Download - Minister - · 9/11/2017  · Songs of remembrance, victory and defeat Anguish in adversity and bliss amidst blessings Looking to God for forgiveness and deliverance

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Minister Reverend Ken Hague Tel: 01724 343702 Email: [email protected]

Secretary Mrs Joan Anderson Tel: 07710 612064

Treasurer Mrs Debbie Taylor Tel: 01636 689352

If you wish to be added to this section, please give your contact details to the editor before the deadline for the next edition.


Organist Mr Steve Caddy Tel: 07753 743786 51 Worthington Road, Balderton Email: [email protected]

Bible Study & Film Club Mr Mark Taylor Tel: 01636 689352 22 Ringrose Close, Newark Email: [email protected]

Magazine Editor Mrs Lorna Caddy Tel: 07965 631882 51 Worthington Road, Balderton Email: [email protected]

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Front Cover: Autumn from Lorna Caddy

Back Cover: Artwork from

Kaza in Afghanistan

If you have any photographs you think may be suitable for our magazine cover, we would love to receive them. Please

email them to the editor.

Church Directory 2

Services 3

Calendar for September 4

Calendar for October 5

From the Minister 6

From the Fellowship 7

Noticeboard 8

Newark Foodbank Update 9

The Half Hour Bible 10 & 11

Children’s Corner 12 - 14

Puzzles 15 - 18

Update from Afghanistan 19 & 20

Sunday 11am — Morning Worship

Holy Communion is celebrated during Morning Worship on the first Sunday of each month.

Café Service is held in the church hall at 10.30am. Breakfast is on offer with tea or coffee, and followed by a sincere service with a difference.

Please see the calendars for more details about when each service will be taking place.

Anyone is welcome to attend the services.

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Friday 1st 10am Friday Focus Saturday 2nd 10am Just Sing Community Choir in the church hall

Sunday 3rd — 11am Morning Worship with Holy Communion

Preacher: Reverend Ken Hague Flowers: Pat Corah Reader: Debbie Deacon’s Duty: Julie

Communion Duty: Val & Gary

Thursday 7th 10am Parents and Toddlers Friday 8th 10am Friday Focus

Sunday 10th — 11am Morning Worship

Preacher: Local Arrangement Reader: Gary Deacon’s Duty: Val

Wednesday 13th 7.30pm Film Club

22 Ringrose Close, Newark Thursday 14th 10am Parents and Toddlers Friday 15th 10am Friday Focus Saturday 16th 10am Just Sing Community Choir in the church hall 7pm Harvest Supper, tickets £5

Sunday 17th — 11am Morning Worship

Preacher: Reverend Ken Hague

Flowers: Julie Reader: Joan Deacon’s Duty: Mark

Thursday 21st 10am Parents and Toddlers Friday 22nd 10am Friday Focus

Sunday 24th — 10.30am Café Service

Preacher: Mark Taylor Flowers: Mrs Moulds Reader: Julie

Wednesday 27th 7pm Bible Study Thursday 28th 10am Parents and Toddlers Friday 29th 10am Friday Focus Saturday 30th 10am Just Sing Community Choir in the church hall

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Sunday 1st — 11am Morning Worship with Holy Communion

Preacher: Reverend Ken Hague Communion Duty: Mark & Julie Flowers: Ann

Reader: Mary Deacon’s Duty: Gary

Thursday 5th 10am Parents and Toddlers Friday 6th 10am Friday Focus

Sunday 8th — 11am Morning Worship

Preacher: TBC Flowers: Dave Robertson Reader: Stan Deacon’s Duty: Joan

Wednesday 11th 7.30pm Film Club 22 Ringrose Close, Newark Thursday 12th 10am Parents and Toddlers Friday 13th 10am Friday Focus Saturday 14th 10am Just Sing Community Choir in the church hall

Sunday 15th — 11am Morning Worship

Preacher: Reverend Ken Hague Reader: Val Deacon’s Duty: Julie

Thursday 19th 10am Parents and Toddlers Friday 20th 10am Friday Focus

Sunday 22nd — 10.30am Café Service

Preacher: Mark Taylor Reader: Julie Flowers: Paula & Tracy

Wednesday 25th 7pm Bible Study Thursday 26th 10am Parents and Toddlers Friday 27th 10am Friday Focus Saturday 28th 10am Just Sing Community Choir in the church hall

Sunday 29th — 11am Members Service

Flowers: Mrs Thacker

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I have never made any secret of the fact that I love the summer and I’m not a fan of the dark winter nights. I’m always amazed how fast our summer passes and sometimes how long the dark winter nights seemed to drag on before the joy of spring and a warmer brighter climate.

Now I find myself talking about September moving into autumn when it just seems a minute and we were talking about summer. Summer period offers many opportunities to travel to meet up with old friends to enjoy the blessings God has given us and to explore the wonderful creation in parts of Britain and the world we have not visited before.

Autumn to the church means harvest, already we can see the harvest being gathered in the fields a sign of the changing seasons. This offers the time to return to a more quieter life, travel less and get back into our autumn winter routines.

