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Microsoft Learning Ignite | May 4 – 8, 2015 | Chicago, IL

Light IT up.

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Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure SolutionsExam Preparation 70-533

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MarkGrimes• Residence, SE MI• 18 Years MCT, 10 years ft

active• 10 years consulting• ½ with Partner, ½

@Microsoft• Lead Internal Identity

Technical Communities• Lead multiple internal

Azure Cert programs• Losing weight fast with Joe

Cross’ plan!

Page 4: Microsoft Learning Ignite | May 4 – 8, 2015 | Chicago, IL Light IT up.

Azure Certification70-533

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Roadmap – Azure Certification

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Let’s get this party started!Break it down section by section for Skills Mapping

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Implement Websites16%

Implement Virtual Machines18%

Implement Cloud Services16%

Implement Storage16%

Implement Azure AD16%

Implement Virtual Networks20%

70-533 Exam Objectives

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Side-by-side Comparison | 70-533/4

70-533 70-534

Implement WebsitesImplement Cloud Services

Design Websites

Implement StorageImplement Cloud Services

Design an Application Storage and Data Access Strategy

Implement Virtual NetworksImplement an Azure ADImplement Virtual Machines

Design Azure Infrastructure and Networking

Implement Cloud Services Design an Advanced Application

Page 9: Microsoft Learning Ignite | May 4 – 8, 2015 | Chicago, IL Light IT up.

Microsoft Azure components

• Compute• Virtual Machines• Web Sites• Mobile Services• Cloud Services• Web Roles• Worker Roles

• Data Services• Storage• SQL Database• HDInsight• Cache• Redis

• Backup• Recovery Manager

• App Services• Media Services• Service Bus• Notification Hubs• Scheduler• Automation• BizTalk Services• BizTalk Hybrid Connections• Visual Studio Online• Active Directory• Multi Factor Authentication• API Management • Azure RemoteApp

Network ExpressRoute Virtual Network Traffic Manager CDN

SDK’s .NET Java PHP Python Node.js Ruby

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Implement WebsitesDeploy


Configure Websites

Configure Diagnostic

s, Monitoring, Analytics

Configure Scale &


Manage Hosting Plans

Azure Websites

See Websites, Cloud Service and Virtual Machines Comparison

Page 11: Microsoft Learning Ignite | May 4 – 8, 2015 | Chicago, IL Light IT up.

Deploy websitesDeployment Slots

Live sites w/ own hostnamesAlpha Numeric only! + hyphens

Requires Standard mode plan(=1,2, 4 cores | up to 10 instances)

Can Swap for ProdSwap the slots to Rollback

WebjobsScripts or Programs: .bat, ps1, .sh, PHP, .py, Node.js2 options: w or w/o web projectRUN:1.Continuous (App_Data/jobs/continuous) Preview

2. Scheduled 3.On-Demand (App_Data/jobs/triggered)Create Schedule

Deploy an Console or VS (needs Azure SDK 2.4)

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Configure websitesSettings

Web App loads name/value pairs.Net Configuration at runtimePHP, Python, Java and Node.js

applications access as env varsConnection Strings for SQL db, SQL Server, MySQL, Custom Handler Mappings add custom scripts for custom extensionsVirtual Application –specify each dir with root site

Check Application checkbox to mark as an app in site config

How to configure Websites – step-by-step

Page 13: Microsoft Learning Ignite | May 4 – 8, 2015 | Chicago, IL Light IT up.

Connection Stings for linked resources.Net Sites

Use connection strings at runtimeHIDDEN by default!

Other languagesUses Environment Variables at Runtime

EXAMPLES• SQL Server: SQLCONNSTR_• MySQL: MYSQLCONNSTR_• SQL Database: SQLAZURECONNSTR_• Custom: CUSTOMCONNSTR_IF MySQL connection string was named mystring1THEN access through the env variable MYSQLCONNSTR_ mystring1

See MySQL Example

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Configure websitesConfigure Custom Domain Name, SSL & more!

CNAME (Alias) versus A recordRead moreVideo Walkthrough Create Custom Domain Name and Securing Communication Awverify -> CNAME to prove you own it

Get-AzureDeployment -ServiceName yourservicename | Select UrlNeed CNAME for WWW also

Use for A record

Use for CNAME

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Manage Websites | PowerShellGet-AzureWebsiteGet-AzureWebsite siteslotstestNew-AzureWebsiteNew-AzureWebsite siteslotstest -Slot staging -Location "West US"Publish-AzureWebsiteProjectPublish-AzureWebsiteProject -Name siteslotstest -Slot staging -Package [path].zipShow-AzureWebsiteShow-AzureWebsite -Name siteslotstest -Slot stagingSwitch-AzureWebsiteSlotSwitch-AzureWebsiteSlot -Name siteslotstestRemove-AzureWebsite (To Delete)Remove-AzureWebsite -Name siteslotstest -Slot staging

