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Like the research process of my music video, I conducted some research for my ancillary tasks before brainstorming and creating my digi pack and poster. From the research that I conducted I found that there were typical conventions of a digi pack…

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• The front cover usually portrays either an image of the artist, a symbol that presents them in a certain way, or an abstract piece of artwork ….

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• The front cover usually portrays the name or logo of the artist and the name of the album

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• The back cover usually presents the track list of the record, the barcode and additional information about the record label of the album and websites relating to the artist. This information is usually placed in a discrete place …

• Inside of a digi pack, includes the insider cover, the tray and the cd disk its self. The digi pack usually presents a consistent style, regarding the colour scheme and images, to create a sense of continuity.

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How has my digi pack conformed and subverted the typical conventions?

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For my digital I decided that I wanted to include an image of my artist on the front cover due to his bold star image and persona. I centered the

main image in the middle of the digi pack, a typical convention used by most digi pack’s. I

have done this as this will attract my audience’s attention.

I have also conformed to the conventions of a digi pack as I have included both the title of the album and the artists name on the front of the

digi pack, as this enable the audience to recognize my media product. Another similar convention that I have used in my digi pack is the theme of continuity of the images used in

my digi pack.

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As you can see, on the front of my digi pack included the name of the artist and the name of the album cover. I have used a specific font type that flows with the style

of the digi pack. I have conformed to the typical conventions by placing the name of the artist and the top of the digi pack, as this is where my audience will

firstly focus on when purchasing the album. Underneath the main title lies the artist him self with the name of

the album situated to the left of the artists face. I have subverted the convention of a typical digi pack, by not

placing the album title in the center of the digi pack. BY distributing the album title to the side of the digi pack,

this helps to add a different style and purpose to my digi pack, making it stand out the in market.

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It can be argued that I have subverted the usual conventions of a digi pack, due to the fact that I have not used an abstract image for the main image of my album cover. Due

to my star’s bold image and persona, I felt that it was only appropriate for the artist to

be presented in some way on the front cover of the digi pack. Despite the fact that I have

subverted the typical conventions of a digi pack, I have edited the main image in a way

that can be justified as abstract and surreal. I have used the overlaying and opacity

technique to create an abstract effect on the main image of my artist. This effect that I

have applied to my main image has connotations of madness and insanity, which helps add to the specific persona of my artist

him self.

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Here I have contrasted my dig pack, against the existing digi packs that I have analyzed. As you can see I have subverted the conventions of this genre, as I have used an image of my artist on the front cover of the magazine….

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I am most proud of how my back cover turned out, as I feel that this attribute of my ancillary task looks the most legitimate, against all the other aspects of my dig pack. I have conformed to the conventions by using the same colour scheme of black and white and using the same font as the front cover of my digi pack. I have also included 13 tracks on the back cover of my digi pack. I did this as the number 13 presents an unlucky number. I feel that this could leave connotations of strangeness which fits with the style of my star image. Ways in which I have conformed to the typical conventions of a back cover include the main title situated at the top of the digi pack, the barcode, and the information of the copy right and record label details on the bottom left hand corner. The way in which I have distributed the visuals of the digi pack, conforms to the typical conventions of a digi pack, as this is the structural way of how my audience will read my back cover.

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I have included the logo style on the back of my digi pack to increase the level of continuity through out my digi pack as this is proven to be a successful way in which album covers and digi packs are marketed. I have adapted the style of over layering

and re positioning the text, so it relates to the main image of my digi pack.

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I have applied he overlaying technique to the font and the main images of my digi pack. I feel that this connotes a sense of insanity which relates to my artists persona and star image. Its easy to notify how the font and the main images relate as I have made it obvious how I have modified both the font and the main images. This attribute to the design of my digi pack is very significant, and helps to add to the specific style of my products. This suggests that I have conformed to the certain conventions of digi packs as I have focused on creating a certain style through out my product.

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I have situated the information of my record label in the bottom left hand corner of my back cover due to its little significance to my audience. This can be seen on other digi packs that I have analyzed at the beginning of my research.

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Like all existing digi pack I included my own record label and copy right information. I have created my own record label brand for the production of my products called “MSharrattRecords”. I have conformed to the conventions by including this logo on all of my products and even at the start of my music video.

This logo is often seen through out my digi pack. Therefore, I feel that I have contributed to the ways in which my media product conforms to typical conventions successfully. By including this logo through out my digi pack, I have ultimately created a sense of style and continuity, which helps add to the realistic effect of my products


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I have conformed to the codes and conventions by including a record label logo on all of my media products. Like existing products I have included an image that relates to my record label company, like most record label companies do. I have also included the phrase ‘records’, which links to the idea that the logo relates to the purpose of the logo. However, it is clear to see that I have subverted the conventions, as I have used bright colours for the main image of my record label.

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The use of my record label logo through out my product….

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The initial design idea of the inside of my digi pack was to have the tray of the digi pack interactive with the CD disk.

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The CD disk would sit over the image of the artist so the words “NORMAL PEOPLE SCARE ME”, would be revealed above the disk. It isn't until the audience take the CD

from the tray, and the artist is revealed, but in an abstract form.

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I have conformed to the conventions of a digi pack as I have included a tray image

for my disk to sit on. However, I have challenged the conventions by changing the style of the image so it does not suit the other images. I did this to break up the strict style of the digi pack, and to

interest the audience. I like the simplicity of this effect, and the connotations that

the audience may perceive from observing the tray image. I have placed

out the two images as if they were presented in the form of a digi pack, with

out the CD Disk.

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Again, I have included the copy right, date, disk company and record label logo on the CD disk. Which presents how I have conformed to the typical codes and conventions of a digi pack .

