
Meet Str*r.rr" D*"*b- PhtlP*' {ar*

a \ ACCovPLISHtD intenario_al Gra_d Prix'or)pe$or

/ \ suzanne oansuv Pnelps has her eghts set on

f \ narrne the rear" {or rne 2008 olvmp'cs suzanne

rras Oeen rong o, srton 'istea tot the JSn orcss.''age (eam 'or

$e Dast seven yearc and last vedrshe "ras

a us €am

altemate n Germanv for the Wolld Equ€sfan Games --

sllaale is -dnleo.TolClle top ten JS dde6'n ne FFI

World Rankings for the D€ssage


HEA0L! [s wlTll



f MERNAI0NAL d,es$se competiror,

I Suzame Dansby+helps rs known lor her

-l commitmenl of giving back" lo the

dressag€ communiv. To that €nd, she has out

lined a numb€roitialningar|cles,sho(fornatdr$sage u;iningtips, and jounalnotes irom







her pe|s0nal joumey to th€

2006Wo d Equest an

Games, Suzanneotfe6

these arlicles lo equeskian

publicalions. She is happy to \4ork $ith editors

and wfters on dressage €lated topics ihat thej

are cove ng Sh€ is availabb for "r\sl $eEypens" and slmilar Q & A fomars. FeeL ir€e to

contad Suzanne to utllize her knowledae,

exp€nise and personal dBssate experi6nces

as a resource for your publcation.








2561Boher Raad aiama,0A 30327

404403 3SOO dhfd€ssage@aol',com

{\Nvr.dancingho6elarmdresge com. ..llanrc

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\linr;ng leanl Ridor

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Suzanne Dansby-Phelps' New Chargc Wins ltigh Score at Poplar Place F'arm May l)ressa... I'age I of I

Frorrr wwubtridleandbil com


Suzanne Dansby-Phelps' New Charge Wins High Score at Poplar Place Farm MayDressageBVJun 4,2007, 19r31

Suzanne Dansby'Phelps debuted her newest horse last week at the PoplarPlace Farm IVay Dressage Show and Rower BEproved lhat lhe new kid on the block has what it takes lo keep up with his Champion stable mates, Cooper and Kasper.

Rower BE is a 7-year old Rhinelander gelding by Rubioso N. Dansby Phelps debuted him at second leveland earned a73.243% in Second LevelTest 4 from "O" judge, Gary Rockwell. Rowet BE also won his Second LevelTesls undetjudge,Jane Weatherwax. Dansby-Phelps was thrilled when she was presenled lhe beautitul elched gla$ lrophy and ti-coloredribbon for lhe USDF level High Score of the show. "Since this was our frsl show logelher, I did not know what to expec'r, saidDansby-Phelps, "His honesty in the was a pleasant surprise. I experimented with slighl variances in thewarm-uproutines, too.'The formula obviously worked as both ludges rewarded the pair wilh very high scot€s. In keeping with hermmmitmentto give back to thecommunity, Dansby-Phelps willdonate her prize money lo a localchatity.

Dansby-Phelps and Rower BE's stable fiate, Kasper, also enjoyed a victorious show Th€ pair won the Grand Prix FreestyleChs mpionship with a score of71.5% and FEI Reserve Champion6hip with 66.8% Grand Prix scofe. "We had greal ides and ilis always a such a pleasure to show ai Poplaf Place Farm", said Dansby Phelps, Donns and Gary Stegman, lhe farm ownersand shor manage6, put on a first-class show with top judges, superior{uality footing, and lot's of excitement for competitorsand spectalors. They a.e some of the besl show managers I have ever come across."

Dansby-Phelps who has been lisled for the USET dressage team for the pa8t seven yeels and was a 2006 USET leamaltomate in Germany for the World Equestrian Games, willfocus on Gladstone and the USET Fesiivgl of Champions ovet lhenerl few weeks, giving Rower BE sorne much deseoed time to bask in the glory ol his very succ€isful debut at Poplar PlaceFarm.cqlPhotor Suznne oansby-Ph€lps and Rower BE showing the fotm that wo. th€m the overau USDF L€vel High Score of theShow at Poplar Place Farm l\,4ay Dressage Show. (Photo court€sy ofDavid i4ullinax Photography)

httpi/ an1'w.bridleandbit.con/artmai,/publishy'p nter-I 8 | 28.shtml 'Ilt2/2007


Suzanne Dansbv Phelps-

2008. A Year for Family Focus and a Season of Training

Well known on the international Grand Prix dressage circuit, Suzanne Dansby Phelpshas her focus on some new goals. This accomplished competilor has been long or shortlisted for the USET dressage team for the past seven years. In 2006, she waE a USteam alternate in Germany for the World Equestrian Games. A familiar face on theGrand Prix dressage circuit, Suzanne has taken this opportunity to reorgan;ze in 2008and focus on some new goals. And they start at home.

Suzanne and beau, Brooks Bollman, retum€d from a trip to the Florida Keys engaged!Wedding plans are now being sch€duled between training and show schedules. Theywill unite their two families and Suzanne will maintain her training schedule at DancingHorse Farm. Conrad Schumacher will be coming to the United States to train Suzanneregularly. This joyfui occasion will have Suzanne staying in Atlanta this winter seasonand focusing on family, her oncoming wedding and advancing her youngest star, RowerBE.

While Suzanne is centered on new riding and training goals this winter, her famousGrand Prix partner, Cooper, is back in action after under going rehabilitation afiersustaining a minor injury. He is in train'ng, but will not be competing on the Florida wintercircuit. Suzanne may enter him in spring CDI's at Paxton, Lamplight and Raleigh toqualify tor the Olympic Selection Trials for Hong Kong 2008, but her first priority isCooper's fitness and wellbeing. "lf he is at 110% in April , we may try qualifying for theTrials", said Suzanne, "but only time wjil tell. Rjght now it is Just great to riding andtraining him everyday".

Meanwhile, Kasper, Coopeis talented Grand Prix stablemate, will continue his trainingwhile he is offered for sale. And Suzanne is also concentrating herfocus on Rower BE,who is progressing qujckly and will most likely make his FEI level debut this summer inthe Prix St George.

When Suzanne debuted the young Rhinelander gelding, Rower BE, early in Septemberhe earned top scores from some of the sport's most respected judges. On his first trip tothe show ring, Rower BE scored a 73.2430,6 and won his Second Level Test 4 ciass.Two shows later, he followed this performance by winning both his Second Levelclasses with scores in the 70's at the Poplar Place Farm Dressage Show held inHamilton, ceorgia. This time Rower BE had the highest score at the show, a 78.810o/ofrom judge, Linda zang, which gave him a decisive win in the Second Level Test 4 class.

Suzanne is also excited to have time to spend with her extended family of ridingstudents. "Coaching is a joy for me", Suzanne told us, and "lt is so exciting to developriders and their horses". Suzanne's' students had a banner year in 2007 and she hopesto help them continue their winning ways this year.

With all this and wedding plans to be made for this summer, Suzanne has a full-timeschedule of fun, farm and family in front of her. " I am focused on my riding and training


Pagc 2 of2

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warmbloo& natuclly ofier the elaniq extravagantm@ement rcughl atierin the dre$age arena

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Thursday, February 21. 2008 America Online: Dhfdressase


2OO8 USDF Regionals," Dansby-Phelps said "Elyssa already has one second- level score under her

belt. I could not be haPPier."

Dansby-Phelps best known for her exemplary skills at FEI Level dressage competitions, was pleased

about ihe scores hef Dancing HoGe Farm students racked up "We have an exc1ing season of hard work

ahead of us; consistency is k;y," she added. Dansby-Phelps, who has been either short of long listed Jor

the united states Team for seven consecutive years, knows what it takes to fepeat a performance. "l feel

after observing their tests that I am training riders who will go the distance These remarkable young

women have ;y full support and I shallteach them everythlng I know about competing at the top levels "

All Smiles-The Dancing HorseFarm Team celebrate a victoriousshow with a picnic at the PoplarPlace October Dressage Show (leftto ight: l\,lelody l\4oore (Elyssa'smother) Elyssa Eidbo, coach,Suzanne Dansby Pheips, JesseMason and Francesca Barbera

Page 1 of 1

g{, r se8 loo u gf e,u r. oo m

Send Comp imentary Rnqton€sto your.el.Horge Shgw for window€24l7 Supporvr.4urr Breed capab!lty Free

Dancing Horse Dressage Riders Victorious at Popiaf PlaceAtlanta. GA. USA

Grand Pdx dressage rider, Suzanne Dansby-Phelps, could not have been more impressed with the

accomplishments of her up and coming students, who dominated the competition at The Poplar Place

October Dressage Show. "All three of my students swept their classes with great scores at Poplar Place'Dansby-Phelps glowed. As you can imagine, I am feally p.oud of them!"

Elyssa Eidbo, ding l\lentor, a 13 year old Dutch Warmblood,earned the High Score of Show with 71.628% in Second Level Test3. This was especially impressive because it was Elyssa's first showon I\,4entor. Not to be outdone, Jesse lVIason, rode Lutz for the firsttime in a show and won all three of her Second Level Tests Lutz a'13-year- old Oldenburg gelding, owned by Sarah Bochar, posted

scores of 67.38% in Second Level Test 4, 65.4% in Second LevelTest 2 and 62.6% in Second LevelTest 4. Dansby-Phelp's studentFrancesca Barbera, secured h^/o qualifying scofes on Grand Cruwith a first place score of 68.14% -fhird Level Test 3 and againplaced firct with a score of 63.488% at Third Level, Test 3 Thesetwo scores afe qualifiers toward the 2008 USDF RegionalChampionships.

"Elvssa and Jesse both acquired the Second Level scores neededforiheir L.JSDF bronze medals. Ihen Francesca qualified for the

httpr//wwr'.holseshowne$ s.contequeshiannews.php?news=2007 I I 1 6A 12t51200'7


Hunter.Tumper News ) Blog Archive )) Suzanne Dansby-I'he1ps and Cooper 19 Rorrow a ... Pagelof2

Hunter Jumper News --

Suzanne Dansby-Phelps and Cooper 19 Borrow a Page FromSuperman's Soundtrack to Win FEI Grand Prix Freestyle CDI

ellington. FL March 2,1, 2007 - As the Zada Enteprises, LLC WBF Drcssagc

lassjc at the Winter Equest an festival winds dorn, Suzanne Dansb,v-Phelpsinues to top the scoreboilrds. Aboard Cooper, she ezrned a 70.40 percenl today

lhc ffl CrJndPrixlreesl)leCDI lbrtheuirt. ln)e'terdr) 'CrdnJPr'r Spr'cial.l-c piloled Uoubcrgh s Ka"par t" r ictoq . Dan.b) -Phclp. o$ ns Dcniirg Horse

15-year-old chcstnut geldiig slands at 18.3 hands.

