Download - Meditation prayers such as refuge and bodhichitta and the seven limb prayer in Tibetan language. ...

Page 1: Meditation prayers such as refuge and bodhichitta and the seven limb prayer in Tibetan language. ...



SHANTIDEVA Meditation Center

“ W H A T E L S E I N T H E W O R L D I S T H E R E T O D O T H A T I S M O R E

I M P O R T A N T T H A N H E L P I N G O T H E R S ? ” - L A M A Z O P A R I N P O C H E

F P M T • N Y C

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Shantideva Meditation Center is dedicated to cultivating wisdom and compassion through the study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism. Founded as a study group in 2004, and incorporated as a nonprofit religious organization in 2012, we are associated with the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT), which follows the Buddhist tradition of Lama Tsongkhapa of Tibet as taught by our founder, Lama Thubten Yeshe and Spiritual Director, Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche. Our community of students and practitioners come together to engage in activities that deepen our understanding of Buddhism, cultivate inner peace and compassion, and transform our minds and hearts so that we might reach our highest potential for the benefit of others. We aspire to establish an FPMT center that is a wish-fulfilling jewel for the New York City area and all beings everywhere.

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Programs and activities are focused around the following aspirations:

• To bring the Dharma to many students by hosting qualified teachers who present Tibetan Buddhist philosophy, psychology, and its integration within our daily lives.

• To provide opportunities for experienced students as well as those new to Buddhism, to study, learn, and practice together.

• To cultivate and practice skillful means by working harmoniously in a supportive environment and expanding our ability to offer compassion and service to others.

• To collaborate with other Dharma groups and organizations in New York City and within the international FPMT community to expand our reach and impact.

• To strategically develop a firm infrastructure – sacred space, resources, and people – to sustain programs and enable the center to flourish for years to come.

2013 SRPIRITUAL PROGRAM In 2013, Shantideva Meditation offered students various methods and opportunities to pursue the Buddhist path, including study of Buddhist philosophy and psychology, meditation, ritual practice, service, and the support of a harmonious community of practitioners, following the vision and advice of Spiritual Director, Lama Zopa Rinpoche.

Teachings and Retreats on Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy, Psychology and Practice Shantideva Meditation Center presents a series of informed and inspirational public talks, in-depth teachings, and weekend retreats with visiting FPMT teachers. Most of these teachings explore Tibetan Buddhist philosophy and

psychology and its integration and practice within our daily lives. Topics come from the teachings in the lam-rim (the graduated path to enlightenment), and explore fundamental principles and methods for attaining realizations.

“I truly appreciate Shantideva Meditation’s comprehensive spiritual program. There’s something for everyone, and so many ways to be fully engaged and involved. They have provided me with countless opportunities to accumulate merit, and a solid foundation on which to stabilize my practice.”

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In February 2013, Ven. Fedor Stracke returned to Shantideva Meditation Center to host A Drop from the Ocean of Mind and Mental Factors, a topic from FPMT’s Basic Program, designed by Lama Zopa Rinpoche for students committed to more in-depth study and practice. These teachings focused on identifying the mental afflictions and their antidotes. General features of mind and mental factors were discussed, and then specifically which mental factors must be abandoned and which should be adopted and developed in order to attain enlightenment.

!Ven. Fedor Stracke, A Drop from the Ocean of Mind and Mental Factors, February 2013

During March and April 2013, Geshe Choewang Dakpa Rinpoche led a 4-week series, Understanding Essential Buddhist Prayers in Tibetan. During this series, students learned and practiced the vocabulary, syntax and pronunciation of essential prayers such as refuge and bodhichitta and the seven limb prayer in Tibetan language. In June 2013, he returned to lead a teaching on the Four Noble Truths over a vegetarian pot-luck brunch.

“I am amazed by the depth of clarity, dedication and compassion that our teachers have offered us. I have learned so much from them and am excited to continue studying and practicing. They make me feel as if I can actually tame my mind and succeed on the path to enlightenment.”

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!Geshe Choewang Dakpa Rinpoche with students, Four Noble Truths Brunch, June 2013

In June 2013, Ven. Amy Miller returned to Shantideva Meditation Center to host Transforming Problems into Happiness. During this retreat, Ven. Amy presented an overview of Tibetan Buddhist approaches to mind training (or "lo-jong"), transforming adversities into opportunities for greater resilience, love, and compassion. Attendees practiced tong-len, a simple yet powerful meditation of giving and taking used to alleviate difficult situations in our daily lives.

