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Welcome to the Warnings At Waverly Academy Walkthrough! If it’s your first time to play any Nancy Drew game, then start on Junior Detective because the puzzles are easier. You might also light to check out the “How to be a Detective” book on Nancy’s desk for guidance on how to become your very own detective. However, if it’s not your first Nancy Drew game, choose whatever difficulty you want. All spoilers that appear in this walkthrough will be in red, italicized, and have the word “spoiler” in front of them.

Nancy Goes Undercover

Nancy goes undercover to find out what’s happening at Waverly Academy, a boarding school for girls. Paige, the RA for the valedictorian floor, hired Nancy because of the weird messages people have been getting from someone using the name of the Black Cat. Also, there have been accidents that followed the last warning.

On one occasion, a girl, who was claustrophobic, received a warning from the Black Cat and then was locked in a closet. When people found her hours later, she wasn’t doing so well and went home. That’s when Paige asks Nancy to find out what’s behind the warnings and accidents at Waverly Academy.

When Nancy arrives two weeks after Danielle’s, the claustrophobic girl, “accident,” she meets Corine Myers. Corine is Nancy’s new roommate and isn’t exactly ecstatic about having anyone else around because she’s swamped with a thirty page paper to write. She tells Nancy about the Black Cat and about Megan Vargas’s allergic reaction and how that, like Danielle’s experience, sent her home. Megan was also getting warnings from the Black Cat. She also tells Nancy to go read the student handbook that’s online. Ask everything that Nancy can and then go to the other desk. Look at the note left by Rachel Hubbard, another student, and take the picture of Bess and George out of Nancy’s bag.

Leave Nancy and Corine’s room. Izzy Romero, the student body president, will bump into Nancy. She’ll take Nancy’s cell phone to connect Nancy to the latest gossip via text messages. After Nancy and Izzy’s conversation, turn right and enter Mel Corbalis’s room. She constantly plays the cello, is gothic, and doesn’t care about getting to be the valedictorian, unlike Izzy. Talk to Mel until Nancy doesn’t have anything else to say. She’ll tell Nancy what she thinks about the Black Cat and more about Megan. She’ll also give Nancy Megan’s phone number. After Nancy’s done talking to Mel, look at the poem hanging on the wall above Mel’s bed. Notice the misspelled word, Moore, and of the words in the last lines: “To find what is hidden/Read Much followed by Moore.”

Exit Mel’s room, go down the hallway and enter Rachel’s room. Rachel will ask Nancy to get pictures of the valedictorians. Nancy won’t be able to get Rachel’s photo until later, so talk to Rachel as much as possible, and then exit Rachel’s room. Nancy will receive a text message. Check it and notice that Nancy has been gossiped about already. Look at the list of valedictorians and notice that Danielle’s name has been crossed off, but Megan’s name hasn’t. Somehow Nancy will have to get Megan’s photo. Nancy will be able to get everyone else’s picture because they’re at Waverly.

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The Valedictorian Page and DNA Sample

Since Nancy already has Megan’s number, call Megan Vargas. Ask her everything, especially about sending Nancy a photo to put up on Waverly’s site. Unfortunately, she can’t send anything. But, Mel might have one. Go to Mel and ask her if she has Megan’s picture. She doesn’t, but she says that Leela does. But before leaving, get Mel’s picture, which Nancy will take with her phone.

Go back to Corine to get her picture as well. Then go downstairs and turn left. Meet Leela Yadav, the soccer champion who’s at Waverly on a full ride athletic scholarship, and take her photo. Ask her about Megan’s photo and she’ll say that she has one. However, Nancy will have to beat Leela in a game of air hockey. Beat Leela and she’ll get the picture when she’s in her room next time. Talk to her until Nancy has no more questions.

Head down the hall and go into the library on the left. Go to the computer and try to go to the website. It’s password protected, so press “Forget Password?” and learn that Nancy needs to go to the student body president, Izzy, to get it. Turn around and go to Izzy, who’s at one of the desks across the library. Talk to Izzy and get her picture. Four pictures down, two to go. Ask Izzy about the password and she’ll ask Nancy to complete her DNA model that she needs done.

