Download - May 31, 2020- Page Saint Barbara Catholic church · 2020. 5. 26. · May 31, 2020- Page 3 St. Barbara Catholic Church Antonio Martinez, Giuse Vu Dinh inh, Matt Elliott, Kim Delaney,

  • May 31, 2020- Page

    St. Barbara Catholic Church

    Saint Barbara Catholic church


  • May 31, 2020 - Page 2

    St. Barbara Catholic Church



    8:00 AM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 8:30 PM

    All victims of Corona Virus † Anna Maria Goretti † Martha Vu Quynh Diem Chau† Agnes Tran Thi Nu † All Souls †


    6:30 AM 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:45 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 8:30 PM

    Giuse Pham Huu Thanh † Maria Nguyen Thi Nhung † Raymond Nguyen Dang Ky † Giuse Chu An Lai † Rufina Curiel † Maria Pham Thi Tieng † Luca Pham Ngoc Tieng † Guillermo Garcia


    8:15 AM 5:30 PM AM

    Anton Vu Van Tu † Giuse Nguyen Van Oanh †


    8:15 AM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM

    Anton Mai Hai Ho † Maria Pham Thi Kim Huong † Alexander Hernandez

    Maria Pham Thi Tieng †





    April 18, 2020— April 24, 2020

    8:15 AM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM

    Maria Angie Dorton † Marco Dang Van Co † Osvaldo Garcia †




    6:30 AM 8:15 AM 5:30 PM

    Celso Sr. Abrau † Maria Nguyen Thi Nhung †



    6:30 AM 8:15 AM 5:30 PM

    For Parishioners


    Giuse Nguyen Ngoc Lan † Maria Nguyen Ngoc Nga †

    THE RICHNESS OF THE SPIRIT Students, and most adults recalling their school days, are familiar with the phrase “compare and contrast” that shows up from time to time on tests. Today we hear two different accounts of the giving of the Holy Spirit to the church. Let’s contrast, then compare. Luke’s account from Acts is filled with arresting details: the mighty wind from heaven, the tongues of flame, the miracle of different languages. John’s account seems tim-id: fearful disciples, the wounded Christ, the expelling of breath from his risen body, not from the sky. Our lit-eral, modern minds wonder which way it happened; our noisy culture probably makes us prefer the former. But if we compare the two, we find that the dazzling richness of the Spirit fills both accounts, for it is the very breath of the risen Christ, ascended to the sky in Luke, that appears to his disciples in John and sends his followers forth to carry on his mission of forgiving sin and proclaiming the mighty acts of God. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


    Los estudiantes y la mayoría de los adultos que recuerdan sus días de escuela, están familiarizados con la frase “compara y contrasta” que de tanto en tanto aparece en las pruebas. Hoy escuchamos dos relatos diferentes sobre la venida del Espíritu. Contrastemos y luego comparemos. El relato de Lucas en Hechos está lleno de detalles impresionantes: el viento poderoso, llamas de fuego como lenguas, el milagro de las diferentes lenguas. El relato de Juan parece tímido: discípulos temerosos, el Cristo llagado, el soplo de alien-to viene de su cuerpo resucitado y no del cielo. Mientras nuestras mentes modernas y literales se preguntan de qué manera sucedió; nuestra ruidosa cultura probablemente nos hará preferir el primer relato. Pero si comparamos los dos, la deslumbrante riqueza del Espíritu llena ambos relatos, ya que es el mismo aliento del Cristo resucitado, ascendido a los cielos en Lucas, el que se aparece a sus discípulos en Juan y envía a sus seguidores a llevar a cabo su misión de perdonar los pecados y proclamar los portentos de Dios. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


    Sunday: Pentecost Sunday Monday: The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church; Ninth Week in Ordinary Time Tuesday: Ss. Marcellinus and Peter Wednesday:St. Charles Lwanga and Companions Friday: St. Boniface; First Friday Saturday: St. Norbert; First Saturday


    First Reading — Filled with the Holy Spirit, the apos-tles begin to speak in tongues (Acts 2:1-11). Psalm — Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth (Psalm 104). Second Reading — In one Spirit we are baptized into one body and given to drink of one Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13). Gospel — Jesus Christ appears to the disciples and sends them on their mission with the power to forgive or retain sins through the Holy Spirit (John 20:19-23).


    Domingo: Domingo de Pentecostés Lunes: Bienaventurada Virgen María, Madre de la Iglesia; Noveno Semana del Tiempo Ordinario Martes: San Marcelino y san Pedro Miércoles: San Carlos Luanga y compañeros Viernes: San Bonifacio; Primer viernes Sábado: San Norberto; Primer sábado


    Primera lectura — Quedaron llenos del Espíritu Santo y se pusieron a hablar idiomas distintos (Hechos 2:1-11). Salmo — Envía, Señor, tu Espíritu, y renueva la tierra (Salmo 104 [103]). Segunda lectura — Hay diferentes dones, pero el Es-píritu es el mismo (1 Corintios 12:3b-7, 12-13). Evangelio — Así como el Padre me envió a mí, así yo los envío a ustedes (Juan 20:19-23).