!Ven. Amy Miller with students, Transforming Problems into Happiness, June 2013

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In July 2013, Ven. Fedor Stracke returned to lead Buddha Nature – the Potential of the Mind. Ven. Fedor offered meditation, lecture and discussion regarding the fundamental nature of mind and how to remove the obscurations of ignorance.

!Ven. Fedor Stracke, Buddha Nature – the Potential of the Mind, July 2013

In September and October 2013, Geshe Kelsang Wangmo led two teachings, What is the Self (co-sponsored with Tibet House) and The Heart Sutra: the Profound Union of Wisdom and Compassion. For the former, Geshe Wangmo discussed some of the principal reasons and debates presented in the Buddhist scriptures that are concerned with understanding reality. In the latter, Geshe Wangmo discussed the Heart Sutra in relation to the profound wisdom of emptiness and its implicit meaning pertaining to compassion and the progressive stages to enlightenment.

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!Geshe Kelsang Wangmo, The Heart Sutra: the Profound Union of Wisdom and Compassion,

October 2013

During October 2013, Ven. Lhundup Nyingje hosted Journey to Freedom: The Meaning of Retreat, where she offered teachings on cultivating happiness by contributing our unique talents to others, the power of cherishing others, and developing bodhicitta and an open heart. She also led guided meditations on generating love, purifying and healing with light, and connecting with enlightened beings.

!Ven. Lhundup Nyingje, Journey to Freedom: the Meaning of Retreat, October 2013

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Last but not least, in December 2013, Ven. Robina Courtin led teachings on Karma and Emptiness: How to Loosen the Grip of Ego and Gain Wisdom By Understanding Karma, a Tasty Example of Dependent Arising. Ven. Robina shared teachings on karma, purification, the ten non-virtues, dependent arising, how to let go of ego-grasping, and emptiness, while answering various questions from students. In Living the Dharma: Refuge in the Three Jewels, Ven. Robina also offered refuge vows to 20 new practitioners and helped many others renew their vows. She also offered teachings and guided students in the Medicine Buddha puja, while offering a teaching on Bodhicitta during our Holiday Party.

!Ven. Robina Courtin with students, Karma and Emptiness, December 2013

Discovering Buddhism Study Group Discovering Buddhism is the program that gives students a foundation in Buddhist philosophy and practice, aimed at providing students with a solid footing in the practice of Mahayana Buddhism. Shantideva Meditation has worked with a version of the 14-part FPMT Discovering Buddhism

curriculum that includes reading and studying the Buddha’s teachings, presentation of major points by the facilitator, discussion among peers, and guided meditations. In 2013, the Discovering Buddhism study group series met several times a year and studied the topics Death and Rebirth, All About Karma, Refuge in the Three Jewels, and Samsara and Nirvana. This study group was facilitated by Gustavo

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Cutz and featured guest teacher Ven. Fedor Stracke, presenting via Skype or in person for one session for most modules.

!Students from the Death and Rebirth module of the Discovering Buddhism Study Group,

March 2013

Meditation in Our Tradition Meditation in Our Tradition, suitable for students of all levels, offers meditation instruction, group practice, and opportunities to ask questions in a supportive, contemplative environment. Classes include an explanation and practice of Tibetan Buddhist meditation techniques (calm abiding,

vipassana, visualization, and analytical meditation). In 2013, Shantideva Meditation Center offered classes in March and July-August, led by George Michael Cuesta, Ph.D.

“The Discovering Buddhism study group has been a wonderful resource, providing me with a clearer perspective on many Dharma subjects. Our facilitator is very knowledgeable, kind, and thoughtful in his explanations.”

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Practice Program Shantideva Meditation recognizes that in order to progress on the path, we need to practice purification and accumulate merit. Lama Zopa Rinpoche recommends that centers practice the Medicine Buddha and Tara pujas each month and that Lama Chopa (Guru Puja) with Tsog be

offered twice a month, ideally on auspicious days in the Tibetan calendar. In 2013, Shantideva Meditation Center continued to offer two pujas per month. Lama Chopa with Tsog was offered every month, with Green Tara and Medicine Buddha offered on alternate months. These pujas were led by George Michael Cuesta and Jennifer Kim.

