Download - Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Page 1: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Merger Simulations(examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Joel E. TohlineLouisiana State University

Collaborators: J. Frank, P. Motl, W. Even, D. Marcello, G. Clayton, C. Fryer, S. Diehl

Page 2: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

Part I: Broad Context


Page 3: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

Double White Dwarfs (DWDs)


Page 4: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

Binary System Parameters(circular orbit; point-mass system)


Page 5: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

Binary System Parameters(circular orbit; point-mass system)

Sufficient to specify: M, q, Porb


Page 6: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

Binary System Parameters(circular orbit; WD mass-radius relationship)


R2 a



Page 7: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

Binary System Parameters(circular orbit; WD mass-radius relationship)


R2 a



Page 8: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

Binary System Parameters(mass-transfer system)


R2 a




Page 9: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

Binary System Parameters(circular orbit; point-mass system)

Sufficient to specify: M, q, Porb


Page 10: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

(slide stolen from this past Friday’s talk by Nelemans)


Page 11: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

(slide stolen from this past Friday’s talk by Nelemans)


Page 12: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

Possible Mtot - q0 Distribution at Birth[borrowing Hurley’s population synthesis code (2002)]


Page 13: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

Gravitational-Wave Detectors


Page 14: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

Hanford Observatory


Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO)


Page 15: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO)

Page 16: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

Gravitational-Wave Signalcharacterized by amplitude “h” and frequency “f”


Page 17: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

Gravitational-Wave Signalcharacterized by amplitude “h” and frequency “f”

From GR quadrupole radiation formula (e.g., Peters & Mathews 1963)9/03/2009

Page 18: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

Classic “chirp” Signaldue to point-mass binary inspiral

From GR quadrupole radiation formula (e.g., Peters & Mathews 1963)9/03/2009

Page 19: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

Classic “chirp” Signaldue to point-mass binary inspiral

From GR quadrupole radiation formula (e.g., Peters & Mathews 1963)9/03/2009

Page 20: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

Classic “chirp” Signaldue to point-mass binary inspiral

From GR quadrupole radiation formula (e.g., Peters & Mathews 1963)9/03/2009

During inspiral: h ~ f2/3

Page 21: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

High-Frequency Sources of Gravitational Radiation

Taken from … 9/03/2009

Page 22: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

Binary Orbital ParametersAM CVn Hulse-Taylor pulsar


Page 23: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

Binary Orbital ParametersAM CVn Hulse-Taylor pulsar


Page 24: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

Radiation from Hulse-Taylor Pulsar

Taken from … 9/03/2009

Page 25: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

Binary Orbital ParametersAM CVn Hulse-Taylor pulsar


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LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

Binary Orbital ParametersAM CVn Hulse-Taylor pulsar


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LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

Low-Frequency Sources of Gravitational Radiation

Taken from … 9/03/2009

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LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

Laser-Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA)


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LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

High-Frequency Sources of Gravitational Radiation

Taken from … 9/03/2009

Page 30: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

DWD Orbit Evolutionsin LISA’s Strain-Frequency Domain


[Kopparapu & Tohline (2007)]

Page 31: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

DWD Evolutionary Trajectories(for given “q”)


“detached” inspiral

“mass-transferring” out-spiral

Page 32: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

DWD Evolutionary Trajectories(for given “q”)


Page 33: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

DWD Evolutionary Trajectories(for given “q”)


“detached” inspiral

“mass-transferring” out-spiral

Page 34: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

DWD Evolutionary Trajectories(for given “q”)


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LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

DWD Evolutionary Trajectories(for given “q”)


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LSU: Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

Part II: This Work


Page 37: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

General Context of this Work• Onset and nonlinear development of mass-transfer in

Double White Dwarf (DWD) binaries– Initiated by Roche Lobe Overflow (RLOF)– Followed through £ 40 orbits.

• Self-consistent, 3D Newtonian hydrodynamic modeling of mass-transfer (and merger) using a finite-volume “grid” code, not SPH

• The stars have comparable radii, so you’ll see “direct impact” rather than “disk” accretion


Page 38: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

General Context of this Work• Onset and nonlinear development of mass-transfer in

Double White Dwarf (DWD) binaries– Initiated by Roche Lobe Overflow (RLOF)– Followed through £ 40 orbits.

