Download - MLA Style 6 th Edition. What Is MLA Style? The style recommended by the Modern Language Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research.

Page 1: MLA Style 6 th Edition. What Is MLA Style? The style recommended by the Modern Language Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research.

MLA Style

6th Edition

Page 2: MLA Style 6 th Edition. What Is MLA Style? The style recommended by the Modern Language Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research.

What Is MLA Style?What Is MLA Style?

• The style recommended by the Modern Language Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research papers

• It is concerned with the mechanics of writing, such as punctuation, quotation, and documentation of sources.

Page 3: MLA Style 6 th Edition. What Is MLA Style? The style recommended by the Modern Language Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research.

Books: Single Author

Kasson, John F. Civilizing the Machine: Technology and Republican Values in America 1776-1900. New York: Penguin, 1976.

Page 4: MLA Style 6 th Edition. What Is MLA Style? The style recommended by the Modern Language Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research.

Multiple Authors

Two or three authors.

Adler, Ronald B., and Neil Towne. Looking Out, Looking In. 9th ed. Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace, 1999.

Page 5: MLA Style 6 th Edition. What Is MLA Style? The style recommended by the Modern Language Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research.

More than three authors.

Santos, Ruth J., et al. Environmental Crises in Developing Countries. New York: Harper, 1994.

Page 6: MLA Style 6 th Edition. What Is MLA Style? The style recommended by the Modern Language Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research.

Corporate Authorship of Reports

Alan Guttmacher Institute. State Legislative Record: 1988 Fertility-Related Bills and Laws as of December 31. Washington, D.C.: Alan Guttmacher Institute, 1988.

Page 7: MLA Style 6 th Edition. What Is MLA Style? The style recommended by the Modern Language Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research.

Edited Books

Citing volume.

Fee, Elizabeth, and Daniel M. Fox, eds. AIDS: The Burdens of History. Berkeley: U of California P, 1988.

Page 8: MLA Style 6 th Edition. What Is MLA Style? The style recommended by the Modern Language Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research.

Edited Books

Citing chapter/essay in volume.

Zola, Irving Kenneth. "Medicine as an Institution of Social Control." The American Health Empire:Power, Profits, and Politics. Eds. Barbara Ehrenreich and John Ehrenreich. New York: Vintage,1971. 80-100.

Page 9: MLA Style 6 th Edition. What Is MLA Style? The style recommended by the Modern Language Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research.

Second Work by Same Author

Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer. East into Upper East : Plain Tales from New York and New Delhi. Washington, D.C.: Counterpoint Press, 2000

---. Heat and Dust. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1987.

The second work is introduce by three space hyphens, not the author’s name (alphabetical order on works).

Page 10: MLA Style 6 th Edition. What Is MLA Style? The style recommended by the Modern Language Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research.

Books: Republished or Later Editions

Gibbon, Lewis Grassic. Sunset Song. 1932. Intro. Tom Crawford. Edinburgh: Canongate Classics, 1988.

Newbold, Paul. Statistics for Business and Economics. 3rd ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1990.

Page 11: MLA Style 6 th Edition. What Is MLA Style? The style recommended by the Modern Language Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research.

Multi-Volume Works

Citing entire series.

Lucas, Robert E., Jr., and Thomas J. Sargent, eds. Rational Expectations and Econometric Practice. 2 vols. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1981.

Citing single volume.

Lucas, Robert E., Jr., and Thomas J. Sargent, eds. Rational Expectations and Econometric Practice. Vol. 1. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1981.

Page 12: MLA Style 6 th Edition. What Is MLA Style? The style recommended by the Modern Language Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research.

Encyclopedia ArticlesSupplemental Sources Only

No author given.

"Mealworm." Encyclopedia Britannica. 1987 ed.

Author given.

Garvey, Lawrence. "El Paso, Illinois." Encyclopedia Americana. 1982 ed.

Page 13: MLA Style 6 th Edition. What Is MLA Style? The style recommended by the Modern Language Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research.

Periodicals: Magazines

Monthly magazine/journal.

Hall, Stuart. "Cold, Comfort, Farm." New Socialist Nov. 1985: 10-12.


Whitaker, Mark. "Getting Tough at Last." Newsweek 10 May 1993: 22.

Page 14: MLA Style 6 th Edition. What Is MLA Style? The style recommended by the Modern Language Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research.

