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Martu Wangka Dictionary

Martu Wangka – English

A - a

-arri verb suffix (Ø+wa class). used to become something. miralarringu to become visible. manarrarringu to

get tired. tikirlarringu to get dry. pukurlarringu to become happy. Gram: Inchoative. Attaches to a

nominal ending in a consonant and is suffixed with -rri tense suffixes Gram: -rri after a nominal ending in a vowel.

I - i

ini noun. name. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Vocalising and Thought. Phon: This is one of a few words

recorded which begins with a vowel.

ipi noun. mother. Category: People and Kinship. Phon: This word is one of a few recorded which begins with a

vowel. Socio: This word is not used at Jigalong at the present time because of a death of a person with a name with similar sounds.

J - j

-ja noun suffix. 1 • in.

2 • on. Tatirnu jiingka tikirlja. He climbed on this dry one.

3 • at. Category: Direction and Location. Phon: For some speakers, -ja is used after any word ending in a

consonant; for other speakers, -ja is used after words ending in ly, ny or rr.

-jala derivational suffix (jula class). used to do something. Kumpujala! Urinate! Category: Impact. Gram: Takes

the same tense suffixes as -ju~.

jaa noun. mouth. Category: Body Parts and Products.

jaa pakala verb, intransitive (la class). used to open one's mouth. Category: Bodily Functions. Gram: With -rnu

in Marsh's eg.

jaaji noun. church. In Biblical context also synagogue. From: English. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony,

Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

jaajpa noun. church. From: English. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Artefacts Constructions and

Personal Objects.

jaakampa noun. tree with edible fruit. The fruit of this small tree is eaten. Too much is said to burn the

mouth, thus the name jaakampa. Lit: mouth + burn. Canthium latifolium. Category: Plants.

jaaku noun. just a taste. Lit: mouth + for. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

jaalpu noun. self. From: English. Category: People and Kinship.

jaalpu wangkangu phrase. group talking together secretly. Category: People and Kinship.

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jaalpu-jaalpu descriptor. into separate groups. Category: Number and Quantity.

jaalpumala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to separate. Category: Impact.

2 • used to divide. Category: Impact.

jaalypa noun. a whisper. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Sounds.

jaamalya descriptor. whisper. Jaamalya wangkangu. He whispered. Category: Vocalising and Thought,


jaamankarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). mouth to become open. Category: Bodily Functions.

jaamiji-miji noun. 1 • kind of devil. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

2 • cannibal being. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

jaamurtula verb, transitive (la class). used to cover mouth. Category: Impact.

jaangkala verb, transitive (la class). used to feed someone. Category: Bodily Functions, Food Cooking and


jaangkajula verb, transitive (jula class). used to feed someone, particularly initiates. Lit: mouth-in-put-it. Category: Bodily Functions, Food Cooking and Fire.

jaangkayuwulypa Variant: jangkayurrulypa. noun. sugar. The nectar of plants with the sugar is collected. Category: Elements, Plants.

Jaanpa noun. John. Category: Names and Place Names.

Jaanti noun. Sunday. Category: Time.

jaapa noun. evening meal. From: English. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

jaapala descriptor. sharp. From: English. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

jaapi 1 • noun. hot meat. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

2 • descriptor. hungry for meat. Not "tin of meat", but "real" meat. Category: State.

jaaputa noun. someone who says bad things about others. Lit: mouth + bad; "bad-mouthing" people. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

jaarlurrpanyjanpa-ya phrase. they were being noisy.

jaarlurrparlurrpa noun. 1 • sound of activity. Category: Sounds.

2 • confusion of sounds. Jaarlurrparlurrpa-ya. They were making busy sounds. Category: Sounds.

jaarramula verb, transitive (rra/la class). 1 • used to stir up others and make them angry. Category: Vocalising

and Thought, Mood and Character.

2 • used to make angry. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

jaarramurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to start. From: English. Jaarramurrini kalyu. The water

started flowing. Category: Motion.

jaarta noun. shirt. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

jaartipala noun. 1 • dirty person. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • one who needs washing. Category: People and Kinship.

jaawaja noun. trousers. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

jaawarlula verb, intransitive (la class). used to yawn. Category: Bodily Functions.

jaja 1 • noun. food in baby talk. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

2 • interjection. Eat it! in baby talk. Category: Interjections.

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jajala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to horde. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to fail to share (particularly regarding food). Category: Holding and Transfer.

jajarrala verb, transitive (la class). used to winnow by hand. Category: Holding and Transfer.

jajarrapuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to tip yandy to clear rubbish. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to winnow grain. Category: Holding and Transfer.

jaji noun. food taboo. Custom following death of close family member (possibly English loan word) to refrain

from certain foods following the death of a relative. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

See: jaminypa. Gram: Possibly English loan.

Jajuwa noun. Joshua. Category: Names and Place Names.

-jaka noun suffix. like that; thus. ngurlujaka always frightened; coward. Category: Mood and Character. Gram: Characteriser

jaka-jaka descriptor. tired. Category: State.

jaka-jakarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become tired. Jaka-jakarringu. He became tired. Category: Stative Verbs.

Jakamarra noun. subsection name. From Pintupi area. Category: People and Kinship, Names and Place

Names, Dreaming and Ceremony.

jakapiri noun. 1 • sandle made from jakapiri plant. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal


2 • string made from jakapiri plant. Used to tie axe head onto handle. Category: Artefacts

Constructions and Personal Objects.

3 • bird flower. Crotalaria cunninghamii. Category: Plants.

jakarlpa descriptor. dry. Category: State.

jakarrpa descriptor. quietly. Without a sound. Jakarrpa yanku. He will go along without a sound. Category: Manner and Posture, Sounds.

jakarrpunaja noun. silent movement. As walking without a sound. Category: Motion, Sounds.

jakata noun. holly-leaf grevillea. Edible nectar.Belongs to the wama group of plants. Grevillea wickhamii. Category: Plants.

jakilarta noun. crow. Young crows are said to be eaten. Corvus orru. Category: Birds.

jakipirri noun. emu. Dromaius novae-hollandiae. Category: Birds.

-jaku verb suffix. 1 • possibility.

2 • might. Miturrijaku. He might die.

jakulpa kawa verb, transitive (wa class). used to spread a message around the place. Category: Vocalising and


jakulpa kati verb, transitive (Ø class). used to spread a message around the place. Category: Vocalising and


jakulyjula verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to report a message. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to tell on someone. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

jakulypa Variant: jakurlpa. noun. 1 • a report. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • feedback. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

3 • message. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

Jakulyukulyu noun. women from Dreaming. Part of the Tingarri cycle; the "Seven Sisters". Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Names and Place Names.

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jakurlpa Variant: jakulypa. noun. 1 • message. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • report of some incident. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

jakurlpurluka noun. 1 • one who has a message. Biblical context mamamili jakurlpurluka. Category: People and Kinship, Dreaming and Ceremony.

2 • prophet; apostle. Category: People and Kinship, Dreaming and Ceremony.

jala noun. 1 • spit. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • saliva. Category: Body Parts and Products.

Jalamanpa noun. Solomon. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

jalamula verb, transitive (la class). used to sell. From: English. Category: Holding and Transfer.

jalinynguru phrase. by the point. Jalinynguru kanyila. Hold the pointed end of the spear.

jalinypa descriptor. sharp (as a point). Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

jalirrpa noun. wild onion. Cyperus bulbosus. Category: Plants.

jalkala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to let go. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to send. Category: Holding and Transfer.

jalkuran noun. paperbark tree. Melaleuca sp.. Category: Plants.

jalkurrpurta noun. paperbark tree. Melaleuca sp.. Category: Plants.

jalpinypa noun. species of grevillea. This plant has orange/yellow flowers. Edible nectar. Belongs to the

wama group of plants. Probably the desert grevillea. Grevillea aff. eriostachya. Category: Plants.

jalura noun. type of cloud. One that travels low; just building up; a "snakes mist". Category: Elements.

jalurapuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to see a cloud coming. Category: Bodily Functions.

jalurayarra verb, intransitive (rra class). used to go along (of a cloud). Category: Motion.

jaluru noun. old woman. Category: People and Kinship.

jalyirrjala verb, transitive (jala class). used to clean bones for reburial. Part of the Laka ceremony. Category: Impact, Dreaming and Ceremony.

jalyirrjurra verb, transitive (rra class). used to throw leaves on a mourner at a funeral. Category: Holding and

Transfer, Dreaming and Ceremony.

jalyirrjunu phrase. he threw the leaves on the mourner. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

jalyirrpa noun. leaves used ceremonially at funeral. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

jalyjakarra noun. hair sticking up from fright. Jalyjakarra pakarnu. The hair stood on end from fear. Category: State.

jalyka noun. mulga seed. Category: Plants.

jalykarra descriptor. new. Anything brand new. Category: Value.

jalypa descriptor. 1 • still. Category: Time.

2 • yet. Category: Time.

jalypa noun. 1 • stone knife. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

2 • flint. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

jalypajunu verb, transitive (unclassed). 1 • continued to do something. Category: Impact.

2 • refused to stop doing something. Category: Vocalising and Thought. Gram: -nu used in Marsh's eg

which has an infinitive translation.

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jalyu noun. baby talk for water. Category: Elements.

jamana noun. foot. Category: Body Parts and Products.

-jamarra noun suffix. because of. Pinirringu maparnjamarra. He ran away because of the maparn. Gram:

This suffix is used after a word ending in a consonant. Gram: used after a word ending in a vowel

jamarta noun. promise or promised girl. Category: People and Kinship, Dreaming and Ceremony.

jamarta warla verb, (Ø class). used to break a promise. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

jamartajula verb, transitive (jula class). used to promise something. Such as a blanket, firewood or one's

daughter in marriage. Jamartajunu-lun. You promised it to him. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

jamartapuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to offer something. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to promise something. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

3 • used to ask. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

jaminpara noun. novice in the law. Initiated but still more things to learn. Category: People and Kinship, Dreaming and Ceremony.

jaminypa1 noun. 1 • funeral activity. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony. See: jaji.

2 • recent initiate. Category: People and Kinship, Dreaming and Ceremony.

jaminypa2 noun. blackheads. Category: Body Parts and Products, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

Jamiriya noun. Samaria. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

jamirti noun. term for grandfather and grandson relationship, or cross cousin relationship. "Joking mates";

could be in a grandfather-grandson relationship or a cross-cousin relationship--Karimarra-Panaka or Purungu-Milangka; they can talk and laugh together; "like a brother"; this term applies to men--the

term yinkarni applies to women; other similar terms are wajirra, makurnta/fv:makurta, yungkuri). Category: People and Kinship.

jamirti-jamirti noun. two mates. Category: People and Kinship.

jamirtirra noun. two people in jamirti relationship. When men and women are in this relationship they are

not allowed to marry; they are like brother and sister. Category: People and Kinship.

Jamiyulpa noun. Samuel. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

jampa particle. 1 • if. Category: Particles.

2 • when. Category: Particles.

3 • while. Jampa-n nyaku, mirraku-n. When/if you see it, call out. Category: Particles.

jampajula verb, transitive (jula class). used to bury something. Category: Holding and Transfer.

jampakarta descriptor. soon. Category: Time.

jampalyu descriptor. 1 • short while. Category: Time.

2 • quickly. A relative term as in "He quickly grew up". Category: Manner and Posture.

jampangka noun. 1 • at the grave. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects, Dreaming

and Ceremony.

2 • graveside. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects, Dreaming and Ceremony.

jamparnpa noun. species of wallaby. This is said to be like a Rufous hare-wallaby. Category: Animals.

jampu noun. 1 • left hand. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • a left-handed person. Category: People and Kinship.

jampukarti phrase. 1 • to the left. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • with the left hand.

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jampungka phrase. on the left side. Category: Direction and Location.

jamu noun. 1 • term for grandfather and grandson relationship. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • ancestor. Jamumili-n wangka kangku. Keep the words of your grandfather/ancestors. Category: People and Kinship.

jamujarra noun. grandfather and grandson relationship. Category: People and Kinship.

jamunu noun. initiated man (early stage). Term applies to boys, women and whitemen, too; a person who

doesn't know much; a man who hasn't been through higher levels of the Law. Category: People and

Kinship, Dreaming and Ceremony.

jamunyjanirri noun. 1 • grandfathers. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • male ancestors. Category: People and Kinship.

jamurarra noun. grandfather and grandson relationship. Category: People and Kinship.

jamurnpa particle. 1 • when. Jamurnpa maa-pinirringu, yarrarnu-rna wakarnu. When it tried to run away,

I speared it again. Category: Particles.

2 • while. Category: Particles.

3 • almost. Category: Particles.

4 • just about. Category: Particles.

jana noun. kind of devil. Described as an old woman with sharp teeth. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

-janampa pronoun suffix. for them, theirs. Marlpa-janampa ngaakajaku. He is a companion for them. Category: Pronouns.

-janampalura pronoun suffix. away from them (plural). Kayila-lijujanampalura yanu ngurrakarti. And we

two when away from them to camp. Category: Pronouns.

-jananya pronoun suffix. them; to them; at them. Nyangu-lajujananya martukaja. We saw (them) those

Aborgines. Yanu-jananya. He went to them. Nyinangu-rnajananya. I sat/stayed with them. Category: Pronouns.

janarri noun. 1 • person who avoids deserved punishment. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • person who won't admit to pain. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

janarrirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to get away with a crime. Category: Motion.

janarriyarra verb, intransitive (rra class). used to escape punishment. Category: Motion.

janayuru noun. like a type of devil (jana). A term used to describe someone who is particularly brutal and

cruel. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

janga noun. 1 • spit. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • saliva. Category: Body Parts and Products.

janga pakala verb, intransitive (la class). used to foam at the mouth. Used of a person in a fit. Category: Bodily Functions.

jangajula verb, transitive (jula class). used to spit. Category: Bodily Functions.

jangajunu munyjuly phrase. to spit out yellow phlegm.

Jangakulyjurni-ra jiiku idiom. He wants that very much. Idiom. Lit: spit-swallowing-for-it that-for.

Jangala noun. subsection name. Used instead of Panaka, from Pintupi. Category: People and Kinship, Names and Place Names, Dreaming and Ceremony.

jangalyi noun. dog. Category: Animals.

jangara noun. 1 • giant devil from Jukurtani times. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

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2 • cannibal devil. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

Janga-ra kulyjurni jiiku idiom. He wants that very much. Lit: spit-for-it is-swallowing that-for.

jangi noun. firestick. Jangi-ra yungu. He gave him a firestick. Category: Elements.

jangiwinti noun. new initiate. A jangi is given to the initiate by his mother-in-law; the jangi represents the

wife he will receive. Category: People and Kinship, Dreaming and Ceremony.

jangka-jangkati verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to walk along with legs apart. Category: Motion, Manner

and Posture. Gram: -ngu PAST

jangkarri descriptor. pretty. Category: Value.

jangkati verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to waddle along. Category: Motion.

jangkayurrulypa Variant: jaangkayuwulypa. noun. sugar. The nectar of plants with the sugar is collected. Category: Elements, Plants.

jangku noun. nest. Category: Birds.

jangkujula verb, transitive (jula class). used to build a nest. Category: Impact, Birds.

jangkulyarra verb, intransitive (rra class). 1 • used to be full of something. Category: Stative Verbs, Number

and Quantity.

2 • used to be satisfied (as with food). Category: Stative Verbs, Food Cooking and Fire.

3 • used to have enough of something. Category: Stative Verbs.

jangkurru noun. hat. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

jangu noun. tobacco. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

jani noun. pubic covering. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

janikurtinypa noun. 1 • species of seed. Tiny seeds from short grass plant, ground for food. Category: Plants.

2 • species of grass. Category: Plants. See: wilyki.

janingu noun. guts (including the liver). Category: Body Parts and Products.

janingu noun. small bite of food. Janingu-rna ngalkura. Ill eat the bits of food (while I'm waiting for the

proper meal). Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

jankawa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to reckon oneself as bad/not good enough. Category: Vocalising and


jankanyjankanypa noun. one who strongly disregards or rejects another. Category: People and Kinship,

Mood and Character.

jankinpa noun. one who doubts. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

jankurru noun. hat. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

janmajula verb, transitive (jula class). used to put damper on top of hot coals. Perhaps just toss it on.

Janmajunu. Ka-rni yungu. He cooked the damper on top of the coals and gave it to me. Category: Holding and Transfer, Food Cooking and Fire.

jannga noun. 1 • ladder. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

2 • step. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

janngala verb, transitive (irregular). used to gobble food. Category: Bodily Functions, Food Cooking and


janngajunu verb, intransitive (unclassed). made a step. Category: Motion. Gram: With -nu in Marsh's PAST eg.

janpi noun. spinifex grass. Triodia sp.. Category: Plants.

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jantaju noun. thunder. Category: Elements.

jantalypa noun. very bad sore. Category: Body Parts and Products, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

jantaparrpa noun. 1 • shoes. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

2 • boots. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

jantarrngara verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to kneel. Category: Stative Verbs, Manner and Posture.

jantaru noun. 1 • wild honey. Category: Elements, Food Cooking and Fire.

2 • bees. Category: Insects.

jantaru muunurrku noun. honey bee. Category: Insects.

Jantayi noun. Sunday. Category: Names and Place Names.

jantipuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to talk about someone. Jantipungkupayi. He was talking about him. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

jantu noun. things. Category: Elements.

jantukaja noun. things. Category: Elements.

jantulpa noun. 1 • bundle of one's possessions, particularly weapons. Category: Artefacts Constructions and

Personal Objects.

2 • things belonging to a person. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

jantupayi noun. person who goes and gets his weapons as soon as an argument starts. Category: People and


jantuwinti descriptor. with a bundle of something. Jantuwinti parra-yikini nyarra. He is standing about

with a bundle of his possessions. Category: Manner and Posture.

-janu noun suffix. 1 • out of. Ngurrajanu-rni pinirringu. He came here from camp. Julyjujanu-rna nyinani

ngaangka. I've been living here for a long time. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • because. Ngarrini ngarnta wamajanu. He is lying down ill because he drank wama. Category: Impact.

janyipuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to chop something. Category: Impact.

2 • used to hit head in grief. Category: Impact.

3 • used to split bone for marrow. Category: Impact.

janyji noun. egg. Category: Food Cooking and Fire, Birds.

janyjuru noun. gidgee tree. This is possibly a gidgee. Acacia sp. (?). Category: Plants.

janykan-janykanpa descriptor. 1 • reckless. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • rebellious. Category: Mood and Character.

3 • selfish. Totally, with no thought for others. Category: Mood and Character.

janyungu noun. tobacco. Category: Plants.

japalja descriptor. at the meeting/crowd. Category: Direction and Location, People and Kinship.

japalpa noun. 1 • big mob. Pakarnu-ya martukaja japalpa. A large mob of people arrived for the meeting. Category: People and Kinship, Number and Quantity.

2 • group of people. Category: People and Kinship.

3 • meeting. Ngayumililu-rni mamalu yanu katingu japalkarti. My father came and took me to a

big law meeting. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, People and Kinship. See: yarnnga.

japanpa descriptor. seven. From: English. Category: Number and Quantity.

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japila verb, transitive (la class). used to ask. Ka-laju japirnu, "Wanyjakarti-ya yanu?" And we asked him,

"Where have the others gone?" Japila-ra mirrkaku. Ask him for food. Japila-jananya, "Yankura-la

wurna?" You ask them, "Are we going on a trip?" Japila-janampa martukajaku, nyaarta-ya

wayinkatiku. You ask the men when they are going to arrive? Category: Vocalising and Thought.

japil-japilpa noun. person who asks lots of questions. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

japilparni descriptor. without asking. Didn't let others know about something. Category: Manner and


japirrpa descriptor. away from the mob. Japirrpa ngarri! Go lie down away from the rest of the mob! Category: Direction and Location, People and Kinship.

japiya1 noun. sacred place. Place of a maparn or of animals, e.g. lizards. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

japiya2 noun. bush tobacco. This grows on sandhills. "It will make a child tired [manarrmanku], if he/she

chews it." Belongs to the wama group of plants. Category: Plants.

japu descriptor. 1 • small. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

2 • little. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

japujanu descriptor. since childhood. Category: Time.

japujara noun. the smallest one in a group. Category: People and Kinship.

japukurlu descriptor. as a child. Japukurlulu-rna nyawa. When I was a child, I used to see it. Category: Time.

japuly-japulyjala verb, transitive (la class). used to gobble food. Chewing loudly with a full mouth. Category: Bodily Functions, Food Cooking and Fire.

japunyjarra noun. 1 • kangaroo with young. Category: Animals.

2 • animal with young. Category: Animals.

japunyurra noun. men a person calls father or uncle. Category: People and Kinship.

japurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become small; used to decrease. Category: Stative Verbs, Size

Shape and Weight. Gram: -ngu given in Marsh PAST

japurr-japurrpa noun. strange language. Language which is foreign or difficult to understand. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

japuwarta noun. small one. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

japuwinti noun. 1 • kangaroo with young. Category: Animals.

2 • animal with young. Category: Animals.

jara1 noun. shield. Includes the use of objects other than a wooden shield to protect oneself. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

jara2 noun. pouch (of marsupial). Category: Body Parts and Products, Animals.

Jaramarra noun. name of Dreamtime rainmaker. From Wiirnpa area of desert; referred to as the last

rainmaker. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Names and Place Names.

jararrpa noun. shallow place to lie in. If without water, one can wait in this depression until it is cool enough

to travel again. Category: Elements.

jararrpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to dig a shallow place to lie in. Jarntulu jararrpungkuni. The dog

is digging a hole to lie down in and cool off. Category: Impact.

jari-jari 1 • descriptor. answering back. A person who can face his accusers at a meeting without shame; he

will "go for them". Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

2 • noun. person who is eager to give cheek. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

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3 • descriptor. self-willed. Category: Mood and Character.

4 • descriptor. boastful. Category: Mood and Character.

jari-jarirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become cheeky. Jari-jarirripayi-ya. They were not

listening--only giving others cheek. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

jarla noun. 1 • spit. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • saliva. Category: Body Parts and Products.

jarlawa verb, intransitive (wa class). 1 • used to bathe oneself. Category: Impact.

2 • used to wash. Category: Impact.

3 • used to swim. Category: Motion.

jarla ngukarnu idiom. want something badly. Lit: swallowed spit.

jarlajula verb, transitive (jula class). 1 • used to spit. Category: Bodily Functions.

2 • used to dip something in a liquid. Category: Holding and Transfer.

3 • used to rinse something. Particularly seeds before grinding. Category: Impact.

4 • used to wash someone. Category: Impact.

jarlila verb, transitive (la class). used to carry on head. Category: Holding and Transfer.

jarli kati verb, transitive (Ø class). used to carry something on the head or shoulders. Category: Holding and


jarlijarra noun. to carry on the head. The way meat is often carried. Punakurlu-rna jarlijarra. I had a dish on

my head. Category: Holding and Transfer.

jarlingka descriptor. on the head. Category: Direction and Location, Body Parts and Products.

jarlingkala verb, intransitive (la class). used to ride horseback. Jarlingkalpayi. He has been riding horses. Category: Motion.

jarlingkarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to go horseback. Category: Motion.

jarlinypa noun. tongue. Category: Body Parts and Products.

jarlipuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to ride. Category: Motion.

jarlirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to place on the head. Category: Holding and Transfer.

jarlitiwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to carry something on one's head. Jarlitipayi katangka. He was

carrying it on his head. Category: Holding and Transfer.

jarlparra noun. kangaroo. Category: Animals.

jarlu descriptor. big. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

jarlurli noun. species of skink. This lizard lives in the spinifex. It is bigger than mulunyjara. Egernia sp.. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

jarlurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to grow up; get big. Category: Stative Verbs, Size Shape and


jarna noun. person's upper back. Category: Body Parts and Products.

jarnala verb, transitive (la class). used to carry something or someone on one's back. Kaji-rnin jarnalku ngayu? Will you carry me? Category: Holding and Transfer.

jarnangka1 descriptor. piggy-back. Category: Manner and Posture.

jarnangkala2 verb, transitive (la class). used to put something on one's back. Jarnangkarnu kangu. He put it on his back and took it. Category: Holding and Transfer.

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jarnangkakati verb, transitive (Ø class). used to carry on one's back. Category: Holding and Transfer. Gram:

With -ngu in Marsh

jarnangkarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to get on someone's back. Category: Motion.

jarnarti-jarnarti descriptor. 1 • sitting in a circle. Category: Manner and Posture.

2 • circle of people. Category: Manner and Posture.

jarnayirra-jarnayirra descriptor. 1 • sitting in a circle. Category: Manner and Posture.

2 • circle of people. Category: Manner and Posture.

jarnimirri noun. girl and her mother. Term referring to two people on separate generations above the

speakers. Category: People and Kinship.

jarnimirrirarra noun. mother and daughter relationship. Category: People and Kinship.

jarnpa noun. kind of devil. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

jarntarajula verb, transitive (jula class). used to vomit. Jarntarajunkupayi-laju. We were vomiting. Category: Bodily Functions, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

jarntarrngarapa descriptor. 1 • boastful; a "big man". Category: Mood and Character.

2 • proud looking. Category: Mood and Character.

jarntila verb, transitive (la class). used to scrape the ground. With a shovel, tractor, etc. Category: Impact.

jarnti-jarnti noun. hobbling about (with a walking stick). Category: Motion.

jarntilyirri descriptor. 1 • on its own. Jarntilyirringka nyininpa. He is sitting on his own. Category: Manner

and Posture, Number and Quantity.

2 • solitary. Category: Number and Quantity.

3 • alone in the middle. Category: Number and Quantity.

jarntirri descriptor. smooth (as the ground). Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

jarntirripuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to make it smooth. Such as the ground. Category: Impact,

Colour Pattern and Texture.

jarntu noun. dog. Jarntu miturringu. The dog died. Category: Animals.

jarntukurlu descriptor. with a dog. E.g. when going hunting. Category: Manner and Posture.

jarra noun. forked stick. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects, Elements, Plants.

-jarra noun suffix. 1 • with. wanajarra the one with a digging stick, i.e., a woman.

2 • having. mungajarra having darkness, i.e., the night. Kartujarra the language having the word

"kartu" in it. kurlijarra summer.

jarralypuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to cut up meat (after it is cooked). Category: Impact, Food

Cooking and Fire.

2 • used to divide something. Category: Impact, Number and Quantity.

3 • used to break up something. Such as a melon. Category: Impact.

jarrangkawa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to burst into flames. Category: Stative Verbs, Food Cooking

and Fire.

jarrapa noun. 1 • fork. Category: Elements.

2 • forking branches of a tree. Category: Plants.

jarrapa-jarrapa 1 • noun. fork of tree. Category: Plants.

2 • noun. something branching out. Category: Motion, Plants.

3 • descriptor. leafy. Category: Plants, State.

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jarraparn noun. kind of spear. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

jarrarlakari noun. crested pigeon. Category: Birds.

jarrarra descriptor. downwards. Jarrarra wakarnu. He threw the spear downwards. Category: Direction and


jarrarra yikinta descriptor. standing with legs apart. Category: Manner and Posture.

jarri noun. cave. Category: Elements.

jarrinymarra verb, transitive (rra class). used to get a totem. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Dreaming

and Ceremony.

jarrinypa noun. conception totem. Mata jarrinypanga. His totem is the bush potato. Category: Dreaming

and Ceremony.

jarrinypuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to get a totem. Maa-jarrinypungu. He got the totem from that

other place. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Dreaming and Ceremony.

jarripi noun. 1 • a fight. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

2 • trouble. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

Jarriti noun. 1 • Saturday. Category: Names and Place Names.

2 • Sabbath. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

jarr-jarr-jarr-jarrpa descriptor. 1 • come to a sudden stop. As a horse in a race. Category: Manner and


2 • screech to a halt. Putting on the brakes. Category: Manner and Posture.

jarr-jarrpa descriptor. 1 • agressive. Of a person who "bursts into flames" quickly. Category: Mood and


2 • argumentative. Category: Mood and Character.

jarrkanpa noun. young boy. One who goes to other places. Category: People and Kinship.

jarrki noun. bush turkey; bustard. Eupodotis australis. From: English. Category: Birds.

jarrpa verb, intransitive (Ø class). 1 • used to enter. Category: Motion.

2 • used to go in. Category: Motion.

3 • used to swim. Category: Motion.

jarrpajula verb, transitive (la class). used to put something in. Kalyungka jarrpajunu japuwarta murtilya. Put the little boy in the water. Category: Holding and Transfer.

jarrpatiwa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to go toward something and enter. Jarrpatipayi jirntunga. The

sun was setting again. Category: Motion.

jarrpurta noun. initiator of a young man. Category: People and Kinship, Dreaming and Ceremony.

jarru noun. guts; intestines. Category: Body Parts and Products.

jarruly-jarrulypa noun. reacting offensively to rebuke. To "face people at a public meeting without any

shame and go for them". Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

jarrulyu descriptor. satisfied from drinking. Category: State. See: munku.

jarrulyurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become satisfied (from drinking). Category: Stative Verbs,

Food Cooking and Fire.

jarrwangkawa verb, intransitive (wa class). 1 • used to catch on fire quickly. As when lightning strikes something. Category: Stative Verbs, Food Cooking and Fire.

2 • used to burst into flame. Category: Stative Verbs, Food Cooking and Fire.

3 • used to ignite. Category: Stative Verbs, Food Cooking and Fire.

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jartangkalu descriptor. together. A "southern word" indicating an action done together. Category: Manner

and Posture.

jartarrpuka noun. species of seed. The dry seed of this grass plant is ground for food. Paractaenum novae-

hollandiae. Category: Plants. See: wilyki.

jartayi noun. faeces. Category: Body Parts and Products.

jarti noun. a bat. Category: Animals.

jartu noun. yandy dish. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

jartula verb, transitive (la class). used to yandy. Category: Holding and Transfer.

jarturtu noun. 1 • wide leaf gum tree. Category: Plants.

2 • ghost gum. Eucalyptus sp.. Category: Plants. See: kirtingarli.

-jaru noun suffix. typical of him. Karimarrajaru-ya. It is typical of someone from the Karimarra skin group to

act like that. Category: Mood and Character.

Jarujalumpa noun. Jerusalem. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

Jarujalumu noun. Jerusalem. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

jata noun. shallow hole. Category: Elements.

Jatakmili wangkapurluka noun. Sadducee. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

jatamapu noun. a shut door. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

jatamapula verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to shut a door. Category: Impact.

2 • used to cover something up. Category: Impact.

jatu noun. March fly. Category: Insects.

jatulamula verb, transitive (mula class). used to saddle a horse. Category: Impact.

jawala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to dig. Wantilu jawarnu pirti wanakurlulu. The woman dug a hole

with her digging stick. Category: Impact.

2 • used to scratch. Jawala-ngku kata. Scratch your head. Category: Impact.

3 • used to scoop out something. Like the seeds from a pura. Pirrkirikurlulu-njananya jawalku. You should scoop out the seeds with a cleaning stick. Category: Holding and Transfer.

jawa-jawara-ya yarra verb, intransitive (rra class). used to run away. Speaking of many things or persons. Category: Motion. Gram: With -nu in PAST eg.

jawali noun. thigh. Category: Body Parts and Products.

jawalyurru noun. species of tree. The fruit of this small tree is eaten. Too much is said to burn ones mouth. Canthium latifolium. Category: Plants.

jawalyurru descriptor. tired. Category: State.

jawara wanala verb, transitive (la class). used to dig along. Wululu-n jawara wanalku. Keep on digging

along (to find the honey ants). Category: Impact. Gram: With -rnu PAST in eg.

jawarnu ya~ idiom. to quicky run away. Lit: he dug, he went. Category: Motion. Gram: with -nu in PAST eg.

jawirli noun. quandong. This is said to be the emus food; however, the outer flesh of the fruit is eaten by the

people, but the kernal is not. Santalum acuminatum. Category: Plants.

jawuja noun. trousers. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

jawujunpa descriptor. thousand. From: English. Category: Number and Quantity.

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jawul-jawulpa noun. salty water. Category: Elements.

jawulyja noun. soldier. From: English. Category: People and Kinship.

jawulyjakaja noun. 1 • soldiers. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • guards. Category: People and Kinship.

3 • army. Category: People and Kinship.

Jayaji noun. Thursday. From: English. Category: Time.

jayila verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to get water from creek or soak. Jayirnu punkajingarnu. A person's

arm came up in a scooping motion and he/she dropped something, possibly because the person

slipped. (Can be used to refer to a punch that 'drops' a person in a fight). Category: Holding and


2 • used to fetch water. Category: Holding and Transfer.

Jayimanpa noun. Simon. Category: Names and Place Names.

Jayimijpa noun. James. Category: Names and Place Names.

Jayimunpa noun. Simon. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

jayinamula verb, transitive (la class). used to sign (a document). Category: Impact.

jayipul noun. the spade suit in cards. From shovel, which is like a spade. Category: Artefacts Constructions

and Personal Objects.

jayira wanala verb, transitive (la class). used to make someone walk backwards. As in a fight. Category: Motion. Gram: With -rnu in PAST eg.

jayirnu punkajingala verb, transitive (la class). used to scoop up and drop. A person's arm came up in a scooping motion and he/she dropped something, possibly because the person slipped. Can be used to

refer to a punch that 'drops' a person in a fight. Category: Holding and Transfer.

jayiti noun. side. Category: Direction and Location. Gram: also occurs as a suffix, -jayiti

jii demonstrative. 1 • that one nearby (mid-distant). Category: Direction and Location.

2 • this one nearby (mid-distant). Category: Direction and Location.

Jiijajpa noun. Jesus. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

Jiijajpa wana~ phrase. to live true to Jesus' teaching. Biblical context. Lit: follow Jesus.

jiijanu demonstrative. from that; for that reason. Category: Direction and Location, Manner and Posture.

jiikaja noun. that mob. Category: People and Kinship.

jiikujarra demonstrative. those two. Category: Direction and Location.

jiilpa noun. goal. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

jiimpi-jiimpi noun. light rain. Category: Elements.

jiingka demonstrative. that one there. Category: Direction and Location.

jiingkangulyu demonstrative. right there. Category: Direction and Location.

jiingkartuka demonstrative. at that very place. Category: Direction and Location.

jiingulyu demonstrative. right there. Category: Direction and Location.

jiinguru descriptor. from that; for that reason. Category: Manner and Posture, Direction and Location.

jiinpa demonstrative. 1 • there. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • that one; that situation. Category: Direction and Location.

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jiinpa noun. chain. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

jiinya demonstrative. that one. Category: Direction and Location.

jiinyjamula verb, transitive (la class). used to change money into smaller amounts. Category: Holding and


Jiipanta nyinani? phrase. Is it him?

jiipu noun. sheep. From: English. Category: Animals.

jiipwanpa descriptor. 1 • cheap one. Category: Value.

2 • refers usually to cheap items. Category: Value.

jiirnmuntula verb, transitive (la class). used to chain some object securely. Category: Impact.

jiirrirri noun. cicada. Category: Insects.

jiiwati demonstrative. along that way. Category: Direction and Location.

jiiya noun. chair. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

jiiyuru descriptor. thus; like that. Category: Manner and Posture. See: jilanyala; jilanyarri; jingularri.

jiiyurungkamarra descriptor. because of something like that. Category: Impact. See: -nguru.

jijawa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to lose a fight. Jijangu-lu. Marlaku julirringu. He lost to the other

bloke. He felt very small (was humbled). Category: Impact.

jiji noun. 1 • child. Jijilu-rna nyakupayi. I was looking at it when I was a child. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • baby. Category: People and Kinship.

jiji kuwarrijanu noun. newborn child. Category: People and Kinship.

jijijanu yini noun. person's name since childhood. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

jijika interjection. what will we do? Jijika? What will we do? Category: Interjections.

jijika noun. shoes. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

jijikanyilmunu descriptor. she has no children. Category: State, People and Kinship.

jijikarrkaly noun. spirit children. These live in trees. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

jijikujujarra noun. woman with one child. Category: People and Kinship.

jijikurlurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to have a child. Lit: child-with-became. Category: Bodily


jijilaltujarra noun. 1 • woman who has many children. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • five-dollar note. This is a term used for a five-dollar note because of the picture on the note. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

jijilarlakarti noun. children who were born after the others. Category: People and Kinship.

jijimarlajanu noun. children who were born after the others. Category: People and Kinship.

jijiparni descriptor. he/she has no children. Category: State, People and Kinship.

jijipirla noun. old person getting worn out. Category: People and Kinship.

jijiwintirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to have a child. Lit: child-with- became. Category: Bodily


jijiyarnngajarra noun. older woman who has had many children. Category: People and Kinship.

jikaji 1 • descriptor. six. From: English. Category: Number and Quantity.

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2 • noun. the six card in a deck of cards. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and

Personal Objects.

jikajula verb, transitive (jula class). 1 • used to lift something up. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to hold something up. Kata-rnin manu jikajunu. You took my head and held it up. Kata-

rnin manu jikajunu. You took my head and held it up. Category: Holding and Transfer.

jikarra noun. bauhinia tree. Bauhinia sp.. Category: Plants.

jikila verb, transitive (la class). used to drink. Category: Bodily Functions, Food Cooking and Fire.

jikijiyi descriptor. sixty. From: English. Category: Number and Quantity.

jikilkatipayi phrase. he was drinking as he went along.

jikipala 1 • descriptor. savage. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • noun. animal which bites. Category: Animals.

3 • noun. person who fights. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

jikirayila verb, transitive (la class). used to drink. Category: Bodily Functions, Food Cooking and Fire. Gram:

With -rnu in PAST eg.

jikirr-jikirr noun. 1 • a splinter. Like those that stick in a person's feet. Category: Plants.

2 • kindling. Little pieces of wood. Category: Elements.

Jikulyungu noun. 1 • Jigalong. Category: Names and Place Names.

2 • the six card in a deck of cards. Jikulyungu has the same initial sound as jikaji (six). Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

Jikulyungujanu descriptor. from Jigalong. Category: Direction and Location, Names and Place Names.

Jikulyungunguru descriptor. from Jigalong. Category: Direction and Location, Names and Place Names.

Jikuppa noun. Jacob. Category: Names and Place Names.

jila noun. snake. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

jilala verb, transitive (rra/la class). 1 • used to do like that. Category: Impact.

2 • used to do an action like the demonstrated action. Category: Impact.

jilamanpa noun. gun. Jilamankurlulu pungu. He killed him with a gun. Category: Artefacts Constructions

and Personal Objects.

jilanya descriptor. 1 • thus. Category: Manner and Posture.

2 • like this. Jilanya-ya nyinanta. This is how they are living. Category: Manner and Posture.

See: jilanyala; jingularri; jilanyarri.

jilanyala verb, transitive (la class). used to do something like it is being demonstrated. Jilanyala ngayuyuru.

Do it like I am doing it. Jilanyarnu-jun. You did it like I did. Category: Impact. See: jingulpa;

jilanya; jiiyuru; jingula.

jilanyarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become thus; used to happen this way. Category: Stative

Verbs. See: jingulpa; jilanya; jiiyuru; jingula.

jilinypa noun. short person. Category: People and Kinship.

jil-jil noun. light, misty rain. Category: Elements.

jilkaja noun. travellers (usually with the initiates). Category: People and Kinship.

jilkamarta noun. echidna or spiny anteater. Tachyglossus aculeatus. Category: Animals.

jilkangkaja noun. travellers. Category: People and Kinship.

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jilkarnkurru noun. ground with prickle bushes. Category: Elements.

jilkarnpa noun. 1 • thorn. Category: Plants.

2 • prickle. Category: Plants.

3 • spine of echidna. Category: Body Parts and Products, Animals.

jilkinpa interjection. an interjection. Category: Interjections.

jilpa descriptor. silver. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

jilpurnpa noun. container. Such as billycan, bucket, saucepan. Category: Artefacts Constructions and

Personal Objects.

Jilukurru noun. name of place (on the Stock Route). Category: Names and Place Names.

jilururru noun. smell of burning fur (or blanket). Category: Body Parts and Products.

jilyarrkura noun. light coloured hair. Category: Body Parts and Products.

jilyili noun. species of acacia tree. This tree is a kind of river mulga with a leaf smaller than warntany. Acacia

(sp.). Category: Plants.

jily-jilyka noun. species of wren. Category: Birds.

jilyku noun. species of mouse. Category: Animals.

jima noun. species of tree. The fruit is eaten. It is like nganungu, but somewhat bitter. It is sometimes called

"a blackberry". Category: Plants.

jimirlirri noun. chisel. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

jina verb, intransitive (Ø class). 1 • used to go on foot. Category: Motion.

2 • used to walk. Category: Motion.

jina noun. 1 • foot. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • footprint. Category: Body Parts and Products.

3 • steps of a dance. Jina-ya ninti. They know the steps of the dance. (This expression applies particularly to those men who are good dancers and can clearly demonstrate the dance steps to others.) Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

jina kaninykurti noun. underneath the foot. Category: Body Parts and Products, Direction and Location.

jina mara jina mara descriptor. 1 • many. Category: Number and Quantity.

2 • very large number. Lit: feet, hands, feet, hands.

jina palyka noun. sole of the foot. Category: Body Parts and Products.

jina yarrka-yarrka descriptor. without footprints. I.e. walking on spinifex to avoid leaving tracks. Category: Manner and Posture.

jina-jina noun. dress. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

jinakarrpil noun. 1 • featherfoot. Category: People and Kinship, Dreaming and Ceremony.

2 • dangerous person. Category: People and Kinship, Dreaming and Ceremony.

jinakarrpilpa noun. sorcerer. This person is also called a "featherfoot". Category: People and Kinship,

Dreaming and Ceremony.

jinangka-pula kanturnuka ngarrini phrase. two people lying down with feet to feet.

jinangu descriptor. on foot. Jinangu-rna yankupayi. I was going on foot. Category: Manner and Posture.

jinangurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to go on foot. Category: Motion.

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jinaparni noun. someone who can't walk around--either because of illness or because they don't want to. Lit: foot-without. Category: People and Kinship.

jinapuka noun. shoes. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

jinapunaja noun. someone who can't walk around. Lit: foot-without. Category: People and Kinship.

jinawanala verb, transitive (la class). used to follow a track. Jukurrjanu-n jinawanalkura. You should follow

the Dreamtime Law. Category: Motion.

jinawatijula verb, transitive (jula class). used to track something. Category: Motion. Gram: With -nu in PAST

-jinga~ verb suffix, (la class)?. 1 • transitivising suffix.

2 • used to make something happen. Punkajingarnu. He dropped it. [fv:punka- to fall + -fv:jinga~ =

punkajinga- to drop something]. Julurrjingarnu. He made him frightened. Yulajingarnu. He made

him cry. Mirrajingarnu. He made him shout. Yurrijingarnu. He made him move.

jingkirtirra noun. joking relationship. Only grandfather and grandchildren, i.e. jamurarra, can have this

relationship. Category: People and Kinship, Dreaming and Ceremony.

jingula descriptor. 1 • thus. Category: Manner and Posture.

2 • like this. Category: Manner and Posture. See: jilanyala; jingularri; jilanyarri.

jingulanya descriptor. 1 • like that. Category: Manner and Posture.

2 • like this. Category: Manner and Posture.

jingularri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become thus; used to happen this way. Category: Stative

Verbs. See: jingulpa; jilanya; jiiyuru; jingula.

jingulpa descriptor. 1 • thus. Category: Manner and Posture.

2 • like this. Category: Manner and Posture.

3 • this way. Category: Manner and Posture. See: jilanyala; jilanyarri; jingularri.

jinguru particle. 1 • maybe. Category: Particles.

2 • possibly. Category: Particles.

jininypa noun. head ornament of wood worn by initiated men. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony,

Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

jinkala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to carve wood. Category: Impact.

2 • used to trim wood. Category: Impact.

3 • used to sharpen a spear. Category: Impact.

jintapalpa noun. small chisel. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

jinyjanu noun. active participants in ceremonial activities. The other part of the group are passive. They are

called karnku. Category: People and Kinship, Dreaming and Ceremony.

jinyjanungu noun. 1 • active participants in ceremonial activities. The other part of the groups are passive.

They are called karnku. Category: People and Kinship, Dreaming and Ceremony.

2 • ceremonial workers. Category: People and Kinship, Dreaming and Ceremony.

jinyji noun. 1 • fat. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • grease. Jinyji-lalu junku. We will put fat on him. Category: Body Parts and Products.

jinyjila noun. species of lizard. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

jinyjimama descriptor. 1 • fat. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

2 • overweight. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

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jinyjimamarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become fat/overweight. Category: Stative Verbs, Size

Shape and Weight.

jinyjimarta noun. something very fat. Such as a kangaroo. Category: Animals.

jinyjinyji noun. species of lizard. Like a maruntu. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

jinyjira noun. reeds pulled, twisted and made into something. E.g. a circular head pad for carrying

things.fv:Yilarnuka karrpirnu ngapirnu. Having pulled them up, she twisted/tied them and made

something. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

jinyjiwirrily noun. bush tomato. The fruit is sometimes called a wild gooseberry. Solanum centrale. Category: Plants.

jinymirlarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become sweaty. Category: Stative Verbs.

jinymirlpa noun. 1 • sweat. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • dew. Category: Elements.

jipala verb, transitive (la class). used to drive something with wheels. Such as a car, a motorbike or bicycle.