"I'nl lery excitcd (about the tesl today)," she explained. "l feel likc Cloopei really deserves nost oflhecredit because he's got such a big heart. He concentrates on his work: He's wonderlll that way. I le'stotally stal$'art and a hard u'orker."

Dansby-Phelps' lieeslyle, \'hich she choreographed herself. has a very high level oftcchnical difficultyand uses one-tcnpi changes on a 2O-metcr circle, double pirouettes on center line and transitions fromthe canter directly into passage. Her music is ftom the "Superman" and "Superman Returns"soundtlacks aod combines an entefiainjng mix ofsourds, including "Lex LLlther's Lriau," a Halvaiiansong.

"I chose the tlawaiian music because the rest ofthe music is so big. Thc tlawaiian music adds a linlelightness to it. I thinli it's frn to add a surprise here and there in the choreography it keeps people

motivated when they're watching thc ride. And. I think thc horscs hear it and enjoy it," she cornmenlcd.

She continued, "Cooper's nicknane is Super Coop, so lhat's one ofthc reasons Sr.tpennan kind of stuck.At first jt was a little skelch): it !1as rcally kind ofhard to bring it all together with this music because itchanges a lot. We had to do a lot ofeditilg lo rnake it rcally smooth and continuous."

This rva,s onl-v the second time Dansby-Phelps petfonned the fieestyle in conpctition, and she noled thalshe wiil continue to llleak the music and movernents to highlight Cooper's best qualiiics.-l he pair is

:rlready qualified 1br the League Finals in Burbirrlk. CA, and Dansby-Phelps sajd that she has sel the2008 Olynpic Tcam in her sights.

"l aspire to make the tcam lbr 2008 for the Olynrpics," she etplained. "'lhere is no reason why aDything

should stop us lion making the team. He is definitely a world-class horse, and ne'lejust going to keepon training and \a,orking towafd the goal ofbrillgillg il together so 1ve oat provide a perlbnDance that

will reflcct that.''

Dr. Ccsar Parra and Ecu 8 took sccond place in the Gfand Prix |rccstl le, earning a 67.350 percent fortheir pcrformance. George Wiiliams and Marnix, owned by Joann Smith, finished in third placc with a

61.600 percenl.

In the Itrl lntenncdiaire I CDI. which was run ovcr the course ol-two days, Shatna llarding and Comc

On n set the earlJ lcacl with a 70.250 percent. Ilardirg's score held though the rcmaindcl ofthe ridersfor the win. Sccond place \\,ent lo Christoplrer Ilickey and Regent. $'ho also won the l-EI Prix St.

Iram in Atlanta, G,A, and has becn parlnered \aith Cooper 1br fivc 1,cars. Thc flash1'

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Flunter Jumper Nervs t BIog Archive ) Suzanne Dansby-Phelps and Cooper l9 Botow a... Page2of2

Georges CDI this weekend. In the I-I, the pair earned a 69.667 percent liom thejudges. Silke Rembaczand Millenium took third place with a 68.083 percent.

Caroline Roffman earned blue again today in the FEI Young Rider Pdx St. George CDIY \lith Bulgari 5

and a score of69.250 percenl. Hannah Holland Shook and Cape Torer followed in sccond place with a66.950 percent, and Devon Kane piloted Douwe to third place with a 65.700 percent.

Competition at the Zada Enterprises, LLC WEF Dressage Classic CDI-W CDIY will concludetomolrow aflemoon.

March 24th, 2007 | Chrissy Lane I

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Above the BitIvlry is |ry nors. habiluallyiclrclanr ro accept the bft iD

lhe be8nrrrnrg ol our,idc, cv.nthou8h shc has bcen propedy schooled

b)'a rcputrble hain€r and I take a lesson

ea.h wcekl Shc h a sensitile, foNard!'],.aFo1d iranblood

'nare, ard s.e are

shoa'ing l,i$t level while schooling scc-

ond. She is haptl ro ltalN on a lon.g rtlnor io worl lorg and low but, as I nat topi.k np thc conlact, slre always omcsabove lhebit. I, in nrm, havc to givc hrfr lew srtu1g hauhalts with Le.dnrS t.l

Eet a (orncclion. What's -irou advice?

Name 1lithheld b,v rc!uest

Crsan Pannalvhen leading you question,

Jn), fist lhought r{as to ma}ie

sure that yolr mar€ rs.omturt-alrle in the bftlle, that her lccth hale

been ch.cked and that the liit is not (rllbhg or pln.hing. Rlbs $rr o.ctr. fto'n a

bit that is not lonS endrgh, rhus cltch-ing rhe skin iri ib! rnrgs or.dges ol the

bii l hc bit should be posiiio.ed so yo(

set two naidles in the skin b.hind tlrc

cn.l of dre bit on eaclr sidc oi fi€moulh; thh will ensur€ that it is neilher

too high noi too lo'tAho, havc tour v€terinx.iin conilnn

ftri ).our nare is.omtbtable in lrer

bacL an.l liave lhe ht of ) ou saddlt

.hecked bva saddlc litl.r Once ).o!'rentled our !ht'5ica1 foblenb an.l you

lalolL that \otrr ho6c is $uDd a d coln

toftirble, you .an address training issucs

To mate _vour ho6c rcach for the bit\rhen picking up the contact I suSSest

he lbllowing €x$cis.: ln your transition

Irorn the hee salk on the buckle to a

walk rLiilr more co..cction-which is

Gually dre mediun nalk at Uie lorler

Ie!€ls-pfactlce tildng up th€ rci.rslo!v\', while leg yielding slighll,! aira]

hon1 yol lnside l€g. Althouilh )oLl arc

ceirainly usi'gtour leE lr\ dre lradsition

from nee walk to medidm nalk, _votr

rlati.ot gct c.orgh rcachon l10m _vorrlcg ]h. leg yirld will help you e5tabLi91

! Lretter respoDse to your leg. ln the l.gyicl.l, b. n& that.your mare contimres

to go foF{a htrile al5o g.nr8 a bitsiclcwa,ls, bul make sure that she only

Soes as much sidewa_ls as _vo( ask. lbrrnrside leg d.iv.s thc horse, aD.l_!our oulside leg determines how much 5nle$ays

Cathcf thc r.jns nonlt thjnkingabort pushing her into i|e ourside rcin!on your inside leg. As you pnsh,8ll'c

lnall hall haLts on Uie outside lejn. Ilshc throNs hcr head up, ftrn qujetly a lornetcr clrclc, tlren continue toaskherto nrore loiward and si.letlays

fronl y(Di nxide leg. Yoxr goal is to onlythink ora leg )'ield (later also 5houl.ieF

io.e) in lhc fualsitjon to r€nLtorc€ tonrcorue.tion belwee! the inside leg and

the outside Fnt,le€ping h$ reaching lorthe bit in the tran\iilon,

Iransilions withi tle i{alk need lo

be rlddeD Lhoughifully ind thorouShly.

lhey cube diffjcull. I nork every day

s'ith mv hores on the transition be-

ti'een extended rvllk an.i L_ollccled walk.

My Soal1s that thc ho6t a.cells lhe bitand maintains. rclaxcd walk $'ilh a

clear four beet rh)thm dulnt the transi

tion. I iepeat tlie transitiorl licqucnutEach tnne I shorten thr reirrs, I ttrink ofshorlder fore or sonetnncs cte.haftrches-in, corceutatirS on mdi.tanr-jng thc rh,vthm and relaxdtion ofthrr€lk. to, ste_rrelaed, use $lrat i crlL

"!lict te6GLence" and e ioy yourride.

5tayrng uentereoat Canter

,\t the canre! ny seat liee!tr

movnrg backa'ael to the rear

ol the saddle. What can I do tokeep ihi\ iiom

Carocl vall.)t aallfornia

Pre5idenr oI the lniercollesiore D.esoseAssociorion As ossociote professor ofequiie rludies dllohnson & Woles Unl.

veBiry she dire.h irs Cenrer for Equine

Srudies in Rehoboth, Mo$ochusens.

Beih Beukema

tion {USDF) bronze ond



dre$oge ieom for seveo

Cesar Pana, DDS,.oopered fof colomb'o

rhe 2002 Wond Eques

Melyni Worth, PhD,

roined perlormonce horss{or 28 yeo*.she hos o

ond exerci* physiology

Fon Vnqinio Polraahnic



o[emore for rhe 2006 Woid Equestridn

Gdmes. she is ronked dmong rie rop U S

ride6 oi rie BCMIFE] woid Ronkings. AUSDF gold medolkr, she op€rcres DoicingHor5e Dressoge Form in Allonlo, Geo€io.

folrih ol rhe Pon Aheri.on Gomes in the

Doninicon Republi. A populo, clini.ion,

he i5 bosed in Whilehouse Srorion, New

Je6e, ond lupir6,, Florido. His Web riieis pioff

lnsi'tuie ond is ourhor ol fie book fguireNlttior. Her Foxden Equine monufoctuEE

equine supplehenh oid is bosed in Stuorls

Drofi, Virginio foxdeneq!ine..oml.