• Self-consistent, 3D Newtonian hydrodynamic modeling of mass-transfer (and merger) using a finite-volume “grid” code, not SPH

• The stars have comparable radii, so you’ll see “direct impact” rather than “disk” accretion


Page 39: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

General Context of this Work• Onset and nonlinear development of mass-transfer in

Double White Dwarf (DWD) binaries– Initiated by Roche Lobe Overflow (RLOF)– Followed through £ 40 orbits.

• Self-consistent, 3D Newtonian hydrodynamic modeling of mass-transfer (and merger) using a finite-volume “grid” code, not SPH

• The stars have comparable radii, so you’ll see “direct impact” rather than “disk” accretion


Page 40: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

General Context of this Work• Onset and nonlinear development of mass-transfer in

Double White Dwarf (DWD) binaries– Initiated by Roche Lobe Overflow (RLOF)– Followed through £ 40 orbits.

• Self-consistent, 3D Newtonian hydrodynamic modeling of mass-transfer (and merger) using a finite-volume “grid” code, not SPH

• The stars have comparable radii, so you’ll see “direct impact” rather than “disk” accretion


Page 41: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

General Context of this Work• Onset and nonlinear development of mass-transfer in

Double White Dwarf (DWD) binaries– Initiated by Roche Lobe Overflow (RLOF)– Followed through £ 40 orbits.

• The stars have comparable radii, so you’ll see “direct impact” rather than “disk” accretion

• Self-consistent, 3D Newtonian hydrodynamic modeling of mass-transfer (and merger) using a finite-volume “grid” code, not SPH


Page 42: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

General Context of this Work• Onset and nonlinear development of mass-transfer in

Double White Dwarf (DWD) binaries– Initiated by Roche Lobe Overflow (RLOF)– Followed through £ 40 orbits.

• The stars have comparable radii, so you’ll see “direct impact” rather than “disk” accretion

• Self-consistent, 3D Newtonian hydrodynamic modeling of mass-transfer (and merger) using a finite-volume “grid” code, not SPH


Page 43: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers


Pure Hydro

0 ;


Page 44: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

General Context of this Work• Equation of state: While we have used a zero-

temperature white dwarf (ZTWD) EOS, here I will show only n = 3/2 polytropic (g = 5/3 adiabatic) flows– a reasonably good approximation for low-mass white dwarfs– broadly appealing because polytropes are scale-free

• Effects of photon radiation ignored (until very recently)• Keeping the “micro-physics” simple …

– makes it easier to pinpoint what physics is responsible for the dynamical features that arise in a given simulation

– Makes it easier to ascertain what is physics and what is purely numerical


Page 45: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

General Context of this Work• Equation of state: While we have used a zero-

temperature white dwarf (ZTWD) EOS, here I will show only n = 3/2 polytropic (g = 5/3 adiabatic) flows– a reasonably good approximation for low-mass white dwarfs– broadly appealing because polytropes are scale-free

• Effects of photon radiation ignored (until very recently)• Keeping the “micro-physics” simple …

– makes it easier to pinpoint what physics is responsible for the dynamical features that arise in a given simulation

– Makes it easier to ascertain what is physics and what is purely numerical


Page 46: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

General Context of this Work• Equation of state: While we have used a zero-

temperature white dwarf (ZTWD) EOS, here I will show only n = 3/2 polytropic (g = 5/3 adiabatic) flows– a reasonably good approximation for low-mass white dwarfs– broadly appealing because polytropes are scale-free

• Effects of photon radiation ignored (until very recently)• Keeping the “micro-physics” simple …

– makes it easier to pinpoint what physics is responsible for the dynamical features that arise in a given simulation

– Makes it easier to ascertain what is physics and what is purely numerical


Page 47: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

General Context of this Work• Equation of state: While we have used a zero-

temperature white dwarf (ZTWD) EOS, here I will show only n = 3/2 polytropic (g = 5/3 adiabatic) flows– a reasonably good approximation for low-mass white dwarfs– broadly appealing because polytropes are scale-free