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Manage Websites | Xplat-CLITo list the commands available for Azure Websites in the xplat-cli, call azure site –h

azure site list siteslotstestazure site create siteslotstest --slot stagingazure site create --git siteslotstest --slot stagingazure site swap siteslotstestazure site delete siteslotstest --slot stagingSee more

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Configure Diagnostics, Monitoring Analytics1. Application Diagnostics | “Configure”

File System, Table Storage and Blob Storage

2. Site Diagnostics | “Configure”Web Svr Logging (WC3), Error Msgs (HTTP Status), Failed Request Tracing, Remote


Diagnostic Logs File, Table, Blob

Download with: FTP, PS, Azure CLI

Monitor in the PortalView Data, Adding Metrics, Configure Alerts

Also, KUDU! Git support for websites

See How to Monitor Websites

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Configure Diagnostics, Monitoring Analytics

How to Monitor Websites

Up to 2 Endpoints, 3 Geographic locations

Uses HTTP Get on web URL. Each location runs test every 5 minutes

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Logging WebsitesPowerShellSave-AzureWebSiteLog -Name websitename#View Live StreamGet-AzureWebSiteLog -Name websitename –Tail

Azure Command-lineazure site log download websitenameazure site log tail websitename

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Configure Diagnostics, Monitoring AnalyticsConfigure Scale

IF Select Shared or Basic only get…• Hosting Plans• Instance Size• Instance Count

NOTE if Shared, NO instance size!

How to Scale Websites

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Configure Diagnostics, Monitoring AnalyticsConfigure Scale

Select Standard• Hosting Plans• Instance Size• Instance CountSchedule Times• Day and Night or• Weekend Weekday• Half hour increments

Then can Scale by Metric• Instance Count• Target CPU

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Manage Hosting PlansCreate Hosting Plans

Free , Shared | 32-bit apps only! | Shared InfrastructuresBasic , Standard | Dedicated InfrastructureBasic: Sm (1 core), Med (2), Large (4)

See What is a Web Hosting Plan and Web hosting plans In-Depth

Migrate Between PlansACTIONS1. Change Plan2. Configure SettingsDO NOT require code change or redeploy!

Create Website w/in PlanJust do it!

Page 24: Microsoft Learning Ignite | May 4 – 8, 2015 | Chicago, IL Light IT up.

Implement Websites – know these 5 things now

Run Web Jobs 3 ways1. Continuous 2. Schedule 3. On-Demand

Connection Strings | how made available? .Net vs. others?

.Net: uses connectionStrings object OTHERS as Environment Variables

Website Diagnostics | # endpoints & # geo locations

Up to 2 Endpoints, 3 Geographic locations

Configure Scale –what additional options w/ STD?

Schedule : Day/ Night, Weekday/Weekend, Half hour incr. | By Metric : Instance Count, Target CPU

Hosting Plans – Name the 4Free | Shared | Basic | Standard

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Implement Virtual MachinesDeploy


Implement Images and




Configure networking

Configure resiliency

Design Implement


Monitor VMs


See Websites, Cloud Service and Virtual Machines Comparison

Page 26: Microsoft Learning Ignite | May 4 – 8, 2015 | Chicago, IL Light IT up.

Virtual Machine Sizes

Each Persistent Data Disk Can be up to 1 TB with up to 16 disks per VM

Compute Instance Name Virtual Cores RAM

Extra Small (A0) Shared 768 MB

Small (A1) 1 1.75 GB

Medium (A2) 2 3.5 GB

Large (A3) 4 7 GB

Extra Large (A4) 8 14 GB

Compute Instance Name

Virtual Cores RAM

A5 2 14 GB

A6 4 28 GB

A7 8 56 GB

Compute Instance Name

Virtual Cores

RAM Networking

A8 8 56 GB 40 Gbit/s InfiniBand

A9 16 112 GB 40 Gbit/s InfiniBand

General Purpose VMs

Memory Intensive VMs

Compute Intensive VMs

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Deploy Workloads on Azure VMsMicrosoft Supported WorkloadsServer Roles: AD, AD FS, DNS, Print, Application, File, RAS, RDP, Web, WSUS | SQL, SP, SC, DynamicsNOT GOOD: Low Volume Limited growth. Regulated Environments Read more

Deploy and Connect to a Linux VMSupported: • UBUNTU 12.04.1+, 13.10 & 14.04• CentOS by OpenLogic 6.3+• Oracle Linux 6.4+• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server SLES SP3• OpenSUSE 13.1+