Hd6 o question ob.ut dGsoge? Anoil i!lo [email protected] .t send to

Dc*oge lad.y, 656 Auin.e Otchod Rd.,

Suite 600, Aoihe.sbu's, MD 2o87e-Ask the

E,pad: k bnpihd byEeln

lorcnbd 2007 Drcss.geToday 77


Page I of 1


p[!.rtubb@mar@mro DhrdG*aqe@4otdr


Catching Up: Karin Reid Offield says she had a great time in N6dJersey over tne summer, bul rs eager 10 head back down 1o wellie-world. The high point of her slm,ner was winning her rirsl grand prix

on Lingh - she's siitl in the clouds after that vicioryl

3( Inlernational ridefand, Suzanne Dansby-Phelps and hertar-ented and larger thsn life lartier, CGFer. can ow be seen onYouTube com. Ceper, an anazi.s 18.3 hand Holsleiner selding, is

oooular fxlu.e on the CDI Grard prix circoit. The re@nily posted

YouTL'be.conr video shows PheLps and c@per danchg throlgh theGrand Pdx Ffeeslyle at the Washington litemEtional Horse Show BesL.lie lo cEtch ii. While there, check out the besl jn Eurcpe video

A fahiliar Fr'esian lovi.q t ce in Wellinston K shaana Pritchsrd-Risley. That is, of coulse, if yoLr can ever soe her face as t is ofrenbehind a can€ra Lens. Her stunning equeslrian pr,obgraphy hasthriled Lrs all over the years at horse shows. well .. ihe Paim BeachPosi oincialiy announced tire winners ol it s Focus on Naturc" pholography contesi! Therc were ove.3000 enhies from Florida and 12statesl Shaana was in looch wllh ler botani€l side when she enlered

lhe "Planis" caiegory arnongsl 542 other enirles.. and afl€zingry

Wod hoo! You go. 9a I

ll was nice lo see writer/ider, Tami Hoag b€ck in lhe winner's circlearier rhe ross ol her beloved. Coc, Channe Tamiwon lhe grand pixtwo days ir a row at ihe Soori lnlernalional Show in Somas,California last week. Tami rode Felik 10 a 70.250 % and 69.375% tosecure the wlns. Taml lold us Feliki got an 8 on subhission ..., wh'chshe sald, with a laugh tl€s a f,rslJ At hventy yearc old. Feliki is asspunky a.d opinionated as ever! Boyer ot Harnpion Grcen in Wellinqton ,nd

1'lrursday, September 20, 2007 America Online: Dhldressage


Page I r)f 1


MDC StirrupsE Sponsors Drersoge Compelilor, Suuonne Don!by-Phelps

cEic h! :rb!dr' lr:n-

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G:D!: :-+*p-b",, rsot r!:E ":& n- ir'!:"b:"i

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BWFA Cqlenddr


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Mirion ThrraFolticniding Csnl€r ofianlation,Training

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GOASTAT HAY ROLLS3,0ooEorr. AEilablel{ow: r[di IArhln,bd iraFlEou{-fl k a,r "":*y:

ftou!m.leedsbne doo t mGs nris.hrmtu nlw a shrdr {pplr o{ qutrrity h.t rorr' niir

winhls hry 5ttr|llB Nill be Nffi tha 16l r.irl



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l€J? Suzarne Dantby-Pielpr believes thal improv€d conmuni@lion between dd€rs and irdSet will help nake lhe sport betler for €v€ryon€.

,&rt "Ihe guidelims for iudget are now much moie ttriC mor€ narow," said Ciarlott€ Bredail-Baker, who began iudging 22 yeaE ago

Was his croup high? Was he tense or relaxed:HoN Nas the qualit, of tlr canterl Did therider sit quiet? Thse arc just some of thethings thejudge mun take into considerationin jlsi one nolenent.'

In fa.t, most ridds don't seem b disDutethatjudging is a diff,cultjob, but lbet do ha!€their sxggstions for furiher nnprovemett.And Dansbr Phelps sid ridersneed tobeconenore vocal in expressing thedselves and alsoihat connunicaLion bet\teen ride6 anrljudges sholld ircrede.

Hausman, vho going tbrolrghthe USD! "L" judges lrognm and hasludeedschooling shows, agreed that thefel noihinEedy rnout judging. "Id agree thai it's not

lFossible lo be entnely objective," she said."Subjectivity is part of huftan nature.

she suggested more transpafency inscors, such rs posti.g riderj fuil scores so

tlat everyone can see ho$' each judge scoredevery movemeni, rather than just post'ng

olerall scores for nolenenls.Politz said lhai video could b€ more

$idely used, especiall! in forums {hereludgesand rides an interact and discu$ hov thelideotaped rides Nere scored- He also sug

Ested that the idea of cst ride6' bc

revisited, pointing out ihat such a ride 1usused in the 1984 Olymnics. In thrt pariicllircas.,judges scored a ride as ifitwas pari ofthecompetition and tlen compared notes to besure the,\, {ere all in sync before the aciual

lor his parl, Balkenhol doesn't expectchange to occrr any tine soon, bui he saidjudging, and parlic!larl, the qualificatio.srequired iof it, n a topic urat ought to b€ outihere and widely discu$ed- Certainl,v. h.sdoing his part to lrt the issue outthere in thepublic rexlm t. the chagdn ofsomejudEes.

''Chan€e takes time. No oneexpectsthis tochange from one da, io the nert, bul the sub'ject hs to be Fut on lhe table and discused inorderfor change io come about," he said.

Dlessage At Longyiew | & llKANsAs Ctry MO-MAY 5-6.jUD6B:8€Ey.c|h&Pi8eHhd,+ha

^ a/^ hrq. !*t a a - r Mdd cct M. Norek trGa

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r 4/a r€, r r ' r. cel!. ftrior r. HowdL ono; , ork, M

viiLoEftse'B'f,'ossrH 'yPd^'y.sn6o60r,LFrDit4PRkhi62'


r,^.Lra.,rr r.nne kewcr.€u

^A/A4,r4-r c&Mr4trshe

Rdh s.0; r. Fadqm5t th, r clnbeno'd, 6r ,0.

^ opli r& r { . I bdy bEhi P



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6rrr.Malo4&qr ^t^f4nk

5a6d r a/A 4d krcr, x 2 r. wijombo e onuid $.ra

The Chronicle of the Horsr



Suzanne Dansby-PhelpsFive Questions for

Suzanne Dansbv Phelos is based in Atlank at her dres-sage tainhg facility, Dancing Horce Farm. Like manycompetitive FEI dressage nderc, Suzanne winte.s inWellinglon, Floida and nost recenw hds spent her sum-me's training in Eurcpe. Suzanne has eamed het USDFSllver and Gold Medals and has been long ot shon llstedfor lhe USEI dressago lean for the pasl seven years. In2006. after a top 6 tinisa at Gladstone, she was aelecleclas a US tean allernate in Gemany fot the WorldEquestian Ganes. Suzanne, a nmlher of lwo, gives agreat deal of her tina and rcsourcas to chally.

Sldelines: How did you gei staned in D€ssage?SDP: In 1984, whil€ living in Oelroit, ldecided to return toriding aller s€veral years ofi and fell in love wilh dressage.Th€n, I b€gan tnining 6t Shine-A-Bit Fam with ChuckGrant in Brlghton, ftrichigan. In 1985, a client of KathyConnelly's had a 16 year-old schoolmast€r for sale thal M.Orant had lrained. With his encoufagemeni, I purchasedNlountain Dancer (aka Prussian Gold), lhe best move lod6te for my education in dre9sag6.

Sidelines: What was the highlight of your compeliiivecareer snd whai a€ your goals for2008?SDP: The most defning moment occufted at D€von in2004 when Cooper and I were exiling the arena etter anel6clnc, misty, nlghl time, grand prix musical freestyls de.As lhe score appeared on the scoreboard, lhe €rtile crowdbooedl lt was unanimous 1o them that ihe judges undeFscored our ridel llwas atthat mom€ntthat lroalized lwasnot doing lhis all alone, that the.e is all of this support 'outthere' fiom our fans and ouf friends. Until ihal night, I hadno idea of the suppod we id6rs and competilors rec€ivefrom theln! Thanks lo all of you 'out lherel

Sidelines: Tell us about you amazing grand prix partner,

Cooper, what is like kaining and competing him?sDP: Cooper is an anomaly. Firsl otall, his size is againstall odds in his maklng it as an intemational{uality dres-sag€ horse. His disposition, talent, and mostofall, his willingness to perfom beat these odds. Cooper is a blasl torid6l H€ loves to go toruad, and probably could havebeen a racs horse in his former life, because his lavoritelhing to do is lo gallop! Luckily, he has the ability to chan-nelthat energy into beaLrllfui, adistic 6xpression. H€ reallyenjoys perfoming and is excaplionally concentrated wh€nin th€ show aren6. under all condllions.

Sid€lines: Who are your role models?SDP: Chuck Grant, my first dressage train€f, exemplili€dhorcemanshlp in all asp6cts. He made sure that we slu-d€nts underslood thal we, as ddor6 make most of lhe mis-tak$, and rarely th€ horses- Other role mod€ls lncludemy grandmother, who bor€ fve children in a one-bodroomfarmhouse in centralAiabama and worked thmughout herlife, Sh6 was a devoied Chdslian and arcse ai 5 o'clock6ach rnoming to cook hot meals for her family b€fore goingto work et her florist shoo. I also admir€ fomer vice-chan-

cellor of The Universily of the South, Bob Ayres, who is acess{uland elhical business man, a great leader, and ah/vay

tened to th€ students. I also hav€ lo lhrow in Joe Fargis's n,

loo. He has no idea, but for a v6ry long time, Ive beonobling the example he sets. He has devoledly served as a {montor snd lrainer to hb sludenb. clients and to tlre entirc h

community ov6r the yeals-

Sidelines: You are known as a great contr;butor to chiWhat prompted you to donate your winnings to charity anryou think other derc will follow your exampl€?SDP: lvly fiother! side of the farnily has always been ph

thropic, involved in giving back io the community. I have eiseNed on foundation or non-p.oft boards all of my adull life,

contribuH either as a volunteer or moneta.ily. At lhe momghave pledges made to several charities ovef ihe next five y€So, afrer winning .nonsy al the shows on a rro'€ corsrgbasis, lt occufied to me ihat I should give ttut ftoney back lolocal charities where the shows lake place, or to the chasome of the shows help raise funds for, like Devon, which raimoney for Thomcroft, a lherap€utic ridjng cenief. And, y€surely hope and encourage olher dd6rs to follow suill AJrce

Nanry Lat€r gave h€r prize mon€y from the February Wellingd'€ssage show to the Well,ngtor chdprer ofLymphoma/Leukemia Society and requesled otheB to match I

grani, which she said they did-


t{oFarE;Elsi & H!!n}l AnI t-t tEls

Philanthropic Riders Find Satisfactionln More Than Ribbons

Hofses inspire different people in different aays, and for these threeride$ giuing back to the community lhrough horses is a natural sh2p

For Grand Prix dressage to her iaie hos., Devereiu. She support5 theLr.S. Diessage Federation Alildilg Fund

and the USDF Natioral Chnd Prix

.And i took over the family folndation. Iwas so young, but t had grovn !p understanding that baking the world a betterplace through giving {as not a choice but a

Dansby-Pnelps also donares her equestrian earni'rEs to locll charities where shehappens to b€ competing. She does ih'sqlietl) but said her intention is to sei aneranple oleiljng back io the comnunityandto try to break do{D the barrier thatsurounds the percepiion that ihe equestdan Norld erists in a rarelied bubble of

Shed already been doing erhibition rideslor the Salvaiion Arny and Ior chrriLablen.n-profito.ganizatjonstohelp ihelictiinsof9/11- Thar in 2001. Nhile competing atDre$age Al Devon (Pa.), ir occurred to he! todonate the honey she {o. in the Grand Prixclasses to Thorncrofl, the local non proiilLherarcutic riding program-

'The lhordcroft people gave me such ahuge responF," she dplain?d, 'that I decidedto do uris a,erywhere I rode.