This should be easy right? Not quite. The biggest, and most helpful, way to help Nancy get this done is to remember that: 1.Vertically, the red and blue circles go together and the yellow and black ones go together. 2. Horizontally, the brown and white circles go together. 3. Finally, the red-blues and the yellow-blacks won’t always alternate color patterns in order for Nancy to get it correct. Here’s what it should look like when it’s done:

(Photo from the WAC walkthrough on

Give the finished DNA model back to Izzy, who will give Nancy the password. Go back to the computer and enter the password to gain access to Waverly’s website. Note that Nancy’s in charge of the snack shop and that an Edgar Allen Poe book, which is coincidentally called “The Black Cat and Other Poe Stories,” is missing. Look each page on the site, including the student life page. Read about Casper the squirrel, the demerit standing, and the student handbook. Go to the library catalog on the site and look up the word “Moore.” The only book that comes up is “The Sign of Four,” which is across the room in the cabinet. Head towards the cabinet and find out that it’s locked. Go to the front desk and notice that Corine’s the library assistant.

Go back to the snack shop and fulfill snack orders. When Nancy’s done, a key will drop onto the counter. Pick it up and go to the closet across the snack shop, the one Danielle was locked in. Turn on the lights

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and pick up another key. If Nancy has gotten a text about Leela’s boyfriend, then go talk to Leela to see if she got Megan’s picture yet and about the missing book. Oh boy, she is mad about her boyfriend, but she does have Megan’s photo with her. But will only give it to Nancy after she beats Leela in a game of Scram. Beat her in a game of scram and take a picture of Megan’s picture.

The only picture left to take is Rachel’s. Go back to her room and take her picture. Then head back down to the library and ask Izzy about her stealing Leela’s boyfriend and about the missing book. Head back over to the computer and plug in Nancy’s cell phone in the USB port on the left. Click on the website and navigate to the valedictorian page. It’s under the academics page on the site. Upload all of the candidate’s pictures. Then go back to Rachel. If she refuses to talk to Nancy, then one of the pictures is off. If she does talk to Nancy, then everything’s A-OK. She’ll ask Nancy to arrange the valedictorian page according to her instructions on the site. Go back to the library and put the valedictorians in order according to Rachel’s instructions. When Nancy’s done, return to Rachel. Like the pictures, Rachel will talk to Nancy only when Nancy has the valedictorians exactly the way she wants them to be.

Spoiler: Here’s the order. It’s numbered by places, going left to right.

1. Mel; Greenwich, CT; Art 2. Rachel; Pittsburgh, PA; Math3. Leela; Newport, RI; Biology4. Corine; Boston, MA; English5. Megan; Concord, NH; History 6. Izzy; New York, NY; Psychology

When Nancy’s finished, Rachel will give her another project. This time it’s to take pictures of Waverly’s icons. Look at the list and notice that two of the icons on the list are the wooden U.S. map that’s in one of the (locked) classrooms and Rita Halowell with her cat. Who’s Rita Halowell? After talking to Rachel more, leave her room.

“To Find What’s Hidden…”

Since Corine has the key to the locked cabinet, go talk to her about it. She’ll ask Nancy to finish one of her projects before she hands the key over. All Nancy has to do to finish the project is correspond the sides of the pictures together and put each side in their proper place. Here’s what it should look like at the end:

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(Photo from WAC’s hints and tips page on

When Nancy’s done, give the project back to Corine. She’ll give Nancy the key. Ask Corine about the missing book. Leave Corine’s room. Nancy will receive a text on Mel, who received another note. Go back to the cabinet and unlock it. Read “The Sign of Four” and learn about Rita Howell, one of the founders of Waverly. Apparently she knew Edgar Allen Poe. Take a close look at the Founding Four and what they’re standing next too, the cornerstone. Before heading outside, take a picture of the school emblem, which is on the floor in the entryway, and of the trophy, which is in the case to the right of the locked classroom.

