



Adeline Peter Mtunya

A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Master of Science (Mathematical Modelling) of

the University of Dar es Salaam

University Of Dar es Salaam

May, 2010



The undersigned certify that they have read and hereby recommend for accep-

tance by the University of Dare es Salaam a dissertation entitled: Modelling

Electricity Spot Price Time Series Using Coloured Noise Forces, in

partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (Math-

ematical modelling) of the University of Dar es Salaam.

Prof. T. Kauranne

(First Supervisor)

Date: ...........................................

Dr. W. C. Mahera

(Second supervisor)

Date: ...........................................



I, Adeline Peter Mtunya, declare that this dissertation is my own original

work and that it has not been presented and will not be presented to any other

University for a similar or any other degree award.


This dissertation is copyright material protected under the Berne Convention,

the Copyright Act 1999 and other international and national enactments, in that

behalf, on intellectual property. It may not be reproduced by any means, in

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study, critical scholarly review or discourse with an acknowledgement, without

the written permission of the Directorate of Postgraduate Studies, on behalf of

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I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisors, Prof. Tuomo

Kauranne (Lappeenranta University of Technology) and Dr. W. C. Mahera (Uni-

versity of Dar es Salaam) for their constant support, guidance and constructive

ideas throughout my research work. I have learned so much from them about

stochastic modelling and its application to time series and finance.

Special thanks goes to Heads of Mathematics Department of my time of study,

Dr. A. R. Mushi and Dr. E. S. Massawe, who made all efforts to provide me

with a conducive study environment. I wish to express my sincere appreciation

to all staff members in the Department of Mathematics for their support and

encouragement. I extend my thanks to Deputy Principal (Academics), Mkwawa

University College of Education (MUCE) for the sponsorship that enabled me

to undertake this study. Also many thanks to NORAD’s programme for Master

Studies (NOMA) who sponsored the whole Mathematical modelling program.

I would like to thank Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) - Finland,

for providing me admission under exchange program for the whole period of

preparing my dissertation for nine months. It was great opportunity for me to

meet different experties in the field of my research and other close related fields. I

wish to thank CIMO (Center for International Mobility) for providing scholarship

for the whole period of my stay at LUT.

Warmest thanks to my fellow master’s students in the Department of Mathe-

matics. Their cooperative spirit and contribution during the whole period of my

study is appreciated.

Last but not least, I would like to express my utmost thanks to my parents,

brothers and sisters for their love and encouragement during the whole period of

my study.



To my lovely parents Peter Mtunya and Adela Tarimo



In this dissertation we develop a mean-reverting stochastic model driven by

coloured noise processes for modelling electricity spot price time series. The

deregulation of electricity market, which once believed to be natural monopoly,

has led to the creation of power exchanges where electricity is traded like other

commodities. The physical attributes of electricity and behaviour of electricity

prices differ from other commodity market. Electricity spot prices in the emerging

power markets experience high volatility, mean-reversion, spikes and seasonal pat-

terns mainly due to non-storability nature of electricity. Uncontrolled exposure

to market price risks can lead to devastating consequences for market partici-

pants in the restructured electricity industry. A precise statistical (econometric)

model of electricity spot price behaviour is necessary for risk management, pricing

of electricity-related options and evaluation of production assets. We therefore

formulate and discuss the stochastic approach used to model the spot prices of

electricity by coloured noise forces. Parameter estimation for the model is car-

ried out by Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) method on mean-reverting

stochastic process. Data used for model calibration were collected from Nord Pool

for the period starting from January, 1999 to February, 2009. With the estimated

parameters we simulate the model and found that the simulated and real price

series have similar trends and covers the same price ranges. Thus, modelling of

electricity spot prices using coloured noise gives a good approximation to real

prices and we recommend application of coloured noise when modelling the spot

prices of electricity.



Certification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i

Declaration and Copyright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii

Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

Dedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv

Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi

List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x

List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii

List of Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii


1.1 General Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2 Economic Terminologies in pricing of electricity: . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.2.1 Power exchange. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.2.2 Demand and Supply. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1.2.3 Wholesale and Retail markets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.2.4 Energy derivatives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1.2.5 Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8


1.2.6 Complete and Incomplete markets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

1.2.7 Over The Counter (OTC) Markets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

1.3 Electricity trading in Nordic countries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

1.4 Electricity behaviour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

1.4.1 Special features of electricity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

1.4.2 Stylized features of Electricity Spot Prices. . . . . . . . . . 14

1.5 Current state of electricity trade in Tanzania . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

1.5.1 Electricity generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

1.5.2 Electricity Transmission and Distribution . . . . . . . . . . 18

1.5.3 Electricity selling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

1.6 Mathematical terms in stochastic modelling. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

1.7 Statement of the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

1.8 Reseach Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

1.8.1 General Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

1.8.2 Specific Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

1.9 Significance of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23




3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3.2 Model development: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3.3 Mathematical Description of Coloured Noise Process: . . . . . . . 33

3.4 Parameter estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.4.1 Maximum Likelihood Estimation(MLE) of Mean Reverting

Process: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36


4.1 Source of Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

4.2 Statistical Analysis of the Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

4.2.1 Data Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

4.2.2 Normality test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

4.2.3 Serial correlation in the return series . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

4.3 Calibration of the model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

4.4 Analysis of Coloured Noise used in Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . 54

4.5 Model simulation, results and comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

4.6 Application on Pure trading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

4.7 Forward price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62


4.1 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66


4.2 Recommendations and Future work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67


List of Figures

1 Deregulation allows competition in generation and selling leaving

transmission and distribution monopolistic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2 An increase in demand (from D1 to D2) resulting in an increase in

price (P) and quantity (Q) sold of the product. . . . . . . . . . . 6

3 Determination of price from Supply and Demand curves. . . . . . 11

4 Electricity production in Nordic countries - 2007. . . . . . . . . . 12

5 Daily average electricity spot price since 1st January, 1999 until

28th April, 2009 (3712 observations). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

6 The logarithm of electricity prices from which the main features of

electricity market are observed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

7 Normal probability test for electricity prices returns. . . . . . . . 47

8 Histogram showing distribution of price returns superimposed with

a theoretical normal curve. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

9 Histogram for logarithm of spot prices showing distribution of log-

prices for the data, superimposed with the theoretical normal curve. 49

10 Log-returns price series showing the existence of some price spikes. 49

11 ACF for price return series showing some important lags. Where

most of the values fall out of the bounds. Seasonality can be ob-

served from the lags with strong 7 - day dependence. . . . . . . . 51


12 PACF for price return series, where some values are out of the

bounds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

13 The original log-prices, the trend and the detrended data. . . . . 53

14 The logarithm of electricity spot prices with removed spikes. . . . 53

15 The noise processes: (a)white noise ξ(t), (b)coloured noise filtered

once ζ1(t) and (c)coloured noise filtered twice ζ2(t) . . . . . . . . 55

16 The white noise ξ(t) and coloured noise filtered twice ζ2(t) which

is applied in an SDE for modelling the spot log-prices. . . . . . . 55

17 An increase in correlation observed after plotting noise levels against

their previous values due to filtering of white noise. . . . . . . . . 56

18 An increase in correlation observed from the Sample Autocorrela-

tion Function (ACF) due to filtering of white noise. Stationarity

of the coloured noise is also clear from the lags. . . . . . . . . . . 56

19 Simulation results for logarithm of Prices vs real (original) log-prices. 58

20 Simulated Electricity Spot Prices Time-series versus Real Prices. 58

21 Distribution of the original electricity spot prices (a) and the sim-

ulated electricity prices (b). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

22 Histogram of the residuals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

23 Pure price series since 1st January, 1999 until 28th April, 2009. . 61

24 Simulated vs real (original) pure price series. . . . . . . . . . . . . 61


List of Tables

1 Descriptive statistics for the daily average electricity spot prices. . 44

2 Daily electricity log-prices parameter estimates for the model. . . 53

3 Real (original) spot prices data vs Simulated data. . . . . . . . . . 60

4 Real (original) pure-prices data vs Simulated data. . . . . . . . . 62



ACF Auto-correlation Function

AR AutoRegressive

ARMA AutoRegressive Moving Average

ATM Automated Teller Machine

EEX European Power Exchange (Power-exchange in Germany)

GARCH Generalized AutoRegressive Conditionally Heteroskedastic

GBM Geometric Brownian Motion

IPP Independent Power Producers/Projects/Plants

IPTL Independent Power Tanzania Ltd

MRS Markov Regime Switching

OTC Over The Counter markets

PACF Partial Autocorrelation Function

SADC Southern African Development Community

SDE Stochastic Differential Equation



1.1 General Introduction

The electricity sector has long been an integral part of the engine of economic

growth and a central component of sustainable development. During the 1990s,

conventional wisdom about the electricity sector was turned on its head. Pre-

viously, electricity had been considered a natural monopoly, and the electricity

sector in most countries was either owned or strictly regulated by the government.

Particularly in developing countries, government leadership in the development

and use of electricity was a part of a broader ‘social compact’. Then, with as-

tonishing speed, a revolution in thinking swept the sector. Several countries

undertook major reforms, ranging from opening their electricity markets to in-

dependent power generators to broad-based reforms remaking the entire sector

around the objective of promoting competition. Due in part to these changes,

$187 billion was invested in energy and electricity projects in developing coun-

tries and the economies in transition in Central and Eastern Europe between 1990

and 1999. A 1998 survey of 115 developing countries found that nearly two thirds

had taken at least minimal steps toward market-oriented reforms in the electric-

ity sector [2]. In Tanzania for instance, electricity market is not yet deregulated.

There is only one public owned company that is in charge of electricity business –

TANESCO. However the deregulation of electricity seems to be right on the way

to its starting point as there are a few companies that produce electricity but at

the moment must sell it to TANESCO.

Analysis of the electricity industry begins with the recognition that there are four

rather distinct activities of it: generation, selling (trading), transmission and dis-

tribution. Deregulation has in most cases allowed competition in generation and


selling activities while leaving transmission and distribution monopolistic (see

Figure 1). Once electricity is generated, whether by burning fossil fuels, harness-

ing wind, solar, or hydro energy, or through nuclear fission, it is sent through

high-voltage, high-capacity transmission lines to the local regions in which the

electricity will be consumed.

Figure 1: Deregulation allows competition in generation and selling leaving trans-

mission and distribution monopolistic.

