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Page 1: Mobile Myths in Enterprise Development

Mobile Myths in Enterprise Development

Dr. PhD. Larise Lucia Stavarache

Mobile Architect

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What is this presentation


Mobile Deals Landscape

Myths & Expectations

Mobile Challenges

Mobile Innovations

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© 2017 IBM Corporation


Solutioning is about shaping and

translating the value proposition into a

tangible technical solution that meets the

client’s requirement for budget and

functionality, and at the same time

ensuring delivery with manageable risks

and expected IBM profits …

… all based on a competitive deal


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Types of Solution within the Federated Solution 2.0

Pre-Integrated Industry Apps

• Integrated with pre-defined enterprise systems

(SAP, Salesforce …)

• Expert Seller with Box

• Productivity Apps (Join, Connect, Reserve)

Custom Integrated Industry Apps

Custom Apps

Mobile at Scale

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Mobile Today?

Is a commodity

Is almost a must in how business should evolve

Is an easy way to reach and establish a communication

channel with your clients/customers

Is mass coverage

40% of the worlds' population has internet access


Mobile usage of web browser is reaching if not

surpassing Desktop users

It has major security flows

It is not fully regulated

Is not rocket science anymore

Its an opportunity for cognitive and insights

Mobile => Mobility

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Myths & Expectations

Myth: Size vs Price

Myth: Replicating Functionalities vs Device


Myth: Infinite Scrolling vs Fields in the Screen

Myth: Industry guidelines vs Client Will

Myth: Infinite Storing vs Device Capabilities

Myth: Less is More

Myth: All you can eat

Myth: Native vs Hybrid

Myth: Security … and Mobile

Myth: Testers vs End Users Testing

Myth: Designing for Mobile Middleware

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Myth: Size vs Price

“If the mobile

device is smaller

than a Desktop web

browser, does not

imply the cost is



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Myth: Replicating Functionalities vs

Device Capabilities

“If it works on the

Web Desktop, why

can’t you do it on

the mobile device?”

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Myth: Screen Size

“The question is: how much

info can actually fit in a


Hint: is not necessary

recommended to stick

all Wikipedia data in

one screen”

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Myth: Industry guidelines vs Client’ will

“Can I have this round

star shaped button with

Shadow? Does not matter

what Industry advices”

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Myth: Infinite Storing vs Device


“Often confusion that a mobile

device can be used and will

work as a Terabyte Hard Disk

Hint : You should not design

your app to work like that

especially in B2C

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Myth: Less is More

“Less is not always more and real

experiences tell us that putting client first

is the key-step in a successful project”

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Myth: All you can eat

“App should be

bytes not the full

pizza with a case”

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Myth: Native vs Hybrid

“The long story short: don’t

follow the urban myths as

there are many experts and

even more opinions”

“Always assess depending on

your requirements, known-

facts and industry knowledge”

“Do not design apps based

only on the latest cool trends

or latest phone releases… it

will change”

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Myth: Testers vs End Users


“Yes, No … Maybe”

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Myth: Security … and Mobile

Gartner states: “By 2020, up to 90% of

enterprises will test mobile applications

for security vulnerabilities, with more

than half of them using the same vendor

they use for web application security


“Gartner states: Ponemon Institute has

reported that in 2016, only 29% percent

of mobile apps underwent security

assessments. To bridge the gap, security

teams will need to add new tools to

increase their testing capabilities and


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Myth: Mobile Middleware vs


“Majority of the clients

assume that using the

same middleware will

work, purely wrong“

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Mobile Challenges

Dynamic Environment

Aligning Business with Technical

Average Life span of an app

Target Audience

Go to Market Time

Technical Readiness

Pixel Perfect or MVP


Severity 1 in production

What About Support


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Mobile Innovations

First ATEX 1 App on the Rigs

“Improvement of efficiency”

“Reducing of personnel”

“End-to-End Visibility”

“NoSQL & MQTT in Extreme Offline scenarios”


“Introducing Watson Machine Learning to AR/VR”

“Medical Monitoring for Disability Improvements”

Mobile Factory for Cement Industry

“Automated System to receive, pick and load trucks

through the facility”

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