correspondence with Viceroy.19421942Aug. Mahadev Desai, Gandhi's secretary and intimate, died in Palace.

  • Gandhi had good relations with many Muslims.Here he is shown with Abdul Ghaffar Khan, who was known as the frontier Gandhi, for his work promoting peace on the border with AfghanistanI donot believe in people telling others of their faith especially with a view to conversation.Faith doesnot admit of telling.It has to be lived and then it becomes self propagating.

    Religion is a very personal matter.We should by living the life according to our lights share the best with one another, thus adding to the sum total of human effort to reach GOD *Gandhi engaging Muslims in 1947 during his fast to reduce riots.

    YearHis Life19431943Feb. 10 Began 21-day fast at Aga Khan Palace to end deadlock of negotiations between Viceroy and Indian leaders.19441944Feb. 22 Kasturba died in detention at Aga Khan Palace at age of seventy-four.1944Sept Important talks with Jinnah of Moslem League in Bombay on Hindu-Moslem unity.194619446-May After decline in health, was released unconditionally from detention (this was his last imprisonment; he had spent 2338 days in jail during his life time).19461946March Conferred with British Cabinet Mission in New Delhi.1946Nov. Began four-month tour of 49 villages in East Bengal to quell communal rioting over Moslem representation in provisional government.19471947 March. Began tour of Bihar to lessen Hindu-Moslem tensions.1947March Began conferences in New Delhi with Viceroy (Lord Mountbatten) in Jinnah.1947May Opposed Congress decision to accept division of country into India and Pakistan..

  • His Words in Sarvodaya:

    Non Violent resistance is the noblest and best education. It should come in education before child learns alphabets. Child before learns worldly knowledge should know what Soul is , what Truth is , What Love is.

    It should be an essential of real education that a child should learn that in the struggle of life , he can easily conquer hate by love, untruth by truth, violence by self suffering .

    It is because I felt the force of this truth that during latter part of the struggle, I endeavored as much as I could to train the children at Tolstoy Farm and then at Phoenix along these lines.

    I hold that true education of intellect can only come through proper exercise of the bodily organs .ie I want the whole education to be imparted through some handicraft or industry.Education system utilizes much of human lifes time , must provide effective output to lead his life. Education with out practical utilization and without creating a independent living to the individual is of no use.

    Education must be character building tool rather than money gaining tool. It should bring in him courage, strength, virtue, ability to forget oneself in working towards great aims.

    Adult education for continuos earning , to enhance themselves and create strong link and bond between child , youths, parents, elder people , teachers, peoples of all occupations in the society.

    He want a group of people to preach better methods of sanitation , hygience, health, farming, weaving. He want them to go home to home and preach education and prevent miseries rather than Cure miseries by delivering medicines, tablets, For him preaching education is best toll for peace and prevention.1940 the scientistDuring his preaching / campaign*

  • *Talking to a blind in March 1947Attending a LeperOther than Politics gandhiji made his life busy in serving the humanity as a whole. He was a wtiter and held many campings regarding social evils , upliftment ,personal disciplines and occupational ethics. Some of the topics which he wrote & preached are

    1) No Moral right to Capital2) Trusteeship & Ownership of Land3) Equal rights for sexes , Intermarriage4) Women, Widhowwood5) Individual & Society6) Non killing of animals7) Health, Hygiene , sanitation, cleanliess8) Nature cure Methods , environmental science9) Vegetarianism & Milk as violent diet10) Self Government , democracy , Village Swaraj11) Right of Minorities12) Cowardice & Violence13) Economic Equality & Equality of Income.14) Bread Labor & manual labor15) Bad effects of Industrialization & Centralization16) Non violent occupations17) Lawyers ,Doctors , Police - Occupational ethics18) Non cooperation & Civil disobedience19) Labors, kisans, artisans, Unions , duties & rights20) Riots, Thefts, Assaults 21) Divorce , Contraceptrion22) Religion , God, Truth , Ahimsa, Love

    Etc.Thus he expanded his involvement in all aspects of Human life that many have less or narrow idea.Few ways by which he reached common man al over Nation are

    Wrote books, in new papers , journals ( harijan , young India ) Forming labor unions to get their rightsCollecting funds for various social activities & ashramsPersonal Physical service to diseased, handicapped peopleEducation & awareness through campaigns & meetingsMotivating children , youths, women to participate in politics, reforms , etc

  • *Gandhi had good relations with Nehru, who became Prime Minister of India in 1947. However their visions for India .were different. Nehru wanted Industrialization. Gandhi had traditional village life at the heart of his vision

    For him Communal harmony and universal brotherhood is the true expression of all religions

    Gandhi worried that Goverment should not pass into hands which would result in British Goverment by Indian. He wanted poor mans government or Poona Swaraj or True Democracy.

    Gandhi wanted WOMEN empowerment through family discipline. Women should withheld her respect by not allowing men to use her for Indulgence. Women community should demand men their rights for education, politics, village management , and government policies towards women empowerment.

    Physical work labors should not get dominated by capital land lords. Instead form unions and demand good education , food, clothing, shelter, for their children. Else all labors shall abandon work leaving capital investor to do physical work for themselves ,Labor must be a powerful force in society.

    Labors must work continuously and enthusiastically to upgrade their techniques, skills, to give better product at lesser resource expenses.