• Effects of photon radiation ignored (until very recently)• Keeping the “micro-physics” simple …

– makes it easier to pinpoint what physics is responsible for the dynamical features that arise in a given simulation

– Makes it easier to ascertain what is physics and what is purely numerical


Page 48: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

General Context of this Work• Equation of state: While we have used a zero-

temperature white dwarf (ZTWD) EOS, here I will show only n = 3/2 polytropic (g = 5/3 adiabatic) flows– a reasonably good approximation for low-mass white dwarfs– broadly appealing because polytropes are scale-free

• Effects of photon radiation ignored (until very recently)• Keeping the “micro-physics” simple …

– makes it easier to pinpoint what physics is responsible for the dynamical features that arise in a given simulation

– Makes it easier to ascertain what is physics and what is purely numerical


Page 49: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

General Context of this Work• Equation of state: While we have used a zero-

temperature white dwarf (ZTWD) EOS, here I will show only n = 3/2 polytropic (g = 5/3 adiabatic) flows– a reasonably good approximation for low-mass white dwarfs– broadly appealing because polytropes are scale-free

• Effects of photon radiation ignored (until very recently)• Keeping the “micro-physics” simple …

– makes it easier to pinpoint what physics is responsible for the dynamical features that arise in a given simulation

– Makes it easier to ascertain what is physics and what is purely numerical


Page 50: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

Some Theoretical Considerations

• “Darwin Instability”– Has been mentioned several different times over the

course of this workshop as relevant to mergers (e.g., DWDs and WUMa systems)

– Point along a (synchronously rotating) binary inspiral sequence at which Jtot and Etot reach a minimum

– Any further loss of angular momentum (inspiral) leads to secular instability loss of synchronous rotation and, perhaps, tidal disruption/merger


Page 51: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

Some Theoretical Considerations

• “Darwin Instability”– Has been mentioned several different times over the

course of this workshop as relevant to mergers (e.g., DWDs and W UMa systems)

– Point along a (synchronously rotating) binary inspiral sequence at which Jtot and Etot reach a minimum

– Any further loss of angular momentum (inspiral) leads to secular instability loss of synchronous rotation and, perhaps, tidal disruption/merger


Page 52: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

Some Theoretical Considerations

• “Darwin Instability”– Has been mentioned several different times over the

course of this workshop as relevant to mergers (e.g., DWDs and W UMa systems)

– Point along a (synchronously rotating) binary inspiral sequence at which Jtot and Etot reach a minimum

– Any further loss of angular momentum (inspiral) leads to secular instability loss of synchronous rotation and, perhaps, tidal disruption/merger


Page 53: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

Some Theoretical Considerations

• “Darwin Instability”– Has been mentioned several different times over the

course of this workshop as relevant to mergers (e.g., DWDs and W UMa systems)

– Point along a (synchronously rotating) binary inspiral sequence at which Jtot and Etot reach a minimum

– Any further loss of angular momentum (inspiral) leads to secular instability loss of synchronous rotation and, perhaps, tidal disruption/merger


Page 54: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

Equal-mass DWD Sequences



& To


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Page 55: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

Equal-mass DWD Sequences



& To


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Minimum J

Page 56: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

Equal-mass DWD Sequences



& To


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Page 57: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

Unequal-mass (q = ½) DWD Sequence


Evan & Tohline 2009

Page 58: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

Unequal-mass (q = ½) DWD Sequence


Evan & Tohline 2009


Page 59: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

Some Theoretical Considerations

• “Darwin Instability” (cont.)

– Not relevant to the onset of mass-transfer in DWD binaries because the less massive star fills its Roche Lobe before the binary reaches Jmin along its inspiral sequence.


