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Maxson Bilingual/ESL Program

Type of Bilingual Program


(Content area taught in Spanish)

-Language Arts



-Social Studies

Type of ESL

1. ESL Self-Contained

2. In-Class Support

(Content area taught in English)

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Maxson Bilingual/ESL Staff


1. Mr. Ladino (Math)

2. Ms. Saens-Torres (Language Arts)

3. Mr. Reyes (Science)

ESL Mr. Dargal (Language


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Cummins (1980): BICS & CALP BICS: Basic Interpersonal

Everyday Communicative Skills

“… everyday language that is helped by contextual support such as body language, facial expression, straightforward communication skills” (Baker 2001:169)

CALP: Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency

“It is the level of language required to understand academically demanding subject matter in a classroom. Such language is often abstract, without contextual supports such as gestures and the viewing of the subject” (Baker 2001:169).

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Bilingual/ESL Acronyms WIDA: World-Class Instructional Design and

Assessment ELP: English Language Proficiency ELLs: English Language Learners PDI: Performance Definition Indicator ISES: Individual Student Enrollment System ACCESS: Assessing Comprehension &

Communication in English State to state for English Language Learners

AMAO: Annual Measurable Achievement ObjectivesNJ DOE ACRONYMS

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Purpose of ACCESS NCLB requirement for annual assessment of English Language proficiency growth (Title III) and progress (Title 1) • Accountability for Title III funded districts: Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs) • AMAO measures: – % ELL students proficient in English (ACCESS) – % ELL students making progress toward proficiency in English (ACCESS) – ELL subgroup meets Adequate Yearly Progress

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WIDA VisionWIDA Consortium

Linking language learning with academic content

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Four Language Domains

1. Listening

2. Speaking

3. Reading

4. Writing

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Six Language Performance Levels

1. Entering

2. Beginning

3. Developing

4. Expanding

5. Bridging

6. Reaching

The five language proficiency levels outline the continuum of language development implied in the acquisition of English as a second language.

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Performance Definitions for the Levels of English

language Proficiency

At the given level of ELP, ELLs will process,

understand, produce, or use:

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Pictorial or graphic representation of the language of the content areas;

Words, phrases, or chunks of language when presented with one-step commands, directions, WH-questions, or statements

with visual and graphic support

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General language related to the content areas; Phrases or short sentences;

Oral or written language with phonological, syntactic, or semantic errors that often impede the

meaning of thecommunication when presented with one to multiple-step commands, directions, questions, or a series of

statements with visual and graphic support

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General and some specific language of the content areas; Expanded sentences in oral interaction or written paragraphs;

Oral or written language with phonological, syntactic, or semantic errors that may impede the communication but retain

much of its meaning when presented with oral or written, narrative or expository descriptions with occasional visual and graphic


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Specific and some technical language of the content areas; A variety of sentence lengths of varying linguistic complexity in

oral discourse or multiple, related paragraphs; Oral or written language with minimal phonological, syntactic,

or semantic errors that do not impede the overall meaning ofthe communication when presented with oral or written connected

discourse with occasional visual and graphic support

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The technical language of the content areas; A variety of sentence lengths of varying linguistic

complexity in extended oral or written discourse, including stories, essays,

or reports; Oral or written language approaching comparability to that of English proficient peers when presented with

grade level material

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Specialized or technical language reflective of the content area at grade level

A variety of sentence lengths of varying linguistic complexity in extended oral or written discourse as

required by the specifiedgrade level

Oral or written communication in English comparable to proficient English peers

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Two Frameworks

SUMMATIVE: The outcomes of learning

Formative: The process of learning

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WIDA English Language Proficiency Standard 1

English language learners communicate for social and

instructional purposes within the school setting.

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WIDA English Language Proficiency Standard 2

English language learners communicate information,

ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the

content area of Language Arts.

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WIDA English Language Proficiency Standard 3

English language learners communicate information,

ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the

content area of Mathematics.

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WIDA English Language Proficiency Standard 4

English language learners communicate information,

ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the

content area of Science.

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WIDA English Language Proficiency Standard 5

English language learner communicate information,

ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the

content area of Social studies.

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It complies with Title III of the Federal No Child Left

Behind (NCLB) legislation.

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