Download - MISS D, TUCKER IS RECOVERING Undergoes Two … Letha Phelix. Joseph Stacy met with a painful accident Sunday afternoon




Louisville News Interest to All


Sidney Belile Cefefcjrafea 60th Birfkdiy at Family Reuaion

—Ladies Aid M«ets With Mta. Robert Power

The 4-H dtib held a party Fri­day evening' in the Community natH. Around 50 were present from the different 4-H clubs in town. Games were enjoyed And refresh­ments of ice cream and cake were serred. Mr. and Mis, H. C. White a*d children, also Mr. and Mrs. Minard Power, of Massena, at­tended. A nice time was enjoyed.

Sixty Year* 013 Sidney Belile celebrated his 6Gtfc

birthday Sunday. A 6:00 o'clock dinner was served to the follow­ing members of his family: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Belile and four daughters, Mr. sags Mrs. Anthony BeHantory and son Richard, Wil­liam and Carl Settle* Mr. and Mrs. Harold Belile and daughter Betty and Miss Louise Davis. A nice time was enjoyed at this family reunion and snapshots were taken of the party. Games were enjoyed. AH joined in wishing Mr. Belile many happy returns of the day.

Ladies Aid Meets The Ladies Aid held an enjoy­

able meeting Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Robert Power. The next meeting is Wednesday, Sep­tember 14, at the home of Mrs. James Bradford. The assistants-are Mrs. Ida Bancroft, Mrs. Ellen Beattie and Mrs. Thomas Barnett.

Louisville Locals . Lewis Phelix, of Massena, visit­ed relatives here last week.

Miss Louise Premo is enjoying a new car.

Grant Broppo, of Massena, . spent Sunday evening with Bavid

Vallance and family. There were services in St. Law­

rence fihureh Mondays morning, Au­gust 15.

Mrs. James Robinson enjoyed a week's vacation last week from her duties in Potsdam.

Mrs Minnie DonneHy visited Mrs. Margaret Fmnegan in Mas­sena last .week.

Miss Anns Fiunegan was a week end guest at Allen Dunni-gan*s<

Miss Beatrice Smith has return­ed home from visiting friends in Madrid^ .

William Boyce and family gpent Sunday of last Week in Fort Jack­son with relatives.

Miss JSdna. Barnett is visiting her sister, Mrs. Smith in Stiddle-

.:towny,' - . - • - . . . , . •^JSOus, A. BeHantory and Misf. Olive Carr were in Norwood Fri­day evening,

Herbert Thurston, Miss Gladys Grant and Mrs. Clarence Belile motored to Colton Friday,

Miss Rose Doud and niece, Miss Catherine Doud, of Massena, were guests Thursday at Allen Uumu* gan's.

Anthony BeHantory, of White Plains, joined his family here last week* where they have been spend-nig the summer.

Mrs; Lillian Star*; and Mrs* Min­nie Lynch* of Brookdale, were guests Tuesday at H. A. Wag-staffs,

Mr, said Mrs. John Sheen, jr., are rejoicing over the arrival of another son who has. been named Boy Lee.

Mrs. C. K. El l io t t a n d Mrs. James Robinson visited Mrs. Jes-sie Spotawood in Norfolk Thurs­day.

Mr. and Mis. Edwin Keegan moved from Hassena last week t« the Caglar farm near Chase Mills.

Miss Catherine Elliott and friend and Mr. and Mrs* James Vallance enjoyed & picnic on Ctoils Is land Sunday*

the past week with his cousin, Claude Senter, of Potsdam,

Mrs. Lillian Nightengale spent Friday at the home of Mrs. For­rest Chase.

Mr. and Mrs. Atfcol Rafter, daughter Pauline and Lawrence Rafter went to the mountains Sun­day for berries.

Mr. and Mrs. George Bodge and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Chase, four children, and Mrs.' Frank Chase enjoyed a picnic Sunday on the SV Regis river near Hel­ena.