Create VMsPortalPowerShell

Create a VM running Windows.Create a VM running Linux

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PS: Create Virtual Machine Set-AzureSubscription -CurrentStorageAccountName yourstorageaccountname -SubscriptionName "your subscription name" Add-AzureProvisioningConfig -Windows -AdminUsername $adminUser -Password $adminPassword $webvm2 = New-AzureVMConfig -Name "Webvm2" -InstanceSize Small -ImageName $vmimage | Add-AzureProvisioningConfig -Windows -AdminUsername $adminUser -Password $adminPassword New-AzureVM –ServiceName $svcname –VMs $webvm1, $webvm2 –Location $location

BEFORE the command, you would do….Add-AzureAccount you would enter your credsGet-AzureSubscription record the subscriptionGet-AzureStorageAccount record the storage account

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Implement Images and Disks

Base OS image for new Virtual Machines

Sys-Prepped/Generalized/Read Only

Created by uploading or by capture

Writable Disks for Virtual Machines

Created during VM creation or during upload of existing VHDs.

OS Images

MicrosoftPartner User

Disks (2 min)

OS Disks Temp disksData Disks

See About Disks and Images

See “How to Attach a Disk”

Page 30: Microsoft Learning Ignite | May 4 – 8, 2015 | Chicago, IL Light IT up.

Perform Configuration ManagementAutomate Management

PS – Find, Create, Delete. To Automate VM Processes

DSC – w\ Azure Extension To Automate VM Config

Custom Script Exts Helper Extensions e.g.BGInfo, VMAccess, VMM

Enable Puppet Chef ExtensionsChef• Resources managed by“ Recipes” • =reusable definitions for tasks• Knife Azure plug-in

Puppet• Build, Deploy Manage = Lifecycle• “Puppet Master” pre-configured on Ubuntu server• “Puppet Enterprise” Agent – install as agent

See “About Azure VM Configuration settings” & “Manage Images Using PowerShell”

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Configure VM NetworkingReserved IP Addresses | | can have multiple subnetsSmallest supported subnet is /29.

Size Hosts for 2n-2Don’t use same as on-premises

Access Control ListsPermit / Deny Packet FilteringFor Endpoints onlyCan’t for Virtual Network or subnet w/inOrdered first to last. So least->most restrictive!For VMs in Vnet use NSGs instead!Read more!

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Configure VM NetworkingInternal Name Resolution


Between role instances or VMs

Same Cloud Service Azure Internal Name Resolution

Between VMs Same VNet Azure Internal Name Resolution

Between role instances or VMs

Same VNet / diff Cloud Services Azure Internal Name Resolution

Between role instances or VMs

Same Cloud Services but not in a VNet

NOT POSSIBLE VMs & role instances can’t be deployed this way

Between role instances Different Cloud Services but not in a VNet

NOT POSSIBLE connectivity between role instances in diff cloud svcs not supported

Read more on DNS

1. If Azure <-> on-premises => Use your own DNS Server2. If Between on-premises to Azure public endpoints, then use MS

Azure external name resolution.

Page 33: Microsoft Learning Ignite | May 4 – 8, 2015 | Chicago, IL Light IT up.

Configure VM NetworkingLoad Balancing Endpoints

1 Public (used by ILB) & 1 Private Port (used by VM internally) per endpointAzure Balancer distributes based on: Source Address, Protocol, Source /Destination PortInternal Load Balancing w/in Cloud Service!Use for RDP, PSRemote, SSH

Health ProbesHTTP/TCPProvide Base Availability DataDetail Extensible with custom probes

Firewall RulesLeveraging public/private/domain profilesAutomatically for RDP / SSH PS Remoting

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Configure VM resiliencyScale Up Scale Down

Slide the slider! See Azure Limits!

Auto-ScaleAuto-scales Based on Schedule or loadCan leave VMs set initially running or stoppedConfigure on the Cloud Service containing them

Configure Availability SetsVMs in separate Fault Domains | 50 VMs Max perSLA 99.95 | HW SW | Windows & LinuxCombine with Load Balancer to increase resiliencyAvoid Single instance machine = NO SLA

See How to configure an Availability Set for VM & VM Configuration Settings

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Fault DomainsGroups of resourcesSame rack, Server, Power Source, Network SwitchFabric spreads across min 2 fault domainsAvailability Set by default, spreads VMs across two

Update DomainsGroups of resources to be updated togetherHost OS updates honour service update domainsSpecified in service definitionDefault of 5 (up to 20)Only 1 rebooted at a time

Fabric Controller spreads role instances across Update Domains and Fault Domains

Fault and Update Domains

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Key Concepts


Cloud Service (200)

Virtual Machine (50x200)

Virtual Network (100)

Storage Account (100)

Storage Container

Storage Blob (40x100)

Object Limit Locking

Subscription120 Create/Add operations in 5 minute window


Cloud Service 200 per subscription ~3 minutes per update

Virtual Machine50 per cloud service2048 per Virtual Network


Virtual Network 100 per subscription Single modification API

Storage Account 100 per subscription None

Storage Container No Limit None

Storage Blob 40 per storage account

One blob per container per storage account at a time

Limits and Locking

Read more

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Design and implement VM storageConfigure Disk Caching