!Shantideva Meditation altar for Lama Chop with Tsog

On Lama Tsongkhapa Day in December 2013, we joined with Jewel Heart and other Dharma centers to offer a Lama Chopa puja and Tsog to celebrate the anniversary of Lama Tsongkhapa, the founder of the Gelugpa tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. The festive and social gathering offered a beautiful opportunity for our communities to come together honoring our lineage of gurus. Shantideva Meditation students also participated in reading sutras from afar. For Losar and the 15 Days of Miracles, 15 students recited the Arya Sanghata Sutra,

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and one member hosted a small group recitation in her home. For Saka Dawa, commemorating Lord Buddha's birth, enlightenment, and parinirvana, students recited the Sutra of Golden Light from afar.

Compassion in Action Initiated in 2013, Compassion in Action, in collaboration with New York Cares, offers opportunities for students to volunteer for social service organizations as a group. Through hands-on, shared experiences in helping, Shantideva Meditation students develop greater capacity for compassion and generosity.

In July 2013, at the Riverside Park Conservancy Playground, volunteers assisted with weeding and watering the new flowering perennial plant installation to help the new transplants survive the summer months. This project was part of Shantideva Meditation Center’s participation in Compassion Day, organized by FPMT in honor of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s birthday.

!Compassion in Acction volunteers at Riverside Park, July 2013

In November 2013, at NY Common Pantry, volunteers helped sort, package, and distribute culturally appropriate and nutritionally balanced food packages to 500 families.

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Special Community Events In addition to the above regular programs, Shantideva Meditation also organized special events to foster a greater sense of community and enhance their Dharma experiences. In October 2013, Carmen Mensink from our sister FPMT

center in Amsterdam led a presentation about the history and meaning of the eight auspicious symbols, and guided students in drawing the parasol or lotus according to the Tibetan tradition. During the same month, around 40 friends of Shantideva Meditation Center and the broader FPMT community met for a tea and sweets gathering after teachings from His Holiness the Dalai Lama. In addition, we gathered after Lama Chopa to celebrate and rejoice in the flourishing of the Dharma and our community under the leadership and service of outgoing Director, Mary Esbjornson, over the past several years. In December 2013, Shantideva Meditation Center hosted our Holiday Party with Guest of Honor, Ven. Robina Courtin, where attendees enjoyed food and drink, received a teaching on

“Just seeing the Shantideva Meditation Center members helping others with warm heartedness really gave me the motivation to not just provide the service but do so mindfully with compassion. Thanks Shantideva."

Tea and Sweets community gathering following HH Dalai Lama’s teachings, October 2013


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Bodhicitta by Ven. Robina and participated in trivia games and a give-away drawing of gifts offered by the community.

!Holiday Party, December 2014

OUR COMMUNITY Shantideva Meditation activities are coordinated and led by lay Buddhist practitioners who volunteer their time and skills as an offering of service to their spiritual gurus and to those who might benefit from our programs. Students come from all walks of life, ages, and levels of aspiration on the Dharma path. Many are new to Buddhism, others have been studying and practicing for years and have received the teachings and blessings of our spiritual director and other realized teachers. Organizational and program activities are governed by our Board of Directors, and other management team members work with the Board to coordinate various activities. At Shantideva Meditation, we aspire to create a work and community environment that reflects the Buddha’s teachings, bringing the practice of mindfulness and the Six Paramitas: generosity, ethical discipline, patience, joyous effort, concentration, and wisdom to all activities of daily life.

“I have found Shantideva Meditation’s founding members and students extremely welcoming and free of judgment.”

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Over the past several years, wonderful volunteers have come forward to offer service, primarily around programs with FPMT visiting teacher retreats or public talks. We are grateful for the thousands of collective hours that have been contributed and the many ways that students are able to apply Buddhist practices through the process of working together.

OUR PRACTICE AND RETREAT SPACE Shantideva Meditation currently presents public talks, retreats, and other activities at Tibet House, Robert F. Thurman’s gallery and library space in Union Square. Teachers enjoy the space for its shrine room, presence of holy objects and art, and connection to the Tibetan community. We also hold events at the beautiful gompa of Jewel Heart Center, Gelek Rimpoche’s sacred space in Tribeca. Some events have also been held at private venues. Eventually, we hope to secure resources for our own meeting and meditation space, but for now, the collaboration with other groups provides a wonderful synergy within the broader community and helps us to identify new students and expand our constituency base.