Mrs. Orrin Wheeler called on Miss Ella Church Saturday: and: took her to her home at Massena Center*

There will be no services in the White church, next Sunday as B«v. F, E. Rundetl is taking * short va­cation.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haverstoek took dinner with his mother, Mrs. Abbie Haverstock Sunday.

The Ladies. Aid made ¥16.8$ at their ice cream social held recent­ly and no pranks were played by boys-jSome of the men enjoyed a game of quoits while it was light in the field; across the road.


• m i ••! !•*;

B i g Lows on F a r m in Madrid Community


Undergoes T w o Minor Operation*

Many People Are Visiting or Are on Vacations in" Louisville Landing Community—Big

PMltic on Thursday Miss Dinelda Tucke* is recover*

ing quite rapidly from two opera­tions last week Thursday in Fort Covington on account of adenoids and tonsils. We congratulate her on getting this trouble banished in the school Vacation.

Landing Locate We hope we will meet a large

number of our friends at the church -picnic at Bluff Point this week Thursday.

Miss Elizabeth Richards spent the week end and over Sunday with friends out of town return­ing home early this week.

The Misses Taylor and Stinzing were in Norfolk Tuesday of this week calling on friends and rela­tives.

Calvin. Panpsfe and Mrs. Hattie Hutehins spent one day laBt week in Massena accompanied by their guests, with relatives there.

Mrs. Herbert Cardinal, of Wa-tertown, spent the past week with E. C. Gibson and daughter Jes­sie.

Mrs. Catherine O'Connor and fcer#m$!j!ter, Mrs. Hartley, of Bos-tmrjkife now enjoying th<£h* cot­tage ©n'tSibson's Point.

Mr. and Mrs. Poreau, of Quebec, were callers at the G. L. Sutton home one day last week and Mrs. James Cross, of Aultsville, Ont., was a guest Tuesday of last week.

Mrs. Clifford Hume, of Norfolk, spent several days this week with the Misses Taylor 'and Stinzing and enjoyed attending one of the picnics in the vicinity while there.

Chautauqua in Massena is at­tracting several people hereabouts and fortunately vthe weather -«is favorable. The opening day how­ever was very rainy.

Mrs. Harold Deshaw and Mis* Margaret Campbell, of Massena, spent Wednesday <££ last week with Mi. and Ml*, Barry WiUafd and their' mother; '

h e r s i s ter , Mrs . Robert Caasehnan, at her eamn here on the river* When she returned, home early this Week Mrs . Casselmtra accompanied her for a visit in tjbe city.

Mrs. Hattie Hutehins has had relatives visiting her the past week from out of town. They were

Mrs. Arthur Wells, of Syracuse, ___ has spent tne past two weeks with the" week were Mrs." LTWSS " W 5 S

Children Looking For Eft* See Sttoke and Narrowly Escape Fre* Fl*»ee—Other News

JtWnuf of Fast Week The large barns owned by Free­

man Fn$oe, Madrid, burned to the ground Monday caused by spon­taneous combustion. The children discovered the fire as they were on the Bay looking for eggs. They had no more than reached the ground when the whole barn was a m a s s o f flames. Neighbors s a w the fire and rushed to the scene and they moved all the furniture from the house. The Norfolk fire department was called late in the evening and" put out the flames be­fore the wind changed and burned, the house* Much machinery was destroyed^ The loss i» partly cov­ered by insuranca.

Madrid Locals Albert Gaines is working for Jo­

seph Stacy on the Jesmere farm. Berkeley Richards was a caller

at Potsdam Wednesday evening. Lelanrf Bradley is recovering

from injuries he received recently. Mr, and Mrs.-A, N. Snow called

on friends at Norfolk Thursday evening.

Mrs. Alex Richards called on Mrs. Adam Barkley Friday eve­ning.

Mrs. Joseph Belile, Wendell, La­tent and Eileen called on Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Richards Sunday.

Mr. and Mr A Clayton Jesmere and son Clifford, visited Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jesmer Sunday.

Miss Louise Barkley spent Sun­day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Barkley.

