Download - Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun

Page 1: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun

Kurikulum ini berlaku untuk setiap unit semester 1

Standar Komptensi

Berkomunikasi secara lisan dan tertulis dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa yang sesuai

denga lancara dan akurat dalam wacana interaksional dan / atau monolog monolog pendek

terutama wacana yang berbentuk naratif, deskriptif dan recount sederhana.

Kompetensi Dasar : Kompetensi tindakan bahasa (actional competence)

1. Mendengarkan

Memahami wacana transaksional dan interpersonal ringan (misalnya, mengenalkan

diri, membeli buku, instruksi guru, memberi reaksi spontan) serta monolog lisan

pendek terutama yang berbentuk naratif, deskriptif dan recount sederhana.

2. Berbicara

Mengungkapkan berbagai makna (interpersonal/ideasional dalam wacana transaksional

dan/atau monolog lisan terutama dalam wacana berbentuk naratif, recount, dan

deksriptif sederhana)

3. Membaca

Memahami nuansa makna dan langkah-langkah pengembangan retorika di dalam teks

tertulis berbentuk deskriptif, naratif dan recount sederhana.

4. Menulis

Mengungkapkan nuansa makna dengan langkah-langkah pengembangan retorika yang

benar di dalam teks tertulis berbentuk naratif, recount, dan deskriptif sederhana.

Indikator : Merespon dengan benar tindak tutur di dalam1.1. Wacana transaksional/interpersonal seperti :

- Sapaan dari orang yang belum/sudah dikenal

- Ajakan orang lain

- Ungkapan terima kasih dari orang lain

- Pernyataan orang lain yang memberi informasi/jasa

- Perintah atau larangan

- Penyangkalan orang lain

- Permintaan dan pemberian informasi berupa fakta

- Permintaan dan pemberian informasi atas jasa/barang

- Permintaan dan pemberian informasi pendapat

1.2. Wacana monolog

- naratif (orientasi > evaluasi > komplikasi > resolusi > reorientasi)


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1.3. Merespon dengan melakukan perintah yang diucapkan guru

1.4. Menulis ungkapan-ungkapan komunikatif yang diucapkan guru (diction) dengan ejaan

dan tanda baca yang benar

2.1. Melakukan berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan transaksional dan atau

interpersonal seperti

- menyapa yang belum/sudah dikenal

- mengajak orang lain melakukan sesuatu

- mengungkapkan terima kasih

- meminta maaf

- meminta/memberi informasi/jasa/barang

- menyatakan sesuatu

- memerintah atau melarang

- memberi aba-aba

- mengungkapkan tindak tutur yang menyertai kegiatan fisik di kelas (language

accompanying action)

- mengungkapkan tindak tutur dalam dialog sederhana terdiri atas dua atau tiga

pertukaran peran

- merespon secara interpersonal menggunakan Is it? Do you? Aren't you? dsb.

- meminta dan memberi informasi faktual

- memberi empati

- mempertanyakan sesuatu

2.2. Mendeskripsikan benda, orang atau tempat secara sederhana

2.3. Melakukan monolog dalam bentuk :

- naratif (orientasi, evaluasi, komplikasi, resolusi, reorientasi)

- deskriptif (klasifikasi umum. > deksripsi)

3.1. Mengidentifikasi main ideas

3.2. Mengidentifikasi informasi faktual.

3.3. Mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah retorika (interpersonal meaning) di dalam

wacana-wacaan berikut ini

- deskriptif ( umum deskriptif)

- naratif (orientasi, evaluasi, komplikasi, resolusi, reorientasi)

3.4. Menulis kalimat fungsional sederhana

3.5. Menghasilkan teksteks berbentuk : naratif, deskriptif


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Task 1

Complete the following incomplete senteces by listening to the teacher reading the

complete ones !

I am Mr. 1. ____________________

I am an English 2. ____________________

I am 50 years 3. ____________________

I live on Apple 4. ____________________ No. 19

My 5. ____________________ is Heryani.

She is a 6. ____________________

We have one 7. ____________________ an two sons

The first one is a 8. ____________________ student

The second one is a son. He is a 9. ____________________ high School student

The third one is also a son. He is an 10. ____________________ student

I teach you English 11. ____________________ a week

I do it every 12. ____________________ and 13. ____________________

I usually go to school on 14 ____________________

It makes me 15. ____________________

Task 2 : Discuss the answers in paris !

Task 3 : Confirm the answer !


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Task 4 :Complete the followong incomplete sentences by listening to the teacher

Reading the complete ones !

I am 1. ____________________

I am 13 years of 2. ____________________

I am an SMP Indonesia Raya 3. ____________________

I am in the 7th 4. ____________________

I 5. ____________________ on Organge Street No. 9

My father is a 6. ____________________

My mother is a 7. ____________________

I have one 8. ____________________ brother

I have one 9. ____________________ sister

They are students of 10. _________________ school.

Task 5 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 6 : Confirm the answer !

Task 7 : Complete the following incomplete senteces by listening to the teacher

reading the complete ones !

My 1. _______________ is Ali

I am 13 years 2. ____________________

I 3. _____________ a student of SMP Indonesia Raya

I am 4. ___________ the 7th grade now.

I live on 5. ___________ street No. 29

My father is a 6. ___________

My mother is a 7. ___________

I have one elder 8. ___________

I have one elder 9. ___________

They are 10. ___________ of a University.

Task 8 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 9 : Confirm the answers !

Task 10 : Write your personal identity by completing the following sentences !

I want to introduce myself

My name is 1. ___________4

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I am a student of MTs 2. ___________

I am in the 3. ___________ grade of MTs now.

I like 4. ___________ very much

I live on 5. ___________ street

I live there with my 6. ___________

My father is a/an 7. ___________

My mother is a/an 8. ___________

I have 9. ___________ brother (s).

I have 10. ___________ sister (s)

Task 11 : Discuss the answer in pairs !

Task 12 : Condirm the answer !


Task 13 : Tell again about yourself without looking to your notes !

Task 14 : Confirm the answers !

Task 15 : Study the following dialogue then answer the question that follow !

Ani : Good morning, Ali, How are you ?

Ali : Good morning, I am fine, thank you

Ani : Ali, this is my new friend, Nina

Ali : How do you do ?

Nina : how do you do ?

Ali : Are you a new student here ?

Nina : Yes, I am, I am from Tasikmalaya.

Ali : Why doyou move to our SMP Indonesia Raya Bandung ?

Nina : My father has just been promoted to be the manager of the ASTRA Company

in Bandung. We all have to move to Bandung.5

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Ali : That’s great. Congratulations.

Nina : Thank you.

Ali : you are welcome. Nice talking with you.