OS and Data Disk have host caching setting aka host-cache modeHost caching - off by default for RW for data disks. Host-caching is ON by default for RW for operating system disksModify using Set-AzureOSDisk or Set-AzureDataDisk

Config OS Disk Redundancy 3 copies by defaultIf Geo-Redundancy enabled, then also at another site > 400 miles

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Virtual Machine Storage Architecture

Azure Virtual Machine

C:\OS Disk | SATA127 GB Max

E:\, F:\, etc.Data Disks | SCSI

1 TB MaxTemporary DiskWindows: D:\

Linux /dev/sdbDisk Cache

Azure BlobSee How to change the Temp Drive Letter

Page 39: Microsoft Learning Ignite | May 4 – 8, 2015 | Chicago, IL Light IT up.

Configure shared storage using Azure File service

1. Create a context for your storage account and key

$ctx=New-AzureStorageContext account-name account-key

2. Create a new file share$s = New-AzureStorageShare sampleshare -Context $ctx

3. Create a directory in the file shareNew-AzureStorageDirectory -Share $s -Path sampledir

4. Upload a local file to the directorySet-AzureStorageFileContent -Share $s -Source C:\temp\samplefile.txt -Path


5. Persist storage account cred for VM & mount share with them!

See Detailed Steps and PS examples

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Design and implement VM storageConfig Geo-Replication

LRS – three local copiesZRS – zone copies w\in single facility & regionGRS is recommended over ZRS or LRS for maximum durability.Enabled for Storage Account by default= 6 copies of data – three times each in two data centersRA-GRS Read-Access geo-redundantallows read access at secondary when primary region becomes unavailable.NOTE: • Once selected, can’t change!• Striping may cause data loss –


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Monitor VMsConfigure Endpoint Monitoring

Can Aggregate metrics every hour or minute

Configure AlertsSelect MetricConditionThresholdAlert EvaluationCan Specify email sends

Configure DiagnosticsSee monitor, diagnose and troubleshoot Microsoft Azure Storage

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Implement Virtual Machines – know these 5 things now

3 Ways to Automate ManagementPowerShell | Desired State Configuration | Extensions e.g. Custom, Puppet, Chef, Octopus

Load Balancing Endpoints1 Public 1 Private IP | w/in Cloud Service | Use for RDP, PS Remote, SSH

Access Control ListsSecurity Enhancement | Permit/Deny | Per Endpoint Only | By PowerShell or Mgt Portal

Fault Domain | Update DomainProtects against rack failure | OS Updates

Geo-Replication OptionsLRS (Single Region) | ZRS (Across 2-3 facilities within or across 2 regions) | GRS (3x’s in 2 regions)

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Configure cloud services and rolesInstance Count and Size

Size Determines cores & memory

OS Ver and FamilyWindows or Linux

2 types of roles:web role: dedicated IIS for hosting front-end web applications.worker role: Applications can run asynchronous, long-running or perpetual tasks independent of user interaction or input.

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Configure cloud services and rolesConfigure Local Storage

Dedicated & Co-Located Caching

Local & Cloud Configs | Local Disks

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Configure cloud services and rolesConfigure Multiple websites

Configure Custom Domains

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Deploy and manage cloud services3 things Before you begin….1. Install Azure SDK, then download the SDK for the language to develop your code.

2. If any role instances require a certificate, create the certificates. Cloud services require a .pfx file with a private key. Upload to Azure as create and deploy the cloud service

3. Plan to deploy to Affinity Group? Use to deploy your cloud service and other Azure services to the same location in a region. You can create the affinity group in the Networks area of the Management Portal, on the Affinity Groups page.

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Deploy and manage cloud services3 components are required in order to deploy an application as a cloud service in Azure:1. service definition file The cloud service definition file (.csdef) defines the service

model, including the number of roles.

2. service configuration file The cloud service configuration file (.cscfg) provides configuration settings for the cloud service and individual roles, including the number of role instances.

3. service package The service package (.cspkg) contains the application code and the service definition file.

Read more

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Deploy and manage cloud servicesUpgrade Deployment

i.e. new code!1 or all rolesNeed new svc pckg and svc config

VIP Swap Staging -> Production

update deployment

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Deploy and manage cloud servicesIn-Place Updates

Go look!

Runtime Configuration changes - portal

Scale a Cloud ServiceMust add VMs to Availability Set to scale an applicationCan only scale within limit of cores for subscriptionAll VMs in Availability Set, Must be the same sizeFor application HA, ensure deployed w\ two or more role instances or Virtual Machines.