Ii the 2004 LrSD!- R.! n 3 Championships, Dansbr,-fhelDs offered io double

rider Suzanne Dansby-Phelps, horses have pro- q and Intermediaire Champion

ships (N-J.1.vided a continuingopportunity to impactpeople posiiively in and out

DansbrPhelps, 48, owneroI Dancing Horse Farn inAtlnnta, Ca., is a ron& oIEface and empathy. thll andpoised, she has the sweet deep


She said that she gen*ellr prefers to give locall)'raiher ihan nationally edliks to get involved pe6on-ally byvolunteding her time

"Mr Dother died when I$as 18 teas old,' she said.

sftile and gentle but nrm loic€ that reilectsher steely dedicationto hercompetiti!e eq!estrian lile and her .omhitment ro .hditablegiving

Da.sby-Phelps w$ short'lined for the2006 \{orld Equesirian Cames team andtrained last summer in Cema.y with herl5-),ear-old Ho neiner gelding, Coolrer lrorhe., success is a luncLion of doing $hat youbelieve ii io the best oflour abilitks.

''For ne," Dansby Phelps said hon$tbr'tiding forced ne io face my fean and doubtsabout selfso,th. lt gave me lhe arc.a inNhirh io become Feaonall! Cio!nded in ttusi-hones! and discirline- Ile leained fron nrho8es to be humble erd io have compdsionnr mlself s wellas fof othe6-"

Dansbr Phelps is a phllanthropistnho gnrs privately and generously to causesinside and o!hide of the horse sorld.Her interest is humanitarian, and shetargets health issu$, drild abuse ilieneDiioDF!ograms. aninral welfare, education andthe lerforning arts, as well as specjfic

She cuently sits on the boards oi theAninul Health Tnst/lls ard the Slsan Mott\tebb Chaitable Trust and js u honoraryboard memb?. ,I lhe Shade 'Llee Home forCiis in Edgeiield, S.C.

In 1994, she built an indoor ridin€arena for her alna mater, Sewaree: TheLrnilersit! 0i lhe South l'l!nn.) as a tribute

crand Pix dressage rider Suzanne

Dansby-phelpt believes ia cortdb{tingto nany charili€s and dvir o4anitations

and donates lhe prize non€y she wins

in compelitior to orSanizations.


o mun oI Neighbor Nertspapel's

The National Monuments Foundat;on heldhard-hat tour and tent party last monil! at usite of the l\,4illennium Gate Monument at AtlaqStatlon. Suzanne Dansby-Phelps and Hall\,4clarty hosied the event, which coniribltledthe foundation's ongoing capiial campaign. Tlfoundation has raised more than $11 rnillioi-ldate. An anonymous donation of $150,000 wpledged Tuesday evening for a monumenlsculpture by Frederick HarL. Conslruclio' i wunder way, wilh complellon scheduled in Febrary. Left, from left. architect Rodney Mirns CorJr., Suzanne Dansby-Pheips and Hank li,4cLarBelow, A rendering of the mcnument, tc be corpleted in Februafy.

ISpeclal photos


For Immediute Relesse:For morc information contact:

Suzarute Dansby-Phelps(404) 603-3900


Suzanne Danstry-Phelp's Dressage PerformanceDisplayed on

Arlanta" cA- lntcmational Cirand Prix dressage rider and tainer, Suzanne Dansby-Phelps

and her talented partner. Cooper can now be seen on You'l' Cooper, an amazing

18.3 hand Holsteiner gelding, is popular hxture on the CDI Grand Prix circuit. The

recently posted video shorvs Phelps and Cooper dancing through the

Grand Prix Freestyle at the Washington Intemational Horsc Show.

Suzanne Dansby-Phelps and Cooper bave had a successfirl career together' including

travcling to Germany to be an altemate pair for last year's [J.S dressage team at the

World [qucstrian Games. Phelps has been either short- or longJisted for thc U.S teanlor seven consecutivc years.

Shortly after their retum to the Slates, Phelps and Cooper were invited 10 the $25'000Dressage lnvitational at the W&shington Intenatiooal ljorse Show. 'fhis honor only

included three other horse and rider combinations The dramatic Musical Freestyle

competitjon was hosted the last night ofthe competition. Phelps was the fiIst competitor

to enter the arena in front ofa crowd ofmorc than 10.000 onlookers

In the video, the audience can be heard cheeriag at many differenl times during the ride'

showing their obvious approval ofthe horse, the movements, and the music Thcjudges

also displayed their approval ol^this test by awarding Phelps and Cooper with a score of70.94% fbr the Freestyle pcrformance lhis exciting dressage clip can be viewed at


Photo: Suzalne Dansby-Phelps and You costar, Cooper


Cocktail Reception at Gladstone F{onorsFestival of Champion Participants


he USETFoddarion hosted ! CocktailRc.epLion in the Trophy Roon abov€thc at Gladslone on Fridav

evenxrg. June 15, jn honor of thc riders,owne$, an.l sponsors at |ne CollecfingC.its Farn/USEF Dressage Fcstivat ofChanpions. Following the day's .ompeti-tion, mo.e than 200 inviled gxesis mvigatcd the stai..ase to the historic ci.culdTrophy lioom riiih its baicony overlookingthe Di.k and Jane Brown Dfessage attendees enioycd .ocktails andhors d'oeuvres and ihe opporbrnitt/ to.hatwith fellow aficionndos. cucsrsin.luded sponso6, riders, own$s, USEflou.lailon Gold Mcdal Club ncmbers,and memb-"rs of thc USET FoundalionBoard ofTrlstees. &

Srzar!\e Da.sby Phelps rid Rii,!*s aolnrn

Las Pltrsc. md crrol La! all crrr G rrffnrrn ri l e $r lrrlnr

susm Duna a.d Mi.hier rranson. atuis Hi.liey indlm! M3.Elr.e

r vedei PotJr, tDmbldi i2 aoliret Kf3, (on! .

r lnP H:nn 8in, r,lakEini 63 l].rii lich 8r{iP \eiud, .671:t!6 suntrl)dt, Crm+m!Lia 611.r5

couberxh!Kd|]q .. .. 6j:D7

$ond.nnl\frldei .. . 6r.t30;0 Ceote wliams \,lin tir. cdhlriojer,Be5r... 6]?7rL t. sqdr r1inni...rr Tnolrrt lh ,, tbnioo ! cool06l jt614. T.niCnlfod, [1i inl .... 6i 4]2

Young Addt Brenrjna cup lobl q,

I r isilrLh A(!u, ol\ tr2 fri.ho ,7amo,, N trr5rs .. 6 1lr!r Ke ly ,rrnhadrl

Dqr Oof, silPrriic . , ,. . . . . t jJ15 selhinr-Pesl.r lirdDr 6AJ)lt les\iiRtz,,lrd,ine...7. r.ron Dndr:kiu, Barone3. rifrn 5l}ierr 3er nlor . il4509. r H:!a.n, R:i D rh .n/30

YourFRids Tohl9lr Kr{irr,i u,rirru, cibr! i r9..i6lr Anr!rsltumPP !l.rN

arp.ToLf ........ d,6r+1 Ciid ir! flotlmrn, RjSi4oi 64 3125 loe|n 'es, LrmbdGh ii b4 /216 Fmiy wrAfu., Mo iiri Gr507 LRCro$,0 ni. . 6l&l0 r(,,ro LiPtoi, RedronJ .. lu.ll9. R\4nE!||(Fe,Rurr;{r .. 6rll]r0 llatsizieR].r,ciido;9. ... 6t t0Lrll clrd{!srbr:n, Rol.: . .. ..60 3t9]] rmrt]rl]e.ri Do.aienn 5t64j

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. 70li05rin Dri; Pl

nhlmrks50tq... 6i705$r if ft$. !, Donhh... 6i5035!ii ii(otru, r ldamur . rr6.3t0McrHb.koi, rler I goi. 66:7inh!Pir(h so.elilii\! Vrk D,vtriLl r..... 61r20



Cooper And Kaspar Give Dansby-Phelps ReasonIo Celebrate At WEF Dressage dassic

Suzanne Dansby-Ph e lpsreaped the benefits of her'nork with Conrad Schumacheras she earned Crand Prix \tins Nitht$'o horses al ihe Zada Unterprises LLCWef Dresrge Cl$ic Cl)l'\\l llarch 22 25

DarshrPheFs. Atlantir. Ca., $on thrCr!id llix Spccial 1lj6.l6rli) iborrdCoubefghs K^spi,r and ihe Cnfd l,rix{.el'sttlc 17l.;5961abdrdCooper 19. 'l het als.

Sur.nne oanrby,Phelps won lhe Crand Prir spe(ial althe Zada Enterprites ILCWEF oretraS€

darrk,board Goub€rgh'g Karpar andthe Grdnd Prix heertyle aboard (ooper 19 {rroM).

rehed, slt sJid. lti focus.d on relaxalionan.l consistenLr- rD comnfuni(Jlion brh\aenhors. and ,ld{ You .ct tn hel! the holsederdop llre uun rrd focus r)!dd.d Lo g0 lnn)th. .nm. espcrilll! at Crand i'rii''. \'herceleia dristake rho\ls up.-

In additnrn to Norking Nith Schn rLchcr,l)ansby lrhelps d$ schoolld if Cemranr- lansummcr \rith l(lius Balkenhol ir ir.s.,lquesirian Team l.oundatidr tranting sessn)ns

Ior candidatcr nr the \\'0flLl ItquesirianCrncs. Sclru ach tralels id the Stntesperi,)dioll!.r $ill be brck in Ii): \Lhen l,e Nill

and belter selt catrialc. Im qln.entralnrgor driving hi6 {rr t0 r high{ tram., $Esaid.'Hc lulls you lnt{) a tulr *nse otsccuit!- hecluse he fceh so Aad. blt thsrConrad \!ill sar, ttlvc hinr into thc biudrd he goes ftom aood to gtuat {hd, I kc$

Dansh!.I)helps lak.s nridr iDCo.reis fassage. lts nn)bably my most.xcitj^g accompllshmenl herausr Nhen I Iirstrtartcd lith hin, hc didnt hrlr a tal, slr sa . No$ his b..k l€{s move likethcy sho!lLl. like x l.conrolive ft,)n behird

she prrldmrdhis {rcestyl. io musi. fromSuplmd, Anl jup.rhlan RenDr. .oDrDiledhr rohnny rnd luarnsa tvoodall Di i\lirrcl.

