Download - May2012


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Support Groups:

• Here for Life

1st Tuesday every Month

7:00 PM

• Veterans


7:00 - 8:30PM

• Depression


10:30AM - Noon

May 2012

55 Years of 55 Years of 55 Years of 55 Years of 55 Years of 55 Years of 55 Years of 55 Years of

providing Services providing Services providing Services providing Services providing Services providing Services providing Services providing Services

throughout throughout throughout throughout throughout throughout throughout throughout


Educating Southwest Florida on Mental Wellness since 1957

Coming Events:

♦ May 12, 2012

Putting Children First

♦May 26, 2012

Putting Children First

♦ June 9, 2012

Putting Children First

♦ June 23, 2012

Putting Children First

♦June 23, 2012 - An Evening

with Wambui Bahati

♦August 4, 2012

shooting for the stars

Basketball Clinic

The Mental Health Association

of Southwest Florida

2335 Tamiami Trail N. Ste 404

Naples Fl 34103


Become a Member Today!

For over half a century, Mental Health Association has been instrumental in reducing barriers to

treatment and services and educating the community about mental illness and recovery. As a result of

our efforts, many individuals with mental disorders have sought care and are now enjoy fulfilling,

productive lives in their communities.

Whether you or someone you know has a mental health condition, or simply care about the issue of

mental health and living a mentally healthier life, We Can Help, But Only With Your Support!

As a member of our movement, you will help us build on our half century of service and strengthen

our voice as we continue our ground-breaking steps to achieve victory over mental illness:

• Our Advocacy is a powerful voice for change!

• Education: a primary goal of the MHASWFL is to educate the general public about the

realities of mental health and mental illness.

There is No Health Without Mental Health

The odds are that someone you

know—a family member, one of your

friends, or one of your colleagues

is affected by a mental health or

substance use condition. And that's

why The Mental Health Association

was formed over 55 years ago.

Join us in Celebrating 55 YearsJoin us in Celebrating 55 YearsJoin us in Celebrating 55 YearsJoin us in Celebrating 55 Years

of Service to Southwest Florida of Service to Southwest Florida of Service to Southwest Florida of Service to Southwest Florida

Mental Health Matters Page 2

Page 3 May 2012

Mental Health Matters Page 4

Gollee’s TipGollee’s Tip A Child’s Physical and Mental Health

Are Both Important!!!!!!! Basics for a child’s good physical

health: • Nutritious food

• Adequate shelter and sleep

• Exercise

• Immunizations

Healthy living environment

Basics for a child’s good mental

health: • Unconditional love from family

• Self-confidence and high self-esteem

• The opportunity to play with other


• Encouraging teachers and supportive


• Safe and secure surroundings

Appropriate guidance and discipline

Seek help when necessary!

If you are worried about a child’s reaction or have ongo-

ing concerns about his/her behavior or emotions,

contact a mental health professional at school, your com-

munity mental health center, or MHASWFL at


Children need

to know that

your love does

not depend on

his or her ac-


Page 5 May 2012

Mental Health Matters Page 6






7PM TO 8:30 PM

Each Class Ends with a 30-Minute Meditation



What is Spirituality? How do we define our spiritual selves? These are questions that we will address in this weekly summer book discussion series, They are some of the most popular “spiritual” books published over the past 4 decades. These books coincide with the proliferation of “12-Step” programs over the past 40 years, all of which are rooted in the book “Alcoholics Anonymous”, published in 1939.

I have been a psychotherapist in Naples since 1984 and have extensive post-graduate training in addiction and meditation studies. Over the years I have given local and national workshops on “Healing your Inner Child through Laughter & Play” and “Recovering from Co-Dependency with Humor”. I have published articles on addictions, guided meditations and the healing benefits of laughter.

Some of the books we will be discussing include: Love is Letting Go of Fear; Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff; The Art of Happiness, The Miracle of Mindfulness, Jesus Calling, The Alchemist, The Shack; Heaven is for Real. Participants will benefit from reading some or all of these books prior to our meetings.

Each session will close with a meditation. Participants may leave after the book discussion or stay for the mediations. We will be practicing Mindful Meditation and Centering Prayer. This program will not focus on any specific religion, but view paths for all of us to deepen our spiritual lives. This path leads not only to physical wellness but also to greater peace, joy and a sense of purpose and meaning to our lives.