Jipalkijalu. He intends to drive the car. Jipala! Drive (the car)! Category: Motion.

jipari noun. species of acacia tree. This tree grows in spinifex country--a wattle shrub with edible seeds eaten

as paste. Acacia ancistrocarpa. Category: Plants.

jipuku noun. rabbit. Category: Animals.

jipulyuku noun. duck. Generic term. Category: Birds.

jira descriptor. fat. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

jiralyarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become smooth or slippery. Can mean something that loses its

fur or hair. Category: Stative Verbs, Colour Pattern and Texture.

jiralykawa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to slip on something slippery such as mud. Category: Motion.

jiralykati verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to slip on something slippery such as mud. Category: Motion.

jiralymala verb, transitive (mala class). used to make smooth (as free of fur). Category: Impact, Colour Pattern

and Texture.

jiralypa descriptor. 1 • smooth. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

2 • slippery. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

jiralywangkawa verb, intransitive (wa class). 1 • used to slip. Category: Motion.

2 • used to slide. Category: Motion.

jirarrangkawa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to slip on something slippery such as mud. Category: Motion.

jirarrmala verb, transitive (mala class). 1 • used to make something slip. Category: Motion.

2 • used to slide something along. Category: Motion.

jirarrwangkawa verb, intransitive (wa class). 1 • used to slip. Category: Motion.

2 • used to slide. Category: Motion.

Jirimaya noun. Jeremiah. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

jirliwa noun. vein. Category: Body Parts and Products.

jirlpi noun. 1 • old man. Kinship regulations determine who can use this term with another person, e.g.

Milangka and Purungu people may be able to call each other jirlpi. It can be used to refer to both older sisters and brothers. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • grey hair. Category: Body Parts and Products. See: yirna.

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jirlpimala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to cause the hair to go grey. Category: Impact.

2 • used to cause a person to be old. Category: Impact.

jirlpinyjarri noun. group of old men. Category: People and Kinship.

jirlpirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become old/grey. One can only say Jirlpirringu-n. You have

got old! to a friend as a joke. There are kinship regulations on this, e.g. a Panaka woman might say it

to a Karimarra man as a joke. Category: Stative Verbs.

jirlputala verb, transitive (la class). used to drip. Category: Motion.

jirnmuntu noun. gaol. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

jirntajarra noun. 1 • bridge of nose. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • forehead (middle). As on a whitefaced horse. Category: Body Parts and Products.

jirntirr-jirntirr noun. willy-wagtail. Rhipidura leucophrys. Category: Birds.

jirntu noun. sun. Jirntulu-rni wakanyjanja, junuka-rna yanu. With the sun shining down on me, having left

that place I went on. Category: Elements.

jirntu kutuwati noun. midday. Category: Time.

jirntu ngarnawarra noun. noon. Category: Time.

jirntujirrpa noun. sunset. Category: Time.

jirntuparni descriptor. sunless. I.e. in the night. Category: Time.

jirnturri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become sunny (after a cloudy period). Category: Stative Verbs.

jirrarajula verb, transitive (jula class). used to straighten one's legs. Category: Motion.

jirrarnjirti noun. shearing shed. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

-jirri noun suffix. 1 • companions of a person. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • mob. mukuntujirri the lame man's group. Category: People and Kinship.

-jirrija noun suffix. without. Jaapijirrija nyinani. He is most upset because he has not hot meat to eat. Category: Number and Quantity. Gram: privative suffix

jirrja descriptor. scattered about. Category: Manner and Posture.

Jirrjarringu-ya phrase. The mob scattered in every direction.

jirrji noun. 1 • base of tree. Putalku-n jirrjinyuku punkajingalku. Chop the tree right down at the base.

Nyaku-n wartangka jirrjingka juurlpa parna. You will see a pile of dirt at the base of the tree. Category: Plants.

2 • base of tail of kangaroo. Category: Body Parts and Products.

jirrpirlinypa noun. species of plant. The leaves of this plant are cooked for a good medicine. It tastes bitter

and makes the patient vomit until he/she is cleaned out. Category: Plants.

jirumpu noun. straight object. Jirumpukaja-ya yikinyjan. The trees for making spears are standing straight. Category: Elements.

jitapajala verb, intransitive (jala class). used to hit the ground and bounce up. As a missile, such as a

boomerang. Category: Motion.

jitarr-jitarrpa noun. smooth gait (like skating). Jitarr-jitarrpa-n pinirringu. You ran with a smooth, steady

gait. Category: Motion.

jitartu-jitartu noun. old time car. With wooden wheels, old bomb. Category: Artefacts Constructions and

Personal Objects.

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jitila verb, transitive (la class). used to tease someone. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

jitimula verb, intransitive (la class). used to cheat. From: English. Category: Vocalising and Thought. Gram:

With -rnu in PAST headword.

jitirta noun. 1 • fox. Category: Animals.

2 • wild dog. Vulpes vulpes. Category: Animals.

jiwa noun. lower grinding stone. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects, Food Cooking

and Fire.

jiwalykarra noun. 1 • cliff, too steep to climb. Category: Elements.

2 • smooth, rocky cliff (too smooth to climb). Category: Elements.

Jiwarlin noun. language name. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Names and Place Names.

jiwarrpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to miss hitting a target. Category: Impact.

jiwilyirrwilyirr noun. species of wren. Category: Birds.

jurra verb, transitive (rra class). 1 • used to put something somewhere. Junu marlaku. He put it back. Maa-

jurra! Put it back! Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to place something on something else. Junu-lu. He put it on him. Category: Holding and


3 • used to leave someone, something or a subject alone. Nyarru. Jurra. Don't say that poor fellows name, i.e., leave him alone. Category: Holding and Transfer.

-ju~ derivational suffix. 1 • verbalising suffix.

2 • to say something. yuujunu he said "Yes". yinijula name him/her/say his/her name. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

3 • to put something somewhere. yarlkajunu he put it on the ground in the sun. Category: Holding

and Transfer. Gram: same verb suffixes as watiju~

-ju1 pronoun suffix. 1 • myself. Pungu-rnaju. I hit myself. Category: Pronouns.

2 • we all (not you). Pungu-laju. We all (excluding the person/s addressed) hit/killed it. Category: Pronouns.

3 • mine; for me. Manku-jun. You will get it for me./Will you get it for me? Ngayuku-ju. It is mine. Category: Pronouns.

-ju2 noun suffix. 1 • suffix indicating agent.

2 • suffix indicating subject of transitive verb. Maparnju manu. The maparn (healer) got it.

Ngampurrju kanyirni. Carefully he keeps it (i.e., he is taking care of somebody or something). Phon:

This suffix is used by some speakers after any word ending in a consonant; other speakers use this after a word ending in ly, ny or rr) Gram: used after a word ending in a vowel Gram: used by some speakers after a word ending in l or n Gram: used by some speakers after a word ending in rl or rn

jujika noun. shoes. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

jujukulyu noun. feral cat. Felix sp.. Category: Animals.

jujurrumal noun. species of grevillea. This tree grows on the sandhills. Grevillea juncifolia. Category: Plants.

jujuwurruwurru noun. fox. Vulpes vulpes. Category: Animals.

jukapayiki noun. sugarbag; wild honey. Category: Elements.

jukaramula verb, (rra/la class). used to sweet talk someone for ulterior motives. Category: Vocalising and


jukarurru descriptor. 1 • straight. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

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2 • true. Category: Value.

juku descriptor. 1 • small. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

2 • little. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

jukujuku descriptor. small. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

juku-juku descriptor. small. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

jukulypa noun. headache. Category: Body Parts and Products, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

jukumunu descriptor. large. Lit: small - not. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

jukunjukunypa noun. little ones. Jukunjukunyparaku-ya yankupayi. The little ones were going about. Category: People and Kinship.

jukunyjukunypa noun. little ones. Jukunyjukunyparaku-ya yankupayi. The little ones were going about. Category: People and Kinship.

jukurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become small. Category: Stative Verbs, Size Shape and Weight.

Jukurrjanu noun. Law from the Dreamtime. Jukurrjanu- n jinawanalkura. You should follow the

Dreamtime Law. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

jukurrmala verb, transitive (mala class). 1 • used to dream. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to have a nightmare. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

jukurrpa noun. 1 • dream. Yumulu yinijulkulpayi jukurrju. For no reason he was saying someones name in

a dream (in his sleep). Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • story. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

3 • words. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

4 • Dreamtime. Jukurrpa-n wanalku. You should follow the Dreamtime Law. Nganalu-nta

jukurrju manu kangu junu? What being from the Dreamtime got you, took you and left you? Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

jukurta noun. sugar. From: English. Category: Elements.

jukurta tayimu noun. Christmas Day. I.e. sugar time from English. Category: Time.

Jukurtani noun. Dreamtime. Jukurtanijanu-n ngaa jina wanalkura. You should follow the Dreamtime Law. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Time.

jukuru 1 • noun. touchy person. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

2 • descriptor. dislike. Category: Mood and Character.

3 • descriptor. sense of danger. Category: Mood and Character.

4 • descriptor. cautious. Jukuru-rnalura yumaringkamarra. Ngurrpa-ngurrpa-rnara ngamu

yankuraku. I am cautious of my mother-in-law. I am not allowed to go near her. Category: Mood and


jukurupayi noun. someone who is always disagreeable and touchy. Category: People and Kinship, Mood

and Character.

jukururri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to become aware of some danger about. Possibly from a

sound of movement or a noise. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

2 • used to get tickling feeling or goosebumps. Category: Bodily Functions.

jukururru noun. person who is touchy or dislikes requested action. Category: People and Kinship, Mood

and Character.

jukururrula verb, (la class). used to be not interested in doing what one is told. Category: Vocalising and

Thought, Mood and Character.

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jukutany noun. species of tree. Category: Plants.

jukuwulu descriptor. while someone was small/young. Jukuwulu- laju yarra. While/when we were small,

we used to go. Category: Time.

juli descriptor. 1 • little. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

2 • small. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

julijuli descriptor. very small. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

juli-juli descriptor. small; little. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

julinyjulinypa noun. little ones. Julinyjulinypa-ya yankupayi. The little ones were going around. Category: People and Kinship.

julipunaja descriptor. large. Lit: small-without. warla julipunaja a lake that isn't small. Category: Size Shape

and Weight.

julkarrpa noun. red ochre. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Elements, Colour Pattern and Texture.

julkarrpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to paint. With wira or pujurr. Category: Impact, Colour Pattern

and Texture.

Julkulypari noun. Wednesday. Category: Time.

julu-julu noun. guts or intestines. Category: Body Parts and Products.

-julura pronoun suffix. away from me. Category: Pronouns.

julurrangkawa verb, intransitive (wa class). 1 • used to get a shock. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood

and Character.

2 • used to get a fright. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

julurrjingala verb, transitive (la class). used to give someone a fright. Category: Vocalising and Thought,

Mood and Character.

julyju descriptor. 1 • long ago. Category: Time.

2 • before. Can refer to the day before yesterday. Category: Time.

julyjujanu descriptor. since early days; from long ago; very old. Category: Time.

julyju-julyju descriptor. really long ago. Category: Time.

julyjukurlu descriptor. in the old days; long ago. Category: Time.

julypa noun. intestines (of a kangaroo). Category: Body Parts and Products.

julyujula verb, transitive (jula class). used to make a damper. Category: Impact, Food Cooking and Fire.

julyulyuyarra verb, intransitive (rra class). used to fall down. Like fruit from a tree. Category: Motion.

juma descriptor. 1 • big. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

2 • large. Kalyu juma ngarripayi. A lot of water was laying on the ground. Category: Size Shape and


jumala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to make something big. Category: Impact, Size Shape and Weight.

2 • used to grow somebody up. Category: Impact.

3 • used to raise a child. Category: Impact.

jumaji particle. too much. From: English. Category: Particles. Gram: Reason clause marker.

jumakukala verb, transitive (la class). used to mistakenly think someone is a big man. Jumakukarninpa-

ngku. He mistakenly thinks he is a big man. Category: Vocalising and Thought. Gram: With -rnu in

PAST eg.

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Jumangkarni noun. Dreamtime. Particularly in reference to the stories. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Time.

Jumangkarnimili noun. that which belongs to the Dreamtime. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

jumangkarrala verb, intransitive (la class). 1 • used to make arrangements. Category: Vocalising and


2 • used to plan important business. Jumangkarrarni-ya. They are talking about big things (important business). Category: Vocalising and Thought.

3 • used to yarn. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

jumanyjarri noun. 1 • big boy. Post primary age - not yet initiated. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • biggest one (of two lots). Category: Size Shape and Weight.

jumarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become big; used to grow up. Category: Stative Verbs, Size

Shape and Weight.

jumawarta descriptor. big. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

junga 1 • descriptor. straight. Jungalu jurra! Put it straight! Category: Size Shape and Weight.

2 • noun. right hand. Category: Body Parts and Products.

3 • descriptor. clear. Category: Value.

jungala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to correct. Category: Impact.

2 • used to make right or correct. Category: Impact.

junga nyina verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to live correctly, according to God's requirements. Category: Stative Verbs.

junga wajala verb, transitive (la class). used to say something straight to someone's face. Category: Vocalising and Thought. Gram: With -rnu in PAST eg.

jungakarti descriptor. 1 • toward the right hand side. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • right-handed. Category: Manner and Posture.

jungamala verb, transitive (rra/la class). 1 • used to do well. Category: Stative Verbs, Manner and Posture.

2 • used to do the right thing. Category: Stative Verbs.

jungan noun. 1 • smoke. Category: Elements, Food Cooking and Fire.

2 • an initiate (going off as a marlurlu). Category: People and Kinship.

jungangkangulyu descriptor. in the right way; in a straight manner. Category: Manner and Posture.

junganwinti descriptor. with an initiate marlurlu. Related to a handsign. Category: Manner and Posture,

People and Kinship, Dreaming and Ceremony.

jungkula verb, transitive (la class). used to pick up something with the mouth. Kuwiyi jarntulu jungkurnu. The dog picked up the meat in his mouth. Category: Holding and Transfer.

jungkujarra descriptor. something in the mouth. Kuka jungkujarrartuka! It has meat in its mouth! Category: Direction and Location, Body Parts and Products.

jungula verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to keep a fire going all night. Category: Impact, Food Cooking and


2 • used to place wood together to build fire. Category: Impact, Food Cooking and Fire.

jungulkirra descriptor. 1 • close by. To sit close by somebody. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • together. Category: Direction and Location, Number and Quantity.

juni noun. stomach. Category: Body Parts and Products.

juni marlirr-marlirrpa descriptor. stubborn. Category: Mood and Character.

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juniwarta noun. big belly. Category: Body Parts and Products.

junkula yarra verb, intransitive (rra class). 1 • used to leave. Category: Motion.

2 • used to send a person or animal away. Category: Holding and Transfer. Gram: With -nu in PAST


Junkura wanalku phrase. He put it in a row.

junpara noun. fighting activity. "Up and down with a fight". Junpara yanku. He will go up and down. Category: Impact, Motion.

junpurrpa descriptor. 1 • warm. Kanyila-ngku junpurrpa. Keep yourself warm. Category: State.

2 • warmth. Janpurrpa-npula ngarri. Lie down together for warmth. Category: State.

junpurrpurtayi noun. warmth. Nice and cozy; just pleasant temperature. Category: Elements.

junta noun. thigh. Category: Body Parts and Products.

juntakurrungku noun. trousers. Lit: thigh-will-enter. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal


juntumala verb, (la class). used to tell on another. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

junturru noun. species of tree. This tree grows on the plains (pararra) and the gum nuts are strung for

necklaces. Eucalyptus setosa. Category: Plants.

junturta noun. species of tree. This is a big shady tree. Category: Plants.

junu yarra verb, transitive (rra class). used to leave someone behind. Category: Motion. Gram: With -nu in PAST


junyila verb, transitive (la class). used to squeeze out something. E.g. blackheads. Category: Impact.

junyipuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to squeeze faeces from intestine of animal. Category: Impact.

junyju noun. rainbow. Category: Elements.

jupi descriptor. 1 • wet. Category: State.

2 • muddy. Category: State.

-jura pronoun suffix. away from me. Category: Pronouns.

juraly-juraly noun. species of plant. The seeds are used for food--ground and cooked in the ashes. Category: Plants.

juri 1 • noun. sweet taste. Category: Value, Food Cooking and Fire.

2 • noun. good taste. Category: Food Cooking and Fire, Value.

3 • noun. good melody. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Value.

4 • noun. good design. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Colour Pattern and Texture, Value.

5 • descriptor. nice. But this word can also be used in a sarcastic way. Juri-n! Youre really sweet, aren't you! Category: Value.

jurimala verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to make beautiful. Category: Impact.

juriparni noun. 1 • poor design. Category: Value, Colour Pattern and Texture.

2 • no tune. Category: Sounds, Value.

juriwarta descriptor. really sweet; good flavour. Category: Value, Food Cooking and Fire.

jurna noun. hitting stick. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

jurniwa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to laugh. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Sounds.

jurninyjirri noun. 1 • diarrhoea. Category: Body Parts and Products, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

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2 • upset stomach. Category: Body Parts and Products, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

jurniwarta descriptor. one who laughs a lot; a laugher. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

jurnpa noun. ashes. Term also used for ashes for cooking chewing tobacco. Category: Elements, Food

Cooking and Fire.

jurnpaly-jurnpalypa descriptor. ash colour. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

jurnpurrpa descriptor. 1 • strong. Category: State.

2 • healthy. Category: State, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

jurnta noun. wild onion. Cyperus bulbosus. Category: Plants.

jurntala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to pick up. Manu-lanyaju jurntarnu. He got us and picked us up

(in his truck). Category: Holding and Transfer. Gram: Occurs with manu.

2 • used to collect. Category: Holding and Transfer.

3 • used to bring back. Category: Holding and Transfer.

jurnti noun. cave. Category: Elements.

jurntilyarr noun. bush tobacco. This plant grows near caves. It is referred to as "weak tobacco", like cabbage

(fv:kaapijiyiku).It belongs to the groups of plants called wama. Nicotiana benthamiana. Category: Plants.

jurntu descriptor. already. Jurntu-ya kunyalarringu. They are already asleep now. Category: Time.

jurntulpi descriptor. it's already happened (surprisingly quickly). Category: Time.

jurnu noun. 1 • a soak. Category: Elements.

2 • waterhole. Category: Elements.

jurri descriptor. three. Category: Number and Quantity.

jurrka noun. stamping (of feet). Jurrkalu-ya kantulpayi. They stamped their feet as they danced. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

jurrkawa verb, transitive (wa class). used to stamp feet. Jurrkawa kantula! Dance! Category: Motion.

jurrkana noun. shotgun. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

jurrkapuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to dance. Stamping feet as the men do. Category: Motion,

Dreaming and Ceremony.

2 • used to fight (with fear). Category: Impact.

jurrku noun. right side. As opposed to left side. Category: Body Parts and Products.

jurrku-jurrku noun. right hand. Category: Body Parts and Products.

jurrku-jurrku descriptor. straight. As a road. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

jurrkukarti descriptor. toward the right side. Category: Direction and Location.

jurrpu-jurrpu descriptor. kneeling. Pupatingu-lu murtingka jurrpu-jurrpu. He knelt down before him. Category: Manner and Posture.

jurrululypululypu descriptor. flopping around. Like something with a broken leg. Category: Manner and


jurta noun. 1 • a fight. Jurtalu-ngkupula pungkuni. Those two are hitting each other in a fight. Category: Impact.

2 • trouble. Category: Impact.

3 • conflict. Category: Impact.

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jurtakarra noun. an argument. Jurtakarra-ya nyinani. They are sitting arguing. Category: Vocalising and


jurtany-jurtany descriptor. angrily. Jurtany-jurtanypa-ra wangkangu. He asked for him in an angry way. Category: Mood and Character.

jurtaparni descriptor. peaceful; no arguments. Category: Mood and Character.

jurtapayi noun. 1 • trouble-maker.

2 • fighter. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

jurtarra noun. pelican. Pelecanus conspicillatus. Category: Birds.

jurtarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become upset and argumentative. Category: Vocalising and

Thought, Mood and Character.

jurtawarta noun. 1 • fighter. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

2 • trouble-maker. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

jurtawartarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become "cheeky"; used to become troublesome. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

jurtila verb, transitive (la class). used to load a spearthrower. Put hook in the hole in the end of the spear. Category: Holding and Transfer.

jurtinypa noun. hitting stick. Jurtinykurlulu pungu. He hit him with the hitting stick. Category: Artefacts

Constructions and Personal Objects.

jurtipirri noun. 1 • sugarbag. Category: Elements, Food Cooking and Fire.

2 • honey. The yellow pollen before the honey is made. Category: Elements, Food Cooking and Fire.

3 • bees. Category: Insects.

jurtirangu noun. rainbow. Category: Elements.

jurtirangujula verb, intransitive (jula class). used to appear (of a rainbow). Category: Stative Verbs.

jurtkan noun. shotgun. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

jurtu noun. older sister. Category: People and Kinship.

jurtu-ra noun. his or her older sister. Category: People and Kinship.

jurturarra noun. kin term for a person and his/her older sister. Category: People and Kinship.

jurumala verb, intransitive (mala class). used to make a rustling sound. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

jutarriwa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to stamp about. Parra-jutarripayi karlaya. The emu was stamping

about. Category: Motion.

jutu descriptor. 1 • closed. Category: State.

2 • shut. This can apply to flowers before the nectar appears; not yet open. kuru jutu closed eyes. Category: State.

jutula verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to cover. Juturnu-rnalu. I covered it/him. Category: Impact.

2 • used to close up. Category: Impact.

3 • used to erase something. Juturninpa-rna. I am erasing it. Category: Impact.

jutu-jutu noun. avoidance. Can't see or talk to a person; a term in Mangkalyi wangka. Category: Dreaming

and Ceremony.

jutumula verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to shoot with a rifle. Category: Impact.

juturntala verb, transitive (la class). used to put out a fire. Category: Impact, Food Cooking and Fire.

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juturri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to become closed. Mulya juturringu. His nosed got blocked with mucus. Category: Motion.

2 • used to go out (fire). Category: Stative Verbs.

3 • used to dry up (water). Category: Stative Verbs.

Juujappa noun. Joseph. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

Juujapu noun. Joseph. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

juuka noun. sugar. From: English. Category: Elements.

Juulpa noun. Saul. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

juulyarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become swollen shut. As sore eyes. Category: Stative Verbs.

juulyjula verb, transitive (jula class). used to cover something up. Usually with sand. Purlilu-ya juulyjunu

pirnkingka. They covered the opening of the cave with a stone. Purlinga juulyjunkunyjanga

yitingkarringu ngarapayi. The rock that had covered it lay to one side. Category: Impact.

juupu noun. soap. From: English. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

juupupuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to spit something out. Category: Bodily Functions.

juurlaparri verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to swell up from some sickness. Category: Stative Verbs, Healing

Sickness and Ailments.

juurlpa noun. heap of sand. Nyaku-n wartangka jirrjingka juurlpa parna. You will see a pile of dirt at the

base of the tree. Category: Elements.

juurnpa noun. white clay. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Elements, Colour Pattern and Texture.

juurnpa noun. food for initiation ceremony. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Food Cooking and Fire.

juurra noun. a glow in the distance. Category: Elements.

Juutajpa noun. Judas. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

juutamula verb, transitive (mula class). used to shoot something. From: English. Juutamunu-laju jinanyuku.

We shot it in the foot/leg. Category: Impact. See: yungkala.

Juutanpa noun. Jordan river. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

Juutiya noun. Judea. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

juutu noun. shorts. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

Juutunpa noun. 1 • Jordan. Category: Names and Place Names.

2 • Jordan river. Category: Names and Place Names.

juuwa1 noun. sore. From: English. Category: Body Parts and Products, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

juuwa2 noun. baby talk. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

juwari noun. 1 • husband's sister. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • cousin of a woman. Category: People and Kinship.

juwarirra noun. kin term for two female cousins. Category: People and Kinship.

juwarrparra noun. kin term referring to male cousins. Category: People and Kinship.

juwita noun. sweater. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

Juwu noun. Jew. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

Juwuparni noun. 1 • Gentile. Category: People and Kinship.

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2 • non Jew. Biblical context. Category: People and Kinship.

K - k

ka particle. 1 • and. Category: Particles.

2 • then. Ngalkupayi-jananya janyjikaja manuka. Ka-lijura majarnu kuwiyiku. He took the eggs and was eating them. Then we waited for the meat to cook, too. Category: Particles. Gram: connective

(links a sentence to the previous action/can have a listing function/can have a coordinating function between two verbs in a merged sentence)

kawa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to carry. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to take. Category: Holding and Transfer.

3 • used to bring. Mirta-rnin kangu. You didn't bring it to me. Category: Holding and Transfer.

4 • used to drive a car along. Category: Impact.

-ka verb suffix. having done an action. Ngalkupayi-jananya janyjikaja manuka. Having got the eggs, he was

eating them. Category: Time.

-kawa derivational suffix (wa class). verbalising suffix. Lakarnkangu. He peeled off the bark (from a tree or

stick). Gram: Refer to kangu for tense suffixes.

kaa particle. 1 • and. Category: Particles.

2 • then. Category: Particles.

kaaly noun. 1 • calmness (referring to feelings). Category: Mood and Character.

2 • coolness (referring to feelings). Category: Mood and Character.

kaalypuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to feel coldness come over one. Category: Stative Verbs, Bodily


kaana noun. axe. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

kaanpa noun. garden. From: English. Category: Elements.

kaapu noun. cup. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

kaarlala verb, transitive (la class). used to break something. Category: Impact.

kaarlapu noun. suit of clubs in cards. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal


kaarlpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to break something. Category: Impact.

kaarnka noun. crow. Young crows are said to be eaten. Corvus orru. Category: Birds.

kaartala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to break or smash with an axe. Category: Impact.

2 • used to smash by throwing stones. Category: Impact.

kaatanmaya noun. garden. Category: Elements.

kaatanpa noun. garden. Category: Elements.

kaja noun. 1 • son. For a man, his own son or a son of his brothers; for a woman, her own son or a son of her

sisters. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • nephew. For a man, a son of his sisters; for a woman, a son of her brothers, however, this could be

her daughter's husband, i.e. son-in-law, and an avoidance relationship. Category: People and Kinship.

3 • offspring. A general term for children, kajakaja son-plural. Category: People and Kinship.

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kajala verb, transitive (la class). used to lie. Paki kajarnu. He lied to him. Mayinju kajan. He is lying.

Category: Vocalising and Thought. Gram: Used with paki no/nothing.

-kaja1 verb suffix. already. Yanukaja. He has already gone. Category: Time.

-kaja2 suffix. emphatic suffix. Yiltakaja. Weve proved that its true! Wirrurrukaja. It was really fast!

-kaja3 noun suffix. plural suffix. martukaja the Aborigines. ngaakaja these. Category: Number and Quantity.

kajapirti noun. all the sons. Category: People and Kinship.

kajararra noun. kin term for a man and his son or a woman and her son. Category: People and Kinship.

kaji particle. 1 • query. Category: Particles.

2 • question marker. Kaji-n Karimarra? Are you a member of the Karimarra kinship section? Kaji-

njananya wanyjalmanu? What did you do to them? Kaji-n puntany? Are you O.K.? Category: Particles.

kaju noun. axe. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

kaka noun. uncle (mother's brother). Category: People and Kinship.

kakal-kakalpuwa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to bounce along. As a person in a car on a rough road. Category: Motion.

kakalpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to hit something accidentally. Category: Impact.

2 • used to bump someone accidentally. Category: Impact.

kakalyalya noun. species of cockatoo. Category: Birds.

kakari descriptor. 1 • drunk. Category: State.

2 • staggering. Category: Manner and Posture.

Kakari-kakarirringu wamajanu phrase. He was staggering back and forth from too much wama.

kakarirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become drunk/dizzy or begin staggering. Category: Stative


kakarra noun. east. Category: Direction and Location.

kakarrakarta descriptor. easterly direction. Wilinypa wangkani kakarrakarta. The wind is blowing from an

easterly direction. Category: Direction and Location.

kakarramalu noun. the mob from the east. Category: People and Kinship.

kakarramarni descriptor. the one farther on in the east. Category: Direction and Location.

kakarrara descriptor. east. Category: Direction and Location.

kakarrara descriptor. toward the east; eastwards. Category: Direction and Location.

kakarrarni descriptor. from the east. Category: Direction and Location.

kakarrarturl noun. marsupial mole. Notoryctes typhlops. Category: Animals.

kakarrawarraku descriptor. 1 • back east. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • pointing eastward. Category: Direction and Location.

kakatayilpa noun. crocodile. From: English. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

kakinypa noun. white clay. Used as paint in ceremonies. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Elements,

Colour Pattern and Texture.

kakipuwi noun. 1 • cocky-boy. From: English. Category: Birds.

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2 • galah. The Martu Wangka word for this bird is not used due to the death of a person with a name that sounds similar to that word. Cacatua roseicapilla. Category: Birds.

kakiri descriptor. dizzy. Category: State.

kakirirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become dizzy. Category: Stative Verbs, Healing Sickness

and Ailments.

kakuputu descriptor. 1 • for a long time. Category: Time.

2 • for good. Category: Time.

3 • always. Kakuputu yanu. He went for keeps. Category: Time.

kala noun. lower back. Category: Body Parts and Products.

kalaru noun. 1 • species of plant. This plant has black seeds. It grows near Karlamilyi (Rudal River). Grubs

may be found in this plant. Category: Plants.

2 • species of seed food. Category: Food Cooking and Fire, Plants.

kalayimula verb, (la class). used to claim. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

kaliki noun. calico or canvas for shelter or groundsheet. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal


Kaliliya noun. Galilee lake and area name. Category: Names and Place Names.

kalipurra descriptor. precious. Thing or person. Kalipurra-ju. This is very precious to me. Category: Value.

kalirtura noun. young thing. Of animals, one that can be outside as well as inside the pouch of a marsupial. Category: Animals.

kaljala verb, intransitive (la class). used to be filled up. Category: Stative Verbs, Number and Quantity.

kalkurnijarra descriptor. coming this way. Category: Direction and Location.

kalkurnirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to turn around. Category: Motion.

kalkurniwarrakurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to turn toward someone. Kalkurniwarrakurringu-

rna. I turned toward him. Category: Motion.

kalungarnarra noun. policeman. Category: People and Kinship.

kaluyarntu noun. big person. Category: People and Kinship.

kalyapuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to make someone ill. Of a spirit of a dead person punishing

someone for bad behaviour; it will make you vomit. Kalyapungku-nta. He will make you sick. Category: Impact, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

kalyarra noun. uncle and nephew. Karimarra/Milangka or Panaka/Purungu. Category: People and Kinship.

kalyartu noun. belonging to the same kinship group. Kalyartukaja-ya. They are all the same "colour". (That

is, they all belong to the same kinship group.) Category: People and Kinship.

kalyjala verb, transitive (la class). used to fill up. As a soak. Kalyjarnu-lu. It filled it up. Category: Stative

Verbs, Number and Quantity.

kalyjirr descriptor. 1 • bitter. Category: Food Cooking and Fire, State.

2 • sour. Category: Food Cooking and Fire, State.

kalyjirrpa 1 • descriptor. sour. Category: Food Cooking and Fire, State.

2 • noun. bad tasting water. Category: Elements, Food Cooking and Fire.

3 • descriptor. correct. Category: Value.

kalypartu descriptor. 1 • hungry. Category: State, Food Cooking and Fire.

2 • greedy. Category: Mood and Character.

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kalyparturri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become hungry. Category: Bodily Functions, Food

Cooking and Fire.

kalypartuwinti descriptor. with hunger; hungrily. Category: Manner and Posture.

kalyu noun. 1 • water. Kalyuwapayingka, marlaku yanu. Because there was water everywhere, he went back. Category: Elements.

2 • rain. This word can be used as a colour term--a light blue. Kalyu punkarnu. Rain fell. Kalyulu-

rni pungu. Rain fell on me. Category: Elements.

kalyu luka noun. muddy water. Category: Elements.

kalyukuyarra noun. 1 • lots of water. Category: Elements.

2 • refers to pools of water lying around the country after rain. Category: Elements.

kalyupara descriptor. wet. As a shirt or a book. Category: State.

kalyuparni descriptor. without water. Category: State.

kalyuparnirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to fork (of a windmill). Category: Motion.

2 • used to dry up (water supply). Category: Stative Verbs.

kalyuparrarningka phrase. because a large amount of water prevented an action.

kalyupijurlpa noun. 1 • species of plant. Category: Plants.

2 • seed food. Category: Plants.

kalyupinti noun. container for holding water. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

kalyupunajarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become without water. Category: Stative Verbs.

kalyupuru descriptor. 1 • rainy. Category: State.

2 • under water. Category: Direction and Location.

3 • obscured by rain. Category: State.

kalyurninti noun. one who knows where the waterholes are; a countryman. Category: People and Kinship.

kalyurrpa descriptor. weak. Showing no strength at all. Category: State, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

kalyuwapayingka phrase. because a large amount of water prevented an action.

kama descriptor. hungry. Category: State, Food Cooking and Fire.

kamalpa noun. camel. From: English. Category: Animals.

kamanpa noun. government. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

kami noun. 1 • grandmother. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • granddaughter. Category: People and Kinship.

kampa verb, intransitive (Ø class). 1 • used to cook. Kampangu kirtirringu. It cooked and got black. Category: Stative Verbs, Food Cooking and Fire.

2 • used to burn. Jirntulu-rni kampangu. The sun burned me. Kampanyalyurrpa. It burns (referring to fire). (With this statement is the implication that one should not touch the fire.) Category: Stative

Verbs, Food Cooking and Fire.

kampala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to cook something. Mirta-limpa kamparnu kuka. He/she didn't

cook our meat/or meat for us two. Category: Impact, Food Cooking and Fire.

2 • used to burn something. Category: Impact, Food Cooking and Fire.

kamparnu noun. uncle (mother's brother). Kamparnu-ju. He is my uncle. Category: People and Kinship.

kamparra descriptor. new. In the sense of new relationships, e.g. a new baby or a new wife. Category: Value.

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kamparr-kamparr descriptor. 1 • upset. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • unsettled business. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

3 • dissatisfied. Category: Mood and Character.

kampu noun. bereaved parent. Category: People and Kinship.

kampukujarra noun. bereaved parents. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

kampurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to lose a child by death. Category: Bodily Functions.

kampurta noun. 1 • orphan. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • bereaved parent. Category: People and Kinship.

-kamu suffix. 1 • and another.

2 • coupler. Martukamu-pula wanti yanu. The man and the woman went. Nganakamu-pula yanu. Who went with him/her? Category: Number and Quantity.

kamu-kamula verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to shepherd. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to gather into a group. Category: Holding and Transfer.

kamuru noun. uncle (mother's brother). Category: People and Kinship.

kamururra noun. kin term for an uncle and his nephew or niece. Category: People and Kinship.

kana descriptor. 1 • awake. Kana ngarripayi. He was lying there awake. Category: State.

2 • conscious. Category: State.

kanala verb, transitive (la class). used to wake someone up. Kanarnu-rni. He/she woke me up. Category: Impact.

Kana wangkapayi phrase. He still talked while others were sleeping.

kanaja noun. bush shelter. Used during rainy time. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal


kanaji noun. species of snake. This is an edible snake, possibly a carpet snake or python. Category: Reptiles

and Snakes.

kanalkati verb, transitive (Ø class). used to wake everyone up. Category: Impact.

Kanamarta-n phrase. Are you still awake?

kanara-kanara noun. 1 • morning. Category: Time.

2 • waking-up time. When the birds are talking. Category: Time.

kanarangu noun. dawn. Category: Elements, Time.

kanarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to wake up. kanarringu he woke up. Category: Stative Verbs.

kangkuru noun. kangaroo. From: English. Category: Animals.

kaninyjarra descriptor. 1 • inside. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • underneath. Category: Direction and Location.

kaninyjarrajanu descriptor. from the inside. Category: Direction and Location.

kaninyjarrangka descriptor. 1 • in. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • under. Category: Direction and Location.

kaninyjarrawarraku descriptor. deep in. Category: Direction and Location.

kaninykarti descriptor. to the inside. Category: Direction and Location.

kaninykurti descriptor. 1 • inside. Category: Direction and Location.

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2 • underneath. Category: Direction and Location.

kaninypa descriptor. 1 • deep. Category: State.

2 • inside. Category: Direction and Location.

kanjulpa noun. community council. Category: People and Kinship.

kanka descriptor. 1 • up. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • above. Category: Direction and Location.

kankajingala verb, transitive (la class). used to raise someone's arms. Kankajingarnu. He raised up the other man's arms. Category: Motion.

kankararra descriptor. 1 • on top. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • above. Category: Direction and Location.

kankarra descriptor. on top; above; up. Category: Direction and Location.

kanmarrpa descriptor. quiet; not speaking. Category: Mood and Character.

kanpa particle. can't. From: English. Category: Particles.

kanparrja noun. species of gecko. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

kantamula verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to count. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Number and


kanti1 noun. stone knife. Can be embedded in the handle of the spearthrower; held in place by hardened wax. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

kanti2 interjection. interjection expressing feeling wuyurrpa. Kanti! Yakarriwa! Please! Don't say anything! Category: Interjections.

kantilirri interjection. interjection expressing excitement. Kantilirri! Jurrama-jananya! Please! Leave them

alone! Category: Interjections.

kantula verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to stamp one's feet. Category: Impact, Dreaming and Ceremony.

2 • used to dance. Kanturnu-laju wintamarrakarti. We danced to the mulga tree. Category: Motion, Dreaming and Ceremony.

3 • used to tread on. Category: Impact.

4 • used to kick. Category: Impact.

5 • used to stand before a group of people (for rebuke). Kanturnu-janampa. He stood before the mob. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

kantulkati verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to stamp along. Category: Motion. Gram: With -ngu in PAST eg.

kanya noun. groin. Category: Body Parts and Products.

kanyala noun. hill kangaroo. Category: Animals.

kanyanpa noun. hot cooking stones. Inserted inside a dead animal for cooking. Category: Food Cooking and


kanyila verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to have. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to keep. Kanyila-ra. Keep it for him. Category: Holding and Transfer.

kanyjamarra noun. species of plant. This plant has a carrot-like tuber. It is a native yam. Vigna lanceolata. Category: Plants.

kanyjangkuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to crush leaves. Category: Impact.

kanyjikujukarti descriptor. on one leg. Kanyjikujukarti yikini. He is standing on one leg. Category: Manner

and Posture.

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kanyjilyi noun. species of plant. This plant grows in sandhill country. It is a favourite fruit. Solanum centrale. Category: Plants.

kapamanpa noun. 1 • Government. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • mostly refers to state Government in Perth. Category: People and Kinship.

3 • government bosses. Category: People and Kinship.

Kapaniyampa noun. Capernaum. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

Kapaniyamu noun. Capernaum. Category: Names and Place Names.

kapanta noun. carpenter. Category: People and Kinship.

Kapara noun. Thursday. From: English. Category: Time.

kapararra descriptor. 1 • shiney.

2 • smooth. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

kaparli noun. 1 • grandmother. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • granddaughter. Category: People and Kinship.

kaparlirra noun. kin term for a woman and her grandchild; a child and his/her grandmother. Category: People

and Kinship.

kapi noun. 1 • water. Category: Elements.

2 • rain. Category: Elements.

kapu particle. 1 • introducer. Category: Particles.

2 • and you? Category: Particles.

3 • then. Kapu puwa! Well then, hit it! Category: Particles.

kapukurri noun. dream. Kapukurrilu-rna nyangu. I saw him in a dream. Category: Dreaming and

Ceremony, Vocalising and Thought.

kapukurrila verb, (la class). used to dream. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

kapulyurru noun. 1 • flank. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • waist. Category: Body Parts and Products.

3 • side. Category: Body Parts and Products, Direction and Location.

kapuraly Variant: kapuruly. descriptor. 1 • smooth. As a rock. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

2 • slippery. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

kapuralykawa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to slip on something slippery such as mud. Category: Motion.

kapurr-kapurrjula verb, transitive (jula class). used to appear suddenly and then disappear (of a large group

or horde). Category: Motion.

kapuruly Variant: kapuraly. descriptor. 1 • smooth. As a rock. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

2 • slippery. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

karala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to sense something. Category: Stative Verbs.

2 • used to feel the presence of something (something not visible). Category: Stative Verbs.

-karala verb suffix, (la class). 1 • mistakenly. Mitu-kara-rnu-rna. I wrongly thought he was dead.

Jumakararni-ngkun. You mistakenly think you are someone big!

2 • mistaken for something else. Kujupakaralpayi-rnanta. I mistook you for someone else. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

karalyala verb, intransitive (la class). used to break. Category: Impact.

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karalypa descriptor. blunt. As a knife, axe or spear. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

kararrpa noun. species of snake. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

Karimarra noun. kinship section name. Category: People and Kinship, Names and Place Names,

Dreaming and Ceremony.

karla noun. 1 • fire. Category: Elements, Food Cooking and Fire.

2 • firewood. Category: Elements, Food Cooking and Fire.

Karlamilyi noun. Rudall River. Category: Names and Place Names.

karlaya noun. 1 • emu. Dromaius novaehollandiae. Category: Birds.

2 • Emu People of the Dreamtime. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

karli1 noun. boomerang. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

karli2 noun. son or man's brother's son. This is a vocative term used for nephew; e.g., a Karimarra man may

call some Milangka men this term. Category: People and Kinship.

karlingara verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to be a new moon. Category: Elements.

karlipirtunu descriptor. lying on side. Karlipurtunu ngarri. Curl up and lie down on your side. Category: Manner and Posture.

karliyiki verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to be a new moon. Karliyikini. The new moon is shining. Category: Elements.

karljarrkawa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to break something. Category: Impact.

2 • used to smash something. E.g. an egg, orange, tyre-- something juicy. Category: Impact.

3 • used to squeeze juice out of something. E.g. an orange. Category: Impact.

karljarrpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to break something. Category: Impact.

2 • used to smash something. E.g. an egg, orange, tyre-- something juicy. Category: Impact.

3 • used to squeeze juice out of something. E.g. an orange. Category: Impact.

karlji noun. white clay. Used for paint in ceremonies. Category: Elements, Colour Pattern and Texture,

Dreaming and Ceremony.

karlka descriptor. big. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

karlkajarra Variant: karlkanyjarra. noun. 1 • fork of a tree. Category: Plants.

2 • junction of a creek. Category: Elements.

3 • scissors. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

karlkajarrangka phrase. in the fork of a branch. This term describes the place the axe head was placed

before attaching it the handle.

karlka-karlkakaja noun. big stones. Category: Elements.

karlkanyjarra Variant: karlkajarra. noun. 1 • fork of a tree. Category: Plants.

2 • junction of a creek. Category: Elements.

3 • scissors. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

karlkarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become big/grow big; used to mature. As a melon or fruit. Category: Stative Verbs, Size Shape and Weight.

karlkawarta noun. heavy rain. May include hail with the rain. Category: Elements.

karlki noun. 1 • the others. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • the rest. Category: People and Kinship.

3 • some. Karlki-ya marlakarti yanu. The others went behind/after. Category: Number and Quantity.

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karlkin noun. 1 • the others. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • the rest. Category: People and Kinship.

3 • some. Category: Number and Quantity.

karlkinpa noun. 1 • the others. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • the rest. Category: People and Kinship.

3 • some. Category: Number and Quantity.

karlkula noun. bush banana. Also called a "silky pear"; this is the fruit of a parasitic vine which grows up

trees. Category: Plants.

karlparrpa noun. nape of the neck. Category: Body Parts and Products.

karlpila verb, (la class). used to trip up. Used of stones or sticks causing one to trip. Category: Motion.

karlpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to break something. E.g. a leg. Karlpungu tarrka. He broke his leg. Category: Impact.

karltaly-karltalypa noun. to go along (a goanna) with claws just touching the ground. Category: Motion.

karlu-karlu noun. loaf of bread. Not in the shape of a damper. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

karluwari Variant: karluwayi. noun. honey. Category: Elements.

karluwayi Variant: karluwari. noun. honey. Category: Elements.

karnajarlpi descriptor. legs crossed. Nyinani karnajarlpi. He is sitting with his legs crossed. Category: Manner and Posture.

karnampi noun. yandy dish. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

karnampila verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to yandy. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to winnow. Category: Holding and Transfer.

karnila verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to yandy seeds. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to winnow seeds. Category: Holding and Transfer.

karnilpa noun. 1 • yandy dish. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

2 • wooden dish. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

karnku noun. 1 • relations who cry for initiate. E.g. mothers, fathers, uncles and aunties. Category: People

and Kinship.

2 • mourners in a ceremony. As opposed to the active "workers". Category: People and Kinship.

karnngarrpa descriptor. restless. When a person can't sleep; senses that something is wrong somewhere. Category: Mood and Character.

karnpa noun. scorpion. Category: Insects.

karnpi noun. fat. Category: Body Parts and Products.

karntakara noun. bull ant. Category: Insects.

karntamarri noun. marriageable man. Category: People and Kinship.

karntarangu noun. desert poplar. This tree is the desert poplar. It is a shrub with grubs in the roots. Codonocarpus cotinifolius. Category: Plants.

karntawarra noun. 1 • wattle tree. Category: Plants.

2 • yellow ochre; yellow ochre. Category: Elements, Dreaming and Ceremony.

karnti noun. species of plant. This root food is like mata - a bush yam. Category: Plants.

karnu noun. fat. Category: Body Parts and Products.

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karnuja noun. non-achiever. One who can't do something. Karnuja-n? Are you useless? Category: People

and Kinship, Mood and Character.

karnujalka descriptor. not skilled in a particular area. Category: Mood and Character.

karnujula verb, transitive (jula class). used to feel the fat on an animal. Category: Holding and Transfer.

karnumarta noun. fat one. Category: People and Kinship.