Sidney Phelix and family were callers at Canton Sunduy after­noon.

Miss Jennie Phelix, of Canton, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Phelix,

Miss Constance Cyes, of Nor­folk, is spending a few days with Miss Letha Phelix.

Joseph Stacy met with a painful accident Sunday afternoon at the swings.

The children of the neighbor­hood have great times at the school house evenings where they swing and teeter.

Freeman Fregoe was in an auto­mobile accident Thursday. The car was badly wrecked but Jlr. Fregoe was uninjured.

Miss Edna Barkley passed her exams at Ogdensburg training class and will teach near Lisbon this year.

Mis» Julia Snow and Lyle John­ston motored to Montreal where they visited friends over the week end.

Wallace LaBIanc and Lawrence Kenyon, of Canton, were callers on Miss Julia and Bora Snow Sunday evening.

Wells Bieharde, of Morley, vis­ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bichards, and family, Sun­day.

Miss Mabel Fregoe returned home Saturday yrom Chicago where she spent four weeks with her uncle, Franklin Fregoe.

Berkeley, Floyd and Koland Richards, Joseph Stacy and David Snow attended the fair at Hogans-borg where Akat Bichards enter­ed: a horse in the races.

Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Fregoe during

Brasher Center Mrs. Frank Eldridge spent the

past week with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Thompson, Ogdensburg.

Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Free­man Fregoe, of Madrid, were sor­ry to hear that their barn was de­stroyed by fire. -

Mrs. John Mousaw is spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mousaw at Schroon Lake.

Mrs. Claude Hodgkms, of Wa-. tertown, is visiting relatives in town.

Ileen White, of Slassena, is vis­iting Evelyn Sharlow.

Gerard Furnia is in the Corn­wall hospital receiving treatment for hernia,

Mr. and Mrs. David Lavine, of Massena, visited Mr. and Mrs. <|eorge Sharlow Friday.

Ezra Pike is making prepara­tions to move the house from the f a r m of the l a t e George P ike to his farm on the river road where the buildings recently were de­stroyed by fire.

Mr. and Mrs. William * Perry, Potsdam, and Mr. and Mrs. James Miller and son, of Syracuse, were visitors at George Burgess' Fri­day.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Larue are en­tertaining their niece, Mjss -La-Barge, of RaymondVille.

Anna Phelix spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Phelix, Brasher Falls,


Over 300 Sacks Are Delivered There


Other News Items of Fort Covington

Games and Sports to Be„Enjoyed at Hone of Mr. and Mrs.

Reginald Broughton, Deer River Road

Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie LaChapelle MA and Mrs. Frank Goddard „

and tfaee children, of Kingston, visited Mrs. Jason Monroe and family last week.

Sunday Mrs, O. B, Hurlhut, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hurlbnt, H. A. Wagstaff, Edward Barnett and Mr, and Mrs. Harold Bhombough And children spent t h e day w i t h Mr. and Mrs. Guy Horsford in Madrid, who were celebrating their twenty-seventh wedding anniver­sary.

Backet River Mr* and Mrs., William Hamilton

went to Salisbury Center the past week being called their by the death of the youngest child of Rev. Wesley Baker. The child was killed by a truck.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wood • and two children, of Walton, are spend­ing their vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira D. Kingsley.

Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Forbes en-1 entertained several people tertained ber brother and sister-[the day viz: Miss Anna O'Neill, of in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Coun-1 Brasher, and Miss Belle O'Neil, of tryman, and family , of South Por - j the Racket, Mis s El la Reagan and cupine, Ont., her mother Mrs. Rob- j Isabel Reagan, ot Madrid, were ert Steven, of Cannemore, Ont.,, guests and Mrs. Ida Hodge, of this Miss Ida Forbes, of Union City, | vicinity was a caller. N . J., and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cor-j • bane, of Boston, Mass., the past; Raspberries should be pruned week. I soon after harvest. That is also

Fountain*, of Sheldon Springs, Vfc, and Mrs. Myrtle Bockus, of Bed­ford, Ont.