Page 60: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

Some Theoretical Considerations

• Mass-Transfer Instability– Once the less massive WD (donor) fills its Roche

Lobe and begins to transfer mass to its more massive companion (accretor)… • Donor’s radius expands: zdon = ¶lnRdon/¶lnMdon

• Roche geometry readjusts: zRL = ¶lnRRL/¶lnMdon

– Parameter, D = ½(zdon – zRL), governs stability …• Stable against further mass-transfer if D > 0• Dynamically unstable if D < 0


Page 61: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

Some Theoretical Considerations

• Mass-Transfer Instability– Once the less massive WD (donor) fills its Roche

Lobe and begins to transfer mass to its more massive companion (accretor)… • Donor’s radius expands: zdon = ¶lnRdon/¶lnMdon

• Roche geometry readjusts: zRL = ¶lnRRL/¶lnMdon

– Parameter, D = ½(zdon – zRL), governs stability …• Stable against further mass-transfer if D > 0• Dynamically unstable if D < 0


Page 62: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

Some Theoretical Considerations

• Mass-Transfer Instability– Once the less massive WD (donor) fills its Roche

Lobe and begins to transfer mass to its more massive companion (accretor)… • Donor’s radius expands: zdon = ¶lnRdon/¶lnMdon

• Roche geometry readjusts: zRL = ¶lnRRL/¶lnMdon

– Parameter, D = ½(zdon – zRL), governs stability …• Stable against further mass-transfer if D > 0• Dynamically unstable if D < 0


Page 63: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

Some Theoretical Considerations

• Mass-Transfer Instability (cont.)

– For n = 3/2 polytropic EOS and assumption of conservative mass transfer (CMT) • zdon = -1/3

• zRL = 2q – 5/3

– Parameter, D = ½(zdon – zRL) = (2/3 – q), • System stable if q < qcrit = 2/3

• Dynamically unstable if q > qcrit 2/3


Page 64: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

Some Theoretical Considerations

• Mass-Transfer Instability (cont.)

– For n = 3/2 polytropic EOS and assumption of conservative mass transfer (CMT) • zdon = -1/3

• zRL = 2q – 5/3

– Parameter, D = ½(zdon – zRL) = (2/3 – q), • System stable if q < qcrit = 2/3

• Dynamically unstable if q > qcrit 2/3


Page 65: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

Some Theoretical Considerations

• Mass-Transfer Instability (cont.)

– For much more complete discussion, including important considerations of non-CMT• Paczyński (1967)• King & Kolb (1995)• Marsh, Nelemans & Steeghs (2004)• Gokhale, Peng & Frank (2007)• Belczynski et al. (2008) -- StarTracks


Page 66: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

Key Questions[that we may be able to answer with numerical simulations]

1. At onset, is mass-transfer stable or unstable?2. If unstable, what is the hydrodynamic

outcome of instability?3. Do results depend on choice of numerical

algorithm?4. How does outcome depend on the system’s

ability to cool (via photon radiation)?5. What about super-Eddington accretion?


Page 67: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

1. Is mass-transfer stable or unstable?

• We’ll discuss this question in the context of an “Mtot - q0” parameter-space diagram that contains a hypothetical population of newborn double white dwarf binaries …


Page 68: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

1. Is mass-transfer stable or unstable?

We’ll discuss this question in the context of an “Mtot - q0” parameter-space diagram that contains a hypothetical population of newborn double white dwarf binaries …


Page 69: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

Possible Mtot - q0 Distribution at Birth[borrowing Hurley’s population synthesis code (2002)]


Page 70: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

Possible Mtot - q0 Distribution at Birth[borrowing Hurley’s population synthesis code (2002)]


Page 71: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

Possible Mtot - q0 Distribution at Birth[borrowing Hurley’s population synthesis code (2002)]


**NOT**precursors for

Type Ia SNe

Page 72: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

1. Is mass-transfer stable or unstable?• Answer depends only weakly on Mtot

• Answer depends principally on initial mass ratio q0

• What is the value of qcrit?– Almost certainly, qcrit £ 2/3– But maybe, qcrit » 1/5 (due to direct-impact accretion)

• Numerical simulations (Motl et al. 2007) indicate that qcrit is closer to 2/3 than to 1/5


q0 < qcrit stable AM CVn (presumably)q0 > qcrit unstable ???

Page 73: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

1. Is mass-transfer stable or unstable?• Answer depends only weakly on Mtot

• Answer depends principally on initial mass ratio q0

• What is the value of qcrit?– Almost certainly, qcrit £ 2/3– But maybe, qcrit » 1/5 (due to direct-impact accretion)

• Numerical simulations (Motl et al. 2007) indicate that qcrit is closer to 2/3 than to 1/5


q0 < qcrit stable AM CVn (presumably)q0 > qcrit unstable ???

