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Page 2: Model organisation


I decided to go for a simple outfit with neutral colours for my model to wear. This is because these outfits will look good on my model and will be comfortable for my model to wear. These clothes are also what a lot of people own anyway so the model would already have similar styles that fit her. The neutral colours fit with my theme of being simple and modern, and smart-casual.

Page 3: Model organisation

HAIRI decided to go for this hair style as I think it would look great on my model. I looked for hairstyles with shorter hair as I know my model has this length of hair already. I chose a lightly curled hairstyle because it is easy to replicate and is affective. It creates a natural look which is not too over the top and does not get in the way of the model. This hairstyle adds some personality to the photo and some depth without it being too much or too little.

Page 4: Model organisation


The make-up look I chose for my model is similar to this on the left. I chose to use gold as the main colour of the make-up with hints of black, pink and brown. I chose to use gold glitter for the eyes as I aim to use minimal make-up on the lips and this makeup will bring the attention away form the lips to the eyes. It also draws attention because of the shine on the glitter, which is apparent whether the picture is in colour or black and white. This make-up look will fit with the theme of the magazine, and will also fit with the genre of pop music. This makeup look is still simple so will give a focal point for the audience but will not take away from the rest of the photo.

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PORTRAIT PHOTOS These are some of the images that I am inspired by for my magazine. I have chosen to take some portrait photos of my model in the style of the images on the left. I was inspired by these images because they are simple and easy to recreate but also give the impression that I am trying to give of my model. These images look similar to what you would expect to see in a pop music magazine which I am trying to create. I explored different poses my model could do and what directions they can look at to create certain affects. I also looked at coloured photos and black and white photos to explore which would look best for which pose and what the affect would be for each. These are some of the images that I am inspired by for my magazine.

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I researched some model photography to find different styles that I could use for my magazine. I looked at images that showed more of the body than just the face, as the outfit on the model also represents the genre of music for my magazine. I liked the way the models are positioned in the camera lens and their poses in these photos, and wanted to try and recreate them as much as possible. Again I looked at what style of photo is best in what colour to know for my magazine. After researching different styles I chose these six that I would base my photos off of.