When the electricity arrives in the region in which it is to be consumed, it is

transformed to a lower voltage and sent through local distribution wires to end-

use consumers. The scope of each electricity market consists of the transmission

grid or network that is available to the wholesalers, retailers and the ultimate

consumers in any geographic area [34]. Markets may extend beyond national


Deregulation is one of the key aspects towards a competitive market, where price

controls are removed and thus encouraging competition. That is, energy prices are

no longer controlled by regulators and now are essentially determined according


to the economic rule of supply and demand. The earliest introduction of energy

market concepts and privatization to electric power systems took place in Chile in

the early 1980s. However the oldest electricity market is Nord Pool that started

in 1991 for the trading of all hydro electric power generated by Norway. The

daily spot market has been operational since May 1999 and in 2001 a total of

8.24 TWh were traded on this market. Nord Pool benefited from the fact that

electricity in Scandinavia is in great part hydroelectricity, hence has the very

valuable property of being storable. The non storability of the other forms of

electricity is an important explanatory factor of the spikes as those which were

observed in the United States in the ECAR market in June 1998 [15]. Today,

the Nord Pool is a successful exchange, where the electricity players in Europe

feel they can place their orders safely. Apart from Nord Pool, some other major

European electricity exchanges include: UK Power Exchange (UKPX) – England

(2001), OMEL – Spain (1998), Amsterdam Power Exchange (APX) – Netherlands

(1999), European Power Exchange (EEX) – Germany (2001) and Polish Power

Exchange - Poland (2000). These had been governed by EU legislation directives

in 1996 and 2003. European goal was to have fully competitive electricity markets

in all EU Member States by 1st of July 2007, and eventually to have common

European electricity market [34].

Provision of reliable and cost-effective electricity sources in the rural communi-

ties of developing countries (such as Tanzania) for the achievement of social and

economic empowerment and poverty alleviation is imperative within the context

of the global millennium development goals (MDGs) [29]. Restructuring of the

electricity industry will encourage the availability of reliable and cost-effective

power supply in view of the following conditions which will manifest: Removal of

monopoly in power generation, transmission and distribution and the encourage-

ment of competition in power delivery, Reliability in power delivery, Lower energy

tariffs, Increasing the scope for choice, Incorporation of more energy technologies


into the energy supply mix.

Electricity markets differ from the traditional financial markets and other com-

modity markets due to the non-storability, uncertain and inelastic demand, re-

strictive transportation networks and a steep supply curve. And these are the

reasons behind high volatility of electricity spot prices. Supply and demand must

be in balance at each instance separately. A viable model for the spot price

process is of up-most importance in all the areas of deregulated power business,

including derivative and sales pricing, risk analysis, portfolio management, in-

vestment analysis, and regulatory policy making [33]. The market risk related

to trading is considerable due to extreme volatility of electricity prices. This is

especially true for spot prices, where the volatility can be as high as 50% on the

daily scale, which is over ten times higher than for other energy products (natural

gas and crude oil) [36]. In this research we aim at studying the techniques for

pricing of electric energy derivatives.

In this chapter we explain some terminologies used in pricing, discuss electricity

trading in Nordic counties and the behaviour of electricity. We then assess the

current state of electricity trade in Tanzania. Also, together with mathematical

terms in stochastic modelling, we include the statement of the problem, research

objectives and significance of the study. Chapter two is on literature review while

chapter three presents the price model in details. Chapter four is on data analysis

and methodology and in chapter five we give the conclusion.

1.2 Economic Terminologies in pricing of electricity:

1.2.1 Power exchange.

The Power Exchange is an entity responsible for receiving bids for sales and

purchases of electricity, and to match the bids in such a way that prices and


quantities are settled [34]. The basic activity of the power exchange is operation

of the short term physical electricity market, the spot market. A power exchange

is an open, centralized, and neutral market place, where the market price of

electricity is determined by demand and supply. A high liquidity ensures that

the market price at the power exchange is a ‘correct’ price. The products sold at

the exchange are standard products, and the communication is equitable to all

actors on the market. The operation of the power exchange is market-oriented, in

other words, the members of the power exchange participate in decision making.

Therefore it is possible to make the product structure of the power exchange meet

the needs of the market participants.

1.2.2 Demand and Supply.

In economics, demand is the desire to own anything and the ability to pay for it

and willingness to pay. The term demand signifies the ability or the willingness

to buy a particular commodity at a given point of time. Demand is also defined

elsewhere as a measure of preferences that is weighted by income. Economists

record demand on a demand schedule and plot it on a graph as an inverse down-

ward sloping curve. The inverse curve reflects the relationship between price and

demand: as demand increases, price increases as shown in Figure 2.


Figure 2: An increase in demand (from D1 to D2) resulting in an increase in price

(P) and quantity (Q) sold of the product.

Supply on the other hand represents the amount of goods that producers are

willing and able to sell at various prices, assuming all determinants of supply

other than the price of the good in question, such as technology and the prices

of factors of production, remain the same. Under the assumption of perfect

competition, supply is determined by marginal cost. Marginal cost is the change

in total cost that arises when the quantity produced changes by one unit. Firms

will produce additional output as long as the cost of producing an extra unit of

output is less than the price they will receive.

1.2.3 Wholesale and Retail markets.

A wholesale electricity market exists when competing generators offer their elec-

tricity output to retailers. The retailers then re-price the electricity and take it


to market, in a classic example of the middle man scenario. While wholesale pric-

ing used to be the exclusive domain of the large retail suppliers, more and more

markets like New England are beginning to open up to the end users. Large end

users seeking to cut out unnecessary overhead in their energy costs are beginning

to recognize the advantages inherent in such a purchasing move. Buying direct

is certainly not a novel concept in economics, however it is relatively novel in the

electricity context.

A retail electricity market exists when end-use customers can choose their supplier

from competing electricity retailers. A separate issue for electricity markets is

whether or not consumers face real-time pricing (prices based on the variable

wholesale price) or a price that is set in some other way, such as average annual

costs. In many markets, consumers do not pay based on the real-time price, and

hence have no incentive to reduce demand at times of high (wholesale) prices

or to shift their demand to other periods. Demand response may use pricing

mechanisms or technical solutions to reduce peak demand. Generally, electricity

retail reform follows from electricity wholesale reform. However, it is possible to

have a single electricity generation company and still have retail competition.

1.2.4 Energy derivatives.

An energy derivative is a financial contract whose value depends on energy price.

The emergence of the energy markets has given birth to energy derivative mar-

kets. For example, a forward contract is an obligation to buy or sell electricity

for a predetermined price at a predetermined future time [12]. By definition, a

derivative security is a security whose price depends on or is derived from one or

more underlying assets. An option is one example of many derivative securities

found in the market. The derivative itself is a contract between two or more par-

ties. Its value is determined by the price fluctuations of the underlying asset. The


most common underlying assets include: stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies,

interest rates and market indexes. Two of the most widely used such derivative

securities are the futures contracts and the forward contracts. In futures contract,

the settlement of the net value is started immediately after making the contract,

and it is carried out daily until the end of the delivery time. A forward is a

contract in which delivery of the underlying commodity is referred at a later date

than when the contract is written with the price of delivery being set at the time

of contracting.

1.2.5 Options.

An option is a contract between a buyer and a seller that gives the buyer the

right, but not the obligation, to buy or to sell a particular asset (the underlying

asset) on or before the option’s expiration time, at an agreed price, the strike

price. An option contract binds only the seller (also called writer) of the option.

In return for granting the option, the seller collects a payment (the premium)

from the buyer as a compensation for the risk taken. Two types of options exist

in the market. A call option gives the buyer the right to buy the underlying asset

and a put option gives the buyer of the option the right to sell the underlying

asset. If the buyer chooses to exercise this right, the seller is obliged to sell or buy

the asset at the agreed price. The buyer may choose not to exercise the right and

let it expire. The underlying asset can be a piece of property, a security (stock

or bond), or a derivative instrument, such as a futures contract. The theoretical

value of an option is evaluated according to several models. These models attempt

to predict how the value of an option changes in response to changing conditions.

Hence, the risks associated with granting, owning, or trading options may be

quantified and managed with a greater degree of precision.


1.2.6 Complete and Incomplete markets.

A market is complete with respect to a trading strategy if there exists a self-

financing trading strategy such that at any time t, the returns of the two strategies

are equal. In general, a complete market is a market in which every derivative

security can be replicated by trading in the underlying asset or assets. That means

a market must be possible to instantaneously enter into any position regarding

any future state of the market.

An incomplete market is the one missing the above property. At any given time at

the stock market, the stock price can increase or decrease slightly or fall a lot. It is

not possible to hedge against all these increase or decrease in price simultaneously

because there is no opportunity to carry out a continuous changing delta hedge,

this leads to impossibility of perfect hedging. The impossibility of perfect hedging

means that the market is incomplete, that is not every option can be replicated

by a self-financing portfolio. It is not early to mention that a power exchange is

an incomplete market.

1.2.7 Over The Counter (OTC) Markets.

In finance, Over-the-counter (OTC) or off-exchange trading is to trade financial

instruments such as commodities or derivatives directly between two parties in

contrast with exchange trading. Exchange trading occurs via facilities constructed

for the purpose of trading (i.e., exchanges), such as futures exchanges or stock

exchanges. OTC markets refer to all wholesale trade in electricity outside power

exchange. With the services provided by the OTC markets, it is possible for the

actors on the market to tailor their portfolios of purchase and sale contracts to

accurately meet their needs. Unlike in the trading at the power exchange, there is

a risk of a counterparty default. The power exchange and the OTC markets that

complement each other together form a well-functioning market mechanism for


the wholesale of electricity, the objective of which is to control the high volatility

of the electricity market prices.

1.3 Electricity trading in Nordic countries.

All Nordic countries have liberalised their electricity markets. The electricity

markets in the Nordic countries have undergone major changes since the middle

of the 1990s. The purpose of the liberalisation was to create better conditions for

competition, and thus to improve utilisation of production resources as well as

to provide gains from improved efficiency in the operation of networks. Norway

was the first Nordic country to launch the liberalisation process of its electricity

market with the approval of the Energy Act in 1990, which introduced regulated

third-party access. Norway was followed by Sweden and Finland in the middle

of the 1990s and by Denmark at the beginning of 1998 when the large electricity

customers were given access to the electricity network. The liberalisation process

in the middle of the 1990s was followed by an integration of the Nordic mar-

kets. The establishment of Nord Pool, the Nordic electricity exchange, was an

important part of this integration [27].

The physical market is the basis for all electricity trading in the Nordic market.

The spot price set here forms the basis for the financial market. Nord Pool

Spot organises the market place which comprises the Elspot and Elbas products.

Elspot is the common Nordic day ahead market for trading physical electricity

contracts. Elbas is a physical balance adjustment market operating 24 hours

time. Elbas is an intraday market which opens two hours after the spot market

is done and is open until 1 hour before delivery hour. The Nord pool financial

market (Eltermin) provides a market place where the exchange members can trade

derivative contracts in the financial market. Financial electricity contracts are

used to guarantee prices and manage risk when trading power. Nord Pool offers


contracts of up to six years’ duration, with contracts for days, weeks, months,

quarters and years.

In Elspot, a trading day is divided into 24 hourly markets. Market participants

provide separate bids for these 24 hours and the market clears separately for each

of these 24 hours. Each participant provides a piece-wise linear bid schedule,

where quantity is measured in MW and price in ¿/MWh by 12 noon for delivery

the following day.

