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Miss Vogue Meets Kylie Jenner

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This type of documentary is fully narrated by Kylie Kristen Jenner herself.

Type Of Documentary

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The themes portrayed to the audience throughout the documentary are:

Fashion V Self Expression Culture V Hobbies

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Narrative Structure

This documentary is an open narrative as you are able to make your own opinion on Kylie Jenner’s life.

Kylie used direct address when speaking to the audience about growing up. She told us a story about when she was younger, she was in church and her half sister “Khloe Kardashian” wore this lovely dress with a jean jacket. This moment was what made Kylie interested in dressing more cute and stylish. “I used to always try to copy her outfits”.

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Camera Work

There are many medium close-up’s being used throughout “Miss Vogue” especially when Kylie is having her photo shoot for Vogue in order to see what she is wearing so viewers will go and buy clothes like her. I think she is a very good fashion influence to teenagers.

Another medium close-up was used when scanning through her wardrobe of clothes with a blurred effect then quickly focussing on the clothing, so that the audience can see exactly what style of clothing she likes to wear.

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Camera Work

A long shot has been used of Kylie outside in the neighbourhood to show the viewer were she lives. As you can see the weather is lovely and sunny with tall palm trees in the distance implying to the audience that Kylie lives in America. Interestingly, the photographer herself is also in the shot to give the viewer an inside look on how the media business works. This makes you feel more apart of Kylie’s life and keeps you entertained. This high angle shot of the tall palm trees show you Kylie lives in a hot climate area. I think they also look chilled making the viewer calm when watching.

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Camera Work

Low angle shot used when Kylie is sitting on her motor bike for the photo shoot. This conveys to the viewer that Kylie is mysterious and wants you to think she’s edgy. The floor shot of Kylie and her crews feet has been used to show off her footwear. She is wearing white pumps (on the right) which signifies she dresses like a normal teenager even though she is famous and rich. This lets the audience connect towards Kylie as a role model as they can relate to her clothing choices.

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Camera Work

An extreme close-up has been used of Kylie’s face when she is playing on her phone to keep the audience watching and also to show the audience that she does indeed have a very busy lifestyle however, Kylie loves to stay in contact with her friends and online social networking sites in order to connect with her fans. For example: Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr. All three sites are used to make you feel like you know Kylie.

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Kylie has her own unique, vintage style and expresses herself through her clothing choices. She claims her fashion sense is always changing throughout the year and constantly changes the colour of her hair. I think she is trying to find who she is through her appearance. At the moment Kylie says that her style is currently “Girly Goth” with colours like: black, blue, red and white. Kylie looks for fashion inspiration from her half sister Kim (half sister) and Kanye West (Kim's husband). I find this very ironic as Kim always asks Kylie for advice on clothes and enjoys looking through Kylie’s Tumblr blog for style tips on clothing and make-up.

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Mise En Scene

Kylie’s clothes are mainly black with an indie style connoting rock chick, cool with that edgy vibe. She also has a lot of ear piercings and likes to wear fake “Sharpie” tattoos. The backgrounds shown throughout “Miss Vogue” are varied. Inside the lighting is very white and bright signifying clean, nice and expensive. However, when shooting outside the lighting is sunny and warm, with flowers to connote girly and pretty. Kylie enjoys to wear clothes that standout. For example: she is shown wearing a long dress with a capital font. This is done to make a bold statement about herself and who she is, it also makes her look mysterious and cool.

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The sound throughout the documentary is surprisingly just one song being played continuously throughout. The song is very girly and calm with a slight opera sound to it, with drums being played in the background to build tension and to keep us entertained when Kylie is speaking. In my opinion, this has been done to signify Kylie is a very chilled person and this reflects onto her fans.

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A fade in has been used at the beginning of the documentary showing the title and her name. There are many cuts used throughout, mainly from the photo shoot back to the interview with Kylie. This keeps you more entertained as there is a good variety. A panning effect was used when showing the photographer moving around to take good shots of Kylie. This lets us see more of what her life is like rather than what we just see on the television from her family reality TV show “Keeping Up With The Kardashians”. The zoom out effect was used when the camera is on the motorbike to show the viewer the surroundings of her neighbourhood. More cuts are used from palm trees to buildings to connote she lives somewhere hot in this case the U.S.

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Archive Material

The archive material shown is Kylie speaking about her family, telling story's from what life was like growing up with a huge family that's always in the public eye.

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The graphics used are: Thanks to... Music Styled by... Make-up artist Hair stylist Produced by? Photographer Filmed by...