Please Call Margot for questions and

Reservations at:

(239) 434-6558

Page 7 May 2012

If you have a family member or friend

friend who has been diagnosed with a

serious mental illness, you are probably

wond wondering what you can do to help.

• Educate yourself about the symptoms/medications

• Recognize that the person may be scared and confused

• Listen carefully and express understanding

• Encourage them to be active in their treatment plan

• Recognize it will take time

• Offer to accompany the person to appointments

• Encourage the person to speak up about problems related to medications

• Always respect the individuals need for and right to privacy

A person with mental illness has the same right to be treated with dignity and respect

as any other person.

Giving Support to Someone Close to You………..Close to You………..Close to You………..Close to You………..

Mental Health Matters Page 8

Naples Alliance of Divorce ProfessionalsNaples Alliance of Divorce ProfessionalsNaples Alliance of Divorce ProfessionalsNaples Alliance of Divorce Professionals

Page 9 May 2012

Coping with Separation and DivorceCoping with Separation and DivorceCoping with Separation and DivorceCoping with Separation and Divorce Going through a separation or divorce can be very difficult, no matter the reason for it. It can turn your world

upside down and make it hard to get through the work day and stay productive. But there are things you can do

to get through this difficult adjustment.

Recognize that it’s OK to have different feelings. It’s normal to feel sad, angry, exhausted, frustrated and

confused—and these feelings can be intense. You also may feel anxious about the future. Accept that reactions

like these will lessen over time. Even if the marriage was unhealthy, venturing into the unknown is frightening.

Give yourself a break. Give yourself permission to feel and to function at a less than optimal level for a

period of time. You may not be able to be quite as productive on the job or care for others in exactly the way

you’re accustomed to for a little while. No one is superman or superwoman; take time to heal, regroup and


Don’t go through this alone. Sharing your feelings with friends and family can help you get through this

period. Consider joining a support group where you can talk to others in similar situations. Isolating yourself

can raise your stress levels, reduce your concentration, and get in the way of your work, relationships and

overall health. Don’t be afraid to get outside help if you need it.

Take care of yourself emotionally and physically. Be good to yourself and to your body. Take time out to

exercise, eat well and relax. Keep to your normal routines as much as possible. Try to avoid making major

decisions or changes in life plans. Don’t use alcohol, drugs or cigarettes as a way to cope; they only lead to

more problems.

Avoid power struggles and arguments with your spouse or former spouse. If a discussion begins to turn

into a fight, calmly suggest that you both try talking again later and either walk away or hang up the phone.

Take time to explore your interests. Reconnect with things you enjoy doing apart from your spouse. Have

you always wanted to take up painting or play on an intramural softball team? Sign up for a class, invest time

in your hobbies, volunteer, and take time to enjoy life and make new friends.

Think positively. Easier said than done, right? Things may not be the same, but finding new activities and

friends, and moving forward with reasonable expectations will make this transition easier. Be flexible. If you

have children, family traditions will still be important but some of them may need to be adjusted. Help create

new family activities.

Life will get back to normal, although “normal” may be different from what you had originally hoped.

Mental Health Matters Page 10

Panic disorder is characterized by unexpected and repeated episodes of intense fear accompanied by physical

symptoms that may include chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, or abdominal distress.

These sensations often mimic symptoms of a heart attack or other life-threatening medical conditions. As a

result, the diagnosis of panic disorder is frequently not made until extensive and costly medical procedures fail

to provide a correct diagnosis or relief.

Many people with panic disorder develop intense anxiety between episodes, worrying when and where the

next one will strike. Fortunately, effective treatments have been developed to help people with panic disorder.

Causes Heredity, other biological factors, stressful life events, and thinking in a way that exaggerates relatively normal

bodily reactions are all believed to play a role in the onset of panic disorder. Some research suggests panic at-

tacks occur when a “suffocation alarm mechanism” in the brain is activated, falsely reporting that death is im-

minent. The exact cause or causes of panic disorder are unknown and are the subject of intense scientific in-


Treatments Treatment for panic disorder includes medication, psychotherapy or a combination of the two. Cognitive-

behavioral therapy, a type of psychotherapy, teaches people how to view panic attacks differently and demon-

strates ways to reduce anxiety. Appropriate treatment by an experienced professional can reduce or prevent

panic attacks in 70 to 90% of people with panic disorder. Most patients show significant progress after a few

weeks of therapy. Relapses may occur, but they can often be effectively treated just like the initial episode.