_I rrdc i1 hiAh n, i.d,iical difticu[)_bccause i shted lo slnN ho$ on Lhe iidsand adjuslable Coopcr is. said Dansbrlrhelrs. \hcn I ii$i boughi him. he Nistrain.d Njth a ld of strnA(h. just Lhispo$.rhouie thal \Lcnt oot and did lhe

Somc 1,f thos difficult rov.i,ents inher hecnj'le incLud(d or.'kmpis .r) a

?r) meter circl. lo lhi lelL, iredly nllo a

corntr. rlnier, rrd then a riEht turn li a

Djnffe pirouctL., to passage, io lhe Nalk. Sheals, pedormed double piroL,ctirs. onr al C.direcu-! rn lront oi llc judges.

'li\ a lot ofrun, h.cause lh! dusic is vrr!big for n,r,st ol lbc r de. she siid. "tsut thc\rlk music isto Le\ L{ther's Lu!- shich isIlawaiian nlusic tlrnt I get a kick olt of. Itfrakes him look likc hds rclllr rlaxcd rndsNingnrE.'

she ends the rr.csttle b! doinA anextendcd Lrot up c. renin. {ni the lE.3-lundHolsteinei '1t lix)lts lil{c Nd rr golfg llyingnrto the judg6, od then dll of a suddenhe hall\, Nh'ch reillr iho\s [o\r he\ b.ingridden rio$ the ieat ud leEs,' sl'. said.

tnd ds slre srluted in erdr of rhosr hro$innnrg rcsrs. D.nsh\'l,heb{ \a thrill€d.'lloth hols€sfelt grcnt. shr saitj, i\s nnin as Ihrlted and salui.d, I kn$r Ihld good ridts.

Orvning lhe Win

l. rddjiion to Nnli'rg l1o (;nfd Prir.Lhe \tekerd us meForlblc ror ]rDeHanniaan becaus. rhe N$ Jh:t to oftcirllrfinish brJring .ut lhkslnrl irns .riqlnal

''lv. bccn L4inl to.onre W \{ilh fo ! long titrt. inJ

'ny l\,t nrr

trke ort rir equity i)rn o. lrs house, \rlii.hcaNe through la\t\rftk, irr siLjil.

Hannisxns nrnh* Sible! HanDl{nn.also l.achcs anJ lriins. ,\1\ m.tb.! lLrinh!4s becf inio horscs and ls,,l*ar"s thdelidlnrg nrr o!t. Eu ih.trgl, lir :irj, rrrhonnt is still \rirh n*, shc addid \rith

HaDfigns $ir irg sntr! oI 67.rj2 nrrcentvrs her highen to datc,n r CDL I n, !*!proud ol trry ho), \he srid ri lhe 13 r'ehf oldt\tch Wrrmblood lnl.xro-rilernorl shes

ii'iished rcond lCoopet and third tKiLspa.)in

"Corfdd Sdludr.her hs hclrrd m.devel,,p a Drogrim for Lririning oulside th.irenr $hich NDrks rrhJsi(:i,lly and rientallya.d i,xiDrizes iheir lotcntial. sh! sri,l. 'lhopc it.ontiDUls to $orl so Ne Gn continur

Dunsh)r Phelfs, 48, startcd i,'.trking {!thSchumach. 11 years rgo. 'He onDhasiz.dthat ill important lo defrior a ptrr,iram forever}dat trainiil that you ca. carry over (rthe i"arm !! at a shoN so tbe hosu is rnrft

lrclp Drisby l'hilts rL Lhs RiL|riih CDI 1N.C.r.

''$'e \hrk srleh drJs ai i ljiN if n (rnrentr.ted r)rnnei rrd he g!* nlc r td ofhome(oik," $id Dinsb! I'h.]ps

KrsttLrs nnr ir thr Sif.iJ in( udcLl

stnnE trifsitio.s fron !hlfc ni irassxgern{l c\eellcnt hill !asics, llis 'irrsitionsin an'l out oi pirtfe and D.s$rge \rrked iiftea mctronome. Hc was iight ni $ith thsn.$id ljansbr t'hdps. His prssrle 1o ensrdelh na$ii{c Nas aho fet.. srrooLh an! ihrid-'

Darshy I'helps srid the 16.? hand O(t.h$h!mh,!i, noN lSyearsoU, s geLtingbeltrr


Phelps Media Group Intemational * Equestrian Public Relations -- Wellinglon, FL Page 1 of 1

ATTACHEO P}IOTOS S!2.nne Datrsby-Phelps and Cooper 19 aorrow a Paqe Flom Superman,sSoundtack to wl. FEt Gr.nd Ptix Freestvt€ CDr

hIpr//wvs.pidpsmed.s.o{e on/.

a m very eidred (abom de kdiday),-shaeiprarnd. r r.erlke ccoF.

3id enloy rt,'se ommented.





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Winning Team Rider'Pays it Forward" for Charity

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Monday. Apdl 23, 2007 America Online: Dhfdressage


Winning Team Rider "Pays it Fonrrard" for Charity

vt,/€!lh€!on,F|-sr,'annsD6nsby.PhelpsMsam6mb6.olth€canlAmSsGGlov6sT€6mthalwonthersnlPhg]ong-6frhehi9nIghl.v€n!seachy6ErdunngF!odda.swn|crciEli|erdknsby-PnetPs4"sproUd!oboon€dperf€c1ly wt Osnsby-Ph€lps cornmitrn€nl to glv€ bacl lo lhe community.



' I sm locus€d on my dding and lraining goal6', sxplaln! Dansh|'€t}ayol|ib'orD€nsby-Ph9lps.|thohasbUi|l3nlndoor'id|nga.eng3thora|mamster'|heUniversilyo'lh€south(sswan3o}'€doib88@cngtabl6orwniza0onsovs'thspasly6aB.D6nsby.Ph€lPss6tsanex€mpbtnalsl|ho6e5h6npgibBenfodfiarEncs'.

As,m€mb6rol1h6c..,/Amt@metth620o7ch'||eng6o'o'e-Am€fi!a'sDgnst'.Ph6IPGEndP.ixg3|d|ng.r3pe.and.Ljs€&MilnerrodeDianaRo's,s5I€|||on'Em|n€nc!!oamod|9yo'M|chae|J6cI,ontuno3IhEl'ro&6do3lad|uPhalFandMari|yyns6ilsofcMRRocoR|ln€.Tiepsiiselaborat6cosfm€sgndhoU6ofPracticaPaidof'ndth6k3co'aof92''|%coP93 de Oeur was anolier €xamplo of how dd€rs cen make a djlterenco to h€lp olh66- sornolnlno Slzanne Demby-Phetps nev6r loles sight ot





KudzuNovember GDCTA Kudzu Klinic

Dressage with Suzanne Dansby-Phelpsat Panther Brook Farm

.\ e \.qc \ err honorcd to ha-- Suu rnne D.nsbr Phlpi asthd volrrnic.r lranei tbr GDCTA $ Norembcr K dzu Klmic

Suzanlre ha,c hdd a ./erv succcssli care€f ds m |l,l.idef/taner Sh. tlent to i;ernta]rv thi,q rumms as nd{ inr rh. US Drussage Tem at dre N(,rldEquesnra,l1 tiames Suzarrnc is .n ddent suptorld oI thesport doraitrr8 .ll lrcr pnze nurc) SLc has reccntlymade o

ldt gerLsous finarrcvrl conbibuiion to dre capitnL cmnpaignfor rh(, IISDF Narioft ftlu.atiur Curt{, tu a]s. tr\GD!-T^ 1tL lr,p.fdll 0!s, Srll.lure isiust srnply a rer,'',nioe person She dciirirel)' bclieres n gi\xrg Lrack ro t|e,"r.f 1..,:e,-1,." nh..-, n,l,Jrr

\nodrer person slrt'belieles in giring back is K.thv\orlon She donated the rse of hd gorse.rF PanttrerDrook F:rrm h M.reldnd, (;eorgi,r ior fie Novernber 5hf,udzu [.:llnic You Li notice hdr othd corrlriLutions todress.gc dnd CD[IT:\ hi€:hliehted in rhis nesBlct ref issue.

:iuzarr]re taulirt fbrrLeen -qtudenis a1 dre l:ud^ l.:linjc $1Lhnarly duditofs gleani g mfoinahon frorn rhe sidelires Sh.kldly urote ihcsd commcutsgi11rg hef pcripechYe on thccliIic

'Overall I ,tas quite pleasedtjtith the results af the/essors lhe slrderls a//'xotked really hard! Someeven admiUed they were ahtlle neNaus when I naticedtheY ',Ys1a ,)at bteathng arhad tensbn 1 tlieir joit s I

',vas able to put them at ease wilh sone lechniquessuch as couiltilg aut loud and helpilg then to beawate and Ia rclax cetlain parts of their badies.

The most comnon challenge ',vas to instill canftdenceit the rderc to ride lhei /torses mole "forward" wtthmpulstan As soon as the riders rcde their rorses l'1,/1/]

mo[e mpulslon they ntete able lo inprcve ather lh]t1gssuch as riclng thetr hotses wilh mue slrcphlness andtnore o0 the bil They seemed ta have a lot mare funance they gat their hot ses epllg, lool'

Su4rne's conm,nrs on ha.. urgr:ur appropriare hc,rse:

'Ttvo juniar idetstudents both racle aschaal hatse providedby Ihe[ lra|ier Thehorse turned out lo bea perfect "match" forlfe sli.i derls Thist,londerful horse iswell-traned. quet.and fotgiving He

exenplifies lhe qualities of an ideal schoalnaste[ fotyoung or Eeen studenls It is tmperative far traircrc ording schools Io pravde such f/pes ol horses to help

nake the experence af lheir students pasttive and



Rebecca Rigdon and Free-

dom Hill have been show-inq actively in the Midwest.Versace was lhe CosequinUSDF Mid-States ChampionFilly this year. Her sister(Una Bela)v,/as 3rd.

Cooper 19 (Coriall x Wan-derin ll) and Suzanne oan-sby-Phelps topped otl their2005 year by qualifyinq forthe U.S. Dressage Freestyle

Championships(World Cupqualifier) held in Burbank, California in April, and also the

Grand Prix Championships at the USET headquarters in Glad-

stone, New Jersey, to place 6th.

L'Etoile 6 (Ligorett-abece/Castro) and Lauren Spreiser wentto the last qualifier lor the NAYBC last weekend. ln spite 0ftremendous heat, he won ihe Team test with a 68%, and led

our team t0 victory in the regi0n 2Jr,ryR Team Champi0n-ships, where he was also declared FEI High P0int champion.In the open sh0w, we got a 67.875% in the lndjvidual Test

and won the Freestyle with a whopping 73.438%. Congratu-lations to Lauren whoended up wiih an av-erage lor the NAYRC

0uallfier season with a66.400%, and sixth inthe nationwide stand-ings.

