Download - Microscope lab

Page 1: Microscope lab

By: Andy Goodwin, Kevin Alvarez, Evan Longo, and Evan Ponce

Page 2: Microscope lab

Anopheles Larva The picture only is the best

Shows more detail and is more accurate

Drawing 40xOnline Unknown Mag.

Actual 40x

Page 3: Microscope lab

Words Printed Slide Actual Picture is better than drawing

It is magnified better

Drawing 40x Actual 40x

Page 4: Microscope lab

Blue Green Algae Online picture is the best

Shows color best

Drawing 100x

Online Unknown Mag.

Actual 100x

Page 5: Microscope lab

What we learned about Microscopes Even a small magnification can show a lot

Can expose the smallest details

Easy to use

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Extra Info we learned How to use multiple lenses to find magnifications

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What could have been better Live specimens

Increased magnifications