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Deploy and manage cloud servicesCreate Service Bus Namespaces & choose tier

See How to Use Service Bus Queues – for “Create a Service Namespace Steps!”Max # of service namespaces per subscription = 100 Connectivity options for WCF, REST endpointsEndpoints can be behind NAT or

Apply Scalability Targets

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Monitor cloud servicesCreate Storage Account

Enable Azure DiagnosticsAzure Extensions toCollect diagnostic telemetry data fromWorker role, Web Role, or VM in AzureNeed connection strings to Storage AccountsThen, can do verbose – stored for 10 days

Configure Diagnostic Connection StringsDefault format looks like DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=StorageAccountName;AccountKey=StorageAccountKey

Monitor Cloud Services

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Implement Cloud Services – know these 5 things nowWhat is a Web Role

dedicated IIS for hosting front-end web apps

3 Components to deploy application in Azure Cloud Service?

Service Definition file (.csdef) | Service Config File (.csdef) | Service Package (.cscfg)

What is a Worker Role Apps run asynch, long-running or perpetual tasks independent of user interaction or input.

Diagnostics can collect from… Worker Role | Web Role | VM’s in Azure | All from TELEMETRY Data

What are the 2 types of Service Bus Messaging capabilities?

Relayed | Brokered

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Implement Storage

Implement Blobs and Azure Files

Manage Access

Configure Diagnostics

, Monitoring & Analytics

Implement SQL


Implement Recovery Services

See Websites, Cloud Service and Virtual Machines Comparison

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Implement BlobsHighly scalable, REST interface based object store in the cloudData sharing – share documents, pictures, video, music, etc.Big Data – store raw data/logs and compute/map reduce over dataBackups – data and device backups

Block blobs - (read/write/update blocks of data, great for sequential IO like files). Up to 200GB each. Most cost effective storage.Page Blobs - (read and write in 512 byte pages, sparse files and random access, e.g. for disks). Up to 1TB each

AZCopy cli high-performance uploading, downloading, and copying data to and from Microsoft Azure Blob, File, and Table storage

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Set Metadata on Container

Go to1. Storage2. Select some3. Containers

tab4. Edit at bottom

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Azure Files

Shared Network File Storage for AzureAvailability, durability, scalability are managed automaticallySupports two interfaces: SMB and REST





Azure File Share(PaaS)

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Azure Files - SMB 2.1 Protocol

Enables moving on-premises applications that rely on shared file storage to Azure • Azure VMs can “net use” to a share

Natively supported by OS APIs, libraries, and tools• Windows (CreateFile, ReadFile, WriteFile, …)• CRTs (fopen, fread, fwrite, …)• .Net (FileStream.Read, FileStream.Write, …)• Many more

Supports standard file system semantics• Move and rename files and directories• Read-only, write through, overlapped• Change notifications

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Allows internet access to the same shared file systemBuild hybrid applications (on premises + cloud)Supports a variety of common APIs:• Create/Delete Files and Directories• Write/Read Files• Get File and Directory properties• List Files

Azure Files - File REST APIs

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Manage AccessSAS – Shared Access Signatures

2 Types : Ad Hoc SAS & SAS with Stored Access PolicyDelegated access to Storage Account Resources > Blobs, Queues, TablesURI format with permissions and specified time | signedidentifier specifies Stored Access PolicyClient then passes the SAS to constructor or method

Stored Access PoliciesGroups SASs + provide additional restrictions | up to 64 charGreater control | Best Practice to use with SAS5 policies per Container, queue or table. Each policy-unlimited SASs

Regenerate KeysWHY? Increase securityAffects virtual machines, media services, and any applications dependent on the storage account. Must update all clients to use the new key.Share Access Signatures, Pt 1 | Stored Access Policies

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Configure diagnostics, monitoring and analyticsConfigure Retention Policies

# Days (1-365) | zero = set no policy

Logging LevelsMinimal e.g. ingress/egress, availability, latency, & success %’sAggregated for the Blob, Table, and Queue services.Verbose – Same as above + collects same metrics per each storage operation in Azure Storage Service API. Enables closer analysis of issues occurring during application operations. Off - Turns off monitoring. Existing monitoring data persisted till end of retention period.

Analyze LogsLogs saved in blob container $logs in storage account. Use Blob svc API to access

See Monitor Storage Account

Page 62: Microsoft Learning Ignite | May 4 – 8, 2015 | Chicago, IL Light IT up.

Implement SQL databasesDatabase Tiers.

Change Tiers and Service LevelsMust Read!

