Download - Memphis daily appeal. (Memphis, Tennessee) 1881-10-01 [p ] · LOTTEBT. 1LLIARD HOTEL LOTTERY. niAij.1ThekKirLKiXrwliic

Page 1: Memphis daily appeal. (Memphis, Tennessee) 1881-10-01 [p ] · LOTTEBT. 1LLIARD HOTEL LOTTERY. niAij.1ThekKirLKiXrwliic


The XrwliicniAij.1 kKirLKi ami nrwlA v. NoifHber lo. Ml.

J B THK DAT DETKRMINTT) TPON.drawing ol this "Theme nas neen nuauy

THK upon, and will ciitaI!(lt take placem Tbnr-la- y, the loth of November, issi, by

of the ommlssioneTs. and this will enablem- - to sell all of the remalnlug tickets.

All persons, therefore, Intending to Invest inthin urneme may rot assured that there will be noformer Uts.av. or posiponenieni.

t.HT op Wlllinrd Hotel, wilh ali I OKfl flflQ

llafa ralianana uiinrn,j T Z.One to t,ree i streetOie R..I 3eice on ttroen iri. 1S.W0

Tnivn e h ........... .. ... 10.0110

TwoCsh Prizes, each fji).....- -. . 4.000five Cah iTm-a- , earn SluJ. 6.0K)

KiveCa.n Prlva. earh ?... ... 2,NW

Fifty Cash Pnm. woli tiOO 6,(0One Hnndr--d Cash Priw-s- , each to....-Fi-ve 5,II0

Hnadred "ah Pnn-a- , each (MQ. .. 10,0110

ine ivt o( Fur Furniture ............ - 1,01)0

One Kin Piano 600

)nf Handsome Silver Tea Set loti Box OH Bourbon Whisky, 14,

in Champagne. -Kire Hundrvd Ch Pii--a- , each f 10 W"Mi Bnxe. r1:ic Wines. . 12J.i.i Boxes Rr.bertaon County Whisky, 6.WJ.4.S1 ft.n-- llaralia ll 4,000t ire Hundred ca-- rt each i0 5,000


"Whale airkri - I Halve. . 9.itHarlrn

RemPtances tnav he mJ( hy flank Check,IWal Mow-- Order, or Registered Mail wanted at all pints. Folcin ola-. Kniiwt full information and for ticket.add.-v- a W. t . l. M il

M liliard llotpl, lnlvllte. Ky.Or m I own SI.. Hrmtihl.. TVnw.


IXSrKAXOJ STOCKrOIl BAliB.BS ?01 n. AT PCBI.IC ACCriON, FORWILL r lUD.W. 1'A lust., betwe-- tlie

boon-o- I.-i- and i o'chx-- p.m. at theMio an-- Ndis--- sini?i, Jtfemrhia.

Tmm llnnanil Kail t tir Nhares of Morala tl Mrmplii4 a lly I- lr stud Mmnllakiiram oinpaa; , held as oIla:erat wu-r.- i

l,.r a ieM ti'ie i:ie Maiiimttan twtnbof Mem-hii:- -

To" slfK-- la by Ltrrtilicatca ofTtie "ui'c itinoiinla:. rertm-art- each i ,'h) tharea 100 jharpa

Ti'ii a if. :Vy sharesrr:i'i.-t- . 20 shares

4 n :: ' iii' en, h in 10 vhnres 40 sharesrt.:., uii t. a vl ,i 10 uliarea

LM sharesEa-- will b aold aerwrately tiart orilifv !ot a in. nx-sar- T to pay the debt.

o.4 U'i eait'ic lof abiiii the slo.-'- ia pieKeiUa At Hit r. Al A A -.

A'-- t i, Ca ? of MjnhaiUil Hankoi lempbifAv .... T- -n vi.-m- r U


Sor Ota.lll and I'oTrttrAMD ALL OISKASCS

Oaaaaatf ay a' atartal In:n laa c tm Blaa A

A WAaSAJfTtD CtTBB.IriO, 81.00. rir aa t an DraarWa

BB.-- W

G! 7 rtArIs Mreet, f onw, Mo.pblttI r--s tw Moifen.1 Oaif(. bunt.rt'l ttuft aay M.r ltij-iR- to tit. Ifcla. asit m.:cr ham, uhI al od rMiUMU koor.', Cii, ..AUtukcc, Baptara, all

lUKj-o- i Icroat. t?. n or orta cured tviiWr, PriTit49ij--.

Srx-oa- i ttti.t7 nd Impotoncr,

ca kv:i, tli"i- - - " - tirfit, dofotT. V-- iC ;:tTCW 5 ttj of fomalN

itKiatt W aoi-- !IW-- C !KL PaKthllt.vtclit-- sgo n?: or uprm Oqim

. T1 I V Porn dvObt 11 iS lq'-l- fltAtxl

t.3lpa?Is. GUIDE!Tv .T v.?iuirfnT Ma bktnroa. u1i;a: antha

'v--i : Vho mu ratui,wriODot,irtiT. Mir' ' Mci mar be ti rtiri il ; FJtrctm oi oht i tfw. -- d mor. Tho marriM or

"U rrd t '7. 23ct. bTinsUia HKKwr or po4jtrU--v

Or. or.CUSS: PRESCSiPTiON iosaV fi I 4b mm w Mao hood. NerroTisatrM,

OtwfuVon of Awrsioa HoiII., to kiy't-- :. r V 3irr mad Diarwtltar Knwuftit am by Sttrut

An --ii.-i.t hu Uic incrfHl't

Dr. JACQUES"P? C.9MJt St,r. Leu (4, Mo. it eM ff5r.i--r rrrato: -- op a, bt.nnal Weaknrn,

nr xtct. aii 'vr.5 of GoncrrbtM. Ultvt,lT c -t or iK tj rdjefijw. Kwat cusnrurfd la

t'nrctSfc Ail l? rjTaitaa (mmor ,.Murf3 r&tUs'l? trJ for life with

AJrKx. frt. f "hir;.- - low. CU1 or writ- .f' v Beck :"f lo"rap,CARRIAGE CUIDE1,

, Trldottar

ASD SfEEHATCRSIilA.A ricOTgiry and Nw iVptrtnr In MM.t r,nr,Urr.f wr:d poltht7.fcif r t ,a stHajMlr aad prmaiwo Cars of tfnii-o--1tj c; anl Imvtencr Jy tho onlj trut; : Jj net A on! tent ion to t fie priot--i pa I Hat.. br Absorption, and ;

arvfl;." oc th Gcttiiiuil Vnaiclea, lijrwatory D .ctt I roatjita Oaiind, nod Vrethra. To.f if JtmHljr tsatt'KKlMd clUi no in or

J toc lnrfar with tfao ord.o-".- r

t a.'ji or l;fo;lt i qilxlr d.!iolvd ftkd aooa ab-f- t'r'.Ar i, r fAd a true Q lis mUlat ooUil o- - asd rrJ-o- i'Vc r.:v. o;a tii a7ul and 4rvous onntalxat - wrTckr-- J iron Srf.jf a'mja and xi(v, UrpLaa

tN dmirt fra th ri"', rwVriiif ttie mind tob4j ad tiuiad ixaotorv, remoTirj? the t imneaaei u ;rfct, Nu-5o- 3 liebiUty. Confusion of Idcu,Afirruon to ftocictT. et3-- . tv. aril tbAappvaraoceold ajr auul7 ac compBiiyiraa thtsIrwi'jlaiid W..,rla,r nr(tct BVxuai V tiror, rbraK iit baa tx7. fhia modof ttUlarnt hu vtoi tl, t.t U ?rr iwrvara oui'i, aod ta

''w proorrtnewd iurrra. Xiru7i too mochioth a tKibUUfJ,aair.faii7caabsirwil- -

I w ft Xi5 out thin Prpamtina. l'ractlrai oo- -ii: na to i trail l?u&nuit U)t ta

w ctraa.ttiricticru lorto tiio aibt rar tba(H tAt lnpQmiii.wa hap tkommtviH of tatir ii if j t:m vaivt. ao-- it ta now coac-df- by tha)

l prof3adoa to Ko tea tnoat rati?ca. means ric- vered of ronrMruc ii.Jfailct tiiia wry prcTalrntli--i- (. xttt la weit koon to h thAcaar-o- ontoidrr :?ry tr t.'. maar.tnd apen wbom quack ir--y wliht'jpir aI-s- n"'.nim aad bia fc. 1 iit rjtt.pic 0At t ( tut sirs. Fa l.leaoajt--to ist BM.aUi.t i'i , la. 3, 'oUictent io rnwt a ct

cjnv. tinl-- i In Mirer ca,) 5; No. 9- vr V:ri Bi0titi3, ariil ata i mlntona and

. r ia ta rt " "- -t hy mail.e.i-d- . tn ulaio wrappKrB. PiiinTVKOTiOiJa farUi. 7 rn; acromT).itivEACI BOX,

t4 VffV4T.X tHat ffiMrM IM

ri.rro rr'rr MnNHaoti.aMd -i ' d A-- r Che ctulirm of Hfr.mmuf mm it W


3 r irt and 8th St. St. Louia. Mo. .T a tv rotm Km wif .ptMatriMk

f- - w.' ( k U - W Warm) ahoafit ad farnrw w M 1 n,r. IiirrlBFawaKM (IMirid

feol - 1 ptn.(..tet H UaLI ta ny UJy ia tp.f.J hrHt, t'M: 1 r ' Trf tlf H: t i .rj--.

cs.eiiTrs'OiTl nilCnrmie r-- aooacn, and nioya a nation--

s f- ti.f !:Jrof romtiiici.t camay4f-z-- srwvki lat ami In a(.

avtiufi irtb'jml. fKi'tor ttiri tr.iU with anc")!. Nh rtoryor l'(lonou Miettws.