Panic Disorders

Page 11 May 2012

Depression: About half of panic disorder patients will have an episode of clinical depression sometime

during their lives. Major depression is marked by persistent sadness or feelings of emptiness, a sense of

hopelessness and other symptoms. What is more, approximately 20% of people with panic disorder attempt


Substance Abuse: About 30% of people with panic disorder use alcohol and 17% abuse drugs, such as

cocaine and marijuana, in unsuccessful attempts to alleviate the distress caused by their condition.

Appropriate diagnosis and treatment of other disorders, such as substance abuse or depression, are important

to successfully treat panic disorder.

Simple Phobias and Agoraphobia: People with panic disorder often develop irrational fears of specific

events or situations that they associate with the possibility of having a panic attack. Fear of heights and fear of

crossing bridges are examples of simple phobias. As the frequency of panic attacks increases, the person often

begins to avoid situations in which they fear another attack can occur or places where help would not be

immediately available. This avoidance may eventually develop into agoraphobia, an inability to go beyond

known and safe surroundings because of intense fear and anxiety. Generally, these fears can be resolved

through repeated exposure to the dreaded situations, while practicing specific techniques to become less

sensitive to them.

Social Phobia: Social phobia is a persistent dread of situations in which the person is exposed to possible

scrutiny by others, and fears acting in a way that will be embarrassing or humiliating. Social phobia can be

treated effectively with therapy or medications, or both.

Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (OCD): In OCD, a person becomes trapped in a pattern of repetitive

thoughts and behaviors that are senseless and distressing but extremely difficult to overcome. Such rituals as

counting, prolonged handwashing, and repeatedly checking for danger may occupy much of the person’s time

and interfere with other activities. Like panic disorder, OCD can be treated effectively with medication and/or


Physical Symptoms: People with panic disorder may also have irritable bowel syndrome, characterized by

intermittent bouts of gastrointestinal cramps and diarrhea or constipation, or a relatively minor heart problem

called mitral valve prolapse, which can trigger panic attacks in some people. In fact, panic disorder often

coexists with unexplained medical problems, such as chest pain not associated with a heart attack or chronic


Co-occurring Disorders

Mental Health Matters Page 12

“Shooting for the stars”

Basketball Clinic

August 4, 2012

DESCRIPTION: Wali Jones will conduct the clinic

which will feature human development training

emphasizing academic excellence,

problem-solving, refusal skills, increasing

self-concept and self-esteem and promoting

teamwork. Kids will also work on fun and exciting

fundamental athletic skills through a variety of

basketball drills, viewing of films, foul shooting

contests and more! The clinic will accommodate

up to 100 kids between the ages of 8-17.


Save the Date

Page 13 May 2012




Join us in Celebrating our 55th Anniversary

with Entertainer, Author ,Humorist

Wambui Bahati

on the Naples Princess for a Sunset Cruise on Saturday June, 23, 2012.

The Mental Health

Association of Southwest


(239) 261-5405

Ticket Price

$50 includes: Complementary glass of

champagne, hors d’oeuvres and

live entertainment !!!!!

Cash Bar available

Boards at 6:30 7-9pm

To Advocate for Mental Wellness through Education,

Prevention, and Support

The Mental Health Association of Southwest Florida identifies unmet needs and

develops culturally sensitive services and programs to improve the lives of those

facing the many challenges of today’s world in our community.

If you are interested in becoming a member, e-mail us at [email protected] Or Simply fill out the application and mail a check

payable to MHASWFL or donate online using a credit card. Your contribution is tax-deductible and crucial to helping us continue

our work. If you have any questions about Membership please contact our office by phone at (239) 261-5405

or mail The Mental Association of Southwest Florida 2335 Tamaimi Trail N, Ste 404, Naples FL 34103.

May 2012 Page 14 Mental Health Matters