Mrs. Elizabeth Tucker, of Mas­sena, with her guests for a two

week's vacation, Mrr*iwd Mrs. Ed Gunson, of Rochester, who were accompanied here by their niece, Miss Elizabeth Tucker, of Brasher, who had spent a few weeks with them spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Tucker and family.

Miss Hilda Cross and brother, George Cross, of Croils Island, spent last week Thursday and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kingsley and Mrs.iJ. T. Hunter, of Jackson, Miss,, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Sutton. Leo Sutton and sons Everett and Glendon, of Lawrenceville,were callers Sunday afternoon.

Thursday of last week seemed to be an "at home" day at Val-lance's as Mrs. Elizabeth Vallance and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Willard


and son Arthur, ef Croils Island, Mrs. Herbert Upell, of , Madrid, Aatoine Fregoe and Marion Over-racfetr, of Gouverneur.

Callers at A. N. Snow's during the Week were A. J. Cyr, of Ban­ger, Maine, Miss Carol Richards, of Madrid, Miss Marion Claffey, of Norwood, Walter Collins, of Madrid, and Philip Collins, of Potsdam, Allen and Garnet Bell, of Heuveiton, and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jesmer and Newton Alton.

Fort Jackson Mr. and Un. Ralph Fisk and

children have returned to their home here after spending the summer In Ogdensburg where Mr. Fisk has had employment.

Mr. and Mrs. Ira Barnes,' of Massena, visited her mother, Mrs. Ellen Willis, Sunday afternoon.

Callers at R. A. Newtown's Sun­day were Mr. and Mrs. Ira Barnes, of Massena, and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Gardner, of Lake Placid.

Mr. and Mrs. Vern Greenwood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Poets, of Potsdam, spent Sunday with Mrs. Edith Tebo and family.

Mr. and Mrs. James Beggs have installed a n e w radio.

Miss Lola Newtown and cousin,

St. Paul's church picnic will be held Thursday, August 18, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Broughton on the Deer river road, hours are from 2:30 to 6:30 p. m. Games' and sports and a good time is assured to all. Come and bring your friends and enjoy a good time. In ease of rain picnic will be cancelled.

Fort Covington Locals Mrs, Henry Rouselle, - of Sun,

was a caller in town Saturday. George McElwain transacted

business in Moira Saturday. Osmond Berry was a business

caller in Malone Thursday. Rosmond Freeman, of West-

vile, was a caller in town Friday. Raymond JDustin, of Westville,

was a caller in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Burke spent

the week end in Potsdam. Jqhn McDonald is seriously ill

at this writing. Thomas Cotter attended the fair

in Hogansburg Saturday. George Fraser, or the Beaver,

was a caller in town Saturday. Mrs. Calista Martin, who has

been visiting friends in Montreal has returned home.

Miss Jeanette Thebert; - of Springfield, Mass., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Thebert

Mr. and Mrs. Jess Smith, of Goshen, N. Y., are spending their vacation in town.

Mrs. Robert Smart is having her house on Chateaugay street painted.

Homer Russell, of Massena, has been visiting relatives in town the past week.

Mrs. Edith Craig, fit New York ci ty , i s v i s i t ing h e r mother , Mrs. Louisa Crangle.

Mrs. Harold Ferris, of West­ville, was a business caller in town Saturday evening.

Rev. Murray Gardner, of Brew­ster, N. Y., is visiting at the home of his brother, Rev, John Gardner.

Franklin Anderson, of Malone, was a business caller in town Mon­day,

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Burke, of Cincinnati, Ohio, are visiting at the Qiome of her father, Thomas Cotter.

Mrs. Joseph Kelley has been visiting at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smythe, of Massena.

Mrs. Anna McCann and son Eu­gene also Earl Brown spent the week end visiting realtives in Montreal.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Broekway visited at the home of his par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brock-way in Briggs street Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Ward, of Bombay, spent Sunday- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James S. Ward.