'C ",1 fsfi MP 'i nhi rlrefruia theeflartai.J.rmjacr h tiia- jj, t:irt unlit Hatim f"f ' '". r m iy enrvd.

t iaivaBaaxatAaawaaaMBaMBBBkrjai "wn powibt., .. , ti I. :r. I. iiu M FH3 a4tH. Lirlo! it br a :.n-ieJ-. l pAitcr.u 4a4Uiii( jt

tn.U-- l fr- war- - a.. Irr. t am ith tir.Hon.' r f fraiwi t" '.J fair fctMMlM aartx tfcrtr All ill Wi.

Mi t llsrlr ot' AAliaA, U Bui a nam.W' .'v fwiMprlul, houU be ii.!rvail

IML bi 1 !, 14 Ntri a 8lh Ka, UaU. Ma

i mTf 4fcOV.'' lfIT

t lii-alitAl-a

a. nHfohiy. 11 iji?aii SYttft'a V. Mpine, which has neverjen kituwn to tail to cure any case, no matter In

. hst tcorhc Iodk slandlnq. It is as its nama wnrntutrd SporiCc for ByphiUa, Keren- -

;al F.Seum'.:Uu tnd all Mood Poison. If Ton anv;i. ileal at lit this and hesitate to Invest Touta,wy t:i It, i'S will take yonr case on the no curei py plan. Swift's 8. Specific Is entirely Tepe tail-

-, and no harm can reault from its use. Sendrcop ' "Th Yonna Man's Friend."


f ir aale by all dniygltu,

DISCOVERY!X,OS1TS7ANHOOO restored.A ioum of yontiiml Inirnidonee caiwinn Prrma

tnre Hear, Norroua IVliUity. Ut Manhood, cte,kanOK trii-- in yarn erery knowrl mini;, baa

a ainiol-- lf eux-- whieh ha will r. n.l HU H

o bis sd lreaa J. V. KKl'A 12V4.1 hHfinm t.. V


bo (iiTiTR r v n r. forSold by all dniggiata.

OS. BUTTS'tfUUlcVl 1547 t U Vt. 8th rrtit, ST. LOUA HXH!R HiynUr h. rt.rc f thU 4 wrn taowi afl

I ttitnio mtw ft.slir tsrluAla tfi (krnatttM ! auKfisry faataaf ats-r-- t m tl' Ifrils-ci- l cT . Trmmrtt ail ftkUl 1x1 MUt wd Wu. b li. txwt af tha aSirypraitHj jawr, iht iMf Imvo MttaiiAl rapaaataua

AsWAmuti? iaati j caa a jawr iai.aaiiaaArtv3 wi,,rat... ) ;tiia, i hra, t.t.. i, t..ttr4trs tfsrfhrlt, aJlI Haw) frwNbim ani Hr.Hltt 'T lmrW Afm of ttIkraiL, Mia at aa, frtiir a

YOi; Mai MtN VJ ,v tf BstiW aaa : aia ata) f (itm i af maiatfr

a, tkti mlt f ttf aVyaa a

mm prv.ucm an tV tb !lo;i.f rrtr. ft cwatfa .aKirrw..,, rwrv. ..ann. B4;rT. ti . j. . w n,KW(Atrii, 4iff.n.f;. tTH.fuA.1, tl 4rM, ! a

i.-isfw- jior, wS.t na,vf f W'nr w TaJTX.

PATIFMTS T ocre m Ail atra ytrAtAjnL.i jW'aart-aWaaa,

a4. a.f AMlitj In lc .iaiaa)iirr . fetrisif tlaaVii tr ( an) ktlfwM ' , t

. ia.

IZvhUU is Wenlth.C WT ScaTl inf)

.Aaw tv- Ili..i.,..J S, ....... . av .

hua llitla4ho, MonUl lH'trf don. Loa ol"TT, HrHTmatorTfM1, ltniL ccy, ltiTt.uiiar

' lont, l't matiina Old Af, caaiKsl by oretLn, !(- - imuM or miaorr. and 1 a i wti'

.'til ramtm. im.& contami on montQ toti aoiiar a tMtx. or tlx w3t lor flvi

t hy mail, pivpal i. ou iwetjd ol prirr.ik iHixtas w. cans any cab, w iu

,"lvvl by us for aix hoxfw. a4rnraii-dllam, e will aend tha iun.-huM-

v,xuiufc ro rtjvut a me Hkuiiey 11 inV not fff. t a euro, ftiiaranunta IX KKXK KKT A ).. Who1rnml n.1

Mftln trr?ft, Mantvtn, lnnrwrviv itmmnl at.t.ti..nwsthe rare of Pit

Meuplkia, Teaua.


Yeterd waS no eiceptiorl to the fjuict-ber- a

in bfthiing circles. The mbnth s bnai-tte-

hi not been M great M waA expecUd,the demand for money falling far below thepredictions made on the owning of the buai-nes- a

seamQ. Securitfen have not been mov-

ing, and the busines of the month ha beenconfined to the Usrtial routine Moneycontinues at former quotationn b(h)S

per cenl; dutcount. Exchange at our bankson tit. principal Eastern pointa demand Jpremium selling, J discount buying; New En-

gland and other point, aignt, g discount;New Orleans, par. City compromlie bonds,60; coupons, SOfaM,) Mempliis gas s.tock,

8082; bond, JD!; Miaaiasitipi letee liqul-jAtin- g

scrip aelling ; at cCSS; Mimiaaippiscrip orcoupons ol District Ho. 1 sellitig dt 11.

MEMPHia BAKK CLE A RINGS.Clrorinftn. Bnlrmm.

September .TO 124,iiu 12 t S1.017 81Total thia week 67X.7M 2T 48

Same time last week. .... 4ii7,3Xl 01 117,71-- 23.Same time lKft year Mn.rri.lll Lii.ll S'Total Sept:mbcr, l.l ...2,..7.tW) fl', Ti9.H ntToUl .September, 130 ,.1,7C'1,S83 fJ 40i,4:'l as

JB V TELEGRAPH.!PARIS, September 30. Hentew, 64f. 5ocLOX 1X)N, 8eptmbcr 30. OtrBolH.OO 116;

44,120; lllinoirt Central, 36; 1'ennsylvsniaCentral, 55; New York Ceutral, 147); Erie,4t; J ; Erie second, 106; Heading, oo J.

NEW ORLEANS, Seplember 30 S:ghtexchange on New York, $1 tier $1000 pre-mium. Sterling exchange bankers' bills,480.

N EV YORK, September 30. Money, 4 6per cent, per annum and J per cent, perdiem. Triaie rorcaLtile paper, rIfn.O) perctnt. Sterling exchange bankers' lullsteady, 480; demand, 4&J.

Government bonds quiet and firm.8s extended KOK 4s ex coupon 11771fia extendetl l(ll;Pa lnc 6 ol 1SS5 l.W

-- .114 JState securitits fairly active for some isfiies.

North Carolina pjiecial tax (JO; third cIkksrrsc from 108 to 11U2, and reacted to 109.Virginia deferred 6 advanced from 117, to118.r, inl (W! Vlnjlnia 6a 3- 7-Missouri CS.....101.! iVirKinia consols..

Teun. 6a,old...M.. w Va.oousola pfd..wTonn. 6a, ne.. i

couuou. Offered.Kjtilroad bonds dull and weak, Tin

atnek market opened 11 er rent, higher forNew York Elevated, J for Manhattan Ele-

vated, for Delaware, Lackawanna andVtUrn. Delaware and Hudson

and AY Pacific, and J(i; percent, lower for the rent ot the list. Specula-tion was irregnHr in early dealicgs, but atthe first board there was a decline of K" --

per cent., which ws moat marked in Man-

hattan Elevated, Wabanh Pacific common,and St. Paul. Toward noon a firmer toneprevailed, and shortly after rri pricesahowed an advance of per cent., thelatter in Central Pacific; Chicago, Giluuibuand Indiana Central, Pacific Mail andWabash Pacific leading therein. Duringthe afternoon dealings again became fever-ish, with a downward tendency, and themarktt cloned weak at a docl n from thehighest point of 3 per cent , Ihe latter inLake Erie and Central Pacific; Delaware,Lackawanna and Wtstcrn, UnionPacific, - Western Union and Den-ver and Rio Grande beingalao prominent therein. Transactions aggre-gated 297 000 shares, of which there were ofCentral Pacific 27,000, Ielaware, Lacka-arai.n- a

and Western 49,000, Delaware, andHudson 2800. Denver and Rio GrantL-9500- ,

Erie 3000, Kanas and Texan CS30, LakeShore 16.U00, Louisville and Nashville 1800,Lake Erie and Western otiOO, Michigan Cen-tral 84ti0, Mi&aouri Pacific 2300, Northwest-ern 3000, Nttw Jer-- Central 6000, North-ern Pacific 4000, Ohio and Mississippi XVM),

Ontnrio and Western llOilO, Pacific MaililOO, Iteading St. Paul U.OiX), Si.Paul and Omaha 6800, Texas Pacific 4S0O,Union Pacific 17,000, Waba-- h Pacific 12,000,Western Union 20,000, Chicago, Coliiuibu-in- il

Indiana Central 4000, Ei.'-- t Tennesseeo'JOO. Cloning quotations wire as follows:C. P. Brett Paj-ia-

i".rte sweonoa...-....10- 2 Mobile & Ohio ;.:Lehigh A Wilkes... .10I.S Morris Ksex 12iL Juarph 110-- SI. Nash. A Chat

P. A b. c. 6rau..iu- - N. and W. j.ref'd itvij(T. P. firsts -1- 1 S SewJerscyt'entr'l.- - ,vP.P. .P. Northern Pai iflc ff.i'i

aiukinx lunrt.-.l.''i- N'rlh'ii Puciflc prfd 7'.iI'. P. Laud tiratita.M 7o NorthweaternT. P. Kio ( . SIX Xorth western prfd. 13v--Adams Express- - I;t7 Sew York lXulral..l..,,Alton i&Terre Haute. oO Milo Central 27 '4V. A 1 . it. prel'd. )hioA Miaaunlppi.- - 44',

Express.. 91 Jluo A Miss, prel'u liu"B , C. H. A N V- - Juurio A Western- - Sjy,Caiuida Soulheru.- -. l' "Pacific MaiJ....... fio'-- ,

;. I. u at Panamai)enlral Pacific . KiJvlP.. D. A K.JheaaiwakeA Ohio. 2! Pittaliuty;. . lstpref a 40 Heading 7i,.

