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Medicine Plants

Page 2: Medicine Plants


Yarrow Tea is a good remedy for severe colds, being most useful in the commencement of fevers, and in cases of obstructed perspiration. The infusion is made with 1 OZ. of dried herb to 1 pint of boiling water, drunk warm, in wineglassful doses. The fresh leaves chewed are said to cure toothache.

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The name Tansy is probably derived from the Greek Athanaton (immortal), either because it lasts so long in flower or because it is capital for preserving dead bodies from corruption. The green leaves, pounded and applied, will relieve sprains and allay the swelling. Tansy is largely used for expelling worms in children.

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Oil of Juniper is given as a diuretic, stomachic, and carminative in indigestion, flatulence, and diseases of the kidney and bladder. The oil mixed with lard is also used in veterinary practice as an application to exposed wounds and prevents irritation from flies. The berries are good for stomachache and strength.

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Poppy Seeds

Cough mixtures and syrups are made from Eastern poppy seeds, which is further used as a poultice with chamomile. An infusion of seeds is said to help ear and toothache.

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CatmintCatmint is ready to harvest when the plants are in full bloom. Plants are harvested by clipping the stems about 10 to 12 cm above the crown. This allows re-growth from the adventitious buds located on the lower stem nodes. It was said to be a good tea to drink to bring down fevers. Catmint is one of the traditional cold and flu remedies. Catmint eases any stomach upsets. It is a perfect remedy for the treatment of diarrhea in children. Its sedative action on the nerves adds to its generally relaxing properties. It will relieve painful swellings when applied in the form of a poultice or fomentation.

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WatermintWatermint is understood to be an excellent choice when it comes to cleaning surface wounds, removing excess oil from the face, calming ulcers, and helping to relieve indigestion. As part of aromatherapy, watermint is understood to be an ideal option in helping to ward off depression and restoring emotional equilibrium. In some schools of alternative medicine, burning incense made with watermint is recommended as a way to relieve stuffy noses and other temporary and minor cold symptoms.

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Marigold leaves=Good for infected wounds. Chew into paste and spit onto the infected wound. Will sting.

Chervil root= Bellyaches. Eat.

Chervil leaves= For infected wounds and preventing infected wounds. Chew into paste and press the paste on the wound. It will sting.

Burdock root= Rat bites or other infected wounds. Press on wound. Will sting.

Alder bark=Toothaches. Eat.

Goldenrod poultice=Aching joints. Rub onto spot that aches.

Cobwebs= The most basic remedy. Used to stop bleeding. Press and hold cobwebs on wound until bleeding stops.

Horsetail= Infected wounds. Apply horsetail juice on the wound. It will sting.

Coltsfoot= Helps with breathing. Eat.

Other plants

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Comfrey= Small dark green leaved plant that blooms white, purple, or pale yellow flowers. Used for healing injuries and broken bones quicker.

Celandine= Good for soothing irritated eyes. Eat. Small medium shaded leaves with yellow flowers.

Other plants (continued)

Feverfew= Helps chills, fevers, coughs, and headaches. Eat. Has bitter smell and taste.

Lavender= Helps chills, fevers, and coughs. Eat. Smells sweet.

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Deathberries= One of these berries will kill anyone without medicine treatment right away. If someone eats them ,scoop all the berry leftovers out of their mouth. Then force them to swallow yarrow. The victim will vomit out most of the poison, but not all of it. They will be very sick for the next few days. Has dark green leaves and scarlet berries. Otherwise known as 'yew'.

Nightshade= Has dark green leaves. There are three types of nightshade. Black nightshade is the most common. It has dark purple berries. Another kind has lighter red berries. Use yarrow as treatment just as deathberries.

Ragwort= Even though ragwort is used for medicinal uses, it is highly poisonous, as it often gets cows and horses very sick. Use yarrow right away. Juniper also helps afterward.

Stinging nettle= Only part of the plant is poisonous. The part that isn't poisonous is used for medicinal uses. This plant has sharp nettles. If the nettles break the skin you will have a horrible itch for a few hours, maybe longer. Carefully remove nettles.

Poisonous Plants

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