Nina : Nice talking with you, too

Ani : We still have 15 minutes before the bell rings. How about hoing to the library ?

Nina : The bell rings at 7, doesn’t it ?

Ani : Yes, it does. Shall we go now ?

Nina : All right.

1. When does the dialogue happen ?


2. Where does the dialogue take palce ?


3. Has Ani known Ali before ?


4. Has Ali known Nina before ?


5. What does “Ali, this is my new friend, Nina.” Express ?


6. Mention some other expressions similar to “Ali, this is my new friend, Nina.” !


7. If you are introduced to someone, what will you say ?


Task 16 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 17 : Confirm the answers !

Task 18 :

Read and study again the following dialogue then answer the questions !

Ani : Good morning, Ali, How are you ?

Ali : Good morning, I am fine, thank you

Ani : Ali, this is my new friend, Nina

Ali : How do you do ?

Nina : how do you do ?

Ali : Are you a new student here ?


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Nina : Yes, I am, I am from Tasikmalaya.

Ali : Why doyou move to our SMP Indonesia Raya Bandung ?

Nina : My father has just been promoted to be the manager of the ASTRA Company

in Bandung. We all have to move to Bandung.

Ali : That’s great. Congratulations.

Nina : Thank you.

Ali : you are welcome. Nice talking with you.

Nina : Nice talking with you, too

Ani : We still have 15 minutes before the bell rings. How about hoing to the

library ?

Nina : The bell rings at 7, doesn’t it ?

Ani : Yes, it does. Shall we go now ?

Nina : All right.

1. Where is Nina from ?


2. Why does she move to SMP Indonesia Raya Bandung ?


3. Who has just been promoted to be the manager of the ASTRA Company ?


4. What time does the dialogue happen ?


5. What does “How about going to the library?” express ?


6. Find out in the dialogue above an expression similar to “How about going to the



7. Find out other expressions that you know smiliar to “How about going to the



Task 19 : Discuss the answers in groups of three !

Task 20 : Confirm the answer !


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Task 21 : Write your own dialogue based on the situation given !

Don’t in groups of three !

Situation :

1. Greets Tia

2. Introduces Oni to Tia

1. Greets Tio

2. Greets Oni

3. Asks Oni where he is


4. Asks Oni where he lives

5. Expresses happiness to

met him

1. –

2. Responds Tia

3. Tells Tia where he’s


4. Tells Tia where he lives

5. Expresses happiness to

meet her

Tio : _____________________________________

Tia : _____________________________________

Tio : _____________________________________

Tia : _____________________________________

Oni : _____________________________________

Tia : _____________________________________

Oni : _____________________________________

Tia : _____________________________________

Oni : _____________________________________

Tia : _____________________________________

Oni : _____________________________________

Task 22 : Perform the dialogue in fornt of the class in groups of three !

Task 23 : Read and study again the following dialogue then answer the questions !


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Ani : Good morning, Ali, How are you ?

Ali : Good morning, I am fine, thank you

Ani : Ali, this is my new friend, Nina

Ali : How do you do ?

Nina : how do you do ?

Ali : Are you a new student here ?

Nina : Yes, I am, I am from Tasikmalaya.

Ali : Why doyou move to our SMP Indonesia Raya Bandung ?

Nina : My father has just been promoted to be the manager of the ASTRA Company

in Bandung. We all have to move to Bandung.

Ali : That’s great. Congratulations.

Nina : Thank you.

Ali : you are welcome. Nice talking with you.

Nina : Nice talking with you, too

Ani : We still have 15 minutes before the bell rings. How about hoing to the library ?

Nina : The bell rings at 7, doesn’t it ?

Ani : Yes, it does. Shall we go now ?

Nina : All right.

1. What do the following word refer to ?

a. You (line 1) : _________________

b. I (line 2) : _________________

c. My (line 3) : _________________

d. You (line 6) : _________________

e. I (line 7) : _________________

f. My (line 9) : _________________

g. We (line 15) : _________________

h. It (line 16) : _________________

2. What does “Thank you” express ?_______________________________

3. Mention some other expressions similar to “Thank you” !_______________________________

4. What does “You are welcome” express ?_______________________________

5. Mention some other expressions similar to “You are welcome” !_______________________________


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Task 24 : Discuss the answers in groups of three !

Task 25 : Confirm the answers !

Task 26 : Read and memorize the dialogue above then perform it in front of the


Do it in groups of three !

Task 27 : Complete the following dialogue using your own words !

Tono : Hi, 1. ________________, Tini

Tini : Good afternoon. How are you ?

Tono : 2. ________________ And you ?

Tini : I’m fine, too

Tono : Shall we go home together ?

Tini : 3. ________________ Thanks for accompanying me to go home with you

Tono : 4. ________________

Tini : How is the result of your English test ?

Tono : Well, I got ten.

Tini : Really ? That’s great. 5. ________________

Tono : Thank you.

Task 28 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 29 : Perform the dialogue in front of the class in pairs !

Task 30 : Write your own dialogue based on the situation given !

Do it in pairs !

Situation :

You come late to school bacause your mother is ill and you have to prepare breaksfast for

your family. You knock at the door of your classroom. You say sorry to your teacher


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because of your lateness. Your teacher asks you why you come late and you tell him the

reason why. Finally you teacher lets you sit on your seat. You say thank you to him.








Task 31 : Perform the dialogue in front of the class in pairs !


Task 32 : Aswer the following question !

1. What is your name ?


2. What is your father’s name ?


3. What is your mother’s name ?


4. How many brothers and sisters do you have ?


Task 33 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 34 : Confirm the answers !

Task 35 : Read the following text carefully then answer the questions that follow !

I am Mr. Suryana. Heryani I my wife. We have three children. The first one is a daughter.

Her name is Yani She is a university student. The second one is a son. His name is Rabba.

He is an SMA Student. The third one is also a son. He is an elementary school student. His

name is Rifal.

1. How many children do Mr. and Mrs. Suryana have ?


2. What is Mrs. Suryana’s name ?



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3. Who is the eldest child of Mr. and Mrs. Suryana ?


4. Where does Rabba study ?


5. What does the suitable title for the text above ?


Task 36 : Discuss the answers in pairs ?

Task 37 : Confirm the answers !

Task 38 : What d the following words refer to ?

1. My (line 1) : _____________________

2. We (line 1) : _____________________

3. She (line 2) : _____________________

4. He (line 3) : _____________________

Task 39 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 40 : Confirm the answers !

Task 41 : Complete the following passage with your own words !

My father’s name is 1. _____________________

He is 2. _____________________

He is a/an 3. _____________________ years old

His wife’s name is 4. _____________________

She is also my 5. _____________________

She is 6. _____________________ years of age.

