Download - MintyFresh Monday 3rd October

Page 1: MintyFresh Monday 3rd October

mintyfresh... fresher than a Roman’s bath waterMonday 3rd October 2011

The sun lasted all week, even if you didn’t! Now it’s finally time to get down to (the proper) business


“URB have ruined my life, bathimpact is my new

favourite media group”

high flying performances which always draw a crowd. A huge range of societies were in-volved: for the budding thespians, there were workshops run by BUST (Bath University Stu-dent Theatre) & BUSMS (Bath University Stu-dent Musicals Society); the St John’s Ambulance crew were showing off their skills and, as you all flocked to the amphitheatre to sun yourselves, the heat was turned up even more with the pas-sionate sounds of Brazilian samba. Music was firmly on the menu today, with the University Chamber Choir and Mu-


Solsbury didn’t let mintyfresh down tonight with an epic shitmix that involved a giant bin of only god knows how much alcohol, men in skimpy

outfits and, wait for it, an accordion. Tom from SD3 is obviously one of Solsbury’s stars as, the moment he casually rolled up with his awesome instrument,

screams of “He’s got the accordion out!” pierced our ears. This was quickly remedied by the won-

drous sound of the tetris theme tune that really got the party going. Good on you Tom!

We at mintyfresh want to say a big fat thank you for providing us with some

fabulous material throughout the week.You guys have been a pleasure to follow

around (in the most non-creepy way).

The mintyfresh team you have become so familiar with also run your Students’

Union newspaper, bathimpact,which is out now! Run to the SU, grab

your copy and see our centre page spread featuring

the very best of YOU.

If you are interested in writing, pho-tography, sub-editing or anything else, head down to the societies fair in the Founders Hall at 4pm or in Parade at

8pm on Monday - we’ll try to be wearing some kind of hat.

sicSoc welcoming keen new freshers. Our mintyfresh reporter, however, was particu-larly impressed with the Choral & Orchestral Society (ChAOS). The Society encompasses a variety of musical ensembles who all held tast-er sessions during the afternoon. Their events were capped off with the excellent “ChAOS Freshers Concert” in the University Hall. This was a showcase of what can be achieved in one short rehearsal and gave everyone an informal opportunity to perform - and it was outstanding! Groups included the ChAOS Choir, GASP (Gospel, A Capella, Soul & Pop), the new Big Band, the Orchestra, Concert Band and the Alley Barbers (male voice close har-

The Roman Baths, basking in the sunshine

mony). The audience and participants were further entertained by a small technical hitch during this group’s final piece, “Under the Boardwalk”. As they sang the line “out of the sun”, all the lights mysteriously went off in the Hall, but impressing the supportive audience, the brave barbershop boys kept singing in the dark! There were also several trips on Saturday that included a visit to the local Cats and Dogs home for those interested in volun-teering their services, a wander down to the Roman Baths (looking beautiful in the sun) and a visit to the The Holburne Museum, an Art Gallery which is supported by the Univer-sity. A chilled out day in the sun was definitely what was needed in preparation for toga night - we caught many of you working on impressive tan lines. Good work guys. Sunday saw you flocking to suck on the Swedish Meatballs at Ikea, and to stock up on essentials and replace the kitchenware that got broken throughout the week. We hope you’re all having fun trying to work out how to erect that flatpack. Seemed like a good idea at the time, we know... Paintballing was another chance for you to show your colours while getting a well-needed run around outside after all those late nights. We hope you accept mint-yfresh’s apologies for not turning up - we can’t be everywhere! (And we were tired.) All in all it was a very civilised weekend to round off a wonderfully raucous week. We hope you had a blast.

Saturday on campus was somewhat quieter than the other days this week. The Pick and Mix Day hosted some of Bath’s most artistic societies, including the jug-gling group ‘Gravity Vomit’ who put on a fabu-lous display of their up chucking skills down by the lake, making the most of the Indian Summer that has graced us this week. Also down by the lake were the Bath Jets. The cheerleaders have been out in force all week, and have not let us down once, with

Page 2: MintyFresh Monday 3rd October

The Romans would have been proud of your bed sheets, as they came out for a good old airing after a dirty week...