0. A J. 2d prcf'd. :- u- tftoea island i:v; .

'likwil Alton IMlHUt. L. A 8. F 4 SCh!caiioA AlUinpfd u.7- -1 jL L. A S. F. prfd- - 7i:iC. H. A Q l.rt'M'st. L.AS.F. 1st pia..K'iC, St. L. AN. O 77 iu Paul . ll'iC. IS. AC SC 4L Paul preferred .l.MiJ.AC 7H 4t. P., M.AM 10Delaware A Uuda'n.losH St. Panl A Omaha.. . W.iDel. A Iek 127 iHt.PaulAOmahapf.lUi!,jnenvere:RioU Wi 1'e.xas Paeide.. . .V- 2-Erie 44'; Union Paeiflc lUtf;

sv V. e. Expresa wifort Wayne W., 8t. L. A P - !0Hannibal A 8t. Joe.intl W., I A P. pr'fd. 0iH. ASL Joe prefdlKiSi WellsA s Ex.lWHarlem -.- .215 Western tlnion Kr'.jHouston A Texas... HI 1 ,Illinois OntrnX..lft!Kait Tenn nr'fil 2siI., M. A W 47- -, Caribou 2sTansas A Tessa . 41's Central Arizona I7 ;Lake Krie A Western 4s Kxeelaior -Lake Shore 12." loraestake - ... I'.iLouisville A Nah .. in.'i Little Pittahunr 2"iIxiulsville A N. A.. 70 Ontario ........ Rii

Mar.A CIn.lst nr'd-.l- li IQuickai verMar. A Cin. 2nd 111 .Qiilckaiiverpref'd .. 6!ilM. A Charloaton 7J Silver CM ... 43IMichigan Central... 9 Standard. . 22

ciuered. t"-aiv- .

COTIO.V.Telegrams from New York yesterday did

not indicate any change in cither price ortone rf spot cottonn, the transactions of theJay being well op to the average ot the pastweek, closing steady on the unrevised pricelist.

New York futures played angame duriug the early hours of business, butalter the noon hour (tied down to a reetilarsystem of decline, which It ft all months atthe close from 1 to 4 points ti(f October be-

ing the heaviest lu:-e- r, and January nt xt.The market closed weak, the hut call show-ing the heaviest drop of the day.

New Orleans spota held their own, closingeasy on the price list unchanged, with thesales greater than on the previous day.

New Orleans futures did not hold out ahealthy condition, the drop from the pre-vious duy's figure ranging from 6 to 9points, with very little difference as to de-nomination of deliveries.

Liverpool spots opened on the previousday's quotations, but soon after the lint wasrevised, showing a decline of on up-land and Orleans.

Liverpool future worked through the daywithout any material changes in any of thedeliveries, clooing firm on the opening prices.

The local market experienced a fair d,

the differences between buyers andsellers having become harmonized, and itwas said transactions were made under theprice list posted on the board. The sales ofthe day were greatly iucreaaed over those ofThursday, expot tors taking the greater psitof the lot. The market closed quiet, wilh nochange in prices.

MEMPHIS Qt'OTATIOKS.Yesterday. Thursday.

Low enlinarr... IB TiOrdliutry(food tinttnary... ( ! '"4Isiit middling. ... tlMlddltita; an-- ,

'4oo-- l onddltna.... a" 4 I ?,fair - MI2i

Fair...........- - Nomlusl. Nominal

Market closed quiet. . Sales 1050 bales, including 100 bales Thursday evening; 7i0to exporters, JUU to spinners.

MKMPHI3 COTTON 8TATEMK.NT.Mix phis, September 30, 1SS1.

Stock, (triple in her 1. 1880. 8.184Received y

Rooclvod previously. . 2l,o 27.0:

uippeti ............... .... i,ivi SA,223Ihipped praviously 11,371 l.i.'c.s

slock, ranninc accoanl ,. 22,05.)

rh us far this week........ 10.S7KTnns far last week. M(i2Siuoe September 1st .. 27.0 9

Momnhla and Charleston R. R-- . S2Sand Tennessee K. R. ... ......, 2W

Louisville and Nashvlllo O. S. R. K..... i'lM. A U R. R. W

O. A 8. W. K. R 120atistmcra ;.:7Wityoiu and othef avjurcea 200

TotaL. v...EXPORT.

Thus ftr thiawesk.... ft.tVMThus far lam o, k.......... ......... S.SI2Since September 1st 13,lti

Memphis andCharleaton R.R....Ixiui.vllte anil Nashville R. R.

leauiera north- -Total- .- l.?J7

I BY TELEGRAPH.!The following are the New York spot quo

tations tor vealerdav: At JV:1U, quiet anaweak; at 12:o0, steadv; at 2:30, steadv; at3:30. steady. Sales, 1459 bales; contracts, 400bale. Quotation were as follows

Yesterday. Thursday.

Ordinary .... S 9 It) S -- liiH.1 Onlinary 10 1 tii 10 -1 li

Isiw MKl.lltnR 11 Mil 11 .VlilMidillhiK 11 li i:-- n

li.sid Middling ... 12 1 lli 12 tiMiddling Fair 13 1 111 13Fair 13 13 111 13 13-- 6

The tone ot the New York luttire marketwas as follows: At 10:30, steady at an sd- -vance from theclose of Thursday; st 11:30,easy; at 12:30, steady ; at 2:30, barely str.fdy;at 3:30, weak. tSales, l.'a.uoo bales. Closingq tiol at ions were

livntha. Yesterviay. Thunslny.

lannary 11. KS.4M.Wljiisaii 12 10i41i.ll

March 15.2112 12ii..l2..'4A pi 11 12 Xl12 .:'."

May 12 42,V.' 12.June 12 M(12. 12..V2..12.MJuly 12. KM 12. 12.fi0i-.li6-

August M ...(A... (

September.. .... ii (svaii.twI ber 11

November......, 11 7.11 ll.'.2--

IWwW 11. SO. ll.Slil.Siftte KE FLU TV AT10NS. Not. Set Net;t n L as a u .1 'O'n L'as K'n i'ss

Jan... V x ... Si July. 6 7 ... 1

Feb.- - ' - J" Au ... ...Mar... S ... 2Sepl. ... ... ...Apr. 1 ... 2 Oi l. - 7! 11 . 4Mv.. S 7 ... Nov- - S i ... 2J u ne fi' "I ... 1 l"f ' 7 1

The following is the New York weaklycomparative cotton statement:Set week receiiua at all r uited Stalea ports 1R.(i0iiname week last year 171. eOO

Total at all U. 8. ports to date Hi.i--Same dale last year 4,'ai t

Kxia,rta from ail V. S. porta for the week., week last year tsi tmTotal exuorts fmm all U. S. ports to dale.. W.OoOSame dale last war 2o4.700Hti k stall t utted 8UUS parts- - 3S3.00UKaine tune last year Sl'

at all Interior towns .V2.m)Hanie tima last year.... 47,0n0h'.H a'. Liverpool f.".i.l0Same lime last year SM.tSK)8u k of Amerioan afloat for Great Britain. M vl'OSame time but vaar Svtm)

The New Orleans telegrams reported thef spot naxket closed, easy, bales, 6200 bales

THE MEMPHIS DAILiq APPEAL--S ATUBDlY OCTOBEB 1 188.receipts, 10,614 bales. Stock, 12e,581 bales.Closing quotations:

Yesterday. Thntaday.

tsiw Orrtinary;: 7S" 7HOrdinary..Oood Ordinary.-.- .. jrf'l 10'JLow Middling ...

GoodMiddling.- -

Middling v4 mlThe tou Ct the New Orleans future mar-

ket opened barely sUauyi at J3:10, quiet;at 2:40 easy. Sales, 28,000 bales. Closingquotations as follows:

Month. Yesterday. Thursday.

January -- .. li 0!'l 1l.6Sall.7DFebruary II 7, 11 11.7IC1LWMat eh 11 lVfU lt.88(9ll.WApril ll.Vliftll lllKftslLWMay 11. U7 rail. T2.05r12.(ilSJune 12.01(j12. 12.1012.12July - 9 --(...Aut(ttat.,...a.. .September......... riom.,.. nofrtOctober....... . . U.24U. 11.26111 S2

Jovemb H.321'11. Jl 40U.4tfteem i'cr 11.4fjll ll.Virh.ll.M

The following crtMitio? a!l. domesticmarkets are gleaned from ton Exchangebulletins of ysterday:

lr..0' 'Rc'ts.! Prfcc. Stock.

IJalreston Weak. afita: B7::isNew Orleans... !lii?t; 14Mobi- l- H '4 i:W

' Kasv 4"if,! twnf.'harli-'Sto- Dnil.vtiml 'i 27sfilWilmini;tou..-- .j tiriet. 11 5 lli 741 W

Xorfoik tjuiit 402fij V.K 114-P-

lialtiinnre ,; 'Juiet, 32 4Nevr York.-...- .! 11 Sd'iABoston Hull. 4JJ3Philadelphia...! Quiet. 1.21!

