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    Briefing Book

    January, 2013



    Para Page No.

    1. Background and coverage of MGNREGA 1

    2. Salient Features of MGNREGA... 1

    3. Permissible activities..... 1

    4. Funding. 2-3

    5. Programme Implementation and Outcomes.. 3

    5.1 Outcomes of Programme implementation in 2012-13

    Performance of the MGNREGA (National Overview) 4-5

    5.2 Demand for Employment.. 6

    5.3 Share of Women in Workforce.. 7

    5.4 Share of SC/ST Households in Employment 8

    5.5 Supplementing Income. 9

    5.6 Expenditure 9

    6. Initiatives taken to Strengthen Implementation 9

    6.1 Capacity Building and Strengthening of Administrative Support Systems. 9

    (i) Communication and awareness generation. 9

    (ii) Deployment of additional dedicated personnel for MGNREGA 10

    (iii)Strengthening Capacity Building at the State Level... 10

    (iv)Insurance Coverage. 10

    (v) Strengthening ICT facilities at the GP level 10

    6.2 Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanisms 10

    (I) Internal Monitoring. 10

    (II) External Monitoring 11

    (III) Other mechanisms 11

    6.3 New Initiatives 11-14

    7 Wage related 14-15

    8. Works related 15

    9. Financial Inclusion 15

    10 Increasing Transparency and Accountability 15-16

    (a) Proactive Disclosure

    11. Social Audit 16

    12. Grievance Redressal Mechanism 16-17

    12.1 SOP for Disposal of Complaints 17

    12.2 Ombudsman 17

    (i) Salient features of Ombudsman System 17-18

  • Annexures

    No. Item Page


    1. Cumulative No. of Households issued Job cards 19

    2. Cumulative No. of Households demanded employment 20

    3. Average days per Households ... 21

    4. Women Persondays 22

    5. SC/ST Persondays.. 23

    6. Disabled beneficiaries. 24

    7. Number of Households which have completed 100 days of Employment... 25

    8. Works completion rate under MGNREGA . 26-29

    9 Bank and Post office Accounts under MGNREGA 30

    10. Social Audit report 2011-12 . 31

    11. Social Audit report 2012-13 (As on 09-11.2012) 32

    12. State- wise wage rates under MGNREGA. 33

    13. State-wise approved labour Budget 2012-13. 34

    14. State-wise Financial release 2006-07 to 2012-13 (02.11.2012 as per MIS). 35-37

    15. Present Status of appointment of ombudsman in the States.. 38

    16. State & District level vigilance and monitoring committee meeting.. 39-40

    17. Letter dated 7.9.2012 to all States/UTs Standard Operating Procedure. 41-47

    18. Complaints under MGNREGA as on 15.02.2013. 48

    19. Year wise Complaints received under MGNREGA. 49

    20. Type of Complaints under MGNREGA.. 50

  • 1. Background and coverage of MGNREGA

    The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) is a flagship

    programme of Government of India. The Act was notified initially in 200 most backward districts

    of the country w.e.f. February 02, 2006 and subsequently extended all over India in two phases.

    The programme aims at enhancing livelihood security of the rural poor by providing at least 100

    days of guaranteed wage employment in a financial year to every household whose adult members

    volunteer to do unskilled manual work. The Act seeks to create durable assets and strengthen the

    livelihood resource base of the rural poor. The choice of works suggested in the Act address

    causes of chronic poverty like drought, deforestation, soil erosion, so that the process of

    employment generation is on a sustainable basis.

    2. Salient Features of MGNREGA

    All adult members of a rural household willing to do unskilled manual work have the right to demand employment

    Such a household will have to apply registration to the Gram Panchayat After verification, the Gram Panchayat will issue a Job Card with photograph of all adult members of

    the household willing to work under the programme.

    The Job Card must remain in the custody of the household Job Cardholder can apply for work to the Gram Panchayat which will issue him/her a dated receipt of

    the work application

    Employment will be provided by the Gram Panchayat (local self governing body) within 15 days of work application, failing which unemployment allowance will be paid.

    Disbursement of wages has to be done weekly basis and not beyond a fortnight. Wages will be paid at the wage rate to the wage earners through their Bank/Post office accounts. An annual shelf of works to be prepared in advance for each year. A ratio of 60:40 for wage and material costs should be maintained at GP level. No contractors/and no labour-displacing machinery shall be used in execution of works. Panchayati Raj Institutions will have a principal role in planning, monitoring and implementation At least one-third of the workers should be women. Inbuilt incentive-disincentive structure to the State Government for guaranteeing employment.

    3. Permissible activities:

    Over the last few years there has been an increased demand from States to include new works

    which would create an even stronger positive synergy between MGNREGA and agriculture and allied rural

    livelihoods. In response to the demand, the provision in Schedule I has been amended vide. Notification

    dated 4th May, 2012 to include additional works that can be taken up under MGNREGA. The amended

    Schedule I provides that the focus of the scheme shall be on the following works;

    (i) water conservation and water harvesting including contour trenches, contour bunds, boulder

    checks, gabion structures, underground dykes, earthen dams, stop dams and spring shed


    (ii) drought proofing including afforestation and tree plantation;

    (iii) irrigation canals including micro and minor irrigation works;

    (iv) provision of irrigation facility, dug out farm pond, horticulture, plantation, farm bunding and land


    (v) renovation of traditional water bodies including desilting of tanks;

    (vi) land development;

    (vii) flood control and protection works including drainage in water logged areas including deepening

    and repairing of flood channels, chaur renovation, construction of storm water drains for coastal


  • (viii) rural connectivity to provide all weather access, including culverts and roads within a village,

    wherever necessary;

    (ix) construction of Bharat Nirman Rajiv Gandhi Sewa Kendra as Knowledge Resource Centre at the

    Block level and as Gram Panchayat Bhawan at the Gram Panchayat level;

    (x) agriculture related works, such as, NADEP composting, vermi-composting, liquid bio-manures;

    (xi) livestock related works, such as, poultry shelter, goat shelter, construction of pucca floor, urine

    tank and fodder trough for cattle, azolla as cattle-feed supplement;

    (xii) fisheries related works, such as, fisheries in seasonal water bodies on public land;

    (xiii) works in coastal areas, such as, fish drying yards, belt vegetation;

    (xiv) rural drinking water related works, such as, soak pits, recharge pits;

    (xv) rural sanitation related works, such as, individual household latrines, school toilet units, anganwadi

    toilets, solid and liquid waste management;

    (xv(a) Construction of Anganwadi centres

    (xv (b) Construction of play fields.

    (xvi) any other work which may be notified by the Central Government in consultation with the State


    All activities mentioned in items (iv), (x), (xi) and items (xiii) to (xv) are allowed on land or

    homestead owned by households belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes or below

    poverty line families or the beneficiaries of land reforms or the beneficiaries under the Indira Awas Yojana

    of the Government of India or that of the small or marginal farmers as defined in the Agriculture Debt

    Waiver and Debt Relief Scheme, 2008, or the beneficiaries under the Scheduled Tribes and Other

    Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 (2 of 2007)

    4. Funding

    The Central Government bears the costs on the following items:

    The entire cost of wages of unskilled manual workers.

    75% of the cost of material, wages of skilled and semi-skilled workers.

    Administrative expenses as may be determined by the Central Government, which will include,

    inter alia, the salary and the allowances of the Programme Officer and his supporting staff and

    work site facilities.

    Expenses of the Central Employment Guarantee Council.

    The State Government bears the costs on the following items:

    25% of the cost of material, wages of skilled and semi-skilled workers.

    Unemployment allowance payable in case the State Government cannot provide wage employment

    on time.

    Administrative expenses of the State Employment Guarantee Council.

    Districts have dedicated accounts for Mahatma Gandhi NREGA funds. Proposals are submitted based on

    clearly delineated guidelines so that funds may be distributed efficiently at each level, and adequate funds

    may be available to respond to demand. Under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA, fund releases are based on an

    appraisal of both financial and physical indicators of outcomes.

  • Labour Budget: The District Programme Coordinator prepares the Labour Budget in the month of

    December every year for the next financial year containing the details of anticipated demand for unskilled

    manual work under the scheme and submits it to the District Panchayat. The Ministry of Rural

    Development estimates the requirement of funds on the basis of projections made in the Labour Budget.

    Central funds are sanctioned after the examination of Labour Budgets and taking into account utilization of

    funds previously released.