We live on 7. ___________________ Street.

I have 8. ___________________ brother (s) and

9. _________________ sister (s).

We are a 10. _______________ family

Task 42 : Discuss the answer in pairs !

Task 43 : Confirm tha answers !


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Task 44 : Complete the following sentences based on the picture given !

Ali : Hello, I’m ali

Ani : Hi, my 1. ________________ is Ani

Ali : I am an SMP 2. ________________

Ani : I am thirteen year 3. ____________________

Ali : I am thirteen yaar of 4. ___________________

Ani : I am at the seventh 5. _____________ os SMP

Ali : I love English very much.

Task 45 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 46 : Confirm the answers !

Task 47 : Complete the following dialogue based on the picture given !

Mr. Suryana : Good morning, student ?

Student : 1. ________________________, Sir

Mr. Suryana : How are you ?

Student : 2. _________________ and you ?

Mr. Suryana : I am fine, too. This is your 3. _________________ friend.

Student : How do you do ?

Oni : 4. ___________________ ?13

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Student : 5. ___________________

Oni : My name is Oni.

Task 48 :Discuss the answers in group of four !

Task 49 : Confirm the answer !

Task 50 : Answer the following questions briefly !

1. What’s your name ? ___________________________

2. How old are you ? ___________________________

3. What grade are you now ? ___________________________

4. What is your favourite subject in your school ?


5. What is your father’s name ? _______________________

6. What is he ? ____________________________________

7. What is your mother’s name ? ____________________________

8. What is she ? ________________________________

9. How many brothers and sisters do you have ?


10. Where do you live ?


Task 51 : Discuss the answer in pairs ?

Task 52 : Confirm the answer !

Task 53 : Complete the following passage using your own data !

My name is 1. ____________ I am a student of SMP 2. _____________________ I am in

the seventh 3. ______________ now. I like 4. _________________ because it is an

international language. We can communicate with people if we master it. I live on

5. __________________ Street. I live there with my 6. ________________ My father’s

name is 7. ___________________ He is a/an 8. _________ He works very hard for the

family. I love him so much. My mother’s name is 9. ____________________ she is a/an

10. ____________________ She always prepares the meals for the family. We love her

very much.

Task 54 : Discuss the answers in groups of four !

Task 55 : Confirm the answer !


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Task 1

Answer the questions based on the picture given !

1. What picture is it ?


2. Is it a governement school or a private one ?


3. Where is it located ?


4. How long do the students normally study at the SMP ?


Task 2 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 3 :Confirm the answers !

Task 4 : Complete the following incomplete passage by listening to the teacher

reading the complete one !

Our school is SMP Indonesia Raya. It is 1. _______ on Jalan Soekarno – Hatta no. 45

Bandung. It is a 2. ________ school. It has two 3. ________ It has a clean school. 4.

________ in the middle of the building. Each 5._________ of class has ten classrooms.

The other rooms are a headmaster’s room, a staff’s room, a teacher’s room, a 6. ________

laboratory, a 7. ________ laboratory, a 8. ________________ laboratory, a 9. _________,


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a sport hall, a 10. ______ room, three canteens and ten toilets.

Task 5 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 6 Confirm the answer !

Task 7 : Read again the complete passage carefully then answer the questions !

1. How many floors does the school have ?


2. Where is the school yard located ?


3. How many classrooms does the school have ?


4. Mention them !


Task 8 : Discuss the answer in pairs !

Task 9 : Confirm them answer !

Task 10 : Write ten things that you can find in your classroom !

1. ___________________________________

2. ___________________________________

3. ___________________________________

4. ___________________________________

5. ___________________________________

6. ___________________________________

7. ___________________________________

8. ___________________________________

9. ___________________________________

10. ___________________________________

Task 11 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 12 : Confirm the answers !

Task 13 : Write them names of the pictures given by listening to the teacher reading

each sentence one by one !


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This is a ……………… This is a ……………

This is a ……………… This is a ……………

Task 14 : Discuss the answer in pairs !

Task 15 : Confirm Tha answer


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Task 19 : Complette the following incomplete short dialogues


Ani : What is this ?

Ali : Ii is a ………..


Ali : What is that ?

Ani : It is a ……………..


Tia : Who is this ?

Ani : It is ………


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Oni : Who is that ?

Ali : It is

Task 17 : Discuss the answer in pairs !

Task 18 : Confirm the answer !

Task 19 : Answer the following questions !

1. What is your English teacher’s name ?


2. How old is he / she ?


3. How many times does he/she teach you in a week ?


Task 20 : Discuss the answer in pairs !

Task 21 : Confirm the answers !

Task 22 : Study the following dialogue then answer the questions that follow !


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Ali : Good Morning, Sir.

Mr. Suryana : Good morning.

Ali : I am sorry for my coming late

Mr. Suryana : Why are you late ?

Ali : I woke up late.

Mr. Suryana : Why did you wake up late ?

Ali : I watched television until in the midle of the night.

Mr. Suryana : Don’t do it again, please !

Ali : I won’t, Sir. I Promise

Mr. Suryana : Have a seat, please !

Ali : Thank you.

1. When does the dialogue happen ?


2. Where does the dialogue take place ?


3. Why does Ali say sorry to Mr. Suryana ?


4. Why is Ali late to school ?


5. What does “I’m sorry for my coming late” express?


6. Mention some other expressions similar to “I am sorry for my coming late” !




Task 23 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 24 : Confirm the answers !

Task 25 : Read again the dialogue more carefuly than before then answer the

questions !

Ali : Good Morning, Sir.

Mr. Suryana : Good morning.

Ali : I am sorry for my coming late


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Mr. Suryana : Why are you late ?

Ali : I woke up late.

Mr. Suryana : Why did you wake up late ?

Ali : I watched television until in the midle of the night.

Mr. Suryana : Don’t do it again, please !

Ali : I won’t, Sir. I Promise

Mr. Suryana : Have a seat, please !

Ali : Thank you.

1. Why did Ali wake up late ?


2. What does Mr. Suryana forbid Ali to do ?


3. What does “Don’t do it again, please!” express ?


4. Mention some other expressions similar to “Don’t do it again, please” !




5. What does “Have a seat, please!” express ?


6. Mention some other expressions similar to “I am sorry for my coming late” !




Task 26 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 27 : Confirm the answer !

Task 28 : Perform the dialotue in pairs in front of the class !

Task 29 Write your own dialogue based on the picture and situation given !

Do it in pairs !


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Situation :

You are doing your homework with your friend. You’ve just broken your friend’s ruler.












Task 30 : Confirm the answer !

Task 31 Perform the dialogue in front of the class !


Task 32 : answer the following questions briefly !