Mrs. Louisa Crangle and daugh­ter, Mrs. Edith Craig, of New York city, spent the past week at Saranac Lake.

James Savage, of Malone, was the manager of the Atlantic and Pacific Tea store here the past week while the manager, Joseph

Home Team Loses to Tapper Lake in Game at Mountain Town-—

Stademt Pastor Hurts Knee Playing Ball

The Helena Red Cross received the flour Saturday. Two trucks were used to carry the 320 sacks from Massena station to the home of Mrs. Irene Blanchawi, who is chairman of Helena unit and where it was stored to be dis­tributed to the needy.

Helena Locals Mrs. John Hamlin was a Mas-

•sena caller Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Hallihan

were Sunday guests of Mrs. Nan­cy Lantry.

Miss Anna Lantry was a sup­per guest of Mrs. Lida Sullivan at Massena Friday evening.

Thomas Lantry, of New York, ia visiting his mother, Mrs. Del-phine Lantry.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tryon and daughter Helen, of New Rochelle, are spending their vacation with the B. S. Tryon family.

Helena baseball team played Tupper Lake team Saturday at that place. The score was 10 to 3 in favor of Tupper Lake.

T. A. Dawson, who has spent ten days' vacation at the home of his father, John Dawson, has re­turned to Utica.

Miss Alice Mclntyre, R. N., of Syracuse, spent a week at the home of her sisters, Mrs. Tom O'Brien, Miss Priscilla Mclntyre, and brother, Henry.

The Misses Marion Mahoney, Nancy Lantry and Mrs. B, P. Kee-nan have completed their course at summer school at Potsdam Normal. "

Several Helena people attended the picnic at Brasher Falls Au-

him to remain in bed for a few days.

Mrs. Irene Blanchard and sister, Miss Elizabeth Barnes, visited their uncle, William Condon, at Cooks Corners, and cousin, Mrs. Eva Miller, at Malone Sunday af­ternoon.

Rev. and Mrs. Philip VanDroge and daughter Betty have left for their home in Indiana after a month's visit with their father, B. S.'Tryon. Miss Ethel Tryon ac­companied them as far as New York where she spent a week and has'returned to her home here.

gust 15. Helena ball team played there against Norfolk team, score 11 and 3.

Mr. and Mrs. John Etenery and son John have returned home af­ter a week's visit with their moth­er, Mrs. Katharine Denery, and Other relatives at Maple Grove and Sherbrooke, Canada,

Rev. Gaylord Couchman, who injured his knee while playing baseball recently, is much better at present. It was necessary for

Pafcetown Douglass Ward, of Bombay, was

a visitor at Warren Pike's Friday. Esther Kyle, of Lost Nation, vis­

ited Mr. and Mrs. iJewellyn Pike and family Tuesday.

Mrs. Bex Hampton called on Mr. and Mrs, Alex McDonald Tuesday at Racket River,

Mr. Martin and Ira Fregoe were callers hi town Thursday.

Adam Warner, of Brasher Falls, visited Us father* Hill Warner, Sunday.

Harold Ackerman has rented a small farm near' Lost Nation, for the coming year,

Tom Dowd, of Massena, called at the Hampton home "Saturday.

Charlie Pike visited. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Fregoe at Madrid the past Sunday. Word has been received that their barns were all destroyed by fire on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fregoe lived on the Dyke farm several years ago.

Mr."and Mrs. Max Hampton and children, of Massena, were visitors at the Hampton home Friday.

Geoflge Adams and son are help­ing William Horn with his hay­ing.

Mrs. Alden Eldridge and son vis­ited her sister, Mrs. Hampton one day last week.

Theodore and Lloyd. Bashaw, of Massena, called on their aunt, Mrs. Warren Pike one day last week.

Mrs. Joseph Green, of Tupper Lake, and Mrs. Roy Ellis, of Mas­sena,1 called on Irene Pike Thurs­day afternoon.

Mrs. Howard Cassidy and daugh­ter expect to spend this week in Talcville.