Page 74: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

1. Is mass-transfer stable or unstable?• Answer depends only weakly on Mtot

• Answer depends principally on initial mass ratio q0

• What is the value of qcrit?– Almost certainly, qcrit £ 2/3– But maybe, qcrit » 1/5 (due to direct-impact accretion)

• Numerical simulations (Motl et al. 2007) indicate that qcrit is closer to 2/3 than to 1/5


q0 < qcrit stable AM CVn (presumably)q0 > qcrit unstable ???

Page 75: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

1. Is mass-transfer stable or unstable?• Answer depends only weakly on Mtot

• Answer depends principally on initial mass ratio q0

• What is the value of qcrit?– Almost certainly, qcrit £ 2/3– But maybe, qcrit » 1/5 (due to direct-impact accretion)

• Numerical simulations (Motl et al. 2007) indicate that qcrit is closer to 2/3 than to 1/5


q0 < qcrit stable AM CVn (presumably)q0 > qcrit unstable ???

Page 76: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

1. Is mass-transfer stable or unstable?• Answer depends only weakly on Mtot

• Answer depends principally on initial mass ratio q0

• What is the value of qcrit?– Almost certainly, qcrit £ 2/3– But maybe, qcrit » 1/5 (due to direct-impact accretion)

• Numerical simulations (Motl et al. 2007) indicate that qcrit is closer to 2/3 than to 1/5


q0 < qcrit stable AM CVn (presumably)q0 > qcrit unstable ???

Page 77: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

If qcrit = 2/3 …


Stable mass-transfer


Page 78: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

1. Is mass-transfer stable or unstable?• Answer depends only weakly on Mtot

• Answer depends principally on initial mass ratio q0

• What is the value of qcrit?– Almost certainly, qcrit £ 2/3– But maybe, qcrit » 1/5 (due to direct-impact accretion)

• Numerical simulations (Motl et al. 2007) indicate that qcrit is closer to 2/3 than to 1/5


q0 < qcrit stable AM CVn (presumably)q0 > qcrit unstable ???

Page 79: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

If qcrit = 1/5 …


Stable mass-transferqcrit

Page 80: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

1. Is mass-transfer stable or unstable?• Answer depends only weakly on Mtot

• Answer depends principally on initial mass ratio q0

• What is the value of qcrit?– Almost certainly, qcrit £ 2/3– But maybe, qcrit » 1/5 (due to direct-impact accretion)

• Numerical simulations (Motl et al. 2007) indicate that qcrit is closer to 2/3 than to 1/5


q0 < qcrit stable AM CVn (presumably)q0 > qcrit unstable ???

Page 81: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

q0 = 0.5 (stable mass-transfer)


Page 82: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

2. What is hydrodynamic outcome of instability?

• Answer depends on q0

• Numerical simulations have not yet pinned down the value of qmerge, but it is certainly > 0.7


qcrit < qmerge < q0 donor plunges into accretorqcrit < q0 < qmerge tidal disruption of donor

Page 83: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

2. What is hydrodynamic outcome of instability?

• Answer depends on q0

• Numerical simulations have not yet pinned down the value of qmerge, but it is certainly > 0.7


qcrit < qmerge < q0 donor plunges into accretorqcrit < q0 < qmerge tidal disruption of donor

Page 84: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

2. What is hydrodynamic outcome of instability?

• Answer depends on q0

• Numerical simulations have not yet pinned down the value of qmerge, but it is certainly > 0.7


qcrit < qmerge < q0 donor plunges into accretorqcrit < q0 < qmerge tidal disruption of donor

Page 85: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

2. What is hydrodynamic outcome of instability?

• Answer depends on q0

• Numerical simulations have not yet pinned down the value of qmerge, but it is certainly > 0.7


qcrit < qmerge < q0 donor plunges into accretorqcrit < q0 < qmerge tidal disruption of donor

Page 86: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

2. What is hydrodynamic outcome of instability?

• Answer depends on q0

• Numerical simulations have not yet pinned down the value of qmerge, but it is certainly > 0.7


qcrit < qmerge < q0 donor plunges into accretorqcrit < q0 < qmerge tidal disruption of donor

Page 87: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

q0 = 0.7 (tidal disruption of donor)


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Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

What is hydrodynamic outcome of instability?


