Download - MetLib 2010 - Zagreb How Inclusive is Your Library A Toolkit from Canadian Urban Libraries Jeff Barber.


MetLib 2010 - Zagreb

How Inclusive is Your Library

A Toolkit fromCanadian Urban Libraries

Jeff Barber

MetLib 2010 - Zagreb

What is Social Inclusion?

Social inclusion is the participatory, authentic and

accountable manner in which organizations uphold and

reinforce the principles of access and equity for all.


• In particular, social inclusion is the manner in which organizations:– understand and engage their communities– explore, view and challenge barriers, values and

behaviours– develop, implement and evaluate systems, programs,

policies and procedures– provide equitable access to services and

decision-making opportunities– demonstrate the level of inclusion through tangible


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Why Does It Matter?

• Social inclusion facilitates positive outcomes:– Increases employment– Decreases poverty– Enables civic engagement– Reduces discrimination and racism– Promotes access to public resources and institutions

• An audit:– Formalizes, informs and guides the removal of barriers– Provides an analysis of the degree to which barriers have

been removed

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• Canadian Urban Libraries Council– New Strategic Plan/Reinvent the organization– Research and Knowledge Transfer agenda

• Canada– Immigration

• ~250,000 people emigrate to Canada each year• 70% settle in Toronto, Montréal or Vancouver metropolitan areas

– Aboriginal population• 1.2 million people• Growth rate more than 3 times that of non-aboriginal population• 45% live in urban areas

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SIA Toolkit

• Result of (CULC’s first) major research project, spanning about two years

• Includes:– Introduction to concepts– Detailed review of each of the 12 questions/outcome

statements and a measurement system – the audit– Survey and focus group results from immigrant youth– Literature review and research summary

• Intended to permit self-assessment

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• Audit requires at least two measurement points– current Status– Progress over time

• Audit measures 3 indicators with 12 questions:

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Indicator Measures Qs

Openness How well the library knows the community 2

IntentionalityHow well the library reinforces the principles of social inclusion


Inclusion How well the library is the community 3

SI Indicator Matrix

Criteria Indicator

Social inclusion is the manner in which institutions:

• are open to understanding and engaging their communities


• explore, view, and challenge barriers, values, and behaviours


• develop, implement, and evaluate systems, programs, policies, and procedures


• provide equitable access to services and decision making opportunities


• demonstrate the level of inclusion through tangible outcomes


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Example: Question 6

• Indicator: Intentionality• Question/Outcome:

– “A plan of action has been developed which includes:• analysis of community needs and gaps in service;• annual social inclusion audit results;• targeted strategies for:

– governance,– human resources and training/learning, plus– programs/services,– collections development, implementation, and evaluation.”

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Example: Question 6

• Toolkit includes:– Suggested community assessment tools– Sample charts to assist in:

• Evaluating previous performance on SI audits• Evaluating current strategies and proposing change

– Overview of information from Toronto and Hamilton relevant to the question

– Measurement system– Tips– Audit Tool Interpretation (post measurement)

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Measurement System

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Low StatusLow Progress

Low StatusHigh Progress

High StatusLow Progress

High StatusHigh Progress

Moderate StatusModerate Progress




Tidbits from the Survey

• The longer immigrant youth have been in Canada:– The more they prefer youth related collections over EAL or

cultural collections– The more they prefer programming relevant to their age

over ethnic or newcomer themes– The more they want to see ethnic diversity reflected in the

staff• Length of time spent in Canada was not a significant

factor in how immigrant youth used library computers, use the catalogue, appreciate diversity in art, or feel comfortable in the library.

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Latest Developments

• Currently preparing for use/implementation of the toolkit in:– London (ON), Halifax (NS), Barrie (ON), Oshawa (ON),

Ottawa (ON), Edmonton (AB), Windsor (ON), Hamilton (ON), Vancouver (BC)

• Toolkit printed in English and French• Online at and includes 5 short

‘how-to’ videos

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Thank you!

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