Mrs. Hampton attended the sew­ing circle at Mrs. Stickney's last Thursday,

Brashe irMats Mrs. Wesley Dignean is spend­

ing a few days with relatives in Ottawa.

Mr. aad Mrs. Frank White and family were recent visitors at Lewis LaRue's."

Claude Smalt was a Sunday caller at Joe Smajl's,

Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Barkley and son were Sunday evening call­ers at Wesley Bignean's.

Nelson Dishaw;- of Massena, was a caller at his farm the past week.

Visitors at the John Beckstead home Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. Duane Kingsley and two children, Mrs. Ida Rafter/of Racket River, Wilfred Myers, of Massena, also Giles and Allen Small.

Mr, and Mrsi George PaPree were called to Brushton Sunday by the death of a relative, r

Jack Crawford, onr milk inspec­tor, was a calter through here Saturday last, •

Ira Barnes, of Backet River, was a business caJBer at Wesley Djg-nean's the past week.

. Compliments are reciprocal.

H an infant is incapable of thinking, as scientists say, why does it set up such a yell the mo­ment it sees what kind of a world it's come into.

Poverty for som& girls means they are forced to wear "their best clothes every day because they can't afford to buy any new every day outfits.

You Need i Not Suffer

witn your feet, M your feet bum and sting, your limbs ache and tire you, let us heip yea. We have helped and cured matey others. We have he'd 25 years experience with feet ano\ shoes and we know.

American Shoe Hospital 130 Main St., Massena, N. Y.

a student nurse at the Champlain Valley hospital in Plattsburg, is spending a vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lacombe.

On Sunday, August 21, there will be an excursion to and from Montreal by thexCanadian Nation­al Railways. Special train starting from Massena* leaving here at 7:08 a. m. and returning arrives at 11:92 p. m. and continues on to Massena.

PIECE OF CAKE In tix short year* % I. C. A. fca* tT*w* f m Wt lanrert local orvutizatton of it» kind in Ike wftrM, A baying power of «#v«* turn* dwtf icBIiom «f doO»r* real­ly mean* aometrnm in then times. Cut yourself a •&£*

and COXVEM&tml


CAKEFLOURK* tviat s cake it makes! Lirhi

fluffy, a*4 rawof* in textwo— because I. G. A. Cake Hour is sifted throat* silkt

Fain A lot of trash is talked about

pain—chiefly by those who have never had to endure It—smug philosophers and pious folfc who have taken good care of their own carcasses and escaped diseases. Pain does one good thins for a man Against a lot of bad ones. Pain lowers our usefulness and tends to weaken our hope—bad things both. But the fine thing it .should do Is

,to make chronic sufferers big-heart­ed and sympathetic to the woes of *4ne world. Pain fs responsible for much sympathy—a very valuable possession for any man. Only those jest at sears who never felt a wound.—Eden PhiHpotts.

The man who is never idle has no time to be mean.


PEACHES fREE-RIPENED Pthooos , gotten, trae^ipeaod feuifc fresh ftom tho sonny orchards of C a t

3 Cm

BAKING Cttocalate

Y « meally unjoy the itom-uiuutnt—tbe rich, natural itevor »f Herrtteys Cho>-oistet Include this best quaftty choc­olate in your favorite recipes I

lb. l y c

tt&Hershey's M STUFFED- QBEKN

I.G. A. Bipe Olives arc the bitr delici­ous black variety. Rich in oil. A wholesome and highly nutritions food.

6-oz. 3*T 18c


Miss Genevieve Brothers, spent i Parent, was on a vacation

Miss Dorothy Barkley w a s home' from the S t Lawrence state hos­pital for the week end.

Miss Edna Giles is taking care of Mrs. Alex McDonald and fer baby.

Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Forbes spent last Sunday in Canada. Ray Forbes spent a few days

the time to propagate new plants. The free Cornell bulletin about raspberries and other bramble fruits giveg suggestions about pruning and propagation in addi­tion to other helpful hints. Ask the office of publication of the New York state college of agri­culture at Ithaca, N.-Y. for £-224.

Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Aahlaw, at Nicholvilie.

Mr. and Mrs. Allen Gardner, of Lake Placid, spent Sunday with relatives in town.

The funeral of Mrs. Fred Adams w a s very largely attended from the home on Merchant street, Fri­day afternoon. She leaves an aged husband and one son Elmer and a daughter, Mrs. Guy Wilson, and four grandchildren to mourn her loss. They all have the sympathy of the entire community in their sorrow.

Mr. and Mrs- Watson were in town Sunday.

Mrs. Thomas McCaffrey and son Cletus, of Rochester, have been vis i t ing a t the home of her broth­er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Cosgrove.

Charles DuBois , of Bergenfield, N . J., i s spending a f ew days a t the home of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. M, P. Merrick.

The monthly meeting of the missionary society of the Metho­dist church was held at the home of Mrs. Charles Freeman Wednes­day afternoon. Mrs. Fred Reynolds

Clifford j-^aj tit* leader. Miss Catherine Lacombe, who ia

m ^ * ^ * * * j m * t It »ap aff Ue aatural dthaous flavor of feed.

m*«d petunts. Chock full of eiwgj-boilding yitamine*. toot : Par Jar


SAVINGS The kited you expect of the

world's largest orraniaatkm of owner-operate* stares. There a*« hstvaitu crcey dttr *t I. G. A. store*.

»* xxxx l i b . pkg. 7c

Ginger Ale 19 MILK A Delicious aromatic tor Ginger

Ait. Has that sharp tana- so wel-<0SM on hot auaaMor days, etUm when served aloue or aMxoa, It kwpa «gr*I

3'»te23c> Pitted DATES 161

Select Persian rareaties frown in Turku* Arabia an* the Ferstaa Gulf Beckm. Heufauu Jar**, ricnlr favored, deep orange Intra fat color. Detleht, four waolsow.


Tali Can 5c

Saturday <H0>. E«ca can **««1 tt o»e wart fresfc milk. . 4

SUN toodhto

Quality Food* Tau're sure of quality at our I. G. A. store, gome merchandise is too low in grade for us te bundle if they rave it te us foi nothing-. ,

E HOBTUTy ASSORTMENT anytwiMBtfe. Tiiewdeli«htfal cooki«

fcaW 31c

PuDWEISBR MALT getsa warm

welcome into the h o m e over and

over aga in b e c a u s e i t g i v e s re­

sults. Made by and for experts —

backed by 75 ytars of malting experience—in- the biggest, finest

p l a n t o f i ts k i n d i n t h e wor ld .

Have your dealer deliver BUD*


de l iver t h e goods! 3 lbs . i n t h e

. big red can—light or dark.

M A T T Ba,«9«

A N H B U S E R B U S C H ' 8 T . L O U I S


Shopping Ease Became tajft * a aateaa-wide •rauuisatioN of stores menac­ed by the OWNERS w a T i r e Interested fa) your ftroWeiaa, everything is arraufeed *• saakt your •heppfes a real pleasure.

11 ' auaMBaftMejMmKB

Rice Flakes ffin toaety I. G. A. Cora Rakes de'monl strate that foad which ia rood for you can be sioriouaiy delicious, too.

2 pkgSo 19c Waotter th, lixth W the sixtieth, Birthdayi are «J. f W f Joyous oc-

SALMON m% _.Jf "2* £ • i c y W «*M* of t ie Nurth-**». * • £ • ? • , L A * * « * » • r««r-ron«d ;!!r . f * i n "wlA-fcuiMin* iodine* A tempting; meal for hot weather.

2 cans 41c » COFFEES n o .

2Zi.r5& « «Mef«l nelectiau of the weridfr

I g g f ^ a y u m o s w o f c o p t s d a l u o ^ ^

T Blend u. 29c S

' G ' Blend



Lb. 2 5 c

u. I *


hi fat