Credit: W. Even

Page 89: Merger Simulations (examining the onset and outcome of various instabilities)

Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

What is hydrodynamic outcome of instability?


Credit: W. Even

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Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

What is hydrodynamic outcome of instability?


Credit: W. Even


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Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

2. What is hydrodynamic outcome of instability?

• Answer depends on q0

• Numerical simulations have not yet pinned down the value of qmerge, but it is certainly > 0.7


qcrit < qmerge < q0 donor plunges into accretorqcrit < q0 < qmerge tidal disruption of donor

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Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

If qcrit = 2/3 and qmerge = 0.9 …


Stable mass-transfer

Tidal disruption of donor

Donor plunges into accretor



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Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

3. Do Results Depend on Choice of Numerical Algorithm?

• We are in the middle of a collaborative project in which an extensive set of binary simulations is being carried out to compare results from two very different numerical algorithms:– Our grid-based, finite-volume hydrocode [P. Motl, W. Even, J.E.

Tohline]– A smoothed-particle hydrocode (SPH) used by Fryer’s group at LANL

[S. Diehl, C. Fryer]• Preliminary report: Amazingly good agreement for unstable

(i.e., merger or tidal disruption) evolutions if …– Simulations start from identical “quiet” starts;– The number of SPH particles is comparable to number of grid cells.


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Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

3. Do Results Depend on Choice of Numerical Algorithm?

• We are in the middle of a collaborative project in which an extensive set of binary simulations is being carried out to compare results from two very different numerical algorithms:– Our grid-based, finite-volume hydrocode [P. Motl, W. Even, J.E.

Tohline]– A smoothed-particle hydrocode (SPH) used by Fryer’s group at LANL

[S. Diehl, C. Fryer]• Preliminary report: Amazingly good agreement for unstable

(i.e., merger or tidal disruption) evolutions if …– Simulations start from identical “quiet” starts;– The number of SPH particles is comparable to number of grid cells.


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Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

3. Do Results Depend on Choice of Numerical Algorithm?

• We are in the middle of a collaborative project in which an extensive set of binary simulations is being carried out to compare results from two very different numerical algorithms:– Our grid-based, finite-volume hydrocode [P. Motl, W. Even, J.E.

Tohline]– A smoothed-particle hydrocode (SPH) used by Fryer’s group at LANL

[S. Diehl, C. Fryer]• Preliminary report: Amazingly good agreement for unstable

(i.e., merger or tidal disruption) evolutions if …– Simulations start from identical “quiet” starts;– The number of SPH particles is comparable to number of grid cells.


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Do Results Depend on Choice of Numerical Algorithm?


LSU grid codeLANL SPH code

106 particles 105 particles

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Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

4. How Does Outcome Depend on System’s Ability to Cool?

• In our collaboration with the LANL group, we are also examining two extremes:– Using an “ideal-gas” equation of state, the accreted layers trap all of

the heat that is generated through the accretion shock (no cooling)– Using a “polytropic” equation of state, the accreted layers are allowed

to cool back down to the specific entropy of the donor material• Preliminary report: Unstable (i.e., merger or tidal disruption)

evolutions change only in relatively subtle ways when the “ideal-gas” EOS is used in place of the “polytropic” EOS. (On this point, as well, there is good agreement between the SPH and grid-code simulations.)


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Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

4. How Does Outcome Depend on System’s Ability to Cool?

• In our collaboration with the LANL group, we are also examining two extremes:– Using an “ideal-gas” equation of state, the accreted layers trap all of

the heat that is generated through the accretion shock (no cooling)– Using a “polytropic” equation of state, the accreted layers are allowed

to cool back down to the specific entropy of the donor material• Preliminary report: Unstable (i.e., merger or tidal disruption)

evolutions change only in relatively subtle ways when the “ideal-gas” EOS is used in place of the “polytropic” EOS. (On this point, as well, there is good agreement between the SPH and grid-code simulations.)