-karra noun suffix. event. wangkakarra a talk (fv:wangka talk + -karra event). kunyalakarra sleepy

(fv:kunyala sleep + -karra event). pinalkarra an obedient person (fv:pina ear + -l- + -karra event).

rayipulkarra shooting (fv:rayipul rifle + -karra event). kuwiyikarra a hunt (fv:kuwiyi meat + -

karra event). matakarra the time for digging for bush potatoes (fv:mata bush potato + -karra event).

mirli-mirlikarra working with papers or books, i.e., deskwork (fv:mirli-mirli paper/book + -karra

event). wuukartakarra the time for getting honey ants (wuukarta honey ants). jurtakarra an

argument (jurta fight/argument). maruntukarra the time for getting maruntu (maruntu a type of

goanna). tiinakarra lunchtime/dinnertime (tiina dinner). turlkukarra ceremonies when singing takes

place (turlku song).

karralmala verb, intransitive (mala class). used to make a rustling noise. Category: Vocalising and Thought,

Sounds, Sounds.

karrany-karrany-pa noun. sunset. Category: Time.

karrata descriptor. 1 • fearful. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • shock. Category: Mood and Character.

karrata-karrata noun. extreme fright. Category: State.

karratanyju 1 • noun. helpful person. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

2 • descriptor. gracious. Category: Mood and Character.

3 • descriptor. kind. Category: Mood and Character.

4 • descriptor. caring. Category: Mood and Character.

5 • descriptor. welcoming. Of a person who will always invite you into their home. Category: Mood

and Character.

karratanyjuparni noun. person who is not helpful. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

karrataparni descriptor. not helpful. Category: Mood and Character.

karratapayi noun. caring person/kind person. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

karratapayimunu noun. person with "no feeling"; ruthless and brutal person; a person who is a trouble-

maker, but gets away with it. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

karratarri verb, intransitive (Ø class). 1 • used to be amazed. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and


2 • used to be frightened. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

3 • used to be horrified. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

karratarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become frightened. Category: Vocalising and Thought,

Mood and Character.

-karrayija noun suffix. dweller. kalyukarrayija a water-dweller, i.e., a fish (fv:kalyu water + -karrayija

dweller). yapukarrayija a hill-dweller, i.e., an animal that lives in the hill country (fv:yapu hill/stone

+ -karrayija dweller).

karri-karri descriptor. very small. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

karrila noun. daytime hunting trip. Karrila-rna yanku. I will go out for the day. Category: Animals, Motion.

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karripartu noun. wind. Category: Elements.

karrjapuwa verb, (wa class). used to swear at someone. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

karrjulypa noun. species of plant. Category: Plants.

karr-karrarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to pain. Karr-karrarringu kata. His head was paining. Category: Body Parts and Products, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

karr-karrpa noun. pain. Category: Body Parts and Products, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

karrkarta noun. 1 • juice from meat. Category: Food Cooking and Fire, Body Parts and Products.

2 • gravy. Karrkartangka-la jarlajunkuni. We are dipping it into the gravy/meat juice. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

karrku noun. red ochre. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Elements, Colour Pattern and Texture.

karrpa-karrpa descriptor. tight grip. Held so tightly that it can't excape. Ngalurnu karrpa-karrpalu. He

held him with a tight grip. Category: Manner and Posture.

karrparta noun. spear. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

Karrparti noun. name of place. This is the waterhole yinta of a particular "rainmaker" named Karrparti in the

Dreamtime. Category: Names and Place Names.

karrpila verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to tie up something. Category: Impact.

2 • used to bandage something. Category: Impact.

karrpilpa Variant: karrpirlpa. noun. sorcerer. This person is also called a "featherfoot". Category: People and

Kinship, Dreaming and Ceremony.

karrpiri noun. something visible only to a maparn. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

karrpirlpa Variant: karrpilpa. noun. 1 • feather foot. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

2 • kudaicha man. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

karrpu noun. daytime. Category: Time.

karrpu-karrpu noun. early morning; morning tea time. Category: Time.

karrpu-karrpumarta noun. when it is lighter; early morning. Category: Time.

karrpukujupa noun. 1 • another day. Category: Time.

2 • day after tomorrow. Category: Time.

3 • day before yesterday. Category: Time.

karrpukurlu descriptor. while there is daylight. Category: Time.

karrpulpi 1 • descriptor. before it is too late. Category: Time.

2 • descriptor. while there is still some light. Category: Time.

3 • noun. afternoon. Category: Time.

karrpumarta descriptor. when it is light. Category: Time.

karrpuminyirri descriptor. really bright. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

karrpungka noun. 1 • yesterday. Category: Time.

2 • during daytime. Category: Time.

Karrpungkalpi! phrase. Do it while there is still some daylight!

karrpurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become light/day. Category: Stative Verbs, Time.

karrpurrinyja descriptor. becoming daytime. Category: Manner and Posture.

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karrpuwati noun. 1 • day time. Category: Time.

2 • middle of the day; noon. Category: Time.

karrpuyampajara noun. another day. Karrpuyampajara-la yanku. We will go another day. Category: Time.

karru noun. 1 • creek. Category: Elements.

2 • river. Category: Elements.

karru wirla noun. full creek. Category: Elements.

karrujurra verb, intransitive (rra class). used to walk up and down. Category: Motion. Gram: With -nu in PAST


karru-karru noun. path. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

karrungara verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to go back and forth. Category: Motion.

karruwanarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to come along the creek. Category: Motion.

kartala verb, transitive (la class). used to chop something. Category: Impact.

-karta noun suffix. directional suffix. Yankuni-rni kayilikarta. The wind was coming from the north.

Wilinypa wangkani kakarrakarta. The wind is blowing from an easterly direction. ngurrakarta

camping out (for more than a day). purikarta going out for a day trip. jampakarta soon/within a

short time. wirlarrakarta while the moon is shining. Category: Direction and Location, Time.

kartaku noun. container. Such as a billycan, bucket, saucepan. Category: Artefacts Constructions and

Personal Objects.

kartanypuwa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to cross over. Category: Motion.

Kartaparli noun. Watchpoint windmill. Category: Names and Place Names.

-karti noun suffix. 1 • to. Yanu-laju ngurrakarti. We went to camp. mulyakarti at one end (mulya nose + -

karti to). marlakarti back to where one started from (marla behind + -karti to).

2 • toward. Lit: left hand + to.. jampukarti toward the left side. Category: Direction and Location.

kartimala verb, transitive (mala class). 1 • used to grab something. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to hold something. Category: Holding and Transfer.

kartiya noun. white person. Category: People and Kinship.

kartiyaparningka descriptor. in the days before the whitefella came. Lit: whitefella-without-in. Category: Time.

Kartujarra noun. language name. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Names and Place Names.

kartungu noun. 1 • woman. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • wife. Category: People and Kinship.

karu1 particle. 1 • introducer. Category: Particles.

2 • well then. Karu, wanyja? Well then, where is it? Category: Particles.

karu2 noun. short fighting spear. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

karulypa 1 • descriptor. smooth. Category: State.

2 • noun. smooth skin. A younger smooth skinned person is seen as good looking. Category: Body

Parts and Products.

karunypuwa verb, intransitive (wa class). 1 • used to vomit. Category: Bodily Functions, Healing Sickness

and Ailments.

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2 • used to feel nauseated. Category: Bodily Functions, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

karurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to take a fit. Category: Bodily Functions, Healing Sickness

and Ailments.

2 • used to stagger. Category: Motion.

3 • used to get drunk from laughter. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

kata noun. head. Pungu katanyuku. He hit the man on the head. Kata pupati! Bow your head! Kata

yurringu. He nodded his head. Category: Body Parts and Products.

kata kurirri-kurirri descriptor. bit mad. Category: Mood and Character.

kata purli descriptor. bald. Category: State, Body Parts and Products. Gram: purli is stone.

kata wapaju descriptor. itchy, flaky head. Category: State.

katakampu noun. bald head. Category: Body Parts and Products.

katakaninypa noun. head over heels. Category: Motion.

katamatula verb, transitive (la class). used to separate one group of people or animals from another. Category: Impact.

katamijimiji noun. species of bird. Category: Birds.

katangka wajala verb, (la class). used to say something that is not true that one has thought up. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

katangka yuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to instruct. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to teach. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

katapakarrpa noun. species of lizard. This lizard lives on the mulga trees. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

katapuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to cut hair. Category: Impact.

2 • used to divide belongings. Category: Impact.

kataputa noun. mountain devil. Moloch horridus. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

katarlpa noun. top end of something. E.g. a camp, a bed. Category: Direction and Location.

katawana noun. side of the head. Category: Body Parts and Products.

kati verb, transitive (Ø class). 1 • used to carry. Jawala kati! Carry it along quickly! Category: Holding and


2 • used to take. Kati ngurrakarti! Take it to camp! Category: Holding and Transfer.

3 • used to bring. Category: Holding and Transfer.

-kati verb suffix, (Ø class). verbalising suffix. Gram: Same verb suffixing as kati~.

katin-katinpa noun. son (special usage). Category: People and Kinship.

katu 1 • noun. top. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • descriptor. shallow. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

3 • noun. above. Category: Direction and Location.

4 • descriptor. softly. As speaking or laughing. Category: Manner and Posture.

katula verb, transitive (la class). used to lift an object. Category: Holding and Transfer.

katuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to cut. Katungu-ngku mara murtilyalu. The boy cut his hand. Category: Impact.

2 • used to chop. Category: Impact.

katujanu descriptor. from the surface of something. Category: Direction and Location.

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katujula verb, transitive (jula class). used to put something on top. Category: Holding and Transfer.

katukatu noun. very top of hills. Category: Elements.

katulkirra descriptor. on top of another. Category: Direction and Location.

katupuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to cut off a piece of something. Category: Impact.

kawajawalpa noun. camel. Category: Animals.

kawalya descriptor. 1 • quiet. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • well-behaved. Category: Mood and Character.

3 • peaceful. Category: Mood and Character. See: nganmi.

kawarlila verb, transitive (la class). used to lose something. Category: Holding and Transfer.

kawarlirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become lost. Category: Motion.

kawarn-kawarnarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become mad; deaf; confused. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Stative Verbs, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

kawarn-kawarnpa descriptor. 1 • mad. Category: Healing Sickness and Ailments, State.

2 • deaf. Category: Healing Sickness and Ailments, State.

3 • confused. Category: Mood and Character.

kawirlpa descriptor. bitter. As the taste of very strong tea. Category: Food Cooking and Fire, State.

kawu noun. body; corpse. Category: Body Parts and Products.

kawuntamula verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to count. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Number and


2 • used to work out a mathematical result. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Number and


Kayapajpa noun. Caiaphas. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

kayi interjection. well, what's up? Kayi! Well, what's up? Category: Interjections.

-kayila suffix. and then. Signifies sequential action. Category: Time.

kayili descriptor. north. Kayili-laju yanu. We went north. Category: Direction and Location.

kayilikarta noun. north wind. Category: Elements.

kayilikarti descriptor. to the north, northwards. Category: Direction and Location.

kayili-kayili descriptor. northerly direction. Category: Direction and Location.

kayilimalu noun. mob from the north. Category: People and Kinship.

kayilirra descriptor. north. Category: Direction and Location.

kayilirra descriptor. toward the north. Category: Direction and Location.

kayilirrangu noun. north wind. Category: Elements.

kayilirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become in the north. Category: Stative Verbs.

Kayinanpa noun. Canaan. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

kayukura noun. 1 • dew. Category: Elements.

2 • fog. Category: Elements.

kiilypuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to feel coldness come over one. Category: Bodily Functions, Stative


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kiinanu noun. to skin an animal. From: English. Category: Impact.

kiinirri noun. species of bird. Category: Birds.

kiinjamula verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to oppose another. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to rubbish another. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

kiinpa noun. animal skin. From: English. Category: Animals, Body Parts and Products.

kiirlmala verb, intransitive (mala class). used to cry out (animal). Category: Vocalising and Thought, Sounds.

kiirntarra verb, transitive (rra class). used to choke someone. Category: Impact. Gram: With -nu in PAST


kiitpa noun. gate. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

kiitu noun. gate. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

-kija verb suffix. suffix indicating intent. Yankukija. He wants to go/is thinking about going. yankukijalu just

as he was going. Gram: nominalises verbs

kiji-kiji noun. a tickle. Category: Body Parts and Products.

kiki noun. faeces. Category: Body Parts and Products.

kikirijula verb, transitive (jula class). used to throw crookedly. E.g. a boomerang. Category: Holding and


kila noun. bullock or other animal killed for meat. Usually European type animals. Category: Animals, Food

Cooking and Fire.

Kilijiya noun. Galatia. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

kilinpala descriptor. 1 • clean. Category: State.

2 • person clean from washing. From: English. Category: People and Kinship.

kilinpalala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to clean. Category: Impact.

2 • used to wash dirt off. Category: Impact.

kilu noun. mouse. Category: Animals.

kilyarrkura noun. light-coloured hair. Category: Body Parts and Products.

kimirikinypa Variant: kumurikinypa. noun. mosquito. Category: Insects.

kingkilypa noun. animal. Category: Animals.

kinilypuwa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to cough. Category: Bodily Functions, Healing Sickness and

Ailments. See: wirla nguntu.

kinpa particle. again. From: English. Category: Particles.

kinpirrjula verb, intransitive (jula class). used to choke on something. Get something like a bone caught in

throat. Category: Bodily Functions, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

kinti descriptor. 1 • close. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • nearby. Category: Direction and Location.

kinti majala verb, transitive (la class). used to wait with patience. Category: Stative Verbs.

kinti wangka verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to blow gently (wind). Category: Motion.

kinti yarra verb, intransitive (rra class). used to go slowly. Category: Motion. Gram: With -nu in PAST headword.

kinti-kinti noun. 1 • a cough. Category: Body Parts and Products, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

2 • a cold. Category: Body Parts and Products, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

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kintilu japira kulila verb, transitive (la class). used to intensively question a person. Used of police questioning. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

kintilu kulila verb, transitive (la class). used to listen carefully. Category: Bodily Functions.

Kintimarta! phrase. Get closer!

kintirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to not come close. Category: Motion. Gram: ??

kinyimulyju parnti noun. smell of skin burning. E.g. of a kangaroo. Category: Body Parts and Products.

Kinyu noun. name of place. Site on the Canning Stock Route. Category: Names and Place Names.

Kiriki noun. Greek. Category: Names and Place Names.

-kirra noun suffix. juxtaposed. kintilkirra too close (as a relation too close for marriage).

kirriji noun. 1 • single person. Man or woman. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • camp for single people. Kirrijingka-ya nyinani. They are living in the singlemen's camp. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

kirriji ngarripayi verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to be homosexual. Category: Stative Verbs.

kirrki noun. hawk. Category: Birds.

kirta noun. 1 • man. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • husband. Category: People and Kinship.

kirtapartanu noun. one's own man; one's husband. Category: People and Kinship.

kirtapayi noun. someone attracted to men. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

kirti noun. 1 • spinifex wax. Category: Plants, Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

2 • resin. Category: Plants, Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

kirtijula verb, transitive (jula class). used to put spinifex wax on something. Category: Impact.

kirti-kirti noun. kangaroo. Category: Animals.

kirtingarli noun. cabbage gum. Eucalyptus aspera. Category: Plants. See: jarturtu.

kitaa noun. guitar. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

kitawu noun. guitar. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

kiti-kiti noun. armpit. Category: Body Parts and Products.

kiwily-kiwilypa noun. worms (infesting kangaroos). Category: Insects.

Kiyajarra noun. dialect name. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Names and Place Names.

-ku1 verb suffix. will. nyinaku he will sit/be/live. kunyalarriku he will go to sleep. Category: Time.

-ku2 noun suffix. dative case marker. Yanu-lajura waruku. We went for firewood. Julyjujanu-ngku

nyuntuku! Yours (the hat for you) is an old one. Manku-ran jina-jina wantiku? Will you get a

dress for the woman? Parlanpa-rnara tiiku. I am disliking for tea (i.e., I don't like tea). Wajarnu-ra

murtilyaku. He said it to/for the boy.

kujala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to cook something. Ngalangu-ya mirrka kujarnuka. They ate the

food after they cooked it. Category: Impact, Food Cooking and Fire.

2 • used to make a fire. Category: Impact, Food Cooking and Fire.

kuja-kujala verb, transitive (la class). used to quickly light a fire. Category: Impact, Food Cooking and Fire.

kujarra descriptor. two. Category: Number and Quantity.

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kujarrala verb, transitive (la class). used to split something in two. Category: Impact, Number and Quantity.

-kujarra noun suffix. two. ngayukujarra we two. nyuntukujarra you two. jiikujarra these two. yirnakujarra

the two men. murtikujarrawana between his knees. Category: Number and Quantity.

kujarrakarti descriptor. both sides of something. Category: Direction and Location.

kujarramarriti descriptor. two at a time. Category: Number and Quantity, Manner and Posture.

kujarrangka descriptor. twice. Category: Manner and Posture, Number and Quantity.

kujarrarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to separate into two parts. Category: Motion.

kujilarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become homesick. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood

and Character.

kujilkujilpa descriptor. 1 • very sad. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • homesick. Category: Mood and Character.

kujilpa descriptor. homesick. Kujilpa-rna nyinapayi. I was homesick. Category: Mood and Character.

kuju descriptor. one. Category: Number and Quantity.

kujukarti descriptor. one side. kujukarti ngarrini he is lying on one side. Category: Direction and Location.

kujukartiwiyayiju descriptor. one sided only. E.g. too greedy to return a favour; someone who receives but

refuses to give something back. Category: Mood and Character.

kuju-kujungkala verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to gather together. Used of a great many people meeting together. Category: Motion.

kujumarriti descriptor. one at a time. Category: Number and Quantity, Manner and Posture.

kujungka descriptor. together. Category: Manner and Posture, Number and Quantity.

kujungkala verb, transitive (la class). used to bring together. Category: Holding and Transfer.

Kujungka puwa! phrase. He hit him once; he hit him for the last time.

kujungkarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become one. E.g. two clouds becoming one or people

gathering together into one mob. Category: Stative Verbs.

kujungkarriwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to gather together. Category: Motion.

kujungurru noun. sea. Category: Elements.

kujunguru kujunguru descriptor. one by one. Category: Manner and Posture, Number and Quantity.

kujun-kujunpa descriptor. 1 • each one. Category: Manner and Posture, Number and Quantity.

2 • one by one. Category: Manner and Posture, Number and Quantity.

kujupa noun. 1 • the other one. Category: Number and Quantity.

2 • another. Kujupa-rni yuwa! Give me another one! Category: Number and Quantity.

kujupa descriptor. 1 • the other one.

2 • another. Kujupa-rni yiwa! Give me another one! Category: Number and Quantity.

kujupala verb, transitive (la class). used to make another. Category: Impact.

-kujupa noun suffix. 1 • the other one.

2 • another. Category: Number and Quantity.

kujupajanu descriptor. from somewhere else. Category: Direction and Location.

Kujupakararnu-rnanta. phrase. I mistook you for someone else.

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kujupakarti descriptor. the other way. Category: Direction and Location.

kujupakartila verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to turn something over. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to make something different. Category: Impact.

3 • used to change a message. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

kujupakartinala verb, transitive (la class). used to keep on turning something over. Category: Holding and

Transfer. Gram: With -ngu PAST eg.

kujupakartirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to go the other way. Category: Motion.

kujupakartirri verb, intransitive (Ø class). 1 • used to be a different way. Category: Stative Verbs.

2 • used to think or live a different way from the norm. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

kujupa-kujupa descriptor. really different. Category: State.

kujupamala verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to change another. Category: Holding and Transfer.

kujuparri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become something else. Category: Stative Verbs.

kujupawanala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to cause a person to go another way. Category: Vocalising

and Thought.

2 • used to cause a person to live wrongly. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

kujupawayi descriptor. another way. Category: Manner and Posture.

kujurninti descriptor. on his own. I.e. one who knows about being alone. Category: Manner and Posture.

kujurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become one. Kujurringu-rna. I became one (i.e., a brother or

sister has passed away). Category: Stative Verbs.

kujuyiti noun. one-sided favour. Won't return the favour. Category: Mood and Character.

kuka noun. 1 • meat. Category: Food Cooking and Fire, Body Parts and Products.

2 • animal. Category: Animals.

-kukala verb suffix, (la class). mistaken thought. Kujupakukalpayi-rnanta. I was mistaking you for someone

else. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

kukakijalu descriptor. to be wanting meat. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Food Cooking and Fire.

kukakurra noun. duck. Generic term. Category: Birds.

kukaparni descriptor. without meat. Category: State.

kukarninti noun. hunting dog. Lit: meat and knower. Category: Animals.

kuku noun. hidden object. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

kukujarri descriptor. secretly. Category: Manner and Posture.

kukujula verb, transitive (jula class). used to hide something. Category: Holding and Transfer.

kukulyjula verb, transitive (jula class). used to put decorations on. Category: Impact, Colour Pattern and


kukulypa noun. men's decoration (made from wood). Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Artefacts

Constructions and Personal Objects.

kukurnjari Variant: kukurnjarri. noun. sheep. Category: Animals.

kukurnjarri Variant: kukurnjari. noun. sheep. Category: Animals.

kukurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to hide. Category: Motion.

kukurrpa noun. kind of devil. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

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kulila verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to listen to someone. Kulila-ra. Listen to him. Kulila-rniya! Hey! All of you listen to me! Category: Bodily Functions.

2 • used to hear. Category: Bodily Functions.

3 • used to understand (which implies obeying). Category: Vocalising and Thought.

4 • used to think about something. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

kulil-kulilpa noun. ear. Category: Body Parts and Products.

kulirnu jurra verb, transitive (rra class). used to reject another's advice or argument. Category: Vocalising and

Thought. Gram: With -nu in PAST headword.

kulirnu kati verb, (Ø class). used to hear a message and take it and give it to others. Category: Vocalising and


kultu noun. 1 • side. Of person, animal, shield, spearthrower, etc.. Category: Body Parts and Products,

Direction and Location.

2 • waist. Category: Body Parts and Products.

kulula verb, intransitive (la class). 1 • used to meet up. Kululku-ngkuya. They will meet up together. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to join together. Especially at times of mourning. Category: Holding and Transfer.

kulujpa noun. 1 • clothes. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

2 • shirt. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

3 • trousers. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

4 • dress. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

kuluju noun. clothes. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

kuluju juriwanpa noun. smart clothes. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

kulupalarrpa noun. 1 • stragglers. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • others who arrive after the main group has arrived. Category: People and Kinship.

kulyja noun. wad of tobacco (for chewing). Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

kulyu1 descriptor. wounded. Kulyu pungu. He only wounded it. Category: Healing Sickness and Ailments,


kulyu2 noun. bush potato. Ipomoea sp.. Category: Plants.

kumpi descriptor. 1 • secret. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Value.

2 • hidden. Category: State.

kumpila verb, intransitive (la class). used to hide. Category: Motion.

kumpijula verb, transitive (jula class). used to hide something. Category: Holding and Transfer.

kumpirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become secret. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

kumpu noun. urine. Category: Body Parts and Products.

kumpujala verb, intransitive (jala class). used to urinate. Category: Bodily Functions.

kumpupara descriptor. having urine in or on something. Category: State.

kumu descriptor. together. Category: Manner and Posture.

kumungkarriwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to gather together. Category: Motion.

2 • used to meet together. Category: Motion.

kumurikinypa Variant: kimirikinypa. noun. mosquito. Category: Insects.

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kumurljunu verb, transitive (unclassed). put scars on someone. Category: Impact, Colour Pattern and

Texture, Dreaming and Ceremony. Gram: With -nu in PAST headword.

kumurlpa noun. a scar. Category: Body Parts and Products, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

kuna noun. 1 • faeces. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • anus. Category: Body Parts and Products.

3 • butt of spear. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

kunala verb, intransitive (la class). 1 • used to defecate. Category: Bodily Functions.

2 • used to lay an egg. Category: Bodily Functions. Gram: With -rnu in PAST headword.

kunakaja noun. waste material in the intestines. Category: Body Parts and Products.

kunarta noun. hail. Category: Elements.

kunaruntu noun. 1 • species of plant. Category: Plants.

2 • seed food. Category: Plants.

kunawirnka noun. 1 • rock fig. It has small yellow fruit when ripe. Category: Plants.

2 • vegetable food. Ficus platypoda. Category: Plants.

kungkungu noun. poison. From: English. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

kunka descriptor. 1 • raw. Either meat or other food. Category: Food Cooking and Fire, State.

2 • unripe. As fruit. Category: Food Cooking and Fire, State.

kunkarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become a law breaker. Category: Stative Verbs.

kunmarnu noun. name substitute. A word used in place of the name of a person who has died. At present

this word itself is not being used because of the death of a person who had been referred to this term

for a long time. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Names and Place Names.

kunurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to hibernate. E.g. goannas and lizards. Category: Bodily


kunyala Variant: kunyarla. noun. sleep. Kunyala ngarripayi. He was lying asleep. Category: Body Parts and


kunyalajanu descriptor. from sleep; after sleeping. kunyalajanu pakarnu he just got up from sleeping. Category: Manner and Posture.

kunyalakarra descriptor. sleepy. Category: State.

kunyalarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to go to sleep. Category: Bodily Functions.

kunyarla Variant: kunyala. noun. sleep. Category: State.

kunyjala Variant: kuunyjala. verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to suck something. Category: Bodily Functions.

2 • used to sip. Category: Bodily Functions.

kunyjunyu Variant: kunyunyu. descriptor. 1 • good. Category: Value.

2 • well. Category: State, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

3 • healthy. Category: State, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

4 • pretty. Category: Value.

5 • safe. I.e. "clear"; not sacred. Category: State.

kunyjunyula Variant: kunyunyula. verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to make something good. Category: Impact.

2 • used to repair. Category: Impact.

kunyjunyumala verb, transitive (mala class). 1 • used to make something good. Category: Impact.

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2 • used to fix something. Category: Impact.

3 • used to heal someone. Category: Impact, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

kunyjunyumarta noun. good one. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

kunyjunyuminyirri descriptor. really good. Category: Value.

kunyjunyurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to get well; used to become good. Category: Stative Verbs,

Healing Sickness and Ailments.

kunyjunyuwanpa noun. good one; good thing. Category: Value.

kunyunyu Variant: kunyjunyu. descriptor. good; well. Category: Value.

kunyunyula Variant: kunyjunyula. verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to make good. Category: Impact.

kupirlangkawa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to turn around. Kupirlangkangu. It has turned around. Category: Motion.

kupirl-kupirlpa noun. winding. As a road. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

kupirlpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to turn something around. E.g. a car, a bullock. Category: Motion.

kupurljingala verb, transitive (la class). used to turn something around. Category: Holding and Transfer.

Kuraji noun. Christ. Category: Names and Place Names.

kuralypuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to brush dirt off something. Category: Impact.

2 • used to clean something with water. Category: Impact.

kuran kirtijarra noun. disobedient person. A person who cannot hear a request. Lit: an ear full of spinifex

wax. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

kuran kujupa noun. different idea. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

kuran murltu noun. disobedient person. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

kuranarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become sensible. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood

and Character.

kuranarriwa verb, (wa class). 1 • used to understand. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to know. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

Kurangarra noun. name of a song line. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Names and Place Names.

kuranjula verb, transitive (rra/la class). 1 • used to remind a person what they have been told. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to teach; used to instruct. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

3 • used to tell. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

kuranju kanyila verb, (la class). used to keep a word in your head. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

Kuranju kanyila! phrase. Keep that advice in your mind!; Remember that advice! Lit: keep it in your ear.

kuranmarra verb, transitive (rra class). used to instruct a person. Category: Vocalising and Thought. Gram:

With -nu in PAST headword.

kuranpa noun. ear. Category: Body Parts and Products.

kurarra noun. species of tree. This is a wattle with edible seeds. The ground seeds are eaten as a paste. The

wood is very hard and suitable for boomerangs and hitting sticks. Acacia tetragonophylla. Category: Plants.

Kurayijpa noun. Christ. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

kuriipiji noun. grapes. Category: Plants.

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kuripijpa noun. grapes. Category: Plants.

kurirri descriptor. 1 • spinning. Category: Manner and Posture.

2 • going around. Kurirri yanu. It went round and round. Category: Manner and Posture.

kurirrijingala verb, transitive (la class). used to twirl something around. Like something on the end of a rope. Category: Holding and Transfer.

kurlakurla noun. one who is wanting sex. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

kurlanyju noun. one who is wanting sex very much. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

kurlarta noun. a spear. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

kurlartala verb, transitive (la class). used to make a spear. Category: Impact. Gram: With -rnu in PAST headword.

kurli noun. hot time. Category: Time.

kurlijarra noun. summer. Category: Time.

kurljirrkurljirrpa descriptor. 1 • very sad. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • very homesick. Category: Mood and Character.

kurljirrpa descriptor. 1 • sad. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • homesick. Category: Mood and Character.

kurljula verb, transitive (jula class). used to swallow something. Category: Bodily Functions.

kurlka noun. ear. Category: Body Parts and Products.

kurlkawarta noun. obedient person. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

kurlkupinti descriptor. on one elbow. Category: Manner and Posture.

kurlkupirti descriptor. on one elbow. Kurlkupirti ngarrini. He is lying on one elbow. Category: Manner and


kurlpajula verb, transitive (jula class). used to vomit. Category: Bodily Functions, Healing Sickness and


kurlpa-kurlparri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to vomit. Category: Bodily Functions, Healing

Sickness and Ailments.

kurlpakurlu descriptor. feeling ill; about to vomit. Category: Mood and Character, Healing Sickness and


kurlpila verb, transitive (la class). used to trip up someone. Kurlpirnu-rnaju. I tripped up myself. Category: Impact.

kurlpirrpa noun. kangaroo. Category: Animals.

kurlpula verb, transitive (la class). used to chase something. Category: Motion.

kurlpura wanala verb, transitive (la class). used to chase something. Category: Motion.

kurlu descriptor. later. Kurlu-li yanku. We two will go later. Category: Time.

-kurlu suffix. 1 • having.

2 • possessing.

3 • with. Wantilu jawarnu pirti wanakurlulu. The woman dug the hole with a digging stick.

kurlunga descriptor. after. Category: Time.

kurlunypa noun. young animals. Category: Animals.

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kurlurrpa noun. testes. Category: Body Parts and Products.

kurluwa noun. light winter rain. Category: Elements.

kurluwalu puwa verb, (wa class). 1 • rain hitting people. Category: Impact.

2 • rained heavily on us. Category: Impact.

-kurna noun suffix. to; toward. Wanyjakurna yankuni? Where is he going? kaninyjarrakurna the bottom

side. Category: Direction and Location.

kurnpu descriptor. 1 • well. Category: State.

2 • strong. Category: State.

3 • thick. As a loaf of bread. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

kurnpumarta noun. thick one. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

kurnta descriptor. 1 • shy. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • shame. Category: Mood and Character.

3 • ashamed. Category: Mood and Character.

kurntala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to cut something. Mara-rnaju kurntarnu nayipuwintilu. I cut my

hand with a knife. Category: Impact.

2 • used to sever something. Category: Impact.

kurntajula verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to make another ashamed. Category: Vocalising and Thought,

Mood and Character.

kurntaminyirri descriptor. really shy. Category: Mood and Character.

Kurntangka! phrase. He is shy!

kurntaparni descriptor. shameless; brash; rude; improper. Category: Mood and Character.

kurntapayi noun. someone who is always shy. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

kurntarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become ashamed; used to get shy. Category: Vocalising and

Thought, Mood and Character.

kurntarringu-lura phrase. he felt shame towards the man.

kurnti noun. hitting stick. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

kurntili noun. 1 • auntie. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • father's sister. This father's sister is not avoided like a yumari. Category: People and Kinship.

kurntirrpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to massage a sore muscle. Category: Healing Sickness and

Ailments, Impact.

kurnturru noun. a boil. Category: Body Parts and Products, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

kurnu descriptor. quiet. Category: Mood and Character, Sounds.

-kurnu noun suffix. 1 • family member. Pajarnu-ngku nyuntukurnu. It bit a member of your family (e.g.,

your father, child or dog). Category: People and Kinship.

2 • relative. Category: People and Kinship.

kurnumala verb, transitive (mala class). used to quieten someone. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

kurnurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become quiet. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Sounds.

kurranyi Variant: kurranyu. descriptor. 1 • ahead. Category: Manner and Posture.

2 • first. Category: Manner and Posture.

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kurranyirra verb, transitive (rra class). used to cause someone to go ahead. Category: Motion. Gram: With -nu

in PAST Headword.

kurranyu Variant: kurranyi. descriptor. 1 • ahead. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • first. Category: Number and Quantity.

3 • in front. Kurranyu yanu. He went first. Category: Direction and Location.

kurranyujanu verb, intransitive (unclassed). fell back from the lead. Category: Motion. Gram: With -nu in PAST


kurranyu-kurranyu descriptor. really ahead. Category: Direction and Location.

kurranyurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become ahead; used to take the lead. Category: Motion.

kurrarlka descriptor. long ago. Category: Time.

kurrin-kurrin descriptor. pitiless. Kurrin-kurrinju-n pungu. What a pity you hit that poor fellow. Category: Mood and Character.

kurrkalpa noun. branches (of trees). Category: Plants.

kurr-kurrpa noun. owl. Category: Birds.

kurrpanyji noun. magpie. Category: Birds.

kurrparu noun. magpie. Category: Birds.

kurrpila verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to sprinkle with water. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to spray water on someone. Category: Holding and Transfer.

kurrpi-kurrpila verb, transitive (la class). used to sprinkle water with hand. Category: Holding and Transfer. Gram: With -rnu in PAST Headword.

kurrpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to crush something. Category: Impact.

kurru noun. stick for scraping out seeds. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects,


kurruwa verb, intransitive (wa class). 1 • used to enter. E.g. into a house. Kurrungku-rnanta? Shall I come inside the house? Category: Motion.

2 • used to dive in water. Category: Motion.

3 • used to set (of sun). Jirntu kurrungkunyjangka, wankarnu. When the sun went down, he healed the man. Category: Motion, Time.

4 • used to dress (put on clothes). Category: Impact.

5 • used to bathe. Category: Impact.

-kurru noun suffix. characterising suffix. yukurikurru a grassy place. purlikurru a rocky place. warlpukurru lengthy. Category: State. Gram: Marsh lists as M in headword and K in subentry for -lyukurru.

kurrujula verb, transitive (jula class). 1 • used to put something in. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to insert. Category: Holding and Transfer.

kurrulyu noun. species of eucalyptus tree. Eucalyptus terminalis. Category: Plants.

kurrurnjarra noun. something that is one's own; something one doesn't want to part with. Category: Body

Parts and Products, Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

kurrurnpa noun. 1 • feelings. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Vocalising and Thought, Mood and


2 • spirit. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony. See: juni.

kurrurnpa kalyurringu descriptor. won't listen. He doesn't want to listen to the argument anymore. Category: Mood and Character.

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kurrurnpa kuju descriptor. determined. Lit: one feeling. Category: Mood and Character.

kurrurnpa maju descriptor. sad feeling. Lit: big feeling. Category: Mood and Character.

kurrurnpa marr-marr descriptor. feeling lonely for one's relatives. Category: Mood and Character,

People and Kinship.

kurrurnpa palyjalypa descriptor. paralysed with fear. Lit: paralysed feeling. Category: Mood and


kurrurnpa parlanpa descriptor. dislike. Lit: disliking feeling. Category: Mood and Character.

kurrurnpa wiltu descriptor. 1 • brave; no worries. Lit: hard feeling. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • confident. Category: Mood and Character.

3 • unafraid. Category: Mood and Character.

kurrurnpa wirrilyi descriptor. wild; raging. Lit: angry feeling. Category: Mood and Character.

kurrurnpa yalta descriptor. peaceful. Lit: cold feeling. Category: Mood and Character.

kurta noun. older brother. Category: People and Kinship.

Kurtakurta noun. name of water place. Category: Names and Place Names.

kurtalya noun. star. Category: Elements.

kurtalyapurungka descriptor. beneath the stars; in the starlight. Category: Manner and Posture.

kurtangkala verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to cause to be ashamed. Category: Vocalising and Thought,

Mood and Character.

kurtanpa noun. bag. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

kurtapartanu noun. his/her own older brother. Category: People and Kinship.

kurtararra noun. kin term for a person and his/her older brother. Category: People and Kinship.

kurtiwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to send. Kurtingu-rni mirli-mirli. He sent me a letter. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to free. Category: Holding and Transfer.

3 • used to release. Category: Holding and Transfer.

4 • used to let something go. Category: Holding and Transfer.

kurti-kurtiyarra verb, intransitive (rra class). used to roll downhill. Category: Motion.

kurtirl-kurtirlpa descriptor. black and white (of a dog). Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

kurturtu noun. heart. Category: Body Parts and Products.

kurtururru descriptor. middle. kurtururrungka in the midst. Category: Direction and Location.

kuru1 noun. eye. Category: Body Parts and Products.

kuru2 noun. drop of nectar. Category: Plants.

kuru jumarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to be surprised; amazed. Lit: eyes grew big. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

kuru majurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to be surprised; amazed. Lit: eyes grew big. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

kuru pakala verb, intransitive (la class). used to be surprised. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and


kuru wajala verb, transitive (la class). used to accuse another face to face. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

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kurujumula verb, intransitive (rra/la class). used to cross a creek or road. Category: Motion.

kurujutu descriptor. blind. Lit: eyes shut. Category: State, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

kurujuulypa descriptor. swollen eyes; "bung eye". Category: State, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

kurukujukartirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to wink. Lit: eye became one-sided. Category: Bodily


kurumiji noun. pigeon. Category: Birds.

kurumijimiji noun. pigeon. Category: Birds.

kururri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to be born. Category: Bodily Functions.

kuta descriptor. short. Of a person. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

kuti-kutiyarra verb, intransitive (rra class). used to roll (used of a drum rolling). Category: Motion. Gram:

With -nu in PAST headword.

kutu descriptor. 1 • middle. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • part way. Category: Direction and Location.

kutu verb, transitive (Ø class). 1 • used to cause to be in the middle. Category: Motion.

2 • surround(?) Category: Motion.

-kutu noun suffix. to; toward. Yanu-laju wintamarrakutu. We went to the mulga tree. Category: Direction

and Location.

kutungka descriptor. in the middle; half-way; in between. Category: Direction and Location.

kutunjanu kanarri verb, (Ø class). used to suddenly realise something important happening. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

kuturri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to come to the centre of the mob. Category: Motion.

kutuwanajanu descriptor. from the middle. Category: Direction and Location.

kutuwartini Variant: kutuwatini. noun. midnight. Category: Time.

kutuwatini Variant: kutuwartini. noun. middle of the night; midnight. Category: Time.

kuu verb, intransitive (unclassed). go. From: English. Category: Motion.

kuulpa noun. school. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

kuulu noun. gold. Category: Elements.

kuuluwanpa noun. gold thing. Category: Elements.

kuulypa noun. a stretch. From tiredness. Category: Body Parts and Products.

kuumula verb, transitive (la class). used to comb hair. Category: Impact.

kuunyjala Variant: kunyjala. verb, transitive (la class). used to suck something out. E.g. the nectar from a

honey ant. Category: Bodily Functions.

kuuri noun. species of plant. Like a tarrun. Category: Plants.

kuurljulkuurljulpa noun. throat. Category: Body Parts and Products.

kuurljulpa noun. throat. Category: Body Parts and Products.

kuurrpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to crush something. E.g. to crush dried pura; it can then be mixed

with water and eaten cooked or uncooked. Category: Impact.

kuurti noun. spirit of any living thing. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

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kuurtiparnirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to lose one's spirit. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

kuurtu Variant: kuutu. noun. coat. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

kuutpa1 noun. coat. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

kuutpa2 noun. goat. Category: Animals.

kuutu Variant: kuurtu. noun. coat. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

kuwarrara descriptor. later. Category: Time.

kuwarri noun. 1 • now. Category: Time.

2 • today. Category: Time.

kuwarrijanu descriptor. recent; new one. Category: Value.

kuwarri-kuwarri descriptor. recently. Category: Time.

kuwarrilyu descriptor. about now. Category: Time.

kuwarringulyu descriptor. right away. Category: Manner and Posture.

kuwayitpala noun. 1 • quiet person. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

2 • one who does not fight. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

kuwiyi noun. 1 • meat. Category: Body Parts and Products, Food Cooking and Fire.

2 • edible animal. Category: Animals, Food Cooking and Fire.

kuya descriptor. bad. Category: Value.

kuyurnpa noun. young girl. Category: People and Kinship.

L - l

-la1 pronoun suffix. we all (including those spoken to). Yanu-la nyangu. We went and saw it. Mirta-la yanu.

We didn't go. Nyampa-la pungu maruntu. Recall how we killed that goanna? Category: Pronouns.

-la2 verb suffix. imperative tense. Majala! Wait! Jikila puujala! Drink it until it's all gone! Pakala! Get up!

-la3 verb suffix. used to. Past habituative tense. Wakala-laju. We used to spear it. Category: Time.

laampa Variant: laampu. noun. lamp. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal


laampu Variant: laampa. noun. lamp. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal


laja noun. seeds from grinding stone (the bits of seeds that fall off). Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

Lajarajpa noun. Lazarus. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

-laju pronoun suffix. we all (not including those spoken to). Yanu-laju karrukarti. We went to the creek.

Pungu-lajujananya. We hit them. Jila-laju nyangu. We saw a snake. Category: Pronouns.

Laka noun. ceremony relating to funeral. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Names and Place Names.

lakamapula verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to lock up a person in goal. Category: Holding and Transfer.

lakarnkawa verb, transitive (wa class). used to peel off something. Category: Holding and Transfer.

lakarnpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to peel something off. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to tear something off. Category: Impact.

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3 • used to open something. E.g. a gate. Category: Holding and Transfer.

lakarnyarra verb, intransitive (rra class). used to be peeled off. Category: Holding and Transfer.

lalawa verb, intransitive (wa class). 1 • used to split up (into groups). Category: Impact, Number and Quantity.

2 • used to separate (into groups). Category: Impact, Number and Quantity.

lalalajula verb, intransitive (jula class). used to sound like swift water flowing. Category: Vocalising and

Thought, Sounds.

lalapa noun. 1 • fork. Category: Elements.

2 • branch. Category: Plants.

lalapuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to split up (into groups). Category: Impact, Number and Quantity.

2 • used to fork (as a road). Category: Stative Verbs.

lalayarra verb, intransitive (rra class). used to be split up. E.g. a group. Lalayanu-pula. Those two were

separated. Category: Impact.

laltu descriptor. 1 • many. Category: Number and Quantity.

2 • plenty. Category: Number and Quantity.

laltujarra descriptor. having a great deal of something. Category: State, Number and Quantity.

laltukuyarra descriptor. great many. Category: Number and Quantity.

lalypa descriptor. 1 • too big. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

2 • loose fitting. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

lalyurrangka verb, (Ø class). used to splash down into water quickly by jumping off some object. Category: Motion.

-lampa pronoun suffix. ours; for us all (including those spoken to). Wangkani-lampaya. They are asking for

us, i.e., they want us. Nyamu-lampa. He is our grandfather. Category: Pronouns.

-lampaju pronoun suffix. ours; for us all (not including those spoken to). Walykurringu-lampaju. Our

(clutch) broke. Wajarnu-lampajuya. They spoke to us. Category: Pronouns.

-lampajulura pronoun suffix. away from us all (not including you). Category: Pronouns.

-lampalura pronoun suffix. away from us (including you). Category: Pronouns.

langa noun. 1 • ground. Category: Elements.

2 • earth. Category: Elements.

langupala descriptor. long. From: English. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

lani noun. wound in thigh. Category: Body Parts and Products, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

-lanya pronoun suffix. us all; to us all (including those spoken to). Ka-lanya wajarnu kalyu juma ngarripayi.

And he told us that there was a lot of water there. Yanu-lanya. He came to us. Category: Pronouns.

-lanyaju pronoun suffix. us all; to us all (not including those spoken to). Nyakujaku-lanyaju. He might see us.

Yungu-lanyajun mirrka. You gave us food. Category: Pronouns.

lanyma noun. a tease. Mirta puwa lanymalu. Don't hit teasingly. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and


laparli noun. female kangaroo (with a joey in the pouch). Category: Animals.

-lara suffix. suffix indicating progress in growth. ngarrilara a child too small to sit up. nyinalara a child who

can sit alone. yankulara a child who is able to walk alone.

larrja noun. species of snake. Edible. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

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larrku noun. 1 • valley. Category: Elements.

2 • a plain. Category: Elements.

3 • flat country between sandhills or mountains. Category: Elements.

latu-latu noun. bunches (of fruit). Category: Plants.

layikamu noun. one who loves or likes something. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

layikamurri verb, transitive (Ø+wa class). used to like or love someone or thing. Category: Vocalising and

Thought, Mood and Character.

layinpa noun. lion. From: English. Category: Animals.

layiti noun. light. Mainly electric light. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

layitningpa noun. lightning. Category: Elements.