    5. Programme Implementation and Outcomes

    1. Outcomes of programme implementation in the year 2012-13(upto 12.2.2013) are as follows:

    1.1. Employment Generated: In 2012-13, 4.48 crore households were provided employment and

    163.38 crore persondays of employment were generated.

    1.2. Increasing Outreach to the poor and marginalized: Self targeting in nature, the programme had

    high work participation for marginalized groups like SC/ST (38%), Women (53%) in 2012-13.

    1.3. Strengthening Natural Resource Base: In 2012-13, 64.54 lakh works were undertaken, of which

    58% for water conservation, 12% for the provision of irrigation facility to land owned by

    SC/ST/BPL and IAY beneficiaries, 18% for rural connectivity and 8% for land development.

    1.4. Financial Inclusion of the Poor: With a view to universalise the system of wage payments

    through individual accounts, it has been recommended to all States to disburse wages through Post

    Offices and Bank Accounts. 8.71 crore (as per MIS) Mahatma Gandhi NREGA bank and post

    office accounts have been opened to disburse wages.

    1.5 Mahatma Gandhi NREGA in Left Wing Extremism (LWE) Districts: The Ministry reviews

    the implementation of Mahatma Gandhi NREGA in LWE districts. During the financial year 2012-

    13 the average persondays of employment per household is 33 days. The percentage of women

    participation was 47 as compared to the national average of 53. The percentage of HHs which

    completed 100 days of employment is 4.24 as compared to national average of 4.59.




    (FY 07-08)

    330 Districts

    (FY 08-09)



    (FY 09-10)



    (FY 2010-11)

    626 Districts

    (FY 2011-12)

    626 Districts


    (FY 2012-








    Total Job Card issued 3.78 Crore 6.48 Crore 10.01 Crore 11.25 Crore 11.98 Crore 12.39 Crore 12.59



    provided to


    2.10 Crore 3.39 Crore 4.51 Crore 5.26 Crore 5.49 Crore 5.04 Crore 4.48 Crore

    Persondays [in Crore]:

    Total: 90.5 143.59 216.32 283.59 257.15 216.34 163.38

    SCs: 22.95 [25%] 39.36 [27%] 63.36 [29%] 86.45


    78.76 [31%] 47.70 [22%] 36.05


    STs: 32.98 [36%] 42.07[29%] 55.02


    58.74 [21%] 53.62 [21%] 39.59 [18%] 26.59


    Women: 36.40


    61.15 [43%] 103.57




    122.74 [48%] 103.81




    Others: 34.56 [38%] 62.16 [43%] 97.95




    124.78 [48%] 129.06




    Persondays per HH 43 days 42 days 48 days 54 days 47 days 43 days 36 days

    Budget Outlay:

    (In Rs Crore)

    11300 12000 30000 39100 40100 40000 33000

    Central Release:

    (In Rs Crore)

    8640.85 12610.39 29939.60 33506.61 35768.95 29189.77 26533.06

    Total available fund

    [including OB]: In Rs. Crore.

    12073.55 19305.81 37397.06 49579.19 54172.14 48832.49 42464.26

    Expenditure (In Rs.

    Crore.) [percentage

    against available funds]















    Expenditure on

    Wages (In Rs. Crore.)















    Total works taken up

    (In Lakhs):

    8.35 17.88 27.75 46.17 50.99 82.51 64.54

    Works completed: 3.87 8.22 12.14 22.59 25.90 18.56 11.83

    Works break up:

    Water conservation: 4.51 [54%] 8.73 [49 %] 12.79




    24.26 [48%] 44.09 [53%] 37.71


    Provision of Irrigation

    facility to land owned

    by SC/ST/ BPL and

    IAY beneficiaries:

    0.81 [10%] 2.63 [15 %] 5.67 [20%]

    7.73 [17%]

    9.15 [18%]

    9.52 [12%]



    Rural Connectivity: 1.80 [21%] 3.08 [17 %] 5.03 [18%] 7.64 [17%] 9.31 [18%] 17.87 [22%] 11.50


    Land Development: 0.89 [11%] 2.88 [16%] 3.98 [ 15%] 6.38 [ 14%] 7.04 [ 14%] 7.69 [9%] 5.30


    Any other activity: 0.34 [4%] 0.56 [3%] 0.28 [1%] 0.98 [2%] 1.06 [2%] 3.06 [4%] 1.79


    Rajiv Gandhi Seva


    - - - - 0.17 [0.33%] 0.28 [0.34%] 0.27


    Coastal Areas - - - - - - 0.00009


    Rural Drinking Water - - - - - - 0.0074



    Fisheries - - - - - - 0.0136



    Rural Sanitation - - - - - - 0.43


  • 2. Demand for Employment

    The main objective of the Mahatma Gandhi NREGA is to meet employment demand. The number of

    households provided employment is 4.48 crore in financial year 2012-13.

    Figure 1: Demand for Employment met during the Financial Year 2012-13

    Total households provided employment: 4.48 crore

    3. Share of Women in Workforce

    The Act stipulates that priority shall be given to women in such a way that a minimum of one-third of the

    beneficiaries are women who have registered and have requested for work. Women participation for FY

    2012-13 is 53% (See Annexure-IV for details).

    Figure 2: Significant Share of Women in Workforce during the Financial Year 2012-13

    National women participation rate: 53%



























    HP JK










    ALA M































    KIM TN











    A &


    D &

    N H














    HHs Demanded Employment HHs Provided Employment

  • The highest women participation for FY 2012-13 was reported in Kerala (93%) followed by Puducherry


    4. Share of SC/ST Households in Employment

    In terms of providing employment to members of SC & ST households in 2012-13 the figure stood at

    nearly 38%. (See Annexure-V for details).

    Figure 3: Major Share of SC/ST HHs in employment generation during the financial year 2012-13

    SC& ST participation rate: 38%

    SC participation rate: 22%, ST participation rate: 16%






















    IL N






    N HP











    A &





































    T B






















    AM JK UP

    D &

    N H



    %age of Women participation

    %age of Women participation

  • 5. Supplementing Income

    Post-Mahatma Gandhi NREGA there has been a revision of minimum wages across the country. Average

    household earning have increased from Rs. 2795 in FY 2006-07 to around Rs. 4716 in FY 2012-13. A

    major share of Mahatma Gandhi NREGA expenditure is as unskilled wage. (See Figure 5)

    Figure 5: Major Share of Expenditure in Shape of Wage Earnings of Labour during the financial year 2012-13.

    Total expenditure: Rs 29422.22 Crore













    L P



















    HP JK










    ALA M































    KIM TN











    A &


    D &

    N H














    SC participation rate ST participation rate

  • 6. Expenditure

    The availability of funds with the districts during 2012-13 under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA was Rs

    42464.26 crores, with Rs 26533.06 crores as Central release, and Rs 10009.09 crores as Opening Balance, Rs

    5037.69 crores as State share. As against this, an amount of Rs 29422.22 crores has been utilised which

    constitutes 69% of the funds available.

    6. Initiatives taken to Strengthen Implementation

    6.1. Capacity Building and Strengthening of Administrative Support Systems

    i) Communication and awareness generation: Communication is one of the critical areas for

    effective and efficient implementation of the Mahatma Gandhi NREGA. The Information

    Educational and Communication (IEC) strategies include newspapers, TV and radio spots,

    pamphlets and brochures to create awareness. States organised Gram Sabha to communicate key

    features of the Act.

    The Ministry is emphasizing on mobilizing Gram Sabhas, PRIs and youth movements through

    Nehru Yuva Kendras.

    The Award for Effective Initiative under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA for financial year 2010-

    11 was given to 6 Districts and 10 Gram Panchayats . to be updated ?

    The Award of Excellence in Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Administration (Financial Inclusion) was

    given to selected Banks and Post Offices.

    The Rozgar Jagrookta Puruskar award was given to recognize outstanding contributions by Civil

    Society Organisations at State, District, Block and Gram Panchayat levels to generate awareness

    about provisions and entitlements and ensuring compliance with implementing processes .

    ii) Deployment of additional dedicated personnel for Mahatma Gandhi NREGA:

    Panchayat Development Officer and Junior Engineer: To ensure adequate human and

    technical support to the district and sub-district levels for implementing Mahatma Gandhi NREGS,

    the Central Government has suggested that States can deploy core professional staff namely

    Panchayat Development Officer and Junior Engineer in Gram Panchayats of the Left Wing

    Extremism (LWE) affected Districts as per the list provided by Ministry of Home Affairs.