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Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

4. How Does Outcome Depend on System’s Ability to Cool?

• In our collaboration with the LANL group, we are also examining two extremes:– Using an “ideal-gas” equation of state, the accreted layers trap all of

the heat that is generated through the accretion shock (no cooling)– Using a “polytropic” equation of state, the accreted layers are allowed

to cool back down to the specific entropy of the donor material• Preliminary report: Unstable (i.e., merger or tidal disruption)

evolutions change only in relatively subtle ways when the “ideal-gas” EOS is used in place of the “polytropic” EOS. (On this point, as well, there is good agreement between the SPH and grid-code simulations.)


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4. How Does Outcome Depend on System’s Ability to Cool?


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Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

5. What About Super-Eddington Accretion?

• Up to now, our simulations have not included forcing due to a radiative flux. Hence, we have not been in a position to examine how the dynamics is altered when the accretion flow resulting from unstable mass-transfer becomes “super-Eddington”.– Does mass (and angular momentum) get ejected from the system?– Does a significant “common envelope” form as a result?

• We have recently modified our code to handle radiation transport in the flux-limited-diffusion approximation, a la Hayes et al. (2006).


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Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

5. What About Super-Eddington Accretion?

• Up to now, our simulations have not included forcing due to a radiative flux. Hence, we have not been in a position to examine how the dynamics is altered when the accretion flow resulting from unstable mass-transfer becomes “super-Eddington”.– Does mass (and angular momentum) get ejected from the system?– Does a significant “common envelope” form as a result?

• We have recently modified our code to handle radiation transport in the flux-limited-diffusion approximation, a la Hayes et al. (2006).


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Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

5. What About Super-Eddington Accretion?

• Up to now, our simulations have not included forcing due to a radiative flux. Hence, we have not been in a position to examine how the dynamics is altered when the accretion flow resulting from unstable mass-transfer becomes “super-Eddington”.– Does mass (and angular momentum) get ejected from the system?– Does a significant “common envelope” form as a result?

• We have recently modified our code to handle radiation transport in the flux-limited-diffusion approximation, a la ZEUS-MP (Hayes et al. 2006).


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Pure Hydro

0 ;


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Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers9/29/2009

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Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

5. What About Super-Eddington Accretion?For an opacity of the form …

we can write …

so we can define,


Then, fEdd > 1 means super-Eddington accretion.


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Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

5. What About Super-Eddington Accretion?


If we actually set …

then, fEdd climbs above unity (i.e., the flow becomes super-Eddington) when climbs above 10-12.

This is not good because, with present numerical techniques, we cannot resolve mass-transfer rates ( ) substantially smaller than 10-4.

Solution: Artificially lower K1 by a factor of 1010. Then, fEdd will climb above unity when climbs above 10-2.

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Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

5. What About Super-Eddington Accretion?


If we actually set …

then, fEdd climbs above unity (i.e., the flow becomes super-Eddington) when climbs above 10-12.

This is not good because, with present numerical techniques, we cannot resolve mass-transfer rates ( ) substantially smaller than 10-4.

Solution: Artificially lower K1 by a factor of 1010. Then, fEdd will climb above unity when climbs above 10-2.

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Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

5. What About Super-Eddington Accretion?


If we actually set …

then, fEdd climbs above unity (i.e., the flow becomes super-Eddington) when climbs above 10-12.

This is not good because, with present numerical techniques, we cannot resolve mass-transfer rates ( ) substantially smaller than 10-4.

Solution: Artificially lower K1 by a factor of 1010. Then, fEdd will climb above unity when climbs above 10-2.

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Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

Very Preliminary Results from this new Radiation-Hydro code


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Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers

Very Preliminary Results from this new Radiation-Hydro code (movies not attached)


Credit: D. Marcello & P. Motl

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Lorentz Center: Stellar Mergers


• Hopefully, answers to the set of questions we are probing with hydrodynamic simulations …– Will advance our fundamental understanding of a

variety of issues related stellar mergers;– Will help determine what branching ratios are

appropriate to use at key points along the decision trees of stellar-population synthesis codes


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