Rubaiyat (Liostro/Ran-tafes). a 2001 Hol-steiner competed jn

the Black Prong Dres-sage Show. She iin'ished T-1 70% (firstplace), T-4 oualiiier72.3% (first place) un-der ride./train er SharonJerdeman. Rubaiyat isowned and was bredby Pat Sullivan

Cimmaron (C0lumbus lEl - Lustige - Lared0) has had an 0ut-standing competition year in 2005. He was named the 2005USEA Tfaining Horse 0f the Year. He finished 2005 ranked

first in the nation and at the top 0f the USEA leaderboardlor Training horses. His rid€r, Debbie Davis has been ranked

first in the nati0n f0r l\,4asters Tfaining Riders and was named

2005 USEA Traininq l\,4asters Rid€r 0f the Year. Cimmaron isalso ranked tirst for the USEF PHR 2005 Silver Stirruo Na-

tl0nal Champion for Training level Eventing.

Ultimate Dream, a yearling

filly by Riverman out ot a

Davignport mare owned and

bred by Ralph and Robin

Damone of Amissvllle,VA has had a stellar showyeaf. Among a number 0fother high placinqs, UlimateDream placed first amongYearling fillies ai the l\4orven

Breed Show and was firstplace among Holsteiners at

Dressaoe at Devon. $,

Wintor 2006 HOISIEIl{ER 33


I41m.e$ AUGUST 2OO

USEF announces short list dressase andshow jumping teams for World G"amesThe USEF recently annomced the short

list oI horse-ind-dder combinations for the2006 FEI World Equestrian Games DressageTeam. They are Steflen Pete$ of San Diego,Calif., riding Flodanoj Guenter Seidel ofCardiff, CA, ridiry Aragon; DebbieMcDonald of Hailey, ID, riding Brentina,I*slie Morse of B€verly Hils, CA riding lipTop; Adene "Tuny''Pate of We[intto& lL,iiding Wild One, Cathefn€ Haddad based hVecta, Germany, ridhS Maximus.

Two alt€mate riders were also named:HeadEr Blitz of Paln' Cig, FL, ndinSArabelat and Suzanne Daisby Phelps ofAdanta, G4 dding Coop€r.

The official U.S. dressate t€am for tlre2006 FEI World Equestrian Games wi[ beannounced onAuSust 14.

The show junpjng iean that will rcprc-seni tieU.S. wiI be: BeezieMadden,Caz€novia, N.Y" and Authentic, MclainWard, Brewster N.Y, and Sapphire, 11,Mafgie Engle, Wellinttor! Fla., and QuervoGold; Laura Kraut, Oconomowoc, Wjs., andMiss Independent

Altemates are lelfrey W€lles, RidSeheld,Conn., and Armaru; MolLy Ashe, SJ

Wellingto& Fla., and Neuville.Following die ahow jumping sel€ction td-

als held in March, a short list of 10 ho$e andrider combinationi was cleated, composed ofthe top six linishen ftom the selecUon trialsand four subjective ho$e and rider combina-tions. Th€se wild cards were recommendedby $e USEF s€tectors bo the show junpingh

'gh-performance committ€e and then

approv€d by the ad hoc coruniftee on selec-tions. Ihe list was then divided inio twogmqs, and each group did a Eurcpean to Ias paf of &e Sansung Super l€ague. Theirpertormances were obserued and evaiuatedby ihe selecto$ and Chef d'Equipe CeoigeMorris. The selectors and Mords came to aunanimous decision with a rccommendaiionto dr show jumping high-performarce com-mittee. S€lection hial Ferfomance as well as

&eir performance on lie European tour wasco sidered.

Tte 2006 FEI World Equestfian Cameswi! be held in Aachen, Geinany {mmAutust 20 to Septemb€r 3, witl show jump-ing io begin on August 28.

PitM, coNlrNliED oN p,icE 23quiet, solid horse, and he will soon get theid€a dut he does not atwavs have 6 be infront-

. Finally, $,ho1you beth-these lessons,

fie horse impioves. Always end your nde on

My E-Book, Training Outside th€ Box, isavailable alont wift oiher line haining prod-


Kudzu Klilic ttaa,thrat r.d pase le)

'And. if you can find such a type of horse falyoutself, get ill You can noi lrade having a gaad-natured, faryiv lg and expenenced naunt far allaf lhe tea in Chinal My frst rcal schaolmast€)rdressage holse, L4auntai!1 Dahcer ulas s/)rtee,years ald! I rcde him until he $ras 22 years olctHe naw has a plaque h hts menary an the wallof a raon al the t)ew U SDF Headquatlers andEducalbnal Center '

Suzame recenu,v ha d the h(r]rof ol being ore of on lyfonl flders invite.l to pfflicrpate in a speclal dressagecompetition at the Washington Intenlational HorseShow held at the Veizon Center ili washingtor! D C

It t]le largest and mosi pl.shgrous indoor JLnnpersholt in dre connlr)'. She gave us tlxs repoil on rt:

'The Dessage lnvttatianal \ ,as held fot the flrsttme last yeat at the Washingtotl lnterna onalLro,se Sto Coooef dra Na.eOneolthd pJt,.s.vlted lkts

'6a. t a v orclo.TLt e\patF-t,ce

i) an electric atmosphete, and the shawmallagers were lncreclible.. they had ta close offseve/€/ slreels far slablng, fanierc, an(l v,/atn-up..yes, people btere warmtng up then. harcesfat their classes in the sbeels af dawntawnWashngtan, D.C ! The vetern)ary check for theCS/O a/so look place in lhe auldaor wam-upatea. There vtas excellent fencing ancl s-acurityguatds everywherc! aN lhe night af theneesh/b, lhe stands wete fi ed wtth ovet 10AA0spectalots The puissance Aumping compeliot]ovet huge 6'-7' wals) taak place latet thateventng, tao.

'j'hnnli J'ou Lgdin, Sunnne and l{alhJr fornwliikg our Not'ek1be| Kudzu Ktnic

so enjo\lable dnd s ccesduU l!!

For nore infomatior on Suzame's .areer, vis nerweb s\te: y,11r.!!!4ju!ej!!ge !9a. lou can also \'rs1iPanthcr Brook Farm's $/ebsiterbtu L!4&9lblaol{a s..da

MurJorie Hic16 , GDCIA k.dtuKln1lc Coo'din.ttul

At a non nalfee of 925 fof dressage Kltnics and 515 for jLrnrping Klinlcs, G DCTA members vui.roare lower level riders can take advantage of high quality, correct, profess onal ifain n9

atvery affordabl€ pricesl

FoT more information and to s gn up for Kudzu Klinics, Vjsit vr'\^/,/rqdcta oro and cljck on rneKudzu Klnics tab atthe top of the home page

Keep your eye out fof upcoming Kudzu Klinic announcentents rn the GDCTA nelvletter, oarenoarand website. To feceve e,mail announcements of Kudzu Kl nics and other GDCTA events sign

uplot the GDCIAenews at the bottom of the home page on the website u ,1.11'i qdcta oro.Of contact, l\4arjorie Hicks ai 770-704,0081

And don t mlss ihe funl






The U.S. leam FeaturesOld Pros And Nevy Fa(es

Our ride$ must be in top form to retain the siluer andbronze medals lhey'oe groun accustomed to uinningin intemational chanpionships, urites Sarct Lieset.

DRESSAG0INTIIE UNITDD ST TDS lS lN ATIIANSITIoN bet\.eenthe proven powerhouses (ho afe on the bri.k ofretirenent and the tal-ented neti'com*s on ibeir lvay up. This yeais [Iorld Equestfian camesteam baldces a few experienced pairs wiih excitin! up-and-coners.

''We have no need to hide ouKelves, said t6m coach KlausSalkenhol after the sie.tion trials. '\\:e can be very proud internationdly coning uD against the othe. rides.'

But the Cermrn and DutchjugEemauts are stillin place and villbe

Debbie McDonald and Brentina Nillanchor the team and vie for anindividual medal. Althou[h se halen't seen nuch of P€Cly rnd ParryThomaC ch*inut mare iirce the 2005 FDI World Cup llressaEe Fnral,shes continued to dorinate \rhen she does sho . She won the HighPe.romrance GEnd l,ria at Dressag€ At Fliniridge {Calif.) in May wbereshe scorcd 75.83 perccnt.

McDonald and Brentira have been heartbrenkingly do!€ !o an indilidualmedalon numerous occasions, indudjnl the 200?\{EC in.lerez,Spain. There, their loN freesb,le scores were booed by the audience.

Anoth€i exciling combinahn on tie leam is St€f1en P€tes andFloriano- The! N€re the resene for the 2004 Athens Olympics,less thana year atier Peies acquned rbe ride.

And theyve onl)r imDroved lrom there. Peters Nd the h!{codng

U.S. rider li)r the b.onze'm.dal team in theAachen CDl0. He placed eighib indl!idual1lr

Pet€rs rlso sw€pt !he te!nr selection trials in cladstone, N.J., duingthe collecting Caits narm ru.S. Equ.strid Federation National CEndPrix Championships. June 15 18. Thoy r'jrnhed on an iverage of 7?20

DveDr iine ltle6 sho('s |loriaDo, his scores ijnplove. At age 16, theWestphalian gdding still has remrrlable energy, so much so that Peknmay be dreadinE ihc. irds c{emony ifihey nrake it thatfar

But that spark is combi.edNith thrce€xpressiv€ gaitr and tal€nt rorthe novem€nts that count-lhe ones that are scored {ith a doubh coefficient-so ifFloriano is otr, he'llbe knockin€ on lhe door

Guentcr Seidel brhgs his experience $ith his ALhens olympnmount, Aradon lts hlrd to hmembef a Li.S. dressage team drar han't

ile traded places l(ith Pdes througholt th€ spring, sinning lheGrand P x Special at Mid,Winter Drcssage (Calif.) in Fcbruary, rhc Cnddl'rix fre$tyle at the Burbank CDI (CaLil)in March and the fre€style ai theDel llar CDI (calif.l in April.

Altholgh the pan wasn t in top form at ihe s€lcction trials, Aragonstilla\traged nore tha. ?3 percent, and Seidel\rillDeak him for lachen.

Thc U.S. ridds kns! ihis $as gojng to be I challenginC )rcar l0rtraveling dle to the Norld cup final in Amsterdam and the WEC inArchen. bu( it \ras a surtrise to learn tltt the hors€s that conLesicd tb.lvorld Cur vould also b€ in contention fof tlt ll,ltc-

The original plan $as for l-61ie Morce to get more internrtionalerperience for her yoon{ Chnd Prjx mornt Tip turi 962 at th. WorldCup Final. The same siory was true fof Arlerre "Tuny" PaIe and

But when injurr* sid€lined some of the toD U.S. hors6, includi.gMose\ exp€rienced stallion KinEsto.. the yorngsten stepped !p.