1. Is your school far from your house ?\


2. How do you usually go to your school ?


3. How long does it take ?


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4. What is your favourite subject ?


5. How many times do you have it in a week ?


Task 33 : Disscuss the answeres in pairs !

Task 34 : Confirm the answers !

Task 35 : Look at this time table for Monday and complete the sentences given !

No Time Subject

1 07.00 – 07.45 Flag Ceremony

2 07.45 – 08.30 Indonesian

3 08.30 – 09.15 Indonesian


4 09.30 – 10.15 English

5 10.15 – 11.00 English


6 11.15 – 12.00 Mathematics

7 12.00 – 12.45 Mathematics

1. The first period is for ________________

2. The second and the third periods are for ___________________

3. The first break is between _________ and ______________

4. English is in the _________ and ________ periods.

5. The second break is between _____________ and ________________

6. The sixh and seventh periods are for __________________

7. Each period has ____________ minutes.

8. The duration of each break is ___________________ minutes.

9. Each day has ___________________ break except on Friday.

10. Each day has ________________ periods except on Friday.

Task 36 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 37 : Confirm the answers !23

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Task 38 : Look at this time table for Friday then answer the questions given !

No Time Subject

1 07.00 – 07.45 English

2 07.45 – 08.30 English

3 08.30 – 09.15 History


4 09.30 – 10.15 Religion

5 10.15 – 11.00 Religion

1. How many periods do the students have on Friday ?


2. How many minutes does the English teacher teach his students ?


3. When do the students have a History Lesson ?


4. How many minutes do they have it ?


5. When do the students have a Religion Lesson ?


6. How many times of break do the students have on Friday ?


Task 39 : Discuss the answers in groups of four !

Task 40 : Conform the answers !

Task 41 : Read the following text carefully then answer the question !

Our classroom is 7 A. it is near the computer room. It has a door and for windows. It is

large. It is located in the first floor. The floor of our classroom is always clean. The wall is

white. It has a whitehboard and a cupboard in front of the class. There are pictures of our

President and Vice President on the wall above the whiteboard. There are twenty desks for

forty students. The teacher’s table is in front of the classroom. It is behind the whitboard.

There is also an Indoensian map on the wall at the back of the classroom. We like our

classroom very much.


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1. What is the name of the classroom ?


2. What is near the classroom ?


3. How many doors does it have ?


4. How many windows does it have ?


5. What is the colour of the wall of your classroom ?


6. Where are the whiteboard and the cupboard ?


7. Where are the pictures of the President and the Vice President ?


8. How many desks are there in the classroom ?


9. How many students are there in the classroom ?


10. What is in front of the whiteboard ?


Task 24 : Discuss the answers in group of four !

Task 43 : Confirm the answers !

Task 44 : Write everything you know about your classroom !

Do it in groups of four !



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Task 45 : Confirm the answer !

Task 46 : Read again the following text more carefully than before then match the

words is Column A taken form the text with their meaning in Column B !

Our classroom is 7 A. it is near the computer room. It has a door and for windows. It is

large. It is located in the first floor. The floor of our classroom is always clean. The wall is

white. It has a whitehboard and a cupboard in front of the class. There are pictures of our

President and Vice President on the wall above the whiteboard. There are twenty desks for

forty students. The teacher’s table is in front of the classroom. It is behind the whitboard.

There is also an Indoensian map on the wall at the back of the classroom. We like our

classroom very much.


1. Near a. Di belakang

2. Large b. Putih

3. Clean c. Di atas

4. White d. Dekat

5. Above e. Bersih

6. Behind f. Besar

1. ………………… 4. …………………

2. ………………… 5. …………………

3. ………………… 6. …………………

Task 47 : Discuss the answers in paris !

Task 48 : Confirm the answers !

Task 49 : Write your own sentences using the words in Column A !

1. ________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________________________

Task 50 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 51 : Confirm the answers !


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Task 52 : Arrange the following jumbled letters to become the correct English words!

1. Kobo :

2. Hirca :

3. Pam :

4. Lebat :

5. Resare :

6. Sked :

7. Crutipe :

8. Credanel :

9. Clinep :

10. Morfinu :

11. Cheerat :

12. Dentsut :

13. Crodot :

14. Sneur :

15. Lipup :

16. Stendit :

17. Redilos :

18. Remraf :

19. Ploit :

20. Drevir :

Task 53 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 54 : Confirm the answers !

Task 55 : Arrange the following jumbled words to become the correct English

senteces !

1. An – Mr. Suryana – techer – is – English


2. Student – new – Nina – is – a


3. SMP Indonesia Raya – are – of – we – students


4. Now – they – English – studying – are


5. Very – our – is – classroom – clean


6. a – My – is – farmen – father


7. Your – nurse – a – s – mother


8. White – The - wall – is


9. Doctor – sister – is – His – a


Page 28: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun


10. A – is – son – dentist – her


Task 56 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 57 : Confirm the answers !

Task 58 : Write ten sentences about your school !








Task 59 : Discuss the answer in pairs !

Task 60 : Confir the answer !


Page 29: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun




Task 1

Answer the following questions briefly !

1. What’s your name ?


2. What’s your father’s name ?


3. What’s your mother’s name ?


4. How many brothers and sisters do you have ?


Task 2 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 3 : Confirm the answers !

Task 4 : Complete the following incomplete passage by listening

I am Mr. Suryana I am an English 1. ________ at SMP Indonesia Raya bandung.

I teach english 2. ________ a week. I have been teaching English for twenty five years. I

am fifty years old now. My 3. _____ is heryani. She is a housewife. She is forty five years

of age.


Page 30: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun

We have three 4. _______ The first child is a 5. ______ her name is Yani. She is a 6.

_________ students. She is twenty years old. The second one is a son. His name is Rabba.

He is an SMA student. He 7. _________ at SMA 10 Bandung. He is at the 8. _______

grade of the Social Departement. He is seventeen years old. The 9. ________ is Rifal. He

is 10._________ years of age. He is an elementary student class three.

Task 5 : Discuss the answers in groups of four !

Task 6 : Confirm the answer !

Task 7 : Read the complete passage on Task 4 then choose the best alternative given !