Nord Pool determines the clearing price for each market by 2:00 p.m. at which

time the market closes and final clearing prices are determined. All contracts

become binding at this point and Nord Pool initiates settlement of these contracts.

The bids from each of the participants provide a schedule of how much the bidder

is prepared to sell or buy at different prices. The system price is determined by

the market equilibrium ,i.e, the point where supply and demand curves cross.

Supply willingness to generate electricity at a given price depends on the nature

of production as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Determination of price from Supply and Demand curves.


Generally, if there are no transmission constraints, the Nord Pool area is a com-

bined market and market participants can buy or sell electricity at the same price

anywhere in the area. If the system operator designates zones, Nord Pool arranges

separate Elspot markets for each zone. Nord Pool first calculates a theoretical

unconstrained price based on all submitted bids, without considering transmis-

sion constraints. If transmission constraints are binding, Nord Pool adjusts prices

upwards in deficit areas and downwards in surplus areas until transmission con-

straints are satisfied. It is noted that the quantity and nature of electricity pro-

duced varies within Nordic countries, from what is observed in the map shown in

Figure 4.

Figure 4: Electricity production in Nordic countries - 2007.

1.4 Electricity behaviour.

The behaviour of electricity can be explained in two ways. On one side is the

behaviour of electricity as energy (also called load), that is, the physical attributes

of the commodity we are dealing with in the market. On the other side is the


behaviour of electricity prices when we value it in the market.

1.4.1 Special features of electricity.

Wangensteen [34] asserts that electricity has certain features that make it a rather

unique commodity. This must be taken into account in power system economics.

The following list captures the essentials:

Continuous flow.

Electricity is generated and consumed in a continuous manner. Gas transported

through a gas grid has basically the same feature.

Instant generation and consumption.

Electricity is consumed in the same moment of time as it is generated. If we

again compare with gas, the transport speed of gas in a pipe is about one meter

per second. Electricity travels with the speed of light.


Electricity cannot be stored in significant quantities in an economic manner.

Only indirect storage can be realized through hydroelectric plants or storage of

generator fuel. Non-storability is the most significant element that contribute to

the high volatility of electricity prices.

Consumption variability.

Electricity consumption or demand is variable with a characteristic pattern over

day and night, over the week, and over the year. The variability in consumption

is one of the root-causes of the seasonality in prices.


There is no physical means by which a unit of electricity (a kWh) delivered to a

consumer can be traced back to the producer that actually generated the unit.


This feature puts special requirements on the metering and billing system for


Essentiality to the community.

Electricity is regarded as an absolute necessity in a modern society. Practically,

every household and every firm has a connection to the power grid (this refers

particularly to Nordic countries). How essential electricity is can be illustrated

by the Value of Lost Load (VOLL), which is sometimes estimated to 100 times

more than the ordinary price.

Breakdown possibility.

Due to technical characteristics of a power supply system, not only individual

consumers can be affected by a contingency. Large areas can be affected in the

case of a complete system breakdown. We have seen some large breakdowns, for

instance in New York in 1977 and 2003, with tremendous economic consequences.

1.4.2 Stylized features of Electricity Spot Prices.

Electricity spot markets exhibit a number of typical features that are not found

in most financial markets. The most important of those features are:


Electricity spot prices reveal seasonal behavior in annual, weekly and daily cycles.

Both the demand side and supply side play part in the seasonality of the spot

prices. Business activities and weather conditions are considered to be the major

factors that are behind the seasonality of electricity prices. It is well known

that electricity demand exhibits seasonal fluctuations. They mostly arise due to

changing climatic conditions, like temperature and the number of daylight hours.

In some countries also the supply side shows seasonal variations in output. Hydro

units, for example, are heavily dependent on precipitation and snow melting,


which varies from season to season. These seasonal fluctuations in demand and

supply translate into the seasonal behavior of spot electricity prices. In Nordic

countries for example, the cold winter experiences higher electricity prices and

spikes while prices usually settle down during summer. In some places this is

different [23], Northern California’s primary electricity consumption occurs during

the summer when air conditioning is highly needed.


Extremely high volatility is experienced in electricity prices. The market risk

related to trading is considerable due to extreme volatility of electricity prices.

This is especially true for spot prices, where the volatility can be as high as 50% on

the daily scale, i.e. over ten times higher than for other energy products (natural

gas and crude oil). The high volatility pattern is due to the transmission and

storage problems and, of course, the requirement of the market to set equilibrium

prices in real time. It is not easy to correct provisional imbalances of supply and

demand in the short-term. Therefore, the price changes are more extreme in the

electricity markets than other financial or commodity ones. With the application

of the standard concept of volatility, the standard deviation of the returns on a

daily scale, Weron [36] obtains the following volatility estimations:

- notes and treasury bills: less than 0.5%

- stock indices: 1 - 1.5%

- commodities like natural gas or crude oil: 1.5 - 4%

- very volatile stocks: not more than 4%

- and electricity up to 50%


A fundamental property of electricity spot prices, already observed by many


authors, is the presence of spikes, that is, rapid upward price moves followed

by a quick return to about the same level. During the peak period, the price

process has different properties. In particular, the rate of mean reversion is much

higher than during normal evolution. The presence of spikes is a fundamental

feature of electricity prices due to the non-storable nature of this commodity and

any relevant spot price model must take this feature into account. The presence

of long-term stochastic variation in the mean level of electricity prices makes it

difficult to establish a range of prices, for which the price process is in peak mode.

What is considered as a peak level now may become normal in 3 years. The rate

of mean reversion is therefore determined not only by the current price level but

also by the previous evolution of the price, which suggests that the behavior of

electricity spot prices may be non-markovian [26].

The occurrence of spikes in power prices dynamics can be understood if we con-

sider that electricity is a very special commodity. With the exception of hydro-

electric power, it cannot be stored and must be generated at the instant it is

consumed; the demand is highly inelastic. The generation process (supply) is

characterized by low marginal costs but, when emergency generators are to be

put on operation in order to satisfy the demand, marginal costs may be very

high. Prices are therefore very sensitive to the demand, to outages and grid

congestions. Thus shortages in electricity generation, forced outages, peaks in

electricity demand determine spikes.

Mean reversion:-

Energy spot prices are in general regarded to be mean-reverting or anti-persistent

[35]. Mean reversion is the tendency of a stochastic process to return over time

to a long-run average value. The speed of mean reversion depends on several

factors, including the commodity itself being analyzed and the delivery provisions

associated with the commodity. When the price of a commodity is high, its supply


tends to increase thus putting a downward pressure on the price; when the spot

price is low, the supply of the commodity tends to decrease, thus providing an

upward lift to the price. Thus, in a long run prices will move towards the level

dictated by the cost of production. Moreover Weron[35] mentioned that among

all financial time series spot electricity prices are perhaps the best example of

anti-persistent data.

1.5 Current state of electricity trade in Tanzania

We noted down earlier that electricity business in Tanzania is not yet deregu-

lated, though there are some indications for that to take place in the near future.

Tanzania Electricity Supply Company (TANESCO) is the only fully authorized

for electricity business in the country. TANESCO is wholly owned by the govern-

ment of Tanzania and is under the Ministry of Energy and Minerals. However,

there are some other companies with partial share in the business; these are the

independent power projects (IPPs).

1.5.1 Electricity generation

TANESCO remains the main power producer in the country. Other sources of

generation are from independent power producers (IPPs) which feed the National

grid and isolated areas as well. TANESCO’s generation system consists mainly

of Hydro and Thermal based generation. Hydro contributes the largest share

of TANESCO’s power generation. The total generation from TANESCO own

sources in 2008 was 2,985,275,264kWh out of which 2,648,911,352kWh (90%) was

from Hydro Power Plants [31]. Total country demand was 4,425,403,157kWh, of

which 33% was supplied by IPPs. The hydro-plants operated by TANESCO are

all interconnected with the national grid system.

TANESCO has been implementing power generation mix program, whereby a


substantial amount of generation comes from thermal generation through own

generation and independent power plants (IPPs). Own thermal generation comes

from the Ubungo 100MW gas-fired plant in Dar es Salaam. Another 45MW gas-

fired power plant located at Tegeta in Dar es Salaam is expected to enter the grid

system soon.

By the end of year 2008 IPPs contributed a total installed capacity of 282MW.

IPPs powering the national grid include the Independent Power Tanzania Ltd

(IPTL) with 100MW (diesel based) installed capacity and SONGAS (Songo Songo

gas – to electricity project) which by the end of 2007 had 182MW capacity.

TANESCO also imports a total of 10MW of electric power from Uganda and

about 3MW from Zambia.

There are also several diesel generating stations connected to the national grid

with installed capacity of 80MW but the only operational grid diesel based station

is Dodoma which contributes about 5MW. Some other regions, districts and

townships are dependent on isolated diesel-based generators with a total installed

capacity of 31MW. Mtwara and Lindi regions are supplied by M/S Artumas

Group Ltd, an IPP based in Mtwara. The total capacity of Artumas power plant

is 8MW using gas from Mnazi Bay gas wells.

1.5.2 Electricity Transmission and Distribution

Transmission and distribution system is totally owned by TANESCO. Transmis-

sion system comprises of 36 grid substations interconnected by transmission lines.

The transmission lines comprise of 2,732.36km of system voltages 220kV; 1537km

of 132kV; and 534km of 66kV, totaling to 4803.36km by the end of September,

2009. The system is all alternating current (AC) and the system frequency is



The Distribution System Network Supply Voltage are 33kV and 11kV which serve

as the back bone stepped down by distribution transformers to 400/230 volts for

residential, light commercial and light industrial supply. There are big commercial

and heavy industries supplied directly at 33kV and 11kV. Distribution activities

are the most intensive in terms of geographical coverage. There are more than

672, 759 customers linked by these distribution lines [31].

1.5.3 Electricity selling

This is also done by TANESCO, since it receives electricity from the other com-

panies through the main grid. The metering system for TANESCO customers are

of two types. First one is Pre-paid Metering System (LUKU): LUKU is a Swahili

abbreviation for “LIPA UMEME KADIRI UNAVYOTUMIA” which means ”pay

for electricity as you use it” and the second type is Credit meters (conventional

meters): These meters allow for customers to be billed after consuming electric-

ity for a month. LUKU has been designed mainly for residential and commercial

consumers, not industrial type. TANESCO uses different tariff rates to differ-

ent customers groups depending on the quantity of electricity consumed. These

include domestic, small business and industrial consumers. The LUKU system

has improved customer services further as now the customers can even buy elec-

tricity online through mobile phones and bank ATMs. For example a customer

can recharge LUKU via ZAP LUKU recharge if is a ZAIN subscriber or M-PESA

LUKU recharge if is a VODACOM subscriber. Recharging LUKU through bank

ATMs can be done for customers who own bank account in CRDB or NMB banks.

In addition to all those businesses, TANESCO actively cooperates with various

Governments and other Power Utility bodies. The major areas of cooperation

include Southern African Power Pool (SAPP), Nile Basin Regional Power Trade

Project and Nile Equatorial Lakes- Subsidiary Action Program (NELSAP).