-li pronoun suffix. we two (including the one spoken to). Yankura-li ngurrakarti. let's two go to camp. Kurlu-

lijananya yanku. We two will go to them later. Category: Pronouns.

liijipaka noun. lazy person. From: English: lazy bugger. From: English. Category: People and Kinship, Mood

and Character.

liipanpa descriptor. eleven. Category: Number and Quantity.

liiti noun. thing causing sickness. This is removed by the maparn so the patient can recover. It is often

discribed as a "coil of wire". Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

-liju pronoun suffix. we two (not including those spoken to). Nyinangu-liju karrungka. We two sat in the

creek. Pungu-lijungku ngaparrku. We two hit each other in return. Mirta-lijunta pungu. We two didn't hit you. Category: Pronouns.

likarra noun. 1 • bark of tree. Likarra tikirlarringu. The bark of the tree dried up. Category: Plants.

2 • skin of fruit. Category: Plants.

likarrala verb, transitive (la class). used to get bark from tree. Category: Holding and Transfer.

likarrapuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to strip bark off tree. Category: Holding and Transfer.

likiri descriptor. empty. E.g. a camp. Category: Number and Quantity.

Likirinji noun. La Grange. Category: Names and Place Names.

lilula verb, transitive (la class). used to move food with a stick (while it is cooking on the fire). Category: Impact,

Food Cooking and Fire.

lilulypa noun. stick for moving food on the fire. While it is cooking on the fire. Category: Artefacts

Constructions and Personal Objects.

lilyirrmala verb, transitive (mala class). used to vibrate. Category: Motion.

lilyirrwangka verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to make a vibrating noise. E.g., when someone hits a tin with a

stone. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Sounds.

limi noun. a wound. Category: Body Parts and Products, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

-limpa pronoun suffix. for us two (including the one spoken to). Tii-limpa kujalku ngayukujarraku. He will

make tea for us two. Nyamu-limpa. He is our (two) grandfather. Category: Pronouns.

-limpaju pronoun suffix. ours; for us two (not including those spoken to). Manku-limpajun? Will you get it

for us two? Category: Pronouns.

-limpajulura pronoun suffix. away from us two (not including hearer). Category: Pronouns.

-limpalura pronoun suffix. away from us two (including hearer). Category: Pronouns.

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limpi-limpi noun. flat stone. Category: Elements.

linmurru noun. hitting stick. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

-linya pronoun suffix. us two; to us two (including the one spoken to). Yungu-linya mirrka. He gave food to

us two. Pungu-linya. He hit us two. Yanku-linya. He will come to us two. Category: Pronouns.

-linyaju pronoun suffix. us two; to us two (not including the one's spoken to). Nyaangkamarra-linyajun

yungkarnu? Why did you hit us two? Category: Pronouns.

linyji noun. claypan. Category: Elements.

Lipayi noun. Levi. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

Lipayimili wangkapurluka noun. Levite. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

lipi descriptor. wide. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

lipuriji noun. leprosy. Biblical context. From: English. Category: Body Parts and Products, Healing

Sickness and Ailments.

liwarrpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to pour out something. E.g. tea leaves from a can. Category: Holding and Transfer.

-lkija verb suffix. wants to do something. Intentive verb suffix. Wakalkija. He is thinking about spearing it.

-lku verb suffix. will. Nyaarta-ya pakalku? When will they arrive? Kalyu-laju jikilku. We will drink water. Category: Time.

-lkura verb suffix. let's do something; ought to do something. Hortative verb suffix. Ngampurrkanyilkura-

pulanyaya. They should take care of those two.

-lkuraku verb suffix. for doing something; in order to do something. Purposive suffix. Yanu-rni

wakalkuraku. He came here to spear it.

-lmarranypa verb suffix. completive suffix. Wakalmarranypa. He has already speared it.

-lngara verb suffix. 1 • would have, but didn't.

2 • almost, but not quite. Wakalngara. He almost speared it (but didn't).

3 • ought to, but didn't.

-lpayi verb suffix. was doing something. Warrkilpayi-jananya. He growled them. Purtu ngalulpayi. He

couldn't hold on to it. Category: Time.

-lpi noun suffix. suffix indicating duration. Jurilpi! [That photograph shows him] while he was still

goodlooking. Wangkakurlulpi. [That event happened] when he still had his voice [lit.: speech-with]. Category: Time.

-lu1 pronoun suffix. 1 • him.

2 • her.

3 • it. Juturnu-lu. He covered it over. Category: Pronouns.

4 • at/with/to/off/on/in him. Nyakuni-lu. He is looking at him. Yanu-lu. He went to him. Mamala-

lu. Grab it off him. Jurra-lu. Put it on him.

5 • at/with/to/off/on/in her. Nyinani-lu wantingka. He is sitting with the woman.

6 • at/with/to/off/on/in it. Category: Pronouns.

-lu2 noun suffix. 1 • ergative case suffix. Nganalu-jananya pungu. Who hit them? Jarntulu maru-marulu

pajarnu murtilya. The black dog bit the boy. Wululu puwa! Keep on hitting him!

2 • instrument. Maralu-rna pungu. I hit him with my hand. Wartawintilu-rni pungu. He hit me with a stick. Gram: This suffix is used after a word ending in a vowel. Gram: used by some speakers after any

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word ending in a consonant; others use it after a word ending in ly, ny or rr Gram: used by some speakers after a word ending in rl or rn Gram: used by some speakers after a word ending in l or n

luka noun. muddy water. Category: Elements.

luka-luka noun. small puddle of muddy water. Just a bit left. Category: Elements.

lukarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become muddy water. Category: Stative Verbs.

luku noun. 1 • ankle. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • heel. Category: Body Parts and Products.

lukuti noun. grub. Category: Insects.

luma noun. species of lizard. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

lungkarta Variant: lungkurta. noun. bluetongue lizard. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

-lungkura pronoun suffix. away from you (singular). Category: Pronouns.

lungkurta Variant: lungkarta. noun. bluetongue lizard. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

lungu noun. clot of blood. Category: Body Parts and Products, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

lunki noun. edible grub. Appears to be a generic term. Category: Insects.

lunngu noun. hot coals. kuka lunngujanu meat from the coals (refers to bush meats cooked in the traditional

way). Category: Elements, Food Cooking and Fire.

lupu1 descriptor. 1 • bent. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

2 • twisted. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

3 • warped. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

lupu2 noun. yandy dish. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

lupurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become twisted. Category: Stative Verbs.

lupurr-lupurrpa noun. dried pus. In eyes or on sores. Category: Body Parts and Products, Healing

Sickness and Ailments.

-lura pronoun suffix. away from someone/something. Kayila-lijujanampalura yanu ngurrakujupakarti. Then we (two) went away from them to another place. Category: Pronouns.

lurrju descriptor. together (two or a few). Lurrju-pula yarra malpungkamarra! You two go together in case

you meet up with a devil! Category: Number and Quantity.

-lurrju noun suffix. also; too. Jijiparakulurrju. The children also did it. Category: Manner and Posture.

lurrpala verb, transitive (la class). used to spoil something. E.g. a shot, someone's work. Category: Impact.

luujarriwa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to be lost. Category: Stative Verbs.

luujwanpa descriptor. loose; not tight. Category: State.

Luukpa noun. Luke. Category: Names and Place Names.

luurnpa noun. kingfisher. Alcyone sp.. Category: Birds.

luutu noun. a load. Especially on a vehicle. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

luutumula verb, transitive (la class). used to load a truck or vehicle. From: English. Category: Holding and


luwu noun. 1 • law. From: English. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

2 • customs. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

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luwu wanala verb, (la class). used to live in accordance to the law. Aboriginal ceremonial law. Category: Stative Verbs.

-lwara verb suffix. was doing something. Jikilwara kalyu. He was drinking water. Category: Time.

-lyjaku verb suffix. 1 • possibility.

2 • might do something. Pajalyjaku-nta. He might bite you. Punkalyjaku. He might fall.

Warrkilyjaku-rni. He might growl me.

-lyjirri noun suffix. 1 • numeraliser. Category: Number and Quantity.

2 • how many? Nyaalyjirri? How many? Category: Number and Quantity, Interrogatives.

-lyu noun suffix. 1 • terminative suffix. Palulyu. That's all/that's the lot.

2 • really.

-lyukurru noun suffix. suffix indicating a kind of place. yapulyukurru a rocky place (yapu rock). Category: State. Gram: Marsh lists as M in headword and K in subentry for -kurru.

M - m

marra verb, transitive (rra class). 1 • used to get something. Yanu manu jurntarnu. He went and collected it. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to take something. Ngulyu-ju manu. He stole mine. Category: Holding and Transfer.

3 • used to choose something. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

4 • used to marry. Karimarralu manku Panaka wanti. A Karimarra man will marry a Panaka woman. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

-mala dsuff-mala. 1 • to make. kunyjunyumanu he made him well (i.e., he healed him) (kunyjunyu good).

2 • to do. Causative verbalising suffix. Putamanu. He did a bad thing. (puta bad). Gram: Takes same

suffixes as kartima~.

-ma1 verb suffix. keep on doing something. Imperative continuous tense. Wangkama! Keep on talking!

Ngarrima! Keep on lying down! Category: Time.

-ma2 verb suffix. used to be doing something. Past habituative continuous tense. Mirta-laju martu wangka

wangkama. We were not talking Martu Wangka (in school). Category: Time.

maa- prefix. away from the speaker. Maa-yarra! Go away! Maa-jurra! Put it away! Category: Direction and

Location, Motion.

maaja noun. 1 • boss. Possibly from English master. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • leader. Category: People and Kinship.

3 • instructor. Category: People and Kinship.

Maajurru noun. Mathew. Category: Names and Place Names.

maa-kati verb, transitive (Ø class). used to take it away. Category: Holding and Transfer. Gram: With -ngu in

PAST subentry.

maapu noun. mob. From: English. Category: Number and Quantity, People and Kinship.

maarra descriptor. 1 • somewhere. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • unknown. Category: Mood and Character.

3 • ignorant of something. Category: Mood and Character.

maarranyu particle. 1 • maybe. Category: Particles.

2 • might be. Category: Particles.

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maa-takala verb, intransitive (la class). used to climb away from where the speaker is. Category: Motion.

Maa-yiki! phrase. Stop!

Maa! phrase. Get away! E.g. command to a dog to go away.

majala verb, intransitive (la class). 1 • used to wait. Purtu-laju majurnu majurnu majurnu. In vain we waited

and waited. Category: Stative Verbs.

2 • used to wait for something. Majarninpa-ra kujupaku martuku. He is waiting for the other man. Category: Stative Verbs. Gram: With dative case.

majapurti noun. edible fungus. When fresh, majapurti may be eaten like a mushroom. Category: Plants.

maju descriptor. big. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

majula verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to make a large amount. Category: Impact, Number and Quantity.

2 • used to multiply. Category: Impact, Number and Quantity.

majujara noun. the biggest one. Comparing two or more things. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

majumarra verb, transitive (rra class). 1 • used to grow a baby up. Category: Impact.

2 • used to make large. Category: Impact.

3 • used to make big. Category: Impact. Gram: With -nu in PAST headword.

majunyjarri noun. 1 • big boy. Post primary age - not yet initiated. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • biggest one (of two lots). Category: Size Shape and Weight.

majurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to get big. Category: Stative Verbs, Size Shape and Weight.

majuwarta noun. big one. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

majuwartala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to make large. Category: Impact, Size Shape and Weight.

2 • used to increase the size of some material. Category: Impact, Size Shape and Weight.

makurnta Variant: makurta. noun. 1 • brother-in-law. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • cousin. Category: People and Kinship.

makurta Variant: makurnta. noun. 1 • brother-in-law. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • cousin. Category: People and Kinship.

mala noun. Rufous Hare-wallaby. Lagorchestes hirsutus. Category: Animals.

Maliki noun. name of Law ceremony. For training young men in further areas of the law. Category: Dreaming

and Ceremony, Names and Place Names.

malka-malka noun. rabbit. Oryctolagus cuniculus. Category: Animals.

malkapiri noun. 1 • bark sandles. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

2 • green birdflower bush. The bark is stripped from the plant and used for plaiting sandles. Crotalaria cunninghamii. Category: Plants.

-malpa verb suffix. will be doing something. Future continuative tense. Nyinamalpa-ya. They will be sitting. Category: Time.

malpu noun. devil. Appears to be generic. Yarra-ya malpungkamarra. You all go away because of the

devils that are here. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

-malu noun suffix. 1 • mob. Nganamalu-ya pakarnu? Whose mob arrived? Kayilimalu-ya pakarnu. The

Northern Mob arrived. Category: Number and Quantity.

2 • group. Category: Number and Quantity, People and Kinship.

malurrpa noun. 1 • bowed head. Showing respect, as a marlurlu does. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

2 • nodding. Category: Motion.

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malya1 noun. 1 • star. Malya punkarnu. A star fell. Category: Elements.

2 • meteor. Category: Elements.

malya2 descriptor. greedy. Category: Mood and Character.

malypa noun. rattlepod grevillea. This is the Rattlepod Grevillea. The bark is used for ashes to mix with

tobacco. The dry seeds are edible and are said to taste like a peanut. Grevillea stenobotrya. Category: Plants.

malyurta noun. middle child or children (in a family). Often used as a name. Category: People and Kinship.

mama noun. father. Also includes the brothers of a person's father. Category: People and Kinship.

mamala verb, transitive (la class). used to grab something off someone. Mamala-lu! Grab it off him! Category: Holding and Transfer.

mamamili ngurlunintipurluka noun. prophet. Biblical context. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

mamapartanu noun. person's real father. Category: People and Kinship.

mamapirrayi noun. respectful reference to a person's father. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

mamarti noun. respectful way of addressing your father. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

mamartura noun. big toe. Category: Body Parts and Products.

mami noun. mother. From: English. Category: People and Kinship.

mamipartanu noun. person's real mother. Category: People and Kinship.

mamipunaja descriptor. motherless. Category: State.

mamu noun. devil. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

mamurlpa yarra verb, intransitive (rra class). used to twist (of a spear as it flies through the air). Category: Motion. Gram: With -nu in PAST headword.

manarr descriptor. tired. Can be applied to the tiredness of an expectant mother. Manarrju junu yanu. He

left it because he was too tired. Category: State.

manarrarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become tired. Category: Bodily Functions.

Mangala noun. language name. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Names and Place Names.

manganpa noun. bucking (on a horse). Category: Motion.

manganya noun. echidna or anteater. Category: Animals.

mangarri noun. food. Including berries and fruit. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

mangarrpa noun. 1 • bark sandles. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

2 • green birdflower bush. The bark is stripped from the plant and used for plaiting sandles. Crotalaria cunninghamii. Category: Plants.

mangka noun. head hair. Category: Body Parts and Products.

mangkaja noun. shelter. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects, Elements.

mangkalyi noun. initiator of a young man. There is respectful avoidance between this man and the initiate

and their families. Category: People and Kinship, Dreaming and Ceremony.

mangu noun. sorcerer. This person is also called a "featherfoot". Category: People and Kinship, Dreaming

and Ceremony.

manguji noun. 1 • thorn. Category: Plants.

2 • prickle. Category: Plants.

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3 • spine of echidna. Category: Body Parts and Products, Animals.

Mangunypa noun. Dreaming. The creative force of the Dreamtime. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

mani noun. money. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

Manjiljarra Variant: Manyjiljarra; Manyjilyjarra. noun. language name. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony,

Vocalising and Thought, Dreaming and Ceremony, Names and Place Names.

mannga descriptor. 1 • still. Category: Manner and Posture.

2 • yet. Category: Manner and Posture.

3 • even though. Category: Manner and Posture.

mannganyju descriptor. 1 • persistent. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • stubborn. Category: Mood and Character.

manngarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become determined. Category: Vocalising and Thought,

Mood and Character.

-manta noun suffix. from where? Suffix indicating origin. Nganamanta? Where is that man from? Category: Direction and Location.

mantalyngara verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to be stuck on. Category: Stative Verbs.

mantarrirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to laugh. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

Mantuwinti noun. Mundiwindi. From mantu meat [Nyiyaparli word]. Category: Names and Place Names.

manyalyjula verb, transitive (jula class). used to put wax on something. Manyalyjula-lu! Put resin on it (in

order to waterproof it)! Category: Impact.

manyalypa noun. 1 • resin. From spinifex plant. Category: Plants.

2 • wax. From spinifex plant. Category: Plants.

manyarrpa descriptor. 1 • illogical. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • for no reason. Manyarrju pungu. For no apparent reason, he hit the man. Category: Mood and


manyjarra descriptor. away from one's family. Nyinani manyjarra. He is a long way from his folks. Category: Direction and Location, People and Kinship.

Manyjiljarra Variant: Manyjilyjarra; Manjiljarra. noun. language name. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony,

Vocalising and Thought, Dreaming and Ceremony, Names and Place Names.

Manyjilyjarra Variant: Manyjiljarra; Manjiljarra. noun. language name. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony,

Vocalising and Thought, Dreaming and Ceremony, Names and Place Names.

manyjirrpa noun. food (vegetable or seed). Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

manyjurrpa noun. 1 • termite. Category: Insects.

2 • white ant. Category: Insects.

manypuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to shoo something away. E.g. dog, flies. Category: Vocalising and


manyu-manyu descriptor. 1 • starving. Category: Food Cooking and Fire, State.

2 • extreme hunger. Category: Food Cooking and Fire, State.

manyuru noun. ants. Category: Insects.

mapa verb, transitive (Ø class). 1 • used to copy an action. Category: Motion.

2 • used to imitate someone. Category: Motion.

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maparnjanu descriptor. with the doctor's help. Lit: from the doctor. Category: Manner and Posture, Healing

Sickness and Ailments.

maparnjula verb, transitive (rra/la class). 1 • used to heal. Category: Impact, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

2 • used to make well. Particularly of a traditional doctor's activity. Category: Impact, Healing

Sickness and Ailments.

maparnmala verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to make well. Category: Impact, Healing Sickness and


maparnpa noun. 1 • traditional doctor. Maparnju wankarnu. The doctor cured the man. Category: People

and Kinship, Dreaming and Ceremony, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

2 • object with power (for healing or sorcery). Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Artefacts

Constructions and Personal Objects, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

maparnwinti descriptor. possessing a maparn. Category: Healing Sickness and Ailments, State.

Mapulpa noun. Marble bar. Category: Names and Place Names.

mara noun. 1 • hand (including fingers). Maralu pungu. He hit the man with his hand (i.e., not with a

weapon). Mara-rnajanampa wangkangu. I used hand-signs to talk to them. Mara-rnaju kurntarnu. I cut my hand. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • arm. Category: Body Parts and Products.

marala verb, intransitive (la class). 1 • used to flow. As a creek. Category: Motion.

2 • used to crawl. Category: Motion.

mara tirnu Variant: maratiinu. noun. fist. Category: Body Parts and Products.

mara wangka verb, (Ø class). used to indicate an action to another with a hand signal. Category: Vocalising

and Thought.

maralpa noun. one who has no food or clothing. Category: People and Kinship.

maramulyji noun. fist. Category: Body Parts and Products.

marangka kanyila verb, transitive (la class). used to look after someone. Category: Impact.

maranypa particle. 1 • no. Category: Particles.

2 • nothing. Category: Particles.

marapaku noun. spearthrower. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

maratiinu Variant: mara tirnu. noun. fist. Category: Body Parts and Products.

maratuti noun. hand with a finger missing. Category: Body Parts and Products.

mariji noun. brother-in-law. Category: People and Kinship.

marijirra noun. two kinship groups. Category: People and Kinship, Names and Place Names, Dreaming

and Ceremony.

marirra noun. kinship groups that can intermarry. I.e., Purungu and Milangka; Karimarra and Panaka. Category: People and Kinship.

marla descriptor. 1 • behind. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • back (direction). Category: Direction and Location.

3 • after. Marlalu pungu. He hit him afterwards. Category: Direction and Location.

marlajanu noun. descendant. Category: People and Kinship.

marlaju noun. younger brother or sister. marlaju-ju he is my younger brother. Category: People and


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marlajunu verb, transitive (unclassed). put it back. Category: Holding and Transfer. Gram: With -nu in PAST


marlakarti descriptor. behind; afterwards; later. Category: Time.

marlaku descriptor. 1 • return. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • back (direction). Category: Direction and Location.

marlakula verb, intransitive (la class). 1 • used to turn back. Category: Motion.

2 • used to turn a vehicle around to go back the same way. Category: Motion.

Marlaku walykukarti yanu. phrase. He went back to doing wrong things.

marlakurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to return. Category: Motion.

2 • used to come back. Category: Motion.

marlangka yarra verb, intransitive (rra class). used to follow behind. Category: Motion. Gram: With -nu in

PAST headword.

marlangu noun. younger brother or sister. Category: People and Kinship.

marlanypa noun. younger sibling. Category: People and Kinship.

marlapuwa verb, intransitive (wa class). 1 • used to arrive following another. Category: Motion.

2 • used to arrive after some incident. Category: Motion.

marlarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to get behind. Category: Motion.

marlarrpa noun. 1 • end of something. E.g. a swag or a camp. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • foot of something. E.g. a swag or a camp. Category: Direction and Location.

marlayarra verb, intransitive (rra class). used to go back. Category: Motion. Gram: With -nu in PAST headword.

marlirrpa descriptor. stubborn. Someone who won't take notice of what he/she is told. Category: Mood and


marlkarri 1 • descriptor. dead. Category: State.

2 • noun. dead person. Category: People and Kinship.

marlkarrirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to die. Category: Stative Verbs.

marlpa noun. 1 • companion. Can be human or a weapon. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • mates. Marlpayirra-pula yanu. Those two mates went together. Category: People and Kinship.

marlu noun. plains kangaroo. Macropus rufus. Category: Animals.

marlukururrpa noun. Sturts Desert Pea. Clianthus formosus. Category: Plants.

marlurlu noun. initiate. Category: People and Kinship, Dreaming and Ceremony.

marlurlu-marlurlu noun. processional caterpillars. Category: Insects.

marna noun. 1 • bottom. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • buttocks. Category: Body Parts and Products.

marnin-marninpa noun. 1 • praising person. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

2 • boasting person. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

marninpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to praise oneself. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to brag about oneself. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

marnkal noun. 1 • species of seed. Ground into flour for bread. Category: Plants, Food Cooking and Fire.

2 • species of spinifex. Troidia sp.. Category: Plants.

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marnkarrpa noun. bandicoot. Category: Animals.

marnkurrpa descriptor. 1 • few. Sometimes used for three. Category: Number and Quantity.

2 • some. Category: Number and Quantity.

marnma noun. small dish (for scooping). Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

marnmala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to scoop. As sand or water from a soak. Category: Holding and


2 • used to fetch water. Category: Holding and Transfer.

marntamarangka noun. police. Category: People and Kinship.

marntarru noun. species of acacia tree. This was called the "miji tree". Acacia rhodophloia. Category: Plants.

marntila noun. black gidgee. It is a wattle with edible yellow sap. Acacia pruinocarpa. Category: Plants.

Marntiyarra noun. group made up of Karimarra and Panaka people. Category: People and Kinship, Names

and Place Names, Dreaming and Ceremony.

-marntu suffix. suffix indicating instantaneous action. ngaamarntu suddenly. Category: Time.

marnturrmala verb, intransitive (mala class). used to kick up dust. Category: Impact.

marraka noun. nestling bird. Category: Birds.

-marranypa suffix. completive suffix. Wangkamarranypa. He already talked. Category: Time. Gram:

Nominalises verbs.

marriti descriptor. married. From: English. Marriti-pula nyinani. Those two are married. Category: State.

-marriti noun suffix. suffix indicating turns or sequence. kujumarriti one at a time. kujarramarriti two by

two. Category: Time.

marrjula verb, intransitive (jula class). 1 • used to get a shock. Sense of something unexpected. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

2 • used to get a fright. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

marrka-marrka noun. 1 • mirage. Category: Elements.

2 • heat haze. Category: Elements.

marrku descriptor. thirsty. Marrkulu kalyu jikirnu. He drank the water because he was very thirsty. Category: State, Food Cooking and Fire.

marrkula verb, transitive (la class). used to stop someone or something. Category: Impact.

marrku-marrkula verb, transitive (la class). used to steady someone down during a fight. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

marruku noun. 1 • mother-in-law. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • son-in-law. Category: People and Kinship.

-marta suffix. characterising suffix. Wiltumarta! Louder! Wankamartarringu-rna. I got well.

Jikilkuramarta! Drink it (don't refuse)! Kanamarta-n? Are you awake? Category: Manner and


-martaji noun suffix. 1 • resident.

2 • native of a particular place. Suffix indicating inhabitant. Ngaamartaji-rna. I am from this place.

Jikulyungumartaji a resident of Jigalong.

marta-marta noun. person of Aboriginal and European descent. Category: People and Kinship.

marti noun. axe. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

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martu noun. 1 • Aborigine. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • person. Category: People and Kinship.

3 • people. Yarnnga-ya martu yanu karruwana. All the people went along the creek. Nyangu-

lajujananya martukaja. We saw the people. Category: People and Kinship.

4 • man. Category: People and Kinship.

Martu Wangka noun. general term used to refer to the language spoken at Jigalong. Lit: Aboriginal

language. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Names and Place Names.

Martujanu noun. in the language spoken by the Martu. Lit: from the Martu Aborigines. Category: Vocalising

and Thought.

martu-martu noun. 1 • devil. A giant from the Dreamtime period. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

2 • cannibal. Category: People and Kinship, Dreaming and Ceremony.

martungu noun. 1 • spouse. Use of term determined by kinship section of person speaking and the one being

spoken to. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • husband. Category: People and Kinship.

3 • wife. Category: People and Kinship.

marturri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become a man. I.e. he was initiated. Category: Stative Verbs.

maru descriptor. dark-coloured. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

marululpi descriptor. precious. Can refer to a person or a thing. Category: Value.

marumala verb, transitive (la class). used to make black. Category: Impact, Colour Pattern and Texture.

maru-maru descriptor. 1 • black. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

2 • dark-coloured. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

marumpu noun. 1 • arm. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • hand. Category: Body Parts and Products.

maruntu noun. goanna. Varanus panoptes. Category: Reptiles and Snakes. See: yalapara.

marurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become dark-coloured. Category: Stative Verbs, Colour

Pattern and Texture.

mata noun. bush potato. Ipomoea sp.. Category: Plants.

mawu descriptor. away from. Direction away from the speaker which applies to the following verb. Category: Direction and Location.

mawu- prefix. away. Prefixed with directional verb stems. Mawu-yarra! Go away! Category: Direction and


mawurra particle. 1 • maybe. Category: Particles.

2 • might be. Category: Particles.

maya noun. house. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

mayajarri noun. a visit. Category: Motion.

mayi noun. food. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

mayinajpa noun. miners. From: English. Category: People and Kinship.

mayinpa noun. a mine. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

mayinyju Variant: mayunyju. noun. 1 • liar. Mayinyju-n nyuntu. You are a liar. Category: People and

Kinship, Mood and Character.

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2 • a lie. Mayinyju wangkin. He is telling a lie. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

mayiparni descriptor. without food. Category: State, Food Cooking and Fire.

mayipunaja descriptor. without food. Category: State, Food Cooking and Fire.

mayiti particle. might be. From: English. Category: Particles.

mayitpi particle. 1 • might. Category: Particles.

2 • maybe. Category: Particles.

mayula verb, intransitive (la class). used to tell lies. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

mayujula verb, (la class). used to tell lies. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

mayunyju Variant: mayinyju. noun. 1 • deceiver. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

2 • liar. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

miijaramula verb, transitive (rra/la class). 1 • used to measure something with some calculating device. Category: Impact, Size Shape and Weight.

2 • used to measure with a tape or ruler. Category: Impact, Size Shape and Weight.

miijinpa noun. mission. Usually refers to Jigalong at the time it was a mission. Category: Artefacts

Constructions and Personal Objects.

miikamula verb, transitive (la class). used to make something. Category: Impact.

miilpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to shave off rough edges. As on a spear. Category: Impact, Colour

Pattern and Texture.

miintamula verb, transitive (la class). used to mend something. From: English. Category: Impact.

miinwanpa noun. most important. Used of people or subjects. Category: Value.

Miiri noun. Mary. Category: Names and Place Names.

miirnti noun. charcoal. Category: Elements, Food Cooking and Fire.

miitingpa noun. meeting. From: English. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

miitingu noun. meeting. From: English. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

mijarrpa noun. bloodwood tree. This tree grows in the flat country. It has galls with edible grubs. Eucalyptus

terminalis. Category: Plants.

miji noun. blood. Category: Body Parts and Products.

mijiji noun. white woman. From: English. Category: People and Kinship.

mijikirti noun. food like mushroom. Category: Food Cooking and Fire, Plants.

miji-miji descriptor. red. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

miji-mijirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become red. Category: Stative Verbs, Colour Pattern and


mijinpa noun. mission. Usually refers to Jigalong. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and

Personal Objects.

Mika noun. name of spring. Category: Names and Place Names.

miku descriptor. jealous. Mikulu pungu. Because of jealousy he hit the man. Category: Mood and Character.

mikujaka noun. 1 • jealous person. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

2 • one who jealously guards his things. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

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mikupayi phrase. he's always jealous.

mikurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become jealous. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and


Milangka noun. kinship section name. Milangkalu manku Purungu wanti. A Milangka man will marry a

Purungu woman. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Names and Place Names.

-mili noun suffix. belonging to someone or something. Pakarnu-laju palumilingka jirlpimilingka

ngurrangka. We arrived at the old mans camp. Yarra-ra marra nyuntumiliku papartuku. Go get it

for your brother.

mili-mili noun. 1 • paper. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

2 • book. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects. Gram: Marsh's original was 'mirli-

mirli' but Joshua Booth felt it would be better spelt as 'mili-mili'.

mili-milikarra descriptor. working with papers or books. I.e. desk work. Category: Manner and Posture. Gram: Marsh's original was 'mirli-mirlikarra' but Joshua Booth felt it would be better spelt as 'mili-milikarra'.

milirrjula verb, transitive (jula class). 1 • used to put wax on something. For waterproofing or repair. Category: Impact.

2 • used to put resin on something. For waterproofing or repair. Category: Impact.

milkarrpa noun. bitch or female dog. Category: Animals.

milki noun. milk. From: English. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

milpinypa noun. fingernail. Milpinyju-rni jawarnu. He scratched me with his fingernail. Category: Body

Parts and Products.

milya descriptor. wet. Category: State.

milyangkulypa noun. greeting ceremony. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

milyarnpa noun. tears. Category: Body Parts and Products.

milyulyu noun. mistletoe. A parasitic plant with edible berries. Category: Plants.

minala verb, transitive (la class). used to dip grass sop into nectar (for sucking out). Category: Holding and

Transfer, Food Cooking and Fire.

minga noun. ant. Means white ants as well. Category: Insects.

mingari noun. mountain devil. Moloch horridus. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

mingarrju noun. strong dislike. Category: Mood and Character.

mingarrjurra verb, transitive (rra class). used to reject someone or something. Category: Vocalising and

Thought, Mood and Character. See: nyurnimala; tirtila. Gram: With -nu in PAST headword.

mingarr-mingarrarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to dislike something/someone. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

mingarr-mingarrpa descriptor. 1 • dislike. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • disgust. Category: Mood and Character.

mingarrpa descriptor. 1 • dislike. Parlanpa-rnara jiiku. I don't like that one. Parlanju junu. He left it in

disgust. manner. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • disagreeable toward someone/something. Category: Mood and Character.

mingkurlpa noun. traditional chewing tobacco. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

minguwa noun. anteater or echidna. Category: Animals.

mininyjula verb, transitive (la class). used to fight someone. Category: Impact.

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minirrngara verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to shake with fear. Category: Bodily Functions.

minmirrmala verb, intransitive (la class). 1 • used to tremble. Category: Bodily Functions.

2 • teeth chattering. Category: Bodily Functions.

minyarra noun. wild onion. Cyperus bulbosus. Category: Plants.

minyawu noun. pussy-cat. Category: Animals.

minyi 1 • noun. strong smell. Category: Elements.

2 • descriptor. stinking. Category: State.

minyi-minyi noun. corpse. Category: Body Parts and Products.

minyingalku noun. pig. Category: Animals.

Minyipurru noun. women from Dreaming. Part of the Tingarri cycle; the "Seven Sisters". Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Names and Place Names.

minyirrarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become serious. E.g. what started out as a joke became a

serious fight. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

-minyirri suffix. suffix indicating intensity. Martunga jiinga kalypartuminyirri. This man is really hungry.

ngamuminyirri very close to something/someone.

minyirrju descriptor. 1 • very deliberate. Category: Manner and Posture.

2 • one who acts deliberately. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

3 • forcefully without mercy. Category: Manner and Posture.

minyirr-minyirrpa descriptor. very serious. Category: Mood and Character.

minyirrpa descriptor. 1 • serious. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • solemn. Minyirrju junu. He put it down solemnly. Category: Mood and Character.

minyirrpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to teach someone. Particularly a "cheeky" person. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

minyjilarri Variant: minyjilyarri. verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to become bereft of family. Category: Stative Verbs.

2 • used to become alone. Kampurta minyjilarringu. The bereaved person is nobody's now (i.e., she

is alone). Category: Stative Verbs.

minyjiljula verb, transitive (rra/la class). 1 • used to speak disparagingly about another. Category: Vocalising

and Thought.

2 • used to rubbish a person. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

minyjilpa noun. 1 • orphan. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • unrelated situation. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

minyjilyarri Variant: minyjilarri. verb, intransitive (Ø class). 1 • used to become rubbish. Category: Stative


2 • used to be unrelated. Category: Stative Verbs.

minyjilymala verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to rubbish; used to criticise. Category: Vocalising and


minyjilymala verb, transitive (rra/la class). 1 • used to rubbish another. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to cause something to be rubbish. Category: Impact.

minyjilypa jurra verb, transitive (rra class). 1 • used to criticise. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to gossip. Category: Vocalising and Thought. Gram: With -nu in PAST headword.

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minyjilypa warni verb, transitive (Ø class). 1 • used to speak disparagingly of another. Category: Vocalising

and Thought.

2 • used to disown another. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

minyji-minyji descriptor. itchy. Category: State.

minyju noun. pistol. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

miny-miny descriptor. red. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

miparrpa noun. face. Category: Body Parts and Products.

mipi noun. leaf. Category: Plants.

mirajula verb, transitive (jula class). 1 • used to signal someone. E.g. with a smoke signal. Category: Vocalising

and Thought.

2 • used to show something. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

miralarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become visible. Category: Stative Verbs.

miralmala verb, transitive (rra/la class). 1 • used to expose. Category: Impact.

2 • used to make known. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

3 • used to uncover. Category: Impact.

miralpa descriptor. visible. Includes the idea of having freedom to view someone/something. Category: State.

mira-mira noun. 1 • waiting. Category: State.

2 • expectation. Category: State, Mood and Character.

mirangara verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to wait for someone. Mirangarinpa-ra. He is waiting for the man. Category: Vocalising and Thought. Gram: Used with referential pronominal suffixes.

mirangarra descriptor. 1 • clearly visible. Category: State.

2 • plainly seen. Category: State.

mirangka noun. witness in the sight of another. Category: People and Kinship.

mirla noun. flesh. Category: Body Parts and Products.

mirliki noun. liver. Category: Body Parts and Products.

mirlka noun. groin. Category: Body Parts and Products.

mirna noun. 1 • arm. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • hand. Category: Body Parts and Products.

mirnalarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to branch out. Category: Motion.

mirnijurra verb, (rra class). used to lie; used to deceive. Category: Vocalising and Thought. Gram: With -nu in

PAST headword.

mirra verb, intransitive (Ø class). 1 • used to call out. Mirrani-ngku. He is calling out for you. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Sounds.

2 • used to sing out. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Sounds.

3 • used to call for someone. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Sounds. Gram: Used with referential

pronominal suffixes.

mirrilyi noun. rope. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

mirri-mirri descriptor. itchy. Category: State.

mirrjula verb, transitive (la class). used to cause a gathering together. Category: Holding and Transfer, Motion.

mirrjurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to gather together. Category: Holding and Transfer.

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2 • used to meet. Category: Motion.

mirrka noun. vegetable food. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

mirrka kampa~ phrase. the berries become ripe. Gram: This is a modern language idiom.

mirrkajarra noun. woman. Lit: one who possesses food. Category: People and Kinship.

mirrkamala verb, transitive (la class). used to make food. Category: Impact, Food Cooking and Fire.

mirta particle. not. Mirta-n puwa. Don't hit him! mirta juli big. mirta yumu for a good reason. Category: Particles.

mirta-mirta descriptor. white. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

mirtayirti noun. ceremonial meat or food gift offering. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Food Cooking

and Fire.

mirti noun. friend. From: English. Category: People and Kinship.

Mirtikanya noun. Watchpoint Hill. To the north of Jigalong. Category: Names and Place Names.

mirtilya noun. hunting dog. Category: Animals.

mitijinpa noun. medicine. Category: Healing Sickness and Ailments.

mitirlarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become calm. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and


mitirlpa descriptor. 1 • calm. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • quiet. Category: Mood and Character.

mitu descriptor. dead. Can be used of a person who is alive but close to death. Category: State.

mitu puwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to kill. The use of pungu without mitu can mean fight. Category: Impact.

2 • used to hit. Category: Impact.

mitujurra verb, transitive (rra class). 1 • used to say another should die. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to condemn to death. Category: Vocalising and Thought. Gram: With -nu in PAST headword.

mitunyjanirri Variant: mitunyjarri. noun. dead ancestors. Usually within the memory of the living. Category: People and Kinship.

mitunyjarri Variant: mitunyjanirri. noun. dead ancestors. Category: People and Kinship.

mituny-mitunypa noun. lifeless person. A person who just drags along as if almost dead. Category: People

and Kinship, Mood and Character.

miturntala verb, transitive (la class). used to kill someone or something. Category: Impact.

miturri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become dead. I.e. to die. Category: Bodily Functions.

-mpa suffix. 1 • suffix indicating doubt.

2 • suffix indicating focus.

3 • benefactive focus suffix.

5 • might be. Jiingampa wirrilyipayiminyirri. This man might get wild quickly--you'd better not tease

him! Ngurrpampa-rna! I don't think I know anything about that! ngulampa maybe later. Kurlumpa!

Wait a bit! Yirnampa-rna ngayunga! I most certainly am an initiated man!

-mula dsuff-la. to do something. Verbalising suffix. Jampa kujulu miijamula mirrka, jiinga-ya puwa

marawana. When someone would miss a meal, they would hit that one on the hands. [miija miss].

Riitamula Martu Wangka. You read Martu Wangka! [riita read]. luujamunu lost [luuja lose].

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waajamula washed [waaja wash]. Category: Impact. Gram: Usually a transitive action. Gram: This suffix

is used with nominals taken from English to form verbs. This suffix takes the same tense suffixes as -ma~.

mujarri descriptor. cowardly. A person who runs away for no apparent reason. Mujarri yanu. He ran away

for no reason. Category: Mood and Character.

mujurnpa descriptor. short. Of a person. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

muku-muku descriptor. 1 • satisfied. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • proud of one's accomplishment. Category: Mood and Character.

muku-mukurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become satisfied. Category: Stative Verbs.

mukuntu descriptor. 1 • lame. Category: State, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

2 • crippled. Category: State, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

3 • limping. Category: State, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

mularrpa descriptor. true. Category: Value.

mulula verb, transitive (la class). used to shave. Category: Impact.

mulumaru noun. species of lizard. Egernia sp.. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

mulya noun. 1 • nose. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • edge. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

3 • end. Category: Direction and Location.

mulya yikini descriptor. at the edge. Category: Direction and Location, Size Shape and Weight.

mulyajanu descriptor. from one end. Category: Manner and Posture.

mulyajula verb, transitive (jula class). used to put ends of wood into fire. Waru mulyajunu. He put the

firewood into the main fire. Category: Holding and Transfer, Food Cooking and Fire.

mulyajutu noun. boy whose nasal septum has not been pierced. Lit: nose closed. Category: People and


mulyakarti descriptor. at one end. Category: Direction and Location, Size Shape and Weight.

mulyamulpa noun. young girl. Category: People and Kinship.

mulyamunmulpa noun. young girl. Category: People and Kinship.

mulyangamu noun. pussy-cat. Category: Animals.

mulyaparu noun. the end of a stalk of wama. Like a nipple. Category: Elements, Plants.

mulyarrarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to sulk. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and


mulyarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to settle down; used to calm down. Category: Stative Verbs.

mulyjarra descriptor. swollen. Category: State.

mulyjarrarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become swollen. Category: Stative Verbs.

mulyji descriptor. curled up. Category: Manner and Posture, Size Shape and Weight.

mulyjila verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to fold up. Category: Impact.

2 • used to roll up swag. Category: Impact.

3 • used to squeeze orange. Category: Impact.

mulyju descriptor. deep. E.g. a hole. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

mulypa descriptor. 1 • calm. Category: State.

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2 • settled. Mulypa nyina! Settle down! Category: State.

munarta noun. ear. Category: Body Parts and Products.

munga noun. 1 • night. Category: Elements, Time.

2 • darkness. Category: Elements.

mungajarra noun. 1 • nighttime. Category: Time.

2 • dark. Category: Time.

mungajarrarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to become night.

2 • used to become dark. Category: Stative Verbs, Time.

Mungajarrarringu-rni phrase. I was there when it became night. Lit: it became night to me.

mungalypa noun. 1 • early morning. Category: Time.

2 • tomorrow. Category: Time.

mungangka descriptor. at night. Category: Time.

mungapuru descriptor. black. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

mungarri+Ø verb, (Ø class). 1 • used to darken. Category: Impact, Colour Pattern and Texture.

2 • used to become dark. Category: Stative Verbs, Time.

mungarr-mungarrpa descriptor. 1 • getting dark. Category: Time.

2 • after sunset. Category: Time.

mungawana descriptor. early morning when it is still dark. Category: Time.

mungayanu noun. kind of devil (a female spirit that travels at night). Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

mungka noun. stick. Category: Plants.

mungkilypa noun. 1 • species of plant. Category: Plants.

2 • species of seed. Category: Plants. See: wilyki.

munkarra descriptor. 1 • beyond. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • distant. Category: Direction and Location.

munkarrajula verb, (rra/la class). used to notice something beyond one's immediate concentration. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

munkarrarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to get to a distant place. E.g. beyond a certain landmark. Category: Motion.

munku descriptor. full stomach from eating. Category: State, Food Cooking and Fire. See: jarrulyu.

munkurra verb, (rra class). 1 • used to feed. Category: Bodily Functions, Food Cooking and Fire.

2 • used to cause to be satisfied. Category: Vocalising and Thought. Gram: With -nu in PAST headword.

munkurri verb, intransitive (Ø class). 1 • used to be satisfied. Category: Stative Verbs.

2 • used to become pregnant. Category: Bodily Functions.

munkurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become full or satisfied from eating. Category: Stative Verbs,

Number and Quantity.

munta noun. person without a maparn. Category: People and Kinship, Dreaming and Ceremony.

muntala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to take something off someone. Muntaljaku-rnin. You might take

it away from me. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to grab something from someone. Category: Holding and Transfer.

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muntulngunyjarri verb, transitive (Ø class)?. used to loosen a small shrub and pull it out. Looking for grubs. Category: Holding and Transfer.

muntungu noun. whiteman. Category: People and Kinship.

munturu noun. species of plant. This plant has an edible gall. Category: Plants.

munu noun. nothing. Category: Number and Quantity.

munula verb, transitive (la class). used to finish something. Category: Impact.

-munu suffix. not. wangkaramunu speechless (either from defect or amazement). yirna jukumunu a big

man. Nyinapayi-laju Nalakayinja--Nalakayinmunu--Maapalpangka. We were staying in

Nullagine--not Nullagine--Marble Bar. wangkapayimunu a person who doesn't talk much.

munurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become nothing. Category: Stative Verbs.

munya Variant: munyja. descriptor. generous; not greedy. Munyalu-rni yungu. Out of generosity he gave it

to me. Category: Mood and Character. See: yirnipayi.

munyarri noun. species of mouse. Category: Animals.

munyja Variant: munya. descriptor. generous. Category: Mood and Character.

munyjanpa noun. species of tree. This tree has an edible fruit like a fig. Category: Plants.

munyjapayi noun. person who is always generous. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

munyjulyarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become ripe. Category: Stative Verbs, Food Cooking

and Fire.

munyjulypa descriptor. 1 • cooked. Category: State, Food Cooking and Fire.

2 • done. As meat that has been cooked. Category: State, Food Cooking and Fire.

3 • ripe. As fruit. Category: State, Food Cooking and Fire.

munyurnpa noun. native plum bush. This has an edible fruit. Santalum lanceolatum. Category: Plants.

murli-murlila verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to stir something. E.g. food, water. Category: Impact.

2 • used to swirl something. Category: Impact.

murljila verb, transitive (la class). used to wrap up something. E.g. a swag. Category: Impact.

murlkurrpa descriptor. hungry. Category: State, Food Cooking and Fire.

murlpirrju descriptor. very confident. Category: Mood and Character.

murlpirrmarra verb, transitive (rra class). 1 • used to make strong. Category: Impact.

2 • used to make confident. Category: Impact.

3 • used to empower. Category: Impact. Gram: With -nu in PAST headword.

murlpirrpa descriptor. strong. Category: State.

murltu descriptor. closed. kuran murltu disobedient person. Category: State.

murnaji noun. 1 • reciprocal gift. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

2 • in return. Karrpukujupangka-ya murnaji wantikajalu waajamula purlitikaja. On other days the girls took a turn and would wash the plates. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

murnila verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to get firewood. Category: Holding and Transfer, Food Cooking

and Fire.