Service Tier

Common App Pattern Perf Objectives Max Size

Basic Small databases with a single operation at a given point in time

Reliability per hour 2 GB

Standard Workgroup and cloud applications with multiple concurrent transactions

Reliability per minute

250 GB

Premium Mission-critical, high transactional volume with many concurrent users

Reliability per second

500 GB

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Implement SQL databasesIm/Export Data

Geo-Restore & Point in Time preferredCan use for ArchivingCan combine with Database CopyTemp increase perf level to decrease export timesExport is in bulk | no guarantee on transactional consistencyExport = BACPAC files | requires Storage Account | Use Export Data-tier Application WizardCan Schedule Automated Exports & Also Can Import/Export using REST API

Im/Export SchemaA DAC package vs BACPAC target different scenarios.A BACPAC contains both schema and data, but does not support being imported to a database project for schema modification. DAC packages contain only schema information import into an SSDT database project for further development work. The primary use for a DAC package is in deploying a database schema to development, testing, and then production environments. Read More

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Implement SQL databasesAzure SQL Database Copy

Create transnationally consistent copyThen Export the copy and use for ArchivingStore Export in Azure Blob Storage AccountAutomated exports always creates a copy of the DB, then exports from the copy

Read More

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Implement SQL databasesSharding DefinedPartitions data across multiple databases.  Each database in this model is referred to as a shard.

Design Scaling Strategy3 methods to implement Sharding1. Elastic Scale2. Custom Sharding3. FederationsRead More

Page 66: Microsoft Learning Ignite | May 4 – 8, 2015 | Chicago, IL Light IT up.

Implement recovery servicesCreate Backup Vault

Backs up files/data from Win Server to AzureCreate a backup vault in geographic regionVault Credentials Replace Certificates

Backup & Restore Data“Protected Items” = been backed upRecover 2012 or 2008 R2 SP1Alternate Server RecoveryStart-OBRecovery -RecoverableItem $FinalItem -RecoveryOption $secureString -Credential $cstrial

See Configure Azure Back Up to back up Windows ServerAlso Azure Backup Overview

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Implement recovery servicesDeploy Backup Agent

REQUIRES: WIF and PSWABInstaller.exeCan install on:• Servers: 2012 R2, 2012, 2008 R2 SP1• 64 bit Win 7, 8, 8.1• Ext available for Server 2012 EssentialsIf using DPM, requires Update Roll up 2 for SCDPM SP1Recovery Services –> Quick Start –> to generate and download credentialSelect Agent Type: Azure Backup Agent Windows Server and System Center Data Protection ManagerWindows Server Essentials

See Install Backup Agent and upload vault credentialAlso Administer Azure Backup with Windows PowerShell

Page 68: Microsoft Learning Ignite | May 4 – 8, 2015 | Chicago, IL Light IT up.

Implement Storage – know these 5 things now

Implement BlobsBlock Blobs (Sequential IO) up to 200GB each | Page Blobs (Random Access) up to 1 TB

Shared Access StorageDelegated Access | Limit Permissions to Blobs, Queues, Tables | URI format w\perms & spec. time

Logging LevelsFor Blobs, Tables and Queue Services | Off , Minimal, Verbose - > per Storage operations

SQL Import/Export | 2 File Types & ScenariosBACPAC contains both schema and data | DAC packages contain only schema

Deploy Backup Agent | can install on….Servers 2012 R2, 2012, 2008 R2 SP1, 64 bit Win 7, 8, 8.1, Ext available - Server 2012 Essentials

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Implement Azure Active Directory

Integrate Azure AD with other


Configure the

Application Panel

Integrate an app

with Azure AD

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Integrate an Azure AD with existing directories

User attributes are synchronized including the password hash, Authentication can be completed against either Azure or Windows Server Active Directory

Identity Sync


Active Directory Identity Sync with

password hash sync

User attributes are synchronized, Authentication is passed back through federation and completed against Windows Server Active Directory

Active Directory



AD FS provides conditional access to resources, Work Place Join for device registration and integrated Multi-Factor Authentication

*Write back of attributes to support cloud first and co-existence

Active Directory

Active Directory

Page 71: Microsoft Learning Ignite | May 4 – 8, 2015 | Chicago, IL Light IT up.

Integrate an Azure AD with existing directoriesSSO with On-premises 2012 R2

AD FS and Web Application Proxy

Add Custom Domains1. Create CNAME in Registrar’s DNS Table2. With Azure PowerShell run• Get-AzureDeployment -ServiceName yourservicename | Select Url

3. Use for CNAME4. Add www alias or subdomain if needed

Read More

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Configure the Application Access PanelConfigure SaaS SSO

SaaS providers leverage AAD as an IdP STS. This is similar to the relationship they would otherwise have with AD FS

AAD decides how to authenticate the user: federated or standard, MFA or simple password

SSO is facilitated using the protocols expected by the SaaS provider: SAML-P, WS-Federation, OpenID Connect

Depending on the app, single-sign out and password reset integration will be supported

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Configure the Application Access PanelAdd Users/Groups to Apps

Access Panel by branding? Load by appending your organization’s domain CAN: change PW, Edit PW Reset, MFA prefs, view account details, view/launch appsSelf-manage groups

AuthenticationUsers must be authenticated by Organizational account in AADIf Federation, then can AuthN against on-premisesRead more…