1.6 Mathematical terms in stochastic modelling.

In this section we define some mathematical terms that are to be used in modeling

in this work.

Definition 1 Stochastic process

A stochastic process is a family of random variables X(t, ω) of two variables

t ∈ T, ω ∈ Ω on a common probability space (Ω,F , P ) which assumes real values

and is P -measurable as a function of ω for a fixed t. The parameter t is interpreted

as time, with T being a time interval and X(t, ·) represents a random variable on

the above probability space Ω, while X(·, ω) is called a sample path or trajectory

of the stochastic process. The stock prices and electricity prices are good examples

of stochastic processes.

Definition 2 Stochastic differential equation (SDE)

A stochastic differential equation (SDE) is a differential equation in which one

or more of the terms is a stochastic process, thus resulting in a solution which is

itself a stochastic process. SDEs incorporate white noise which is a derivative of

Brownian motion (Wiener Process); however, other types of random fluctuations

are possible, such as jump processes or coloured noise.

A typical equation is of the form

dXt = µ(Xt, t)dt+ σ(Xt, t)dBt

where µ is the drift function, σ is diffusion function and Bt is the standard

Brownian motion.

Definition 3 Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process

The Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process is a stochastic process rt given by the following

stochastic differential equation:

drt = θ(µ− rt)dt+ σdBt


It represents the mean-reverting process with the equilibrium or mean-value µ,

diffusion constant σ and a mean-reversion rate θ. Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process is a

Gaussian process that has a bounded variance and admits a stationary probability

distribution used to model (with modifications) commodity prices stochastically.

Definition 4 Markov process

A continuous-time stochastic process X = X(t), t > 0 is called a Markov

process if it satisfies the Markov property, that is,

Pr(X(tn+1 ∈ B|X(t1) = x1, . . . , X(tn) = xn) = Pr(X(tn+1 ∈ B|X(tn) = xn)

for all Borel subsets B of <, time instances 0 < t1 < t2 < · · · < tn < tn+1 and

all states x1, x2, . . . , xn ∈ < for which the conditional probabilities are defined.

A Markov process is a mathematical model for the random evolution of a memo-

ryless system, that is, the likelihood of a given future state, depends only on its

present state, and not on any past states. Processes which are not Markov are

said to be non-markovian.

Definition 5 Stationary process

A stochastic process X(t) such that E(|X(t)|2) <∞, t ∈ T is said to be stationary

if its distribution is invariant under time displacements:

Fx1, x2, . . . , xn(t1 + h, t2 + h, . . . , tn + h) = Fx1, x2, . . . , xn(t1, t2, . . . , tn).

That is, all finite dimensional distributions of X are invariant under an arbitrary

time shift. If X is stationary, then the finite dimensional distributions of X

depend on only the lag between the times t1, . . . , tn rather than their values.

In other words, the distribution of X(t) is the same for all t ∈ T .

1.7 Statement of the Problem

Electricity pricing techniques are of great importance in insuring marketing effi-

ciency in the case when there are variations of cost and supply of electricity at


the market. Consumers are interested only in the amount of money that they

will spend on their electricity consumption over time. This amount of money

is a stochastic variable that depends on the electricity price and the amount of

consumption at each moment of time. Sometimes this stochastic variable under-

goes rapid and extremely large changes which revert back within a short period

of time called spikes. Since the prices are affected by external fluctuations such

as weather then it is must be that the stochastic variable is influenced by noise

terms which are correlated over time and not just white noise. Now, since differ-

ent customers have different consumption behaviours, the dynamics of the money

amounts are different. Therefore a precise stochastic (econometric) model of elec-

tricity spot price behaviour is necessary for energy risk management, fair pricing

of electricity-related options and evaluation of the production assets. This work

intends to mathematically account for the correlation over time of the noise pro-

cess that influence the spot prices of electricity by making use of exponentially

coloured noise terms in a stochastic differential equation (SDE).

1.8 Reseach Objectives

1.8.1 General Objectives

The main objective of this research is to develop a model for electricity spot

price time series and describe the appropriateness of coloured noise terms in spot

pricing of electricity in an environment of deregulated electricity market.

1.8.2 Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of this study are:

1. To capture electricity price spikes and the volatility fluctuations around

them by adding an exponentially coloured noise process into the SDE.


2. To determine the conformity between coloured noise terms in a mean-

reverting model and the spot price time series in the deregulated electricity


3. To determine the fair prices of the various derivative securities entered at

deregulated electricity market.

1.9 Significance of the Study

In this research we aim at studying the techniques for price modelling and fore-

casting of electric energy derivatives by employing the coloured noise forces in

stochastic models. This is a further move from the price correlation that Ornstein-

Uhlenbeck process was able to account for from the random walk process, we now

take care of the correlation of the noise term.

Tanzania is not yet implementing the deregulation of electricity market; however,

it is expected to take place in the near future. Tanzania is among stakeholders in

the East African regional power plan which aims to set an Eastern Africa Power

Pool (EAPP), whose main objective is to set a framework for power exchanges

amongst utilities of the member states. TANESCO for example, participates fully

in the East Africa Community Energy Committee whose major objective is to

prepare the East Africa Power Master Plan. Also the Southern African Power

Pool (SAPP) under SADC has expansive projects; some of the SAPP projects

include Zambia-Tanzania-Kenya interconnection. Therefore, this study is worth

in its own right as the electricity pricing techniques (or models) will be useful

to electricity trading companies in the country to run the exercise of pricing of

electricity at the time of deregulated electricity market.



In addition to the fundamentals on electricity market structure outlined in the

introduction, in this chapter we give a review of literature more closely pertaining

to the topic of this research. The areas of research reviewed in this chapter are

of modeling electricity spot prices time series as well as pricing of derivative

securities in the power exchanges.

Mavrou (2006) in his Master’s thesis tried to make clear explanations on the

stylized features of electricity prices such as high volatility and seasonality [25].

He described the non-storability property of electricity as the main reason behind

high volatility and seasonality in electricity prices. Moreover, he mentioned out

that the high volatility is due to the characteristics of demand and supply in

electricity market as well. The intersection of demand and supply is what dictates

the spot price in an exchange. So demand being relatively insensitive, together

with the possibility of constraints in supply during peak times lead to the fact that

short term energy prices are highly volatile. He also explained on the seasonality

of electricity prices based on weather conditions and business activities. There

are various seasonality patterns found in the data including intra-daily, weekly

as well as monthly. He assumed that the factors that generate the seasonality in

electricity prices are deterministic.

Barlow (2002) and Kanamura (2004) proposed the Structural modes or Equilbrium

models [3, 21]. In such kind of models they tried to mimic the price formation in

electricity market as a balance of supply and demand. The demand for electricity

is described by a stochastic process

Dt = Dt +Xt

dXt = (µ− λXt)dt+ σdWt


where Dt describes the seasonal component and Xt corresponds to the stationary

stochastic part. The price is obtained by matching the demand level with deter-

ministic supply function which must be non-linear to account for the presence of

price spikes. The assumption of deterministic supply is too restrictive as it im-

plies that spikes can only be caused by surges in demand. In electricity markets

spikes can also be due to sudden changes in supply, such as plant outage.

In what referred to as ARMA-type models, Cuaresma et al. (2004) applied vari-

ants of AR(1) and general ARMA processes, including ARMA with jumps, to

short-term price forecasting in the German market (EEX) [11]. They concluded

that specifications where each hour of the day was modeled separately present

uniformly better forecasting properties than specifications for the whole time-

series. And also they found that the inclusion of simple probabilistic processes

for the arrival of spikes could lead to improvements in the forecasting abilities of

univariate models for electricity spot prices. The AutoRegressive Moving Aver-

age (ARMA) modelling approach assumes that the series under study is (weakly)

stationary [36]. If it is not, then transformation of the series to the stationary

form has to be done first. This transformation can be done by differencing. The

resulting ARIMA (AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average) model explicitly

includes differencing in the formulation.

Carnero et al. (2003) considered general seasonal periodic regression models with

ARIMA and ARFIMA (AutoRegressive Fractionally Integrated Moving Average)

disturbances for the analysis of daily spot prices of electricity [9]. They made a

conclusion that for the Nord Pool market, but not other European markets, a

long memory model with periodic coefficients was required to model daily spot

prices of electricity. ARIMA-type models relate the signal under study to its

own past and do not explicitly use the information in other pertinent time series.

Electricity prices are not only related to their own past, but may also be influenced


by the present and past values of various exogenous factors, mostly load profiles

and weather conditions [36].

Karakastani and Bunn (2004) tested several approaches including regression-

GARCH (Generalized AutoRegressive Conditionally Heteroskedastic) to explain

the stochastic dynamic of spot volatility [22]. The GARCH-model by itself is not

attractive for short-term price forecasting , however, coupled with autoregression

presents an interesting alternative - the AR-GARCH model. The general experi-

ence with GARCH-type components in econometric models is mixed [36]. There

are cases when modelling heteroskedasticity is advantageous, but there are at

least as many examples of poor performance of such models.

Kaminski (1999) applied the Jump diffusion model suggested by Merton, which

basically adds a Poisson component to the standard Geometric Brownian Motion

(GBM) [20]. The problem with this model was that it could not capture the

significant features of the mean-reversion of electricity after a spike to its normal

price level. In the occurrence of a price spike the GBM would recognize the new

level of the price as a standard event and would not consider the previous price


Haeussler (2008) in her Masters thesis proposed a model to simulate the spot

prices of electricity by combining a mean-reverting process with a jump diffusion

[17]. A kind of process often used in financial modelling especially in connection

with commodities. To simulate the spot prices of electricity, she modified the

standard Brownian Motion (BM) so that the characteristics of the spot prices in

the electricity market could be replicated. She used the Stochastic Differential

Equation (SDE) with three components

dS(t) = α(S∗ − S(t))dt︸ ︷︷ ︸(1)

+σS(t)dW (t)︸ ︷︷ ︸(2)

+S(t−)Y (t−)dN(t)︸ ︷︷ ︸(3)

where S(t) is the spot price of electricity in ¿/MWh at time t. S(t−) is also


a spot price of electricity, but t = t− which means that we take the left-hand

limit right before the jump. Furthermore, α > 0 is the mean reversion rate,

S∗ is the mean-reversion level, σ > 0 is the volatility and W (t) is a standard

Brownian motion. The last part, S(t−)Y (t−)dN(t), covers the jump component

as explained by Shreve [30], where Y (t−) is the multiplier of the spot price S(t−)

and N(t) is a Poisson process.