  • May 31, 2020- Page 3

    St. Barbara Catholic Church

    Antonio Martinez, Giuse Vu Dinh Binh, Matt Elliott, Kim Delaney, Greg Malagon, Chris Hardy, Joel Buskirk, Aggie Smith, Robert Smith, Chris Luna, Maria Huynh Thi Thuy, Greg Malagon, Tammy Dawson

    Lord Jesus Christ, Redeemer of the world, you have shouldered the burden of our weakness and borne our sufferings in your own passion and death. Hear this prayer for our sick brothers and sister whom you have redeemed. Strengthen their hope of salvation and sus-tain them in body and soul, for you live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.

    Maria Julia Do, Maria Pham Thi Ruy, Maria Ngo Thi Dau, Anna Nguyen Thi Hong, Maria Vu Thi Hanh, Ma-ria Nguyen Nho (Mary), B.G Chu Duy Duong, Maria Nguyen Thi Hung, Maria Phan Thi Hoa, Anna Le Thi Nhu, Giuse Nguyen Van Thong, Maria Pham Thi Van, Phaolo Cao Xuan Cac, Maria Nguyen Thi Hoa, Raymond Nguyen Tang Ky, Anton Vu Van Tu, Maria Tran Thi Tam, Giuse Tran Duy Mich, Maria Tran Thi Thu Cuc, Bob Murphy, Garvis Thurman, Daminh Trinh So, Fr. Richard Kennedy, Maria Do Thi Kim Thanh. God, our shelter and our strength, you listen in love to the cry of your people: hear the prayers we offer for our departed brothers and sis-ters. Cleanse them of their sins and grant them the fullness of re-demption. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.


    Unless the eye catch fire, God will not be seen.

    Unless the ear catch fire, God will not be heard.

    Unless the tongue catch fire, God will not be named.

    Unless the heart catch fire, God will not be loved.

    Unless the mind catch fire, God will not be known.

    —William Blake

    Pentecost Sunday May 31, 2020

    There appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest

    on each one of them. — Acts 2:3

  • May 31, 2020 - Page 4

    St. Barbara Catholic Church



    COMPANIONS (martyred 1886-87)

    June 3

    “Master of Pages,” reput-edly the handsomest man in all Uganda, Charles Lwanga, lay catechist, courageously

    led about forty teenaged boys, Catholics and Angli-cans, on a forty-mile forced march to martyrdom for their

    common Christian faith. Teaching each other the hymns of their different

    churches, they strengthened one another for the ordeal ahead. King Mwanga, him-self barely twenty, had or-

    dered them executed for be-ing “those who pray.” But

    these royal pages were the king’s male harem, who, now Christians, refused what pi-ous accounts demurely de-scribe as his “unreasonable

    demands.” Some were clubbed to death, most

    burned alive; the youngest, thirteen-year old Saint Kizito,

    whom Charles had often shielded from the King’s lust; the most tragic, Saint Mba-ga, whose father was his

    executioner! In 1964, Paul VI canonized the young Catho-lics and praised their Angli-can companions, recalling

    the heroism of early Christi-anity’s African martyrs,

    which we modern Christians of far less faith never ex-

    pected to see repeated. For-ty years after the pope’s

    words, what does our faith cost us? Heroism aside, how generous is our response?

    —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

  • May 31, 2020- Page 5

    St. Barbara Catholic Church




    Ga 20,19-23



    “Bình an cho anh em!

    Như Chúa Cha đã sai

    Thầy, thì Thầy cũng sai

    anh em.” (Ga 20,21)

    Suy niệm: “Sứ vụ chính

    của Chúa Thánh Thần

    không phải là đem lại sự

    xúc động, nhưng tạo nên

    nơi ta tính cách giống

    như Đức Ki-tô” (Thần

    học gia J. Packer). Ki-tô

    giáo trình bày cho nhân

    loại một hướng đi, một

    mục đích rõ ràng cho

    cuộc đời con người: tôn

    vinh Chúa và cứu độ

    mình cùng với người

    khác. Đồng thời Ki-tô

    giáo cũng giới thiệu cho

    ta một hình tượng lý

    tưởng rất gần gũi, rất thật

    với con người. Đó là

    Chúa Giê-su Ki-tô. Ngài

    là mẫu gương hoàn hảo

    cho ta về cung cách sống

    hiếu thảo với Thiên Chúa

    là Cha, cũng như sống

    tình huynh đệ với người

    khác như anh em, chị em

    với nhau. Thánh Thần,

    Đấng hiện diện trong ta,

    sẽ giúp ta tập có những tâm tình, cũng như sống các tính cách như-Giê-su ấy trong cách hành xử mỗi ngày.

    Mời Bạn: “Tôi không muốn thế gian định nghĩa Chúa cho mình. Tôi muốn Thánh Thần mạc khải Chúa cho mình” (A.