Head outside and turn around. Take a picture of the entry arch to Waverly. Then go to the cornerstone. Nancy will note that it doesn’t look the same as it did in the book. Go over and solve the puzzle. In order to solve it, rotate the pieces so that there’s no hole in the middle. None of the pieces will overlap. Here’s what it should look like when it’s done:

(Picture from WAC’s walkthrough on

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When Nancy solves the puzzle, the cornerstone will open up and reveal a shiny star-like token and a book. But when Nancy reaches to grab both objects, Casper the squirrel comes and takes the token and goes up the tree. Grab the journal and read it. Notice the picture of the bird and that Rita hid something on Waverly. Take a picture of the tree, up where the limbs are. Then go into the cellar, unlock it using the key Nancy found on the snack shop counter, and go to the boxes. Click on the boxes and books until Nancy opens one of the books. Read it and then head over to the furnace. Notice that the levers move and that there’s a reset lever next to it. Turn around and notice the holes in the wall. Return outside and go back inside the foyer.

The Trouble with Mel

(Adapted from the movie “The Trouble With Harry”)

Nancy should receive another text about Mel. However, this time it’s different. She’s charged with plagiarism. Go talk to Mel about it. She’s absolutely positive that she’s innocent, but has no way to prove it because her computer access has been blocked. She asks Nancy to prove that she’s innocent. She also hand Nancy her paper that she supposedly plagiarized and tells Nancy about the Paper Trail. There’s some numbers on the left side of it. Head back to the library and go to the computer. Choose Resources under Academics, and then enter any number that’s on the left side of Mel’s paper and press “view.” It will come up with a page that has groups of numbers on it. This is where Nancy has to select groups of numbers to form an IP address. There can be no repeating numbers in the entire address. When Nancy has the right address, the site will show her that Jacob Pryce turned his paper in later than Mel, which means he plagiarized Mel’s paper.

Spoiler: The code is

Go back to Mel and tell her what Nancy found. Mel will give Nancy an article about Waverly’s first victory as a thank you.

Musical Notes and Tuning the Forks

Head down into the foyer and look at the piano lampshades. Click on each lampshade and write down the notes shown. Nancy will need to figure out which notes are on the piano so she can play the notes that are on the piano. Also look at the forks, knives, and spoons in the locked cabinet. Unlock the cabinet using the key from the closet. Click on any piece of silverware and notice that it moves. Also notice that the celebratory dinner menu mentioned in Rita Halowell’s journal is missing. Head over to Leela and ask her about the dinner menu. She says that she’ll hand over the menu after Nancy beats her at either air hockey or scram. Pick one of the games and beat Leela. She’ll hand Nancy the menu. Take a look at the menu. Nancy will need something to help her figure out which utensil goes in which order.

Go to the library and search for “musical notation” and find that Mel has the book. Then search for “Victorian Dining” and notice that Rachel Hubbard has the book called “Formal Victorian Dining.” Go talk to Rachel about the dining book. She’ll tell Nancy that she’ll hand over the book when Nancy can get her

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Calculus notes from Mel. Talk to Mel about Rachel’s notes and the music book. She forgot the notes in the library and she’ll exchange it for a small carton of milk and a cookie.

Head back to the snack shop and fill orders, and then go into the library. Nancy will note that the notes are probably in the lost and found. Head towards the locked drawer near the front desk and look at the roman numerals on the drawer: MMDCXLI. Nancy will need to translate it in order to get the combination to the drawer. There’s a book on roman numerals on the front desk, so look at it. It states that: M=1000, D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10 and I=1. Go back to the drawer, enter the combination, and grab the notes.

Spoiler: the combination is 2641.

Head back to Mel and give her the milk and cookies. She’ll give Nancy the music book. Go back to Rachel and give her the notes and ask her why she won’t deal with Mel herself. She says she’s too busy and gives Nancy the dining book. Leave Rachel’s room, look at the dining book, and take the ID that’s in the middle of the book. It’ll come in handy later. Then look at the music book and notice where each note Nancy needs is. Go to the piano and play the notes. When Nancy plays the piano correctly, she’ll get a golden cat token. Here are pictures of which order to press them if Nancy can’t press them in the right order:

(Picture from the WAC hint and tips on

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The cat token will fit into the wall in the cellar. Now go to the silverware and click them in order according to the dining book and the dinner menu. Here’s the order of which spoons to press if Nancy’s still stuck:

(Photo from WAC’s walkthrough on

When Nancy completed pulling the silverware, she’ll receive an orangutan token. Two tokens down, two to go.