The three (3) components (summand) are described as:

(1) The mean-reverting part which covers the drift

(2) The diffusion part which captures the roughness of the spot price changes

(3) The jump part which covers the unusual high price jumps which occur at


In [16], Geman et al. (2006) model the electricity log-price as a one factor Markov

jump diffusion

dPt = θ(µt − Pt)dt+ σdWt + h(t)dJt

The spikes are introduced by making the jump direction and intensity level de-

pendent, that is, if the price is high, the jump intensity is high and the downward

jumps are more likely, whereas if the price is low, jumps are rare and upward-

directed. Their approach produces realistic trajectories and reproduces the sea-

sonal intensity patterns observed in American price series. However, Meyer-

Brandis and Takov found that the process reverts to a deterministic mean level

rather than the stochastic pre-spike value and hence proposed the Multifactor

jump diffusion model [26].

Barz et al. (1999) tested several diffusion models in several markets, includ-

ing mean-reverting diffusion [7]. Actually, they tested mean-reverting diffusions

with and without jumps and they concluded from their findings that the mean-


reverting jump diffusion model gives the best fitting. A specification of the mean-

reverting jump diffusion is as follows

dPt = κ(ν − Pt)dt+ σpdWt + ξtdJt

The Wiener process accounts for the fluctuations in the region of the long-term

mean, the jump process Jt for the large up-jumps and ξt determines the size of the

jump and it is usually specified to follow a normal distribution. The jump process

is the compound Poisson process with constant or time dependent intensity. One

constraint of the jump diffusion is that the mean-reverting part of the process

is assumed to be independent of the Poisson process which doesn’t apply on

electricity [25].

In the model that was formulated by Geman and Roncoroni [16], the ‘spike regime’

is distinguished from the ‘base regime’ by a deterministic threshold on the price

process: if the price is higher than a given value, the process is the ‘spike regime’

otherwise it is the ‘base regime’. The threshold value may be difficult to calibrate

and it is not very realistic to suppose that it is determined in advance [26]. The

regime switching model of Weron [35] removes this problem by introducing a

two state unobservable Markov chain which determines the transition from ‘base

regime’ to ‘spike regime’ with greater volatility and faster mean reversion. The

underlying idea behind the regime-switching scheme is to model the observed

stochastic behavior of a specific time series by two (or more) separate phases or

regimes with different underlying processes. In other words the parameters of the

underlying process may change for a certain period of time and then fall back to

their original structure. Thus regime-switching models divide the time series into

different phases that are called regimes. For each regime one can define separate

and independent different underlying price processes. The switching mechanism

between the states is assumed to be governed by an unobserved random variable.

However, Meyer-Brandis [26] already found that such kind of models are more


difficult to estimate than a one-factor Markov model.

Janczura et al. (2009) being motivated by the findings in [37] focused on Markov

Regime Switching (MRS) models for the electricity spot prices themselves; not

the log-prices as in the most other studies. Further, they introduced two novel

features in the context of MRS modelling of electricity spot prices. One is het-

eroscedasticity in the base regime and the other one is a shifted spike regime

distribution. The rationale for heteroscedasticity comes from the observation

that price volatility generally increases with price level. Shifted spike regime on

the other hand are required for calibration procedure to correctly separate the

spikes from the ‘normal’ behaviour. They used mean daily data from the German

EEX market. In their study, the spot price is assumed to display either normal

(base regime Rt=1) or high (spike regime Rt=2) prices each day. The transition

matrix Q contains the probabilities qij of switching from regime i at time t and

regime j at time t+ 1, for i, j = 1, 2:

Q = (qij) =

q11 q12

q21 q22


q11 q11

1− q22 1− q22

There is also a suggestion to model the electricity price as sum of several factors

in what referred as Multifactor models. The simplest case in Multifactor models

is a two-factor model where the first factor corresponds to the base signal with

a slow mean-reversion and the second factor represents the spikes and has a

high rate of mean-reversion. Barlow et al. (2002) gives a model of this type

by representing the electricity price (or log-price) as sum of Gaussian Ornstein-

Uhlenbeck processes [4]. However, while the first factor can in principle be a

Gaussian process, the second factor is close to zero most of the time (when there

is no spike) and takes very high values during a spike. This behaviour is difficult

to be described with a Gaussian process.


In [36], Weron gives explanations on the concept of liberalization of electricity

markets and makes a clear survey in some electricity markets particularly in

Europe and North America. He described the stylized facts of electricity loads

and prices as well. He also analyzed some important approaches for modelling

and forecasting both the electricity loads and electricity prices. He defines quan-

titative (stochastic or econometric) models as the ones which characterise the

statistical properties of electricity prices over time, with the ultimate objective

of derivatives evaluation and risk management. Moreover, he asserted that such

models are not required to accurately forecast hourly prices but to recover the

main characteristics of electricity prices, typically at the daily time scale. Based

on the type of market in focus, the stochastic techniques can be divided into two

main classes: spot and forward price models. Meyer-Brandis et al. (2007) also

pointed out that, most of the variability of electricity prices, as well as all inter-

esting features like mean reversion are contained in the daily price series, and the

daily parttern is mostly related to seasonality [26].



3.1 Introduction

In this chapter the mathematical model that describes the electricity spot price

time-series is developed. The spot price model is basically a mean-reverting model

subjected to exponential coloured noise forces. Both the model and the coloured

noise process are analysed. The electricity spot markets are influenced by ex-

ternal fluctuations such as weather. Generally, external noise can be thought

of as imposed on subsystem by a larger fluctuating environment in which the

subsystem is immersed [18]. While the white noise limit usually leads to a good

approximation of internal fluctuations, in the case of external fluctuations, the

relevant variables can vary substantially over the correlation time. In this case,

it is essential to consider coloured noise [5]. As from Hanggi and Jung [18], any

modelling in terms of coloured noise is expected to be more physically realistic

since a nonzero correlation time is explicitly accounted for. The whole chapter

organization is as follows: the next section explains the model development pro-

cedures and theory behind. Section three describes the mathematics of coloured

noise processes and section four is on parameter estimation.

3.2 Model development:

It is by now obvious that financial models that simply incorporate geometrical

Brownian motion(GBM) are not valid for modelling electricity prices as they

do not admit of neither the price spikes nor the mean-reversion behaviours. In

addition, models that tried to capture spikes by mere jump processes with white

noise or Wiener processes, could not mimic the overall price process effectively


as they assumed zero correlation of the noise increments. In order to capture

the mean reversion, price spikes and the volatility fluctuations around the spikes

we develop a mean-reversion model driven by an exponentially coloured noise

process. Through this approach we can incorporate almost all the features of the

electricity spot price time series under the study.

We hereby specify the logarithm of the spot price process, lnPt, as

lnPt = Xt (1)

implying that the spot price is given by

Pt = eXt

from which we define Xt as a stochastic mean-reverting process driven by the

coloured noise process ζ , such that

dXt = µ(Xt, t)dt+ σζtdt (2)

in which the drift term of the mean reverting model is characterised by the dis-

tance between the current price Xt and the mean reversion level β as well as

mean reversion rate κ, that is:

µ(Xt, t) = β − κXt = κ(β

κ−Xt) (3)

This is from the simple market theory that if the spot price is below the mean-

reversion level, the drift will be positive, resulting to an upward influence on the

spot price. This means that, when prices are relatively low, supply will decrease

since some of the higher cost producers will exit the market, putting upward

pressure on prices. And if it is above the mean reversion level, the drift will

be negative, exerting a downward influence on the spot price. That is, supply

will increase since higher cost producers of the commodity will enter the market

putting a downward pressure on prices. Over time, this results in a price path


that is determined by the mean-reversion level at a speed determined by the mean

reversion rate κ.

We then substitute X = βκ

and obtain the following SDE

dXt = κ(X −Xt)dt+ σζtdt (4)

Where, X is the long-term mean which depends on seasonality function, κ is

the mean reversion rate, σ is the volatility term responsible for the magnitude

of the randomness of the process that is set to a constant, ζt is an exponentially

coloured noise process generated to mimic the behaviour of both spikes and the

usual volatility of the price.

3.3 Mathematical Description of Coloured Noise Process:

The coloured noise process ζ produces a sequence of correlated random variables

ζ(t1), ζ(t2), . . . , with the same standard deviation in each. Coloured noise is a

Gaussian process and it is well known that these processes can be completely

described by their mean and covariance functions [1]. The scalar exponential

coloured noise process is given in the form of linear stochastic differential equation

(SDE), specifically the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process as follows:

dζ(t) = −1

τζ(t)dt+ αdWt (5)

whose solution is:

ζ(t) = ζ(0)e−tτ + α

∫ t


e−(t−s)τ dWs (6)

where τ is the correlation time for coloured noise and α is the diffusion constant.

The parameter τ indicates the time over which the process significantly correlated

in time. Wt is a standard Wiener process with dWt ∼ N(0; dt) for an infinitesimal

time interval dt. For t > s, the scalar exponential coloured noise process in

equation (6) has mean, variance and auto-covariance respectively given by:


E[ζ(t)] = ζ(0)e−tτ

V ar[ζ(t)] = α2τ2

(1− e− 2tτ )

Cov[ζ(t), ζ(s)] = α2τ2e−|t−s|τ

The general vector form of a linear SDE for coloured noise process is given by:

dζ(t) = Fζ(t)dt+GdWt (7)

where ζ(t) is a vector of length n, F and G are n × n respectively n × m

matrix functions in time and Wt; t ≥ 0 is an m-vector Wiener process with

E[dWtdWTt ] = Q(t)dt. In this work, we extend a special case of the Ornstein-

Uhlenbeck process and repeatedly integrate it to obtain the coloured noise forcing

along the log-prices Xt :

dζ1(t) = − 1τζ1(t)dt+ α1dWt

dζ2(t) = − 1τζ2(t)dt+ 1


dζ3(t) = − 1τζ3(t)dt+ 1


... =...

dζn(t) = − 1τζn(t)dt+ 1



These systems of vector equations are Markovian, usually referred to as a random

flight model in modelling dispersion of particles.

For the sake of generating the coloured noise forces in this work, we choose the

values n = 2 and m = 1 as from above, and obtain the following coloured noise


dζ1(t) = − 1τζ1(t)dt+ α1dWt

dζ2(t) = − 1τζ2(t)dt+ 1




which can be written in vector form analogous to equation (7) as follows:





− 1τ


1τα2 − 1







dWt (10)

this system of equations, with ζ(0) = 0 (i.e starting with no noise) and s < t, has

the following solutions,

ζ1(t) = α1

∫ t


e−(t−s)τ dWs (11)

ζ2(t) =1


∫ t


e−(t−s)τ (t− s)dWs (12)

The vector equation (10) generates a stationary, zero-mean, correlated Gaussian

process ζ2(t). The generated coloured noise process ζ2(t) is applied in equation (4)

to model the price. Therefore, we specifically write the mean-reverting log-price

equation as

dXt = κ(X −Xt)dt+ σζ2(t)dt (13)

With the use of coloured noise forces, the correlation of the noise terms that

influence the spot price time series is modeled more accurately and becomes

possible to take into account the spiking characteristics of the prices.