    If all do their part of duty then all violence shall subside. The duties of every individual towards democracy has to be formulated in all aspects of all out of which seven are described belowNONVIOLENCE: Seven Social issues which do not allow Ahimsa to be practiced as per Gandhi are 1) Politics with out principles-implies unity for selfish and petty desires or Ensuring Principle is the duty of Politician2) Wealth without work-implies extracting work with out wealth ( just pay) in other part of earth through force or utilizing ignorance of people.3) Pleasure without conscience-implies life animal which bears no responsibility to peace4) Knowledge with out character-implies knowledge misunderstood5) Commerce without morality-implies Money domination over workers6) Science with out Humanity-implies External Physical world superior to human values7) Worship without sacrifice-implies degraded GOD who could grant pleasure with out effortTrue democracy cannot be worked by twenty men sitting at the centre. It has to be worked from below by the people of every village.

    There must be labor unions right from agriculture, masons, carpentery to all types, union for children, youths, women, retired people, in every village to ensure active participation of themselves in Governing the state. Only then Self Rule could be established. In other words all must know of their duty to make Self Rule happen. .Duties First , Rights follow there with.

  • Gandhis campaign had weakened the British governments hold on the country, but with independence looming by 1947 , killings and riots raged between Hindus and Muslims.

    He even spoke to Nehru to give up his post of Prime Minister to Jinnah. But Partition was the only demand of the time. and was forced to agree because of the threat of civil war.It was decided to divide India into two separate countries - India and Pakistan. *Hindu Muslim riots which forced Gandhiji to accept partition.

    Over 10 million people were uprooted from their homeland and travelled on foot, bullock carts and trains to their promised new home.Gandhi fasted so that people would stop fighting. Without his fasting, it is probable that more people would have died in the riots of 1947. The Partition of Pakistan from India in 1947 broke Gandhis heart.

    YearHis Life19471947Aug. 15 Fasted and prayed to combat riots in Calcutta as India was partitioned and granted independence.1947Sept. Fasted for three days to stop communal violence in Calcutta.1947Sept. Visited Delhi and environs to stop rioting and to visit camps of refugees (Hindus and Sikhs from the Punjab).

  • *

    Village Swaraj is the essence of all his teachings & life. Peace lies in making things simple through village life. More the discipline , love & brother hood between man need for machine becomes insignificant. Automatically world will get reduced in to village.

    When men fail to communicate and compromise ,through heart , they make rules, regulations, guards, police forces, judges, courts, business trend, money accumulation due to fear, etc.

    As man develops , his heart & mind will be open to other men , that need of police, judges, courts, lawyers, military forces , machines, transports, will come to Nill. The Mans time & resources spent in Governing will reduce. The best government is one which governs less

    Gandhiji wanted such love & brother hood and al his actions to accommodate Muslims , muslim rights in India etc were not liked bt a group of Hindus who felt that Muslims should not be given so much Right s in India. Muslims feared that that Majority Hindus will ruin them and always conflicted to safeguard their Rights.This was the cause of Riots & finally Godse shot Ganhdiji on jan30 1948.

    YearHis Life19481948Jan. 13 Fasted for five days in Delhi for communal unity.1948Jan. 20 Bomb exploded in midst of his prayer meeting at Birla House, Delhi.1948Jan. 30 Assassinated in 79th year at Birla House by Nathuram Vinayak Godse.

  • Men are wealth , Not Gold & Silver: That country is the richest which nourishes the great number of noble and happy human beings.

    That man is richest who having perfected the functions of his own life to the utmost, has also the widest helpful influence, both personal and by means of his possessions over the lives of others.The final consummation of all wealth is in producing as many as possible full breathed bright eyed and happy hearted human beings and not gold and silver.But in capitalistic economics, labour is dealt with as a commodity to be bought or sold. It is completely detached of fundamental human consideration.*You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.

    Also Our remote ancestors were cannibals, wandering hunters killing creatures, then ashamed of their own living therefore took agriculture, founded villages, kingdoms, cities, towns, and became a member of family, then member of a community and religion and nation.Prophets and avatars have also taught the lesson of ahimsa.

    All these are signs of progressive ahimsa & diminishing Himsa and it has to progress towards it still further. If not progressing Mankind would have become extinct by this time.

    Industrialism ( power driven machines) has brought a new task to man in 20 th century. It is not war between rich , poor , capital & labor but war between humanity & machine. Machine should always be under service of humanity and bring peace to man. Else there shall be total injustice , breaching of human values , ethics resulting in poverty and immorality every where.

  • Gandhis ideas of non-violent protest - or trying to change unfair practices or laws without hurting anyone - have been used by important leaders in our country and around the world. In United States, the most famous example is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., when he joined others in the struggle for equal rights and justice for African Americans.

    He coined the word NON VIOLENCE and preached to whole world and created a new religion based on Ahimsa.

    *He lead a very honest life seeking Truth & God in all his actions, which enabled him to bear the below quotes.....

    Be the Change you want to see in the World!... My life is my Message

  • His life is an example of hard work , truthfulness, honest relations ship, leadership, sacrifice, self suffering, determination, ethics, morality, religious involvement , prideful & dutiful citizen of mother India.He is an embodiment of all goodness that he transformed lives of not millions or billions but the whole world for ever.

    Gandhiji is a genuine & true friend to all life's , souls in the world and beyond for infinite years yet to come. His Message has inspired us to work towards HUMANITY and shown us a clear path for it.

    *Whomsoever knows Gandhis principles could never do unjust action in any plane of life and People will get converted as a better being gradually. The ultimate message of Gandhiji is truth.For the quest of truth involves Tapas, self suffering . Truth is the Right designation of GOD and yield not Truth Unto parents , unto wife , unto friends, unto death even unto GOD. In such selfless search for Truth nobody can lose his bearings for Long. It is truthfulness and sacrifice which makes every relation , event , organization wise & divine .Presentation compiled byGandhi World Foundation.Web: Gandhiworld.inDedicated to India & Father of Our NationFirst Edition: Oct 2 013144 th birthday AnniversaryJAIHIND: Let all of us WORK towards National and human development and pride to be a Dutiful Citizen