Flight of the Squirrel

Earlier Casper stole a token and went up the tree. However, if Nancy climbs the tree during the day, she’ll receive demerits from Paige. She’ll have to climb it at night. Go to her room and set the alarm to midnight. She’ll wake up to the sound of Casper taping against the window of the room. Head over to the window and climb out to the tree. Follow Casper up the tree, which isn’t easy as it looks. Nancy has to pay attention to which branch Casper jumps to.

Spoiler: Branches are numbered from the bottom up by what Nancy can grab and the sides of the tree. (I.E. grab third branch on right, Third branch on left) Junior Detective: Part 1: Grab fourth branch on left, then fifth branch on left, then third branch on right, and then sixth branch on right. Part 2: Grab second branch on right, then fourth one on right, then top one on left, then fifth on left, then fifth one on right, then eighth (second from top) one on right. Part 3: Grab third one on left, then sixth one on right, then sixth one on left, then first one on right, then third one on right, then seventh one on right, then the eighth one on left, then on the hole.

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Senior Detective: Part 1: Grab first one on right, then second one on right, then fifth one on left, then seventh one on left, then the sixth one on right. Part 2: Grab fifth one on left, then second one on right, then fifth one on right, then seventh one on right, then third one on right, then sixth one on left, then fourth one on right, then eighth one on right. Part 3: Grab second on right, then third on right, then seventh on left, then eighth on right, then seventh on right, then fifth on right, then tenth on left, then ninth on right, then on the hole.

When Nancy gets to the top of the tree, she’ll notice a hole. Reach in the hole in the tree and grab the beetle token. As Nancy looks down, she’ll see people in cloaks chanting. Nancy will have to investigate the base of the tree tomorrow. Go back down into the room and set Nancy’s alarm to 9 A.M. When Nancy wakes up, she’ll knock her cell phone off of the desk. Look under the desk and find her cell phone, a piece of wood in the shape of Oklahoma, and a note. Apparently Danielle did get another note from the Black Cat.

The Society and the Missing Book

Go downstairs and outside. Head to the base of the tree and pick up the barrette. Looks like Mel’s. Head back inside, go upstairs and talk to Mel. She’ll tell Nancy about the Blackwood Society. It’s a secret society and all they do is chant, then leave. No one knows who anybody else is either, since all of them wear cloaks. Also, the leader wears a purplish colored cloak. Leave Mel’s room and Nancy will receive a text. The text mentions that the missing book from the library is in Izzy and Leela’s room and that it’s safe to snoop inside. Go to their room, which is right across from Rachel’s. Slide the ID card to open the door. Enter the room and go to Izzy’s desk. Take the key taped to the back of Izzy’s picture. Look at the other picture of some guy. That’s probably Leela’s ex-boyfriend that Izzy stole away from Leela.

Head over to Izzy’s trunk and use the key to open it. Look through it and Nancy will find the cloak, a purple one. She’s the leader of the Blackwood Society! Head over to the foot of Leela’s bed and look through her stuff. Nancy will find the missing book. Look at the contents of the book. Notice the ones that are related to animals that Nancy already has tokens for. Also notice the dates of the stories. However, Nancy doesn’t have all of the tokens yet, there’s one still missing.

The Map and the Raven

Set Nancy’s alarm to midnight. Sneak down to the locked classroom and use the ID card to enter. Put Oklahoma back into the map in the room and take a picture of it. Turn around and go to the raven that’s inlaid in the left pillar. Some of the pieces can move when they’re clicked on. Press them in order according to Rita Halowell’s journal.

Spoiler: Press the tail first, then the beak, then the breast feathers, then the feathers above the tail.

The raven will spin around when Nancy has pressed them in order. When that happens, the states on the map will fall off. Assemble the map back together. Start by assembling the edges first and then the

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middle. When Nancy’s done, the raven will spin until an opening appears. Take the raven token and notice that Rachel is sneaking off with a tray of food.