3.4 Parameter estimation

The parameters to be estimated are the ones involved in the generation of the

coloured noise process (in equations (9)) and those in the mean-reverting log-

price process (in equation (13)). For the coloured noise process in equations (9)

we have τ , α1 and α2 as parameters to be estimated. Since the data at hand are

on daily basis, we take one week period as the correlation time for the coloured

noise process, that is, the forces that drive the spot price process are assumed

to have significant memory within one week time period. This idea comes from


Weron [36] that for electricity spot price returns there is a strong, persistent 7-day


In order to estimate the value of α1 we refer to the solution of ζ1(t) in equation

(11) from which we find the variance of ζ1(t) equal to:

V ar[ζ1(t)] =α2

2(1− e−

2tτ )

which means that the variance has a maximum value ofα21τ

2as t −→ ∞. We

equate the positive square-root of this value to 1 (which means the standard

deviation is set-up to 1) and solve for α1 since our interest is in the behaviour of

the noises and not the magnitude of fluctuation. The magnitude of fluctuation

should be controlled by σ in the mean-reverting SDE of the log-prices in (13).

For the sake of estimating the value of α2, we refer to the solution of ζ2(t) in

equation (12) and compute its variance:

V ar[ζ2(t)] =1


1α22[τ 2 − (2t2 + τ 2 + 2tτ)e−

2tτ ]

the variance has a maximum value of 14τα2

1α22 as t −→ ∞. We similarly equate

the square-root of this value to 1 (which means the standard deviation is set-up

to 1 as well) and solve for α2 since the values of τ and α1 have already been

estimated from above.

Having done the estimations for the parameters τ , α1 and α2, we now estimate

the parameters κ, X and σ of the mean reverting SDE (13). We use the method

of Maximum Likelihood estimation of mean-reverting process as is described in

the subsection hereunder.

3.4.1 Maximum Likelihood Estimation(MLE) of Mean Reverting Pro-


The mean reverting SDE (13) is naturally in the form of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck

process. The Ornstein-Uhlenbeck mean-reverting (OUMR) model is a Gaussian


model well suited for maximum likelihood (ML) method. Therefore, we develop

a maximum likelihood (ML) methodology for parameter estimation of Ornstein-

Uhlenbeck (OU) mean-reverting process. The methodology ultimately relies on

a one dimensional search which greatly facilitates the parameter estimation pro-


Our mean reverting SDE as in equation (13) is

dXt = κ(X −Xt)dt+ σζ2(t)dt;X(0) = X0

for constants X, κ and X0 and where ζ2(t) is the coloured noise process. In this

model the process Xt fluctuates randomly, with some over-time correlation of

course, but tends to revert to some fundamental level X. The behaviour of this

‘reversion’ depends on both the short term standard deviation σ and the speed

of reversion κ. It is unlikely to have expert knowledge of all parameters and that

is why we are forced to rely on a data driven parameter estimation method. And

for this dissertation, the required data are available.

We illustrate a maximum likelihood (ML) estimation procedure for finding the

parameters of the mean-reverting process. However, in order to do this, we

must first determine the distribution of the process X(t). The process X(t)

is a Gaussian process which is, therefore, well suited for maximum likelihood

estimation (MLE). Therefore, we now derive the distribution of X(t) by solving

the SDE (13).

Through the method of solving by integrating factor for the SDE (13), we have

eκtXt = X0 +

∫ t



∫ t



or equivalently,

Xt = X0e−κt +

∫ t


κe−κ(t−s)Xds+ σ

∫ t


e−κ(t−s)ζ2(s)ds (14)


the first integral on the right hand side of (14) evaluates to X(1− e−κt) and with

reference to equation (12) we substitute for ζ2(s) and have

Xt = X0e−κt + X(1− e−κt) + σ

∫ t





∫ s


e−(s−k)τ (s− k)dWk


which simplifies to

Xt = X0e−κt + X(1− e−κt) +



∫ t


[∫ s


e−κ(t−s)e−(s−k)τ (s− k)dWk


where s < t and since k < s we can interchange the variables of integration and

the solution becomes,

Xt = X0e−κt+ X(1− e−κt) +



∫ t


∫ t−k


e−κte−( 1τ−κ)s+ k

τ (s−k)dsdWk (15)

Manipulation using integration by parts of equation (15) yields

Xt = X0e−κt + X(1− e−κt) + (


τ− κ)−2 1


×∫ t


(1− k

τ+ κk)e

kτ−κk − (1 +


τ− 2k

τ− κt+ 2κk)e−

tτ−κk+ 2k

τ dWk


from this solution for Xt, we find the conditional mean value and variance of Xt.

The mean of the process is given by

E[Xt|X0] = X + (X0 − X)e−κt

and its variance is mainly the variance of the integral term since the other terms

are constants. We use the following theorem found in [32] to find the variance.

Theorem 1 Let g(x) be a continuous function and B(t), t ≥ 0 be the standard

Brownian motion process. For each t > 0, there exist a random variable

F (g) =

∫ t




which is the limiting of approximating sums

F (g) =2n∑k=1








(k − 1



as n −→ ∞. The random variable F (g) is normally distributed with mean zero

and variance

V ar[F (g)] =

∫ t



if f(x) is another continuous function of x then F (f) and F (g) have a joint

normal distribution with covariance

E[F (f)F (g)] =

∫ t



With the aid of Theorem 1 stated above, we find the variance as

V ar[Xt|X0] = (1

τ− κ)−4 1

τ 2σ2α2


∫ t


[1− · · · ]dk

which means that for the positive parameters σ, α1, α2, τ, κ and ( 1τ− κ) > 0 the

process behaves like Brownian process with variance ( 1τ− κ)−4 1


1α22 as t −→

∞. Thus the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck mean-reverting model in (13) is normally dis-

tributed with E[Xt|X0] = X+(X0−X)e−κt and V ar[Xt|X0] = ( 1τ−κ)−4 1



For ti−1 < ti, the Xti−1conditional density fi of Xti is given by

fi(Xti ; X, κ, σ) = (2π)−12


τ− κ)−4 1

τ 2σ2α2


)− 12


[−(Xti − X − (Xti−1

− X)e−κ(ti−ti−1))2

2( 1τ− κ)−4 1




The values for the constants τ, α1 and α2 are obtained as from the beginning of

this section.


Given n+ 1 observations x = Xt0 , . . . , Xtn of the process X, the log-likelihood

function corresponding to (17) is given by

L(x; X, κ, σ) = −n2log


τ− κ)−4 1

τ 2σ2α2




(Xti − X − (Xti−1

− X)e−κ(ti−ti−1))2

( 1τ− κ)−4 1




The maximum likelihood (ML) estimates ˆX, κ and σ by maximizing the log-

likelihood function. In this work we shall rely on the first order conditions as

a method to maximize the log-likelihood function. This method requires the

solution of a non-linear system of equations. We, therefore, attempt to obtain

an analytic alternative for ML-estimation, based on the first conditions. This

approach is based on the approach found in Barz [6].

The first order conditions for maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) requre the

gradient of the log-likelihood function to be equal to zero. In other words, the

maximum likelihood estimators ˆX, κ and σ satisfy the first order conditions:

∂L(x; X, κ, σ)



= 0

∂L(x; X, κ, σ)



= 0

∂L(x; X, κ, σ)



= 0

Finding solution to this non-linear system of equations can be done through using

a variety of numerical methods. However, in this work we illustrate an approach

that simplifies the numerical search by exploiting some convenient analytical ma-

nipulations of the first order conditions.

We first turn our attention to the first element of the gradient. We have that

∂L(x; X, κ, σ)

∂X= −


(1− e−κ(ti−ti−1)

) (Xti − X − (Xti−1

− X)e−κ(ti−ti−1))

( 1τ− κ)−4 1




Under the assumption that κ and σ are non-zero, the first order conditions imply

ˆX = f(κ) =


(1− e−κ(ti−ti−1)

) (Xti −Xti−1


i=1 (1− e−κ(ti−ti−1))2 (19)

The derivative of the log-likelihood function with respect to σ is

∂L(x; X, κ, σ)

∂σ= −n





(Xti − X − (Xti−1

− X)e−κ(ti−ti−1))2

( 1τ− κ)−4 1



which together with the first order conditions implies

σ = g( ˆX, κ) =

√√√√√ 2



(Xti − ˆX − (Xti−1

− ˆX)e−κ(ti−ti−1))2

( 1τ− κ)−4 1




The expressions (19) and (20) define functions that relate the maximum likeli-

hood estimates. Specifically we have ˆX as a function f of κ and σ as a func-

tion g of κ and ˆX. In order to solve for the maximum likelihood estimates, we

could solve the system of non-linear equations given ˆX = f(κ), σ = g( ˆX, κ) and

the first order condition ∂L(x; X, κ, σ)/∂σ|σ = 0. However, the expression for

∂L(x; X, κ, σ)/∂σ is algebraically complex and would not lead to a closed form

solution, requiring a numerical solution.

In this dissertation we apply a rather simpler approach whereby we substitute

the function ˆX = f(κ) and σ = g( ˆX, κ) directly into the log-likelihood function

and maximize with respect to κ. So our problem becomes

maxV (κ)κ


V (κ) = −n2log


τ− κ)−4 1

τ 2g(f(κ), κ)2α2




(Xti − f(κ)− (Xti−1

− f(κ))e−κ(ti−ti−1))2

( 1τ− κ)−4 1

τ2g(f(κ), κ)2α2



Once we have obtained κ we can then find ˆX = f(κ) and σ = g( ˆX, κ). The

advantage of this approach is that the problem in (21) requires a one dimensional


search and requires the evaluation of a less complex expressions than solving for

all three first order conditions. Moreover, this method trivially accommodates

fundamental knowledge of any of the process parameters by simply substituting

the known parameter(s) into the corresponding equations.



4.1 Source of Data

The data set used in this study has been collected from Nord Pool, it consists of

3712 daily averages of the Elspot electricity prices (7 days a week) from 1st Jan-

uary 1999 to 28th February 2009. This is around 10 years data from the Elspot

system prices data recorded in terms of Euros per Mega-Watt-hour (¿/MWh).

The system price in the day-ahead market such as Elspot is, in principle, deter-

mined by matching offers from generators to bids from consumers to develop a

classic supply and demand equilibrium price and then calculated separately for

subregions in which constraints will bind transmission imports. We have, there-

fore, focused on the system daily prices irrespective of the transmission constraints

but paying attention to supply and demand equilibrium prices.

4.2 Statistical Analysis of the Data

4.2.1 Data Description

The values of the most important distribution parameters for the daily average

electricity price series from 1st January, 1999 to 28th February, 2009 are in sum-

mary collected in Table 1. The reported statistics are for electricity prices (Pt),

the change in electricity prices (dPt), the logarithm of electricity prices (ln(Pt))

and the log returns of electricity prices (d(ln(Pt))) from one day to the next. The

price series Pt of electricity, as from the data collected, reflects the stylized fea-

tures of electricity prices explained in section 1.4.2. The prices are quite volatile

mainly due to the shocks in demand and supply. The price series which is the

basic data in this work, has a constant general mean of 29.41, the standard de-


viation of 14.71, positive skewness and excess kurtosis of respectively 1.22 and

2.61. The minimum value in this data is 3.89 and the maximum value is 144.61,

giving a data range of 110.72.