I have used the logo of my album on the front of the CD disk, to show continuity and fluidity through out my digi pack. It is noticeable that I have sued the same font style and colour as my front and back cover.

I have conformed to the codes and conventions of a CD disk, as I have included an image of the artist as the background of my CD disk. This again creates fluidity and consistency of the contents of my digi pack.

The name of the album is presented on the front cover of the disk

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Most digi packs include a thank you page some where with in the digi packs. I have used this with in

my digi pack design as I believe that this makes my digi pack look very successful, this therefore shows

that I have conformed to the codes and conventions of a usual digi pack. The thanks page usually

presents a personal message from the artist to the audience, to create a more personal relationship

with both the artist and the audience. I have also shown that I have conformed to the codes as I have

used a fluid colour scheme and font style through out the design of my dig pack. The use of black back

ground with thin white font with large spacing between each letter, suggesting that I have paid

attention to detail when designing the contents of my digi pack.

I have applied this feature of using quotes from my artist to use through out the design of my digi pack.

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I have applied this feature of using quotes from my artist to use through out the design of my digi pack… By including this feature this enables my audience to

understand the artists star image and personality.

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I have conformed to the structure of a digi pack by creating a spine. I have included specific information, such as the artists name, album name and serial number. This therefore shows that I have conformed to the conventions of a digi pack as the spine is an important feature to the design of a digi pack .

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THE USUAL CONVENTIONS OF A POSTER…The name of the artist is going to be the biggest and boldest text on the poster. Followed by a picture of the artist, this promotes their

album, and themselves for the audience.Like the artists name, its equally important to advertise the albums names which is usually the 1st or 2nd priority when choosing font

size and colours. Its important this is successfully advertised to the audience.Its key that the advert and the poster image are the same as it creates a sense of brand identity allowing a customer to find it easily. Not

only, the image is something that represents the artist or their music and is bold and bright to the audience. The one I’ve used for example is a great representation of the artist and the album.

Not only are the posters advertising the artist and their album, but also the record company as without these, producing and selling music wouldn’t be possible. The logo is usually placed at the bottom of the poster or in the corner and very small to the eye.

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This is my final product for the poster of my digi pack. Through out the process of researching into existing digi packs I have notified that existing digi packs include all the same attributes to the main cover of the digi pack. I have conformed to the usual conventions of a poster by including the main image used on my digi pack on the front cover of my poster. I have included the same faded effect of the main image on my poster, to promote continuity across all of the products that I have produced. Like other digi packs I have used large font for the most important information, including the album name and artists name. The small fonts are less significant to the larger fonts, this shows that I have conformed to the codes and conventions of usual posters in the advertisement industry. The way that I have distributed the fonts of my poster also shows how I have conformed to the conventions of an existing poster. The fonts are placed in order of importance, with the artists name placed at the top of the poster, followed by the name of the album, which is presented in the same way as the front cover, thus showing a sense of continuity from the poster to the album cover. This will enable the audience to recognise the poster and have an understanding of what the album is going to look like. I have also made it possible for my target audience to gain an understanding of what the album will look like, by including a small image of the album cover below the text ‘DEBUT ALBUM OUT NOW’, by placing the album underneath this text this shows to the audience the purpose of the poster.

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MISE EN SCENE : Most posters present a certain mise en scene to their target audience which will encourage new audiences to show an interest in an artists new album.

In my poster I have used the same lighting effect as the rest of my media products this will portray a certain style to my target audience, attracting those from a specific target audience. This dark lighting also connotes a cynical atmosphere. The dark lighting that I have used to cover up half of the artists profile suggests that he has two identities, whi9ch could be relative to the story line of my music video, but can also suggest another identity of insanity. The fact that the artist is shown in a calm state with only half of his face on show suggests his loss of sanity.

The white font against the black background presents a sense of simplicity my target audience, so they are not over whelmed by the intense main image below. I have done this so the audience focuses on the importance of the artists star image. However I have used an effect on the font, to present connotations of insanity, ultimately mimicking the effect of the main image.

The artist is shown wearing way out clothing, which relates to the genre of his music. This contributes to the mise en scene and style of my poster, as my audience will be able to justify what type of music the poster is advertising. The bright colours contrast well against the black ground to show how the artist contrasts to the so called ‘normal society’.

The darkness of the image represents the monotonous society that the artist is surrounded by. The artist is well lit to show how he stands out from society.

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Mise en Scene in existing posters…I have conformed to the conventions of existing posters by understanding the importance of mise en scene, as this helps the audience to understand more about the poster just by observing the main image and over all style of the poster. Most posters present a specific mise en scene to show the type of genre that the artists associates their music to. From looking at my poster it is clear to see that the music is most likely to be psychedelic rock, due to the clothing and persona of my artist. With existing albums it is clear to distinguish the differences between types of genre.

I have compared my music advertisement to the Doors music advertisement to show how existing advertisement posters present a certain mise en scene that relates to the genre of music that they are advising. As you can see the Doors music poster uses dark lighting, and simplistic colour scheme to promote a cynical atmosphere. When looking at the poster, it is clear to identify the type of music that the advert is endorsing. I have adapted the dark imagery of the doors advert to my own digi pack and poster, this can be seen in my Tray for my digipack.

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By comparing my own poster to other existing posters, I have come to the conclusion that I have successfully conformed to the usual codes and conventions of a musical advertisement poster. By presenting the artist in the middle of the poster, and anchoring the text surrounding the artist, this will successfully draw the audiences attention to focus on the main image of my poster, ultimately this will encourage the audience to analyse the poster and become interested in the album its self. This shows that I have conformed to the conventions of a music poster, by situating the main image in the centre of the poster.