Brought to you by the bathimpact team


Norwood Level 8 girls known as the ‘Nor-whores’ show their enthusiasm (desperation?) to get in the

last issue of mintyfresh. You succeeded.

- Gemma: “Does putting a memory card in a fridge affect it’s memory?”- One guy: “My dick has a nickname” Other guy: “What, Ms Disappointed?”- Paul from Conygre: “He has lubricated my stitches”- Katt: “My toga has come undone so I’m not a slut any more!“


Rob from John Wood KD was covered in Reg-gae Reggae sauce, food colouring, pancake mix, ketchup, peanut butter, lego, posters, yo-ghurt, a fire extinguisher, fire blanket and pos-sibly some other stuff (including a condom.)

The fire blanket was so ruined, they were fined for misuse of equipment. He has only made it

back to his room twice this week.

Wolfson have continuously impressed the mintyfresh crew - congrats!

Wolfson. mintyfresh love you. This is why we have made you HALLS OF THE WEEK! With ‘The Artist’ of Level 5 draw-ing fearsome wolves on everyone’s shirts, our reporters being initiated with beer bongs and your wild blackout parties on the hill out-side, we want to hang with you lovely lot all day, every day. AMAZING. As usual, Conygre have outdone themselves. Apparently having sex in an ac-tual room with an actual bed is far too old school for these people. Instead, it looks like a sex tent is the way forward in today’s society. If any of you are interested in embracing part of this new age culture, Conygre Y1 owns the red two person tent that has already played host to two of our sabbs, Matt Benka

!FRESHER OF THE NIGHT! We went to Mendip for claims of a giant

shitmix. Unfortunately, we just missed it. For-tunately we found something ten thousand times more heart-warming. Dan of Mendip

got down on one knee, grabbed crew mem-ber Charlie and sobbed, “I’ve only been here

1 week, and you’ve changed my life!” Presents of Ann Summers handcuffs and a mug with a naked bloke on it was genteelly given to

the embarrassed looking girl, and a sudden cry of “AND YOU SMELL LIKE A MEADOW!” was heard through streams of tears and snot. Shame the atmosphere had to be tarnished

by housemate Louie getting his cock out and waving it every 5 minutes in front of our faces.

and Chris Clements. Once you’re done, just add your score to the random piece of pa-per blu-tacked to the scuffed up wall above. Classy. Further afield, we met a fitty in the city and they were from John Wood. So far this week John Wood haven’t had much coverage, they have been thoroughly ne-glected and, for this, we are truly and deeply sorry. Though far away from the roar of Westwood, Eastwood and the accommo-dation buildings surrounding mintyfresh, John Wood has been filling the city air full of silent screams all week long with kitchen parties raging into the wee small hours, al-

most too late for buses up to the events on campus. Rob Harmer hasn’t even managed to sleep in his own room, due to access trou-bles and other intoxications. Jess from KB4 has super control issues as she continued to order everyone around - fail, but she is also a good lass who knows how to party (Or is she a vampire? We heard both.) Look out for John Wood this year, they’re so independent they mostly wear tv licences and drink taxation. “We like to so-cialise with John Wood, ‘cause John Wood is our mate...!”

BEST LEAST Dressed Freshers

John Wood show us they should definitely not be forgotton about down there...

A togarific tarrah...Toga night had freshers acting as if they were thieves from Roman times as our pho-tographer’s hat got pillaged while he swept his way through the crowds. Never fear, he managed to scavenge it back. There was a huge Jager truck, with some pretty hot Jager girls adorned in orange hats. The mu-sic was banging and the dancefoor was on fire; you freshers put your all into the last night. In other news, our Deputy Ed made out with Ms Disappointed on Satur-day night - WIN. After a week of hard partying, you guys still found the energy to make the last night as epic as the whole week itself. Well done - and good luck with that whole de-gree thing, we hear it started this morning.

This has been mintyfresh, over and out.