    Engineer: To address the issue of the shortage of technical personnel in the Blocks and Gram

    Panchayats, States have been permitted to deploy two engineers per 6000 population of rural

    households. In the North-Eastern states and hill States like Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh

    Rs. 21127 Cr(75%)

    Rs. 6904 Cr)(25%)

    Expenditure on wages (in Cr) Expenditure on material (in Cr)

  • and Uttranchal deployment of two engineers have been permitted per 3000 population of rural


    iii) Strengthening Capacity Building at the State Level: Another critical element for the

    strengthening of administrative systems pertains to training of different stakeholders. The

    requirements of training are considerable at all levels and include functionaries, PRIs, and the local

    vigilance committees. The number of functionaries trained at different levels is given below:

    Training undertaken by States is indicated below:

    a) PRI functionaries - 5.61 lakhs

    b) VMC Members - 6.25 lakhs

    c) Technical Staff - 23728 (in nos.)

    iv. Insurance Coverage: The benefits of Rashtriya Swathya Bima Yojna (RSBY) is being expanded

    to provide health insurance to Mahatma Gandhi NREGA workers.

    v. Strengthening ICT facilities at the GP level: The Ministry has permitted the use of

    administrative head of Mahatma Gandhi NREGA of 6% of the cost of the Scheme for provision of

    latest ICT facilities in the Gram Panchayats (BNRGSK) within the permissible norms of the State

    Government and subject to due procedures.

    6.2. Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanisms

    The Ministry of Rural Development has set up internal and external systems to closely monitor

    Mahatma Gandhi NREGA both physical and financial performance of States. These mechanisms

    also assess the pace and quality of Mahatma Gandhi NREGA processes and procedures and

    identify critical issues that need to be addressed on priority.

    (I) Internal Monitoring

    i) Management Information System (MIS): Mahatma Gandhi NREGA has one of the most

    effective ICT enabled public interface at It is fully functional.

    The architecture of the MIS is constructed on the requirements of the legal process of the

    Act. All physical and financial performance data is available in public domain. This

    infuses transparency in Mahatma Gandhi NREGA information system, enables monitoring

    of implementation gaps and promotes prompt response to labour demand and labour

    grievances. The village level household data base has internal checks for ensuring

    consistency and conformity to normative processes.

    Following critical parameters are monitored by MIS:

    (a) Workers entitlement data and documents such as registration, job cards, muster rolls,

    (b) Shelf of approved and sanctioned works, works under execution, measurement

    (c) Employment provided

    (d) Financial indicators including wage payment.

    Proper checks have been introduced to validate the data entered and stop wrong entries.

    MIS generates multiple alerts to implementing agencies about the various irregularities,

    important activities, and messages for funds so that corrective action can be taken. MIS

    also enables tracking of funds to ensure that the funds being released through the State

    Fund are according to financial norms.

    (II) External Monitoring

    Statutory Institutional Mechanisms

  • i) Central Employment Guarantee Council (CEGC): CEGC at the National level has been set up with the statutory mandate of monitoring and reviewing the implementation of the

    Act. During the financial year 2010-11 the Council members visited State of Gujarat and

    Uttar Pradesh to review performance of programme and submitted report to Ministry.

    Council members have also actively participated in review, studies, training and social

    audits. The Council has met twice in the financial year 2010-11.

    (III) Other Mechanisms

    i) National Level Monitors and Area Officers: The National Level Monitors, Area

    Officers and officials of the Ministry of Rural Development undertake annual field visits to

    Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Phase I, II and III districts.

    ii) Review with States: Feedback on programme implementation is discussed and analyzed

    with State Governments through quarterly Performance Review Committee meeting and

    periodic state level reviews

    6.3 New Initiatives.

    Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Operational Guidelines, Fourth edition 2013

    The Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Operational Guidelines has been revised and issued. Some of the

    highlights and focus points of the revised MGNREGA Operational Guidelines is annexed.

    Some of the highlights of the MGNREGA Operational Guidelines are following:

    a. Strengthen human resources for implementation of the Scheme: For providing assistance in

    planning or works, implementation and monitoring of the Scheme Cluster Facilitation Teams

    (CFTs), State Employment Guarantee Mission, State Management Team and National

    Management Team should be constituted. Dedicated Programme Officers should be deployed in

    Blocks that have high concentration of SC/ST/landless labourers and are likely to have more

    demand for MGNREGA works. The dedicated PO should not be assigned responsibilities not

    directly related to MGNREGA.

    b. Accurately capture demand for work: For better capture of demand, applications for work may

    be registered through telephones including mobile phones. To make this system convenient to

    illiterate workers provision has been made to include Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS)

    and voice-enabled interactions.

    c. Build capacity of MGNREGA functionaries: Network of Institutions for building the capacity

    of MGNREGA functionaries may be identified.

    d. Conduct baseline survey to assess quantum and timing of demand for work

    e. Priority and approval of ALL works to be decided by Gram Panchayat in meetings of the Gram

    Sabha and the Ward Sabha. Habitation level as the unit of planning and identification of project

    f. Expansion of permissible works.

    i. Water Conservation and water harvesting including contour trenches, contour bunds, boulder checks, gabion structures, underground dykes, earthen dams,

    stop dams and springshed development;

    ii. Drought Proofing including plantation and afforestation; iii. Irrigation canals including micro and minor irrigation works; iv. Provision of irrigation facility, dug out farm pond, horticulture, plantation, farm

    bunding and land development;

    v. Renovation of traditional water bodies including desilting of tanks; vi. Land Development;

    vii. Flood control and protection works including drainage in water logged areas including deepening and repairing of flood channels, chaur renovation,

    construction of storm water drains for coastal protection;

    viii. Rural connectivity to provide all weather access, including culverts and roads within a village, wherever necessary;

    ix. Construction of Bharat Nirman Rajiv Gandhi Sewa Kendra as Knowledge Resource Centre at the Block level and as Gram Panchayat Bhawan at the Gram

    Panchayat level;

  • x. Agriculture related works, such as, NADEP composting, vermi-composting, liquid bio-manures;

    xi. Livestock related works, such as, poultry shelter, goat shelter, construction of pucca floor, urine tank and fodder trough for cattle, azolla as cattle-feed


    xii. Fisheries related works, such as, fisheries in seasonal water bodies on public land;

    xiii. Works in coastal areas, such as, fish drying yards, belt vegetation; xiv. Rural drinking water related works, such as, soak pits, recharge pits; xv. Rural sanitation related works, such as, individual household latrines, school

    toilet units, anganwadi toilets, solid and liquid waste management;

    xva Construction of Anganwadi centres

    xvb Construction of play fields.

    xvi Any other work which may be notified by the Central Government in consultation

    with the State Government.

    g. The 60:40 ratio for wage and material costs should be maintained at GP level for all works to be

    taken up by GP and for works to be taken by all other agencies it should be maintained at the

    Block/ Intermediate Panchayat level.

    h. Payment of workers on piece rate basis: To ensure that workers are paid for their labour, the

    wages paid to workers shall be calculated on the basis of work out-turn

    i. Suggestive time lines for various steps involved in preparation and finalization of Labour

    Budget are as below:

    Date Action to be taken


    August Gram Sabha to approve GP Annual Plan and submit to PO


    September PO submits consolidated GP Plans to Block Panchayat


    October Block Panchayat to approve the Block Annual Plan and submit to DPC


    November DPC to present District Annual Plan and LB to District Panchayat

    1st December District Panchayat to approve District Annual Plan


    December DPC to ensure that shelf of projects for each GP is ready

    31st December Labour Budget is submitted to Central Govt.

    January Ministry scrutinizes the Labour Budget and requests for compliance for

    deficiencies, if any

    February Meetings of Empowered Committee are held and LB finalized

    February, March Agreed to LB communicated to States. States to feed data of Month

    wise and District wise breakup of Agreed to LB in MIS and

    communicate the same to Districts/ blocks/ GPs

    Before 7th

    April States to communicate OB, Center to release upfront / 1st Tranche.