“I’m grateful for the opportunity to practice generosity and service as a volunteer. I feel connected to the Dharma through interactions with Shantideva Meditation’s students and more experienced practitioners. They inspire me, and I now consider Shantideva Meditation my spiritual home.”

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Special thanks to Ganden Thurman, Director of Tibet House, and their staff members for their support. Thank you also to Gelek Rimpoche and Saara Cohen for allowing us use of the beautiful facilities at Jewel Heart.



The Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition is an international, non-profit organization founded in 1975 by Lama Thubten Yeshe (1935-84), a Tibetan Buddhist monk. The Foundation is devoted to the transmission of the Mahayana Buddhist tradition and values worldwide through teaching, meditation, and community service.

FPMT provides integrated education through which people’s minds and hearts can be transformed into their highest potential for the benefit of others, inspired by an attitude of universal responsibility. FPMT is committed to creating harmonious environments and helping all beings develop their full potential of infinite wisdom and compassion. The organization is based on the Buddhist tradition of Lama Tsongkhapa of Tibet as taught to us by FPMT’s Founder, Lama Thubten Yeshe and Spiritual Director, Lama Zopa Rinpoche.

Tibet House Gallery

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FPMT Spiritual Director Lama Zopa Rinpoche (left) and Founder Lama Thubten Yeshe. Photo Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive.

FPMT’s International Office, headquartered in Portland, Oregon, coordinates communication between Lama Zopa Rinpoche and the organization, and provides support and services to FPMT’s 161 centers, projects, and services in 41 countries worldwide. Shantideva Meditation Center is incorporated as a nonprofit religious organization in New York and is legally affiliated with FPMT. We are in the process of applying for our 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status from the IRS. As an FPMT affiliate center, we are responsible for our own governance and finances as well as for developing strategic program and fund development plans that respond to the unique needs and potential of our community.

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Visiting Teacher Event Donations General Operating Donations


Class Donations and Puja Sponsorships $4,021.00 Merit Box Donations and Dharma Materials Sales $910.37 Total Income $35,409.62

2013 Expenses

Program Expenses (Visiting Teachers, Program Materials, Hospitality, Rent and Transportation) Volunteer Stipends and Professional Services

$21,971.52 $12,405.00

Communications and Administration $4,741.02 FPMT Donations and Offerings $1,702.25 Total Expenses $40,819.79


2013 Board of Directors, Officers, and Management Team Director and President of Board

Mary Esbjornson: January – October 2013 Jennifer Kim: November 2013 – Present

Spiritual Program Coordinators: George Michael Cuesta, Ph.D.: January 2013 – December 2013 (also served as Secretary) Jennifer Kim: January 2013 – December 2013 (Arnaud Berger: January 2014 – Present)


Tricia Clark: February 2013 – December 2013 (Ven. Lhundub Chodron: January 2014 – Present)

Management Team Member: Gustavo Cutz: January 2013 – Present Communications Manager: Tara Baltazar: January 2013 – Present

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2013 Event Managers and Associates

Administration: Tricia Clark and Meg Sweetland-Baker Multimedia: Allan Tarantino Lunch and Hospitality: Ann Marie Witzel Sacred Space Set-Up: Lauren Coleman and Bonnie Costa Compassion in Action: Bonnie Costa

2013 Event Volunteers

Rosy Alessandro, Sandra Benedict, Augusto Giacoman, Cynthia Golembeski, Charlotte Lowson, Jennifer MacLeod Kelley, Mercedeh Mirshamsi, Jon Owen, Lana Popovic, Stephen Redenti, Jessica Robinson, Marcia Rosales, Jacqueline Rossi, Ruby Sanchez, Teddy Sczudlo, Barbara Standley, Deborah Stevenson, Danielle Walker, Jesse Willard

Pro Bono Legal Counsel Frank Patton Peter deL. Swords






“By studying and offering service to the centers you are fulfilling the guru’s wishes and advice all the time … In this way, our lives are full of

unbelievable opportunities for happiness, including enlightenment. There is so much to enjoy and no time for depression.

– Lama Zopa Rinpoche

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F O R A S L O N G A S S P A C E R E M A I N S , F O R A S L O N G A S S E N T I E N T B E I N G S R E M A I N ,

U N T I L T H E N M A Y I T O O R E M A I N . T O D I S P E L T H E M I S E R I E S O F T H E W O R L D .

- M A S T E R S H A N T I D E V A