1. What is Mr. Suryana ?

a. A student c. A pilot

b. A teacher d. A doctor

2. How old is he now ?

a. 17 c. 45

b. 20 d. 50

3. What is his wife’s name ?

a. Heryani c. Rabba

b. Yani d. Rifal

4. What is Mrs. Suryana ?

a. A teacher c. A nurse

b. A student d. A housewife

5. How old is she now ?

a. 17 c. 45

b. 20 d. 50

6. How many children do Mr. and Mrs. Suryana have ?

a. 1 c. 3

b. 2 d. 4

7. What does the second paragraph tell us ?

a. Mr. and Mrs. Suryana’s job c. Mrs. Suryana

b. Mr. and Mrs. Suryana’ children d. Mr. Suryana

8. Who is the eldest child ?

a. Heryani c. Rabba

b. Yani d. Rifal


Page 31: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun

9. Who is the youngest child ?

a. Heryani c. Rabba

b. Yani d. Rifal

10. What is the suitable title for the text above ?

a. A Small Family c. A Happy Family

b. A Big Family d. Mr. Suryana’s Family

Task 8 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 9 : Confirm the answer !

Task 10 : Complete the following incomplete passage by listening to the teacher

reading the complete one !

This is Mr. Sesep. He is a 1. ________ man. He is forty five years of age. He is

Mr.Suryana’s 2. _______ He is Yani’s 3. _______ His wife is Kusti. She is also forty five

years old. She is Yani’s 4. _______ She is a 5. ______ woman. Mr. Sesep is her 6.

________ She has a big 7. _______ Mr. and Mrs. Sesep have only daughter. Her name is

Septi. She is twenty five years old. She is a 8. ______ She works at a big 9. ______ in

Jakarta. Every 10. ______ likes her very much because of her kindness.

Task 11 : Discuss the answers in groups of four !

Task 12 : Confirm the answers !

Task 13 : Read the complete passage of Task 10 then answer the following questions !


Page 32: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun

1. What is Mr. Sesep ?


2. How old is he ?


3. What is his wife’s name ?


4. How many children do Mr. and Mrs. Sesep have ?


5. What is Septi ?


6. Where does she work ?


Task 14 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 15 : Confirm the answers !

Task 16 : Match the words taken form the passage in Column A with their antonyms in

Column B !


1. Old

2. Brother

3. Uncle

4. Wife

5. Woman

6. Big

7. Daughter

8. Patient

a. Aunt

b. Man

c. Doctor

d. Young

e. Son

f. Sister

g. Husband

h. small

1. ________________

2. ________________

3. ________________

4. ________________

5. ________________

6. ________________

7. ________________

8. ________________

Task 17 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 18 : Confirm the answers !

Task 19 : Write your own sentences using the words in Column A !


Page 33: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun

1. __________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________

6. __________________________________________________________

7. __________________________________________________________

8. __________________________________________________________

Task 20 : Discuss the answer in groups of four !

Task 21 : Confirm the answer !


Task 22 : Tell your teacher and friends everything about your family !

Task 23 : Confirm the answer !

Task 24 : Study the following dialogue then answer the questions that follow !

Tia : Why didn’t you come to my birthday party last night ?

Nina : I’m sorry, Tia. I had a lot of homework to do.

Tia : Look ! My father gave me this diamond ring.

Nina : Wow, it’s really beatirful.


Page 34: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun

Tia : I like it very much.

Nina : Congratulation

Tia : Thank you.

Nina : It’s a nice Sunday morning, isn’t it ?

Tia : That’s rigth. Come on in.

Nina : Thanks.

1. When does the dialogue happen ?


2. Where is it ?


3. When was Tia’s birthday held ?


4. Why didn’t Nina come to her birthday ?


5. What did Tia’s father give her on her birthday ?


6. Does Tia like it ?


Task 25 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 26 : Confirm the answer !

Task 27 : Read again the dialogue more carefully than before then answer the

questions !

Tia : Why didn’t you come to my birthday party last night ?

Nina : I’m sorry, Tia. I had a lot of homework to do.

Tia : Look ! My father gave me this diamond ring.

Nina : Wow, it’s really beatirful.

Tia : I like it very much.

Nina : Congratulation

Tia : Thank you.

Nina : It’s a nice Sunday morning, isn’t it ?

Tia : That’s rigth. Come on in.


Page 35: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun

Nina : Thanks.

1. What does “Look!” express ?


2. Mention some other expressions similar to “Look!” !



3. What does “My father gave me this diamond ring.” Express ?


4. Mention some other expressions similar to “My father gave me this diamond.”!



5. What does “Wow, it’s really beautiful.” Express ?


6. Mention some other expressions similar to “Wow, it’s really beautiful.” !



7. What does “I like it very much” express ?


8. Mention some other expressions similar to “I like it very much “ !



9. What does “Congratulation” express ?


10. Mention some other expressions similar to “Congratulation” !



Task 28 : Discuss the answers in groups of four !

Task 29 : Confirm the answer ?

Task 30 : Perform the dialogue in pairs in front of the class !

Task 31 : Write your own dialogue with your partner based on the situation given !

Situation :

You come to your friend’s house after school to know why he/she didn’t come to school


Page 36: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun

this morning. You ask him / her why. He / she gives the reason that he / she had to

accompany his / her mother to go to the doctor. She is ill. You say sorry to him / her. He /

she says thanks.

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Task 32 : Confirm the answer !Task 33 : Perform the dialogue in pairs in front of the class !

READINGTask 34 : Describe the pictures given using your own sentences !


Task 35 : Discuss the answers in groups of four !

Task 36 : Confirm the answers !

Task 37 : Read the text carefully then write T for the correct statements and F for the


Page 37: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun

Wrong ones !

Mr. Sahrils Family

There are six people in Mr. Sahril’s Family. There are Mr. Sahril, Mrs. Sahril and

their four children. The eldest child is Silvi. She is the only daughter in the family. Evan,

Bembi and Egi are their sons.

Mr. Sahril is a business man. He is 55 years old. His wife is Fatia. She is 50 years

of age. She is a haridresser. She has a big beauty saloon in Bandung. She works there from

8 a.m. to 5 p.m. She is so busy because she has many customers.

Silvia 25 years. She is a banker. She works at an International bank in Bandung.

She works very hard. She goes to work by car. She doesn’t drive her car herself because

she has a careful driver. His name is Mr. Oshin. He is 50 years old. Evan is the second

child. He is a university student. He is 20 years old. Bembi is 10 and Egi is 8. They are

students of an Elementary School.

Mr. and Mrs. Sahril love their children very much. Silvi, Evan, Bembi and Egi also

love their parents. They are happy family.


1. Mr. and Mrs. Sahril have six children.

2. Mr. Sahril is older than Mrs. Sahril.

3. Mr. Sahril is a teacher.

4. Mr. and Mrs. Sahril have two daughters and two sons.

5. Mrs. Sahril is a hairdresser.

6. Silvi is a student at a Bank Institute.

7. Silvi drives her car herself to the Bank.

8. Mr. oshin is as old as Mrs. Sahril.

9. Evan is not a SMA student any more.

10. Bembi and Egi are twins.

Task 38 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 39 : Confirm the answers !

