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Media unit 01

1) Antony "Tony" Stark / Iron Man Biography:Tony Stark "visionary, genius, American patriot, son of the brilliant Howard Stark at an early age stole spot light with his brilliant mind" he's also a "billionaire playboy philanthropist". Recently this character has been portrayed as less of a playboy and more of a rock star, this is because in Iron Man 2 they wanted him to seem like a rock star more so they could move him away from endless streams of women to

having a stake relationship. in the special features section of the DVD there is the creating the stark expo feature which shows how they tried to do this, this feature is currently not on the internet so in order to view it you will need the DVD.

Bruce Wayne/Batman biography:An orphaned boy desperate to make sure his parents legacy doesn't die - the rehabilitation of Gotham. He has two masks to disguise his identity one physical mask with which he becomes the crime fighting vigilante Batman, who has the hope and aim of clearing up the streets of Gotham and protecting the innocent. The other is a

psychological mask where he becomes in public only the billionaire playboy business man Bruce Wayne this is so he can divert the possible suspicion that he is batman but its also so he can keep his fathers company Wayne Enterprisers honest and afloat in the interests and the safety of the people and not just to make a profit. He does also follow in his father's example where his father donated money to build a cheep public transport system to help the people Bruce donates the profits of the company to orphanages as well as investing in saving the world energy projects such as the nuclear reactor he creates with Miranda Tate.

In this first video it shows Bruce’s start in life when his parents are killed, this is the thing that creates a spark which later becomes the flame of batman. - in this next video clip is the rest of Bruce’s Life summed up (rather poorly as this is a fan made clip and is badly edited together). -

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2) Tony star is portrayed to be a character that nobody would like due to his attitude, sarcasm and over all irritating personality, there’s a good example of this in Iron man 2 when tony makes an enemy out of a US senator (senator Stern) during a court hearing the full court scene is in the link below. he saves the stark expo from an attack he gets the senator to be the one who honours him with a medal "oh I'm sorry it's strange isn't it how annoying a little prick can be" - senator. These personality traits are performed so perfectly by Robert Downey Jr. that he makes Tony seems witty, clever basically and extremely interesting and funny person to be around, this is why although most characters in the film do not like him for these aspects everyone in the audience does. 

Bruce Wayne (in the recent Christopher Nolen batman films) on the other hand although he is liked by most, he has been represented a little dull in my opinion with a flare only when he's acting so much like a playboy it's obviously forced and I cant believe that people are buying into his scam or when he's Batman and is just being too cool with all the gadgets the vehicles and the fighting. I prefer the Bruce Wayne batman stories told in the 1980s and 90s film which had his fighting sluggish but believable as well as an actually playboy life style that could make even the audience if they were in the dark to even think of thinking that Bruce Wayne is batman, which is how it should be.

3)SimilaritiesBoth Bruce and Tony are billionaires and have been playboys in some fashion. Their businesses help he people in some way or another, Stark industries stop manufacturing weapons and started on clean energy, and Wayne enterprises donates its profits to the orphaned children of Gotham as well as building helpful features for the city such as the cheap transport monorail.In terms of being superheroes they are very similar neither of them actually have any powers as such they just use their immense wealth to make their suits, weapons, vehicles and gadgets

DifferencesThey both have many characteristic and personality difference that

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you can clear notice from what is written above, Tony is a very out and proud superhero when Bruce continuously hides his identity not letting anyone find out who he is until the end of his Batman career when he tells who he is in a coded way to James Gordon. They also have very different homes Bruce's home has been passed down through the generations of the Wayne family without being update so his house is a very old traditional manor where as Tony who is constantly trying to be different and modern has a very cool stylish modern home with an inter grated computer (Jarvis) who controls the house and helps Tony with build and development of projects.

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