  • j. Provision for maintenance of assets: To ensure the sustainability of assets maintenance should

    be undertaken only for those assets that have been created under MGNREGA.

    k. Formation of labour groups: To provide a platform to workers for articulating the collective

    voice and demand of the wage seekers.

    l. Strategy to address incomplete works: To ensure that works taken up under MGNREGA are


    m. Stress on online reporting through MIS. The guidelines provide a flowchart for each activity to

    be entered onto NREGASoft

    n. Stress on Information Technology(IT) based end to end solutions for instance the Electronic

    Fund Management System (e-FMS)

    o. Encourage partnerships with civil society organizations in awareness-building, mobilization,

    support and strengthening capacities of wage-seekers.

    p. Additional focus on strategies for inclusion of vulnerable groups such as disabled, widowed

    women etc. to enhance their livelihood security.

    q. Guidelines on quality management of works to ensure that assets created under MGNREGA are

    durable and help in strengthening the livelihood resource base of the rural poor.

    r. Framework for convergence between MGNREGA and other programmes

    s. Enforcing application of Section 25 wherever applicable for not adhering the roles and

    responsibilities mentioned in Act and Schedule.

    7 Wage related

    7.1 Section 6(1) of MGNREGA states that notwithstanding anything contained in the Minimum

    Wages Act 1948, the central Government may by notification specify the wage rate for the

    purposes of the Act:

    Provided that different rates of wages may be specified for different areas:

    Provided further that the wage rate specified from time to time under any such notification shall

    not be at a rate less than sixty rupees per day.

    7.2 Section 6 (2) states that until such time as a wage rate is fixed by the central Government in respect

    of any area in a State, the minimum wage fixed by the State Government under section 3 of the

    Minimum Wages Act, 1948 for agricultural labourers shall be considered as the wage rate

    applicable to that area.

    7.3 In exercise of powers under Section 6(1) of the Act, Ministry of Rural Development notified wage

    rate on 01.01.2009 adopting the minimum wage rate for agricultural labour of the States as on


    7.4 In pursuance to announcement by Honble Finance Minister in his budget speech-2009 to provide

    a real wage of Rs. 100/- a day as an entitlement under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural

    Employment Guarantee Act, on the request of this Ministry, the Ministry of Statistics &

    Programme Implementation constituted a committee under the Chairmanship of Dr. Pronab Sen,

    Principal Adviser, Planning Commission to develop a mechanism to evolve a framework to create

    a separate index for updation of MGNREGA wages. The Committee has representatives from

    Ministry of Rural Development as Members along with representation from other Ministries &

    Departments. The report of the Committee is awaited.

    7.5 It has been decided that till such time that a satisfactory index is proposed by Dr. Sen Committee

    and accepted by the Government, the Government could index the wages with the Consumer Price

    Index for Agriculture labourers (CPIAL). In pursuance of this, the Ministry issued a notification

    dated 14th January, 2011 revising wage rates under Section 6(1) of the MGNREG Act with

    indexation to CPIAL. The revised wage rates were made applicable w.e.f 01.01.2011. The wage

  • rates have been further revised in 2012 vide notification dated 23.3.2012 effective from 1st April,

    2012. For arriving at latest revised rates, the percentage increase in the CPIAL for November, 2010

    to December 2011 has been applied to MGNREGA wage rate as on 1st January; 2012. It has also

    been decided to increase the wage rate annually. The details of revised wages notified for States

    are given in Annexure- XIII.

    7.6. Ensuring Payment of wages within a fortnight

    To ensure payment of wages within a fortnight to all MGNREGA workers, a flow chart with time

    schedule has been suggested to reduce administrative delays:



    Activity Time Schedule

    1 Closing of muster roll 6th day after start of the


    2 Bringing muster roll measurement book 8th day

    3 (i) Entry of muster rolls in MIS. (ii) Generation of Pay order (consolidated as well


    9th and 10

    th day

    4 (i) Submission of pay order at the block post office/ bank.

    (ii) Generation of information wage slip. (iii) Transfer of pay order at the village post


    11th and 12

    th day

    Deposit of wages in the account of wage earners 13th day

    5 Entry of disbursement of wage into MIS 16th day

    8. Works related

    8.1. Ensure timely completion of works

    States have been suggested to indicate the timeframe for the completion of the works while

    obtaining technical and administration sanction for the works.

    9. Financial Inclusion

    i. Payment of Wages through Individual Accounts: Under MGNREGA, timely payment of wages

    is a legally backed right of the workers. To eliminate leakages and to ensure transparency as well

    as promptness in wage payments, the Ministry has recommended to all the states to disburse wages

    to workers through their individual accounts opened either in banks or post offices. Consequently,

    there are around 8.71 crores bank/post office accounts of MGNREGA workers through

    which around Rs.14162.29 crore (as per MIS) were paid as wages in the year 2012-13(as on


    ii. Business Correspondent Model: To strengthen the institutional outreach for timely wage

    disbursement under MGNREGA, Ministry has advised State Governments to roll out the

    Business Correspondent Model to make wage payment through Banks with Bio-metric

    authentication at village level on competitive bid basis from Banks. Many states have initiated the

    process in this regard. Further, Ministry is continuously followingup the matter with Department

    of Financial Service and Reserve Bank of India for speedy payment through Electronic Benefit

    Transfer (EBT) by adopting Business Correspondent Model.

    iii. Ministry has stressed on the formation of State Employment Guarantee Funds (SEGF). This will

    give the State a decisive role in managing funds meant for the districts.

    10. Increasing Transparency and Accountability

    The Act contains specific provisions for public accountability. Based on the statutory directives, the

    Guidelines stipulate a three-pronged strategy for public accountability.

  • i) Proactive Disclosure:

    a. Annual Reports on outcomes to Parliament and State legislature are mandated. Annual Report

    2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 , 2009-10 and 2010 -11 on the implementation of Mahatma Gandhi

    NREGA, were prepared and presented to both Houses of Parliament. Further as per the Mahatma

    Gandhi NREGA and recent amendments, all documents and records relating to the scheme are to

    be made available for public scrutiny.

    b. States have been suggested to proactively disclose the following in the Gram Sabha:

    1. Names of works both completed and ongoing with wages paid and material component.

    2. Names of persons, preferably with job card number, number of days worked and wages paid.

    3. Quantity and price of materials purchased for each project along with the name of agency which

    supplied the material.

    ii) Procurement of materials / items under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA: To ensure transparency

    and accountability in procurement States have been advised that all procurement details should be

    posted in the MIS for monitoring. Quantity procured total amount spent on procurement, date of

    delivery of material etc. should invariably be indicated.

    11. Social Audit

    1 The Ministry has, in consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India, notified on 30

    th June, 2011, the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee

    Audit of Schemes Rules, 2011.

    2 The salient features of the Audit of Scheme Rules 2011 are:-

    o Every Gram Panchayat to have at least one social audit every six months o Social Audit Unit to be independent of implementing agencies to facilitate social audit by

    Gram Sabha

    o Social Audit Unit to be responsible for building capacities of Gram Sabhas for conducting social audit by identifying, training and deploying suitable resource persons at village,

    block, district and state level

    o Social Audit Unit to create awareness amongst the labourers about their rights and entitlements under the Act

    o Social Audit Unit to facilitate verification of records with primary stakeholders and work sites;

    o Resource persons to be drawn from primary stakeholders and other civil society organizations having knowledge and experience of working for the rights of the people.

    o Resource persons to be deployed for facilitating social audit in a Panchayat not to be residents of the same Panchayat

    o Resource persons to inform the labourers and the village community about the Gram Sabha conducting social audit

    o All elected members of Panchayats and implementing staff to be present and respond to queries at the Gram Sabha

    o Social audit report to be prepared in local language and displayed on the notice board of the Gram Panchayat

    o Summary of findings of social audit to be submitted by the State Government to the Comptroller & Auditor General of India

    The laying down of above rules is a major step in making social audit the principal instrument for transparency and accountability in the implementation of Mahatma Gandhi NREGA.

    It aims to encourage public participation in the implementation of the Mahatma Gandhi NREGS leading to strengthening of the programme.

    It also aims to put in place an independent institutional mechanism to increase the awareness of the labourers about their rights and entitlement under MGNREGS.

    12 Grievance Redressal Mechanisms

  • 12.1 The Ministry has been repeatedly reminding State Governments to ensure that they establish a

    suitable mechanism for redressal of grievances and disposal of complaints in accordance with the

    relevant provisions of MGNREG Act.