2 • used to break off firewood. Category: Impact, Food Cooking and Fire.

murrarni descriptor. 1 • customarily. Category: Manner and Posture.

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2 • habitually. Category: Manner and Posture.

murrjala verb, transitive (la class). used to crunch on something. E.g. toast, a bone. Category: Impact.

murrjinarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to lose weight; used to get thin. Category: Stative Verbs, Size

Shape and Weight.

murrjinpa descriptor. 1 • thin. Of a person or animal. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

2 • skinny. Of a person or animal. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

murrkangunya noun. first-born child (in a family). Category: People and Kinship.

murrpu noun. back of body. Category: Body Parts and Products.

murrpu-murrpu noun. ripples on the water. Category: Elements.

murru descriptor. backwards. Yanu murru. He went backwards. Category: Manner and Posture.

murrujula verb, transitive (jula class). used to place something upright. Can be used of transplanting trees. Category: Holding and Transfer.

murru-murru descriptor. in a straight direction (of a boomerang). Category: Size Shape and Weight.

murrungarati verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to be standing upright. Category: Stative Verbs, Manner and


murrurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to back something up; used to back something out. Category: Motion.

murti noun. knee. Category: Body Parts and Products.

murti jurrpu-jurrpu Variant: murtijurrpu-jurrpu. descriptor. kneeling. Category: Manner and Posture.

murtijurrpu descriptor. kneeling. Category: Manner and Posture.

murtijurrpu-jurrpu Variant: murti jurrpu-jurrpu. descriptor. kneeling. Category: Manner and Posture.

murtilya noun. boy. Category: People and Kinship.

murtilya-murtilya noun. group of small boys, at least three. Category: People and Kinship.

murtirrpa noun. lips. Category: Body Parts and Products.

murtitikirlpa noun. camel. Camelus dromedarius. Category: Animals.

murtula verb, transitive (la class). used to hug. Category: Holding and Transfer.

murturrpa noun. young man (new initiated). Category: People and Kinship.

muru descriptor. clear following punishment for breaking the law. Category: State.

mururri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become clear. Category: Stative Verbs.

mutula verb, transitive (la class). used to conceal quickly. Category: Impact.

mutuka noun. motorcar. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

muu descriptor. more. From: English. Category: Manner and Posture.

Muuja noun. Moses. Category: Names and Place Names.

Muujajpa noun. Moses. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

muujamili luwuku ninti noun. scribes. Biblical context. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

muungu noun. a fly. Category: Insects.

muunpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to persuade another. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

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muunurrku noun. a fly. Category: Insects.

muunurrku-nurrku noun. buzzy insect or a fly. Category: Insects.

muurrkati verb, transitive (Ø class). 1 • used to shift something away.

2 • used to shift something over. Category: Holding and Transfer.

muurrpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to shift something. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to move something. Category: Holding and Transfer.

muyurra noun. desire to have sex. Category: Mood and Character.

muyurrarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become envious for something. Category: Vocalising and

Thought, Mood and Character.

muyurrpa descriptor. envious. Category: Mood and Character.

N - n

-n pronoun suffix. you (singular). Yanku-n kalyu manku. You will go and get water. Kaji-n kalypartu? Are

you hungry? Mirta-n puwa! Don't you hit him! Walyku-n nyuntu! Youre bad! Category: Pronouns.

-na~ verb suffix. 1 • repeatedly. Suffix indicating repetition.

2 • again and again. Kujupakartinaku-n! You keep on turning it over!

naapa descriptor. never. From: English. Category: Time.

naja descriptor. blunt. As a knife, axe or spear. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

Najarijpa noun. Nazareth. Category: Names and Place Names.

Najarra noun. name of spring (water). Category: Names and Place Names.

najawanpa descriptor. another one. From: English. Category: Number and Quantity.

naka noun. men's costume (made of cloth, for dancing). Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Artefacts

Constructions and Personal Objects.

Nalakayinpa noun. Nullagine. Category: Names and Place Names.

nalya descriptor. blunt. As a knife, axe or spear. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

-nama verb suffix. keep on doing something. Imperative continuous tense. Junama! Keep on putting it there!

Yanama-ya! All of you keep on going!

-namalpa verb suffix. will be doing something. Future continuous tense. Yanamalpa. He will be going.

Manamalpa. He will be getting it. Category: Time.

nampa noun. number. Category: Number and Quantity.

namurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become dumb. Category: Stative Verbs, Healing Sickness

and Ailments.

nana noun. 1 • nanna. From: English. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • grandmother. Category: People and Kinship.

3 • granddaughter. Category: People and Kinship.

nani noun. rabbit. Category: Animals.

nanpa noun. hair belt. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

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nanpajurra verb, transitive (rra class). 1 • used to tie up. Category: Impact.

2 • used to buckle up. Originally used of tying a hair belt. Category: Impact. Gram: With -nu in PAST


nantirrpa descriptor. 1 • hard. Category: State.

2 • tough (of meat). Category: State, Food Cooking and Fire.

nanturrpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to knock against something. Category: Impact.

2 • used to push someone. Category: Impact.

nanyjarnpa noun. species of python. Edible. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

narnma noun. lower back. Category: Body Parts and Products.

narnngu noun. a hook. Of spearthrower, spear, wire, stick. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal


narnngula verb, transitive (la class). used to hook something from a hole. E.g. honeyants. Category: Holding

and Transfer.

narntarlpina noun. species of lizard. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

narntatiwa verb, intransitive (wa class). 1 • used to tip-toe. Category: Motion.

2 • used to limp along. Category: Motion.

narntungula verb, (la class). 1 • used to make paralysed. Category: Impact, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

2 • used to become stiff (of a dead body). Category: Stative Verbs.

nawu descriptor. now. From: English. Category: Time.

nayipu noun. knife. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

ngala verb, transitive (irregular). 1 • used to eat something. Category: Bodily Functions, Food Cooking and


2 • used to consume. E.g., the creek ate the garden, i.e., the water destroyed the plants. Category: Impact.

-nga suffix. stative focus marker. Palunga kunyjunyungulyu. That is a really good one. Warta

warlpukurrumartanga. It is a really tall tree. Palunyalunga-rni ngurlumankupayi ngayunga. That one really gave me a fright.

ngaa demonstrative. this one (nearby). Ngana jina ngaa? Whose track is this? Category: Direction and


ngaajanu demonstrative. from here. Category: Direction and Location.

ngaakaja demonstrative. these people/things. Category: Direction and Location.

ngaakarti demonstrative. to this place. Category: Direction and Location.

ngaakujarra demonstrative. these two. Category: Direction and Location, Number and Quantity.

ngaamarntu descriptor. suddenly. Category: Manner and Posture.

ngaamartaji noun. inhabitant of this place. Category: People and Kinship.

ngaampa particle. contrary to expectation. Ngaampa palunyanga martu. Contrary to expectation, this was

the very man! Category: Particles.

ngaampa demonstrative. this one (nearby). Category: Direction and Location.

ngaanga demonstrative. this one (focus on it). Category: Direction and Location.

ngaangka demonstrative. right here. Category: Direction and Location.

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ngaangkalyu demonstrative. this is the place. Category: Direction and Location.

ngaangulyu demonstrative. this one (focus on it). Category: Direction and Location.

ngaankura noun. species of frog. Category: Aquatic Creatures.

ngaanpa demonstrative. 1 • this person or thing. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • these persons or things. Category: Direction and Location.

ngaanya demonstrative. this one (nearby). Category: Direction and Location.

ngaanymala verb, intransitive (mala class). used to breathe. Category: Bodily Functions.

ngaany-ngaanypa noun. soft spot on babys head; fontanelle. Category: Body Parts and Products.

ngaanypa noun. breath. Ngaanypa-rna pakirringu. I held my breath. Category: Body Parts and Products.

ngaanypa kurtiwa verb, intransitive (wa class). 1 • used to sigh. Category: Bodily Functions.

2 • let out a big breath. Category: Bodily Functions.

ngaapa interrogative. 1 • what.

2 • this one, too? Category: Interrogatives.

ngaapakala verb, intransitive (la class). used to fill with water. As a soak or a boat. Category: Stative Verbs,

Number and Quantity.

ngaawana demonstrative. along here. Category: Direction and Location.

ngaawati demonstrative. beside here. Category: Direction and Location.

ngaayiku demonstrative. like this one. Category: Direction and Location.

ngajarri noun. stranger. Category: People and Kinship.

ngajila verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to ask (usually for food). Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to beg. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

ngajijaka noun. beggar. Someone who is always asking for something. Category: People and Kinship, Mood

and Character.

ngajirri verb, transitive (Ø class). used to borrow. Category: Impact.

ngakaji noun. wrong marriage relationship. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

ngakajipayi noun. someone who is always having a wrong relationship. Category: People and Kinship,

Mood and Character.

ngakajirra noun. couple in a wrong relationship. Category: People and Kinship.

ngakalyalya noun. species of cockatoo. Category: Birds.

ngakarlpa descriptor. fat. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

ngakumpa descriptor. 1 • deaf. Category: State, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

2 • mad; insane. Category: Healing Sickness and Ailments, State.

3 • simple-minded. Category: State.

ngakumpala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to cause madness. Category: Vocalising and Thought,

Healing Sickness and Ailments.

2 • used to confuse. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

ngakumpajaru descriptor. typically simple. Category: State.

ngakumparri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to become deaf. Category: Stative Verbs, Healing

Sickness and Ailments.

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2 • used to become mad. Category: Stative Verbs, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

3 • used to become simple-minded. Category: Stative Verbs, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

4 • used to forget. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

Ngakumparringu-rnalura. phrase. I forgot about it.

ngalkari noun. heart. Category: Body Parts and Products.

ngalkula verb, (rra/la class). used to eat food. Category: Bodily Functions, Food Cooking and Fire.

ngalkupinti noun. the material that can be eaten. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

ngalparra noun. 1 • line. E.g. coming along in a line. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • a row. E.g. standing in a row. Category: Direction and Location.

ngalula verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to hold on to something. Purtu ngalulpayi murtilyalu. The boy

couldn't hold on to it. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to grab something. Category: Holding and Transfer.

ngalunyjapinti noun. thing used for holding things. E.g. a net. Category: Artefacts Constructions and

Personal Objects.

ngalya1 noun. forehead. Category: Body Parts and Products.

ngalya2 noun. stubborn person. Lit: hard forehead. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

See: juni marlirr-marlirrpa; marlirrpa.

ngalya pararra noun. receding hairline; bald. Category: Body Parts and Products.

ngalya rarru noun. angry person. Lit: hot forehead. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

ngalya wiltu noun. stubborn person. Lit: hard forehead. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and


ngalya yinyja-yinyja descriptor. head up. Category: Manner and Posture.

ngalyangamu noun. pussy-cat. Category: Animals.

ngalyangkarrka particle. against. Used mainly of the wind blowing against one's progress in walking. Category: Particles.

ngalyarlpa descriptor. short of the mark. Category: Manner and Posture.

ngalyarni demonstrative. 1 • to this place; here; in this direction.

2 • this side. Category: Direction and Location.

ngalyi noun. 1 • throat. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • neck. Category: Body Parts and Products.

ngalyikarrpilpa noun. policeman. Lit: one who ties the neck. Category: People and Kinship.

ngalyiwilirrpa noun. species of lizard. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

ngalyjurrmala verb, (la class). 1 • used to talk continually. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used of a dog barking continually. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

ngalypa descriptor. 1 • good. Category: Value.

2 • well. Category: Value.

ngalypangulyu descriptor. really good. Category: Value.

ngama noun. 1 • breast. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • breast milk. Category: Body Parts and Products.

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-ngama verb suffix. imperative continuous tense. Pungama! Keep on hitting him!

-ngamalpa verb suffix. future continuous tense. Pungamalpa. He will be hitting it. Category: Time.

ngampa verb, (Ø class). used to question one's self. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

ngampaku noun. 1 • surprise. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

2 • questioning. Yanku-ran ngampaku. You will go to find out what happened. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

ngampapuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to corner something. Jarntukajalu-yajananya

ngampapungu wumurnu. The dogs cornered them [the pigs] and got them in a group. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to capture something. Category: Holding and Transfer.

3 • used to jostle. Category: Motion.

4 • used to hem in. Category: Holding and Transfer.

ngamparljula verb, transitive (jula class). used to place something face-downward. Category: Holding and


ngamparl-ngamparl ngarri verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to lie face-downward. Category: Stative

Verbs, Manner and Posture. Gram: With -ngu in PAST eg.

ngamparlpa descriptor. face-downward. Category: Manner and Posture.

ngampu noun. egg. Category: Body Parts and Products, Birds.

ngampurrarri verb, (Ø+wa class). used to teach or give a discourse. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

ngampurrju kanyila verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to look after. Category: Impact.

2 • used to care for. Category: Impact.

3 • used to rule as a boss. Category: Impact.

ngampurrmala verb, transitive (mala class). 1 • used to take care of someone. Category: Impact.

2 • used to look after someone. Category: Impact.

ngampurrpa descriptor. 1 • care. Ngampurrpa nyina! Be careful! Ngampurrju kanyirni. She is taking care of that man. Category: Manner and Posture.

2 • caution. Category: Manner and Posture.

ngamu descriptor. 1 • nearby. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • close. Category: Direction and Location.

ngamulkirra descriptor. close together. Used of two roads close to each other and running parallel. Category: Manner and Posture.

Ngamumarta! phrase. Come closer!

ngamunpa kata noun. top of the head. Category: Body Parts and Products.

ngamurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to get closer. Category: Motion.

ngamurru noun. charcoal. Category: Elements, Food Cooking and Fire.

ngana interrogative. 1 • who. Jampa ngana mirta marlakurriwa tayimungka, puwa-ya jiinga. When

someone didn't return in time, they would hit that one. Nganalu wajarnu? Who said it? Category: Interrogatives.

2 • what. Ngana jiji punkarnu? What child fell down? Category: Interrogatives. Gram: This word can

be used as an indefinite pronoun, anybody, someone

ngana wajarnu phrase. what he said. Eg to hear what he said. Gram: English literal translation of relative


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nganajanu interrogative. from what source. Category: Interrogatives.

nganaju interrogative. what relation is that person to me. Category: Interrogatives.

nganakamu interrogative. with what other person. Category: Interrogatives.

Nganaku-ran wangkinpa? phrase. For what are you asking?/What do you want?

nganalu interrogative. who did something to someone. Category: Interrogatives.

nganamalu interrogative. how many. Category: Interrogatives, Number and Quantity.

nganamili interrogative. whose is it. Category: Interrogatives.

ngananga interrogative. what is it. Category: Interrogatives.

nganangka interrogative. on what (did he come). Category: Interrogatives.

nganangkamarra interrogative. why; for what reason; from what. Nganangkamarra-ya yanu ngurrajanu? Why did they leave camp? Category: Interrogatives.

nganangku interrogative. what relation is that person to you. Category: Interrogatives.

nganapa interrogative. what was that. Category: Interrogatives.

nganarnpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to fail to recognise someone. Nganarnpungu-rniya. They couldn't recognise me (with my beard). Category: Vocalising and Thought.

nganartinpa interrogative. what group was it. Category: Interrogatives.

nganawa interrogative. what. Category: Interrogatives.

nganawintilu interrogative. with what instrument (was the action done)? Category: Interrogatives.

nganayuru interrogative. what is it like. Category: Interrogatives.

ngangkula verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to hear. Category: Bodily Functions.

2 • used to listen. Ngangkula-rni! Listen to me! Category: Bodily Functions.

3 • used to think about. Ngangkulpayi-rna, "Wirriliminyirri!" I was thinking, "Its a very long way!" Category: Vocalising and Thought.

ngankala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to look after. Category: Impact.

2 • used to throw out rubbish. Category: Holding and Transfer.

nganmarlpa noun. hollow log. Category: Plants.

nganmi 1 • noun. person known. Not a stranger. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • descriptor. quiet. Category: Mood and Character.

3 • noun. neighbor. Category: People and Kinship.

4 • noun. relations. Category: People and Kinship. See: ngulyju; kawalya.

nganpila verb, transitive (la class). used to peek at something. Nganpila! Take a peek at it! Category: Bodily


nganungu noun. species of berry. The ripe fruit is like "sticky sultanas". Canthium latifolium. Category: Plants.

nganyjarrpa descriptor. 1 • alone. On its own, as a camp to one side. Category: Number and Quantity.

2 • singly. On its own, as a camp to one side. Category: Number and Quantity.

nganyjila verb, intransitive (la class). used to warm oneself (at a fire). Category: Impact.

nganyju noun. calf of leg. Category: Body Parts and Products.

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nganykuru noun. food for in-laws (gifts from a son-in-law). Category: Food Cooking and Fire, Dreaming

and Ceremony.

ngaparri noun. returning person. Category: People and Kinship.

ngaparrji descriptor. in return. Category: Manner and Posture.

ngaparrku noun. 1 • join up. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • meet up. Category: Holding and Transfer.

ngaparrpa descriptor. in turn. Category: Manner and Posture.

ngaparrpuwa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to return to a certain place. Category: Motion.

ngaparti descriptor. south. Ngaparti-rniya pakarnu Wirlurnajanu. They came here from the south, from

Wiluna. Category: Direction and Location.

ngapi pronoun. what's its name. Hesitation word (often indicates pause). Ngapi-rni yanu. So and so (a

persons name) came to me. Ngapi-laju nyangu. We saw a what-do-you-call-it (a kangaroo).

Ngapilu murtilya pungu. So and so (a persons name) hit the boy. Yanu-ya ngapingkamarra

kukurrjamarra. They went because of the what-do-you-call-it, because of the devil. Category: Pronouns.

ngapila verb, transitive (la class). used to do something. Based on the proword ngapi, thus representing an

action for which the speaker cannot recall the name at the moment. Ngana-n ngapirni? What are

you doing? Ngurra ngapilpayi. He was making a camp. Category: Impact.

ngapurlu noun. 1 • breast. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • breast milk. Category: Body Parts and Products.

ngapurrju descriptor. in return. Category: Manner and Posture.

ngara verb, intransitive (Ø class). 1 • used to stand. Ngarapayi ngurrangka. He was standing in camp.

Wartakaja-ya ngarani yarnnga. Many trees are standing there. Category: Stative Verbs, Manner

and Posture.

2 • used to be (in a vertical position). Category: Stative Verbs, Manner and Posture.

ngarajula verb, transitive (jula class). used to stand upright. Category: Stative Verbs, Manner and Posture.

ngarlirrpa noun. barbs on a spear. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

ngarlkila verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to block a blow. Category: Impact.

2 • used to stop someone fighting. Category: Impact.

ngarlkilmala verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to protect a person from harm. Particularly in a fight. Category: Impact.

ngarlpu noun. play. Category: Motion.

ngarlpungarlpu descriptor. very playful. Category: Mood and Character.

ngarlpu-ngarlpu noun. person who is always playful. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and


ngarlpunyji noun. bush turkey; bustard. Eupodotis australis. Category: Birds.

ngarlpupinti noun. plaything. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

ngarlpurri verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to play. Category: Motion.

ngarlpurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to play a game. Category: Motion.

ngarlpuyuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to play a musical instrument. Category: Impact, Dreaming and


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ngarna noun. stick. Category: Plants.

ngarnanpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to speak against. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to rubbish. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

ngarnawarra descriptor. 1 • up. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • high. Junu wartangka ngarnawarra. He put it high up in the tree. Category: Direction and


3 • above. Category: Direction and Location.

ngarnawarrala verb, transitive (la class). used to lift someone up. Category: Holding and Transfer.

ngarnawarrajingala verb, transitive (la class). used to raise someone's arms. Category: Motion.

ngarnawarramala verb, transitive (rra/la class). 1 • used to raise something. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to raise an arm. Category: Holding and Transfer.

ngarnawarrapurluka noun. 1 • belongs above. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • inhabits above. Category: Direction and Location.

3 • God. Biblical context. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

ngarnawarrarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to rise higher; used to become high up. Category: Motion.

ngarnka noun. sky. Category: Elements.

ngarnkangka warningu phrase. to throw dirt up into the air when angry.

ngarnkawana noun. along the sky. Category: Direction and Location.

ngarnkurrjarra noun. 1 • person with a beard. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • ten dollar note. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

ngarnkurrpa noun. beard. Category: Body Parts and Products.

ngarnta descriptor. sick. Category: State, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

ngarntakaja noun. sick people. Category: People and Kinship, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

ngarntamala verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to cause sickness. Category: Impact, Healing Sickness and


ngarntaminyirri descriptor. really sick. Category: State, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

ngarntangara verb, (Ø class). used to be sickness there. Category: Stative Verbs, Healing Sickness and


ngarntaparni descriptor. without sickness; well. Category: State, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

ngarntapirla descriptor. sick all the time. Category: State, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

ngarntarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to get sick. Category: Stative Verbs, Healing Sickness and


ngarnurti noun. bush turkey; bustard. Eupodotis australis. Category: Birds.

ngarrala verb, intransitive (la class). used to get caught in something. For example, a door. Category: Holding

and Transfer.

ngarranpa noun. group of people. Category: People and Kinship.

ngarranpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to divide into portions. Particularly of grain. Category: Impact.

ngarranypuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to share around. Category: Holding and Transfer.

ngarrarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to return. Category: Motion.

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ngarri verb, intransitive (Ø class). 1 • used to lie down. Ngarringu-lu jijingka She lay down with the child.

Ngarripayi-laju parlkarrangka. We were lying on the flat. Category: Stative Verbs, Manner and


2 • used to camp. Category: Stative Verbs.

3 • used to be horizontal in position. Category: Stative Verbs, Manner and Posture.

ngarrilara noun. baby at the lying stage. A child who must lie down all the time (can't sit alone yet). Category: People and Kinship.

ngarriti verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to lie down. Specifically the act of lying down. Category: Motion.

ngarrka noun. chest. Category: Body Parts and Products.

ngarru descriptor. 1 • industrious. Goes about his job without complaints.

2 • busy. Always busy.

3 • willing. Agreeable. Category: Mood and Character.

ngarrurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to be willing to do a job. Category: Vocalising and Thought,

Mood and Character.

ngarrurta descriptor. energetic; ready to work. Category: State.

ngarruta noun. one who doesn't care about others. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character. Phon: may be ngarrurta

ngata-ngata descriptor. meeting up.

ngawula verb, transitive (la class). used to gather berries or other objects. Category: Holding and Transfer.

ngawujula verb, transitive (jula class). used to place the initate on the backs of the mourners. Category: Holding and Transfer, Dreaming and Ceremony.

ngayikarla noun. meat for old people. It is killed by the young fellows. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

ngayu pronoun. I; me. Pukurlpa-rna nyinapayi ngayu I was the happy one. Ngayulu-rna nyangu kalyu I

was the one who saw the water. Ngayu-rni pungu. I'm the one he hit. Jiingampa-ju ngayumili

marlpa. This one is my mate. Ngayu-rna Panaka. I am a member of the Panaka kinship group.

Yiki-rni ngayuwati! Stand beside me! Warta-rni punkarnu ngayungka. The tree fell on me.

Ngayunyanga! It's me! Category: Pronouns.

ngayukujarra pronoun. we two. Ngayukujarra-li yanku kuwarri. We two will go right now. Yanu-linya

jii martu ngayukujarakarti. That man came to us two. Nyangu-liju ngayukujarralu nyuntumili

yakurti. We two saw your mother. Category: Pronouns. Gram: Inclusive or exclusive of you.

ngayun pronoun. we all (three or more). Ngayunju-laju pungu marlu. We killed a kangaroo (speaking to

someone who did not kill it). Ngayunpa-la yulapayi. We were crying (speaking to someone who

cried with them). Yanu-lanya ngayunkarti. He came to us (speaking to someone who was with them when he came). Category: Pronouns.

ngayurtin pronoun. we all (three or more). Ngayurtiinpa-laju kurranyu yanu We went on ahead (speaking

to someone who did not go on ahead with them). Ngayurtinju-laju ngalkupayi mirrka. We were

eating food (speaking to someone who had not been eating with them). Yarltingu-lampaju

ngayurtinku. He called out for us (speaking to someone who had not been with them). Ngayutinpa-

la marlakarti pinirripayi. We were running along behind (speaking to someone who had been

running with them). Category: Pronouns.

ngayurtinpa pronoun. we all. Category: Pronouns.

ngijirri noun. firestick. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

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ngijirrijula verb, transitive (jula class). used to give someone a firestick. Category: Holding and Transfer, Food Cooking and Fire.

ngilypi noun. woman. Category: People and Kinship.

-nginpa verb suffix. is doing something. Punginpa. He is hitting it. Category: Time.

ngintarlpa descriptor. white. Of a dog. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

ngiri descriptor. side look. Look out the corner of one's eyes. Ngirilu-rnara nyangu. I looked for him out of

the corners of my eyes. Category: Manner and Posture.

ngirrmala verb, transitive (mala class). used to grind teeth. Category: Bodily Functions.

ngirr-ngirrpa descriptor. grinding of teeth. Category: Sounds.

ngitarnmala verb, intransitive (mala class). 1 • used to burp.

2 • used to hiccough. Category: Bodily Functions.

ngiyari noun. mountain devil. Moloch horridus. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

-ngka1 suffix. subordinate clause suffix. Munyjulyarrinyjangka-n manku. When the meat is done, you will

get it. Waru nyarra tilirrinyjangka majurrinyjangka, warningku-n katu marlu tilingka. When the

fire over there is really burning, throw the kangaroo on top of the flames. Gram: Follows nominalised


-ngka2 noun suffix. 1 • on. Jurra parnangka! Put it on the ground!

2 • in. Kurrungu pirningka wujungka. He entered the narrow cave. Mutukangka-ya yanu. They went in the car.

3 • at.

4 • with. Nyinapayi-lu yirnangka wanti jiinya. That woman was sitting with that man (just a visit).

5 • from. Jarru-lun manku marlungka. You will remove the intestines from the kangaroo.

6 • off. Category: Direction and Location.

-ngkamarra suffix. 1 • cause.

2 • because of.

3 • affected by. Nganangkamarra-ya yanu? Why (because of what) did they go?

Pukurrangkamarrangku-ya kata putalpayi. They were hitiing their heads because of the dead

person (ie grief). Waru tilila malpungkumarra! Light a fire - there could be devils about! Gram:

Used after words ending in a vowel.

-ngku1 verb suffix. will do something. Pungku-ntaya. They will hit you. Yungku-nta mani. He will give

you money. Kurtingku-rni mirli-mirli. He will send me a letter. Category: Time.

-ngku2 pronoun suffix. 1 • for you. Lit: They are talking for you.. Wangkani-ngkuya. They want you. Gram:

There is ambiguity here with the suffix -ngku 'reflexive' and this could also mean 'They are talking among themselves.'

2 • yours. Mama-ngku. It is your father. Category: Pronouns.

-ngku3 pronoun suffix. 1 • himself.

2 • herself.

3 • itself.

4 • yourself. Pampula-ngku! Touch yourself!

5 • yourselves.

6 • each other. Pungkuni-ngkuya. They are hitting each other. Jurtalu-ngkupula punginpa. Those two are fighting each other.

7 • ourselves.

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8 • themselves. Pukurrangkamarra-ngkuya kata putalpayi. They were hitting themselves on the head because of the dead person (ie in grief). Category: Pronouns. Gram: Reflexive other than 1sg.

-ngkujaku verb suffix. might do something. Pungkujaku-nta martulu. The man might hit you.

Warlangkujaku. It might break.

-ngkukija suffix. wants to do something. Pungkukija. He is thinking about hitting him. Gram: Nominalises


-ngkumarranypa verb suffix. suffix indicating completion. Pungkumarranypa. He already hit him. Category: Time. Gram: completive suffix

-ngkungara verb suffix. 1 • would have done something but didn't.

2 • almost did. Pungkungara. He almost hit him (but didn't).

-ngkuni verb suffix. is doing something. Pungkuni. He is hitting it. Yungkuni-rnajananya mirrka. I am

giving them food. Category: Time.

-ngkupayi verb suffix. was doing something. Pungkupayi. He was hitting the man. Kangkupayi-ya kuwiyi. They were carrying the meat. Category: Time.

-ngkupula pronoun suffix. 1 • for you two. Manu-ngkupula. He got it for you two.

2 • yours (two people). Category: Pronouns.

-ngkura1 pronoun suffix. away from you. Category: Pronouns.

-ngkura2 verb suffix. 1 • let's do something. Pungkura-li. Let us two hit it.

2 • ought to do something. Gram: Hortative suffix.

-ngkura3 verb suffix. 1 • having done something.

2 • doing something. Category: Time.

-ngkuraku verb suffix. 1 • in order to do something. Martu-lu yanu, pungkuraku. The man went to him in

order to hit him.

2 • for doing something. Gram: Purposive suffix.

-ngkurapula pronoun suffix. away from you two. Category: Pronouns.

-ngkuwara verb suffix. was doing something. Pungkuwarra. He was hitting it. Category: Time.

-ngu verb suffix. 1 • did something. Pungu-rni. He hit me. Yungu-rnara. I gave it to him. Marlakurringu.

He returned. Nyinangu rawa. He sat for a long time. Wangkangu-rni. He spoke to me. Category: Time.

2 • has done something. Jirntu kurrungu. The sun has set. Category: Time. Gram: For -zero and -wa

class verbs.

Ngujapunkanu noun. name of rockhole (near Jigalong). Category: Names and Place Names.

ngujurlpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to make a fire (using a friction method). Category: Impact, Food

Cooking and Fire.

ngukala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to swallow something. Ngukarnu ngalangu. He swallowed it and

ate it. Category: Bodily Functions, Food Cooking and Fire.

2 • used to blame someone. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

ngukarri descriptor. aimless. Category: Mood and Character.

ngukarrila verb, intransitive (la class). 1 • used to be uncertain. About a certain action. Category: Vocalising

and Thought, Mood and Character.

2 • used to be unsure. About doing something. Nyampa-li yankupayi ngukarrirnu. Remember how we two were going along, not too sure of what to do. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and


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ngukurnmala verb, transitive (mala class). 1 • used to congratulate. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to compliment. Ngukurnmanu. He complimented him, "Yes, that's a good job!". Category: Vocalising and Thought.

ngula descriptor. later. Category: Time.

ngulampa descriptor. later. Ngulampa-rni yanku. He will come here later. Category: Time.

ngulawiyayiju descriptor. only at a later time - not now. Category: Time.

ngulpurru noun. tail. Category: Body Parts and Products.

ngulyi noun. 1 • child. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • offspring. Can be used to refer to anyone in the generation below the speakers. Category: People

and Kinship.

ngulyju 1 • descriptor. tame (of animal). Category: Animals, Mood and Character.

2 • noun. pet. Category: Animals.

3 • descriptor. friendly. Category: Mood and Character.

4 • noun. countryman. Martu-ya ngulyju. Those people are friendly--they are relatives.

Category: People and Kinship. See: nganmi.

ngulyjula verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to make a friend. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to domesticate a wild animal. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

ngulyu noun. 1 • possession. Including a person's wife or husband. Ngulyu-ju. That is my possession. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

2 • something belonging to someone. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

ngulyula verb, transitive (la class). used to steal. Category: Holding and Transfer.

-ngulyu suffix. suffix indicating certainty. Palunyangulyu! That's the lot! Ngalypangulyu! That's really


ngulyu marra verb, transitive (rra class). used to steal someone's property. Ngulyu-ju manu wanti. He stole

my wife. Category: Holding and Transfer. Gram: With -nu in PAST eg.

ngulyujaka noun. thief; robber. Category: People and Kinship.

ngulyunyju noun. one who steals all the time; thief. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

ngumpa noun. 1 • face. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • relationship. Category: People and Kinship.

ngumpala verb, (la class). 1 • used to scold. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to tell off. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

ngumpa juri phrase. good looking face.

ngumurlpa noun. child. Category: People and Kinship.

ngunjularriwa verb, intransitive (wa class). 1 • used to be puzzled. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood

and Character.

2 • used to be undecided about some problem. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and


ngunjul-ngunjulpa descriptor. 1 • very perplexed. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • puzzled. Category: Mood and Character.

ngunjurlpa descriptor. 1 • undecided. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • puzzled. Category: Mood and Character.

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3 • stumped. Category: Mood and Character.

nguntirrila verb, intransitive (la class). 1 • purring noise. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Sounds.

2 • noise of a car engine running. Category: Sounds.

nguntu noun. 1 • head-cold. Category: Body Parts and Products, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

2 • phlegm. Category: Body Parts and Products.

nguntujurra verb, (rra class). used to feel another's touch or close presence. Category: Bodily Functions. Gram: With -nu in PAST headword.

ngunu noun. spirit (within a person). Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

ngunyarri noun. 1 • daughter-in-law (man speaking of his son's wife). Category: People and Kinship.

2 • father-in-law (woman speaking of her husband's father). Category: People and Kinship.

ngupanu noun. dingo. Category: Animals.

ngurinyji descriptor. 1 • undecided. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • uncertain. Category: Mood and Character.

ngurinyjirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to become undecided. Nganaku-ran ngurinyjirringu? What is it you are uncertain about? Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

2 • used to be surprised. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

3 • used to be uncertain. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

4 • used to be perplexed. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

ngurlturr-ngurlturrpa Variant: ngurnturr-ngurnturrpa. noun. pig. Category: Animals.

ngurlu noun. 1 • fear. Ngurlu kukurripayi. He was hiding because he was afraid. Ngurlu pinirringu. He ran

away in fear. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • sacred (of object or ceremony). Maa-yarra ngurlungkamarra. Go away because of the sacred activities. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

3 • taboo. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

4 • the sacred area. Yanu-ya ngurlukarti. They went to the sacred area. Category: Dreaming and


ngurlula verb, transitive (la class). used to chase something. Ngurlura wanarnu. He chased after it. Category: Motion.

ngurlujaka noun. 1 • coward or fearful person.

2 • very frightened person. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

ngurlujula verb, transitive (rra/la class). 1 • used to frighten another. Category: Vocalising and Thought,

Mood and Character.

2 • used to warn of frightening consequences. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and


ngurlumala verb, intransitive (rra/la class). used to be frightened. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood

and Character.

ngurluninti Variant: ngurlurninti. noun. one who is knowlegable about taboo ceremony. Category: People

and Kinship, Dreaming and Ceremony, Mood and Character.

ngurluny-ngurlunypa descriptor. very afraid. Category: Mood and Character.

ngurluparni descriptor. fearless; brave. Category: Mood and Character.

ngurlura kurti verb, transitive (Ø class). used to frighten something away. Category: Impact.

ngurlurninti Variant: ngurluninti. noun. person who knows about sacred things. Category: People and

Kinship, Mood and Character, Dreaming and Ceremony.

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ngurlurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to be afraid, used to become frightened. Category: Vocalising

and Thought, Mood and Character.

ngurlutingu verb, intransitive (unclassed). got a fright. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and

Character. Gram: with -ngu in PAST eg.

ngurluwinti descriptor. frightened; with fear. Category: Mood and Character.

-ngurninyji suffix. 1 • limitational suffix.

2 • focus marker. Ngayungurninyji! I'm the bloke! Ngayungurninyjilu-rna kanyilku. I'm the one who will keep it.

ngurnjularri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to be undecided; used to become puzzled. E.g., in a

courtroom when a person doesn't know all the details-- not having enough proof. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

ngurnjulpa descriptor. 1 • undecided. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • puzzled. Category: Mood and Character.

3 • stumped. Ngurnjulpa-rna. I'm stumped--I can't do it. Category: Mood and Character.

ngurnku noun. elbow. Category: Body Parts and Products.

ngurnti noun. 1 • shoulder. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • shoulders. Category: Body Parts and Products.

ngurntilya noun. young tree. Generic term. Category: Plants.

ngurntingka descriptor. on a person's shoulders. Katipayi-rna ngurntingka. I carried it on my shoulders. Category: Manner and Posture.

ngurntirrirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to start up (of an engine). Category: Impact.

ngurnturr-ngurnturrpa Variant: ngurlturr-ngurlturrpa. noun. pig. Category: Animals.

ngurra noun. 1 • camp. Nyingangu-laju ngurrangka. We sat in camp. Ngurrakujarra-liju ngarringu. We

camped there for two days. Nyangu-lajupulampa ngurra. We saw the camp of those two people. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

2 • shelter. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects, Elements.

3 • day. Time can be measured by the number of times a person camps at a place or along the way. Category: Time, Elements.

ngurrakarta phrase. camping out. For at least one night.

ngurrakarti noun. to the camp. Category: Direction and Location.

ngurrangkarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to come into camp. Category: Motion.

ngurrara1 noun. person's home country. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

ngurrara2 descriptor. belongs to a thing or place. Category: State.

ngurrila verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to search for something. Ngurrila-ra murtilyaku! Search for the

boy! Category: Motion. Gram: The object of the search is marked with the dative case marker -ku.

2 • used to look for something. Parra-ngurrilku-ra. He will go about looking for it. Nganaku-ran

ngurrirni? What are you looking for? Category: Motion. Gram: The object of the search is marked with

the dative case marker -ku.

ngurrinpa noun. a fly. Category: Insects.

ngurr-ngurrpa Variant: nguurr-nguurrpa. noun. pig. Category: Animals.

ngurrpa descriptor. 1 • unknowing. Category: Mood and Character.

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2 • ignorant of something. Ngurrpa! It is unknown! Ngurrpa-rna. I don't know. Ngurrpa-rnara

mutukaku. I know nothing about motor-cars. Ngurrpa-lajura. We don't know anything about it.

Ngurrpakanu-rnanta. I thought you didn't know it. Ngurrpajanulu manu. Out of ignorance he got

it (i.e., he didn't know any better). Category: Mood and Character.

ngurrpajula verb, (la class). used to say one is ignorant or inexperienced. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

ngurtarla noun. ceremonial decorations of white cockatoo feathers. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony,

Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

ngurtila verb, transitive (la class). used to clamp knees around something. E.g. when riding a horse. Category: Holding and Transfer.

Ngurtulypa noun. name of place. Category: Names and Place Names.

ngurtuma noun. 1 • species of tree. Category: Plants.

2 • species of grub. Found in the ngurtuma tree. Eucalyptus microtheca. Category: Insects.

-nguru suffix. from. Category: Direction and Location. See: jiiyurungkamarra.

ngururrjanu descriptor. from the inside. Category: Direction and Location.

ngururrpa descriptor. 1 • inside. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • underneath. Category: Direction and Location.

nguunjula verb, (la class). used to try to get past a barrier. Category: Motion.

nguunypuwa verb, (wa class). used to talk continually. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

nguurrmala verb, intransitive (mala class). used to grunt. Nguurrmanu. He said "huh?". Category: Vocalising

and Thought, Sounds.

nguurr-nguurrpa Variant: ngurr-ngurrpa. noun. pig. Category: Animals.

nguwanpa descriptor. 1 • almost. Category: Manner and Posture.

2 • just about. Category: Manner and Posture.

nguyalpa descriptor. stance to receive a sentence. As standing ready to take ones punishment/standing "before the judges". Category: Manner and Posture.

nguyu descriptor. raw. Of eggs or meat. Food and Cooking. Category: State.

nguyuwarra noun. 1 • dead person. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • unconscious person. Category: People and Kinship.

-ni verb suffix. is doing something. Wangkani. He is talking. Ngarrini. He is lying down. Category: Time.

niijpa noun. bird's nest. From: English. Category: Birds.

niilamula verb, transitive (la class). used to drive a nail. Category: Impact.

niilpa noun. nail. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

niitingpa noun. 1 • fish net. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

2 • wire netting. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

niitulpa noun. needle. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

nikilijpa noun. necklace. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

nikitpala descriptor. naked. Category: State.

-ninpa verb suffix. is doing something. Yaninpa-rna. I am going. Category: Time.

ninti noun. 1 • knowledge. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

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2 • knowing. Ninti-rnara. I know about that. Ninti-ju? Do I know that person? Category: Vocalising

and Thought.

nintila verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to show someone something. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to teach someone. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

nintijula verb, transitive (jula class). used to show someone something. Category: Holding and Transfer.

nintikaja noun. really clever person. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

nintilumarta noun. one who knows certain information. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and


nintimala verb, transitive (mala class). used to teach someone. Kaji-ran nintimanu nyuntulu yawartaku? Did

you teach him about horses? Category: Vocalising and Thought.

nintipuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to teach someone something. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

nintipuka noun. 1 • clever person. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

2 • knowledgeable person. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

3 • scribes. Biblical context. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

nintipurluka noun. teacher. Biblical context. Category: People and Kinship.

nintirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to get to know something; used to learn something. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

ninyji-ninyji noun. a dance. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

-nirra verb suffix. completive suffix. Yungkunyjanirrangka-la nyaku. After we give it all away, well see

something. Yanunirra-ya. The whole mob has gone. Ngalangunirra-ya. They ate the lot.

Kampakunirra wurnakaja. He will burn off all the kangaroos fur. Category: Time. Gram: Follows

inflectional suffix on verb.

-nku verb suffix. will do something. Panakalu manku Karimarra wanti. A Panaka man will marry a

Karimarra woman. Ka-li manku marlu junku pirrpilyangka. And we two will get the kangaroo and

put it on the leaves. Mirta-rna yanku. I won't go. Category: Time.

-nkujaku verb suffix. 1 • possibility.

2 • might do something. Mankujaku mirrka. He might get the food. Yankujaku. He might go.

-nkukija derivational suffix. wants to do something. Nominalises verbs. Yankukija. He is thinking about


-nkumarranypa verb suffix. 1 • completive suffix.

2 • already did something. Yankumarranypa. He has already gone. Category: Time.

-nkungara verb suffix. 1 • would have done something.

2 • should have done something. Yankungara. He should have gone. Junkungara-n marlaku. You should have put it back.

-nkuni verb suffix. is doing something. Kuwarri yankuni. He is going now. Mankuni-pula kalyu karrungka. Those two are getting water at the creek. Category: Time.

-nkupayi verb suffix. was doing something. Ka-rna maa-yankupayi. And I was going away. Mankupayi. He was getting it. Category: Time.

-nkura1 verb suffix. 1 • let's do something. Yankura-la. Let's go. Junkura-la pilkirrinyja. Since it is rotten,

let's leave it.

2 • ought to do something. Hortative suffix.

-nkura2 verb suffix. 1 • having done something.

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2 • doing something. Suffix indicating serial action. Category: Time.

-nkuraku verb suffix. 1 • for doing something.

2 • in order to do something. Suffix indicating purpose. Yanku-pula mirrka mankuraku. Those two went in order to get some food.

-nkuwara verb suffix. was doing something. Past continuous tense. Yankuwara. He was going. Category: Time.

-nma verb suffix. keep on doing something. Imperative continuous tense. Wakanma! Keep on spearing!

Wajanma wululu! Keep on saying it forever!

-nmalpa verb suffix. will be doing something. Future continuous tense. Wakanmalpa. He will be spearing it.

Kanyinmalpa. He will be keeping it. Category: Time.

-npula pronoun suffix. you two. Ngalangu-npula? Did you two eat something? Nyaarta-rninpula pakarnu? When did you two arrive here? Category: Pronouns.

-npulampa pronoun suffix. yours (two people); for you two. Manu-npulampa? Did he get it for you two? Category: Pronouns.

-npulampalura pronoun suffix. away from you two. Category: Pronouns.

-npulanya pronoun suffix. you two; to you two; at you two. Pungu-npulanya? Did he hit you two? Category: Pronouns.

-nta1 suffix. having done something. Nominalising suffix. Nyaku-n ngarrintajanu. You will see the

kangaroo when it has laid down. Category: Time.

-nta2 pronoun suffix. 1 • you. Nganalu-nta pungu? Who hit you?

2 • to you. Yanu-ntaya? Did they come to you?

3 • at you.

4 • off you. Nyinapayi-nta. He was sitting with you. Category: Pronouns.

-nu verb suffix. did something. Past tense suffix. Pakarnu-laju yanu ngurrakarti. We got up and went to

camp. Manu-pulanya. He got those two. Junu-rna yanu. I left it behind. Category: Time.

nunupuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to tap someone. Category: Impact.

nurru-nurru descriptor. 1 • round. Like a stone. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

2 • spherical. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

Nuuwa noun. Noah. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

nyawa verb, transitive (irregular). 1 • used to see. Nyangu-laju marlu. We saw a kangaroo. Purtu nyangu. He

couldn't see it. Category: Bodily Functions.

2 • used to look at. Nyakupayi-lanyaju. The kangaroo was looking at us. Nyawa-lu pilurnja! Look

at the bird! Parra-nyawa! Look all about! Category: Bodily Functions.

3 • used to look for. Nyawa-ra jilaku! Look for the snake! Category: Bodily Functions. Gram: The

object of the looking is marked with dative case.

-nya noun suffix. focus (goal). Jiinya kalyu kunyjunyu. That water is good to drink. Ngaanya-ju. This one is


nyaa interrogative. what. Category: Interrogatives.

nyaaku interrogative. why; for what reason. Category: Interrogatives.

nyaalyjirri interrogative. how many. Category: Interrogatives.

nyaangkamarra interrogative. why; for what reason. Category: Interrogatives.

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nyaangula interrogative. when. Category: Interrogatives.

nyaarnirrirnirri demonstrative. everything. Category: Number and Quantity.

nyaarta interrogative. when. Nyaarta pakalku? When will he arrive? Category: Interrogatives.

nyakupunajangka descriptor. without having seen him. Category: Manner and Posture.

nyalyka noun. species of wattle shrub. With edible seeds which are ground into a paste and eaten. The tree

provides good shade. Acacia ampliceps. Category: Plants.

nyamanypa noun. young animal. Category: Animals.

nyami noun. 1 • grandmother. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • granddaughter. Category: People and Kinship.

nyampa particle. remember. Something previously referred to. Nyampa-li yankupayi. Do you remember

that we were going there? Category: Particles.

nyampali noun. 1 • boss. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • leader. Category: People and Kinship.

nyamu1 particle. 1 • enough. Category: Particles.