12 4:o2St. Louis (jlliet. 1 I'b 11H2

Receipts yesterday 30,887 bales, against34 o09 bales same date last year.

The Liverpool telegrams of yesterday re-

ported the market dull. Sales, 8000 bales, ofwhich 0200 were American. Receipts, 12,-2-

bales, of which 6950 were American.Uplands, 7J.1; Orleans, 7J.

The Liverpool market for futures at noonwas dull. September, 7 5 16, 7 13-3- 7,7 7t, 7 5 10d; September October,6 21 3'2d. At 1:30, October-Novembe- r,

6 17 32.4; January-Februar- 6 March-Apri- l,

6 At 3, 'February-March- ,

6 May-Jun- 6 1 Manchtst.ryarns and f .dries quiet and unchanged. At4, 8eptemb-.-r-Oeli))?- (ij, 6 10-3- f$d; Octrr- -

r November, NovemtK-r-IX-cenilie- OJd;J.inuarv-Febriiar- 6 ; February-March- ,

6 9 16d: "March-Apri- l, rtj. G ,

6aJ; April-May- , Mny-Jttn- 0 ll-(- j, fi21-.'12-

.June Jit! v, (1 11 10.1. At 6, September Octo-ber, C J; 0

6 15 32.1; May-Jui-

C 1 Futures clod the firm.Sales for the week, 69,000 bales; Ameri-

can, 40,000; of which s;eculatora took 7500and exporters 3000 bales; forwarded fromship's side direct to spinners, otiOO bales;American, bahs; actual export, 0500bnlct:; total receipts, 79,000 bales; American,70,000 bales; total stock, 055,000 bales; Amer-ican, 515,000 bales; amount alloat, 162,000bales; American, 102,000 bales. . .,

. The movements at United States ports werereported as follows: .

This Lrtst iThisWSWeek. Week. LastYr.

aTPipts for 7 lata-- 132.11 li 1 00.039 170.SII (sixp'slo'-irea- l briiAlu.. &M-.L- ' 42,312 57 a'.H"Izp'a to Couuiiaul.. . M!3 41i 17,070 1stock on ha:id 3S2.r.v. .-j .

The following are the daily movemenall United Stales porta this year comparedwitn preceding

1.S31- -2 1S.S0-- 1 j lJ;-- 0

Toinl receipts 420.7ir, 4?t,Koil" iiowaTotal foreiiiti exiiorts- - 105.132 2I''.,nsi 102 21,1

Total stock. tfKi.SV) 312,4a.)i 302,777Dee reuse in receipts... 7o,Ofs',

CEXEHAL. Tlt AOK.Y'esterday was unusually dull on Front

street, even for a last day of the month.There wai scarcely anything moving eitheron retail or job orders. Feedstuff werequi.-t- , the ouly change in prices wor'.hy ofnote being in oats, in which article salts weemade from depot at fully 3c advance, atwhich one sack could have b en cs easily hadss a car-loa- The advance is wholly at-- t

ibuttd to the scarcity of the article iohand Corn is also scarce, the present quo-tations being merely nominal. Jlran is dull,wilh no deman for it. A car-loa- d of prairieliny sold at quotations. Flour continuesfirm, wilh no change in prices, Cornmealhas not yet been rvsurrected from iis invalidcondition. Occasionally a sale is made ntprices below. Cabbage was on the sk-- listagain yesterday, the best hunting purchase jsat revised quotations, while stock afittle oftcould be had at any price. Eggs are p'enti-ful- ,

and dull on the downward tendency ofprices. Poultry is plentiful, and maintain-ing full prices for various grades. Someturkeys in hand yesterday were offering stlow figures. Molasses is becoming an im-portant item. A refiner stated yesterdaythat owing to the scarcity of the article hewoel.i be compelled to stop off work. Pricesare considerably advanced, the upper gradi sbeing quoted at nominal figures. Meals andhog products remain unchanged.tuofiftons Mow are Jnr round lott at the binding

ana at lite railroad atpol, ana indtule neitherdraytige, tivraue, nor other rpensat ouLide ojthe bare freitjht and charge up lo the lime ofarrival. Jobbing and More scjes are at higherrate, at they include drayagt, storage and profitaf the dealer.

Fei.i C m scarce at 80c Oats scarce at00c at d. pot. Bran dull at S23(n 24 tromdepot. Hay Timothv, $20 5O(:o21; prairiesales st $12. In store, corn quoted b5(VV;87c;oats, 57c; bran, $115; hay, $125; prairie,to'

Flour Firm. Jobbing prices Doubleextra, s t 76C-- 5 15; treble extra, $6?)3 05;family, SS &0(V6 90; choice, $7 15(7 40;ancy. Si (0iu;3 25: lancy pa tin la, S3 50

9 60. Store prices 25c higher.Cornmeal No demand; sales at $3 70(Vt)

75.Fruits Oranges, $6 50f?7 a box and

scarce: lemons, J9fS;10 per box. Cncoanuts,new, $56 a hundred. Peanuts, Virginia,band-picke- d, 8c; lennessee red, 6(2;be;white, 7Jc; roarted, 2c higher; shelled, 7(8lc; Almonds. 22c and scarce. Texas Pecans, 8(;14c; Arkansas, 7o, and goird demand ;KTglih walnuts, l.S(nlHc Mllwrts, 1J("13c Brazil nuts, 8Vt 10c Raisins. S3 25;Loudon layers, $3 50; Imperial, $3 60; Asiatic, $4 50. Brandy cherries, $1 per durop,and firm.

Applks, Etc. Ai pies in store. Northern.$2 503 50; fancy, $4(4 50. Peachespne-thir- d bushel box,- - 25(o)50c Tlumsone-thir- d bushel box, 40c Grapes a caseof 24 boxes, $1 50. Cranberries sales atS7?7 25.

Potatoes In etorc, S3 50(S3 75 and supply scarce.

Vecietablfs Onions, new, in store, $4 254 50 a barrel. Cabbage dull at $12 5011

per hundred head for Illinois in retail way.Eggs rresu quut at ll(nlc small

lots.Casnf.d Goods, Etc. Prices of new stock

per dozen: l eaches, 2 lbs, standard, If i VO

2; seconds, $1 75; tomatoes, 2 llw,standard, $1 25; seconds, WHn'floc; 3 IK,$1 50; seconds, $1 25; strawberries, $1 50;raspberries, j-- 0o; blackberries, $1 &0; greengages, $1 8.V'i;l 90; plums, $1 50; pears, $1 504U 75; extra Oyster Bay asparagus, $4 75;green corn, 51 20(152, as to quality; green peas,$1 50v-;- 25; cove oysters, $1 3tV';l 95, fullweight; light weight, No. 1,75c; No. 2, $1 25;condensed milk, Crown, $0 10; Eagle, f8 25;pineapple,-- ! o(2 io.

MisCKLLANEoua liomtny at js 25 a bar- -rl; grits, $5 50 a barrel. White beans new.$3 75; medium, nominally $3 25; navy, 3 75..Michigan dried apples, per pounf.Dried peaches, 7fJ?8c per pound. New pickles

medium barrels $9 50; half barrels,25(2o 00. New kraut liarrcls, nominaily

$14; half barrels, $.8. Refined Missouricider, 50 5010 per burrcl, and $5 105 25per half barrel.

Poultry liens, $2 252 75; fine andlarge, $3 25; young, $l'503; turkeys,$7(.V9.

Butter lonimon, 1S(p20c; medium, 20f"22c; choice western, 24(n.27c; creamery, 34035c

Cheese New factory at 14c perpound; nalt cream, loo; 11111 cream, itc;Young America, nominally 17c

Hou Product Market firm: mess pork.$22 per barrel; sugar-cure- d hais,$14 50(o)15 2o; breakfast bacon, $13 5013 75 percwt.

Bacon, packed clear sides, $12 874; clearrib, $12 50; shoulders, $9 75; loose, 12Jc p rcwt. loxs.

Bulk meats, packed clear sides, $11 S7Jti12; clear ribs, $11 50.ll 62; shoulders,$3 75(n-v- ; loose, 124c per cwt, less.

Lard tierce, lose; kegs, 20; M-l-

nails, Si J; 1U-1- pans, ili Oi j; a-- tins,$14 62.

Groceries coflee 12(i13c forordinary, 13J14c for fair, 15j016jo forchoice.

Sugar Scarce and higher; Louisiana openkettle. f(SWie: yellow clarified, lOifaJlOic;off white, 10c; snow-whit- e, lO,llc; cutloaf, llic; granulated and powdered, II c;molasses stock about exhausted; fair togood nominally 45f 50c; prime to choice,53(000.

Rice Louisiana common, 7,7c;prime, 8c; Carolina, 88Jc

Salt per car-loa- d, $1 65; from store, $1 701 75 per barrel; coarse, per sack,$l 60; fine,

$165.Soap Advanced; family, S2 753; Ger-

man, $3 25$3 50.Baugino and Tirs Bagging flax, 9J

10e; jute, 1 to 2 lbs, 10j;T)llc; mixel, 10fVftllc Ties etandard makes, $1 C5l 75;piecetl and outside brands, $1 50. Twine, 17cper lb.

Nails Firm at $3 25.Hidbs, Etc Dry flint, No. 1, 16c; No. 2,

13c; dry salt, 1213c; green, 07c: greensalt, S(-7.9c-; heepkins,25c(n-$125- . Taliow,"vjfSc Beeswax, 20c

Leather Oak. sola, 3740c; hemlock,27fjiKiOc per lb; harness, 3lH40c; skirting,38(40c; French calf, JlOOTitiO per doxen;domestic calf, $3045 per dozen.