    As per the provisions in Section 27(2) of MGNREGA, the Central Government may, on receipt of

    any complaint regarding lack of effective implementation of the provisions of the Act or regarding

    the improper utilization of funds granted under this Act, order an investigation into the complaint

    and if necessary, shall order stoppage of release of funds to the State if no appropriate remedial

    measures are instituted for proper implementation within a reasonable period of time as defined by

    the Central Government

    The Ministry, on 7th September, 2012 has issued to all State Governments and Union Territories, a

    Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for application of the provision of Section 27(2) read with

    the provision relating to accountability given in Section 23 of the Act. A copy of the above letter

    dated 7th September, 2012 is annexed as Annexure-XVII.

    12.2 Ombudsman

    Transparency and accountability are the cardinal principles underlying the implementation of the

    MGNREG Act, 2005. There is a need for an independent authority to expeditiously redress the grievances

    in regard to the implementation of MGNREGA and Scheme made thereunder. For this purpose, the

    existing administrative machinery for the disposal of grievances needs to be strengthened to secure the

    ends of justice, as effective grievance redressal is the key to the empowerment of the people and the

    enjoyment of their rights.

    Therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 27 of NGNREG Act, the Central

    Government issued an Order dated 7th September, 2009 issuing directions to the State Government for

    establishing the office of Ombudsman in districts for redressal of grievances in a time bound manner.

    Salient features of Ombudsman System

    i. Appointment by State Governments on recommendation of Selection Committee comprising Chief

    Secretary of the State (Chairperson), Representative of Union Ministry of Rural Development, eminent

    Civil Society Person nominated by Union Ministry of Rural Development and Secretary of Department

    dealing with MGNREGA. Status of appointment of Ombudsman in the country is at Annexure-XVI.

    ii. Qualification- Persons of eminent standing and impeccable integrity up to 65 years of age with at least

    twenty years experience in public administration, law, academics, social work or management will be


    iii. Tenure- Two years extendable by one year on satisfactory performance or up to 65 years of age,

    whichever is earlier. No reappointment.

    iv. Autonomy- He will be independent of State and Central Government

    v. Location of Office - At District Headquarters. There will be not more than three Ombudsman in every

    District. Technical and administrative support will be provided by the DRDA or any other body

    specified by the State Government

    vi. Powers

    a. Receive complaints from MGNREGA workers and others on specified matters, consider such

    complaints and facilitate their disposal in accordance with law.

    b. Require the MGNREGA Authority complained against to provide any information or furnish certified

    copies of any document relating to the complaint

    c. Issue direction for conducting spot investigation, lodge FIRs against the erring parties, initiate

    proceedings suo motu

  • d. Direct redressal, disciplinary and punitive actions.

    e. Report his findings to the Chief Secretary of the State and the Secretary, State Nodal Department for

    appropriate legal action against erring persons.

    vii. Duties

    a. He will be responsible for the conduct of business in his office

    b. He will send monthly and annual report, list of awards passed to Chief Secretary (CS) and Secretary in

    charge of MGNREGA. In his reports he will highlight action to be taken against erring MGNREGA


    c. He will publish the awards on website.

    d. Summary report of cases disposed by Ombudsman will be reported to the State Employment Guarantee

    Council by the State Secretary dealing with MGNREGA in the meetings and will also form part of the

    Annual Report which will be placed in the Legislative Assembly.

    viii. Disposal of Complaints

    a. On receipt of complaint, he will issue notice to MGNREGA Authority for appearance and making

    submissions. Where facts are admitted case will be disposed by passing appropriate direction and if

    not admitted, Ombudsman will pass an award

    b. Costs may be imposed in case of false, malicious and vexatious complaints

    c. In cases of corruption, he will forward the matter to take up criminal prosecution.

    ix. Appeal- There shall be no appeal against the award of Ombudsman and the same shall be final.

  • Annexure-I

    (In Nos)



    . State

    Cumulative No. of HHs issued jobcards

    2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11

    2011-12 as

    per MIS


    2012-13 as

    per MIS

    reported till


    1 ANDHRA PRADESH 5066675 8853413 11347815 11722646 11991323 11985009 12072332

    2 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 16926 23647 154957 135140 170350 53275 157839

    3 ASSAM 916753 1565775 2970522 3611714 4369561 3916668 3937126

    4 BIHAR 3562761 7988992 10284009 12403792 13044879 12263097 12660642

    5 CHHATTISGARH 1848766 2875796 3354795 3574607 3911126 4400119 4372632

    6 GUJARAT 632269 865503 2877792 3570123 3955998 4088366 3813301

    7 HARYANA 106772 161445 377568 459367 582737 673588 724481

    8 HIMACHAL PRADESH 99446 393751 849993 994969 1050602 1107512 1124577

    9 JAMMU & KASHMIR 179133 278891 497175 664494 1001681 755924 840286

    10 JHARKHAND 2304037 2958788 3375992 3697477 3920922 4021213 4044580

    11 KARNATAKA 795600 1523091 3420945 5220895 5294245 5574141 5310216

    12 KERALA 213840 479036 1897713 2599453 2915670 1868288 2479662

    13 MADHYA PRADESH 4446195 7238784 11229547 11292252 11384370 11960960 12008831

    14 MAHARASHTRA 2753047 3128352 4814593 5699877 5832823 6661731 6927690

    15 MANIPUR 18568 91013 385836 426533 444886 445100 461750

    16 MEGHALAYA 113255 121542 298755 372523 398226 454887 459259

    17 MIZORAM 21966 89314 172775 180803 170894 210689 210518

    18 NAGALAND 27884 115686 296738 325242 350815 382609 384774

    19 ODISHA 2593194 4095075 5267853 5802442 6025230 6142106 6254679

    20 PUNJAB 37326 97892 524928 704874 821076 868136 899117

    21 RAJASTHAN 1508223 2869457 8468740 8827935 9274312 9995654 9939476

    22 SIKKIM 4498 30907 77112 70050 73575 79476 80913

    23 TAMIL NADU 1157525 2200437 5512827 6535710 7347187 8270937 8852016

    24 TRIPURA 75067 465779 600615 607010 584900 602131 633196

    25 UTTAR PRADESH 4004287 7311973 10652018 11698780 13052850 14672111 14802353

    26 UTTARAKHAND 199236 358734 817753 893496 974529 1025333 1036423

    27 WEST BENGAL 5147141 8578073 9556067 10351948 10731538 11246385 11287923



    NICOBAR NA NA 23313 12763 44406 44951 45777



    HAVELI NA NA 8100 10923 11135 1726 1730

    30 GOA NA NA 10244 14279 21032 29823 29980

    31 LAKSHADWEEP NA NA 3313 6079 7787 8024 8334

    32 PUDUCHERRY NA NA 15547 60780 63769 66380 67010

    Total 37850390 64761146 100145950 112548976 119824434 123876349 125929423

    NR=Not Reported

    NA= Not Applicable

  • Annexure-II

    (In Nos) State

    Cumulative No. of HHs demanded employment

    2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11

    2011-12 as

    per MIS


    2012-13 as

    per MIS

    reported till


    1 ANDHRA PRADESH 2161494 4803892 5699557 6158493 6200423 4980822 5482671

    2 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 16926 36437 110259 72606 151574 13861 102752