Harvest time however is a time to thank God for the provision of food. To thank him for the safe harvest and the fact that crops are being brought safely in as the hymn writer puts it ‘all is safely gathered in’. The world has changed so much since we depended solely on the crops produced in our own country when seasonal foods were the only one available.

It’s also a time for ministers and churches to look at the Lord’s harvest. All is not safely gathered we still have homelessness, drug addiction, and increasingly, mental health problems in society. The distribution of God’s gifts to the world is not evenly balanced the distribution of medical supplies is not available to all. While some search for power materialistic wealth and status many struggle just to live.

There is a very positive statement to make however, each one of us by our actions and the way we live can do what we can to reverse the suffering of the world. Indeed if we do not follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit show compassion and love to others and share what we have particularly our Christian faith then the problems will only increase.

The harvest of the souls still requires the work of the workers of Jesus Christ. We can achieve more than we could ever imagine through prayer through faith and through the work of the Holy Spirit. There is an old saying there but for the grace of God go I. It’s a sober thought God has given so much to each one of us including the greatest sacrifice of all demonstrated by Jesus is death on the cross for our sins. When Jesus calls do this in my name can we ever say no?

Beloved in Christ, may the peace of the Lord be with you and all whom you love for evermore continue to walk in the faith and in the light of Jesus Christ.

Your minister and friend


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It has been a poor time for church attendance; holidays and illness seem to have dogged us. At the time of writing, Pat is just out of hospital after an operation, and Jean is in hospital with a broken hip.

Ken is back with us and hopefully well on the road to recovery.

At the present we have not had a firm offer of a minute secretary, so at the next church meeting the minutes may be a bit sketchy.

It looks as if Joan may have been successful in getting information sent to her instead of relying on other people to pass on emails.

We pray for all our members who are ill, and also Mark and Debbie who both start another year of study.

At the church meeting on 20th August, it was agreed for some work to take place, with Mind to pay for it.

The charity for September and October is Water Aid.

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Magazine Articles

We are always grateful to receive ideas or articles from you all for the magazine.

Please help us to keep you informed, and keep the articles coming in. Thank you.

Magazine material for the next edition should be submitted to the

editor by 13th October 2017.

Church Directory

If anyone wishes to be added to the church directory, please get

in touch with the editor.

Sunday 5th November 2017 — 11am Morning Worship with Holy Communion

Preacher: Reverend Ken Hague Communion Duty: Debbie & Val Flowers: Ann Reader: Joan

Deacon’s Duty: Mark

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The items urgently needed at the time of print are listed in order below. Underlined items are particularly urgent. Please keep an eye on the board in the church hall for up-to-date lists.

Please do not donate items containing alcohol. Also please ensure food is ‘in date’ as we cannot distribute out of date food. Items not needed at the moment are baked beans, dried pasta, coffee and vegetable soup. Thanks to everyone for their ongoing support.

Food (all in very short supply) Non-Food

Tinned or Microwaveable Sponge Puddings Tinned/Packet Soup — Meat Packets of Instant Mash Jam Chocolate Biscuit Bars e.g. Kit Kat, Penguin, Rocky etc.

Laundry Liquitabs/Tablets

Other items required at the moment, though not as urgent, are as follows:

Food Non-Food

Tinned Custard Tinned Fruit Tinned Spaghetti Tinned Vegetables (not sweetcorn) Tinned Tomatoes Jars of Pasta Sauce Tea Bags — 40s or 80s Chocolate — bars/sweets Long Life UHT Milk (not evaporated) Cereal Cereal Bars Biscuits Long Life Juice (not fresh) Sugar Tinned Fish — all varieties except tuna Tinned Meat — hot, e.g. mince, stewing steak Tinned Meat — cold e.g. Spam, ham (not corned beef)

Deodorant Feminine Hygiene Loo Rolls Men’s Toiletries Toothpaste Toothbrushes Shampoo Shower Gel Liquid Hand Soap Dog/Cat Food Strong Carrier Bags

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Courtesy of Harry Hunter,


Petitions and praises, laments and celebrations Songs of remembrance, victory and defeat Anguish in adversity and bliss amidst blessings Looking to God for forgiveness and deliverance Meditating on God’s ineffability and power Seeking justice and reparation for the poor and the meek.


Prudence, insight, instruction, discernment, Righteousness and justice are proclaimed by Lady Wisdom. Oppression, sloth, adultery, vanity – like a dog returning to its Vomit – are the ways of Dame Folly. Exemplary behaviour, honour and a good name may Result in respect and prosperity Yet even Better, are the poor and blameless who understand the Seven pillars of wisdom and fear God.


“Everything is meaningless!” Claims the preacher, proving that with much wisdom Comes much sorrow. Hard work, wealth and righteousness are Like chasing after the wind. The same fate comes to Everyone, whether they are good or bad. Good men Suffer, while bad men prosper. In truth, we will not understand things that happen “under the sun”; the Answer lies in looking upwards. Thus, to everything there is a Season and a time to every purpose under The Heaven. If we want to make sense of life, we should seek after Eternal mysteries which lie beyond the Sun: so fear God and keep His commandments.