2 • that far! Category: Particles.

3 • the end (of a discourse). Category: Particles.

nyamu2 noun. 1 • grandfather. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • grandson. Category: People and Kinship.

nyamurtuka particle. thats all! Category: Particles.

nyangi noun. head-ring. Usually made of twisted grass and hair string; used for carrying containers on one's head. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

nyangka particle. conjunction. Probably shortened from palunyangka; often involves different subjects. Category: Particles.

Nyangumarta noun. language name. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Names and Place Names.

nyanka noun. back part of neck; nape of neck. Category: Body Parts and Products.

nyankanyuku descriptor. on the back of the neck. Category: Direction and Location.

nyankarra noun. 1 • a backward look. Category: Bodily Functions.

2 • a turning around. Category: Motion.

nyanpinypa noun. eyebrow. Category: Body Parts and Products.

nyanyjarla noun. tongue. Category: Body Parts and Products.

nyanyjarnpa1 noun. species of snake. Edible. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

nyanyjarnpa2 noun. pussy-cat. Category: Animals.

nyanyjula verb, transitive (la class). used to lick something. Category: Bodily Functions.

Nyaparu noun. substitute name. Replaces the name of someone who has the same name or a name similar to

that of a person who has died. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Names and Place Names.

nyaparu noun. name substitute. A word used in place of the name of a person who has died. At present this

word itself is not being used because of the death of a person who had been referred to this term for a

long time. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Names and Place Names.

nyara descriptor. jealous. Category: Mood and Character.

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nyararri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become jealous. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood

and Character.

nyarlinypa noun. tongue. Category: Body Parts and Products.

nyarlpi noun. 1 • wings (of a bird). Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • feathers. Category: Body Parts and Products, Birds.

nyarlpijarra noun. feathered creature; a bird. Category: Birds.

Nyarnayi noun. name of ceremony. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Names and Place Names.

nyarnpi verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to dance. Normally applies to traditional dance style of women. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Motion.

nyarnpipuwa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to dance. Traditional style of women's dancing. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Motion.

nyarra demonstrative. 1 • yonder. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • that, in distance. Nyangu-rna martu nyarra. I saw that man. Nyarrakajalu-ya wajarnu. That

mob said so. Nyarralu-rni pungu. That one hit me. Category: Direction and Location.

nyarrakarti demonstrative. to that distant place; to there. Category: Direction and Location.

nyarrakartirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to get to a distant place. Category: Motion.

nyarrakartitingu verb, intransitive (unclassed). got to a distant place. Possibly with interruptions along the

way. Category: Motion. Gram: With -ngu in PAST headword.

nyarrangka demonstrative. at that distant place. Category: Direction and Location.

nyarrangulyu demonstrative. right there. Category: Direction and Location.

nyarranya demonstrative. that one. Category: Direction and Location.

nyarranypuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to share around a group. Category: Holding and Transfer.

nyarrawaka demonstrative. in that direction. Category: Direction and Location.

nyarrawana demonstrative. along that way. Category: Direction and Location.

nyarru interjection. poor fellow! Lit: Poor fellow. Leave him alone!. Nyarru. Jurra! Don't even mention that

poor fellow! Category: Interjections.

nyarrumpa noun. 1 • sister (of a man). Nyarrumpa-ju. It is my sister. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • brother (of a woman ). Category: People and Kinship.

nyarrurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to feel sorry for someone; used to be sympathetic. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

nyayalypa noun. small dish. For scooping things out such as water. Category: Artefacts Constructions and

Personal Objects.

nyii interjection. here! Category: Interjections.

nyiijula verb, transitive (jula class). used to give something to someone. Category: Holding and Transfer.

nyiilamurra verb, transitive (rra class). used to nail an object to another. Category: Impact. Gram: With -nu in

PAST headword.

nyiinyinka noun. species of finch. Possibly the zebra finch. Category: Birds.

nyiirnka noun. hole in nasal septum. Category: Body Parts and Products.

nyiirnkajarra noun. person with his nasal septum pierced. Category: People and Kinship.

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nyilyjijula verb, transitive (jula class). used to touch someone with a burning stick. Category: Impact, Food

Cooking and Fire.

nyimiri noun. rib. Category: Body Parts and Products.

nyimparra noun. pubic covering. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

nyimparrala verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to make pubic coverings. Category: Impact.

nyina verb, intransitive (Ø class). 1 • used to sit. Nyinama-ya! Keep on sitting! (often used when a person

leaves others in camp). Category: Stative Verbs, Manner and Posture.

2 • used to live at a place. Category: Stative Verbs.

3 • used to be. Kunyjunyu-rna nyinani. I am well. Ngurrangka-laju nyinangu. We were in camp. Category: Stative Verbs.

4 • used to stay at a place. Category: Stative Verbs.

nyinajula verb, transitive (jula class). used to make someone sit down. Katingu-lajujananya nyinajunu. We

took them there and made them sit down. Category: Impact.

nyinalara Variant: nyinalurru. noun. child that can sit alone. Category: People and Kinship.

nyinalurru Variant: nyinalara. noun. baby at the sitting stage. Category: People and Kinship.

nyinanyjarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to get up to a sitting position. Category: Motion.

nyinapinti noun. chair. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

nyinatingu verb, intransitive (unclassed). sat intermittently. Category: Stative Verbs, Manner and Posture. Gram: With -ngu in PAST headword.

nyinganyinga descriptor. upset; embarrassed. Particularly because of a son who has been caught stealing. Category: Mood and Character.

nyingka particle. remember (the person previously mentioned). Category: Particles. Gram: Non-demonstrative


nyininyjanpa phrase. while sitting (something happened).

nyinkilpa descriptor. generous; not greedy. Category: Mood and Character. See: yirnipayi.

nyinyjarrpa descriptor. serious. Category: Mood and Character.

nyinyji noun. spear. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

nyipilyjala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to sample food. Category: Bodily Functions, Food Cooking and


2 • used to try something. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

nyira descriptor. 1 • reformed. "Won't do wrong again"--after punishment. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • submissive to authority. Category: Mood and Character.

nyirarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become submissive to authority. Category: Vocalising and

Thought, Mood and Character.

nyirla noun. roots. Category: Plants.

nyirri descriptor. 1 • down. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • low. Category: Direction and Location.

nyirrirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become lower; used to get down. Category: Motion.

nyirrki noun. species of hawk. Category: Birds.

nyirrkulyu noun. species of hawk. Category: Birds.

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nyirrmala verb, intransitive (mala class). used to make a buzzing noise. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Sounds.

nyirrparnpa descriptor. serious. Category: Mood and Character.

nyirru noun. sex desire. Category: Mood and Character.

nyirti noun. youngest child in a family. Category: People and Kinship.

nyirtila verb, transitive (la class). used to spread something. Category: Impact.

nyirtingunya noun. youngest child in a family. Category: People and Kinship.

Nyiyaparli noun. language name. Category: Names and Place Names, Vocalising and Thought.

Nyiyarnunya noun. name of place. A rockhole near Jigalong. Category: Names and Place Names.

-nyja derivational suffix. the one doing the action indicated by the verb. Nominalising suffix (may be suffixed

to verb stems as well as inflected verbs). Marlu nyangu puringka ngarrinyja. He saw a kangaroo

lying in the shade. Nyangu karlaya pupanyjanpa. He saw an emu squatting down.

Munyjulyarrinyangka-n manku. When the meat is done, you get it. Pakarnu punkarnunyja.

Having fallen, he got up. Junkura-la pilkirrinyja. Since it got rotten, let's leave it alone.

ngalunyjapinti a thing for holding, i.e., a handle. Ngalkunyjalu yumulu nyanyjurni. Having eaten

something [bad], [the dog] is just licking him. Punkanyjajanu ngarringu parnangka. After he fell,

he lay on the ground. Gram: After -rra class verb stems: -nkunyja; after -wa class verb stems: -ngkunyja;

after -la class verb stems: nyja; after (- ) class verb stems: -nyja.

-nyjarri noun suffix. suffix indicating plural. yirnanyjarri the group of elders. Category: Number and


-nyu noun suffix. of course! Suffix indicating assertion. Walyjinyu! Of course, it's a walyji tree--what did you


nyuka noun. creation place. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

nyukapuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to give birth. Category: Bodily Functions.

-nyuku noun suffix. 1 • suffix indicating target.

2 • on (usually suffixed to a body part). Pungu-rni mulyanyuku. He hit me on the nose.

nyukunu noun. 1 • spouse. Use depends on relationship of the speaker. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • husband. Category: People and Kinship.

3 • wife. Category: People and Kinship.

nyukurni descriptor. long ago. Category: Time.

nyuma noun. flour from ground seeds. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

Nyumanpa noun. Mount Newman. Category: Names and Place Names.

nyumpurlpa descriptor. white (of gum trees). Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

nyungkula verb, (la class). used to gather. Category: Holding and Transfer.

nyungkurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to gather together. Used of large groups gathering. Category: Motion.

nyuntu pronoun. you. Nyuntu-n walyku! You are the one that's no good! Ngana-ngku nyuntuku mama?

Who is your father? Kaji-n ngalangu kuka nyuntulu? Are you the one who ate the meat? Yankura-

li mayakarti nyuntumilikarti. Let's two go to your house. Nyunturta! Youre the one! Category: Pronouns.

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nyuntukujarra pronoun. you two. Yula-pula nyuntukujarra! You two cry! Puwa-pula nyuntukujarralu! You two hit it! Category: Pronouns.

nyuntunpa pronoun. you mob; you (plural). Category: Pronouns.

nyuntupunajangka descriptor. when you weren't here; before you came. Category: Time.

nyunturtin pronoun. you mob; you (plural). Nyaarta-nyurra pakarnu nyunturtinpa? When did you all

arrive? Category: Pronouns.

nyunurra descriptor. amazed. Category: Mood and Character.

nyunyjirnpa noun. 1 • navel. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • umbilicus. Category: Body Parts and Products.

nyunyjula verb, transitive (la class). used to kiss someone. Category: Bodily Functions.

nyunyjurnpa noun. marrow. Category: Body Parts and Products.

nyunyunyu noun. brain. Category: Body Parts and Products.

nyupa noun. 1 • spouse. Use depends on relation of the speaker. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • husband. Category: People and Kinship.

3 • wife. Category: People and Kinship.

nyupajarra descriptor. with a spouse. Category: Manner and Posture.

nyupajarrarri verb, transitive (Ø+wa class). used to get married; used to take a spouse. Category: Vocalising

and Thought.

nyupakurlu descriptor. with a spouse. Category: Manner and Posture.

nyupararra noun. person and his/her spouse. Nyupararra-liju yanu. My wife and I went. Category: People

and Kinship.

nyupawinti descriptor. with a spouse. Category: Manner and Posture.

nyupila verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to press grapes or the like to produce juice. Category: Impact, Food

Cooking and Fire.

nyuri descriptor. 1 • still. Purtu-laju wajarnu.Nyurilu-rni pungu. In vain we spoke to him--he still went

ahead and hit me. Nyuri nyinapayi yapungka. He was still sitting on the hill. Category: Manner and


2 • yet. Category: Manner and Posture.

3 • persistent. Category: Manner and Posture.

4 • nevertheless. Category: Manner and Posture.

nyurirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become persistent about something. Category: Vocalising and

Thought, Mood and Character.

nyurni noun. teasing. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

nyurni yikarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to laugh in derision. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

nyurnimala verb, transitive (mala class). used to tease someone. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

nyurnipayi noun. one who despises, teases, rejects another or their talk. Category: People and Kinship,

Mood and Character.

nyurntilirri noun. blackboy tree. Category: Plants.

-nyurra pronoun suffix. all of you; you (plural). Wanyjakarti-nyurra yanu? Where did all of you go?

Walyku-nyurra! You are a bad lot! Category: Pronouns.

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-nyurrampa pronoun suffix. yours (plural); for you all. Lit: he is talking for you. Wangkani-nyurrampa. He

wants you all. Majarni-nyurrampa. He is waiting for you all. Category: Pronouns.

-nyurrampalura pronoun suffix. away from you (plural). Category: Pronouns.

-nyurranya pronoun suffix. 1 • you (plural); all of you. Pungku-rnanyurranya. I am going to hit the lot of


2 • to all of you. Yanu-nyurranya? Did he come to you? Category: Pronouns.

nyurrartin pronoun. you (plural); all of you. Marlakurringu-nyurra mungajarra nyurrartinpa. You all are

the ones that came in last night. Category: Pronouns.

nyurrartinpa pronoun. you all. Category: Pronouns. Gram: Intransitive independent plural pronoun.

nyurrjipuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to sneeze. Category: Bodily Functions.

nyurrmala verb, intransitive (mala class). 1 • used to doze off. Category: Bodily Functions.

2 • used to nod head in sleep. Category: Motion.

nyurru-nyurru noun. bridge of nose. Category: Body Parts and Products.

nyurtula verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to gather and winnow (of seeds). Category: Holding and Transfer,

Food Cooking and Fire.

2 • used to husk seeds. Category: Impact, Food Cooking and Fire.

nyuru noun. 1 • stomach. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • abdomen. Category: Body Parts and Products.

nyurujarra noun. woman who is expecting a child. Category: People and Kinship.

nyurukirta1 noun. species of kangaroo. Category: Animals.

nyurukirta2 noun. pot-bellied person. Category: People and Kinship.

nyuruti verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to nod off to sleep. Category: Bodily Functions.

nyutila verb, transitive (la class). used to rub ashes onto the skin. Category: Impact, Food Cooking and Fire.

nyuulkula verb, (la class). used to swallow something. Category: Bodily Functions.

nyuurrarri verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to hang your head sleepily. Category: Bodily Functions.

nyuwanmala verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to make something new. Category: Impact.

nyuwanpa descriptor. new. Category: Value.

nyuwijiki noun. 1 • music. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

2 • musical sound from an instrument. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Sounds.

nyuwurrarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to bow one's head. Category: Motion.

nyuwurrpa descriptor. 1 • head bowed. sign that a person doesn't want to fight. Category: Manner and


2 • nodding head. Category: Manner and Posture.

nyuyula verb, transitive (la class). used to build up a fire. Category: Impact, Food Cooking and Fire.

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P - p

-pa1 noun suffix. augment. Added to a word ending in a consonant to produce an open syllable. manarrpa tired

(from manarr + -pa). kurrurnpa spirit/feelings. tikirlpa dry. milpinypa finger nail. yungunpa morning/tomorrow/next day.

-pa2 suffix. interrogative suffix. Nyuntupa? What about you? Nganapa? Who is it? Category: Interrogatives,


paa interjection. 1 • oh! Category: Interjections.

2 • oops! Category: Interjections.

3 • sorry! Category: Interjections.

paala verb, transitive (la class). used to cook something. Paarnu-laju parnaparnti. We cooked the lizard. Category: Impact, Food Cooking and Fire.

paajayi noun. birthday. From: English. Category: Time.

paali noun. barley. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

paalpa noun. cook; one who has the task of cooking an animal or damper. Category: People and Kinship,

Food Cooking and Fire.

paalypaalypa descriptor. 1 • blurry. Category: Healing Sickness and Ailments, State.

2 • indistinct sight. Category: Healing Sickness and Ailments, State.

3 • poor sight. Category: Healing Sickness and Ailments, State.

paampa noun. farm. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

paampumula verb, transitive (la class). used to bump into something. Category: Impact.

paangka noun. bed. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

paanypuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to discuss together. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to argue, turning the wishes of the opposition. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

paarlala verb, intransitive (la class). used to open one's eyes after sleep. Category: Bodily Functions.

paarlarnpa descriptor. open eyes. Category: State.

paarlarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to be poor sighted. Category: Stative Verbs, Healing Sickness

and Ailments.

paarlarriraku phrase. in order to see.

paarlkawa verb, transitive (wa class). used to open eyes. Category: Bodily Functions.

paarlpa descriptor. eyes open. Paarlpa ngarrini. He is lying with his eyes open. Category: State.

paarlpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to open something. Paarlpuwa-ngku kuru! Open your eyes! Category: Impact.

paarrmala verb, intransitive (rra/la class). used to blink (of an eye). Category: Bodily Functions. Gram: This

may be Jim's parrmanu

paatulpa noun. bottle. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

pajala verb, transitive (la class). used to bite something. May refer to a sharp pain also. Jilalu-rni pajarnu

julyju. Long ago a snake bit me. Pajalngara-rni. It almost bit me. Category: Bodily Functions, Food

Cooking and Fire.

pajipuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to make fire (using the friction method). Category: Impact, Food

Cooking and Fire.

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Pajuwupa noun. 1 • Passover. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Names and Place Names.

2 • Jewish festival. Biblical context. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Names and Place Names.

pakala verb, intransitive (la class). 1 • used to get up. Ka-laju pakarnu yanu. Then we got up and went. Category: Motion.

2 • used to appear. Category: Motion.

3 • used to arrive. Category: Motion.

paka-pakala verb, intransitive (la class). 1 • large group arrived. Category: Motion.

2 • large group got up. Category: Motion.

3 • large group appeared. Category: Motion. Gram: With -rnu PAST in headword.

-pakayi noun suffix. interrogative suffix. Martupakayi? Is it an Aborigine? Category: Interrogatives.

paki 1 • noun. nothing. Paki-rna. I have nothing. Paki-lanyaju wajarnu. He lied to us. Pakilyu! Its nothing

really! Pakiyampa-ra nyangu. He got nothing for all his looking. Category: Number and Quantity.

2 • particle. no. Paki! No! Pakiwiyayiju-lura pungu. He tried to shoot it, but he missed. Category: Particles.

pakila verb, transitive (la class). used to finish something. E.g. a job. Category: Impact.

paki kajala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to tell lies. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to deceive. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

paki kajalkaja noun. group which goes around telling lies. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and


paki kajalpa noun. one who goes around telling lies. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

pakikajalpa noun. deceiving ones. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

pakikarala verb, (la class). used to mistakenly think something is not true or unimportant. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

pakiku jiilja jarrpa~ phrase. to go to jail for no reason.

pakikukala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to think mistakenly that something is unimportant. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to disbelieve. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

pakingka phrase. if a certain action fails (then another course will be taken). Kartimalku-ntaya; pakingka-

ntaya pungku. They will grab you for initiation, and if they don't they'll kill you.

pakipayi noun. 1 • "good bloke" who doesn't like to fight. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and


2 • person who tells lies. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

pakirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to become nothing. Category: Stative Verbs.

2 • used to be finished. Kalyu pakirringu. The water has all gone. Pakirringu-lura. His mate has

died./His mate has disappeared. Pakirrinyja warningu. Since it was used up, he threw it away. Category: Stative Verbs.

pakita noun. bucket. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

pakiti noun. pocket. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

pakiwana descriptor. wrong way. Category: Direction and Location.

pakulyarra noun. species of wallaby. Category: Animals.

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pala demonstrative. there. May be used as an interjection. Pala! It's there! Look out! Category: Direction and


-palaji noun suffix. first. Suffix indicating initial. Ngayupalaji-rna yanku. I'll go first. Category: Number and


palanya demonstrative. there. Category: Direction and Location.

palawanarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to go along there. Category: Motion.

palawarraku demonstrative. that way (in the distance). Category: Direction and Location.

palipuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to recognise. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to met up with. Category: Motion.

paljula verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to prepare camp. Category: Impact.

2 • used to settle. Category: Impact.

Palpatawunpa noun. Balfore Downs. Category: Names and Place Names.

palu pronoun. 1 • he. Palulu-rni yungu. He gave it to me. Ngarntarrijaku palu. He might get sick.

2 • she.

3 • it.

4 • him.

5 • her. Category: Pronouns.

palukaja pronoun. they (plural); them (plural). Category: Pronouns.

palukujarra pronoun. they (two); them (two). Category: Pronouns.

palulyu interjection. 1 • that's it!

2 • good-bye!

3 • the end (of a story). Category: Interjections.

palumili pronoun. 1 • his.

2 • hers.

3 • its. Category: Pronouns.

palunya pronoun. 1 • he.

2 • she.

3 • it.

4 • him.

5 • her. Category: Pronouns.

palunyajanu descriptor. after that; then. A sentence introducer. Category: Time.

palunyakaja pronoun. they (plural); them (plural). Category: Pronouns.

palunyamili pronoun. 1 • his.

2 • hers.

3 • its. Category: Pronouns.

palunyangka descriptor. at that time; then. Category: Time. Gram: A sentence introducer.

palunyangkayilampa descriptor. then. A sentence introducer. Category: Time.

Palunyangulyu! phrase. 1 • That is really it!

2 • Good-bye!

3 • The end (of a story)!

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palunyanpa pronoun. 1 • they (plural); them (plural).

2 • those same ones (plural). Category: Pronouns.

palurtin pronoun. they (plural); them (plural). Category: Pronouns.

palutayimu descriptor. that time. Category: Time.

palya descriptor. 1 • good. Category: Value.

2 • well. Category: Value.

3 • clear (ie not taboo). Category: Value.

palyala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to make something. Category: Impact.

2 • used to do something. Category: Impact.

3 • used to create something. Category: Impact.

palyalpayi noun. 1 • good person. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

2 • repairman. Category: People and Kinship.

palyamala verb, transitive (la class). used to make well. Category: Impact, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

palyamala verb, transitive (mala class). 1 • used to fix something. Category: Impact.

2 • used to repair something. Category: Impact.

3 • used to heal someone. Category: Impact.

palyarri descriptor. fat. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

palyarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become well or good. Category: Stative Verbs, Healing

Sickness and Ailments.

Palyayirra nyinati! phrase. Sit down the proper way!

palyjalypa descriptor. weak. Loss of strength. Category: State, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

palyjarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become full. Category: Stative Verbs, Number and Quantity.

paly-palyarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become dull or dim or blurred. As when the lights go

out. Category: Stative Verbs.

paly-palypa descriptor. 1 • dim. Category: State.

2 • blurred. Category: State.

3 • not too clear. Category: State.

pampa noun. kind of devil (a female spirit that travels at night). Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

pamparrju noun. 1 • one who gives quickly when asked. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and


2 • obedient to another. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character. See: yirni.

pampula verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to touch something. Category: Bodily Functions.

2 • used to feel something. Category: Bodily Functions.

3 • used to manipulate for healing. Category: Bodily Functions, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

pampuru descriptor. 1 • blind. Category: Healing Sickness and Ailments, State.

2 • poor vision. Category: Healing Sickness and Ailments, State.

pampurula verb, transitive (la class). used to make blind. Category: Impact, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

pampururri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become blind or have impaired vision. Category: Stative

Verbs, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

pamuli noun. family. Category: People and Kinship.

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Panaka noun. kinship section name. Panakalu manku Karimarra wanti. A man in the Panaka section will marry a woman in the Karimarra section. Category: People and Kinship, Names and Place Names,

Dreaming and Ceremony.

Panaka-Panaka noun. all the Panaka people. Category: People and Kinship, Names and Place Names,

Dreaming and Ceremony.

panaka-panaka noun. species of snake. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

Panapajpa noun. Barnabas. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

pangkapuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to split something in half. E.g. a log, game. Category: Impact,

Number and Quantity.

pangula verb, transitive (la class). used to carry an object on the head. Category: Holding and Transfer.

panijimunu noun. to punish another. From: English. Category: Impact.

panikinpa noun. 1 • cup. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

2 • mug. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

panka noun. level ground. Category: Elements.

panku noun. hair. Category: Body Parts and Products.

pankuly-pankulypa descriptor. 1 • hairy. Category: State.

2 • woolly. Category: State.

panma noun. species of succulent plant. Both the plant and the seeds may be eaten. The plant is placed on the

hot ashes for cooking. Portulaca oleracea. Category: Plants.

panta interjection. 1 • oops! Category: Interjections.

2 • sorry! Category: Interjections.

3 • oh! Category: Interjections.

pantiji noun. bandage. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects, Healing Sickness and


pantimula verb, transitive (la class). used to bandage a wound. Category: Impact, Healing Sickness and


Pantinti noun. name of place (at Wiluna). Category: Names and Place Names.

pantupuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to brush off something. E.g. dust, ashes. Category: Impact.

panyalpa noun. moon. Category: Elements.

panyanyju descriptor. 1 • confident. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • strong. Category: Mood and Character.

3 • brave. Category: Mood and Character.

panyja noun. wad of tobacco. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

panyjarrpa descriptor. unreasonable. Panyjarrju pungkupayi. He kept hitting his wife for no apparent

reason. Category: Mood and Character.

panypura verb, transitive (Ø class). 1 • used to speak against. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to rubbish. Category: Vocalising and Thought. Gram: With -nu in PAST headword.

papanyji noun. mulgara. Dasycerus cristicauda. Category: Animals.

papanymaru noun. species of lizard. Varanus panoptes. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

paparnarra noun. rabbit. Category: Animals.

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papartu noun. older brother. A woman can call her yinkarni this term also. Category: People and Kinship.

papu noun. hollow. As a tree or log. Majuwartangka papungka kurrungu minguwa. The echidna went into

a big hollow log. Category: Plants, Elements.

parawa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to play. Includes card playing. Parawa-pula! You two go play!

Parangkuni-ya. They are playing. Category: Motion.

-para noun suffix. characterising suffix. jinyjipara with fat all over it. kumpupara with urine on it.

parnapara dirty. pujurrpara with red ochre on it. kalyupara with water on it (like a shirt or piece of

paper). wurnapara covered with hair (like a blanket with dogs hair on it). Jiji jiinya kikipararringu. That child got faeces all over him. Category: State.

Paraji noun. Pharisee. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

Parajikaja noun. Pharisees. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

-paraku noun suffix. plural (more than two). Parangkuni-ya jijiparaku. The children are playing.

wantiparaku the women. Category: Number and Quantity.

Parapajpa noun. Barabbas. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

pararra noun. 1 • plains country. Category: Elements.

2 • barren country. Category: Elements.

parlala verb, transitive (la class). used to open something. Category: Impact.

Parlala-ngku kuru! phrase. Open your eyes!

parlanarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become disinclined toward something. Category: Vocalising

and Thought, Mood and Character.

parlanpa descriptor. 1 • dislike. Parlanpa-rnara jiiku. I don't like that one. Parlanju junu. He left it in

disgust. manner. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • disagreeable toward someone/something. Category: Mood and Character.

parlan-parlanpa descriptor. 1 • ignoring something. Category: Manner and Posture.

2 • in a slow zigzag. Category: Manner and Posture.

parlanpayi noun. disagreeable person; one who doesn't like something. E.g. fighting. Category: People and

Kinship, Mood and Character.

parlanyju jurra verb, transitive (rra class). used to say something is bad against another. Category: Vocalising and Thought. Gram: With -nu in PAST headword.

parlanypayi noun. those who dispise. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

parla-parla noun. species of lizard. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

parlila verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to put pressure on something. Category: Impact.

2 • used to lean on something. Category: Impact.

3 • used to weigh down something. Category: Impact.

parlja descriptor. full stomach. Category: State, Food Cooking and Fire.

parljamala verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to make satisfied (usually by feeding). Category: Impact, Food

Cooking and Fire.

parljarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to get full. Category: Stative Verbs, Number and Quantity.

parlkarra noun. flat country. Category: Elements.

parlkarrayampajarangku phrase. on a different/another flat.

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parlkarrayija noun. species of kangaroo. Category: Animals.

parlkurta noun. 1 • flood water. A really big amount of water. Category: Elements.

2 • running full (of creek). Category: Elements.

parlmala verb, intransitive (mala class). used to call out for someone. Parlmanu-lampa. He called out for us. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

parl-parljula verb, intransitive (jula class). used to flash. Category: Motion.

parlparri descriptor. all over the place. Category: Direction and Location.

parlpiny noun. species of acacia tree. This tree grows in spinifex country--a wattle shrub with edible seeds

eaten as paste. Acacia ancistrocarpa. Category: Plants.

parlpirr noun. species of acacia tree. This tree grows in spinifex country--a wattle shrub with edible seeds

eaten as paste. Acacia ancistrocarpa. Category: Plants.

Parlpuwa-ngku kuru phrase. Open your eyes!

parlti-parlti descriptor. hot. Category: State.

parna noun. 1 • ground. Category: Elements.

2 • earth. Category: Elements.

3 • dust. Category: Elements.

4 • sand. Category: Elements.

5 • country. Jurra parnangka. Put it on the ground. Category: Elements.

parna murntala verb, transitive (la class). used to take other's the land. Category: Impact.

parna yukurirri verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to be spring time. Category: Stative Verbs, Time.

parnajarrpa noun. species of lizard. Varanus gouldii. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

parnalyji noun. widow. Category: People and Kinship.

parnapara descriptor. dirty. Category: State.

parnaparnti noun. species of lizard. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

parnapuru descriptor. dusty. Can't see because of the dust. Category: State.

parnawana noun. along the ground. Category: Direction and Location.

-parni noun suffix. without. Privative suffix. Lit: without happiness. kurntaparni shameless/not shy.

pukurlparni sad. yirraparni toothless. marlpaparni lonely. yiniparni nameless. jurtaparni peaceful.

ngarntaparni well. Category: Number and Quantity.

parnka1 noun. rough ground. Category: Elements.

parnka2 noun. species of lizard. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

Parnngurrpa noun. Parnngurr. Category: Names and Place Names.

Parnpajinya noun. Parnpajinya. Near Newman. Category: Names and Place Names.

parn-parnpa noun. warm place. Sheltered from the wind of a cold day. Category: Elements.

parntalpa noun. species of grevillea tree. Grevillea nematophylla (?). Category: Plants.

parntanypa noun. old woman. Category: People and Kinship.

parnti noun. smell either good or bad. Category: Body Parts and Products.

parntila verb, transitive (la class). used to smell something. Category: Bodily Functions.

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parntijula verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to cause an odour. Category: Stative Verbs.

parntilkatiwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to smell the track (of an animal). Category: Bodily Functions.

parntingara verb, intransitive (Ø class). 1 • used to smell. Category: Stative Verbs.

2 • used to give off an odour. Category: Stative Verbs. Gram: With -ngu in PAST headword.

parnti-parnti noun. smell. Category: Elements.

parntirrpa descriptor. good. Category: Value.

parntiyiki verb, intransitive (Ø class). 1 • used to smell. Category: Stative Verbs.

2 • used to give off an odour. Category: Stative Verbs.

parntupuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to shake something out. Making sure nothing is left.

parntupungkuraku in order to shake everything out (e.g. of a swag). Category: Impact.

2 • used to clean something out. Making sure nothing is left. Category: Impact.

parnu-parnu descriptor. 1 • hot-tempered. A person who can't hold their feelings in. Category: Mood and


2 • shameless. Category: Mood and Character.

parra- prefix. 1 • around. Can occur as a prefix to a verb or before a pronominal suffix. Category: Direction

and Location, Direction and Location.

2 • about. Parra-ra nyawa! Look around for it! Parra-ra majarnu. He waited around for him.

Parra-ra ngurrilpayi. He was searching about for it. Parra-yanu. He went about. Parra-ya yanu.

They went about. Parra-nyinangu. He sat about. Parra-pinirrini-ya. They are running around.

Parra-kurirringu. It circled back. Parra-yarun. The boomerang comes right back. Category: Direction and Location.

parralaji descriptor. 1 • paralysed. Category: Healing Sickness and Ailments, State.

2 • person who is too sick or sore to move. Category: Healing Sickness and Ailments, State, People

and Kinship.

parralayiji descriptor. 1 • paralysed. Category: Healing Sickness and Ailments, State.

2 • unable to move limbs. From: English. Category: Healing Sickness and Ailments, State.

parra-muurrkati verb, transitive (Ø class). used to shift something about. Category: Holding and Transfer.

parrangkala verb, intransitive (rra/la class). used to fly. Category: Motion.

parrati verb, intransitive (Ø class). 1 • used to go around.

2 • used to walk around in no particular direction. Category: Motion.

parra-wayila verb, intransitive (la class). used to crawl about. Category: Motion.

parrayila verb, transitive (la class). used to chase around. Category: Motion.

parrila verb, transitive (la class). used to search for something. Parrila-ra! Look for it! Category: Motion. Gram:

Object of search is marked for dative case.

parriki noun. fence. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

parrinya particle. conjunction. Category: Particles.

parrjula verb, (rra/la class). 1 • used to be in flame. Category: Stative Verbs.

2 • sun shining and causing a person to be happy about life. Category: Stative Verbs, Food Cooking

and Fire.

parrka noun. 1 • leaf. Lit: you were sitting among the leaves. Parrkapuru-n nyinapayi. You weren't even

born yet! Category: Plants.

2 • tea. Category: Plants.

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3 • child. Possibly referring to a "spirit child". Category: People and Kinship, Dreaming and


parrmala verb, intransitive (mala class). used to flash (of lightning). Category: Motion.

parrpa noun. warm place. Sheltered from the wind. Category: Elements.

parrpakala verb, intransitive (la class). 1 • used to fly. Category: Motion.

2 • used to take off (into the air). Category: Motion.

parrpakarra noun. the hot time. Category: Time.

parru-parru noun. netting wire. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

parrura-parrura noun. 1 • slow-learner. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

2 • simple person. Category: People and Kinship.

-partarnu noun suffix. own relation (from the same family). Yakupartarnu-janampa. She is their own

mother. Mamapartarnu-ra. He is that man's own father. Kurtapartarnu-ra. He is that man's own

brother. Category: People and Kinship.

partu interjection. that's them! Partu! That's them! Category: Interjections.

-partu noun suffix. interrogative suffix. Nganapartu jiinya martu? What sort of person is that man? Category: Interrogatives.

partuka descriptor. 1 • separate. Category: Number and Quantity.

2 • apart. Category: Number and Quantity.

partumparra descriptor. separate. Category: Number and Quantity.

partumparrarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to disperse. Used of people leaving a favourite camp

spot and returning to other places. Category: Motion.

partu-partula verb, intransitive (la class). 1 • used to charge ahead. Like a bull. Category: Motion.

2 • used to rush at something. Like a bull. Category: Motion.

paru noun. spinifex. Category: Plants.

parulyukurru noun. spinifex country. Category: Elements.

patalypuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to crack something. E.g. an egg. Category: Impact.

patu noun. 1 • man. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • husband. Category: People and Kinship.

pawuji noun. wallet. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

pawurla noun. fowl. Refers to domestic hens and roosters. Category: Birds.

payamula verb, transitive (la class). used to buy. Category: Holding and Transfer.

payila verb, transitive (la class). used to scold someone. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

-payi1 noun suffix. characterising suffix. mikupayi a person who is always jealous (miku jealous). wantipayi

a person who is always going after women (wanti woman). yakapayi a person who is always very

quiet (yaka quiet). wamapayi a person who drinks a lot (wama liquor). wirrilyipayi a person who is

often angry (wirrilyi anger). yiltapayi a person "addicted" to truth (yilta truth). munyjapayi a

generous person (munyja generous). yirnipayi a generous person (yirni loose). Category: Mood and


-payi2 verb suffix. was doing something. Past continuous tense. Yulapayi. He was crying. Wangkapayi-

ngkuya. They were asking for you. Nyinapayi-luya wantingka. They were sitting with the woman. Category: Time.

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payijinpa noun. poison. From: English. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

payiki noun. bag sack. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

Payilatpa noun. Pilate. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

payingki noun. bank. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

payinpa descriptor. fine. Category: Value.

payinpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to turn something. E.g. cattle. Category: Holding and Transfer.

payippa descriptor. five. Category: Number and Quantity.

payipu descriptor. five. Category: Number and Quantity.

payitamula verb, transitive (la class). used to paint some object with paint. Category: Impact, Colour Pattern

and Texture.

-pi noun suffix. exclamatory suffix. Yaltapi! It is really cold! (yalta cold). Jurtapi! There's a fight! (jurta fight).

Piija noun. Peter. Category: Names and Place Names.

Piijani noun. Bethany. Category: Names and Place Names.

piijpa noun. fish. From: English. Category: Aquatic Creatures.

piila noun. pillow. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

piinpa noun. pen. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

piinyji noun. fence. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

piiny-piinypa noun. species of bird. This name is not used by some people at Jigalong because of the death

of a person with this name. Category: Birds.

piirlangkala verb, intransitive (rra/la class). 1 • used to glisten. Category: Stative Verbs.

2 • used to shine in sun. Category: Stative Verbs.

piirl-piirlpa descriptor. 1 • white. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

2 • white soil. From claypan. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

piirl-piirlwanpa noun. white one. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

piirnpa noun. species of gecko. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

piitamula1 verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to beat another at a game. Category: Impact.

2 • used to win. Category: Impact.

piitamula2 verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to beat another at racing or in competition. From: English. Category: Impact.

piiti noun. bed. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

piitpa noun. bit for mouth of a horse. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal


Pijiliyampa noun. Bethlehem. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

Pijiliyamu noun. Bethlehem. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

pijurriwa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to turn back. Category: Motion.

pika descriptor. 1 • sick. Category: State, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

2 • angry. Category: Mood and Character.

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pikalya noun. 1 • savage animal. Category: Animals.

2 • dog that bites. Category: Animals.

3 • fighting person. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

4 • lively person or animal. Category: People and Kinship.

pikalypa descriptor. healthy. Category: Healing Sickness and Ailments, State.

pikapayi noun. 1 • trouble maker. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • person who often fights. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

pikarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to get angry. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and


pikinpawutu noun. baking powder. Originally added to plain flour for dampers. From: English. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

piki-piki noun. pig. From: English. Category: Animals.

pila noun. 1 • plain; valley. Category: Elements.

2 • flat country between hills. Category: Elements.

pilamapula verb, transitive (la class). used to fill with a liquid. From: English. Category: Holding and

Transfer, Number and Quantity. Gram: With -rnu in PAST headword.

pilamapurnu wanala verb, transitive (la class). used to fill up a number of containers. Category: Holding

and Transfer, Number and Quantity.

Pilappa noun. Philip. Category: Names and Place Names.

Pilapu noun. Philip. Category: Names and Place Names.

pilki descriptor. rotten. Category: State.

pilkirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to get rotten.

2 • used to become excreta. Describes food becoming excreta after going through the stomach. Category: Stative Verbs.

Pilurnnyuka noun. name of place. Site near Jigalong. This word is not being used at Jigalong at the present

time because of a death. People say Nyaparunyuka instead. Category: Names and Place Names.

pilurnpa noun. bird. Generic term. Because of a death, this word is not being used at Jigalong at present. Category: Birds.

pilurrpa noun. spirit (of a person). Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

Pilyangunya noun. name of place. Near Jigalong. Category: Names and Place Names.

pilyurrpa noun. promised spouse. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, People and Kinship.

pina noun. ear. Category: Body Parts and Products.

pinalkarra noun. 1 • person who pays attention to authority. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and


2 • clever person. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

3 • one who remembers to pay his debts. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

pinarti noun. species of bean tree. It is found along the Oakover River to the northeast of Jigalong. The red

seeds are used for necklaces. The wood is used for shields. Erythrina vespertilio. Category: Plants.

pinga noun. ant. Generic term. Category: Insects.

pingkilypa noun. wooden dish. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

pini verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to run. Category: Motion.

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piniji noun. finish. Category: Direction and Location.

pini-pinirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to run. Used of a number of people. Category: Motion.

pinirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to run. Maa-laju pinirringu. We ran away from it. Parra-

pinirrini-ya. They are running about. Category: Motion.

Pinjimanpa noun. Benjamin. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

-pinti noun suffix. thing. Objectivising suffix. kalyupinti a thing of holding water. kurupinti eye-glasses

(kuru eye). wakalpinti a thing for spearing/writing/sewing (waka~ to spear).

Pintikajpa noun. Pentecost. Jewish ceremony. From: English. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Names

and Place Names.

pintilyangkawa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to crack and spill. E.g. an egg. Category: Impact.

pintilykawa verb, transitive (wa class). used to crack something. E.g. an egg. Category: Impact.

pintilypuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to crack something. E.g. an egg. Category: Impact.

pintupi interjection. of course! Category: Interjections.

Pinturiji noun. name of place. A site north of Jigalong. Category: Names and Place Names.

pinyi noun. rubbish. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

pinyi ngalku1 noun. pig. Category: Animals.

pinyi ngalku2 noun. crow. Category: Birds.

pinyijula verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to rubbish another person. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

pinyingalku noun. pig. Category: Animals.

pinyi-pinyi noun. corpse. Category: Body Parts and Products.

pinyirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to become irrelevant. Category: Stative Verbs.

2 • used to become unnecessary. Category: Stative Verbs.

3 • used to become orphaned? Category: Stative Verbs.

4 • used to become rubbish. Category: Stative Verbs.

pipi1 noun. 1 • species of plant. This word is not used at Jigalong because of the death of a person with this

name. Category: Plants.

2 • species of seed food. Category: Plants.

pipi2 noun. 1 • breast milk. This word is not used at Jigalong because of the death of a person with this name. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • breast. Category: Body Parts and Products.

pipijarli noun. species of plant. This word is not used at Jigalong because of the death of persons with names

sounding like this word. Calandrina sp.. Category: Plants.

pipinyurra noun. 1 • mothers and aunties. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • women in generation above one's own. Category: People and Kinship.

pipiti descriptor. fifty. Category: Number and Quantity.

pipurru descriptor. 1 • fast. Category: Manner and Posture.

2 • quickly. Category: Manner and Posture.

pira noun. resin. This dried sap is edible. This word is not used in the Jigalong area due to the death of a person with a name sounding like this word. Category: Elements, Plants.

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pirijina noun. prisoner. From: English. Category: People and Kinship.

pirljiwirnpa noun. species of plant. This is distinguished by Martu as different from pura as it grows on

stony lower slopes of hills. Solanum chippendalei. Category: Plants.

pirl-pirlpa descriptor. white. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

pirlpu noun. maggots. Category: Insects.

pirlpujula verb, transitive (jula class). used to lay maggots. Of a fly. Muungulu pirlpujunkuni. The fly is

laying maggots. Category: Impact.

pirni noun. shoulders. Jiji pirningka katipayi. She carried the child on her shoulders. Category: Body Parts

and Products.

pirninypa descriptor. rotten. Category: State.

pirnki noun. cave. Category: Elements.

pirnkila verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to make a cave. Category: Impact.

2 • used to dig a cavelike hole. Category: Impact.

pirntarlpa noun. white meat of goanna. Category: Animals, Food Cooking and Fire.

pirntipuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to teach something. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to instruct someone. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

pirra-pirra descriptor. across. Category: Direction and Location.

-pirrayi noun suffix. suffix indicating respect or sympathy. Yumaripirrayi-ju. It is my dear mother-in-law.

Ngulyipirrayi-ra. It is her dear child (referring to a little girl's doll). yinipirrayi a term showing

respect for the name (yini) of someone.

pirrilyji noun. a dance (held in the camp). Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

pirrka descriptor. 1 • bold. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • brave. Category: Mood and Character.

3 • cheeky. Category: Mood and Character.

pirrkawanpa descriptor. 1 • bold. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • cheeky. Category: Mood and Character.

3 • savage person or animal. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

pirrkawarta noun. cheeky person. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

Pirrkili noun. name of a claypan south of Punmu. Category: Names and Place Names.

pirrkiri noun. stick for cleaning seeds from fruit. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

pirrpala verb, intransitive (la class). used to shine. Used of sun, moon, car lights. Category: Stative Verbs,

Colour Pattern and Texture.

pirrpilya noun. 1 • leaf. Category: Plants.

2 • leaves. Category: Plants.

3 • branch of tree. Category: Plants.

pirta verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to run. Category: Motion.

pirtapuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to chip something. E.g. stone. Category: Impact.

2 • used to deflect something (with shield). Category: Impact.

pirti noun. hole (in ground). Pirti-rna jawarnu. I dug a hole. Category: Elements.

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-pirti noun suffix. 1 • like. Category: Manner and Posture.

2 • resembles. Mamapirti palunya. He's no different to his father (he walks like him, his face

resembles his father's). Category: Manner and Posture.

pirtijula verb, transitive (rra/la class). 1 • used to heap up. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to put more and more things together in one place. Category: Holding and Transfer.

pirtirr-pirtirrpa 1 • noun. hot (weather). Category: Elements.

2 • descriptor. still (no movement of air). Category: State.

pirurrpa noun. species of lizard. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

piti noun. wooden dish. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

pitulpa noun. petrol. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

piturrmala verb, transitive (mala class). used to stamp on something. Category: Impact.

piwi noun. species of owl. Category: Birds.

piyarrku noun. galah. This word is not used at Jigalong because of the death of a person with a similar-

sounding name. Cacatua roseicapilla. Category: Birds.

puwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to hit. Includes rain "hitting" a person when it falls. Lit: water hit me.

Pungkuningku-pula. Those two are fighting each other. Kalyulu-rni pungu. Rain fell on me. Category: Impact.

2 • used to kill. Maruntu-laju pungu. We killed a goanna. Category: Impact.

-pu suffix. exclamatory suffix. Pakalapu! Get up, I say!

pu~ derivational suffix (wa class). verbalising suffix. nintipungu to teach someone (ninti knowledge).

yarrpungu to tear something (yarrpa a tear).

pujarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to lose (a card-game term). Category: Vocalising and Thought.

pujikatu noun. 1 • pussy-cat. From: English. Category: Animals.