    3 ASSAM 798179 1448243 2155349 2139111 1807788 1354868 996104

    4 BIHAR 1708610 3956055 3822484 4127330 4763659 1743650 1671905

    5 CHHATTISGARH 1282794 2297042 2271194 2025845 2485581 2738179 2487118

    6 GUJARAT 226269 290691 850691 1596402 1097483 836905 683050

    7 HARYANA 50765 70869 171794 156410 237480 278556 248021

    8 HIMACHAL PRADESH 67187 275463 453724 499174 447064 532395 490300

    9 JAMMU & KASHMIR 121328 116914 214385 352287 497617 429971 342770

    10 JHARKHAND 1394108 1679978 1576857 1703243 1989083 1581119 1194869

    11 KARNATAKA 548532 554002 906503 3626437 2414441 1663849 1044564

    12 KERALA 104927 259275 698680 957477 1186356 1418062 1664940

    13 MADHYA PRADESH 2866349 4347079 5207862 4714916 4445781 3837882 2678859

    14 MAHARASHTRA 353024 474695 907783 591611 453941 1481145 1368323

    15 MANIPUR 18568 112549 381109 418564 437228 382221 419111

    16 MEGHALAYA 99177 106989 239630 302537 357523 334166 277493

    17 MIZORAM 52478 88943 172775 180140 170894 175513 173000

    18 NAGALAND 27884 115331 296689 325242 350815 367267 281346

    19 ODISHA 1407251 1134751 1220596 1416560 2030029 1391498 1506524

    20 PUNJAB 31788 49690 147336 272684 278567 246094 205286

    21 RAJASTHAN 1175172 2173122 6375314 6522264 6156667 4702299 4357952

    22 SIKKIM 4179 21773 52554 54156 56401 55797 39798

    23 TAMIL NADU 683708 1234818 3345648 4373257 4969140 6379605 6703983

    24 TRIPURA 74800 425299 549145 577540 557413 567101 590618

    25 UTTAR PRADESH 2676261 4104283 4338490 5667644 6581786 7352894 4794061

    26 UTTARAKHAND 134363 189263 298741 522304 542391 468602 317571

    27 WEST BENGAL 3235360 3919996 3025854 3489363 5011657 5520019 5105535



    NICOBAR NA NA 8131 20634 17937 19379 12996



    HAVELI NA NA 1919 3741 2290 NR 0

    30 GOA NA NA NR 6613 13997 11174 3782

    31 LAKSHADWEEP NA NA 3024 5192 4507 3866 1513

    32 PUDUCHERRY NA NA 12264 40377 38574 42554 41366

    Total 21321481 34287442 45516341 52920154 55756087 50911313 45288181

    NR=Not Reported

    NA= Not Applicable

  • Annexure--III

    . State

    Average days per Households

    2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11

    2011-12 as

    per MIS


    2012-13 as

    per MIS




    1 ANDHRA PRADESH 31 42 48 66 54 58 49

    2 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 27 62 43 25 23 16 21

    3 ASSAM 72 35 40 34 26 26 21

    4 BIHAR 35 22 26 28 34 38 34

    5 CHHATTISGARH 56 58 55 51 45 44 34

    6 GUJARAT 44 31 25 37 45 38 31

    7 HARYANA 48 50 42 38 36 39 35

    8 HIMACHAL PRADESH 47 36 46 57 49 53 40

    9 JAMMU & KASHMIR 27 32 40 38 43 48 39

    10 JHARKHAND 37 44 48 49 42 39 33

    11 KARNATAKA 41 36 32 57 49 42 25

    12 KERALA 21 33 22 36 41 45 38

    13 MADHYA PRADESH 69 63 57 56 50 43 32

    14 MAHARASHTRA 45 39 46 46 44 50 47

    15 MANIPUR 100 43 75 73 68 63 29

    16 MEGHALAYA 25 39 38 49 58 50 39

    17 MIZORAM 15 35 73 95 97 74 59

    18 NAGALAND 47 21 68 87 95 71 30

    19 ODISHA 57 37 36 40 49 33 24

    20 PUNJAB 49 39 27 28 27 26 24

    21 RAJASTHAN 85 77 76 69 52 47 39

    22 SIKKIM 59 44 51 80 85 60 40

    23 TAMIL NADU 27 52 36 55 54 48 48

    24 TRIPURA 67 43 64 80 67 86 71

    25 UTTAR PRADESH 32 33 52 65 52 36 22

    26 UTTARAKHAND 30 42 35 35 42 42 33

    27 WEST BENGAL 14 25 26 45 31 27 26



    NICOBAR NA NA 17 29 23 43 40



    HAVELI NA NA 25 19 21 NR NR

    30 GOA NA NA NR 28 27 28 13

    31 LAKSHADWEEP NA NA 60 27 30 43 26

    32 PUDUCHERRY NA NA 13 22 30 25 21

    Average 43 42 48 54 47 43 36

    NR=Not Reported

    NA= Not Applicable

  • AnnexureIV


    Lakhs) State

    Women Persondays

    2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11

    2011-12 as

    per MIS


    2012-13 as

    per MIS




    1 ANDHRA PRADESH 371.93 1160.86 1590.78 2349.60 1912.09 1667.06 1568.07

    2 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 1.36 0.83 9.14 2.92 10.35 0.21 3.31

    3 ASSAM 181.43 150.43 204.02 203.03 124.73 87.68 52.30

    4 BIHAR 103.72 233.30 297.75 341.48 456.66 189.22 170.94

    5 CHHATTISGARH 275.29 553.42 589.69 512.52 539.96 544.95 389.76

    6 GUJARAT 50.44 41.92 91.24 278.19 217.55 139.37 90.18

    7 HARYANA 7.38 12.31 21.18 20.55 29.99 39.86 34.63

    8 HIMACHAL PRADESH 3.66 29.36 80.09 131.32 105.90 158.68 106.44

    9 JAMMU & KASHMIR 1.44 0.30 4.54 8.58 15.75 37.47 25.93

    10 JHARKHAND 205.46 203.12 213.81 288.53 278.07 190.96 126.81

    11 KARNATAKA 112.24 99.42 145.03 737.07 505.08 320.55 121.85

    12 KERALA 13.44 43.37 130.70 299.61 434.17 587.29 587.25

    13 MADHYA PRADESH 852.53 1147.24 1275.39 1160.54 976.02 697.77 354.71

    14 MAHARASHTRA 59.05 73.93 194.06 108.80 91.77 337.35 283.40

    15 MANIPUR 9.45 15.85 131.16 146.89 103.66 75.62 40.93

    16 MEGHALAYA 7.59 12.76 35.69 70.08 87.75 69.12 43.64

    17 MIZORAM 2.62 10.60 46.03 59.60 56.34 29.26 22.76

    18 NAGALAND 3.92 7.08 74.40 123.74 117.09 70.40 19.32

    19 ODISHA 284.58 147.48 162.58 200.84 384.82 175.16 134.15

    20 PUNJAB 5.88 3.12 9.82 20.26 25.53 27.85 22.53

    21 RAJASTHAN 670.68 1158.01 3241.04 3008.86 2068.14 1466.35 1177.37

    22 SIKKIM 0.60 3.16 9.92 22.17 22.46 14.69 6.88

    23 TAMIL NADU 148.27 529.14 958.87 1982.09 2218.43 2227.44 2385.48

    24 TRIPURA 37.60 80.59 179.11 189.12 144.37 188.85 172.90

    25 UTTAR PRADESH 136.21 198.03 411.46 771.34 717.28 452.33 204.77

    26 UTTARAKHAND 12.37 34.36 38.46 73.46 92.77 87.91 47.12

    27 WEST BENGAL 80.46 164.63 208.66 518.62 523.19 481.91 439.16



    NICOBAR NA NA 0.39 2.62 1.91 3.78 1.59



    HAVELI NA NA 0.38 0.61 0.40 NR 0.00

    30 GOA NA NA NR 1.16 2.53 2.35 0.37

    31 LAKSHADWEEP NA NA 0.74 0.53 0.46 0.65 0.09

    32 PUDUCHERRY NA NA 1.10 5.76 9.06 8.67 7.16

    Total 3639.60 6114.62 10357.27 13640.49 12274.28 10380.77 8641.82

    NR=Not Reported

    NA= Not Applicable

  • Annexure V

    (In Lakhs) State

    SC Persondays ST Persondays

    2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11






    12/02/2013 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11







    1 ANDHRA PRADESH 202.41 557.16 715.02 998.00 815.03 774.17 648.26 88.31 257.18 354.36 594.80 537.08 531.97 415.28

    2 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 0.00 0.00 0.59 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 4.53 1.85 28.35 16.60 28.09 0.53 9.30