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Configure the Application Access Panel

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Configure the Application Access Panel

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Integrate an app with Azure ADWeb Apps | WS-Fed

SOAP Clients | WS-Trust spec | RST/RSTR

Desktop Apps | OAuthRESTful Apps | HTTP Methods | Stateless

Graph APIProgrammatic access to AAD through REST API EndpointApps use to perform CRUD operations on Directory data and objectsTo call on directory must register APP with AADRBAC – Security Groups used to perform RBAC in Graph APIEXAMPLES• Create New User, Get Properties, Disable• Check Group Membership, update, delete, etc

Query an Azure AD directory using the Graph API

Page 77: Microsoft Learning Ignite | May 4 – 8, 2015 | Chicago, IL Light IT up.

Implement Azure Active Directory – know these 5 things now

Azure AD Integration OptionsAzure AD Sync | Dirsync | FIM 2012 R2

Add Custom DomainsCreate CNAME | Get-AzureDeployment -ServiceName yourservicename | Select Url

Configure SaaS SSOAAD is the IdP | AAD determines AuthN, fed/std/MFA/Password, SSO: SAML-P, WS-Fed, Open ID Connect

WS-Fed vs. Oauth AppsSOAP Clients, WS-Trust spec, RST/RSTR | RESTful Apps, HTTP Methods, Stateless

Graph APIAccess AAD | REST | CRUD operations | Must register App with AAD | Security Groups use RBAC

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Implement Virtual Networks

Configure a Virtual


Modify a Network


Design and implement a multi-site or hybrid network

See Virtual Network Configuration Tasks

Page 79: Microsoft Learning Ignite | May 4 – 8, 2015 | Chicago, IL Light IT up.

Implement Virtual Networks

Service consumers


On premises Datacenter

AzureVirtual Network

Front-End Network Access

Load-balanced and direct VIPs

ACLs & DDoS protection

Traffic Manager & Azure DNS

Virtual NetworksFlexible, multi-tier topologyNetwork segmentationInternal load balancing

Hybrid Connectivity

Secure Internet cross premises VPN connectivity

ExpressRoute – direct connectivity

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Internet Connectivity

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Traffic Manager: DNS-based Load Balancing

Performance - Direct to “closest” service based on network latencyRound-robin - Distribute equally across all servicesFailover - Direct to “backup” service if primary fails

—also included in other policies

Load balancing policies

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Nested Profile for Traffic

PerformanceLoad Balancing

Weight=95% Weight=5%

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• VIP• Internet IP load balanced among one or more VM

instances• MUST explicitly “open” input endpoints• Primarily for load balanced, highly available, or

auto-scale scenarios

• PIP• Internet IP assigned to a single VM exclusively• Entire port ranges are accessible by default• For applications that dispatch/redirect to a

secondary port(s) on the same VM or require to target a specific VM

Internet IP Addresses & Load Balancing



Cloud service

Reserved VIP

LB Microsoft Azure


Page 84: Microsoft Learning Ignite | May 4 – 8, 2015 | Chicago, IL Light IT up.

• Default• 5-tuple-hash based; spreading incoming

connections to all active instances

• Source-IP-based affinity• All connections from the same Internet

client IP to the same backend server• Scenarios• Applications that require multiple connections to

the same server• Example: media streaming to establish control

and data channel to same backend server

Azure Load Balancing Algorithms

Azure Load Balancer

Client 1

Client 2

VM Server Instance 1

VM Server Instance 2


Client 3

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Virtual Network

Click icon to add picture

See Virtual Network Configuration Tasks

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• Bring Your Own Network• Address spaces – Private/RFC1918 & Public IP*• Multi-tier subnet topology• Bring your own AD & DNS• Linux, virtual appliances, & Windows

• Logical isolation with control over network segmentation using Network Security Groups

• Secure cross premises connectivity

Azure Virtual Network

Azure Virtual Network






On Premises10.0/16

S2S VPNs &ExpressRoute


Direct InternetConnectivity

Page 87: Microsoft Learning Ignite | May 4 – 8, 2015 | Chicago, IL Light IT up.

• Enables network segmentation & DMZ

• Access Control List• Filter conditions with allow/deny

• Individual addresses, address prefixes, wildcards

• Associate with VMs or subnets• Ingress Subnet ACLs VM ACLs VM• Egress Subnet ACLs VM ACLs VM

Network Security Groups







On Premises 10.0/16



√ √

√ √

See About NSGs

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Workflow Steps to CreateCreate a network security group (NSG).

1. Add network security rules, unless the default rules are sufficient.

2. Associate the NSG to a VM.

3. Update the VM.

4. After update, the NSG rules will take effect immediately.

Network Security Groups

See About NSGs

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Additional Key Points Can associate NSG to VM, or subnet w/in a VNet.