Rachel’s Predicament and the Cellar Wall

Go up to Rachel’s room and use the ID card to enter. Nancy will enter just when a panel in the wall closes. Head over that panel and take a close look at it. The marble in the middle can slide to any connecting space or star. The goal is to move the marble until all of the empty spaces light up while not going back over any space that’s already lit up. Here’s the order:

(Picture from WAC’s hint and tips page on

The panel will open when Nancy gets all of the stars lit up. Head up the stairs and discover that Rachel has a twin. They’ve been using Rachel’s scholarship and switching places for certain classes. For instance, Rachel will do Calculus and Kim, her twin, will to science. They tell Nancy that the reason why Rachel failed her science course is that Kim, who was supposed to do it, was sick and the teacher had surprised them with a test. They’ll also tell Nancy that they’ve been found out by someone else. That person blackmailed them to send the Black Cat notes that people received. They deny being the Black Cat and didn’t cause any of the “accidents.” Nancy will say goodnight and go back to her room to get some sleep. The next morning, Nancy will find a note for her slipped under the door.

Go to the cellar and put the tokens in the wall according to Rita’s journal and in which order they’re stories are in the book. Here’s where Nancy should position the tokens on the wall:

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(Photo from the WAC walkthrough on

When Nancy has the pieces in place, the slats will fall down and reveal an opening in the wall. Open the box and take the blueprints. Take a picture of Rita Halowell’s picture with her cat.

Iconic Pictures and Corine’s Essay

Go back to the library and plug Nancy’s phone into the USB port. Click on the website and head to the “Why Waverly?” page. Upload the icon pictures and then go upstairs to Rachel. If she talks to Nancy, then Nancy took the pictures correctly. When she talks to Nancy, she’ll ask Nancy to upload Corine’s paper onto the site. Head over to Corine and talk to her. She’ll give Nancy the essay when Nancy brings her something to eat. Turn around and head to the door. Nancy will notice that she got another note from the Black Cat.

Go to the snack shop and fill out orders. When Nancy’s done, take the snack to Corine. She’ll give Nancy the essay on a USB drive. Head back to the library and plug the USB in and upload Corine’s essay on the Academics page. Read the essay and realize that Corine knows more than she’s telling when it comes to Edgar Allen Poe.

Rita’s Hidden Treasure

Talk to Izzy about the Blackwood Society and its chant. She tells Nancy the words in the chant:

Three is fine but five is more. Even nineteen defeats four. Should just seven become lore, at least two will find the door.

Leave the library and receive at text about Izzy. Return to the library and talk to Izzy about the text. She’ll tell Nancy that her paper has been deleted. Go talk to Corine about her paper on Poe. She won’t be there, so look around her desk and notice the sticky note that says “Cellar.” Enter the cellar and head to the furnace. The noise Nancy’s hearing is coming from behind there. Pick up the blueprints on the right of the furnace. These blueprints show the levers on the furnace and has each of them labeled. The

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ones that Nancy found behind the wall show a secret passage behind the furnace. Using the blueprints that Nancy just found and the chant, click on the necessary levers. When Nancy has flipped the correct levers, the furnace will open up and Nancy can go through it into the secret room that’s behind it.

Spoiler: pull levers 3, 5, 19, 4, 7, and 2 in that order.

Go through the furnace and into the secret room to discover the culprit and Rita’s hidden treasure. The treasure is an unpublished Poe manuscript that Rita hid after she came to Waverly. The culprit will take the manuscript and run, leaving Nancy trapped. An axe will appear and start swinging. It’ll get lower and lower if Nancy doesn’t solve the circle puzzle. In order to solve it, all of the shapes in the circle need to be removed. Don’t forget to pull the lever after moving each circle in to remove the shapes.

Spoiler: Move the circles in this order.

2 ---- 34 ---- 1

When Nancy’s done, she’ll be able to walk up the stairs and watch the culprit get caught. The twins also are found out that they’re using one scholarship for the both of them. Also, Megan returns to school and the rest compete for valedictorian.

The End?

Congratulations on completing the Warnings at Waverly Academy. If this is your first time playing, I hope you found this walkthrough helpful and the game super fun. If it is or isn’t your first game, hopefully it’ll lead you to play the other, fun Nancy Drew games done by HerInteractive. Thanks for playing! NDFan.