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  • 1. MedicReS COURSE Understanding Systematic Review and Meta Analysis MedicReS aims to educate researchers and provoke discussion about good scientific method, statistics, ethics, publication, and education. Faced with stifling bureaucracy, competition for funds and employer pressure to deliver results, finding the time and space to produce the best research can seem an arduous process. The Lancet. PURPOSE MedicReS Education Center in Vienna for understanding systematic review and meta analysis results: clinical and statistical approach to use current evidence based medicine and Issues in publication bias A meta-analysis does not just add up the numbers from the trials One common criticism of meta-analysis is that it somehow simply adds together the results from quite different studies and calculates a summary statistic as if it is one big study. It would be wrong to do this, and this is not what a meta-analysis does. A meta-analysis looks at the results within each study, and then calculates a weighted average. The reasons for this are explained in a later module. For now, it's enough to realise that if we just add up the numbers of people and events (such as deaths) from a number of trials, we effectively treat it as one big trial. In effect we will be comparing people in the treatment group of one trial with people in the control group of another trial. This comparison is not randomised, and it is likely that there will be some differences in the way the trials were carried out. This doesn't make sense when we have gone to a lot of trouble to find randomised comparisons, and it does not make logical sense to do this. The Cochrane Collaboration 2002. MedicReS Course in Vienna 2012 Course Key Subjects: Sutructred well Formulating a clinical problem, Searching the Literature, Evaluating Bias, Using PRISMA, Calculating Mean Difference Effect Sizes, Critically Evaluating a Meta-Analysis Results

2. Understanding Meta Analysis Results Why meta analysis? Meta analysis is the analytical or statistical part of the systematic reviews. Meta analysis is currently a very active area of research interest with new additions published on a very regular basis. the aim of this course is enabling the health researcher to understand basic principles of and to apply the methods of meta analysis I hope that who are not expert in statistics will able to interest a large proportion of this presentation. Prof. E. Arzu KANIK, PhD, Course Lecturer LOCATION Vienna Welcome to Vienna, The capital of bon viveurs! As an art metropolis and the world capital of music, Vienna has a host of attractive events for visitors, as well as legendary charm, traditional and modern features, spacious squares, old buildings, delightful narrow streets, and gardens and parks around every corner. Give in to Vienna's attractions, immerse yourself... 3. CLASSES MedicReS Course in Istanbul 2011 With 8, 16, 24 Capacity Classes MedicReS Education Based on Andragogy Self-concept moves from dependency to independency or self-directedness. Accumulate a reservoir of experiences that can be used as a basis on which to build learning. Readiness to learn becomes increasingly associated with the developmental tasks of social roles. Time and curricular perspectives change from postponed to immediacy of application and from subject-centeredness to performance centeredness . Knowles, M. S. (1980). The modern practice of adult education. Chicago MedicReS Course in Vienna 2008 MedicReS Course in Prague 2011 COMPUTER APPLICATION MedCalc is Official software of MedicReS; all participants will use and get original MedCalc license in this Course Program. MedCalc is user-friendly statistical software. MedCalc is a complete statistical program for Windows designed to closely match the requirements of biomedical researchers. It is fast, user-friendly and reliable. All future updates free of charge. MedCalc is the most user-friendly software for medical researcher. 4. CERTIFICATION & ACCREDITATION MedicReS Credit Accreditation Certificate MedicReS Accredited Continuous Medical Education Credit (MACMEC) Equal to 1 ECMEC (European Credit Continuous Medical Education) The One Hour equals One Credit applies with a maximum of 3 MACMEC per half day and 6 MACMEC 's per full day activity. MACMEC's can then be translated by the National Accreditation Authorities in the World in to the National Credits WWW.UEMS.NET What is Accredited CME? Learner-Centered, Practice-Based Accredited CME is based on a learner-centered, continuous improvement model. Accredited providers facilitate self-directed, practice-based education that supports physicians commitment to lifelong learning. Whether health care professionals work in clinical care, research, administration, executive leadership, or other areas of medicine, accredited CME is tailored to their needs and scope of practice. CME is designed to offer solutions to real-world practice issues. In addition to providing updates on the latest medical practices, guidelines, and research, accredited CME activities address local community health concerns and support problem-solving and quality improvement initiatives within health professionals' institutions. Accredited CME is offered through a wide range of formats and structures. Much more than traditional lectures and grand rounds, CME encompasses one-on-one training, performance-improvement projects, patient safety initiatives, online simulation, and learning from teaching, courses, team-based learning, and numerous other approaches. LANGUAGE: English MAIN SPECIALTY: Please select your specialty area via MedicReS Clinics DURATION: 1 day CREDITS: 6 MACMEC COURSE FEE: 450 Euro + VAT INCLUDINGS: Life Long Valid MedCalc Computer Statistical Program License, Course Materials, Participation Certificate 5. MedicReS CLINICS MedicReS Courses are available in following specialty areas for newborn, pediatric, adolescent, adult and geriatric patients Anesthesiology & Reanimation Cardiology Cardiovascular & Thoracic Chest Diseases Chest Surgery Dermatology Emergency Medicine General Surgery Internal Medicine Neurology Neurosurgery Obstetrics & Gynecology Ophthalmology Orthopedics & Traumatology Otorhinolaryngology Pediatric Surgery Pediatrics Psychiatry Radiology Urology