2 • clubs suit in cards. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

pujimanpa noun. 1 • the nomadic period in the desert. Category: Time.

2 • desert dweller.

3 • person from the bush. Category: People and Kinship.

4 • the time in the bush. Category: Time.

5 • Aboriginal people who had not lived on settlements. From: English. Category: People and Kinship,

People and Kinship.

puju particle. 1 • if. Category: Particles.

2 • when. Category: Particles.

pujurrpa noun. red ochre. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Elements, Colour Pattern and Texture.

pujurrpara descriptor. covered with red ochre. Category: State, Colour Pattern and Texture.

-puka noun suffix. characterising suffix. nintipuka a clever person/a teacher (ninti knowledge). jinapuka

shoes (jina foot). Category: Mood and Character.

pukalyarra descriptor. great many. Category: Number and Quantity.

pukuji noun. flat thin wood. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

pukuju noun. flat crate type wood. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

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pukunyarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become cautious. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

pukunyju descriptor. carefully. Category: Manner and Posture.

pukunymala verb, transitive (mala class). used to handle something carefully. Category: Holding and


pukunypa descriptor. 1 • careful. Pukunypa yarra! Be careful as you go! Category: Mood and Character.

2 • cautious. Category: Mood and Character.

pukurlarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become happy. Lit: my stomach became happy. Wirla-rna

pukurlarringu. My heart has become happy. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and


pukurlmala verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to cause happiness by an action. Category: Impact.

pukurlpa descriptor. 1 • happy. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • happiness. Category: Mood and Character.

pukurlparni descriptor. sad. Lit: without happiness. Category: Mood and Character.

pukurl-pukurlpa descriptor. very happy. Category: Mood and Character.

pukurra descriptor. dead. Category: State.

pukurrarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to die. Category: Bodily Functions.

pukurti noun. 1 • stage of manhood. After initiation when hair is worn in a bun. Category: People and

Kinship, Dreaming and Ceremony.

2 • topknot. Category: Body Parts and Products.

pukurtijarra descriptor. possessing a topknot. Either a person or an animal or bird with a topknot. Category: State.

pula descriptor. 1 • quickly. Category: Manner and Posture.

2 • fast. Category: Manner and Posture.

-pula pronoun suffix. they two; them (two). Used for 'you two' in giving orders or in respect relationships.

Yungu-ntapula. Those two gave it to you. Nyupararra-pula yanu. The married couple went.

Jiikujarralu-pula pungu marlu. These two killed a kangaroo. Yarra-pula! You two go! Yarra-pula! You (one) go! (use depends on kinship section of speaker and the person being spoken to). Category: Pronouns.

pulakamula verb, transitive (la class). used to block a person's way. Category: Impact.

pulakinpa noun. wine. From: English. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

-pulampa pronoun suffix. for them (two); theirs (two). Jijinga-pulampa nyinaku Milangka. The child of

that couple will be a person in the Milangka kinship section. Parra-majarnu-lajupulampa. We

waited around for those two. Category: Pronouns.

-pulampalura pronoun suffix. away from those two. Category: Pronouns.

-pulanya pronoun suffix. them (two); to them (two). Yuwa-pulanya mirrka jarntukujarra! Give those two

dogs some food! Nanpa-pulanya junku. He will put a hair-belt on those two. Category: Pronouns.

pulanykarti noun. blanket. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

pulatwanpa noun. flat one. Category: Elements.

pulawa noun. flour. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

pulayiti noun. plate. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

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pulijimanu noun. policeman. Category: People and Kinship.

puliti noun. plate. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

pulpayija noun. policeman. Category: People and Kinship.

pulpujula verb, transitive (jula class). used to cover something over (with a blanket). Category: Impact.

pulpu-pulpu descriptor. completely covered. Eg a person covering themselves with a blanket. Category: State.

pulpurru noun. limestone. Category: Elements.

puluku noun. bullock. From: English. Category: Animals.

puluwu noun. floor. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

pulyi noun. obligation to be met. Pulyi-rna manu. I got the repayment that was due to me. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

pulyku noun. 1 • tendon. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • sinew. Category: Body Parts and Products.

3 • vein. Category: Body Parts and Products.

pulykumala verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to interfer with another's sinew. Probably from English 'got his

sinew'. Category: Impact.

pulypurrmala verb, transitive (mala class). used to pass wind. Category: Bodily Functions.

puna noun. dish. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

-punaja noun suffix. without. Privative suffix. Mirrkapunaja-ya miturringu. Without any food, they all died. Category: Number and Quantity.

pungkukijarringu phrase. to just about hit someone. Category: Impact.

pungkula kanyila verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to bash a person around while keeping them. Category: Impact.

2 • used to constantly whip slaves. Category: Impact.

punkala verb, intransitive (la class). used to fall down. Punkalyjaku-n. You might fall! Kalyu punkarnu

mungajarra. Rain fell last night. Category: Motion.

punkajingala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to drop something. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to knock something down (with a hit). Janyipungu-rna yilipilu punkajingarnu. I hit the camel with an axe and knocked it down. Category: Impact.

punkajula verb, transitive (la class). used to cause to fall. Category: Impact.

punka-punkala verb, intransitive (la class). many things or people fell down. Category: Motion. Gram: With -

rnu in PAST headword.

Punmu noun. Punmu. Category: Names and Place Names.

punpala verb, transitive (la class). used to heat. Category: Impact.

punparrju descriptor. 1 • brave. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • bold. Punparrju nyinani. He is boldly sitting there. Category: Mood and Character.

punparrmala verb, transitive (rra/la class). 1 • used to make confident. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

2 • used to make brave. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

punparrpa descriptor. 1 • brave. Category: Mood and Character.

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2 • confident. Category: Mood and Character.

puntaji particle. 1 • in return. Category: Particles.

2 • in exchange. Category: Particles. See: puntaju; murnaji.

puntaju noun. 1 • exchange gift. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

2 • reciprocal gift. Puntaju-rni yungu. He gave me a gift in return for something I had done. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

puntanypa descriptor. good. Category: Value.

punti noun. species of cassia tree. Cassia helmsii. Category: Plants.

puntu noun. 1 • man. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • Aborigine. Category: People and Kinship.

3 • person. Category: People and Kinship.

puntu yarnngaku marlpa noun. the Son of Man. Biblical context. Category: People and Kinship, Names and Place Names.

punturri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become a man. Describes an older boy who becomes a man by

ceremony. Category: Stative Verbs.

punyayi noun. relationship term. A relaxed relationship between people who would normally show greater

restraint, e.g., father-son. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, People and Kinship.

punyayi-punyayi noun. people in a punyayi relationship. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, People

and Kinship.

punyunarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to dry up; used to dry out. E.g. a water hole, clothes. Category: Stative Verbs.

punyunmala verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to dry up water. Category: Stative Verbs.

punyunpa descriptor. dry. Category: State.

pupa verb, intransitive (Ø class). 1 • used to squat down. Category: Motion.

2 • used to bend over. Category: Motion.

pupati verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to squat down, off and on. Pupati! Squat down! Category: Motion.

pupu noun. older brother. Category: People and Kinship.

pura noun. bush tomato. Solanum chippendalei. Category: Plants.

puranta noun. brand or similar mark. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects, Colour

Pattern and Texture.

puranypuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to rub something. Category: Impact.

2 • used to massage someone. Category: Healing Sickness and Ailments, Impact.

3 • used to brush away something. E.g. flies. Category: Impact.

purapuli descriptor. thoroughly. From: English. Category: Manner and Posture.

Purayiti noun. Friday. Category: Time.

puri noun. 1 • shade. Marlu nyinapayi puringka. The kangaroo was lying in the shade. Category: Elements.

2 • shadow. Category: Elements.

3 • shelter. Puri-laju palyarnu. We made a shade. Category: Elements.

-puri noun suffix. characterising suffix. kakarrapuri afternoon (fv:kakarra east, puri shadow). yapurrapuri

morning, about 8 a.m. (fv:yapurra west, puri shadow). Category: State. Gram: Related to puri shadow.

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purijina noun. prisoner. From: English. Category: People and Kinship.

purijula verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to make a shade. Category: Impact.

purikarta descriptor. day's outing. Category: Time.

puringu noun. spring of water. Category: Elements.

purinyju descriptor. very carefully. Category: Manner and Posture. See: purrka; wanyu; walapunaja.

puritipulawa noun. flower. Generic term. Category: Plants.

puritpa noun. bread. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

purlara noun. flesh. Category: Body Parts and Products.

purli noun. 1 • stone. Category: Elements.

2 • hill. Category: Elements.

3 • coin. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

purlijirta noun. hailstones. Category: Elements.

purlikurrungka phrase. at a stony place; in rocky country.

purliyija noun. species of kangaroo. Category: Animals.

purlka descriptor. big. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

purlku noun. wad of tobacco. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

purltujala verb, transitive (la class). used to squirt out juice. As a grape between a person's fingers. Category: Motion.

purninpa Variant: purnunpa. noun. belongings. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

purntarlka noun. grasshoper. Category: Insects.

purntu noun. one who stands up for another. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

purntujula verb, transitive (jula class). used to take our side. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

purnturri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to stand up for someone. Purnturringu-rnangku. I stood up

for you. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to take over for someone. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

purnu noun. 1 • bush. Category: Plants.

2 • thicket. Category: Plants, Elements.

purnunpa Variant: purninpa. noun. 1 • belongings. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal


2 • possessions. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

purnupuru noun. in the bushes. Category: Direction and Location.

purnuwana descriptor. along the beach. Category: Direction and Location.

-purra suffix. selective suffix. Kujupurralpi! That's all there is! (kuju one/only).

purrini-purrini descriptor. 1 • one after another. Category: Manner and Posture.

2 • in turns. Category: Manner and Posture.

-purrja noun suffix. suffix indicating quantity. martupurrja a big mob of people (martu people).

maparnpurrja a powerful doctor (maparn Aboriginal doctor). Category: Number and Quantity.

purrka descriptor. slow. Category: Manner and Posture.

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purrkara descriptor. carefully. Category: Manner and Posture.

-purru noun suffix. suffix indicating kinship section. Yaalupurru? What "colour" is he?, i.e., What kinship

section is he in? Category: People and Kinship.

purrungu noun. 1 • blossom. Category: Plants.

2 • flower. Generic term. Category: Plants.

purrunypa noun. hair. Category: Body Parts and Products.

purruyuru noun. species of snake. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

purtala verb, transitive (la class). used to miss something. That the a person was aiming at. Category: Impact.

purtilpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to brush off burnt fur (from an animal). Category: Impact, Food

Cooking and Fire.

purtipulawu noun. wild flowers; any flower. From: English. Category: Plants.

purtu particle. 1 • in vain. Category: Particles.

2 • unsuccessfully. Category: Particles.

3 • uselessly. Category: Particles.

4 • can't. Purtu-rna nyakuni. I can't see--although I'm trying to. Purtu pakarnu. He tried to get up, but couldn't. Category: Particles.

purtulypa descriptor. heavy. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

purturri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to try to do something, but fail. Category: Impact.

-puru noun suffix. characterising suffix. wartapuru among the trees (warta tree). purnupuru in the bushes

(purnu bush). yurnturrpuru cloudy (yurnturr cloud). yalipuru summertime (yali summer).

wantapuru wintertime (wanta winter). Category: State.

purujula verb, transitive (jula class). 1 • used to make sure of something. E.g., a gun when taking aim. Category: Impact.

2 • used to steady something. E.g. a gun when taking aim. Category: Holding and Transfer.

Purungu noun. kinship section name. Purungulu manku Milangka wanti. A man in the Purungu section

will marry a woman in the Milangka section. Category: People and Kinship, Names and Place

Names, Dreaming and Ceremony.

puta 1 • descriptor. bad. Category: Value.

2 • noun. pimple. Category: Body Parts and Products, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

3 • noun. wart. Category: Body Parts and Products, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

4 • noun. blemish. Category: Body Parts and Products, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

putala verb, transitive (la class). used to chop something. Category: Impact.

putaly-putalypa noun. 1 • bumps on skin. Category: Body Parts and Products, Healing Sickness and


2 • pimples. Category: Body Parts and Products, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

putamala verb, transitive (mala class). 1 • used to ruin something. Category: Impact.

2 • used to spoil something. Category: Impact.

putaputa descriptor. very bad. Category: Value.

putarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to become bad. Category: Stative Verbs.

2 • used to be ruined. Category: Stative Verbs.

putingu noun. Christmas pudding. A central part of Mission Christmas. Used as a year counting reference. From: English. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Time, Food Cooking and Fire.

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putinypa noun. louse. Category: Insects.

puu descriptor. four. From: English. Category: Number and Quantity.

puula verb, (la class). used to blow air from mouth. Category: Bodily Functions.

puujala verb, transitive (la class). used to finish something. E.g. to eat the lot, to drink the lot. Category: Impact.

puukamu yaru noun. bow and arrow. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

puukuwana descriptor. descriptive of an expensive diamond. Category: Value.

Puulpa noun. Paul. Category: Names and Place Names.

puulpinti Variant: puyulpinti. noun. 1 • thing that you blow. Category: Artefacts Constructions and

Personal Objects.

2 • a trumpet. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

puunarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to be born. From: English. Category: Bodily Functions.

puupala noun. poor person. From: English. Category: People and Kinship.

puupuka noun. species of frog. Category: Aquatic Creatures.

puuramula verb, transitive (la class). used to bore sample holes in the earth for mining samples. Category: Impact.

puurra noun. dry country without water holes. From: English. Category: Elements.

puutiyi descriptor. forty. Category: Number and Quantity.

puutpa noun. boat; ship. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

puutpulpa noun. football. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

puuyi noun. 1 • nephew. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • sister's son. Category: People and Kinship.

puwalyarr verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become dull; used to get dim. Category: Stative Verbs. Gram: With -ngu in PAST headword.

puwalypa descriptor. dull; not much light. Category: State.

puwarn-puwarnpa descriptor. exhausted from thirst. From all day without water. Category: State.

puyila verb, transitive (la class). used to have had too much of something. In need of rest-- can't take any more. Category: Stative Verbs.

puyu noun. smoke. Lit: smoke stands there. Puyu yikini nyarra. There is smoke over there. Category: Elements, Food Cooking and Fire.

puyula verb, transitive (la class). used to blow on something. Category: Impact.

puyulpinti Variant: puulpinti. noun. a trumpet. Lit: a blowing thing. Category: Artefacts Constructions and

Personal Objects.

puyulyurru noun. 1 • hot season. Category: Time.

2 • heat haze. Category: Elements.

puyungara verb, (Ø class). column of smoke. Category: Elements, Food Cooking and Fire.

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R - r

-ra1 verb suffix. 1 • let's do something.

2 • ought to do something. Hortative suffix. Ngaangka-li nyinara puringka. Let's sit here in the shade.

-ra2 verb suffix. 1 • suffix indicating serial action. Category: Time.

2 • having done something. Category: Time.

3 • doing something. Lit: having scared it, he followed it. Pakara wanarnu. Having got up, he

followed it. Ngurlura wanarnu. He chased it. Wakara pinirringu. Having speared it, he ran.

wangkaramunu unable to speak (wangkara talking -munu reverser).

-ra3 pronoun suffix. 1 • for him. Majarninpa-ra. He is waiting for the man. Mirra-ra! Call out to him! Manku-

ran. You will get it for him.

2 • for her.

3 • for it. Ngurrila-ra! Search for it! Ninti-rnara. I know about it.

4 • his.

5 • hers.

6 • its. Category: Pronouns.

raakawa verb, intransitive (wa class). 1 • used to become daytime. Category: Stative Verbs, Time.

2 • used to dawn (the day). Category: Stative Verbs, Time.

3 • used to break (day). Category: Stative Verbs, Time.

raamala verb, intransitive (mala class). used to call out. As in a nightmare. Category: Vocalising and Thought,


raangu descriptor. wrong. From: English. Category: Value.

raapamula verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to rob. From: English. Category: Impact.

2 • used to be not only concerned with money. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

3 • used to take another's wife. Category: Impact.

4 • used to belong. Category: Stative Verbs.

raatirri verb, (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to be ready to go. Category: Stative Verbs.

2 • used to prepare to go. Category: Stative Verbs.

raayala verb, intransitive (la class). 1 • used to break up (clouds at dawn). Category: Stative Verbs.

2 • used to dawn. Category: Stative Verbs, Time.

raka descriptor. 1 • brave. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • tough person. Category: Mood and Character.

rakajarra noun. brave person. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

Rakakaraningku-n! phrase. You think you're smart, don't you!

rakamarra verb, transitive (rra class). used to strengthen. Category: Impact. Gram: With -nu in PAST headword.

rakarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become insolent; used to get "smart". Category: Vocalising and

Thought, Mood and Character.

-raku verb suffix. 1 • for doing something.

2 • in order to do something. Suffix indicating purpose. Yanu-nta wangkaraku. He went to you in

order to talk. Kurrungu-ya nyinaraku. They went inside to sit down.

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raku-raku noun. hollow. Category: Elements.

raku-rakurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become hollow. Category: Stative Verbs.

ralpurrarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become uneasy. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood

and Character.

ralpurrpa descriptor. 1 • nervous. Maybe someone is watching. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • uneasy. Maybe someone is watching. Category: Mood and Character.

ralya descriptor. 1 • light. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

2 • weak Can refer to weak statements or laws. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

ralyu-ralyu noun. lungs. Category: Body Parts and Products.

rangamala verb, intransitive (mala class). 1 • used to pant from exhaustion. After a fast run or a fight. Category: Bodily Functions.

2 • used to gasp for breath. After a fast run or a fight. Category: Bodily Functions.

rangkarriyarra verb, intransitive (rra class). used to go around in circles. E.g. a fan, a windmill. Category: Motion.

rangkarrpa descriptor. invisible. Category: State.

ranpu descriptor. light weight. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

ranpula verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to lighten something. Category: Impact, Size Shape and Weight.

2 • used to thin something down. Category: Impact, Size Shape and Weight.

ranpumala verb, transitive (mala class). used to make something lighter. Category: Impact, Size Shape and


rantala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to illuminate. Category: Impact.

2 • used to cause a glow. Category: Impact.

rapanyju descriptor. very confident. Category: Mood and Character.

raparrku descriptor. 1 • swollen. Category: State.

2 • bloated. Category: State.

raparrkurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to become swollen/bloated.

2 • used to be pregnant. Category: Stative Verbs.

rapiji descriptor. rubbish used in a disparaging way to discribe a person. Category: Value.

-rarra noun suffix. coupling suffix. nyamurarra a grandfather and a grandchild. nyupararra a married couple

(nyupa spouse). jurturarra two sisters. mamararra a father and his child.

rarr-rarrpa noun. scraping noise. Like mice feet or flat tyre. Category: Sounds.

rarru descriptor. 1 • hot. Category: State.

2 • angry. Category: Mood and Character.

rarrurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to become hot. Category: Stative Verbs.

2 • used to become angry. Category: Stative Verbs.

rawa descriptor. long time. Kanyilku-n rawalungulyu. Keep it there for a long time. Category: Time.

rawapunaja descriptor. shortly; soon. Rawa a long time. Category: Time.

rawu-rawu descriptor. dried up. Of leaves, flowers with nectar. Category: State.

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rayiki noun. rag. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects. See: kuluju; kulujpa; wara;


rayipulpa noun. rifle. From: English. Rayipulpa-laju kangkupayi. We were taking a rifle with us. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

rayiti descriptor. 1 • to be ready. Category: Manner and Posture.

2 • to be prepared. Category: Manner and Posture.

riiji noun. race. Category: Motion.

riilymala verb, intransitive (mala class). used to make rustling sound. As of leaves. Category: Sounds,

Vocalising and Thought.

riingu noun. 1 • ring. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

2 • bangle. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

riitamula verb, transitive (mula class). used to read something. From: English. Category: Vocalising and


riitamurri verb, (Ø+wa class). used to read. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

rikirrmala verb, intransitive (mala class). used to make hitting sound. As of weapon hitting its target. Category: Impact, Sounds.

rinyngumala verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to make room. Category: Impact.

riripuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to shake a firestick. Jangi riripuwa! Shake the firestick! Category: Impact, Food Cooking and Fire.

riwi-riwipuwa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to twirl something. Category: Holding and Transfer.

-rna pronoun suffix. I. Lit: I (am) unknowing. Manu-rna kurlarta. I got a spear. Mara-rnaju katupungu. I

cut my hand. Ngurrpa-rna. I don't know. Pungu-rnajananya. I killed them. Category: Pronouns.

-rni1 verb suffix. is doing something. Present tense. Majarni-ra. He is waiting for the man. Wakarningku-

pula. Those two are spearing each other. Jikirni-ya kalyu. They are drinking water. Category: Time.

-rni2 pronoun suffix. 1 • me. Lit: sun speared me. Mirta-rni pajarnu. He didn't bite me. Jirntulu-rni wakarnu. The sun burnt me.

2 • to me. Yarra-rni! Come to me!

3 • on me. Lit: water hit me. Kalyulu-rni pungu. It rained on me.

4 • with me. Category: Pronouns.

-rni3 suffix. toward the speaker. Lit: they came to my forehead. Ngalyarni-ya yanu. They came here. Category: Direction and Location.

-rninpa verb suffix. is doing something. Present tense. Jawarninpa. He is digging it. Jila pirtijanu

pakarninpa. The snake is coming out of the hole. Wajarninpa-rna ngayulu! I say so! Category: Time.

-rninti noun suffix. characterising suffix. From ninti knowledge. Lit: a water-knower, kalyu water.

ngurlurninti a person familiar with sacred things (ngurlu fear/sacred). kukarninti a hunting dog

(kuka meat/game). kalyurninti a countryman. Category: Mood and Character.

-rnta~ verb suffix. causative. Verbalising suffix. miturntarnu to made something dead (mitu dead).

yikurntarnu to recognise someone (yiku face).

-rnu verb suffix. did something. Past tense. Warta takarnu. It climbed a tree. Wartajanu punkarnu. He fell

from the tree. Walykurnu-rna. I spoiled it. Wakarnu-jananya. He speared them. Category: Time.

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-rra1 suffix. directional suffix. kayilirra toward the north (kayili north). yulparirra toward the south (yulpari south). Category: Direction and Location.

-rra2 noun suffix. coupling suffix. kamururra an uncle and nephew (kamuru uncle).

-rra3 verb suffix. do something! Imperative tense. Jurra! Leave it alone! Marra! Get it! Yarra-ya! Go away--all

of you!

-rra4 verb suffix. used to do something. Past habituative. Yarra-laju nyarra. We used to go there. Category: Time.

-rrany suffix. through. Yanurranypa. He went through it (e.g., the gate). Manurranypa. He picked it up as he

went past. Yungurranypa-ra. He gave it to her as he passed her. Category: Direction and Location. Gram: Attaches to verb after the inflectional suffix.

-rri~ derivational suffix. 1 • become something.

2 • get something. Verbalising suffix. nintirringu to learn about something (ninti knowledge).

kunyalarringu to go to sleep (kunyala sleep). pilkirringu to get rotten (pilku rotten). pukurlarringu

to become happy (pukurlpa happy). Gram: Attaches to a nominal ending in a vowel. Gram: Another suffix

with the same meaning: -arri (used after a nominal ending in a consonant)

-rta1 noun suffix. 1 • at. maparnta at the maparn (doctor).

2 • in.

3 • on. tikirlta on the dry one. Category: Direction and Location. Gram: Some speakers use this suffix

after words ending in rl or rn. Gram: (after words ending in a vowel) Gram: (some speakers use this suffix after all words ending in a consonant; others use it after ly, ny or rr) Gram: (some speakers use this suffix after words ending in l or n)

-rta2 suffix. warning suffix. Pajalkurta! It might bite!

-rta3 suffix. emphatic suffix. Yumurta! It's really nothing! (yumu nothing). Nyunturta! You're the one!

(nyuntu you).

-rti noun suffix. particularising suffix. Mamarti! Daddy! (mama father).

-rtin noun suffix. suffix indicating plural. nyunturtin all of you; you (plural) (nyuntu you (singular)).

nyarrartin all of those over there (nyarra there (distant)). Ngayurtinju-laju pungu. We are the ones who hit it. Category: Number and Quantity.

-rtu1 noun suffix. ergative case suffix. Maparntu pungu. The maparn (doctor) hit him. Gram: Some speakers

use this suffix after words ending in rl or rn. Gram: after words ending in a vowel) Gram: some speakers use this suffix after all words ending in a consonant; others used it after words ending in ly, ny or rr) Gram: some speakers use this suffix after words ending in l or n)

-rtu2 noun suffix. to; toward. Wanyjartu-n? Where are you going? ngurrartu to camp. Category: Direction

and Location.

-rtu3 noun suffix. emphatic suffix. Yiltartu! It's really true! (yilta truth).

-rtuka noun suffix. emphatic suffix. Yumurtuka! It's really nothing! (yumu nothing). Nyamurtuka! That's all

there is! (nyamu enough). jiirtuka a discourse connective indicating sequence.

ruka noun. late afternoon. Category: Time.

ruka-ruka noun. evening; very late afternoon. Later than ruka. Category: Time.

rulumapila verb, transitive (la class). used to roll up a swag or blanket. Category: Impact.

rulypu noun. fat animal. Category: Animals.

runngu noun. smooth surface. Category: Elements.

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runngula verb, intransitive (la class). 1 • used to smooth out something. Category: Impact, Colour Pattern and


2 • used to level ground for camp. Category: Impact.

runyu descriptor. soft. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

runyula verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to grind. Category: Impact.

2 • used to mix. Category: Impact.

runyurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to get soft. Category: Stative Verbs, Colour Pattern and Texture.

-rurru noun suffix. characterising suffix. turntururru hilly/small rises of ground. kujururru in one mob (kuju

one). Category: State.

rurrupuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to rub something off. Category: Impact.

rurru-rurrupuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to rub off lots of things. Category: Impact.

ruu noun. 1 • imagination (how something might appear). Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • examination (to see if something is OK). Nyaku-ran nyarra ruu. Yaaluwa? Look at that one to see if it is O.K. How is it? Category: Vocalising and Thought.

ruuja noun. rooster. Category: Birds.

ruulamula verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to roll an object. From: English. Category: Impact.

ruulumula verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to roll an object. Category: Impact.

Ruumanpa noun. Roman citizen. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

ruumuparni noun. no room. From: English. Category: Number and Quantity.

ruuppa noun. rope. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

ruupu noun. rope. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

ruurrpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to rub grain filled husks to obtain grain. Category: Impact, Food

Cooking and Fire.

ruutu noun. road. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

T - t

-ta noun suffix. 1 • on.

2 • in. kuranta in his ear (kuran ear). Nyumanta in Newman (Nyuman Newman).

3 • at. Category: Direction and Location. Gram: Some speakers use this suffix after words ending in l or n. Gram: (after words ending in a vowel) Gram: (some speakers use this suffix after all words ending in a

consonant; others used it after words ending in ly, ny or rr) Gram: (some speakers use this suffix after words ending in rl or rn)

taalpala verb, (la class). 1 • used to burst. Category: Impact.

2 • used to explode. Category: Impact.

taampajula verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to place a damper on the ground or table to cool after cooking. Category: Holding and Transfer, Food Cooking and Fire.

taanjirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to dance. From: English. Category: Motion.

taapari noun. spider. Category: Insects.

taarru noun. big fire. Category: Elements, Food Cooking and Fire.

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taaya noun. tyre. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

taju-taju descriptor. 1 • unsure. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • uncertain. Taju-taju-rnara jiiku wangkaku. I'm not too sure about that word. Category: Mood

and Character.

taju-tajurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become uncertain. Category: Vocalising and Thought,

Mood and Character.

takala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to climb. Category: Motion.

2 • used to get on board something. E.g. truck, car, boat, airplane. Category: Motion.

takajula verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to place an object on another. Category: Holding and Transfer.

takarnpa descriptor. 1 • skinny. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

2 • thin. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

takurljunu noun. to insert object in to a container. Category: Holding and Transfer.

takurru noun. dip in the road. Category: Elements.

tala noun. dollar. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

tali noun. sandhill. Category: Elements.

talypirrngari noun. species of lizard. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

Tamajpa noun. Thomas. Category: Names and Place Names.

tampirrpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to break a damper. Category: Impact, Food Cooking and Fire.

tangkarra descriptor. 1 • squatting position. Category: Manner and Posture.

2 • sitting on heels. Category: Manner and Posture.

tangki noun. donkey. From: English. Category: Animals.

tangkurrpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to break a blockage. E.g. the breaking of a dam. Category: Impact.

2 • used to unplug a blockage. Category: Impact.

tapayiki verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to be stuck on something. Like chewing gum. Category: Stative


tapurrja descriptor. in the hole. Category: Direction and Location.

tapurrpa noun. hole. Category: Elements.

tapurrpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to make a hole in something. Category: Impact.

2 • used to make a bore. Category: Impact.

tapurrwana descriptor. through the hole. Category: Direction and Location.

tapurryarra verb, transitive (rra class). used to make a hole in something. Wakarnu-rna tapurryanu

wartangka. I poked it and made a hole in the wood. Category: Impact.

tarl noun. bang; loud noise. Category: Sounds.

tarlka-tarlka noun. barb of spear carved into the wood. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal


tarlku noun. barb of spear tied onto the spear. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

tarlpala verb, intransitive (la class). 1 • used to explode. E.g. a stone in a fire. Category: Motion.

2 • used to blow out. E.g. a tyre. Category: Motion.

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3 • used to emerge. E.g. a goanna emerging from a hole after hibernation; a man emerging from a house. Category: Motion.

tarlparlmarta noun. 1 • gun. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

2 • rifle. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

tarl-tarlkaja noun. lots of loud bangs. Category: Sounds.

tarnamula verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to turn some object. Category: Holding and Transfer.

tarnpa noun. native cat. Category: Animals.

tarn-tarnpa noun. nape of the neck. Category: Body Parts and Products.

tarrirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to fork (of a windmill). Category: Motion.

2 • used to dry up (water supply). Category: Stative Verbs.

tarrjarnpa noun. marble tree. Category: Plants.

tarrka noun. 1 • bone. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • leg bone. Category: Body Parts and Products.

tarrkala verb, intransitive (la class). used to become skinny. Only bones--no meat left on. Category: Stative

Verbs, Size Shape and Weight.

tarrkaru noun. species of waterbird. Category: Birds.

tarrki noun. bush turkey or bustard. Category: Birds.

tarrkula verb, transitive (la class). used to stare at someone. Category: Bodily Functions.

tarruku descriptor. sacred. Category: Value, Dreaming and Ceremony.

tarrunpa noun. edible gall. From mulga tree. Category: Food Cooking and Fire, Plants.

tarrwarniwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to stab with a stick. Category: Impact.

tarta noun. 1 • heel. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • back area of a foot or shoe. Category: Body Parts and Products.

tartaljanu descriptor. from the bank of the creek. Category: Direction and Location.

tartalpa noun. 1 • side of creek. Category: Elements.

2 • bank of creek. Category: Elements.

tartapuwa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to giggle. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Sounds.

tartayulu noun. species of lizard. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

tati noun. 1 • daddy. From: English. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • father. From: English. Category: People and Kinship.

tatila verb, intransitive (la class). 1 • used to climb. Category: Motion.

2 • used to get on board something. E.g., car, truck, airplane, boat. Category: Motion.

tatijula verb, transitive (la class). used to cause an animal to climb. Category: Impact.

tatiwarrala verb, intransitive (la class). used to jump up. Category: Motion.

tawu noun. spear. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

tawulpa noun. towel. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

tawunpa noun. town. Any settlement or town with European type buildings. Category: Artefacts

Constructions and Personal Objects.

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tawunpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to sever completely. Category: Impact.

2 • used to cut off. Category: Impact.

tawun-tawunpa noun. reminder of dead relation. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, People and


tawunu noun. 1 • town. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

2 • chiefly a community of white people. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

tayimapula verb, transitive (la class). used to tie something with a rope or binding. Category: Impact.

tayimpa noun. time. Category: Time.

tayimu noun. particular time at which an event occured. Category: Time.

tayimunpa noun. diamond; diamond. Category: Elements.

Tayipitpa noun. David. Category: Names and Place Names.

-ti~ suffix. intermittent action. Periodic suffix. Tiputingu. He got down (with starts and stops). Nyinatingu.

He sat down (with starts and stops). Yankutipayi. He was going along (but with starts and stops). Gram: Attaches to verb stem.

tii noun. tea. From: English. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

tiijanpa noun. cattle station. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

tiiji noun. dish. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

tiilyjala verb, transitive (la class). used to pinch someone. Category: Impact.

tiilymala verb, intransitive (la class). cracking noise when breaking a stick. Category: Vocalising and Thought,


tiilywangka verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to make a crackling sound. Category: Vocalising and Thought,


tiinpa noun. tent. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

tiipa noun. ant hill. Category: Elements.

tiipulpa noun. table. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

tiirru noun. spark. Category: Elements.

tijilpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to beat time with boomerangs. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony,

Sounds, Impact.

tikamatula verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to undo shoes. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to take clothes off. Probably English take him out. Category: Holding and Transfer.

tikirlarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to get dry/used to dry out. Category: Stative Verbs.

tikirlmala verb, (la class). used to dry. The sun is usually the agent. Category: Stative Verbs.

tikirlpa descriptor. dry. Category: State.

tikukala verb, intransitive (la class). 1 • used to get down from something. Category: Motion.

2 • used to descend. Category: Motion.

tili noun. flame. Category: Elements, Food Cooking and Fire.

tilila verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to light a fire. Category: Impact, Food Cooking and Fire.

2 • used to ignite something. Category: Impact, Food Cooking and Fire.

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tilingara verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to be alight. Describes a fire flame or other visible light. Category: Stative Verbs, Food Cooking and Fire.

tilkirrmala verb, transitive (mala class). used to make a clicking noise. Category: Vocalising and Thought,


tilti noun. species of lizard. Varanus giganteus. Category: Reptiles and Snakes.

tilykirrmala verb, intransitive (la class). clicking or rattling noise. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Sounds,


tilykuru noun. 1 • calm weather. Category: Elements.

2 • still, no wind. Category: Elements.

tilypu noun. mother. Category: People and Kinship.

timpirirripuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to rattle boomerangs together. Category: Dreaming and

Ceremony, Sounds, Impact.

tina noun. dinner. From: Food and Cooking. Category: Elements.

tinamiti noun. tin of meat. From: English. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

Tingarri noun. sacred series of ceremonies. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Names and Place Names.

tingki descriptor. 1 • slanted. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

2 • wedge-shaped. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

3 • pinched in. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

4 • thin wedge. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

tingkila verb, transitive (la class). used to chop a wedge. E.g. in a tree, like this: >. Category: Impact.

tingku noun. dingo. Category: Animals.

tinkila verb, transitive (la class). used to surround. Category: Motion.

tinkijurra verb, transitive (rra class). 1 • used to couple. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to buckle a belt. Category: Holding and Transfer. Gram: With -nu in PAST headword.

tinyjila verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to tie two things together. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to join two things. Category: Holding and Transfer.

tipinyjarra descriptor. with a tipiny stick in place. Category: Manner and Posture.

tipinyjula verb, transitive (jula class). used to close up stomach incision. Of game after removal of intestines. Category: Impact, Food Cooking and Fire.

tipinypa noun. stick for closing stomach of game. After removal of intestines. Category: Artefacts

Constructions and Personal Objects.

tipinypuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to close up stomach incision. Of game after removal of intestines. Category: Impact, Food Cooking and Fire.

tipujula verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to put down. Category: Holding and Transfer.

tipukala verb, intransitive (la class). 1 • used to get down from something. Category: Motion.

2 • used to descend. Category: Motion.

tiputi verb, intransitive (Ø class). 1 • used to get down from something. Category: Motion.

2 • used to descend. Category: Motion.

tirnu descriptor. 1 • wadded up. Category: State.

2 • closed up. Category: State.

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tirnula verb, transitive (la class). used to wad up something. E.g. dough. Category: Impact.

tirrijula verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to cause another to descend. Category: Motion.

tirriti verb, intransitive (Ø class). 1 • used to get down from something. Category: Motion.

2 • used to descend. Category: Motion.

tirritipuwa verb, intransitive (wa class). 1 • used to tremble. Category: Motion.

2 • used to shake. Category: Motion.

tirtila verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to poke someone. Category: Impact.

2 • used to tease someone. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

tititipuwa verb, intransitive (wa class). 1 • used to shiver. Category: Bodily Functions.

2 • used to tremble. Category: Bodily Functions.

tiwa descriptor. 1 • long way. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • far away. Category: Direction and Location.

tiwily-tiwilypa noun. mudlark. Grallina cyanoleuca. Category: Birds.

-tu noun suffix. ergative case marker. Jilamantu. He did it with a gun. Gram: May follow words ending in l or n. Gram: used after words ending in a vowel Gram: some speakers use this suffix after any word ending in a consonant; others use it after words ending in ly, ny or rr Gram: some speakers use this suffix after words ending in rl or rn)

tuju noun. 1 • woman. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • wife. Depends on the relationship of the speaker to the woman being spoken about. Category: People and Kinship.

tujurrpa noun. sound of a thud. As a blow from a hitting stick. Category: Sounds.

tujurrpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to make a thudding sound. As from a blow with a hitting stick. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Sounds.

tukikala verb, intransitive (la class). 1 • used to get down from something. Category: Motion.

2 • used to descend. Category: Motion.

tukulku descriptor. 1 • good. Category: Value.

2 • proper. Tukulku nyinati! Sit down straight and proper! Category: Value.

tukunypuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to break off. Category: Impact.

tulparra noun. early summer. The growing season. Category: Time.

tumaji descriptor. too much. Category: Manner and Posture. Gram: Introduces a reason for the previous statement.

tumalpuwa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to hibernate. Category: Bodily Functions.

tungkurrka verb, intransitive (Ø class). 1 • used to tear. Category: Impact.

2 • used to rip. Used of a bag or cloth ripping with a load when it is old. Category: Impact.

tungkurrpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to yank out hair from someone. Category: Impact.

2 • used to pull hair out. Category: Impact.

tungun-tungunpa noun. encouraging words. wirla tungun-tungunpa one who speaks in a way that

makes everyone feel good-- they will say, "That's a good word!" Category: Vocalising and Thought.

tunmurlyarra verb, intransitive (rra class). used to limp along following an injury. Category: Motion, Healing

Sickness and Ailments.

tupaka noun. tobacco. From: English. Category: Plants.

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tupirrkati verb, intransitive (Ø class). 1 • used to peel off (like sores). Category: Stative Verbs.

2 • used to flake off (like sores). Category: Stative Verbs.

tupirr-tupirrpa descriptor. 1 • flaking (as skin). Category: State.

2 • peeling off (as skin). Category: State.

tupiti verb, intransitive (Ø class). 1 • used to get down from something. Category: Motion.

2 • used to descend. Category: Motion.

tupukala verb, intransitive (la class). 1 • used to get down from something. Category: Motion.

2 • used to descend. Category: Motion.

tupulyjula Variant: tupurljula. verb, transitive (jula class). used to dip something in something. Category: Impact.

tupulyjurra Variant: tupurljurra. verb, transitive (rra class). used to insert into water. Category: Holding and


tupurljurra Variant: tupulyjurra. verb, transitive (rra class). used to insert into water. Category: Holding and

Transfer. Gram: With -nu in PAST headword.

turaka noun. truck. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

turampu noun. drum for flour or fuel. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

turangkarri verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to be drunk. Category: Stative Verbs.

turayinamula verb, (la class). used to train particularly for football. Category: Stative Verbs.

turila noun. chariot or horse drawn wagon. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

turilpa noun. mine sample drill. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

turingu noun. string. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

turitpala descriptor. straight. Size and Shape and Weight.

turli-turli descriptor. 1 • twisted. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

2 • crooked. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

3 • curly (as hair). Category: Size Shape and Weight.

turlku noun. song. Lit: get a song. Yinkarnu-ya turlku. They sang a song. Turlku marra! Sing a song!

Yilarnu turlku. He sang a song. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Sounds, Vocalising and


turlku yilala verb, transitive (la class). used to sing a song. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Sounds,

Vocalising and Thought.

turlkukarra noun. song time. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Sounds, Vocalising and Thought.

turlwangka verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to snap in two. Category: Impact.

turn-turnmarta noun. species of parrot. Category: Birds.

turn-turnpa noun. young girl. Category: People and Kinship.

turntururru noun. hilly place. Category: Elements.

turrkulangkawa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to bounce off ground. E.g. a boomerang. Category: Motion.

turrku-turrku noun. lump. nyuru turrku-turrku a lump in the stomach. Category: Body Parts and

Products, Size Shape and Weight.

turrku-turrkurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to get a lump. Category: Stative Verbs.

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turru noun. bird. Generic term. Category: Birds.

tututula verb, intransitive (la class). used to make engine noise. Of a car. Category: Vocalising and Thought,


tuu descriptor. two. From: English. Category: Number and Quantity.

tuulyala verb, transitive (la class). used to wrestle with someone. Category: Impact.

tuumaya noun. store. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

tuunjula verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to bury. Category: Holding and Transfer.

tuunyiki verb, transitive (Ø class). used to cover with dirt. Category: Impact.

tuunyjula verb, transitive (jula class). used to bury something. E.g. a body, a bone. Category: Holding and


Tuupakatayi noun. Wednesday. Category: Time.

tuuri noun. story. From: English. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

tuurnngurlwangka verb, intransitive (Ø class). 1 • used to make a noise. Category: Vocalising and Thought,


2 • the noise of a boomerang after it bounces off the ground. Category: Vocalising and Thought,


tuuwa noun. store. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

tuuwamaya noun. store. Lit: store + house. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal


tuwa noun. sandhill. Category: Elements.

tuwalpa descriptor. twelve. Category: Number and Quantity.

tuwintipuu descriptor. twenty four. Category: Number and Quantity.

tuwu noun. door. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

U - u

ula verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to cry. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Sounds. Phon: This is one of the

few words recorded with an initial vowel.

umari noun. 1 • mother-in-law. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • son-in-law. Category: People and Kinship.

3 • father's sister (avoidance relationship). This is one of the few words recorded with an initial vowel. Category: People and Kinship.

upalpa descriptor. few. This is one of the few words recorded with an initial vowel. Category: Number and


W - w

-wa1 suffix. question. Interrogative suffix. Nganawa? What can it be? (ngana what). Category: Interrogatives.

-wa2 verb suffix. do something! Imperative Tense. Warniwa-rni! Throw it to me! Puwa-jananya! Kill them!

Yuwa-ra! Give it to him! Kurtiwa-ya! All of you let him go! Kawa-rnipula! You two bring it to me!

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Nyawa-ra! Look at it! Kukurriwa! Hide! Maa-pinirriwa! Run away from here! Gram: May optionally

be used following the -rri suffix.

-wa3 verb suffix. used to do something. Past habituative tense. Julyju-laju puwa mala. Long ago we used to

kill mala (a kind of wallaby). Purtu-laju parlanyarriwa. It didn't matter that we used to dislike it [school]. Category: Time.

waajamula verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to wash. Category: Impact.

waaku noun. crow. Category: Birds.

waarr-waarrpa noun. quick acting person. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

wajala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to say something. Minyirrju wajarnu. He said it with great

seriousness. Wajarnu-ju, "Kalyu nyarra ngarrini." He said to me, "There is water lying there."

Wajarnu-rnara, "Kurlu-rna mutuka yikijulkura yirrirringka." I said to him, "Later Ill park the car

on the edge of the bank." Wajarnu-rnajananya, "Nyawa! Kawajawalpa-rna wakarnu." I said to

them, "Hey! I have speared a camel!" Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to tell someone something. Wajalku-ran, "Mirta-n jikila jiinya!" Tell him, "Don't drink

that!" Wajarnu-ju wartuyikiraku-rna. He told me to lie face down. Wajarnu-rnalu, "Jila-rni

takalpayi!" I told him, "A snake has been climbing on me!" Purtu-rnara wajarnu junkuraku. In

vain I told him to leave it alone. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

wajamula verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to wash something. Category: Impact.

wajara wanala verb, transitive (la class). used to speak an extended discourse. Category: Vocalising and


wajarnu wangkangu kujupawana phrase. to speak along a different line. Essentially introducing new

theme material.

wajarnu yuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to give orders. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

wajirra noun. 1 • cousin. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • man's wife's brother. Category: People and Kinship.

3 • brother-in-law. Category: People and Kinship.

4 • woman's brother's wife. Category: People and Kinship.

wakala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to spear something. Lit: speared me. Marlu wakarnu puntulu. The

man speared the kangaroo. Jirntulu-rni wakarnu. The sun burned me. Category: Impact.

2 • used to write something. Category: Impact.

3 • used to sew something. Category: Impact.

4 • used to inject with a needle. Category: Impact.

5 • used to stab something. Category: Impact.

-wakara noun suffix. to; toward. jiiwakara along there. nyarrawakara along there (distant). karruwakara along the creek. Category: Direction and Location.

-waki noun suffix. directional suffix. jiiwaki along there. Category: Direction and Location.

wakilypirri noun. emu. Dromaius novae-hollandiae. Category: Birds.

wakura noun. upper grinding stone. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects, Food

Cooking and Fire.

wakuwarta descriptor. skillful. At throwing boomerangs. Category: Mood and Character.

wala descriptor. 1 • fast. Category: Manner and Posture.

2 • quickly. Category: Manner and Posture.