Wool Tubwashcd, 27(J32c; unwatihed,1.5Cf,22c; burrv, 10f?a6c

Bricksj J lard, $10 50; soft, $ a thou-sand; k, $4(i;4 50 a hundred.

I.imk akd Cf.mknt Alabama lime, 95cti?lSI a barrel; Tennessee, small barrels, 85(o)yiV; Louisville cement, $1 70fii.l 75 a bar-rel; Rosedale cement, $2 25 a barrel; Port-land, $0. Plaster of I'aris, $2 50.

Live Si lock TKairket.J. IjiCroix, of the Memphis Stock Yard,

Second street, Chelsea, rciHirta as follows:Keceipts of cattle this week have been ratherlight. Prices remained unchanged at theclose v. The supply left over is verylight, and the prospects fox the comingweek are very favorable. Sheep are inlight supply and prices firm. Hoga are infair supply, and there is no change inprices.

Cattle Smooth, fat oxen, weighing1000 to 1500 pounds, per pound, SJ(2,3jc;rough oxen and cows, in good condition, perpound, 2(ii!2jc; fat heifers and cows, perpound, Xjpt'.oV:; choice grass cattle, 8(o,4c;fair to meatium graaai cattle, 3(roJc; grazinggrass cattle, 4,(0,20..

bHKEr Choice, per lb, 8ijHtc ; me

dium, per lb, SfajSJc; common, per headj

$11 50.Lambs Choice, per head,$33 50; medi-

um, $22 50.Ifooa Choice, per lb, 5fc; medium,

65ic; common, 4f4JcCows and Calves Milch cows with young

calves per head, $1025; yearlings, perhead, $33.

' Tlte none And Jf nle BHrket.F. A. Jonea A Co, of the City Stables,

Mortroe street, report:McLfw No. 1 drav mules, 16 to 16, $175225; 15 to 16, $150l73; 13 to a5, $125150; 14 to 15, none in market.Horses Good driving, $125200; heavy

draft, none on the market; saddle horses,$140225j Tdogsj $4075; heavy draymules in demand: Ottt fw stock of any kindon the market. -

BY TELEGRAPH.!NEW YORK, September 30. Flour quiet

but steady; superfine, western and State,$5 466 25. Wheat j&Jc higher, closingdull and heaTy; ungraded fed, $1 251 54.Collee quiet, Sc , Sugar cjuiet but firm;fair to good nfiuifig ruoted, at 88cMolasses quiet; New Orleans, SSgOOc Ricenominal; Carolina and Louisiana quoted ato8c. IWk a shade easier but less active;old mess, $19 8720. Lard 10 to 12clower and fairly avtive; prime steam, 12.47J


LOUISVILtF, RetHember 90. Flour act-

ive, firm and higher; eatra, $5 35o 50;extra family, $5 606 25; higher grades,

J.'7 2C ! choice fancy, $88 25. Wheatfirm, $1 48f7ri 0?. Cbrn Steady and firm;No. 2 white, 82c; No. 2 miiet) Oatsdull; No. 2 white, 40c; No; 2 mixed, 44cRye active and a shade higher; No. 2, $1 20.Pork and prWe steam lard nominal. Bulkmeats quiet; shoulders rjminrtl clear rib,lOJc; ciesr sides, 11 Bacon (liill andlower; shoulders, 9c; clear rib, 11 Jc; clear,12c Sugar-cure- d hams, 14Jc Whiskysteady, $1 15.

CINCINNATI, September 30. Fl02Tquiet; family, $7 15,7 40; fancy, $7 608.Wheat in good demand and prices a shadehigher; No. 2 red winter, $1 481 50. Cornirregular; No. 2 mixed opened at 72c, roseto 74Je and closed at 72c. Oats strong; No.2 mixed, 45(5;-45,c- Rye quiet but firm,$1 15. Bsrley demand fair and marketfirm; extra No. 3 fall, $1 15. Pork nomi-nal, $21. Lard quiet but firm, 12jc Bulkmeats ( ui-- 1; shoulders, 8Jc; clear rib, lOJc;clear, i'2c. Bacon quiet. Whisky, $1 15;coQibinalion sales cf finished goods, 900barrels, on a basis of $1 14. Butter dul1,weak and lower; choice Central Ohio, 2Hc.

NEW ORLEANS, September 30. Flourquiet but steady; superfiue, $5 50; doubleextra, $0 256 50; treble extra, $77 25;higher grades, $7 60(o)8 25. Corn steady,7995c Oats firmer, 5155c Cornmealdull, $3 85(33 90. Hay in good demand;prime, $19(5.:20 ; choice, $23 50. Perk steady,with a fair demand, $20 75. Lard quiet butfirm; tierce, 1313Jc Bulk meats steady,with a fair demand; shoulders, pucked, 8cBacon firm; shoulders, Pc; clear rib, 21c:clear, 121c Sugar-cure- d hams scarce andfirm; canvased, ISJfnf'loc Whisky quiet;western rectified, $1 10fSl 20. Coffee steady;Rio, cargoeJr ordinary to prime, 10(,13c.Sugar demand active; fully fair, 8c; primeto choice, 8J(i 9c; yellow clarified, 99cMolasses nominal. Rice strong; Louisiana,oidinary to choice, 5J7c

CHICAGO. September 30. Flour in gooddemand at full prices; common to choicewestern "spring, $4 50(?6 75; common tofancy Minncrott, $3 12(ili7 75; patents,$7 50(79 50; winter- - wheat, fair- - to fancy,fii- - 500;i;8 50: low grades, $3 504 50.Wheat u use' i led and lower, fluctuating wide-ly and irregular; No. 2 red- winbr, $1 42;No. 2 Chicago spring, $1 381 3.8 cash.$1 38j October, $1 42 November, $1 431 43f December $1 38 the year; sales lit$1 40J September, $1 381 41 j October,$1 411 45 November, $1 421 40 De-cember. Corn closed weak and lowrr; 71 J72c cash, 72(372jic October. 72jl(n)72ic No-vember, 71 jc December, 75ic May. Oalsstrong and higher, closed weaker; 45c cash,45jc October, 451(i15c November, 45cDecember, 49a May. Rye firmer, $1 11.Barley easier, $1 11. Pork'active but lower;$19 cash, $18 90 October, $19 10 bid Novem-ber. Lard in fair demand but at lower rates;1215(12.17c cash, 12.17(jl2 20c October,12.30pr,12.32c November, 12.4212.45cIKcember. Bulk meats in good demandbut at lower rates; shoulders, 8c; short rib,10.45c; Bhort clear, 10.85c Whisky steadv,$118.

Call. Wheat irregular; generally a shadebetter. Corn strong and higher; 72Jc Octo-ber, 73J(if)73Jc November, 73 c December,75e May. Cits fairly active and a shadehigher; advanced c Pork easier bnt cotquotably lower.. Lard quiet but firm.

DRY COODS.NEW YORK, September 30. The demand

for spring cassimeres, suitings and worstedcoatings by the clothing trade continues sat-isfactory. Cotton goods are in steady de-mand, light supply and firm. Cotton flan-nels scarce and firm at the late advance.Prints in moderate demand. Shirts anddrawers moving freely on back orders.

A CAHD. .To 4i! whi are suffering from the errors and in

discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de-cay, loss of manhood, etc, I will send a rcctp thatwill cure yon, FKEK OF CHARGE. This greatremedy was discovered by a in SouthAmerica, Send a envelope to theRiv. .liwrp. T. Tnw?v Rtntlnn T . Ww York CfM.




Jast received my first snpply of the Season, a largolot of those fine -

llarfz Momitaiu Canariesi,in full song, whi.h will be sold at the Lowest Mar-ket Prirn. Onlera by mail promptly and salhu'ac-toril- y

filled. In stock a fully supply ofBIRDCAGK1 of EVERT HESCRIPTIOSf,

Winter ( Hanging Baskets, Vasea, Pot-tery, Shells of Every Description.


Telephone vour Orders, .mCHARLES J.SCHEREll.l'ItOP'R.


TJ 353


Tho BEST and MOST POPTXABCcwlns; Thread of Sodera Times.


A Complete Assortment For Sale, at Wholesale, byEiowenstela Bros), and W. K. Moore A Co.

At Retail bylAwettateln Bra. , l.enttrle ItrOB., And

M in. Iraaa A fo.


.y7i . Vffl

fsiJi n ori

iW0liRSTQREKEEPH.rOi.lT.St tun U a Iftr tn "A ttte I

Our'A b unger than 'C or 'D' of cheap SilicaEvery spool measures too yards, just as marked.

Cheap Silk, measure only 40-- to 70 yardsIf you waat a splendid Button-Hol- e Tm ill iu our

t uteni QuiU Twitt.

Tt BR AINKRD A ARMSTRONG SILK isbeing iwed and recommended by the Dressmakers, aodwe consider them the best judges in the world. .


Wm. Frank (k Co., Memphis, ,Oerber & V ikon, Memphis.

VHOUSALILennon & Cle, Memphis.

A pamphlet, giving Rules and Designs'for Knitting Silk Stocking., Mittens, Money Punes.tUbies' Caps and Boots, Laces, etc., will be presentedto any lady buying our Silk or Twitt at tha abora-nam-



Trustee's Sale.a deed of trust f'nia J. T -- 'e & Co.UKPER on record in book 1 Jl page 2a, I will.

On Kaiftrday, Oetober i t, Ni-- l,

In front of the courthouse, in Memphis, Tennessee,sell at public auctlou, the following property:

1. The storehouse lately occupied by J. A J.Steele A Co.. on NW comer of Froutand Poplarstreets, Jo feet ou Front by 107 on Poplar to Centeralley.