VM or subnet can be associated w\only1 NSG,

but each NSG can contain up to 200 rules.

Can Associate NSG to BOTH a VM and a Subnet !

You can have 100 NSGs per subscription.

Endpoint-based ACLs and network security groups are not supported on the same VM instance. First remove Endpoint ACL before associating an


Default rules cannot be deleted, but can be overridden because at lowest priority

Network Security Groups

See About NSGs

Page 90: Microsoft Learning Ignite | May 4 – 8, 2015 | Chicago, IL Light IT up.

• Enables load balancing among VMs with private IP addresses • Accessible only by customer’s virtual network

and on-premises networks

• Multi-tier applications with internal facing tiers require load balancing• HA LOB apps• SQL Always On • RDP to internal endpoints

for added default security

• Replaces “Floating IPs”

Internal Load Balancing

External load


Web frontend tier Logic tier

Azure Virtual Network

Internal load

balancerBack end

Front end

Internal VIP

Public VIP


Page 91: Microsoft Learning Ignite | May 4 – 8, 2015 | Chicago, IL Light IT up.

Configure a Virtual NetworkConfigure Static IPs

Verify IP Address freeTest-AzureStaticVNetIP –VNetName TestVNet –IPAddress Specify when creating new VM or for existingCan remove when done see all PS Examples!

Configure Internal Load Balancing1. Create ILB Instance2. Add endpoint to the ILB Instance3. Configure Servers to send their traffic to the new ILB EndpointExisting virtual networks that have been configured for an affinity group cannot use ILBRead More – See PowerShell Examples!

Design Subnets

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Modify a Network ConfigurationModify a SubnetImport a Network ConfigurationExport a Network Configuration

Read More

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• Building blocks• Multiple NICs• MAC address persistence

• Appliance ecosystem• Barracuda NG Firewall• Citrix NetScaler• Riverbed Steelhead,

SteelApp, SteelStore• More to come!

Bring Your Appliances to the Cloud “Azure Certified”

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Hybrid Connectivity

Click icon to add picture

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Design and implement a multi-site or hybrid network

Cloud Customer Segment and workloads

Secure point-to-site connectivity

• Developers• POC Efforts• Small scale

deployments• Connect from


Secure site-to-site VPN connectivity

• SMB, Enterprises• Connect to Azure


ExpressRoute private connectivity

• SMB & Enterprises• Mission critical workloads• Backup/DR, media, HPC• Connect to all Azure

services• Virtual Network• Express Route • Traffic Manager   

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• Multiple Site-to-Site connections • Multiple on-premises sites connect to same

virtual network

• VNet-to-VNet connectivity to any Azure datacenter• Same region or cross regions• For HA and DR, customers create virtual

networks in different Azure regions

• Cross-subscription connectivity• Virtual networks in different subscriptions can

securely communicate using private IP addresses

Multi-site & VNet-to-VNet connectivity

Connect to multiple virtual networks and on-premises locations

Multi-site & VNet-to-VNet

VNet1US West10.1/16

VNet2East Asia10.2/16

Contoso NorthAm HQ (

Contoso East Asia (

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• “Force” or redirect customer Internet-bound traffic to an on-premises site

• Auditing & inspecting outbound traffic from Azure

• Needed by many scenarios for critical security and IT policy requirements

Forced Tunneling

Virtual Network






On Premises


Forced Tunneledvia S2S VPN Internet

Page 98: Microsoft Learning Ignite | May 4 – 8, 2015 | Chicago, IL Light IT up.


Gateway Enhancements• High Performance Gateway• Better throughput• More S2S tunnels• Pricing• $0.49 per gateway hour• Data transfer & VNet traffic rates


• No Encryption option• Better throughput for Vnet-to-

Vnet within Azure• Intra-/Inter-region Vnet-to-

Vnet traffic stays within Microsoft networks, not Internet

• PFS Support for IKE• Compliance requirements &

better security

• Operations Logs• Visibility into critical gateway


Gateway SKU

ExpressRoute Throughput*

S2S Throughput*


Default 500 Mbps 100 Mbps 10


1000 Mbps 200 Mbps 30* Subject to traffic conditions and application behavior

Page 99: Microsoft Learning Ignite | May 4 – 8, 2015 | Chicago, IL Light IT up.

Implement Virtual Networks – know these 5 things nowNetwork Security Groups

Free | Shared | Basic | Standard

Configure ILBChange Plan + Configure Settings

Import Network Config | Modify SubnetsJust do it!

P2S | S2SJust do it!

Express RouteJust do it!

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• Microsoft Learning Site ( • Your one-stop location for info on all available Microsoft certifications, training, and

exam prep resources

• Microsoft Virtual Academy ( • Your source for on-demand, online technical training

• Microsoft Training and Certification Guide ( • Interactive Windows 8.1 app, to help you choose and traverse your path



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