Task 40 : Draw a family tree of Mr. Sahril’s Family !


1.1. 2.2. 3.3. 4.4.

Page 38: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun

Task 41 : Discuss the anwer in pairs !

Task 42 : Confirm the answers !


Task 43 : Write ten things that you can find in your home !

1. ________________

2. ________________

3. ________________

4. ________________

5. ________________

6. ________________

7. ________________

8. ________________

9. ________________

10. ________________

Task 44 : Discuss the answer in pairs !

Task 45 : Confirm the answer s!

Task 46 : Write the names of the pictures under them !


Page 39: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun

Task 47 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 48 : Confirm the answers !

Task 49 : Write ten animals that you can find around your home !

1. ________________

2. ________________

3. ________________

4. ________________

5. ________________

6. ________________

7. ________________

8. ________________

9. ________________

10. ________________

Task 50 : Discuss the anwers in pairs !

Task 51 : Confirm the answer !

Task 52 : Write the names of the animals under their pictures !


Page 40: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun

Task 53 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 54 : Confirm the answer !

Task 55 : Complete the following incomplete passage using your own words !

My Family

Hello ! My name is ________ I am _________ years old. There are ________ people in

my family. My. Father’s name is ________ and my mother’s is _______

My father is a/an __________. My mother is a /n ________. I have _______ brother (s)

and _________ sister(s). we live on _________ street No. ______

Task 56 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 57 : Confirm the answer !


Page 41: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun




Task 1

Answer the following questions briefly !

1. What’s your name ?


2. What are you ?


3. What is your father ?


4. What is your mother ?


5. What do you want to be in a future time ?


Task 2 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 3 : Confirm the answers !

Task 4 : Write the sentences that the teacher will read them for you only once !

1. ___________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________________

7. ___________________________________________________

8. ___________________________________________________

9. ___________________________________________________

10. ___________________________________________________

Task 5 : Discuss the answer in groups of four !

Task 6 : Confim the answers !

Task 7 : Write again the sentences that the teacher will read them for you three


Page 42: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun


1. ___________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________________

7. ___________________________________________________

8. ___________________________________________________

9. ___________________________________________________

10. ___________________________________________________

Task 8 : Discuss the answers in groups of four !

Task 9 : Confirm the answers !

Task 10 : What are they ?

3. He is a _____________ 4. He is a ______________


Page 43: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun

9. He is a _____________ 10. He is a ______________

Task 11 : Discuss the answers in groups of four !

Task 12 : Confirm the answers !


Page 44: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun

SPEAKINGTask 13 : Describe the picture by telling them in front of the class. Say each picture in at least three sentences !

Task 14 : Confirm the answers !Task 15 : Tell your teacher and friends about your father’s job and his office !Task 16 : Confirm the answer !Task 17 : Tell your teacher and friends about your mother’s job and her office !Task 18 : Confirm the answer !

READINGTask 19Arrange the letters to become the correct words of English !

1. Practener : _______________

2. Claimpeon : _______________

3. Streecray : _______________

4. Stopnam : _______________

5. Straiwes : _______________

6. Brainliar : _______________

7. Chaincem : _______________

8. Brebra : _______________

9. Criticleane : _______________

10. Fraimne : _______________

Task 20 : Discuss the answer in pairs !

Task 21 Confirm the answer !

Task 22 : Read the text carefully then choose the best alternative given !


Page 45: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun

I am Rifal. I am eight years old. I am an elementary students. I was born in Tasikmalaya.

My father is a teacher. He teaches English at SMP Indonesia Raya. He is fifty years old.

He was born in Jakarta. My mother is a housewife. She is very kind to everybody. She

always prepares the meals for the family. She was born in Garut. My undle is a business

man. He has a big company in Bandung. He work hard everyday. His wife always helps

him finish the jobs on time. She is his secretary.

1. What is Rifal ?

a. A teacher c. A secretary

b. A student d. A business man

2. Who has a big company ?

a. Rifal c. Rifal’s mother

b. Rifa’s father d. Rifal’s uncle

3. Who is a teacher ?

a. Rifals aunt c. Rifal’s mother

b. Rifal’s father d. Rifal’s uncle

4. What is Rifal’s aunt ?

a. A teacher c. A secretary

b. A student d. A housewife

5. Where is Rifal’s uncle’s company ?

a. Tasikmalaya c. Bandung

b. Jakarta d. Garut

6. “My father is a teacher.” The word My refers to ….

a. Rifal c. Mother

b. Father d. aunt

7. “He teaches English at SMP Indonesia Raya.” The word He refers to …

a. Rifal’s mother c. Rifal’s teacher

b. Rifal’s aunt d. Rifal’s brother

8. “She always prepares the meals for the family.” The word She refers to …

a. Rifal’s mother c. Rifal’s teacher

b. Rifal’s aunt d. Rifal’s sister


Page 46: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun

9. “He has a big company in Bandung. “The word He refers to ….

a. Rifal c. Rifal’s uncle

b. Rifal’s father d. Rifal’s brother

10. “She is his secretary. “The word She refers to …..

a. Rifal’s mother c. Rifal’s teacher

b. Rifal’s aunt d. Rifal’s sister

Task 23 : Discuss the answer in pairs !

Task 24 : Confirm the answer !

Task 25 : match the words in Column A with their meanings in Column B !


1. Plumber

2. Barber

3. Mechanic

4. Fireman

5. Carpenter

6. Librarian

7. Surgeon

8. Dentist

9. Soldier

10. Cook

a. Montir

b. Juru masak

c. Dokter bedah

d. Pustakawan

e. Tentara

f. Tukang ledeng

g. Pemadam kebakaran

h. Tukang kayu

i. Tukang pangkas rambut

j. Dokter gigi

Task 26 : Discuss the answer in pairs !

Task 27 : Confirm the answers !


Task 28 : Write the correct professions for the following stantements !

1. You go to this person if you have toothache.


2. This person cuts your hair then you give him some money for his work.


3. This person usually works in hospital.46

Page 47: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun


4. You go to this person when you problems with your car.


5. This person works in a library.


6. This person serves you in a restaurant.


7. This person delivers letters to your home


8. You go to this person if you have problems with the electricity in your home.


9. This person serves you in a plane but she is not a pilot.


10. This person writes for a newspaper or a magazine


Task 29 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 30 : Confirm the answers !

Task 31 : Arrange the following sentences to form a good paragraph !

1. All the students at school like him very much.

2. His name is Mr. Suryana.

3. He is a good teacher.

4. Rifal’s father is a teacher

5. He teeaches at SMP Indonesia Raya.

Task 32 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 33 : Confirm the answers !

Task 34 : Complete the passage by changing the pictures with their professions !


