Download - Mbarara, Uganda - The Reality of Poverty





structure• Mission scope• Definition of Poverty• Research Topics• Methodology• Introduction to Fieldwork• Pre-trip expectations that matched reality• Key Findings from Fieldwork• Recommendations - Areas for future

research and institutional adjustment

mission scope• urban / rural context in Mbarara

• poverty reduction and reversal thereof

• recommendations “for making adjustments in these areas to achieve a positive contribution to sustained poverty reduction”(Fieldtrip TOR)

definition of povertyA lack of the means to satisfy basic

material and social needs, as well as a feeling of powerlessness

(MFPED, 2000 & 2002 as cited in CPRC report, 2005: 16)

Powerlessness in the sense of insecurity, helplessness against corruption in public service delivery, general exploitation by service providers, vulnerability to natural and economic shocks, and isolation from the larger society.

(Okidi and Kempaka as cited in CPRC report, 2005: 16)

mission approachpoverty as defined by the poor themselves

research topicsQ1: What do the poor in Mbarara perceive as

poverty? What do they consider as factors that drive them into poverty, or “carriers” that keep them in poverty?

Q2: What is the direct impact of policy initiatives like ‘decentralisation’ and ‘good governance’ on the poor in Mbarara?

Q3: Do statistics reflect reality?

framework of analysis

framework for research

What do the poor in Mbarara perceive as poverty? What do they consider as factors that can drive them into poverty, or carriers that keep them in poverty?

What are the direct impacts of policy initiatives like decentralisation and good governance on the poor in Mbarara?

Do statistics reflect reality?

Broad research topics SL Component

Livelihood assets,

Livelihood strategies,


Transformingstructures and processes

Livelihood assets, Livelihood outcomes






sites visited

kashanyarazi (urban cell)

Focus Group Discussionin Local Church

Interviews with two families

rwanyamahembe (rural)Interview with Local


Group Discussion in village (landless farm worker families)

Interview in village (land-owning farmer family)

bwizibwera (rural)Focus group discussion in

Primary Health Centre

Interview with Fabric-seller, Vegetable-seller & Traditional Healer at Weekly Market

research questionstopics discussed/ questions asked during group discussions and interviews

expectation ~ ground reality

physical capital• condition of services

(roads, schools, hospitals)

• under-developed electricity distribution -reliance on fuel wood for cooking etc.

• lack of water and sanitation infrastructure

social capitalhigh prevalence of social

networks and informal safety nets (e.g. family, neighbourhood)

expectation ~ ground reality

natural capital• fertile soils• favourable but

unstable weather conditions

• high reliance on subsistence farming

expectation ~ ground reality

financial capital• existence of

microfinance sector• low usage of

financial services• strong tendency for

self-help (e.g. revolving savings funds)

expectation ~ ground reality

Transforming structures & processes• general reduction in poverty• prevalence of corruption• traditionally large families• strong gender bias• alcoholism

expectation ~ ground reality

key findingsThe PEAP is part of policies within the SL framework. As the main

policy for poverty eradication, our findings show that:

PEAP•Positive Macroeconomic Indicators•Low inflation•Economic growth•Low fiscal deficit

•Declining poverty rate, except for 2002 figures •“Blip” due to statistical error/ coffee prices•Statistics vs. Reality?

Effect of PEAPor

Increased Stability and Security in the region

key findings

Decentralization•Access to services•Education•Participation

Decentralization of corruption?•Faith in local leaders


key findings

Large Families

Povertywhat is leading to ..? how to get out ..?


•Burden of many children

•Cost of Education

•Division of Assets

High Value

Acknowledgement of Family Planning Methods

• Religious

• Cultural

• Implementation problems


key findings


Povertywhat is leading to ..? how to get out ..?

Initial Capital

More Problems than Benefits•Terms unfavourable•Loss of Assets•Broken Family Bonds•Evictions•Prison

New loan to repay the previous one

Micro-credit as answer to poverty

•Lack of understanding •Used to pay non- recoverable expenses (school cost, medical bills, weddings, etc)•Creditors: Banks, MFI, Individual money-lenders


•High expectations from income-generating activities


key findings

Savings & Credit

key findings

Advantages: Food security, access to land and property, majority of Ugandans live in rural areas

Problems: agriculture depends on climate conditions (vulnerability), large families means great division of the land, soil is being depleted, no technological advance in agriculture to increase yields.

Livelihood Strategies Agriculture

key findings

Creation of Small Enterprises:generation of a stable income and reduction of agriculture-dependence vulnerability

Problems: licenses (corruption), still dependant on the agricultural economy, common goal means more competition

Livelihood Strategies Small Enterprises

poverty in mbararainsecurity & impermanence

future research

institutional adjustment

• vulnerability & support systems• poverty reduction - PEAP vs. stability/ security• statistics vs. reality• decentralisation (participation vs. corruption)• cultural values – education & family planning• credit (disease or cure)• agriculture (subsistence/primary good/value-addition)• small enterprises (sustainability)

Special Acknowledgements

Ms. Immaculate Tumuhumbise(Mbarara University of Science & Technology)

Ms. Sarah N. Ssenwanyana(Economic Policy Research Centre, Makarere University)

Ms. Julie Crespin(ACTOGETHER UGANDA, Kampala)