2. Part of lot 29, on north side of Mosby street,lot west from Winchester street, fronting 40

feet o:i Moaby street by lS to an aiiey. Tins lothas a frame dwelliughouse on it.

a. The home-ila,--e of John Stee'e, two mileseast of the city, on the north side-- the pike, con-taining arn-s- , 2 story dweiiiushousc, and otheriuiprovements.

4. l'ndivlde.1 yi it.p-res- l tn lots Sand of G. KHolme.', subdivision of lands eouveved to him byAlbert Kimtironv'll and John R. Rogers. lat 8contains It acres, and lot . a acres.

These lots are about 5 miles east of the city, nearaim nuou til ine inac-- .

Terms of Sale One-thir- d cash: remainder Inone aud two years, with interest; purchasers t ex-ecute notes, and liens retained in Ui deeds.

YYM. M. .SMITH, Trustee.



Friars Point " Uacbeady. CridW, 5 p.m.White River Milt Habbt. McArthrr. 5

Arkansas River. .MAEUHSrxKD, Nowlant 6 pjB.New Orleans Crrv or Alton, Bixby,--

Cottonwood Flowers, 5 p.m.St. Louiam...CiTT or Hbleka, Calvert, S p m.


Ticlubnrg-.....OBAH- TowekI Sunday, 10 ulHOVEKEHTS AT THE LETEE.

ArrirnU. Coahoma, Oeceola; Belle Mem-phi- s,

St. Louis; Martin Speed, Arkansasriver) Milt Harry, White river.

Vepartttres.-i- tj of Providence, St, Lonts;Coahoma, Osceola ; James Ie, Friars Point;Belle Memphis, Vicksburg.

Bail in Port Milt Harry, Martin Speed,Mike Davis and H. J. Dickc v.

Boats Due Down, City- - of Helena, City ofAlton and Tiger. .

Boil Due Up. Rene Macready and GoldDust.

RECEIPTS YKTFRDAY.Belle Memphis 1 bales cotton.Coahoma 286 bales cotton, 28 bags seed-cotto- n,

1353 sacks seed, 13 pkgs sundries.Milt Harry brought out of White river

137 bales cotton, 13 bundles hides, lot sun-dries.

James Lee 388 bales cotton, 17 bagsseed-cotto- 272 sacks seed, 11 head cattle,19 pkgs sundries.

Martin Speed brought out of Arkansasr;Ter 170 bales cotton, 158 sacks seed, 7pkgs merchandise.

BlTEK ITEMS).River 6 feet 2 inches decline 7 inches.The local packets departed last evening

with tai." Jnps.ReceipU by river Tf 9(53 ?aleB ?tton 45

bags sted-cotto- n and 1785 BCea

The City of Providence cleared year.... -

morning for St Louis. She added here 460bales Eastern-boun- cotton.

The Belle Memphis passed down yesterdaymorning for Vicksburg. Sjie added here 100tons freight for points below.

The City of Helena, Captain-- Flem Calvert, is the Anchor-lin- e packet this evening. . e ! ,.!. .n,l c, T .Walton is her clerk.

The Tiger, Captain William Flowers, ithe packet this evening at 5 o'clock for Cot-tonwood Point and all way landings. NeilBooker is in the office.

The City of Alton. Captain H. C. Bixhv. isthe Anchor-line- r this evening at 5 o'clockfor New Orleans and all intermediate landings. VYiiliam Masson is ber clerk.

The Milt Harry, Captain Pete the packet this evening at 5 o'clock for allpoints on White river, going through toJacksonport J. C. Wyckoff presides in heroffice.

The Martin Speed, Captain Ed the packet this evening at 5 o'clock for all

101ms on Arkansas river. Jimmy Thompsonas charge of her office, asssistcd by Will

Dsrragh.It is expected that the canal around the

Muscle Shoals will be comulekd within twoyears, in which case the Tennessee will benavigable from Paducah to Knoxvtlle, a dis-tance of 500 miles.

The Rene Macready, Captain E. P. Crideron the roof, is the Lee-lin- this evening at5 o'clock for Helena, Friars Point and ailway landings. U. YV. rIoyd and A. L. Ban-ning are her clerks.

Louisville Courier-Journal- : CommodoreJames S. Wise, of Cinciunati, is possessed oftwo daughters, ot whom he has a right tofeel proud. Ihey are both superior artists,and no less accomplished than beautiful.The parlors of the Commodore's residence areart galleries ot which Ciucinnatians shouldfeel proud, for it is the work of her nativetalent and original genius.

The Memphis and Ohio river packets aresaid to have all been repainted, refurnishedand repaired, and are now ready to wheelinto line for business as soon as there's a"dead sure thing"-- n a navigable river. This. . .li t I ! 1 " I 1 1uue ui uuiui is very popular wuu me peopleall along the river between Cincinnati andMemphis, and their patrons are waiting verypatiently for the ball to open and the musicto begin.

The health authorities are untiring intheir seal in the work of compelling citizensto keep gutters and sidewalks clear of grassand decaying leaves sometimes ratherstraining a point to make a case against theparty. That is all right enough; there isnothing that has aided more in restorincconfidence in the perfect sanitary conditionof Memphis than the manifest diligence ofthe health authorities, prominently apparentin the way citizens have been compelled toclean np. But how is it with the authoritiesthemselves? How often has complaint beenmade about the rank growth of weeds thatborder the plank walks on Monroe and Courtstreets, leading to the rive so rank and tallas to afford hiding places for lazy wretcheswho, having no regard for health nor carefor decency, create nuisances in open day-liirh- t?

The press of the citv have madedaily complaint about the weeds, but theaninoriLies nave paia no neea-iotu- e mur-murin-

The Appeal makes one moreeffort, calling upon President Thornton andCaptain Jackson, of the Health Board, andupon Chief Davis, of the Police Department,to abate this nuisance, if within the scope ofyour authority. The Appeal has alwa5ssustained you, aentlemen, in all your worklooking to perfect sanitation, and will takepleasure in announcing that the demands ofthe river people have been complied with inregard to those weeds.

RIVER AND WEATHER.O'vtca SlowAt, Saavinc O. S. A. I

MixrHis, September 30. 18S1. I

Above low Chauges.water.

fTATrOHf, : Rise FallFeet inches, inches. iucbe

Cairo it 1Cincinuati 4 io 4 -- ..D.venport It C 4Dubuque.... 15 1 3Helena .Keokuk H . 6 .Leavenworth 6 10 1 ...Little Rock 2Louisville......... g 9 r,

N.mpbls o a fVashvlliA 1 K 6 ...t"ew Orleans 13 2JPittsbun? .... l 28h rereport 2 4 2 .8t Louis IS 6 4Vicksburg 6 1 1

I Below banco mark, low water 18'j.MEll.OROLOGlCAL REPORT.

Bar. Tber. Wind. Wcatner. S0.07 73 8.E. Clear.2:os p.m. 1 80.03 M 8.E. Fair.

10:08 p.m. I 30.08 T 77 I S.E. liar.Maximum thermometer. 8S.Minimum thermomater, 72.

BY TELEGRAPH.KVAN8VTLLE. September 29. Night River fall

ing, with A feet 3 inches on the gauge. Weathercloudy ; thermometer 74 t So".

CINCINNATI. September SO. Noon Elver 4 feeti inenes. ana tuning, vtcatner clear ami warm.Night Kiver 4 feet, and falling. Weather fair andpieusaiu.

1A)CISVILLE, September 30. Nicht River falling, with 3 feet 8 inches in the canal, and 1 foot8 incbea in the chute on the falls. Weatherclear and net, Business dull.

NEW ORLEANS, September 30. Weather partlycloudy and warm ; thermometer 96. No arrivalsor departures. The Charles P. Chouteau Is load- -iug to leave for Memphis.

PITTSBURG, September 30. Noon Riverinches in the channel, and rising. Weather clearand very hot. Night River 2 inches in thechannel, and stationary. Weather clear andvery warm.

ST. LOUIS, September SO. Night River lisen 4inches, and now stands 13 feet 6 inches by the gauge.Weather raining all day Arrived: Cityotvlcks--nnrg, vicksnurg: jonn. a.. Maude. Memphis.rv a. - i i rui'ianoj. JUUUO. JUUUB, Aieuijinis.

CAIRO, September 20. Noon Weather clondyana warm. Amvea: i n y oi Alton, t. ixuls, 7a.m. : uty oi neiena, atempnis, s a. m. ;John Gilmore, St. Lonis, s a.m. Night Kiver 11fcetSinches, and failing. Weather cloudy ; thermometer so Amvea: uraiia jtowcr, au ixiuis.o p.m.


ming, jsew i ors.PHILADELPHIA, September 30. Arrived: Lord

uougn, Liverpool.NEW ORLEANS. September 30. Arrived: Que- -

oee-- , i.iverp(Ki via Havana.NEW YORK. September SO. Arrived: Ttooan

Bremen; France, Havre; Algeria, Liverpool; Slateoi inuiana, t.iasgow; eireeee, LSinnon



MAKERSCopper and Sheetiron Work


All work done promptly, day or night Terms cash.Shop, Adams Street, near river, Memphis.



$10 WHEAT. $20$10, $20, $50, $100, $500,Invested in onr new and only ssJe plan of Sure.nlnllnc Wkeatl Sitocsis, etc,, quick andlarge profits. Now is the best season to takehold. Write for our pamphlet etc, giving particulars, nent free, at aiilj.kk.Brokers, 170 Washington Street, Chicago, Ills.

$250 Stocks. $500PLUMBERS.


PLUME11JQas, Pipes, Water Pipes,Sewer Pipes. Lead Pipes,Plumbers Brass Work,Plumtera' Iron Goods,Gas Fixtures and FittingsGood Work.. Low Prices.Wind Mills for Pumping.

Telepfcoat. Order. tBROWNE, the PLUMBER.

40 nadiHon.Ktn Meptpbla.