    3 ASSAM 49.57 37.06 78.18 89.03 51.74 19.62 12.00 265.05 190.76 258.78 227.36 128.26 80.09 40.78

    4 BIHAR 281.00 385.30 496.55 515.05 727.52 161.56 134.99 19.13 21.02 26.33 24.57 34.27 11.40 10.54

    5 CHHATTISGARH 84.08 196.29 203.97 159.59 161.76 116.09 78.27 318.98 544.77 513.65 397.85 405.43 452.23 299.24

    6 GUJARAT 7.07 5.33 26.99 87.00 71.53 24.47 19.06 64.57 59.37 107.73 230.87 202.51 126.52 76.67

    7 HARYANA 14.48 19.24 36.65 31.65 41.20 54.40 44.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.04

    8 HIMACHAL PRADESH 9.09 31.51 68.80 95.04 71.51 80.04 51.07 6.70 10.76 15.99 24.80 17.97 16.31 12.48

    9 JAMMU & KASHMIR 1.75 2.07 6.67 10.79 15.19 13.96 6.29 7.50 9.62 21.61 33.64 52.85 31.31 15.86

    10 JHARKHAND 122.19 155.03 135.78 135.15 111.71 77.54 48.66 209.70 311.36 299.74 362.12 349.65 239.37 158.11

    11 KARNATAKA 73.37 59.79 79.89 334.64 177.40 110.21 44.43 45.18 37.94 39.91 171.77 102.72 58.10 24.59

    12 KERALA 4.12 10.25 29.94 56.97 77.90 92.94 96.90 2.54 10.26 14.23 18.11 14.89 15.14 17.34

    13 MADHYA PRADESH 312.96 491.96 525.07 485.03 425.18 344.87 160.18 959.05 1342.46 1379.55 1189.82 955.02 453.23 237.91

    14 MAHARASHTRA 25.79 34.09 69.31 70.27 44.01 44.67 43.61 65.12 71.16 185.44 90.98 51.12 123.08 86.25

    15 MANIPUR 0.00 0.13 4.71 84.29 7.63 1.31 1.15 18.57 48.04 208.25 131.19 208.81 156.27 65.88

    16 MEGHALAYA 0.07 0.19 0.39 0.77 0.75 1.08 0.60 20.14 36.40 81.75 139.70 188.85 155.16 100.41

    17 MIZORAM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.17 0.01 7.85 31.53 125.76 170.10 165.71 124.86 100.85

    18 NAGALAND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.57 0.02 13.08 24.31 202.70 284.27 334.34 240.32 74.17

    19 ODISHA 189.06 98.58 87.55 106.18 177.03 79.38 66.01 393.87 160.66 154.90 200.91 347.21 173.22 127.61

    20 PUNJAB 10.80 14.61 29.63 60.90 59.03 49.94 38.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.02

    21 RAJASTHAN 159.50 322.91 1390.40 1193.52 771.56 355.75 312.89 642.90 778.60 1122.52 1011.87 704.60 519.14 420.22

    22 SIKKIM 0.02 0.61 1.50 4.18 5.79 1.49 0.65 2.38 3.66 11.63 18.41 19.21 11.86 5.50

    23 TAMIL NADU 102.48 370.10 725.39 1412.23 1550.06 871.11 900.71 4.34 16.99 20.93 59.67 58.71 38.64 41.67

    24 TRIPURA 7.98 37.72 82.35 82.97 67.22 88.16 73.14 31.17 75.95 158.68 188.59 162.71 205.70 178.14

    25 UTTAR PRADESH 467.82 732.69 1216.90 2007.84 1807.02 866.87 361.61 25.62 25.21 44.57 52.75 70.48 33.24 11.44

    26 UTTARAKHAND 10.84 21.93 28.33 47.49 60.70 36.41 19.22 0.57 3.49 5.37 7.37 9.76 5.70 2.77

    27 WEST BENGAL 158.78 351.43 294.55 571.93 573.32 498.07 439.86 81.88 133.70 116.53 223.18 208.30 153.02 125.20



    NICOBAR NA NA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA 0.10 0.40 0.55 0.30 0.17

    29 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI NA NA 0.00 0.00 0.00 NR 0.00 NA NA 0.48 0.70 0.47 NR 0.00

    30 GOA NA NA NR 0.10 0.15 0.10 0.02 NA NA NR 0.50 0.90 0.66 0.06

    31 LAKSHADWEEP NA NA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA 1.81 1.41 1.34 1.62 0.34

    32 PUDUCHERRY NA NA 0.81 4.19 3.70 3.72 3.00 NA NA 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01

    Total 2295.23 3935.98 6335.90 8644.81 7875.65 4769.69 3605.28 3298.73 4207.05 5501.64 5874.31 5361.83 3959.05 2658.84

    NR=Not Reported

    NA= Not Applicable

  • Annexure-VI

    (In Nos) State

    Disabled beneficiaries

    2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11

    2011-12 as

    per MIS


    2012-13 as

    per MIS




    1 ANDHRA PRADESH 23096 46967 61496 68256 71385 85043 106629

    2 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 10 0 0 18 1089 1 34

    3 ASSAM 995 2865 2945 1989 2349 2254 1819

    4 BIHAR 2231 89502 16537 34161 14435 4576 4208

    5 CHHATTISGARH 8873 8722 6477 11221 17966 28923 23360

    6 GUJARAT 9 16 239 10926 17141 23533 17114

    7 HARYANA 2 4 3966 74 223 296 257

    8 HIMACHAL PRADESH 14999 4079 2196 1791 1946 2134 1735

    9 JAMMU & KASHMIR 209 274 248 1037 664 3403 3195

    10 JHARKHAND 71 53844 11431 5515 9949 7826 5285

    11 KARNATAKA 1000 75 1308 8522 9454 6301 4682

    12 KERALA 34 717 1072 2661 3169 1385 1690

    13 MADHYA PRADESH 24822 30684 16344 8665 8908 10149 5981

    14 MAHARASHTRA 549 129 422 2186 388 32844 22251

    15 MANIPUR 0 40 111 513 661 422 565

    16 MEGHALAYA 343 212 341 518 329 204 165

    17 MIZORAM 5000 839 996 236 258 81 67

    18 NAGALAND 980 3280 628 271 196 87 57

    19 ODISHA 803 0 3318 4017 5657 3240 3687

    20 PUNJAB 0 1 78 114 200 199 157

    21 RAJASTHAN 0 15268 18362 11586 6425 3129 3334

    22 SIKKIM 0 17 45 164 5 91 59

    23 TAMIL NADU 601 2195 4009 9381 13535 40803 42510

    24 TRIPURA 1477 3351 2199 13678 11290 12793 12839

    25 UTTAR PRADESH 14691 21309 16666 47523 32207 17143 11076

    26 UTTARAKHAND 448 249 412 505 494 415 291

    27 WEST BENGAL 45158 52059 32763 51591 64057 97860 84550

    28 ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR NA NA 20 85 54 31 20

    29 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI NA NA 2 0 0 NR 0

    30 GOA NA NA 0 3 1 2 0

    31 LAKSHADWEEP NA NA 73 0 30 5 4

    32 PUDUCHERRY NA NA 68 8 25 30 79

    Total 146401 336698 204772 297215 294490 385203 357700

    NR=Not Reported

    NA= Not Applicable

  • Annexure - VII

    (In Nos) State

    No. of Households which have completed 100 days of Employment

    2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11

    2011-12 as

    per MIS


    2012-13 as

    per MIS

    reported till


    1 ANDHRA PRADESH 57946 432357 483058 1395537 964713 921135 602759

    2 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 0 2020 12788 276 602 0 913

    3 ASSAM 185160 239473 176778 130457 45490 15701 2195

    4 BIHAR 60310 52825 102597 282797 284063 162940 76781

    5 CHHATTISGARH 130302 256071 251674 160851 184497 208146 78866

    6 GUJARAT 12208 11416 49160 103752 67653 41759 31751

    7 HARYANA 5626 7402 9855 8837 9077 13762 9081

    8 HIMACHAL PRADESH 16815 13842 50193 48283 22052 46553 14480

    9 JAMMU & KASHMIR 11758 1673 7643 21360 60224 34672 13125

    10 JHARKHAND 51065 49836 95473 133296 131149 57974 28528

    11 KARNATAKA 69789 23081 27009 445930 131575 45252 23976

    12 KERALA 537 59443 14344 43596 67970 124865 77660

    13 MADHYA PRADESH 531556 922107 979026 678717 467119 280656 62745

    14 MAHARASHTRA 5341 8349 32510 22630 28240 184323 152647

    15 MANIPUR 18568 0 137006 101 109339 112237 91

    16 MEGHALAYA 575 6677 26323 13453 19576 34838 17573

    17 MIZORAM 5946 0 91758 7059 131970 63500 0

    18 NAGALAND 0 0 34070 103436 190261 59434 35

    19 ODISHA 154118 37475 52459 82710 204229 47629 25807

    20 PUNJAB 5327 2642 3970 7702 5243 3786 1874

    21 RAJASTHAN 639219 911248 2631892 1514420 495830 335418 178846

    22 SIKKIM 222 2006 2863 12633 25695 8746 1691

    23 TAMIL NADU 1824 77053 508122 760689 1102070 602703 488962

    24 TRIPURA 19577 1772 56930 214218 81442 199503 50901

    25 UTTAR PRADESH 154953 436032 647525 796929 600559 306398 27565

    26 UTTARAKHAND 3727 15658 12633 20664 25412 22179 5137

    27 WEST BENGAL 18817 31468 23050 72123 104967 117723 81175



    NICOBAR NA NA 12 657 174 2181 357



    HAVELI NA NA 66 24 0 NR 0

    30 GOA NA NA 0 121 413 143 0

    31 LAKSHADWEEP NA NA 481 20 71 134 26

    32 PUDUCHERRY NA NA 0 385 137 202 4

    Total 2161286 3601926 6521268 7083663 5561812 4054492 2055551

    NR=Not Reported

    NA= Not Applicable

  • Annexure VIII

    Work completion rate under MGNREGA

    S No. State

    Financial Year Financial Year Financial Year

    2008-2009 and Earlier 2009-2010 2010-2011

    No. of Works started

    No. of Work


    Work Completion


    No. of Works started

    No. of Work


    Work Completion


    No. of Works started

    No. of Work


    Work Completion


    1 ANDHRA PRADESH 1030152 1016462 98.67 415027 404897 97.56 544197 455736 83.74

    2 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 50 33 66.00 338 88 26.04 0 0 0