Page 48: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun

Rina’s father is a 1. ___________

He works at a big hospital

He goes to work by car.

Mr. Budi is his 2. ______________________

Her mother is a 3. ________________

She teaches Mathematics

Her grandfather is a 4. _________________

He is very strong. Her eldest brother is a 5. __________

He is very diligent

Task 35 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 36 : Confirm the answers !


Page 49: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun






Task 1 : Fill in the Identity Card by listening to the teacher !


Name : _____________________________________________________

Place or birth : _____________________________________________________

Age : _____________________________________________________

Address : _____________________________________________________

Occupation : _____________________________________________________

Type of blood : _____________________________________________________

Hobby : _____________________________________________________

Task 2 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 3 : Confirm the answers !

Task 4 : Fill in the Student’s Identity Card by listening to the teacher !


Name : _____________________________________________________

Name of School : _____________________________________________________

Class : _____________________________________________________

Date of birth : _____________________________________________________

Place or birth : _____________________________________________________

Address : _____________________________________________________

Type of blood : _____________________________________________________

Hobby : _____________________________________________________

Task 5 : Discuss the answer in pairs !

Task 6 : Confirm the answers !

Task 7 : Write your own Identity Card !


Page 50: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun


Name : _____________________________________________________

Name of School : _____________________________________________________

Class : _____________________________________________________

Date of birth : _____________________________________________________

Place or birth : _____________________________________________________

Address : _____________________________________________________

Type of blood : _____________________________________________________

Hobby : _____________________________________________________

Task 8 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 9 : Confirm the answer !

Task 10 : Study the following statements first then choose the best alternatives by

listening to the teacher reading the information !

1. Mr. Hermawan is a. ….

a. Student c. lecturer

b. Teacher d. business man

2. He was born in ….

a. Garut c. Bandung

b. Jakarta d. Tasikmalaya

3. His honny is

a. Fishing c. cooking

b. Reading d. Swimming

4. He is …. Years old now

a. 20 c. 45

b. 23 d. 50

5. His wife is a …..

a. Student c. lecturer

b. Teacher d. housewife

6. She is ….. years of age

a. 20 c. 4550

Page 51: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun

b. 23 d. 50

7. Her hobby is …….

a. Fishing c. cooking

b. Reading d. Swimming

8. She was born in

a. Garut c. Bandung

b. Jakarta d. Tasikmalaya

9. Mr. and Mrs. Hermawan’s son is a/an ….. student.

a. Kinder garden c. secondry

b. elementary d. university

10. He is ….. years old

a. 20 c. 45

b. 23 d. 50

11. His hobby is……

a. Fishing c. cooking

b. Reading d. Swimming

12. He was born in ….

a. Garut c. Bandung

b. Jakarta d. Tasikmalaya

13. Mr. and Mrs Hermawan’s second child is a …

a. Son c. sister

b. daughter d. brother

14. She is …. Years of age.

a. 20 c. 45

b. 23 d. 50

15. Her hobby is …

a. Fishing c. cooking

b. Reading d. Swimming

Task 11 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 12 : Confirm the answers !


Page 52: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun


Task 13 : Tell yourself and your family in front of the class !

Task 14 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 15 : Confirm the answers !

Task 16 : Study the following dialogue carefully then answer the questions by

choosing the best alternatives !

Rabba : Good evening, Suri ?

Suri : Good evening. How are you ?

Rabba : Fine, thanks.

Suri : But why didn’t you go to school this morning ?

Rabba : I had to accompany my father to go to the hospital.

Suri : What’s wrong with him ?

Rabba : He got an accident when he wanted to go to his office this morning.

Suri : How did the doctor diagnose ?

Rabba : He is all right

Suri : Oh, I’m really sorry to hera that.

Rabba : Thank you

Suri : Come on in, Rabba !

Rabba : Yes, thanks. By the way, how is the result of your English test ?

Suri : Well, I got ten.

Rabba : That’s great. Congratulations.

Suri : Thank you very much.

Rabba : Can I borrow your English note book ?

Suri : Sure. Wait a minute, please !

1. When does the dialogue happen ?

a. In the morning c. In the evening

b. In the afternoon d. In the middle of the night.

2. When did Rabba’s father get an accident ?

a. In the morning c. In the evening

b. In the afternoon d. In the middle of the night.

3. Why didn’t Rabba go to school ?

a. He hot an accident this morning.

b. He was ill for many days.


Page 53: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun

c. He was lazy for going to school

d. He went to the hospital to accompany his father.

4. Who really got an accident ?

a. In the morning c. In the evening

b. In the afternoon d. In the middle of the night.

5. Who got ten on the result of the English test ?

a. Rabba c. Father

b. Suri d. Doctor

6. What does “Good evening” Express ?

a. An offer c. An Apology

b. A Kind of Greetings d. Asking for Permission

7. What does “why didn’t you got to school this morning?” express ?

a. Asking for information c. Giving Information

b. A kind of Greetings d. Asking for Permission

8. What does “I’m really sorry to hear that” express ?

a. An offer c. An Apology

b. A Symphaty d. An Invitation

9. What does “Come on in, Rabba!” express ?

a. An offer c. An Apology

b. A Symphaty d. A Command

10. What does “Can I borrow your Englis note ook ?” express ?

a. Asking some information c. Offering to do Something

b. Asking someone’s Ability d. Asking for Permission

Task 17 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 18 : Confirm the answers !

Task 19 : Read and study again the dialogue carefully then perform it in pairs !

Task 20 : Confirm the answers !

Task 21 : Complete the following dialogue with your own words !

Xia : Hello. 1. ____________________

Yoyo : Hi. Good afternoon.

Xia : 2. ____________________ ?

Yoyo : Very well, thank you. And you ?


Page 54: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun

Xia : 3. ____________________

Yoyo : Xia, let me introduce to my sister, Sisca

Xia : How do you do ?

Sisca : 4. ____________________

Xia : Where are you going ?

Yoyo : We are going to the move.

Sisca : 5. ____________________ ?

Xia : I’d love to. Thanks for the offer.

Sisca : 6. ____________________

Task 22 : Discuss the answer in pairs !

Task 23 : Confirm the answers !

Task 24 : Read and study again the dialogue carefully then perform it in pairs !


Task 25 : Read the text carefully then write T for the correct statements and F for the

wrong ones ?

I am Mr. Suryana. Heryani is my wife. Wh have three children. The first one is a daughter.

Her name is Yani. She is a university student. The second one is a son. His name is Rabba.

He is an SMA student. The third one is also a son. He is an elementary school student. His

name is Rifal.