K. F. TATEte of Beanett's LAndlnr, Mist

nn aJJ-Lsi-


on orW. B.

J. C. S. IF.


Cotton IPtBLCtoriBAnd Commission Merchants,

Jfos. 364 and 366 St., Memphis,liberal Ailvarun Wade Conafgrnnentw Cotton.





Front Tenn.


6R68E1B AND COTTON FACTORS254 Front Street, Mempliis, Tenn.



ASD COMMISSION MERCHANTS,flfo. 367 Front street, - Mempliis, Tennessee

kentuckyIiilitary institute,I.E Six has the

and al-l- e and aiuiu nvveuiu, ' -

street enra enrry yon the

rf r , iy

i w nt; aft ul



AM. MspeilaLDdenl.






"tMnA P.O.. FBAKKI.IN CO.. KT, miles Frankfort, healtha1id"beant1iu' State. Cllega Faculty, expenses moderate


i?if pitBitillr?--


Btackets and. Scroll-wor- k, Rough and Lnmbrvr, Shingles, Laths, ett,

181 to 179 WashingtonPorilnr



Cotton andXo. 26ft Front Mrcet

iis? jif



vticmi'.-j- t aivumeAtth:st.?.;e IrOftTowo,

itt; fhiring iilnBfii,

work, lltoavT not it

Iron Toxic n rniinithntcM, ammnriittrtiA fotittztirtt.a ? j.J Mfa4Brfi.l'l.


H.B01 ALSToji


Ino. 264: front street,



W. J.

II. M.

rre - m ,tn. for catalogues, eto.,lot-- It. P. EN.

s. one fnm Ihe Mill.

cc n rfru mto r.a sttri Inhor w8 bor- -

bywbicti re

urAl forrs

.f. P. Watson. ltor Chnrrb. Troy. O.

in i ii in i mi mi

unru. 1KBY

., from most'be A fallul ear






ru: fl..iin

iit-r- -


f rx-t- .. re S

A f nnnnth d:i nt m:-c- but cn ttio contrary, Vriintrt:;t:ii';I t cliilis. J loi:n ;h nm ( jenr fromaiiwU tilinixii i wurJfiifut rpstilt. II tmo'd rnffrry returned and I found lhl my nntwits not ijpnitmi.-'.- t: ;. i haiv un-- ttams boctltd of tV) Kiam uina it I hnve done twic tha

tb'.t 1 ever tlA in i:..; s ui.c jie mi unJ v.ith rionbli lb CiM. V'lth the tranquil nerro

wiiat. I lbtThc 1m fi

- oy irun, i -irarjr-



I It Arifr


A. D.




3r"or- - Xjlsst to XI. o. Soc'y

W B.

KALE OF $750.

J. SI. Fowl Ue,








ii Hi




oHave (roue

ewclwatvcly Into Cotton. lnt to till nil offtrr-- a from 4trtr rmtamm



;& Co.


Memphis, Tenn.

Doors, Sash, Blinds

Factors Commission 'Merchants.


Commences October 18, 1881,

Premiums Offered Amounts $2400


'earoe, mrrocers, Cotton Factors

andfH2 Front Street, Memphis, Tern?





AND- -

57 - Xew Ia.


IN view of the conf 'antly increasing popularity and demand forthe celebrated AKKOW TIE. t'.ie uni.-ersali- recopnized favorite

Tie of Planters. Cotton Pressrcn and shippers oi cotton generally,the McComb Tie Company, of New York, sole proprietors and

of said Tie, commandir.g uneu'ialcd facilities, have, in ad-dition to their large stock on hand, contracted for increased quanti-ties, sufficient to meet the lareest demand forCotton Ties to cover theenure cropoi tne coming season, aua now, rnrongn tneir Agents gen-erally, otter the popular and irrepressible TIE at the lowest



Copper ud Wna


mariei price, in complete. It oting uie purpose of the Com-pany to merit the continued patronage of the phuitingand defy all competition that may arise. The buckles are now se-curely riveted to the bund, thu-- i preven'-in- iLe loss of same in ship-ping, and making a.suvnKtr Tie.'

For Sale by all Grocers andFactors.

J. J. Xev York.JOHN K. SPEED & CO., Spcn-ia- l .Memphis

355 Street.



liOI-s- ! AGEXT FOB GDT IRO.AIM msusnractare. Flavin Japaaaed




s in awani, npoailag, and nil Kind. f Jobblna;ta.

no. aU4 JOAin street, j







i trvera,t:e.i






corner Court,



Premium soncl



gs I Peitit



Galbreath. & Co.


No. 11 Union street, Mempliis


Removetl No. 270 Front St., Up-stai- rs.


AND COTTON FACTORS301-30- 0 Front St., Mcinpkis, Tenn.





Cotton Commission llercliants.Jfo. Carondolet street, Orleans.

wart Co


Hemp.. Tenn

Tinware, Atae4lron

Mempliis, TemieBsee



MrCOHU, President,Agents,

J. W. EOWLSTT ICotton Factors and Commission lilerchants





Umlerlna;Prempuy Attended



Medical Dispensary,No. 17 Jefferson Street.

Between Halm mad Frant, MesBpUsBSTABLI8HXD IN 186X1.

DB. JOHNSON Is acknowledged by all parties In-terested as by far the most auocessiul physi-

cian in the treatment of private or secret diseases.Quick, thorough and permanent cures guamnteodin every case, male or female. Recent cues of Goaorrheaand Syphilis cared in a few days, withoutthe ns. of mercury, change of diet or hlndranosfrom business. Secondary Syphilis, the last vestlgeradicated without the as. of mercury. Involuntaryloss of semen stopped In a short tune. Sufferersfrom lm potency or loss of sexual powers restoredto free vigor in a few weeks. Victims ol seli-abu-

and excessive venery, suffering from spermatorrheaand loss of physical and mental power, speedilyand permanently cured. Particular attention paidto Ihg Diseases of Women, and cure, guaranteed.Throat and Lung Diseases cured by new remedira.Piles and Old Sores cured wlthonttheuse of causticor the knife. All consultations strictly confidential.Medicines sent by express to all parts of the country

Oflice hours from 8 to 9 p.m. Rundays fromI. fT JOHNSON. M.P.



General Insurance AgentsiNo. tt Illadifion Street,


snronly the best companies. Ginhouse. andCountry mores a apeclaltvaJ.



Insurance Agents,Ac 5 Sfadison street,

OpiMtalt. Cotton Exclianxe, Ketnrlhl.OIN HOUSES ANT) COUNTRY STORES IN- -

.nred st lowest ratHS.



Coal OilLIuseed, tarJ, Rubricating and JU.

chlnerj Oils, Engineer.' Supplies.


New York Eelting and PacklugCoStandard Rubber Belting and Pocking.

J. B. Hojt & Co.'g Standard LeatherBelting,

Sliultz ltaw hide Leather Belting,Rati hide Lace Leather.

MANILLA & SISAL ROPE,Oakum, Pitch, Cool-Ta- r, Pine-Ta- r and

Rosin, Turkic Itlookn.


ft111ST. XjOUIS.


the Globe, in ventilation, sew-erage, luxurious appointments, and


COMFORT WITH SAFETY IRates as low as other hotels of Its class '

Address WM. H. BATES,




No. S1t9, R. D. Chancery Court of Shelby countyK. E. Clarke et al. vs. V. E. Palmer et af.

No. 3207. R. D. State Kational Bank vs. D. E. Pal-mer et aL

No. Kj4, R. D. Frank Trimble vs. D. F Palmeret al.

BV virtue of an Interlocutory decree for sale,entered in the above consolidated causes on

the 1st day of July, 181, M. B. to, page 72, 1 willsell, at public auction, to the highest bidder, infront of the Clerk and Master's office, Courthouseof Shelby county, Memphis, Tennessee,

On Satnrtlay, October 13, 1881,within legal hours, the following described prop-erty, t:

A tract of land situated in Shelby and Tiptoncounties In th. tate of Tennessee, about two mileswest of Kerrville, known as the home place ef Da-vid E. Palmer, aud upon which he resided whenthe assignment was made, containing six hundred(600) acres, the same eing bounded on the norihby the lands of Martha iihelton, the heirs of T. O.Moore. James Paine and George Rankins; on theeast by the lands of Dr. A. II. Kerr, Mrs. M. B.6avage and Wra. T. Nelson ; on the south by thetanas oi w. i. xseison ana u. ii. aeison. ana onthe west by the lands that belong to the heirs ofA. W. Nelnon, James Paine and the heirs of T. O.Moore. That portion of said tract situated Inbhelby count, lies in Dirtricl No. 4.

Also, anouicr tract of land situated In Districtr.o. h, Tipton county, lennessee, about one milesouth of the Poorhouse of Tipton county, boundedon the north by the Poorhouse tract ; on the eastby the land, of Mrs, Grimes and the lands belonging to tne estate ol Martha Htokes; on the southliv the lands belonuina- to the eatAtA of MaStokes, the land belonsTng to Geo. Grimes and theland of Vt". H. Burkhehuer, and on the west by thelands of W. H. Burkheimer. containing In all onehundred and twentv-s- n Qifil acres.

aiso, one nouae ana lot titualea at Mason's Depot, In Tipton county. Tennessee, known as thew. W. Greer place; bounded on the north by thelands of Mrs. R. T. Broadnax; on the east by thelands ol Dr. James Macklin; on the south by thelands of J. P. titurdevant and a lot sold hv saidDavid K. Palmer to T. G. Tavlor: and on the t

by ine oi-p- ana covingtnn road, containing fll--

hiu uiic-ii- . , i acrca.Also, one tr&ot of land situated in District No. 5

in Fayette county, Tennessee; bounded on thenorth by the lands of Dr. Edmond Moutiiirue: onthe east by the lands of Kit Brewer and the landslormenv belonirilic to B. M. Patterson: on theaoutn oy me lanas mat lormenv belonged to is.M. Patterson and the lands of James Irvine; andon the west by the lands belonging to the heirs ofMrs. James E. Mason, contnimnc. two hundredacre, and being the same tract mortgaged by thegaiu Liaviu r.. raimer to James Klcnardson A UO.