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Song of Songs

Sing to my lover and tell me where to find her, O daughters of Jerusalem. And she in turn, all Night long yearned that he might run to her like a Gazelle, for he was sweet to her taste and his banner Over her was love. Oh, Friends of the bride and groom See the beloved and her lover Overwhelmed with passion one for another. No ordinary love story is this, but God yearning for his beloved – pining, Sick at heart with all-consuming love for Israel.


In the year King Uzziah died, Isaiah son of Amoz Saw a vision of the Lord, and was commissioned to prophesy – “A virgin shall bear a son, Immanuel, prince of peace; Israel will suffer for her injustices, as will all nations; yet A faithful remnant of Israel will survive and be comforted, Her sins will be borne away by a man of sorrows, and He will bring rest”.


Jerusalem was sinning, worshipping false gods, Errant, unjust and idolatrous. So God called Jeremiah to Rebuke them, that they might repent and avoid defeat and Exile. He was such a doomsayer that they flung him in a well and he sank in the Mire. Even after they pulled him out he carried on wailing about disaster to Israel, and lots of other nations as well. He made many enemies, but he was right And Jerusalem fell to Nebuchadnezzar. Yet Jeremiah had an upbeat side too – He foretold that Israel would be redeemed by a Righteous Branch of David.

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Answers for the last editions’ Sudoku and Crossword

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1 ‘A little later someone else saw Peter and said, “You — are one of them”’ (Luke 22:58) (4)

3 Giving (1 Peter 2:5) (8)

9 They came to Jerusalem seeking an infant king (Matthew 2:7) (3,4)

10 ‘An athlete... does not receive the victor’s crown unless he competes according to the — ’ (2 Timothy 2:5) (5)

11 Pacifist, temperance advocate, open-air preacher, leading 20th- century Methodist, Donald — (5)

12 ‘Come quickly to — — , O Lord my Saviour’ (Psalm 38:22) (4,2)

14 ‘The God of Abraham, — — — , the God of our fathers, has glorified his servant Jesus’ (Acts 3:13) (5,3,5)

17 Sear by intense heat (Revelation 16:8) (6)

19 ‘It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust — — ’ (Psalm 118:8) (2,3)

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22 Goods (Nehemiah 13:15) (5)

23 i.e. train (anag.) (7)

24 Surrounding area (Luke 24:50) (8)

25 ‘Righteousness will be his — and faithfulness the sash round his waist’ (Isaiah 11:5) (4)


1 Elegant and creative (Exodus 31:4) (8)

2 ‘Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all — , but we will all be changed’ (1 Corinthians 15:51) (5)

4 ‘I... delight to see how orderly you are and how firm your — — — is’ (Colossians 2:5) (5,2,6)

5 Enlist (2 Samuel 24:2) (5)

6 Of the Muslim faith (7)

7 Sharp intake of breath (Job 11:20) (4)

8 Woven cloth (Ezekiel 16:13) (6)

13 Plentiful (Romans 5:17) (8)

15 CIA char (anag.) (7)

16 Paul and Silas stopped him committing suicide after an earthquake in Philippi (Acts 16:27–28) (6)

18 One of the ingredients in the making of incense for the Lord (Exodus 30:34) (5)

20 Episcopal headwear (5)

21 Inhabitant of, say, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia or Bulgaria (4)

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On 3rd September, the Church remembers St Gregory the Great (540 – 604AD), one of

the most important popes and influential writers of the Middle Ages. He is well worth

remembering, because he also changed the course of history in the British Isles. The son

of a very rich Roman senator, Gregory converted as a young man, and sold his vast

estates to found six monasteries in Sicily and a seventh in Rome. He gave generously to

the poor, and became a monk.

Christians in England owe him a great deal. When Gregory came across some English

slaves for sale in Rome, he asked who they were, and was told, ‘They are Angles’.

Moved with compassion for these despised men, he replied, ‘They are not Angles, but

angels!” He planned to go to England to evangelise the Angles, but plague broke out in

Italy about 590, and during this time he was elected Pope. But Gregory did not forget

Gregory History Son Roman Senator

Converted Young Estates Monasteries Generous

Poor Monk English Slaves Angels

Angles Plague Pope Apostle Elected

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Hello dear Taylor!

I am happy to have you as a special friend.

Today is the last day of Chila Kalan (midwinter) here. There are two midwinter

here, one of them named big midwinter and other called small midwinter. Big

midwinter is forty days and small midwinter is also twenty days, but small

midwinter is cooler than big midwinter too. I am fond of make snowman, ski,

however I prefer other season for winter, at the end I salute you and your family.

My mother got a training on disaster risk reduction a few day ago, which is held

by Action Aid. My mum is a member of first aid groups in my village. It is good to

help people, those who are facing emergency.

From Kaza

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