Both horsesproved they can consjstently score rnore than 70 perccniin the Crand Pfix. More's ste.iallr, is lhe fre6trl€, and she idpressedthejudgesat the $,orld Cup Finaland thrselectio. tri.lswith herdineabhsa{ing tunes ior Tip Ton.

Irage has concentmLed on a strond Cand Prix, and thisrork paid offwhen she was kldrth al!.f the Cflnd Prix in the WrJd Cup Final(71.00%).

Catherine tladdad is anotbe. neNco.rer i$ thc (€m- She li!.cs &d

The JI rhe ttotrr








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80 in dd iust have to rid€ our best and

se€ where it wilt tak€ us. It is as slmple 6that to me. I'm goinS to do my best and,

after Gladsione, I hope to go to Eulope.

Tbat would be good!

BRINTI].\ACohtry: United States

Stats ls-year-old Hanoverim mare

by Brmtano IIBest qualltles: She loves to come to work

History of training: Blentina was started

tn Gemany and put through the Verden

auction a5 a 3-yearold, wheE she was

purtled by Peggy and Parry Thomas ofbs Vegas, N€vada, and Hailet ldaho.

Brentina has been ndden by Debbie

McDonald ever sinc€. Brenriu and Debbi€

have a iemarlable tist of accomplisl!menrs. They were palt of the u.s. tcams

that won a silver m€dal at the 2002 wEcin Spain and a bronze medal at the 2004

OD,mpic Games in Ath€ns. They yvon the2003 wortd Cup dd were third irr 2005-

Brentina was recendy honored as the U-5.

Equ€stian Federatiod's (LISEF) 2005

Pe6oMrity; Erentina is competitive and

would just as soon b€ the only horse inthe bam. She is €onlident and loves toperfon the likes an)'thing to eat and

42 Drcssag€ Today July 2006

Ee ino ond Debbi. r .Donold

dislikes having her Sinh tighiened.Ridei Debb'e McDonaldStatr; Born Au8.27, 1954, in

Prcfsion: Ho6e trainerTni.ed wtth: Hilda Gumet Lilo lorc,Steffen Petels and, most recently,

Klaus Balk€nlolLucky charDs: Pictures that kavel withme: the last pictltre taken with my mom,my Make-A'wi\h girl, Jeiniler Serot, and,

md* impo.tantlt my fmilylExpectatlons for the WEG: If we mak€

the team, I would love to help the UnitedStates brin8 hom€ another medal. I also

watrt to make it a goal to try and have

some tun. It is not always easy to do thiswith aI rhe pEs$lle.

COOPEJ{Counfry: ljnited Srates

Stats: l4-yearcld Holsteine. geldlng

by conalBe$ quallties: Hc has a great work erhic

and is an over-achicver.

History of baidrg: Suzame Dansby-

lhelps boughtCooper in Cermany whenhe was 10. She says, "As aiways ln dres

ea8€, the training is a work in proSr€ss-'

P€$onauty: "SupeFcoop" desires toplease, and sometimes he tries too hard-

He loves to show of{. Also, he does not

know how big and amzi.g he is. He titesto touc_h your han on the top of yourhead and lick yorl. He loves melon rinGand banana peels. Ile disiikes hard pats

Fjde.: Suzan.e Dansby Phelps

Stats: Bom O.t. 20 in Atlmra, c€or8iaPrefession: DresraSe dder/traine. ddtull'time single motherTmined with: MostlySue Blink andclinks ith Comad SchwacherLrcky chaims: Prayc. and faithExpectatioN foi tl€ WIG: it wolrld be

an honor to rcpresent lny country intema-tionaty We iust have to go out there and

Eive it allwe've got.

IBW KINNFDYCoantryi United States

Stats: l7-yeaFold Baden WurttemberggeldinS by'UroAcst qua.ltties Extended trot and pircu-ettes; he is practically perfect all arouDd

PcisoDality: He is very selfconfident,

History of tEiningr Lone Jdrgersenhained him to Grand }rix and rcde hnnuntil he was 19.Jane I'orbes Clart boughthim three years ago, and Roben Dover

competed hjm, winning a team bronze

medal ar the 2004 ol),mpics in Arhens_

Rider (athcrine Baleson-Cha.dlcr

Xennedy qnd Ko6etine Edt6.on




r Rnd




PeEonatity: At first, Aragon could be

obnoxious and dangerous at timcs. When

Seidel and ^iagon

got to lnow ench othetthat ener[y b?s channe]ed inio Lhe iirgrlith posiLive rc{rlts. Aragon likes {rga'lcarols and bananas. lle docsn't likc dogs.

Rld€r: Gue.ter Seldel

5tat5: Bonr Sept. 23, 1960, in fischcn,

Bavaria, Germm.!?mtessionr Dressase trainc.Traincd with: Di€i.lch lon Hopffgartcn

orcr tlr€ lart r5 io 20 years ancl, of cou6e,

e'ith ltj.s. dressagc coa.h i.d oiy'npic

gold nredalirtl Riaul Balk.nholLtrck] (harms: A beltlane and Dick 6avenc with a buckle ofa hoEe I i{ear itcvery ti'ne I shor!.

Ixpectations fo. the W[G: I'nr hopin8

to nrakc thc tearn. At Cladstone there willbe five or six.eallv strorg riders as $,c

compelc ror thc national chamtionship.Wc nc.(l to !tar, lt, feali at Gladstonc and

8et ev.rything 8ht again il we nrakc iL

A R i,SI'Oi\I

Stats: lo-year o1d Ulirai ian gelding

Best qualities: I,r$al{c, piaflc anci a

History of trainin$ Nancy Maclachlanbd Anne Sutherland frurcha5ed Ariston in2u)4 at a licility in (ie!', Ukaine.He (?t already train€d to (;rand Pnx and

Macll.hlan has bccn wo.king on detelop-in8 his talent ever sincc.

Pe.sonality: llcis honest, €nrlusjastic,sensitive and a real people borse. IIc loves

attention, praise and, of coursc, carots.Iuder: Nancy !f acl2chlitStats: Born at Tlenton Air for€€ Base,

Onlarioi Canadii, on March 22, 1960

Profcssion: PIofesional athlete

Arilton qrd Nonry ttd.Lochldn

1 rained r4ith; Dictrich lon Hoplfgaltcn,ur Reiner Kinkc, Johann Hinncmann,Cindy lnl{)y and Noibert van l-aak

l.l|cky Alan, ny parh€rlxpectations ror the !ITG: My chances

i'rc rcmotc this )rar, due to rhe ra-educa-

tion proccss Ariston is undergoinS. But, ifwe do mahe it,I hope we willbe stronS

repr€sentatives on Canada's tcam.

B,\Sa,ttJ twtLt,!Country: United Stater

Stats: l5 yearold Danish \\hmblood

Best qualities: Trics hard, has . good

work ethic, but som€times he willoverdoit b plcase hls ddori good piaffe and

passaSe and chanscs

Hirtory of training: Owner Mctre

RoscDcranz b'ought him fiom D€nmark.

Slre staned him successtully in ltix St.

Georyes.In 2004, she t.aiocdwiih RtrdolfZeilinSer in Gerfirany. When she.ameIrac-k to C:alilomia h 2005, the paii scoied

in the 70th p€rcentjle in their firsi {;randPria. L2st year, thry werc invited to ,ride inthe oPen Grand Prix i. Las Vegas, here

Pcrsonalit-v: Basqucwille is powertul riitha healt of golcl, but somctimes h€ is lnr-

Borqo€wille and rvlefie Roi.ncronri

curc. Whcn someonc h strrdin8 byhisstall, he waDts to br included. Ire enjoysgoing on trailrides and likcs it i{henthlngs are peaceful and quict. He is !.€!_v

Rider Mctle Rosencranrz

Stats: Bom Noq 8, 1953, irlSanta Monica, Califor.iaProfeision: Drcssage trainer

Trained with: Robeft Dov€r, An\y van

Cnrrrvcn, Rldoij Zeiljngcr and nowDebbie McDonald. Also, lergilta Bcrgnen,an iDterualional judge, has bcen hclpingme with cofiecttre$ in ridinS rhe tests.

Luckf chamsi i likc to usc the same stoct

Expectations for the WX(i: I think we al

lull21106 Dre$agc loday .li




cooper ond suzonne Donsby-PhelPs

Srais: Bo.n April 10, 1975,8rerv uP nr

Staflordrh ire, ! 8tandProfession: Asst. ireiner to RoberL DoltfTraioed with: ltobe$ Dovo ird chnics

with Kaus Balkenhol

L{cky (hanns: None. I can make myself

.iazy rith supe$tition.

nxpectahons for the wtc: I kDo$' l am

mlcli greener than my horsc, but I would

lole the chaoce to prove n)5€Lr. I rcally

llant rfhrtevcr h best for ihc hore iirst

t Lol{tA}.loCountry: Unjtcd States

Stdts: 16-]€ar old lv.sttalen gelding

Bcst quarnes: ?assage,lralr Pas,

History of traiDing: Stefleu l'jetels sa$'

him at a cliDic tr'fex.s in 200:1, and

tliey clickcd dght alval'. "l got aLong

llith hnn at the tinrc b{t did not know

that he could go this far'," says Peters.

IIe won e team silrcr medal nr Aachen,

Germaf),, h 2003. ILoriano is owned bv

Personalit): He is very laid bacl but dcli_

nitely a lirecra.ker LLnder saddl€. Hc can

be pretty goory, bui ('hcn in his stallaDd

gettnrg read!', he is n iittlc an8el. h"hcn

rravelinS, he hippily waittwith jusl a liirLe hay in ftont ofhim as ft€ other horses

Floriono ond geffen Perers

aie unloa.lcd. l:loi li)ves lots ol atterttun.

,\t thc ban, hc has a big paddoc\-a.iLT in-lnd out stall. His best buddy

is GraDlleur (Pcters' rctired {;ran.l

l,rix mount) l hcy arc always ncaf

Srars: ilorn scpt. 18/ 1964, ill Gernuny

Profession: !)resage trainer

Traincd with: Johand HjnneFanni Harry

Boklt and Kla$ BalNenhol

Lucky charms: Ifs tunny I havc had th€

same tailcoat tnrce I ilas l8 t ears ol.l. Ithas been patchedtogctho a nu bciottnncs and still looks good.

I\pcctations for thcWEG: Floriano hds

1!011all thrce Gradd Inx on the l{est

Coan rnd all the Lqualitins classes lor

thel Selcction 'Diaii, lt he sta)s healthy

and kceps going stead)', things look pretty

good-bul, alwals, knock on ivood.


