Download - ME 212 Intro. to Eng. Design Welcome!. Today... Overview, syllabus Design Project assignment Nature of engineering ME 212 I.E.D. Prof. Yurgartis.


ME212 Intro. to Eng. Design

ME 212 Intro. to Eng. DesignWelcome!

Today...Overview, syllabusDesign Project assignmentNature of engineering

ME 212 I.E.D.Prof. YurgartisRequestPlease, do not sit in back 3 rows

Thank you.Overview of the courseFocus is on the design project.The project will require you to design, build, and demonstrate a device.We will be introducing some tools commonly used in the engineering design process.Overview of the courseWe will examine a rational design process model.That process includes: defining the problem, specifying requirements, inventing alternatives, evaluating alternatives, engineering analysis, testing, and reporting.Overview of the courseWe will also be studying engineering models, and the use of computers to implement those modelsincludes using MatLab.We will also study how to make proper engineering drawings, and learn how to use AutoCAD to help with that.Overview of the courseThe design project grades are based on the device performance and a design report.We also have one exam

Overview of the courseThere is little typical homework in this classBut there is a lot of work to be done outside of class!You will be asked to complete a design report in stages using a supplied design report template (available on class website).Important adviceProcrastination is a very strong temptation in this class!

It has led to some mighty unhappy and disappointed students. So please, avoid procrastination.Overview of the courseYou get to build something!You get to apply your engineering knowledge is a functional wayYou get to see the designs of your classmates.It is not easy, but I hope you find it exciting and worthwhile.SyllabusSome highlightsPlease especially note the miscellaneous recommendations given at the endPlease read fully, carefully when you have timeOur class web pages will be used extensivelyQuestions?Lets talk about the design project!Learning to do engineering design is:an uncomfortably large and vague topicbetter if you try to suspend your pre-existing biasesaccompanied by making many errorslearned by practicingso lets get started!Design Project: Recycling!See class handout for description.Please read handout very carefully. These are the design requirements of your customerNote permissible materials listHere are your rubber bands.

Design ProjectQuestions?(It is good engineering to ask questions about design problemslots of questions!)Watch the DP Clarifications web page for the formal clarifications to the design requirementsDesign Project:

Time for questions at beginning of every classRecommendation: get started on the design project early. Have fun with it!Two minute break, then a new topic: The nature of engineeringWhat is engineering?Form a group with your row-mates and take 5 minutes to develop a definition of engineering. Write it down so you can read it to the class.

19What is engineering?The application of science, mathematics, and experience to harness the forces and materials of nature for the benefit of mankind.(this is a widely accepted one, but not the only one)

20Engineers are not the same as scientistsScientists study things.

Engineers design and build things.

21What do engineers do?Design things! Like cars, boats, motors, telephone systems, waste water treatment plants, bridges, computers. Machines to make sneakers, clothes, bottles, cans, door knobs, light bulbs, faucets, screws, carpets, and just about everything else you see in this room. They design space shuttles, spy satellites, VCRs, TVs, Walkmans, MP3 players, and polarizing sun glasses.What else do engineers do?Help build things. Like cars, boats, motors, telephone systemsDo research on technical subjects. Like how to store more information on a plastic diskManage technical projects. Like building a skyscraper.Sell and maintain technical products. Like power generation turbines.Why do students want to become engineers?Here is what some first year engineering students answered.

Why engineering...Engineering takes many of the things I am good at, like science and math, and allows me to put these skills to practical use.Why engineering...I liked playing with LEGOs as a kid and decided to make a career of it!Why engineering...I chose engineering because I want to create and build the impossible.

Why engineering...I have always been fascinated by how things are designed and what makes them work. I expect to get out of engineering school exactly what I put into it. I am very, very, very, very excited.Why engineering...I chose to come to engineering school for lack of something better. I dont plan on being an engineer. Hopefully I will find a field that interest me and be able to switch into that.Why engineering...I like the creativity and mechanics involved in building something which could drastically affect other people. I like the idea that something that I could build could greatly improve the quality of life for other people.Why engineering...Good $Why engineering...I decided to become an engineer because not only is it a solid base for many other professions (medicine, law, management) but the discipline also stands by itself. Im not exactly sure whats out there, but I know that engineering is something I will enjoy and I will feel very comfortable pursuing.Why engineering...Well, if I had replied to this earlier I would have said that the reason I picked this major is because I feel math and science are my strong field, but after a year here my self-esteem has completely crumbled so now I am unsure as to what direction I will be heading.Why engineering...I decided to study engineering because I enjoy the challenge of solving problems. Not only that, but I enjoy learning about what makes machines tick. Both of these are reasons why I wanted to be an engineer. Perhaps the most important reason is because I hate English.What does it take to become an engineer?

Need 4 years of college (only)Math, physics, and chemistryEx: calculus, differential eqns., mechanics, heat, electricity, chemistry.EngineeringEx: statics, strength of materials, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, programming, design.General educationEx:liberal arts, economics, management36You do not have to be...A math or science geniusUnfashionably dressedAble to recite Star Wars episodes from memory37It is helpful if you have...An interest in the way things workReasonable ability to understand physics and mathPersistence and ability to work hardLike to do problem solving Good spatial reasoning skillAre an organized, analytical thinkerFeel a sense of accomplishment in learning new things38Types of engineering you can studyMechanicalAeronauticalElectricalComputerCivilEnvironmentalMaterialsChemicalAgriculturalOperations researchIndustrialBiomechanicalPolymeretc!39Work environment as an engineerUsually at sizable companies, but not alwaysUsually work in teams of engineers, typically 5 to 20 peopleOften working on one to three major projects at same timeHave professional status, salaried employee, not unionizedA day in the life of an engineer often includesPlanningManagement of peopleManagement of moneyCommunicationTechnical workMany types of career focus possible, for exampleDesignSales/marketingProduct developmentResearchManufacturingProject managementConsultingTeachingWhat are the rewards?It takes hard work to become an engineer.

It is worth it?

The rewards...Engineering is a chance to work on interesting, challenging, and changing problemsRarely dull or routine!Professional statushelp set goals, decide what must be done and howtrusted to accomplish these goals by his/her own decisions and knowledgerespected in the community44The rewards, continued...Good payEx: 2012 average starting pay for Clarkson mechanical engineers was $56,851. (Max. was $68,000!)Chance to make substantial contributions to our societyChance to mess around with computers, machines, and lots of other talented engineers!45Thats it for todayWelcome to IED!Go to the website and download the Design Report TemplateRead Lessons learned on webpageGet started on the Design Project.Have fun!