Mean Std. Dev Skewness Kurtosis Minimum Maximum

Pt 29.41406 14.71071 1.21756 5.61142 3.88667 114.61375

dPt 0.00473 2.88288 2.16334 56.23999 -32.27333 53.71292

ln(Pt) 3.25822 0.50983 -0.31357 3.03806 1.35755 4.74157

d(ln(Pt)) 0.00020 0.10171 1.57700 24.01711 -0.77317 1.18891

Table 1: Descriptive statistics for the daily average electricity spot prices.

Note: Here and the remainder of this dissertation, the column labeled ‘Std. Dev’

reports the standard deviation. Skewness and Kurtosis are respectively the third

and the fourth moments around the mean, namely Skewness = E[X−E[X]]3

(V ar[X])1.5and

Kurtosis = E[X−E[X]]4

(V ar[X])2for a random variable X. Skewness measures the asymme-

try of the distribution of a random variable while Kurtosis measures the ‘peaked-

ness’ of the distribution. Higher Kurtosis means more of the variance is the result

of infrequent extreme deviations. For a normal distribution, Skewness is equal

to 0 and Kurtosis is equal to 3. Thus, ExcessKurtosis = Kurtosis− 3.

Due to variations in the balancing point of demand and supply, the spot prices

of electricity are not uniform. The prices experience intra-day and intra-week

periodical fluctuations. Our task in this work is not to address the issue of intra-

day and intra-week variations, but we analyze only the daily average prices. The

daily price time series of the data used in this dissertation is displayed in Figure 5.

The log-price values are also displayed in Figure 6.


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 40000







Time in days[1st Jan, 1999 to 28th Feb, 2009]








Figure 5: Daily average electricity spot price since 1st January, 1999 until 28th

April, 2009 (3712 observations).

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 40001









Time in days[1st Jan, 1999 to 28th Feb, 2009]




Figure 6: The logarithm of electricity prices from which the main features of

electricity market are observed.

All the stylized features of electricity prices as explained in section 1.4.2 are

realized just from first visual inspection of Figures 5 and 6. Seasonality is


clear from the two figures where the general path of the prices shows a wave-like

pattern. High volatility and occasional jumps dominate the whole time frame.

Mean-reversion is also quite clear as the price oscillates around the mean level

and whenever there is a spike the price is pulled back to the mean level rapidly

after the spike. We additionally observe that the prices follow an increasing linear

trend mainly being a result of inflation which is a property found in all commodity


4.2.2 Normality test

In this subsection we analyse whether the returns of electricity spot price are

normally distributed and the prices are log-normally distributed. In the Black-

Schole model the stock prices are assumed to be log-normally distributed. In

order to get the values of the log-price we simply find the logarithm of the spot

price values. To find the returns (log-return) we use its mathematical definition.

That is

rt = lnPtPt−1


* rt is the return at the time t,

* Pt is the price value at time t,

* Pt−1 is the price at time t− 1

There is more departure from Normality for the electricity prices. Figure 7 shows

a Normality test carried out for returns of the electricity spot prices from the data.

A solid line connects the 25th and 75th percentile in the data and a dashed line

extends it to the ends of the data. If the returns were indeed normally distributed

the graph would be a straight line as all the points would fall along the dashed


line. The fat tails we observe reveal out that this is not the case for electricity

prices. With a probability of 0.006, for example, we find return values which are

higher than 0.2, but the dashed line suggests the probability of such returns to

be zero for perfectly normally distributed data. This behaviour of electricity spot

price returns is in contrast to most financial theories and models which usually

assume the price returns to be normally distributed. That the distribution of

electricity spot price returns deviate from normal is also noticed in Figure 8

where the histogram showing distribution of price returns is superimposed with

a theoretical normal curve.

−0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2

0.0010.0030.01 0.02 0.05 0.10




0.90 0.95 0.98 0.99


Electricity Price returns





Normal Probability Plot

Figure 7: Normal probability test for electricity prices returns.


−0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.20















Figure 8: Histogram showing distribution of price returns superimposed with a

theoretical normal curve.

Figure 9 is the histogram of the log-prices also compared to a pure normal dis-

tribution curve. We clearly observe that the log-prices are slightly skewed to the

left which imply the existence of spikes in Nord Pool spot price time series. The

histogram seems to be closer to normal distribution simply because the prices ex-

perience both positive and negative spikes as how it appears in Figure 5. Spiking

is a fundamental property of electricity spot prices. Since our data is on daily

basis, spikes do not last more than one time point (a day in this case). According

to Weron (2006) and as shown in Figure 10, a positive jump is followed by a

negative one of approximately the same magnitude.


1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 50















Figure 9: Histogram for logarithm of spot prices showing distribution of log-prices

for the data, superimposed with the theoretical normal curve.

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000−0.8











Time in days



Figure 10: Log-returns price series showing the existence of some price spikes.


4.2.3 Serial correlation in the return series

The dependence in the data x1, . . . , xn are ascertained by computing correla-

tions for data values at varying time lags. This is done by plotting the sample

autocorrelation function (ACF):

ACF (h) = ρ(h) =γ(h)


against the time lags h = 0, 1, . . . , n−1 and where γ(h) is the sample autocovari-

ance function (ACVF) given by:

ACV F (h) = γ(h) =1



(xt+h − x)(xt − x),

and x is the sample mean. If the time series is an outcome of a ‘completely’

random phenomenon, the autocorrelation should be near zero for all time-lag

separations. Otherwise, one or more of the autocorrelations will be significantly

non-zero. Another useful method to examine serial dependencies is to examine

the partial autocorrelation function (PACF) – an extension of autocorrelation,

where the dependence on the intermediate elements (those within the lag) is

removed. The partial autocorrelation is similar to autocorrelation, except that

when calculating it, the autocorrelation with all the elements within the lag are


Figure 11 shows the Sample Autocorrelation Function (ACF) for the spot price

returns and Figure 12 is for Sample Patial Autocorrelation Function (PACF) for

the returns. High values at fixed intervals in Figure 11 indicate that the return

series is subjected to seasonality. Also many values are out of the bounds which

means the return series is not essentially random. There is a strong seven-day

dependence in both ACF and PACF for electricity spot price returns. Similar

results were found in [36].


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50−0.2












nSample Autocorrelation Function (ACF)

Figure 11: ACF for price return series showing some important lags. Where most

of the values fall out of the bounds. Seasonality can be observed from the lags

with strong 7 - day dependence.

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50−0.4












al A





Sample Partial Autocorrelation Function

Figure 12: PACF for price return series, where some values are out of the bounds.


4.3 Calibration of the model.

We present estimates for the parameters used to generate the coloured noise

process in (11) and (12) and those for the mean-reverting Stochastic Differential

Equation driven by this coloured noise process in (13). For the parameters in the

coloured noise process we rely on the assumption that the length of the correlation

time τ is equal to 7 as explained in section 3.4 where other parameters α1 and

α2 were then estimated from this value of τ .

For the Stochastic Differential Equation we first removed the trend as shown in

Figure 13 and then we cleared out the spikes as shown in Figure 14. The spikes

were removed out since they were considered as outliers in the data set and

retaining them could distort the parameter estimation procedure. The process

of removing the spike considered one and a half (1.5) standard deviation of the

moving window of seven days as the threshold value for determining the existence

of spikes in the window. The positions handling values that are higher or lower

from mean with a difference greater than this threshold value were considered as

spikes. The position with spike was then substituted with a mean value of the

window. With this approach both positive and negative spikes were considered.

Then the estimates for the mean-reversion level (X) and volatility (σ) were taken

as the averages of respectively the mean values and standard deviation of an

analysis window of 90 days which is approximate to 3 months period. The mean

reversion rate (κ) was continuously estimated depending on previous 90 days

data by the Maximum Likelihood method described in section 3.4.1 and its mean

value is 0.4716 which can be used in further computations. The results for the

estimated parameters are in summary presented in Table 2.


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 40001









Time in days




OriginalThe trendDetrended

Figure 13: The original log-prices, the trend and the detrended data.

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 40001








Time in days




Figure 14: The logarithm of electricity spot prices with removed spikes.

Parameters: τ α1 α2 X σ

The estimates: 7.00000 0.53452 1.41421 2.64911 0.15356

Table 2: Daily electricity log-prices parameter estimates for the model.


4.4 Analysis of Coloured Noise used in Simulation

As described in section 3.3 the coloured noise used in this work is a stationary,

zero-mean and correlated Gaussian markov process which by [5] it is essentially

in the form of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process as the one in equation (5) and/or (7).

This fluctuation process is called “coloured noise” in analogy with the effects of

filtering on white light [18]. We adopt the term ‘filtering’ in our study and apply

it twice on white noise to get more correlated noise process as in [10]. In order

to generate the coloured noise in two-step filtering for ζ1(t) and ζ2(t) from the

white noise ξ(t) the following algorithm found in [5, 13] was used:

At the sample points tn(t0 < t1 < . . . < tN−1),

ζ1(0) = sξ(0)

ζ1(n) = ρnζ1(n− 1) +√

1− ρ2nsξ(n)

where ξ are independent Gaussian random numbers with zero mean and unit

variance, s is the standard deviation for the coloured noise and ρn are the corre-

lation coefficients given by ρn = e−|tn−tn−1|/τ . The algorithm is similarly used to

generate ζ2(n) with ξ(n) being replaced by ζ1(n).

Figure 15 shows the plots for white noise ξ(t) and coloured noise ζ1(t), ζ2(t)

separately and combined ξ(t) and ζ2(t) in Figure 16. An increase in the autocor-

relation due to filtering of white noise is seen in Figure 17 and Figure 18.


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000−4




4(a) White noise

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000−4




4(b) Coloured noise filtered once

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000−4




4(c) Coloured noise filtered twice


Figure 15: The noise processes: (a)white noise ξ(t), (b)coloured noise filtered

once ζ1(t) and (c)coloured noise filtered twice ζ2(t) .

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000−4














White noiseColoured noise

Figure 16: The white noise ξ(t) and coloured noise filtered twice ζ2(t) which is

applied in an SDE for modelling the spot log-prices.


−5 0 5−4




4(a) White noise

−5 0 5−4




4(b) Coloured noise filtered once

−5 0 5−4




4(c) Coloured noise filtered twice

Figure 17: An increase in correlation observed after plotting noise levels against

their previous values due to filtering of white noise.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100−1












(a) ACF for White noise

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100−1












(b) ACF for Coloured noise filtered once

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100−1












(c) ACF for Coloured noise filtered twice

Figure 18: An increase in correlation observed from the Sample Autocorrelation

Function (ACF) due to filtering of white noise. Stationarity of the coloured noise

is also clear from the lags.