    Tozer). Chúa Thánh Thần giúp bạn cảm thấy gần gũi hơn với Thiên Chúa qua Chúa Giê-su, để sống tình cha-con với

    Ngài như Chúa Giê-su đã từng làm gương. Bạn hãy nhớ đến Thánh Thần mỗi khi khởi đầu ngày sống, trước các việc đạo

    đức, cũng như trước mỗi lựa chọn lớn nhỏ trong ngày, để bạn càng ngày càng trở nên đồng hình đồng dạng với Người

    Anh Cả của mình.

    Sống Lời Chúa: Trước các công việc của ngày sống, tôi hướng về Thánh Thần, xin Ngài giúp tôi biết tâm tình phải có

    để sống đẹp lòng Chúa Cha.

    Cầu nguyện: Lạy Chúa Thánh Thần, cảm tạ Chúa luôn hiện diện trong tâm hồn con. Xin giúp con có những tâm tình,

    tính cách như Chúa Ki-tô. Amen.


  • May 31, 2020 - Page 6

    St. Barbara Catholic Church


  • May 31, 2020- Page 7

    St. Barbara Catholic Church


  • May 31, 2020 - Page 8

    St. Barbara Catholic Church

    Pastor Rev. Tuan Pham 714-775-7733

    Parochial Vicars Rev. Ramon Cisneros 714-775-7733 Rev. Benjamin Hoang 714-775-7733 Rev. Joseph Danh Trinh 714-775-7733

    Deacon Dcn. Carlos Navarro 714-308-6706 Dcn. Francis Xavier Hao Nguyen 714-775-7733

    Parish Office Theresa Thanh Ta, Eng/Viet 714-775-7733 ext. 221 Kim Bui, Finance 714-775-9420 Eli Ho, Bulletin Editor 714-775-7733 ext. 229

    Faith Formation Deacon Hao Nguyen, Director 714-775-9475 ext. 242 Sr. Teresa Hong Dao, CRE Vietnamese 714-775-9475 ext. 239 Alejandra Estrada, CRE Spanish 714-775-9475 ext. 236 Sr. Lieu Nguyen, CRE Confirmation Program 714-775-9475 ext. 238 Hang Nguyen, Secretary 714-775-9475 ext. 238

    Carlos Mathus, Youth Ministry 714-775-9475 Adult Education (R.C.I.A.)

    Deacon Hao Nguyen 714-775-9475 ext. 242 Deacon Hao Nguyen—Viet 714-965-0777 Elizabeth Hernandez—Spanish 714-567-1625

    Homebound Eucharistic Ministers Nancy Herrera—English 714-287-4070 Lupita Calvillo—Spanish 714-839-6820 Lien Do—Viet 714-858-3069

    St. Barbara School Melissa Baroldi, Principal 714-775-9477 Jody Rogers, Finances 714-775-9473

    . Baptism Celebrated in Jan, Mar, May, July, Sept, and Nov. on Sundays at 2:15PM

    1st Sunday – Vietnamese 2nd Sunday – English 3rd Sunday – Spanish

    Contact the Parish Office . Eucharistic Adoration

    7th day of each month From 9AM—7AM next day

    . Funeral Contact the Parish Office

    . Marriage Contact the Parish Office for an ap-pointment with one of the priests at least six (6) months prior to marriage. . Reconciliation Mon: 8:45 AM – 9:15 AM Eng Tue: 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Eng, Spn, Viet Fri: 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Eng, Spn, Viet . Anointing of the Sick Contact: (657) 345-9245


    Lịch Dâng Lễ

    Parish Office Hours : Mon-Fri : 8:30AM - 5:00PM, Sat & Sun : Closed 730 S. Euclid St. • Santa Ana, CA 92704 Tel: 714-775-7733 • Fax: 714-775-9467

    Website :— Email: [email protected]— Viet/English Ads Rep : Mai Nguyen 310-498-1320

    Mass Schedule ***

    Saturday Vigil

    4:00 PM Vietnamese

    5:30 PM English

    7:00 PM Vietnamese

    Neocatechumenal Way 7:00 PM English (in the Hall)

    8:30 PM Spanish (in the Church)

    Sunday 6:30 AM Vietnamese

    8:00 AM Vietnamese

    9:30 AM English

    11:00 AM Vietnamese

    12:45 PM Spanish

    4:00 PM Vietnamese

    5:30 PM English

    7:00 PM Spanish

    ** Daily Mass Schedule**

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 8:15 AM English

    5:30 PM Vietnamese

    Wed, Thu 6:30 AM Vietnamese

    Tues, Fri 7:00 PM Spanish

    Saturday 8:00 AM English

    8:00 AM—Fr. 4:00 PM—Fr. 5.30 PM—Fr. 7:00 PM—Fr.

    Benjamin Hoang Benjamin Hoang Tuan Pham Danh Trinh Benjamin Hoang

    6:30 AM— Fr. 8:00 AM— Fr. 9:30 AM— Fr. 11:00AM—Fr. 12:45PM—Fr. 4:00 PM— Fr. 5.30 PM— Fr. 7:00 PM— Fr.

    Benjamin Hoang Danh Trinh Ramon Cisneros Tuan Pham Ramon Cisneros Benjamin Hoang Danh Trinh Ramon Cisneros

    Saturday, April 24, 2020

    Sunday, April 25, 2020