Stats: ll-yealold oldeDb!$ gelditg

Best qralities: Reliabtc, eager to work

Hhtory of training: Mary and Lric

lrooks with Anne andlohn Welch

purchascd Gran C€5to wheD he $'as a

s-yeaLold. lacqllelin€ BrooNs trained

him fron lirst L€vel to Grand lrix. Ile

Gron Gesro ond Jo.cueline a.ookj

has compctc.l in ni'o Canadian World

Cu! r eague Finals.

Personalit_v: Iie js a dog i. a ho6e5 body.

Hc loves to hars around people. I'Ie likes

drost things, includiDg big audierc€s. He

occasionally likes to drn* beerl

I?.ider: Jacqtreline Brooks

Slats: Born septenber 15, 1957, inEdmonn', Otrtario, Canada

Profession: lull hme athlete'r_rained with: Ashley Holzer and

Lucky chadB: A slock tie rcith penguins

on it and a show shirt that has experi'

enccd so many conpetitions that it sillhave a nNclr-anticipaled retireme t cere-

mony following wEG

Expectatious for the WnG: It $ould be

my first toray into intemahonal competi

tion, so naKngthc tfan is a huge goal.

Oncc on the team, I would like to main-

taii a consistent r.oring ievel and remem-

ber to €njoy thc experience.

llvl PlRIOSO

Stats: 16 yearold Dutch Warmblood

Rest qualities: He is ntper reliable and

waflts to pefolm. He is a great confidence

builder-h. feels iust like a $eat parr oi

old nippels.

JuLy 2006 Dressage Today 43


STING: Feaster Makes Special Appearance For ShadeTree Page 1 ofl




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Allison Feasterjoined other gllesb6n6lit for shadeTree Home For

Tne event included a dre6sase €rSuzanne Dansby-PhelDs.


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Feaster Makes Special Appearance For ShadeTrerCharlotte Sting star Allison Feaster was back in theUnited States, briefly, last week for a spec'alappearance. Getting a rare break from her long s€asonrn France, where she has played for the past six WNBAoffseasons, Feaster and her husband Danny Strongmade the trek to Atlanta for a weekend to parti€ipaiein a benefit event fof ShadeTree Hom€ for Girls.

The benefit event took place at Dancing Horse Fa.m inBuckhead, where Suz.nne Dansbv-PhelDs hosted therestivities and gave a Dressaqe exhibition, (Dressage horseriding involves a great amount olt.aining for body andmird, includinq hours and hours of ovals, ci.cles and figureeights/ with and without stitrups.) afterenjoying some

All of these things played a larqe part ir Feaster's lif€, and itrs what each 9irlwho willevent'rally enrollat shadeTreeHohe for Girls hopes to attain. A member oiShadeTr€e'sBoard of Dlrecto6, Feaster will also serve as a mentor toqtls who have been abandoned, abused or, which will be lo.ated in AllisonG home state ofsouth carolina, is currenuy 1n the midst of a fundrarsingcampaiqn, wlth plans to break ground and beginconstruction on the fac lites very soon.

"l applaud SLzanne Dansby-Ph€lps and Dancing Horse Farmfor giving the girls oishadeTree a voice through hosting thisevent, said Feaster, it's an honorjlst to be here as wegain momenium to attack the relend€ss cycle ofabandonment and abuse that Dla!ues yaunc airls,"

barbeqle.hick€n and bluesrass musc around the rire pit, Feaster was the evening's keynote spea

Foliowing a brief hi9hlight vdeo, Feaster spoke about the mportan.e of having people to rook up thow she can be a role model herself as a prcfessionai athlete and Harvard graduate. She mad€ rerher supportive family, her moiher's sacrifices and stronq parenting and the taients she has been bexc€l both academicallvand athleticarlv,,f easter Makes Special Appeararl-123033-683.htnl 6/3/2003



Suzanne Dansby-Phelps andGooper are Back in Action



By Amber Heintzb€rger

A populer horce and dder paif, Suzanne Dansby-Ph61psand her big ch6strut geldlng Coop6r, have be6n off theradar since the and of 2007. missing the ernire 20Oa win-ter 6how season. Thrcugh the figors ofilalning forgrandprix level dressage, Coop€r had developed a susp€nsoryligament injury in his l€n hind leg

Ittooka while, but 3heand hermsssive Holsteinergeld-ing are back in action and r€ady lo take on lhe competitiononcs again. P€viously not sur6 what the outcome ofCoopea s situation would be, she gaid, 'l was very privateabout il, since I was unsure h€'d ev6r become soundagaln. I truly leel it is a miracle and I fe6l blessed. '

Aiot ofchang€s have taken place in Suzanngs life: withCoope. sidelined the mother of lwo took lime this spdng tofocus on friends and family. Sheand Brcoks Bollman weremar ed In June, and ongtime groom Thiana Hanniganreturned to her nalive New Zealand {with lnany well Msh-es from Suzanno's Dancing Horse Farm).

Suzanne has been long or short listed for lhe USETdrcssage team forth€ pasl seven years. In 2006, she wasa US t€em altarnale in Germany for the World EquestrianGames- In 2007 Suzanne finished in the top 6 at lheUSEF National ChamDionshios at Gladstone fof the 3rdconsecutive yeat Suzanne is ranked among the top 10US derc in the FEI World Rankings for the Oressage.

LastAugust Dr. Bob B.usie at Palm Beach Equine per-formed stem cell surgery on Cooper's suspensory Dr.cBrole Holiand took carc ofhim for nea y two monlhsafterhi6 surgery changing bandages In the beginning, then

monitoring his progesb in hesling. iSuzanne and her then groom, Thiana, mel Coop€r ln Oc6l6 '.

the thid week of October dudng the Regional Championships.He was broughtlherelrcm Wellingion with a commercial shlppsr'

He wss not out of the woods yet. "When we broughlCooper home to Atlanta, tlvo and-a'half months afl€r lhe 3uFgery the vets from Palm Beach Equine thought I should b€

able to tak6 him gradually back to work then,' Suzanne rccall€d.'l we6 car€ io mostly only walk hlm, and trot 6 littl€ bit - jusl aslow trot on a ioose r€in lwice around the ar6na. AlthoiighCooper was not expecled io be perfeclly sound, h€ becamolamer This sent offan elam in my head."

Suzanne made an aooointment with Dr, Bob G sel ofAtlantaEquine Clinic. Dr Grisel ultra-sounded Coopea's leg, and hefell il was not yel healed enough lo put him back to wo*i lhaltho physical acuvlty was aggravaiing th€ l€sion. "li wss putlingtoo much slr€ss on it, €ven though the slem cell therapy/surgeryhad been pedomed three months earlief and was supposed lomake it slrong€r, even while healinq,' said Suzann€, 'lt wasNovgmber, and Dr. G sel w5s r€comm€nding only stall €Btand hand-walking. In a quandary, I was frustrated snddepressed by his prognosis, when, according to the other veB,cooper wa8 supposed io be back to wofk by then. How oouldlhis be? | could not believe what | $/as hearingl Thlana and I

had thought Coopsr would be healed enoug h lo prepare for theFlorida show seeson Olympic qualifiers. After sll, al lhe time ofthe surgory we had fiv€ monlhs to bing him back.

Itwas all-too-tempting forSuzanne to continue with the plan ofputtlng him more immediat€ly back to work, as predicted. Ahorse who looks foruErd to his wo*, Cooper was bored anddepressed, chewlng on lhe edge of his window, he got hives sev-

eral times, and spent a lot oftime jumping around in his stall.

The longer my ho|se slsysout of work, the mor€ | won-dered wh€ther he ever bebrought back," said Suzanne.'He's so big lcooper is 18hsnds talll, h€'s '16 years old...wilh the Oiymplc quallfieB com-ing up, Coop€r had to be readyio perform by January, or atlhelatest, in Februaryl I wascaught between going aheacand working him as recom.r.€ncled by lhe vels at PalnBesch Equine, who have a loof expadence in perfomintsiera c6ll surg€ries, end lisl€ to my heart and to my hoBeand Dr, Grisel, 11 was a rnosdimqit decision. Afrer all, trrstem c€ll suGery was supposed to both hasten anrslrengtfren the healin{

In the end she w€nt with hegut feeling and Dr G sel's fe.ommendation to allow Coope



io continue on stalrest and hand walking until the lesion wasmo€ healed and Cooper would jog sound y. il took two moremonths. By aie December, she was able to begin walkingCooper under sadd e. Then, in January Dr. cdsel recommended slow trotting on a loose rein fortwo five-minute incrernents inbellveen ten-minute walk sessions.

Finally, by mid-February all wasw6ll with Cooper. Bul now it wastime ior his rider to go oui of com-missionl Suzanne fell on a slick, wetbrick terrace and tore the rotalorcuff in one of her should€rs- lt tookanoiher monih before she could rideagain. Thiana hand-walked andlunged Cooper during that iime andSuzanne linally resumed iding againthe last week in i\4arch.

By mld-May the duo perfo|med inihelr firct show, a ye3f and nromofths since their previoris out ng atthe 2007 Wellingtof CDl, where iheywerc the World Cup Qualiner champions in the Grand Prix Freestyle.

Thls sprng they showed st PoplarPlace Falm this and recelved ihe FEIHigh Score wlth a greai stad of68.958%.

"We did ouf flrct Grand Prx onSaturday in front of NatalieLamping," Suzanne said. 'l rode himrather conservatively, and demand-ed liille, since it was our fksi iimerelum ng to lhe show ring in such a

long tirne. lfelt it was oniy fairto re intoduce hlm in thjs wav totnd out how he would reaci to beilrg back in the rjng pefom inga test. Natalle's commenls were,'Right on.,, Cooperwas rea[ve\cited aro !,!as oo a-ead of 11e e eltire test. Fe sc.anoled

in one oi the @rners before one ofthe extendea lrots, he was light inhls back, and I rode him too low inthe frame throughoui.'

Aftef monitoring Coopeas energylevel and physical condition afterSaturday's rde, it was concludedihat he was in great form So onSunday, Suzanne decided io ridehirn more assertively. In the wam-up, I speni nrore iir.e schooling hir.,and drove his hind legs rnore undeFneath and into the bridle, askng lormore collection and self-carfiage, noinrrnding so much it was our frci rinreto prepare fora tesi afterovefa ye6roffl Our Aainirg program for thethr€6 months previous to lhe showconsisled solely of condiijoning wofkto build up h s muscles and stamina.Only two weeks before the show didwe start dcljFg any movements at all,and only on6 or two each training

Suzanne said that she looks foFward 10 being back in the dng on aconsislent basis, and Cooper is alsoglad to be back. After all," she said,"lsn't ihere a reason ior his nick-name, Super Coop?' Thai he ist'

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