4.5 Model simulation, results and comparison

The parameters obtained in Table 2 were used for simulating the electricity spot

price time series using Matlab software. The white noise was taken in its discrete

form, that is, random numbers generated by the function randn found in Matlab.

Simulation of the coloured noise process followed the algorithm described in the

previous section. The log-prices were then simulated following the mean-reverting

Stochastic Differential Equation (13) in which the coloured noise process was

attached and the trend was then restored back. The required prices were then

simulated out of these log-prices by taking out the logarithm.

Figure 19 shows the real (original) log-prices (in blue colour) and the simulated

log-prices with the trend restored (in green colour) on the same plane. The spot

prices from real data (in blue colour) and the simulated prices (in red colour) were

together plotted as in Figure 20. Figure 21 shows the histograms of both real and

simulated spot prices in a comparable manner. The histograms of the real and

simulated spot prices appear to be of the same nature in distribution. For more

comparison between the real and simulated spot prices we have presented the

histogram of the residuals which are the differences of real and simulated prices

as in Figure 22. We see that much of the residuals are concentrated at zero with

a standard deviation of 14.32. Table 3 gives the statistical comparison between

real and simulated spot prices focusing on the mean, standard deviation, kurtosis

and skewness.


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 40001









Time in days





Figure 19: Simulation results for logarithm of Prices vs real (original) log-prices.

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 40000







Time in days








Real priceSimulated price

Figure 20: Simulated Electricity Spot Prices Time-series versus Real Prices.


0 50 100 1500









900(a)Histogram of real prices

0 50 100 1500









900(b)Histogram of simulated prices

Figure 21: Distribution of the original electricity spot prices (a) and the simulated

electricity prices (b).

−100 −50 0 50 1000










Histogram of the residuals

Figure 22: Histogram of the residuals.


Real prices Simulated prices

Mean 29.41406 29.76591

Std. Dev 14.71071 13.85724

Skewness 1.21756 1.27255

Kurtosis 5.61142 5.37944

Minimum 3.88667 6.35211

Maximum 114.61375 100.87738

Table 3: Real (original) spot prices data vs Simulated data.

4.6 Application on Pure trading

By pure-trading we mean the price series (behaviour) independent of the influence

of the trend and seasonality. In one of the recent studies, [?] was able to get such

a series by doing detrending and two steps of deseasonalizing. First he removed

the weekly and monthly seasonality by an additive model and next by building

regression model with the use of background variables (temperatures and water

reservoirs). Thou he analysed the prices differently in each country we adopt

the system prices with background variables taken from Norway. The series he

obtained is as given in Figure 23. We used the approaches of section 4.5 on this

series and obtained the results as ploted in Fugure 24 and corresponding statistics

in Table 4. Since the series has negative values which are not suitable for our

model, converting them into some positive values by some additions before and

then subtraction after simulation was necessary. Though there appears frequent

short spikes for simulated data, the simulation was able to produce spikes which

are as high as the original spikes. Table 4 shows close results for the simulated

and original series in the statistics as well.


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000−40










Time in days



e se





Figure 23: Pure price series since 1st January, 1999 until 28th April, 2009.

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000−40










Time in days



e se





Real priceSimulated price

Figure 24: Simulated vs real (original) pure price series.


Real pure-prices Simulated pure-prices

Mean 0.72864 0.83423

Std. Dev 7.47424 8.94825

Skewness 0.92309 0.95938

Kurtosis 6.97564 5.51393

Minimum -30.46631 -19.69480

Maximum 46.23567 49.76592

Table 4: Real (original) pure-prices data vs Simulated data.

4.7 Forward price

The only optimal hedging strategy in electricity markets is the use of forwards.

Other usual hedging strategies adopted in other financial assets, such as holding

certain quantities of the underlying, which is electricity in this case, is not a fea-

sible solution. The reason behind is, as earlier mentioned, that electricity can not

be physically and economically stored. It must be consumed almost immediately,

once purchased. In this subsection we derive a formula for estimating the forward

prices based on our model.

The price at time t of the forward expiring at time T is obtained as the expected

value of the spot price at expiry under an equivalent Q-martingale measure,

conditional on the information set available up to time t; namely

F (t, T ) = EQt [ST |Ft] (22)

Thus, we need to replace Xt = lnSt and integrate the resulting SDE in order to

extract ST and later calculate its expectation.

Regarding the expectation, we must calculate it under an equivalentQ-martingale

measure. In a complete market this measure is unique, ensuring only one arbitrage-

free price of the forward. However, in incomplete markets (such as the electricity


markets) this measure is not unique, thus we are left with the difficult task of

choosing an appropriate measure for the particular market in question. Another

approach, common in the literature, is simply to assume that we are already

under an equivalent measure, and thus proceed to perform the pricing directly.

This latter approach would rely however in calibrating the model through im-

plied parameters from a liquid market. This is certainly difficult to do in young

markets and those which are about to be initiated, as there will be no liquidity

of instruments that would enable us to do this. But for the case of Nord Pool

where our reference data have been taken, this is possible as there is sufficient

liquidity of the market.

We follow instead Lucia and Schwartz approach in [24], which consists of incor-

porating a market price of risk in the drift, such that

ˆX ≡ X − λ∗ and λ∗ ≡ λσκ

where λ denotes the market price of risk per unit risk linked to the state variable

Xt. This market price of risk, to be calibrated from market information, pins

down the choice of one particular martingale measure. Under this measure now

we may then rewrite the stochastic process in (13) for Xt as

dXt = κ( ˆX −Xt)dt+ σζ2(t)dt (23)

where the long term mean is assumed to have some seasonality factor g(t), that


ˆX =1



dt+ g(t)− λσ


and ζ2(t) is the coloured noise process in which the incorporated dW (t) is the

increment of Brownian motion in the Q-measure specified by choice of λ. Inte-

grating the process (23) from t to T we get

XT = Xte−κ(T−t) +

∫ T


κe−κ(T−s) ˆXds+ σ

∫ T


e−κ(T−s)ζ2(s)ds (24)


We now introduce the market price of risk and we get

XT = g(T )+(Xt−g(t))e−κ(T−t)−λ∫ T



∫ T


e−κ(T−s)ζ2(s)ds (25)

Further manipulation with the expansion of ζ2(s) gives

XT = g(T ) + (Xt − g(t))e−κ(T−t) − λ∫ T


σe−κ(T−s)ds+ (1

τ− κ)−2 1


×∫ T


(1− k

τ+ κk)e

kτ−κk − (1 +

T − tτ− 2k

τ− κ(T − t) + 2κk)e−

(T−t)τ−κk+ 2k

τ dWk(26)

Since ST = eXT , we can replace (26) and then substitute into (22) to get the

forward price

F (t, T ) = EQt [ST |Ft]

= e−λ∫ Tt σe−κ(T−s)dsG(T )





∫ Tt (1− k


kτ −κk−(1+T−t

τ− 2kτ−κ(T−t)+2κk)e−

(T−t)τ −κk+2k

τ dWk |Ft]


where a = ( 1τ− κ)−2 1


In order to evaluate the expectation above we make use of Ito’s Isometry theory

and probability theory, which is stated in Theorem 2 below.

Theorem 2 If f belongs to H2[0, T ], the space of random functions defined for

all t in [0, T ], and

∫ T0E[f(t)]2dt <∞, then

E[∫ T

0f(t)dWt] = 0 and E[(

∫ T0f(t)dWt)

2] =∫ T


Thus the expectation is obtained as


∫ Tt (1− k


kτ −κk−(1+T−t

τ− 2kτ−κ(T−t)+2κk)e−

(T−t)τ −κk+2k

τ dWk |Ft]

= ea2σ2


∫ Tt (1− k


kτ −κk−(1+T−t

τ− 2kτ−κ(T−t)+2κk)e−

(T−t)τ −κk+2k

τ dk

≈ e( 1τ−κ)−4 1



22 (28)


We now substitute equation (28) into (27) to get an approximation for the forward


F (t, T ) ≈ e−λ∫ Tt σe−κ(T−s)dsG(T )



)e−κ(T−t)e( 1

τ−κ)−4 1



22 (29)

Since our analysis of the data series was not concerned with seasonality therefore

g(t) = 0. Also from the definition,

G(t) = eg(t) and G(T ) = eg(T )

Thus we have

G(T ) = G(t) = 1

With these values, together with estimated parameters in Table 2, the Forward

prices for different expiries can be computed. However, unfortunately we have no

data for forward prices which could be used for comparison in this part.



4.1 Conclusion.

In this dissertation, we have developed a stochastic mean-reverting model driven

by coloured noise process in modelling of electricity spot price time series data.

The data used were collected from Nord Pool market, the Elspot. Analysis of

these data was carried out and some important statistical behaviours such as

mean-reversion, spikes, seasonality and the trend were found as in Figures 5

and 6. Also we performed the normality test and ploted the autocorrelation

functions as shown in Figures 7, 11 and 12. And thus the data was found to

be appropriate for stochastic modelling. The coloured noise process were also

mathematically described as in section 3.3 and analysed in section 4.4. The

analysis showed significant autocorrelation within the coloured noise process as

compared to white noise where there is no any significant autocorrelation as

shown in Figures 17 and 18. The model was then used to simulate the spot

prices. Matlab software were used to do both data simulation and ploting of the

corresponding figures.

Results from the model show that the simulated price series is similar to the

real evolution of electricity spot price time series observed in the market, since it

covers the price series interval both above and below and was able to reflect some

higher values (spikes) of the price series as it appears in Figures 19 and 20. As

to what is diplayed in Table 3, the decriptive statistics for both emperical and

those from the simulated data are also close to each other, indicating that the

model has been a good representation of the real spot price process. Concerning

the forward price, the prices depend much on the market price of risk which is

inevitable for incomplete markets. These forward prices are very useful since


power markets are one hour/day ahead markets for spot markets.

Though the data used in this work were from Scandinavian countries, the rel-

evance of this study to developing countries like those found in Sub-Saharan

Africa and Tanzania in particular was insisted as found in the first chapter of

this dissertation.

4.2 Recommendations and Future work.

The application of coloured noise process in market price models such as those

of electricity seems to be a novel idea. From the results of this work it has

been shown that the coloured noise process is appropriate in modelling electricity

prices. We hereby recommend that;

1. Power generating companies, electricity traders and all the participants in

electricity markets should consider the results of this work for price fore-

casting and proper pricing of electricity.

2. Tanzania and other developing countries in general should speed up the grid

interconnection among different regions and liberalize the power sector for

efficient and reliable power supply to consumers.

Apart from all the efforts which have been taken by various scholars to model the

spot prices of electricity, including this work, there are always holes left uncovered.

We recommend in future, therefore, first to take more steps in ‘filtering’ of the

coloured noise process in order to reduce the frequency of spikes observed in the

simulation. Secondly to combine the coloured noise approach together with other

modelling methods such as Multifactor models and the Structural models so that

we may come up with a more efficient model.



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