Scholarly Journals

Continuous Pagination:

Schuetz, A. “The Stranger.” Journal of American Sociology 49 (1944): 499-507.

Non-Continuous Pagination:

Magistrale, Tony. "Wild Child: Jim Morrison's Poetic Journeys." Journal of Popular Culture 26.3(Winter 1992): 133-44.

Page 15: MLA Style 6 th Edition. What Is MLA Style? The style recommended by the Modern Language Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research.

Subscription Services and Data Bases

• Cite just like original article would be cited.

• Name the subscription service following the entry.– Give any additional info the service offers, such

as– Article number, data base number, etc.

• Don’t put date or access or url.

Page 16: MLA Style 6 th Edition. What Is MLA Style? The style recommended by the Modern Language Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research.

Periodicals: No Author(From Periodical/Journal Database)

“Cooling Trend In Antarctica.” Futurist May-June 2002: 15. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. New York Institute of Technology Manhattan Lib. 22 May 2002 <>.

Maaike van Rijn. “Darfur: arrival.” Canadian Medical Association. Journal  179.2 (2008): 134. ProQuest Health Management. ProQuest. New York Institute Of Technology Manhattan Lib., New York, NY. 14 Jul. 2008 


Page 17: MLA Style 6 th Edition. What Is MLA Style? The style recommended by the Modern Language Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research.

Interview or Private Correspondence

Goodkind, Mary. Personal interview. 4 Sept. 1996.

Smith, Jaclyn. Telephone interview. 5 Oct. 1999.

Morris, Ralph. Letter to author. 26 June 1994.

Maran, Meredith. E-mail to the author. 20 Aug. 2002.

Maran, Meredith. “Re: Dirty-Fascinating!” E-mail to Ed Jessup. 3 Mar. 2008.

Page 18: MLA Style 6 th Edition. What Is MLA Style? The style recommended by the Modern Language Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research.

Electronic Resources• All web based sources (not from data bases or

paid subscription services) must have:– Title of Page

• In quotes for minor page• Underlined for major site

– Date of Access – Url in < >– Period at the end.

“Title.” Date of Access <url>.

Page 19: MLA Style 6 th Edition. What Is MLA Style? The style recommended by the Modern Language Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research.

• If more info exists, you need to use it.– Author– Web Site that the page is a part of– Original publication information– Date of site

Page 20: MLA Style 6 th Edition. What Is MLA Style? The style recommended by the Modern Language Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research.

Electronic Resources--Examples

Scholarly Project

Willett, Perry, ed. Victorian Women Writers Project. Apr. 1997. Indiana U. 30 Jan 2001 < letrs/vwwp/>.

Professional Site

Portuguese Language Page. U of Chicago. 30 Jan. 2001 <http://humanities.>.

Page 21: MLA Style 6 th Edition. What Is MLA Style? The style recommended by the Modern Language Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research.

Electronic Resources – More Examples

Article in a Reference Database “Fresco." Britannica Online. Vers. 97.1.1.

Mar. 1997. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 29 Mar. 1997 <>.

Article First Published in a PeriodicalTamblyn, Robyn, et al. “Adverse Events

Associated With Prescription Drug Cost-Sharing Among Poor and Elderly Persons.” JAMA 24/31 Jan. 2001. 30 Jan. 2000 .

Page 22: MLA Style 6 th Edition. What Is MLA Style? The style recommended by the Modern Language Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research.

Electronic Resources – More Examples

Personal Site Lancashire, Ian. Home Page. 30 Jan. 2001


Book Nesbit, Edith. Ballads and Lyrics of

Socialism. London, 1908. Victorian Women Writers Project. Ed. Perry Willett. Indiana U. Apr. 1997. 26 Apr.1997 <http://www. html>.

Page 23: MLA Style 6 th Edition. What Is MLA Style? The style recommended by the Modern Language Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research.

Electronic Resources – More Examples

Web Page from a Larger Web Site.

“About Kidney Disease and Dialysis.” Kidney Dialysis Foundation. 18 Feb. 2000 < http:// >.

Page 24: MLA Style 6 th Edition. What Is MLA Style? The style recommended by the Modern Language Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research.


• MLA is tricky.

• You must follow it exactly.

• You can’t memorize it.

• Always use a handbook with the most recent version of MLA.

• Go to if you want more help on electronic sources.