    3 ASSAM 11411 6841 59.95 14278 8098 56.72 26576 16503 62.10

    4 BIHAR 60327 43672 72.39 92540 46696 50.46 132149 74056 56.04

    5 CHHATTISGARH 134192 114842 85.58 48887 42432 86.80 93901 80818 86.07

    6 GOA 21 10 47.62 490 374 76.33 722 436 60.39

    7 GUJARAT 27123 22820 84.14 126320 108402 85.82 55157 42189 76.49

    8 HARYANA 6684 6439 96.33 5621 5392 95.93 10447 9532 91.24

    9 HIMACHAL PRADESH 42474 39606 93.25 44006 40843 92.81 33829 28983 85.68

    10 JAMMU AND KASHMIR 4695 1131 24.09 5780 1865 32.27 15969 6322 39.59

    11 JHARKHAND 194850 164340 84.34 58290 41735 71.60 97620 44148 45.22

    12 KARNATAKA 70620 56684 80.27 366362 325300 88.79 224506 187706 83.61

    13 KERALA 65794 60500 91.95 100750 95836 95.12 122672 93082 75.88

    14 MADHYA PRADESH 677952 504786 74.46 192367 133563 69.43 257088 163678 63.67

    15 MAHARASHTRA 54894 19851 36.16 20059 6459 32.20 29675 6678 22.50

    16 MANIPUR 890 40 4.49 537 0 0.00 950 38 4.00
  • S No. State

    Financial Year Financial Year Financial Year

    2008-2009 and Earlier 2009-2010 2010-2011

    No. of Works started

    No. of Work


    Work Completion


    No. of Works started

    No. of Work


    Work Completion


    No. of Works started

    No. of Work


    Work Completion


    17 MEGHALAYA 4305 1977 45.92 3701 1546 41.77 11278 7066 62.65

    18 MIZORAM 4872 2526 51.85 2693 1102 40.92 3077 1186 38.54

    19 NAGALAND 4631 972 20.99 4414 370 8.38 10369 627 6.05

    20 ODISHA 120499 97086 80.57 55110 40455 73.41 121314 76013 62.66

    21 PUNJAB 2228 1747 78.41 10467 9306 88.91 9673 7468 77.20

    22 RAJASTHAN 306609 233338 76.10 113302 67095 59.22 91818 26119 28.45

    23 SIKKIM 737 642 87.11 1321 1198 90.69 1281 882 68.85

    24 TAMIL NADU 18751 17618 93.96 37736 37526 99.44 42183 41577 98.56

    25 TRIPURA 56648 51503 90.92 56394 55498 98.41 47890 46925 97.98

    26 UTTAR PRADESH 254364 216313 85.04 453153 399165 88.09 664010 575496 86.67

    27 UTTARAKHAND 14704 8360 56.86 17438 11176 64.09 34314 18649 54.35

    28 WEST BENGAL 118042 100985 85.55 148623 136222 91.66 216346 192657 89.05

    29 ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR 42 23 54.76 294 126 42.86 248 104 41.94

    30 CHANDIGARH 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

    31 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

    32 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

    33 LAKSHADWEEP 36 1 2.78 6 1 16.67 51 28 54.90

    34 PUDUCHERRY 9 2 22.22 27 16 59.26 645 106 16.43

    Total 3288606 2791150 84.87 2396331 2022782 84.41 2899955 2204808 76.03
  • S No. State

    Financial Year Financial Year

    Total 2011-2012 2012-2013 till 15/02/13

    No. of Works started

    No. of Work


    Work Completion


    No. of Works started

    No. of Work


    Work Completion


    No. of Works started

    No. of Work


    Work Completion


    1 ANDHRA PRADESH 1332210 553221 41.53 968549 189540 19.57 4290135 2619856 61.07

    2 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 80 0 0.00 697 0 0.00 1165 121 10.39

    3 ASSAM 23894 11375 47.61 29429 8280 28.14 105588 51097 48.39

    4 BIHAR 97153 18146 18.68 79312 2585 3.26 461481 185155 40.12

    5 CHHATTISGARH 96901 69776 72.01 76311 28134 36.87 450192 336002 74.64

    6 GOA 593 297 50.08 71 0 0.00 1897 1117 58.88

    7 GUJARAT 53522 35664 66.63 41208 8491 20.61 303330 217566 71.73

    8 HARYANA 13184 10687 81.06 11165 2161 19.36 47101 34211 72.63

    9 HIMACHAL PRADESH 44347 28960 65.30 35093 6203 17.68 199749 144595 72.39

    10 JAMMU AND KASHMIR 55583 15200 27.35 37541 3495 9.31 119568 28013 23.43

    11 JHARKHAND 59138 20239 34.22 23339 3185 13.65 433237 273647 63.16

    12 KARNATAKA 163990 111703 68.12 124139 9463 7.62 949617 690856 72.75

    13 KERALA 159010 152259 95.75 174964 61618 35.22 623190 463295 74.34

    14 MADHYA PRADESH 244480 123718 50.60 101323 27596 27.24 1473210 953341 64.71

    15 MAHARASHTRA 187627 34979 18.64 122110 4279 3.50 414365 72246 17.44

    16 MANIPUR 6933 1851 26.70 4531 284 6.27 13841 2213 15.99
  • S No. State

    Financial Year Financial Year

    Total 2011-2012 2012-2013 till 15/02/13

    No. of Works started

    No. of Work


    Work Completion


    No. of Works started

    No. of Work


    Work Completion


    No. of Works started

    No. of Work


    Work Completion


    17 MEGHALAYA 10057 7112 70.72 6207 887 14.29 35548 18588 52.29

    18 MIZORAM 5113 1632 31.92 3057 1325 43.34 18812 7771 41.31

    19 NAGALAND 8490 2734 32.20 2005 169 8.43 29909 4872 16.29

    20 ODISHA 67062 28264 42.15 45954 4349 9.46 409939 246167 60.05

    21 PUNJAB 7698 5688 73.89 6639 2270 34.19 36705 26479 72.14

    22 RAJASTHAN 73127 7267 9.94 72409 1376 1.90 657265 335195 51.00

    23 SIKKIM 2891 1173 40.57 1212 175 14.44 7442 4070 54.69

    24 TAMIL NADU 57704 51748 89.68 65347 20542 31.44 221721 169011 76.23

    25 TRIPURA 73397 64408 87.75 62642 14815 23.65 296971 233149 78.51

    26 UTTAR PRADESH 671187 526230 78.40 353904 46072 13.02 2396618 1763276 73.57

    27 UTTARAKHAND 31886 13968 43.81 17971 1858 10.34 116313 54011 46.44

    28 WEST BENGAL 250402 177565 70.91 190277 49431 25.98 923690 656860 71.11

    29 ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR 536 326 60.82 241 36 14.94 1361 615 45.19

    30 CHANDIGARH 0 0 0 1 0 0.00 1 0 0.00

    31 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0 0 3 1 33.33 3 1 33.33

    32 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00

    33 LAKSHADWEEP 49 19 38.78 28 14 50.00 170 63 37.06

    34 PUDUCHERRY 669 66 9.87 556 500 89.93 1906 690 36.20

    Total 3798913 2076275 54.65 2658235 499134 18.78 15042040 9594149 63.78