1. Mr. Suryana is Heryani’s father.

2. Heryani is Yani’s mother

3. Yani is Mr. Suryana’s daughter

4. Rabba is Yani’s brother.

5. Mr. Suryana is Rabba’s uncle

Task 26 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 27 : Confirm the answers !

Task 28 : Read the following text carefully then answer the questions by choosing the

best alternatives !

Our school is SMP Indonesia Raya. It is located on Jalan Soekarno – Hatta No. 45

Bandung. It is a private school. It has two floors. It has a clean schoolyard in the middle of

the building. Each level of class has ten classrooms. The other rooms are a headmaster’s 54

Page 55: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun

room, a staff’s room, a techer’s room, a language laboratory, a science laboratory, a social

laboratory, a library, a sport hall, a computer room, three canteens and ten toilets.

1. SMP Indonesia Raya has ….floors

a. 1 c. 3

b. 2 d. 4

2. Where is the school yard located ?

a. In front of the school c. In the middle of the school

b. At the back of the school d. At the left side or the school.

3. SMP Indonesia Raya has….. classrooms.

a. 10 c. 30

b. 20 d. 40

4. SMP Indonesia Raya has…. Laboratories.

a. 1 c. 3

b. 2 d. 4

5. What is the suitable title for the text above ?

a. SMP Indonesia Raya

b. The School Yard

c. The Laboratories

d. The Computer Room

Task 29 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 30 : Confirm the answers !

Task 31 : Read the text carefully then choose the best alternatives given !

Mr. Sahril’s Family

There are six people in Mr. Sahril’s Family. There are Mr. Sahril, Mrs. Sahril and their

four children. The eldest child is Silvi. She is the only daughter in the family. Evan, Bembi

and Egi are their sons.

Mrs. Sahril is a business man. He is 55 years old. His wife is Fatia. She is 50 years of age.

She is a hairdresser. She has a big beauty saloon in Bandung. She works there from 8.a.m

to 5 p.m. she is busy because she has many customers.

Silvi is 25 years. She is a banker. She works at an International Bank in Bandung. She

works very hard. She goes to work by car. She doesn’t drive her car herself because she


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has a careful driver. His name is Mr. Oshin. He is 50 years old. Evan is the second child.

He is a university students. He is 20 years odl. Bembi is 10 and Egi is 8. They are students

of an Elementary School.

1. How many people are there in Mr. Sahril’s Family ?

a. 4 c. 6

b. 5 d. 7

2. How many daughters do Mr. and Mrs. Sahril have ?

a. 1 c. 3

b. 2 d. 4

3. How many sons do Mr. and Mrs. Sahril have ?

a. 4 c. 2

b. 3 d. 1

4. Who is the eldest child in Mr. and Mrs. Sahril’s Family ?

a. Egi c. Evan

b. Bembi d. Silvi

5. Who is the yougest child in Mr. and Mrs. Sahril’s Family ?

a. Egi c. Evan

b. Bembi d. Silvi

6. How old is Mr. Sahril ?

a. Twenty c. Forty five

b. Twenty five d. fifty

7. How old is Mrs. Sahril ?

a. Twenty c. Forty five

b. Twenty five d. fifty

8. How old is the first child of Mr. and Mrs. Sahril ?

a. Eight c. Twenty

b. Twenty d. Twenty five

9. How old is the last child of Mr. and Mrs. Sahril ?

a. Eight c. Twenty

b. Ten d. Twenty Five

10. How many hours does Mrs. Sahrial work everyday ?


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a. 5 c. 7

b. 6 d. 8

Task 32 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 33 : Confirm the answers !

Task 34 : Match the names of Mr. Sahril’s Family in Column A with their professions in

Column B !


1. Mr. Sahril

2. Mrs. Sahril

3. Silvi

4. Evan

5. Bembi dan Egi

a. Student of Elementary School

b. Banker

c. Business man

d. Hairdresser

e. Student of a University

Task 35 : Discuss the answers in pairs !

Task 36 : Confirm the answers !

WRITINGTask 37 : Write five senteces about yourself !____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Task 38 : Discuss the answers in groups of four ?Task 39 : Confirm the answer !Task 40 : Write five sentences about your school !____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Task 41 : Discuss the answers in groups of four ?Task 42 : Confirm the answer !Task 43 : Write five sentences about your family !____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Task 44 : Discuss the answers in groups of four ?Task 45 : Confirm the answer !Task 46 : Write five sentences about your father’s occupation !____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Task 47 : Discuss the answers in groups of four !Task 48 : Confirm the answers


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Disusun oleh :



Diterbitkan dan Dicetak oleh :


Jl. Letjen S. Parman Pabuaran




Page 60: Modul Bahasa Inggris Ibu Nailatun


Puji dan syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT, karena atas karunia-Nya

buku kegiatan siswa ini dapat kami susun.

Buku ini disusun berdasarkan kurikulum yang berlaku dan kami sajikan sebagai

pendamping/penunjang materi pelajaran yang diajarkan di sekolah. Isinya singkat, padat,

mudah dipelajari dan dipahami oleh siswa.

Buku ini diharapkan dapat membantu Guru dalam membelajarkan dan dapat

membantu siswa dalam pelajaran, sehingga siswa giat, aktif, terampil, untuk menuju

prestasi tinggi.

Ucapan terima kasih setulusnya penyusun sampaikan kepada rekan-rekan yang

telah memberikan motivasi dan masukan sehingga buku ini dapat terwujud.

Akhirnya, dengan kerendahan hati kami berharap rekan-rekan Guru dan para

praktisi pendidikan semoga berkenan memberikan kritik dan saran demi perbaikan dimasa

yang akan datang.




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KATA PENGANTAR.................................................................................................... i

DAFTAR ISI ................................................................................................................. ii

UNIT 1 : Self Identity .............................................................................................. 3

Listening.................................................................................................... 3

Speaking ................................................................................................... 5

Reading...................................................................................................... 11

Writing....................................................................................................... 13

UNIT 2 : School Life ............................................................................................... 15

Listening.................................................................................................... 15

Speaking ................................................................................................... 18

Reading...................................................................................................... 22

Writing....................................................................................................... 27

UNIT 3 : Family Life ............................................................................................... 29

Listening.................................................................................................... 29

Speaking ................................................................................................... 33

Reading ..................................................................................................... 36

Writing....................................................................................................... 38

UNIT 4 : Profression ................................................................................................ 41

Listening.................................................................................................... 41

Speaking ................................................................................................... 44

Reading...................................................................................................... 44

Writing....................................................................................................... 46

UNIT 5 : Review (Self Identy – School Life – Family Life – Profession)............... 49

Listening.................................................................................................... 49

Speaking ................................................................................................... 52

Reading...................................................................................................... 54

Writing....................................................................................................... 57