Also, the following penonaJ nmoertv situated onthe home place first herein detcribed, Fourwagons, all the farming implements of said DavidE. Palmer, about forty (40) head of sheep, aboutiweuiy m) neau 01 catiie, two t'j) yoke ol oxen,two frintanil l.n I, (1) set of parlor furniture, and one (1) set oiblackmilh and wheelwright tools.

Said above described property will be sold sub-ject totheucumbranres recognized and set forthin tne decree ordering the sale, and to which reference is made lor more particularity.

Terms of gale On a credit of seven monthspurchasers to give notes with two sufficient securities; lien retained; redemption barred. ThlsSep- -

R. J. BLACK. Clerk and VuarrC. F. Vance. H. E. Avery, Myers A Sneed, Guntt

at I aiiriauu, ouiieiiors.


BEAfi ESTATE.No. 1975, R Chancery Court of Shelby conn ty

Porter. Taylor A Co. vs. J. M. Williams tt aLBY virtue of Interlocutory decrees for sale en-

tered in the above cause on the 13th day ofOctober. 1880. and August 9, I will sell at pnb-li- c

auction, to the highest bidder, in front of theClerk and Master's office. Courthouse of Bhelbycounty, Memphis, Tennessee, on

Saturday, October lt18Sl,within legal hours, an undivided one-tnir- d Inter-est in the following described property, situatedin Bhelby county, Tennessee, t:

Lj ing and being in the Second Civil District ofShelby county, Teun.. and ou the waters of Bigcreek, and being a part of the two thousand-acr- e

tract granted by the State of Koith Carolina to A.8har, e, and more particularly described as lotsNot 6, 7 and 8, and bounded as follows, vix: Be-ginning at a sweetgum marked S. 4. 5 and 6, NWcorner of lot No. 5: thence west S south, crossingBear creek at & chains 70 links, in all 29 chains 70links, to an elm tree marked 7, southwest cornerof lot No. 3; thence south 5 west 44 chains 20 linksto a slake ; thence noi tb 45 west to a dogwood treemarked 6, 7, ou the south boundary of the Sharpetract; thence east 5 south with said line 29 chains70 links to a stake aud blackgum marked 5, thesouthwest corner of lot No 5, crossing Bear creekon this line; thence north 5 east 44 chains and 20links to the beginning. And also the said lot No7, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake 12links east of a hickory marked W. H., the south-east cornerof W. Hill's e tract; theme west! north 23 chains and 80 links to a stake; thencenorth 45 west 15 links to a sugar tree marked 8;thence south 5 west ;0 chains and 80 links to adogwood marked 7, 8, on Sbarpe's south boundaryline, crossing Juke's creek 13 chains. In ail 23chains and 80 links to a stake; thence north 45 10links to a dogwood marked 7; them e north 4aA east50chaina aud W links to the beginning. And alsothe said lot No. eight, bounded as follows: Be-ginning at a stake: thence north 45 and 15 linksto a sugar tree marked 8, the northwest corneroflot No. 7; thence west 5 north 20 chain and 80links to a stake, lu links north of a poplar treemarked W. 8., W. bihelby'a northeast corner;thence south 5 west ou Shelby's line, crossingJuke's creek SO chains and 80 links to a .take, Miel-fcy- 's

SE comer on Sharpe's aouth boundary line,crossine: Juke's creek 50 chains and 80 links to astake, Shelt-y'- t?K comer on Sharpe's south bound-ar- y

line ; thence east 5 south 23 chains and 80links l a dogwood marked 7, 8; thence north 5east AO chains and 80 links to the beginning -- thesaid three lots 6, 7 and 8 containing 3ial acres.

Also, the following tract of land In the 11th Sur-veyor's District and the 8th Civil District of Shelbycounty, Tenn.. and bounded as follows, via: Be-ginning at a stake 25 links east of a posto&k H. H.J. Harden 's NW corner of his e tract; thencesomh 7 chains snd 84 links to a stake with red oakpointers; thence west 23 chains and IS links to astake, 2 blackoak pointers on the east boundaryline of Henry Vi'iilianu's original tracttnow owned by the heirs of J. W. tilllespie);thence north with Mrs. Gilles-ple'- aud Mrs.Crouch, east line 48 chains and tai links to a stakeand two blackoak pointers and whiteoak pointer;thence east 5 chains to a slake and sweetgumpointers: thenie north 4 chains and ri links to astake wilh niekory pointers: thence east twenty(JO) rhaius aud eighty (SO) links to a stake andblackgum pointers ou E. D. Hale's original westline, south ten (10) chains and 2S links to a stakeon said Hale's line and sonthweat corner; thenceeast 4 chains and 93 links to a blackoak W. a. ;thence south 3T chains and 6o links to a slake tworedoak pointers; thence wekt 10 chains 25 links tothe beginning, containing acres, more or less.

Terms of bale Ou a credit of six months; pur-chasers executing notes bearing six per cent, in-terest; lien retained; redemption barred. ThisSeptember C, ibl. J' BLACK, Clerk and Master.

Hmith A Chiller. Hume. A Poaton. Attorney.


COMHISSIOX MEKCII.tKTH,No. 70 LaMalle St., Chicago, III., Room S.GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Bought, Sold and Car-rie- d

on Margalns on CHICAGO BOARD or TRADK.liefer U Hide and Leather National Bank,


A I vl I XISTRATORS' XOTICEAaiiiiniatrator'M Xotlce.

I HAVE qualified as administrator of W. W.Canada; creditors will tile their claims with,

aud debtors pay lo, me or my attorneys..MICS' ARAU CANADA.

Morgan 4 McFarland, Attorneys.



No. S76 Front Street,Near Cotton ErohAngA, - - .... Mempliis Tennessee.

SWl-lfcera- smI vanra snade aat Cotton ronnlsamfiitOa '


en! Insurance Mcnt,FIRE, INLAND MARINE and HT7IX, :

NO. 16 MADISON ST., MEMPHIS, TENN.,Kepresenting 0?er $40,000,000 of Capital, as follows:



TOTjA.X, . 04,0.603,141.AU Clsses of Insurance effected at Equitable Rates, Including Risks upon Hulls, Country Stores. OIn

houses, and all Winds of Farm and Manufacturing Pmprtv.


WEaTLLFORB,Wholesale Grocers, Cotton Factors

No.276 Front Street, Memphis, Tenn.J. R. GODTTIX. Ij. . MCLLUJS, Jr.

,R. GODWIN k GO.Cotton Factors,; AOoSyrs FOB theS3 Front street or.

T. T. Busiby. . '

E 1Cotton a Specialty. " Liberal










Nob. 356 and 358 Front




Com, Merchants,star gix,Union.

IS. Tool'.


Cah AflTancwi Maflooit CottslgnTrientg


WOa.nsliW HWVNWt'

Street, Memphis Tennessee.


274 Front Street, Memphis.

Stewart, Gwynne& CoWholesale Grocers, Cotton Factors,

STEWART, BROTHERS & CO.,Cotton Faetors and Merchants,





W.M. FARRIXGTOX, Pres. LEMSIOS.V. Pres. CABKIX0T0N Se.Insurance taken npnnall Clasna nf Blerrhaadlas-- , DwelUngr-lIona- r. thelrCan.

lent., ralr Kate.

& CO..


Albertson and Allen

COTTON PRESSES,Oln-Carla- ir. fsbartlnsr Pnlley., Iron and

Casllns, and allFonndry and Machine Shop Ltne

- -wCorner


Wort fn"We Clean ysnr Cotton hy

A. J3.

FI f.O

JT. F.Late ol A

W. A. Lata with

S. M.

cotton .

Memphis, Tennif



i.saani rT IsalnSs




H. T.



Second Winchester,




The Largest and only Complete Ginning Establishmentthe country. Sacks furnished responsible parties

ship Seed Cotton to my All Cotton Insured whileon boats and in Ginhonse. The best yield and sampletnaaranteed. N. W. SPEERS. Jr.. Proprietor.

HILU FONTAINE & CO.Cotton Factors &; Wholesale Grocers,

296-20- 8 Front St., Memphis, Tenn.


Cotton Factors, Commission Merch'ts





Lanrataff. Graham PmnilBt






in toGin.

Air, and Hot by .Heating-.-

fiS? tSTnf 9



Memphis,A. B.


I. It cnl'.tv.Late with tiglll Brothers A Co.Ungtiafr, Graham A ProurtnU

116 ISontli IfiTaln-fctree- t. fit.Fader. Henry









Frank. Miignriuuiw





wINSS, LIQUORS jpimBE,House.lew Hardwire


HARDWARE, TINWARE, CUTLERYtanna, tlnn. and Imish Writing, T. ktradra.d Miliar ralrnautta'a Meal en.

Kafra. Cnaannlon Iron Ino and Agrrenllnral mplonarnta.No. 325 Main Street, - Memphis TeniicMpe.THK FIRM OF LANGHTAFF. GRAHAM A PKOI DK1T, EXPIRING BY LIMITATION JCN 1, 18? L

... ha asaociatwl ouraolvos togeVaer for th purpoui ot eontii ulng th. Hardware Buatueaa, sulwill be happy to tee our friends and the public generally at our new store, lf Main street (fotuerlf 04.cupied by Lemmon Oak). Thankful for Past iavon, we ar very respecuully,PBJLHAM, COC8INS A 00.

; ' -



r c