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walala verb, transitive (la class). used to ask someone to accompany a person. Walarnu. He asked him to go with him. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

walajurra verb, transitive (rra class). used to set free. Category: Holding and Transfer. Gram: With -nu in PAST


walakupilyangka verb, transitive (unclassed). turned something quickly. Category: Holding and Transfer. Gram: With -ngka in PAST headword.

walakurlukurlu descriptor. on the run. E.g. a man spearing a kangaroo while the man is on the run. Category: Manner and Posture.

walamala verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to speed up to hurry another. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

walapunaja descriptor. slow. Lit: without fastness. Category: Manner and Posture.

walarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to hurry. Category: Motion.

Wala-walangu noun. name of men's business ceremony. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Names and

Place Names.

walawarta noun. fast runner. Category: People and Kinship.

walka noun. 1 • identifying mark of a person. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture, Body Parts and


2 • decorative marks. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture, Body Parts and Products, Dreaming

and Ceremony.

3 • design. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Colour Pattern and Texture.

walkajula verb, transitive (jula class). 1 • used to paint something. Category: Impact, Colour Pattern and


2 • used to decorate something. Category: Impact, Colour Pattern and Texture.

walyja noun. 1 • oneself. Pungu-rnaju walyjalu. I hit myself--no one else did it. Category: People and


2 • self. Category: People and Kinship.

3 • person's own property. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

walyjajanu phrase. person's own fault. Lit: from oneself.

walyjajarra noun. owner. Category: People and Kinship.

walyjamala verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to make into relatives. Category: Impact.

walyjamarri noun. person's own relations; his or her own people; people from the same yinta (waterhole). Category: People and Kinship.

walyji noun. river gum. Eucalyptus sp.. Category: Plants.

walyku descriptor. bad. Category: Value.

walykula verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to do a bad thing. Category: Impact.

2 • used to ruin something. Category: Impact.

walykukaja noun. 1 • sin. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

2 • wrong doing against the laws of God. Biblical context. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

walykumarra verb, transitive (rra class). used to make bad. Category: Impact. Gram: With -nu in PAST


walykurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to get bad. Category: Stative Verbs.

2 • used to spoil. Category: Stative Verbs.

3 • used to get worse. Category: Stative Verbs.

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walykuwanpa noun. 1 • bad one. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

2 • bad person or thing. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

walypala noun. 1 • whitefellow. From: English. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • European. From: English. Category: People and Kinship.

walytaki noun. fox. Possibly from English "wild doggy". Category: Animals.

wama noun. 1 • nectar. From wild flowers. Category: Plants.

2 • tobacco. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

3 • alcoholic drinks. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

wamajanu descriptor. from drinking alcohol. Category: State.

wamapayi noun. person addicted to alcohol. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

wamparla noun. stranger. Category: People and Kinship.

wamparu noun. one who persists under hard circumstances, against bogging fire flood water etc. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

wampipuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to make a sign. Nyaku-n wampipungunyja parna yarrpa. You

will see where the wild potato is from the way the ground is split. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

wampurnpa noun. container. E.g. billycan; a Southern word. Category: Artefacts Constructions and

Personal Objects.

wamumpu noun. large ground of people. Category: People and Kinship.

wamurla noun. species of edible plant. Solanum divesiflorum. Category: Plants.

wana noun. digging stick. Jawarnu pirti wanakurlulu. She dug the hole with a digging stick. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

wanala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to follow something. Wanarnu-lajujananya. We followed them. Category: Motion.

2 • used to go along. Used in combination with another verb. Ngarrijunku-njananya wanalku. You

will place them all along the ground. Jawara-n wanalku. You will dig about there at that spot. Category: Motion.

-wana noun suffix. along. karruwana along the creek. tapurrwana along the hole. purnuwana along the

thicket. yiwarrawana along the path. Category: Direction and Location.

wanajarra noun. woman. Lit: digging stick possessing. Category: People and Kinship.

wanalpa noun. root. Category: Plants.

wangalju yungkala verb, (la class). used to blow. Used of the wind blowing with force. Category: Impact.

wangalpa noun. wind. Category: Elements.

wanganypa descriptor. 1 • pretty (of a person). Category: Value.

2 • attractive (of a person). Category: Value.

wangka verb, intransitive (Ø class). 1 • used to talk to someone. Wangkapayi-rnalu murtilyangka. I was

talking to the little boy. Yaalypa wangkani. He is whispering. Category: Vocalising and Thought. Gram: Object is marked with locative suffix.

2 • used to want someone. Lit: they are talking for you. Wangkani-ngkuya. They want you. Category: Vocalising and Thought. Gram: Object of request is marked with dative case.

wangka noun. 1 • speech. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • language. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

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3 • story. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

4 • word. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

-wangka~ derivational suffix. verbalising suffix. turlwangkangu to make a snapping sound.

yarrwangkangu to make a ripping sound.

wangka kanyila verb, (la class). used to keep one's word. From: English. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

wangka nguunypuwa verb, (wa class). used to talk constantly. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

wangka nyini verb, (Ø class). used to be a law or command which is current. Category: Dreaming and

Ceremony, Vocalising and Thought.

wangka puwa verb, (wa class). 1 • used to make a statement. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to take a decision. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

wangka wajara wanala verb, transitive (mula class). used to read something. Lit: words saying going along. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

wangka yiltarri verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to be fulfilled. Category: Stative Verbs.

wangkakarra noun. a talk; meeting. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Vocalising and Thought, People

and Kinship. See: yarnnga.

wangkakurlu noun. child who has learned to speak. Lit: word possessing. Category: People and Kinship.

wangkaninti noun. disciples. Biblical context. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, People and Kinship.

wangkanintikaja noun. disciples. Biblical context. Category: People and Kinship, Dreaming and


wangkanypuwa verb, (wa class). 1 • used to converse. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • talk among themselves. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

wangkapinti noun. friend to talk to. Category: People and Kinship.

wangkapunaja descriptor. speechless. Category: Mood and Character.

wangkapurluka noun. 1 • disciple. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, People and Kinship.

2 • messenger. Category: Vocalising and Thought, People and Kinship.

2 • Jesus' disciples. Biblical context. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, People and Kinship.

wangkaramunu descriptor. speechless. Category: Mood and Character.

wangkarninti noun. one who knows words. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

wangkawiyaju juma noun. person who talks big but does not do anything. Category: People and Kinship,

Mood and Character.

wangkaya verb, (Ø+wa class). used to teach or give a discourse. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

Wangkaya pungkuni phrase. They are making arrangements for some activity. Lit: they are hitting words.

wangkujula verb, transitive (jula class). used to heat something in fire. E.g. spear or boomerang for bending or

meat for grilling. Kampalku-n kuka warungka, wangkujulku. You should cook meat on the fire,

grilling it. Category: Impact.

wangkulyi noun. digging dish. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

wangkurna noun. crow. Category: Birds.

wangurlpa noun. crafty person. Too clever to be caught. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and


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wangurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to act cleverly. Too clever to be hit. Category: Vocalising

and Thought, Mood and Character.

2 • used to get crafty. Too clever to be hit. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

wanirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to be moonless. A night with no moonlight at all. Category: Stative


wanka descriptor. 1 • alive. Category: State.

2 • well. Category: State, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

3 • raw. Category: State.

wankala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to heal someone. Category: Healing Sickness and Ailments,


2 • used to make someone alive. Category: Healing Sickness and Ailments, Impact.

3 • used to make someone well. Category: Healing Sickness and Ailments, Impact.

wankamala verb, transitive (rra/la class). 1 • used to make alive. Category: Impact, Healing Sickness and


2 • used to heal. Category: Impact, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

3 • used to save. Category: Impact, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

4 • used to save from sin. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Dreaming and Ceremony.

wankanyjanmarta noun. person who is almost well. Category: People and Kinship, Healing Sickness

and Ailments.

wankarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to get well. Category: Stative Verbs, Healing Sickness and


wankurlpari noun. 1 • rough hill country. Category: Elements.

2 • breakaway country. Category: Elements.

wanpa descriptor. one. Category: Number and Quantity.

wanpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to yandy something. Category: Holding and Transfer.

wantajarra noun. winter. Category: Time.

wantapuru noun. winter. Category: Time.

wanti verb, (Ø class). 1 • used to leave. Category: Motion.

2 • used to avoid touching. Category: Impact.

wanti noun. 1 • woman. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • girl. Category: People and Kinship.

wantipayi noun. man who is always chasing girls. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

wanyja interrogative. 1 • where. Wanyjakarti-n yankuni? Where are you going? Wanyjartu? Where is he

going? Category: Interrogatives.

2 • which. Wanyjajara? Which one of those two? Category: Interrogatives.

wanyjalarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to happen. Karu wanyjalarringu? Well, what did he do then? Category: Stative Verbs.

wanyjalmala verb, (rra/la class). what did he/she do? Category: Impact.

wanyjalpa 1 • interjection. greeting. Wanyjalpapan? How are you? Category: Interjections.

2 • interrogative. what's up? Karu wanyjalpa? Well, what's up? Category: Interrogatives.

wanyu descriptor. slow. Wanyu yankupayi. He was going along slowly. Category: Manner and Posture.

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wanyula verb, transitive (la class). used to slow someone down. Category: Impact.

Wanyumarta! phrase. Slow down!

wanyurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to get slower. Category: Motion.

wapaju descriptor. sick all over. Category: State, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

wapila verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to sic a dog on game. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to hunt with dogs. Category: Motion.

wapira noun. hunting; a hunt. Category: Motion.

wapirripirri descriptor. right through. E.g. a spear going right through a person's leg. Category: Manner and


wapuju noun. uncle. Category: People and Kinship.

wapujurra noun. uncle and his nephew. Category: People and Kinship.

wapukarlpa noun. 1 • collision. As two people running into each other. Category: Impact.

2 • Impact and Violence.

waputirr-waputirrpa descriptor. spotted. "A good colour". Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

wara noun. clothes. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

-wara verb suffix. was doing something. Past continuous tense. Wangkawara. He was talking. Category: Time.

waranu noun. 1 • sugarbag. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

2 • lerp. A white, sweet-tasting substance on river-gum leaves produced by insects. Category: Food

Cooking and Fire.

wararri noun. 1 • clothes. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

2 • shirts. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

warati verb, transitive (Ø class). used to carry something on back of neck. E.g. game. Category: Holding and


warinykati verb, intransitive (Ø class). 1 • used to arrive. Category: Motion.

2 • used to come into camp. Category: Motion.

Wari-wari noun. name of place. Category: Names and Place Names.

warla noun. 1 • lake. Category: Elements.

2 • large claypan. Category: Elements.

warlawa vd-wa. 1 • used to break something. E.g., a bone, a car, a horse. Martulu warlangu kurlarta. The

man broke the spear. (transitive verb). Warlawa-ra! Break it for him! (transitive verb). Category: Impact.

2 • used to break. Mutuka warlangu. The car broke. (intransitive verb). Punkarnu. Tarrka warlangu. He fell and his leg broke. (intransitive verb). Category: Stative Verbs.

warlanu noun. type of boomerang. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

warlawarlangu noun. song cycle. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

warlawurru noun. eagle hawk. Category: Birds.

warli noun. small gully. Category: Elements.

warli-warlirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to roll around (on the ground). Category: Motion.

warli-warliyarra verb, intransitive (rra class). used to roll about. E.g. a horse in the sand. Category: Motion.

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warlkula verb, transitive (la class). used to worry about family. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and


warlpaju noun. rock wallaby. Category: Animals.

warlparra noun. spearthrower. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

warlpukurru descriptor. 1 • tall. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

2 • long. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

warlpukurrurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to get tall. Category: Stative Verbs, Size Shape and


2 • used to become long. Category: Stative Verbs, Size Shape and Weight.

warlpunypuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to hit on back with a switch. Something small and thin. Category: Impact.

Warlukulawu noun. name of Dreamtime man. The "fire man", appearing as a hawk. Category: Dreaming

and Ceremony, Names and Place Names.

warnapa noun. 1 • sorcerer. Category: People and Kinship, Dreaming and Ceremony.

2 • dangerous person. This person is called a "featherfoot". Category: People and Kinship.

warnapari noun. dingo. Canis familiaris. Category: Animals.

warniwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to throw something. Category: Holding and Transfer.

warnjila verb, transitive (la class). used to remove guts from game. Category: Impact, Food Cooking and Fire.

warnma descriptor. long way. Category: Direction and Location.

warnmala verb, transitive (la class). used to shift something a long way. Category: Holding and Transfer.

warnmalypuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to pen up a bundle. A swag or a coth bundle. Category: Impact.

Warnmanpa noun. dialect name. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Names and Place Names.

warnmarla noun. 1 • revenge party. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • army. Category: People and Kinship.

3 • large number of men. Category: People and Kinship.

warnnga noun. back of body. Category: Body Parts and Products.

warnngi noun. wrong mate. Couple living together although they are not "straight" according to the kinship

system. Warnngi-pula yanu. The couple who are not straight left. Category: People and Kinship, Dreaming and Ceremony.

warnngila verb, transitive (la class). used to take a girl for sexual reasons who has not been given to you. Category: Holding and Transfer.

warnparnparlarla noun. crested bellbird. Category: Birds.

warntikala verb, intransitive (la class). 1 • used to start going. Category: Motion.

2 • used to come out. Category: Motion.

3 • used to move toward something. Category: Motion.

warntipuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to throw something forcefully to the ground. Category: Holding

and Transfer.

warntitiwa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to start going (with starts and stops). Category: Motion.

warntu noun. 1 • blanket. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

2 • swag. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

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warnurra noun. spear wound in leg. Could be only half way in. Category: Body Parts and Products, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

warrarnpa noun. country. Category: Elements.

warrarnpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to scrape the ground. With a shovel, tractor, etc. Category: Impact.

warrinyji noun. young man. Category: People and Kinship.

warrinyji-warrinyji noun. mob of young men. Category: People and Kinship.

warrkam Variant: warrkamu. noun. worker. Category: People and Kinship.

warrkamu Variant: warrkam. noun. work. From: English. Category: Impact.

warrkamunu noun. to work. From: English. Category: Impact.

warrkamurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to work. From: English. Category: Impact.

warrkila verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to scold someone. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to growl someone. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

warrkulyarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to get sweaty. Category: Stative Verbs.

2 • used to get misty. Category: Stative Verbs.

warrkulypa noun. 1 • sweat. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • misty. Category: Elements.

warrmala noun. 1 • stranger. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • the other mob (from the south). Category: People and Kinship.

warrmalypuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to untie bush sandles and take them off. Category: Holding

and Transfer.

2 • used to take off clothing. Category: Holding and Transfer.

warrparn-warrparnpa descriptor. 1 • defiant. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • proud stance. "A smarty way". Category: Mood and Character.

warrpula verb, transitive (la class). used to pluck fruit. Category: Impact, Food Cooking and Fire.

warrula verb, transitive (la class). used to scrape grain into heaps. Category: Impact, Food Cooking and Fire.

Warrukurnti noun. Milky Way. Category: Names and Place Names.

warta noun. 1 • tree. Generic term. Category: Plants.

2 • stick. Wartawintilu pungu. He hit it with a stick. Category: Plants.

-warta noun suffix. characterising suffix. majuwarta a big thing. juriwarta sweet/harmonious/smooth

lines/nice/pretty. Category: State.

wartajanu wangka 1 • noun. an idea which is borrowed. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • descriptor. not original. Category: Value.

wartakaja noun. 1 • belongings. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

2 • things. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

3 • number of objects from European source with unknown names. Category: Artefacts

Constructions and Personal Objects.

wartapuru noun. among the trees. Category: Direction and Location.

wartarlarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to look the other way. Category: Bodily Functions.

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wartarlpa descriptor. looking in opposite direction. Wartarlju nyakuni. He is looking in the other direction--not at me. Category: Manner and Posture.

wartayuru phrase. like a tree. Means a person won't do anything for another.

wartilpa noun. 1 • a hunt. Category: Motion.

2 • hunting. Category: Motion.

wartula verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to stretch onself. Category: Motion.

2 • used to bend to straighten. E.g. a boomerang from the fire. Category: Impact.

wartujula verb, transitive (jula class). used to put something down on its belly. Category: Holding and


wartungara verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to lie down on belly. Category: Motion.

Warturarra noun. name of place. Category: Names and Place Names.

wartuyiki verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to lay face down. Category: Stative Verbs, Manner and Posture.

waru noun. 1 • fire. Category: Elements, Food Cooking and Fire.

2 • firewood. Category: Elements, Food Cooking and Fire.

warujanu descriptor. from the fire. Category: Direction and Location.

warukurru noun. place with lots of firewood. Category: Elements, Food Cooking and Fire.

warurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to get hot/used to get a temperature. Category: Stative Verbs.

watala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to beat someone (of speed). Category: Impact.

2 • used to leave someone behind (of speed). Category: Impact.

watajula verb, transitive (jula class). used to recklessly place something. Put it "anyway"; put it temporarily. Category: Holding and Transfer.

watanypa noun. 1 • waiting around. Category: Manner and Posture.

2 • killing time. Category: Manner and Posture.

3 • occupying oneself until something happens. Category: Manner and Posture.

watapirti noun. personal concern. Watapirti ngapila! Its up to you to do something! Category: Vocalising

and Thought.

watarrku descriptor. accidently. Watarrkulu pungu. He hit him accidentally. Category: Manner and Posture.

wati- prefix. 1 • motion across. wati-yanu to go across something. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • movement to one side. Prefixes to verbs. wati-punkarnu to fall to one side. wati-junu to put something to one side. Category: Direction and Location.

-wati noun suffix. 1 • across. ngaawati across here.

2 • beside. karruwati beside the creek. ngayuwati beside me. Category: Direction and Location.

watijula verb, transitive (jula class). 1 • used to track someone or something. Category: Motion.

2 • used to search for a track. Watijulku-ran jinaku. You will search for a track. Category: Motion.

wati-pirra-pirra descriptor. all in a row. Category: Manner and Posture.

waya noun. wire. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

wayarurru descriptor. hands behind back. Category: Manner and Posture.

wayi particle. greeting. Wayiwa-n? How are you? Category: Particles.

wayila verb, intransitive (la class). 1 • used to crawl. Can refer to grazing of a kangaroo. Category: Motion.

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2 • used to flow (of creek). Category: Motion.

wayilara noun. child who can crawl. Category: People and Kinship.

wayilwanpa noun. wild ones; untamed. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

wayinpa noun. wine. From: English. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

wayinu noun. wine. From: English. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

wayipamula verb, transitive (la class). used to wipe dry or clean with a cloth etc. Category: Impact.

wayitipinti noun. scales for measuring quantities. Eg thing with weights. Category: Artefacts Constructions

and Personal Objects.

wayitwanpa noun. white coloured object. From: English. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

wayungarri noun. 1 • stranger. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • people from the north. Category: People and Kinship.

wiila verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to light a fire. Category: Impact, Food Cooking and Fire.

2 • used to ignite something. Category: Impact, Food Cooking and Fire.

wiijamula verb, transitive (la class). used to waste some valuable material. Category: Holding and Transfer.

wiijiji noun. wages. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

wiijijpa noun. wages. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

Wiiki noun. Sunday. From: English. Category: Names and Place Names.

wiilpa noun. well. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

wiilypuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to throw out liquids. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to shake off dirt from shoes. Category: Holding and Transfer.

wiingu noun. wing. Category: Body Parts and Products.

Wiiniji noun. Wednesday. Category: Time.

wiinymaya noun. windmill. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

wiippa noun. whip. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

wiipu noun. whip. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

wiirlpa noun. star. Category: Elements.

wiirnpa noun. hole. Category: Elements.

wiiti noun. 1 • wheat. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

2 • wheat fields. Category: Elements.

wiitingu noun. wedding. From: English. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

wijij mani noun. wage money. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

wikarrala verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to call another to your camp. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

wikarru noun. messenger. Category: People and Kinship.

wikarrurra verb, transitive (rra class). used to gather those who are called to a ceremony. Category: Holding

and Transfer. Gram: With -nu in PAST headword.

wikilypuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to remove. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to take something off some other object. Category: Holding and Transfer.

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wikirrpa noun. desert oak. Allocasuarina decaisneana. Category: Plants.

wilinypa noun. wind. Category: Elements.

wilirrpa noun. wrinkles (on skin). Category: Body Parts and Products.

wiltijurra verb, transitive (rra class). 1 • used to hangup. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to hang. Category: Holding and Transfer. Gram: With -nu in PAST headword.

wiltingara verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to be hanging. Category: Stative Verbs, Manner and Posture.

wiltiyiki verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to be hanging. Category: Stative Verbs, Manner and Posture.

wiltu descriptor. 1 • hard. Wiltulu puwa! Hit it hard! Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

2 • loud. Category: Sounds.

3 • stiff. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

wiltula verb, transitive (la class). used to make hard or strong. Category: Impact.

wiltumala verb, transitive (mala class). used to make something tighter. Category: Impact.

Wiltumarta! phrase. Speak louder!; Make it harder!

wilturri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become hard; used to harden. Category: Stative Verbs, Colour

Pattern and Texture.

wilyja noun. 1 • shade. Category: Elements.

2 • shade shelter. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

wilyji-wilyji descriptor. 1 • painful. Category: Healing Sickness and Ailments, State.

2 • sore. Category: Healing Sickness and Ailments, State.

wilyji-wilyjirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to get sore; used to become painful. Category: Stative

Verbs, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

wilyki noun. seed. Generic term. Category: Plants. See: janikurtinypa; jartarrpuka; mungkilypa.

wilykinngalku noun. pussy-cat. Category: Animals.

wilykumala verb, transitive (mala class). used to sing a magic love song. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

winamurri verb, transitive (Ø class). used to win a race or contest. Category: Impact.

winarri verb, transitive (Ø class). 1 • used to win an event. Category: Impact.

2 • used to beat another at an argument. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

wingka descriptor. curled up (of hat). Category: Size Shape and Weight.

wingkawinti descriptor. with a hat curled up on the edges. Category: State.

wingkurnpa descriptor. lying on side. Category: Manner and Posture.

winila verb, transitive (la class). used to lead someone. Category: Motion.

winijarra descriptor. arm in arm. Category: Manner and Posture.

winmilpa noun. windmill. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

winta noun. window. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

wintamarra noun. mulga tree. Acacia aneura. Category: Plants.

winta-winta noun. decoration for a ceremony. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

-winti noun suffix. 1 • with. Yilarnu mutuka mirrilyiwintilu. He pulled the car with a rope.

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2 • having. Comitative suffix.

winyirirripuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to give off a smell. E.g. the scent of a person or a camel. Category: Stative Verbs.

winyjurru noun. murderer. Category: People and Kinship.

winymirala verb, transitive (la class). used to stretch something out. Like a rope. Category: Impact.

winypurala verb, intransitive (la class). used to whistle. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Sounds.

winy-winypa noun. wedgetail hawk. Category: Birds.

wipu noun. tail. Category: Body Parts and Products.

wipu-wipu noun. tadpole. Category: Aquatic Creatures.

wira noun. white clay. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Elements, Colour Pattern and Texture.

wirla 1 • noun. stomach. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • noun. rounded surface. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

3 • descriptor. full (of quantity). Category: Number and Quantity.

4 • descriptor. feelings. Category: Mood and Character.

5 • descriptor. upset. Lit: pimply stomach. Category: Mood and Character.

wirla kamparr-kamparrpa descriptor. feeling that something is about to happen. Category: Mood and


wirla karalyanu descriptor. broken heart; sadness. Category: Mood and Character.

Wirla ngarrinpa phrase. The creek is full of water.

wirla ngarrurta noun. one who feels strong and energetic after eating food. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

wirla nguntu noun. a cough. Category: Body Parts and Products, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

See: kinilypuwa.

wirla tikirlpa descriptor. empty feeling; feelings have dried up. Category: Mood and Character.

wirla walyku descriptor. 1 • sad. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • in mourning. Category: Mood and Character.

wirla walyku noun. 1 • grief.

2 • sadness. Category: Mood and Character.

wirla walykurringu phrase. loved greatly???

wirla yalta-yalta descriptor. calm and peaceful. Lit: cool stomach. Category: Mood and Character.

wirlarra noun. moon. Category: Elements.

wirlarrapunaja noun. 1 • moonless. As a moonless night. Lit: moonless.

2 • darkness. Category: Elements.

wirlarri verb, transitive (Ø+wa class). used to fill up. As a soak. Kalyjarnu-lu. It filled it up. Category: Stative

Verbs, Number and Quantity.

wirlkarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to stretch out legs. Category: Motion.

wirlkurru noun. horn. Category: Body Parts and Products.

Wirlurna noun. name of place. Community south of Jigalong. Category: Names and Place Names.

wirna descriptor. wet. Category: State.

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wirni noun. wooden dish. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

wirnka noun. louse. Category: Insects.

wirrili descriptor. 1 • long way. Category: Direction and Location.

2 • far away. Category: Direction and Location.

wirrilirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to get far away. Category: Motion.

wirrilyi descriptor. 1 • angry. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • wild. Category: Mood and Character.

wirrilyirra verb, transitive (rra class). used to make angry. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and

Character. Gram: With -nu in PAST headword.

wirrilyimala verb, transitive (la class). used to cause to be angry. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood

and Character.

wirrilyipayi noun. person who is often angry. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

wirrilyirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to get angry. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and

Character. Gram: With -ngu in PAST subentry.

wirrilyirri verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to become angry. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and


wirrirli descriptor. long distance. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

wirrirlimala verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to cause to go a long way off. Category: Motion.

wirrjala verb, intransitive (la class). 1 • used to run. Category: Motion.

2 • used to hurry. Category: Motion.

wirrkala verb, transitive (la class). used to cut something. Category: Impact.

wirrki-wirrki noun. 1 • decorative chest bands. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Artefacts

Constructions and Personal Objects.

2 • something across shoulder. E.g. a shoulder bag. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal


wirrupuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to throw something. Category: Holding and Transfer.

wirrurru descriptor. 1 • fast. Category: Manner and Posture.

2 • quickly. Category: Manner and Posture.

wirru-wirrupuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to throw down. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to throw out. Used of many people throwing objects out together. Category: Holding and


wirta noun. dog. Category: Animals.

wirtula verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to send someone. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to command a person to some action. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

wiru noun. bird. Category: Birds.

witala verb, transitive (la class). used to pluck fruit (from tree). Category: Impact, Food Cooking and Fire.

witula verb, intransitive (la class). used to call someone to beckon him over. Witula jurntala! Call him and

bring him over! Category: Vocalising and Thought, Sounds.

wituka particle. 1 • also. Category: Particles.

2 • again. Maa-pinirrinyjangka-rnalu wanarnu wituka. When it ran away, I followed it again. Category: Particles.

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witurrpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to knot. Category: Impact.

2 • used to tighten a fastening. Category: Impact.

wiya particle. 1 • no. Category: Particles.

2 • nothing. Category: Particles.

wiyala verb, transitive (la class). used to finish something up. Category: Impact.

wiyajula verb, (rra/la class). used to say no. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

wiyamala verb, (rra/la class). 1 • used to say no. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to negate. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

wiyarri1 verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to become nothing. Category: Stative Verbs.

2 • used to finish. Category: Stative Verbs.

3 • used to die. Category: Stative Verbs.

wiyarri2 verb, intransitive (Ø class). 1 • used to be finished. Category: Stative Verbs.

2 • used to become nothing. Category: Stative Verbs.

-wiyayiju noun suffix. only. Selective suffix. Mirta ngayuluwiyayiju. Not only me (there were other's who

did something, too). Category: Number and Quantity.

Wiyurrpa palyjalyarringu phrase. His spirit became weak.

wuju descriptor. narrow. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

wujul-wujulpa descriptor. really narrow. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

wujurnu descriptor. 1 • narrow. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

2 • restricted. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

wuku noun. tortoise. Category: Aquatic Creatures.

wukurlu noun. stranger. Category: People and Kinship.

wula verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to cry. Category: Bodily Functions, Sounds.

wulikaja descriptor. 1 • all. Category: Number and Quantity.

2 • complete number. Category: Number and Quantity.

3 • all together. From: English. Category: Manner and Posture.

wulkurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to be careful. Category: Stative Verbs, Manner and Posture.

wulpipulpa noun. 1 • old people. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • former generation who have died. Category: People and Kinship.

wulu particle. 1 • always. Category: Particles.

2 • for keeps. Category: Particles.

3 • continually. Wululu puwa! Keep on hitting him! Category: Particles.

wulu yarra verb, intransitive (rra class). used to go altogether without any intention of returning. Category: Motion. Gram: With -nu in PAST headword.

wulurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to be continual. Category: Stative Verbs.

2 • emphasising the duration of an action. Category: Stative Verbs.

wulykula verb, transitive (la class). used to pull up a small bush or plant. Category: Holding and Transfer.

wuly-wulyarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to get a cramp. Category: Bodily Functions.

wuly-wulypa noun. cramp. Category: Body Parts and Products, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

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wumala verb, (la class). used to gather together. Category: Holding and Transfer.

wumari noun. 1 • mother-in-law. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • son-in-law. Category: People and Kinship.

3 • father's sister (avoidance relationship). Category: People and Kinship.

wumu noun. heap. Category: Elements.

wumula verb, transitive (la class). used to heap something up. Category: Holding and Transfer.

wumungka noun. 1 • big mob. Pakarnu-ya martukaja japalpa. A large mob of people arrived for the

meeting. Category: People and Kinship, Number and Quantity.

2 • group of people. Category: People and Kinship.

3 • meeting. Ngayumililu-rni mamalu yanu katingu japalkarti. My father came and took me to a

big law meeting. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, People and Kinship. See: yarnnga.

wumurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to assemble. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to get into a heap. Category: Holding and Transfer.

3 • used to press in closely. Category: Holding and Transfer.

wuna descriptor. go quickly or directly to a destination. Category: Manner and Posture.

wunya descriptor. 1 • flavourless. Category: Food Cooking and Fire, State.

2 • bland. Category: Food Cooking and Fire, State.

3 • bitter. Category: Food Cooking and Fire, State.

wunyarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to lose the flavour. Category: Stative Verbs.

wupalpa noun. few. Category: Number and Quantity.

wupulyarra verb, intransitive (rra class). 1 • used to be undone. Category: Stative Verbs.

2 • used to be unfastened. Category: Stative Verbs. Gram: With -nu in PAST headword.

wupulyangkawa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to come off. E.g. a tyre. Category: Motion.

wupulypuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to take something apart. Category: Impact.

2 • used to tear something down. Category: Impact.

3 • used to remove something. E.g. a tyre. Category: Holding and Transfer.

wupuna noun. key. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

wupunamula verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to open something. From: English. Category: Impact.

wupunarri verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to be opened. Category: Stative Verbs.

wupunpa descriptor. open. From: English. Category: State.

wupuntamula verb, transitive (rra/la class). 1 • used to open a cover or door. Category: Impact.

2 • used to establish a community. Category: Impact.

wupunumula verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to open. Category: Impact.

wura noun. 1 • hunting stealthily. Wura-ya majarni. They are stealthily waiting for the animals to come. Category: Motion.

2 • creeping along. Wura wayirnu. He crawled along hunting the game. Category: Motion.

3 • sneaking about. Category: Motion.

wura yarra Variant: wurayarra. verb, intransitive (rra class). used to creep along. Category: Motion. Gram: With

-nu in PAST headword.

wuramala verb, transitive (mala class). 1 • used to curse someone. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

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2 • used to work magic on someone. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

wurayarra Variant: wura yarra. verb, intransitive (rra class). used to creep up on something. Category: Motion.

wurlkala verb, intransitive (la class). used to jump. Category: Motion.

wurlku descriptor. prepared for something/someone. Suggests a warning of danger. Wurlku-laju nyinani. We

are ready for anything that happens. Category: Mood and Character.

wurlkumarta interjection. be careful!; beware! Category: Interjections.

Wurlkumarta! phrase. Be ready; Be prepared! (danger is near).

wurna noun. 1 • fur. Category: Body Parts and Products, Animals.

2 • body hair. Category: Body Parts and Products.

3 • feathers. Category: Body Parts and Products, Birds.

wurnti noun. bundle. E.g. of spears. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects, Number and


wurrkulila verb, transitive (la class). used to think about someone/something. Category: Vocalising and


wurrngangkula verb, transitive (la class). used to think about someone/something. Category: Vocalising and


wurrumpuru noun. short spear. Referred to in story of the echidna's quills. Category: Artefacts

Constructions and Personal Objects.

wurtu interrogative. 1 • interrogative word. Category: Interrogatives.

2 • something? Category: Interrogatives.

3 • anything? Wurtu-n nyangu? Did you see anything? Category: Interrogatives.

wurtuwa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to become completely silent. "Did the action only, so he wouldn't

be heard". Category: Vocalising and Thought, Sounds.

wuru noun. 1 • mob. Wurukarti yanu. He went toward the mob. Category: People and Kinship, Number and


2 • heap. Category: Number and Quantity.

wurula verb, transitive (la class). used to gather together. Category: Holding and Transfer.

wurujula verb, transitive (jula class). used to put in a heap. E.g. food, stones. Category: Holding and Transfer.

wurumala verb, transitive (mala class). used to heap up something. Category: Holding and Transfer.

wururri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become a heap or mob; used to assemble. Category: Motion.

wuru-wuru noun. recently rain watered area. Category: Elements.

wuukarta noun. honeyants. Category: Insects.

wuulangka verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to jump from a height. Category: Motion.

wuulpa noun. wall. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

wuumpala descriptor. 1 • warm. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • warm person. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

3 • warm area. Category: Elements.

wuumurru descriptor. wrong way. Wuumurru wajarnu. He said it the wrong way. Category: Manner and


wuuna noun. sheep's wool. Category: Body Parts and Products.

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wuungku noun. 1 • shelter. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects, Elements.

2 • wind break. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects, Elements.

wuungkujula verb, transitive (jula class). 1 • used to build a shelter. Category: Impact.

2 • used to make a wind break. Category: Impact.

wuupayinpa noun. toy boomerang. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

wuurlpala noun. old person or thing. From: English. Category: People and Kinship.

wuurr kulila verb, (la class). 1 • used to cogitate. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

2 • used to ponder. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

3 • used to continually think about a problem. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and


wuyurrpa noun. feelings. Used in a number of idioms. Category: Mood and Character.

Y - y

yarra verb, intransitive (rra class). 1 • used to go. Parra-yankupayi. He was go about. Wati-yarra! Go across

there! Purtu-laju yanu. We couldn't go. Kurranyu yarra! You go on ahead! Yanu kakuputu. He

went for good. Pakala yarra! Get up and go! Category: Motion.

2 • used to come. Yanku-rnanta? Will I come to where you are? Category: Motion.

-ya pronoun suffix. they (plural). Used for 'you (plural)' in imperatives or 'I' in imperatives in special

relationships. Pakarnu-ya yanu. They got up and went. Ka-ya nyurilu pungu. And they still hit

him. Yarra-ya! All of you go away!/They used to go./You go away! (one person being spoken to by

someone in a certain relationship to him/her). Yarra-rniya! All of you come here! Category: Pronouns.

-ya~ dsuff-rra. verbalising suffix. kurti-kurtiyanu to roll over and over.

yaalpamula verb, transitive (la class). used to help another. From: English. Category: Impact.

yaalu 1 • interjection. greeting. Category: Interjections.

2 • interrogative. how? Yaaluwa-n? How goes it?/How are you? Category: Interrogatives.

yaalula verb, (la class). what did he/she do? Category: Impact.

yaalupurru interrogative. what "skin" or "colour" is he? I.e., what kinship section is he in? Category: Interrogatives.

yaalurri verb, (Ø+wa class). what happened?; what did he do? Yaalurringu? What happened?/What did he do? Category: Impact.

yaalypa noun. whisper. Yaalypa-laju wangkapayi. We were whispering. Category: Vocalising and Thought,


yaanypuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to lift something up. E.g. the wind lifting something. Category: Holding and Transfer.

yaapu descriptor. half. From: English. Category: Number and Quantity.

yaapula verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to divide. Category: Impact, Number and Quantity.

2 • used to halve up. From: English. Category: Impact, Number and Quantity.

yaarli noun. early morning. Category: Time.

yaarlipala noun. early morning. Category: Time.

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yaarrangkawa verb, (wa class). used to crack. Eg the earth. Category: Motion.

yaarrpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to tear cloth. Category: Impact.

yaarryarra verb, intransitive (rra class). used to tear. Used of old cloth tearing under strain. Category: Impact. Gram: With -nu in PAST headword.

yaartu noun. 1 • yard. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

2 • paddock or fenced off area. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

yaatapala descriptor. hot. Can refer to hot things or hot season. Category: State.

yajila verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to try out something. Yajirnu-lajura. We tried it out (the water to see if

it was good). Jurrka yajirnu. He tried to dance. Category: Impact.

2 • used to taste something. Category: Bodily Functions.

3 • used to sample something. Category: Impact.

4 • used to test something. Category: Impact.

Yajikpa noun. Isaac. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

yaka noun. 1 • silence. Category: Sounds.

2 • quiet. Category: Sounds.

yakamala verb, transitive (rra/la class). 1 • used to make quiet. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Sounds.

2 • used to quieten a group. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Sounds.

yakapayi noun. quiet person. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

yakapurluka descriptor. quiet person. Who does not get involved in fights etc. Category: People and

Kinship, Mood and Character.

yakarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to get quiet. Yakarri! Be quiet! Category: Stative Verbs.

yakirri noun. headband. Signifies a man has been initiated. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Artefacts

Constructions and Personal Objects.

yaku noun. dance. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

yakurrapuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to peel something. Category: Holding and Transfer.

yakurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to dance. Category: Motion.

yakurripayi noun. dancing. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

yakurti noun. mother. Category: People and Kinship.

yalapara noun. species of goanna. Varanus giganteus. Category: Reptiles and Snakes. See: maruntu.

yali noun. 1 • hot weather. Category: Elements.

2 • summer. Category: Time.

yalijarra noun. 1 • summertime. Category: Time.

2 • hot time. Category: Time.

yalipuru noun. summertime. Category: Time.

yalta descriptor. cold. Category: State.

yaltarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become cold. Category: Stative Verbs.

yalta-yalta 1 • noun. cool; cool place. Category: Elements.

2 • descriptor. very cold. Category: State.

yalu noun. liver. Category: Body Parts and Products.

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yalyi noun. 1 • stone. Category: Elements.

2 • hill. Category: Elements.

3 • coin. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

yalyjirrpa descriptor. 1 • clever. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • bright (of a person). Category: Mood and Character.

yamarla noun. clay. Category: Elements.

-yampajara noun suffix. another one. karruyampajara another creek. Category: Number and Quantity.

yampaljurra verb, transitive (rra class). used to make a damper or loaf of bread. Category: Impact, Food

Cooking and Fire. Gram: With -nu in PAST sub entry.

yampalpa noun. 1 • damper. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

2 • loaf of bread. Category: Food Cooking and Fire. See: nyuma.

yampula verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to hug someone. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to hold in lap. Category: Holding and Transfer.

3 • used to take in arms. Category: Holding and Transfer.

yangajula verb, transitive (jula class). used to get in someone's way. Category: Motion.

yangarra descriptor. close to the speaker. Category: Direction and Location.

yangka noun. 1 • recall a previous event. Category: Time.

2 • previously referred to. Category: Time.

yangkarlpa noun. hip. Category: Body Parts and Products.

yangkayuru descriptor. like before. Category: Manner and Posture.

yangkiji noun. handkerchief. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

yangupala noun. 1 • young man. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • young woman. Category: People and Kinship.

3 • young kangaroo etc. Category: Animals.

yanimarra verb, transitive (rra class). used to fix or make something. Category: Impact. Gram: With -nu in PAST


yannga noun. 1 • visitor. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • one who has just arrived. Category: People and Kinship.

3 • person who is about to go. Category: People and Kinship.

yantarta descriptor. hundred. Category: Number and Quantity.

Yantiyukpa noun. Antioch. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

Yanturu noun. Andrew. Category: Names and Place Names.

yapalypuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to put a glob of something on something. E.g., grease on a

boomerang. Category: Impact.

yapanpa noun. hot cooking stones. Inserted inside an animal for faster cooking. Category: Food Cooking

and Fire.

yapanypa noun. relationship term referring to a child. Category: People and Kinship.

yaparli noun. grandmother. Category: People and Kinship.

yapipala descriptor. heavy. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

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yapu noun. 1 • stone. Category: Elements.

2 • hill. Category: Elements.

yapulyukurru noun. 1 • rocky place.

2 • rocky ground. Category: Elements.

yapupurluka noun. person who knows the value of rocks and minerals. Category: People and Kinship.

Yapura-yapura noun. 1 • ceremonial language name. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Names and

Place Names.

2 • avoidance speech. yapura-yapura wangka avoidance speech. Category: Dreaming and

Ceremony, Vocalising and Thought, Names and Place Names.

yapurra descriptor. west. Category: Direction and Location.

yapurrakarta noun. wind or smoke from the west. Category: Elements.

yapurrapuri noun. early morning. About 8 a.m. Category: Time.

yapurrkura descriptor. toward the west. Category: Direction and Location.

yapurrpa descriptor. west. Category: Direction and Location.

yapuwija noun. species of kangaroo. Category: Animals.

yararri noun. warm, sunny spot. Yararringka ngarrini. He is lying in a warm, sunny spot. Category: Elements.

yarlala verb, transitive (la class). used to pick up seed by cupping hands. Category: Holding and Transfer.

yarlawara noun. huge boulder. Category: Elements.

yarlila verb, transitive (la class). used to lift the edge of something. E.g. a blanket or paper. Category: Impact.

yarlka noun. heat of the sun. Yarlkangka nyininpa. He is sitting out in the hot sun. Category: Elements.

yarlkajula verb, transitive (jula class). used to put something in the sun in order to dry it out. Category: Holding

and Transfer.

Yarlkupajinya noun. name of place. Category: Names and Place Names.

yarlpamula verb, transitive (la class). used to help another. Category: Impact.

yarlpirri wangka verb, (Ø class). used to broadcast. Used of a person shouting a grievance when people are

waking. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

yarlpu noun. 1 • age-mate. Men initiated at the same time. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • twin. Category: People and Kinship.

yarlpururra noun. two age-mates. Category: People and Kinship.

yarlpururran noun. all of the age-mates. Category: People and Kinship.

yarltiwa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to call out. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Sounds.

yarnangu noun. body. Category: Body Parts and Products.

yarnma noun. soreness. Category: Body Parts and Products, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

yarnnga descriptor. 1 • many. Category: Number and Quantity.

2 • all. Category: Number and Quantity.

3 • plenty. Category: Number and Quantity. See: wangkakarra; wumungka; japalpa.

yarnngakuyarra descriptor. the whole lot. Category: Number and Quantity.

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yarnngarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become plenty; used to increase in quantity. Category: Stative Verbs, Number and Quantity.

yarnngartuka descriptor. the lot; a big mob. Category: Number and Quantity.

yarntinarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become dried up. Category: Stative Verbs.

yarrala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to repeat an action. Yarrala wajala! Say it again! Category: Impact.

2 • used to do something again. Category: Impact.

yarralypuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to untie. Category: Impact.

yarrangkawa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to crack. E.g. the earth. Category: Stative Verbs.

yarrju descriptor. upset. Category: Mood and Character.

yarrjurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to get upset. E.g. if someone doesn't share something with

someone. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Mood and Character.

yarrkawa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to tear. Category: Impact.

yarrkalpa noun. hunting trip. Category: Motion.

yarrkatiwa verb, intransitive (wa class). 1 • used to crack. E.g. the ground where mata is growing. Category: Motion.

2 • used to split. E.g. the ground. Category: Motion.

3 • used to rip. Category: Motion.

yarrpa noun. 1 • a tear. Category: State.

2 • a rip. Category: State.

yarrpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). 1 • used to tear something. Category: Impact.

2 • used to rip something. Category: Impact.

yarruwa noun. 1 • spouse. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • husband. Usage depends on relationship of speaker. Category: People and Kinship.

3 • wife. Usage depends of relationship of speaker. Category: People and Kinship.

yarrwangka verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to make a ripping sound. Category: Vocalising and Thought,


yartajirri noun. relationship term (jamurarra talk). Category: People and Kinship.

yaru descriptor. 1 • more softly. Category: Manner and Posture.

2 • quieter. Yaru wangka! Talk quieter! Category: Manner and Posture.

3 • less than before. Category: Manner and Posture.

yarula verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to soften something. E.g. the sound of a radio. Category: Impact,

Colour Pattern and Texture.

2 • used to lessen something. E.g. the speed a person is going. Category: Impact.

yarunyarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to go around and return. E.g. a boomerang. Category: Motion.

yarurnpa descriptor. shallow. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

yarurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to slow down. Category: Stative Verbs, Manner and Posture.

2 • used to become less than before. Category: Stative Verbs, Manner and Posture.

yaruwu noun. arrow. From: English. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

yata noun. shield. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

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yatarnmala verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to cause to be quiet. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Sounds.

yatarnpa descriptor. 1 • calm (weather). Category: State.

2 • windless (weather). Category: State.

yatilykata noun. elders. Category: People and Kinship.

yatilypa noun. 1 • elder. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • important person. Category: People and Kinship.

yatu noun. short person. Category: People and Kinship.

yatula verb, transitive (la class). used to chop something. Category: Impact.

yawalyurru noun. species of berry. Canthium latifolium. Category: Plants.

yawanyja noun. straight relationship. Category: People and Kinship.

yawarta noun. horse. Category: Animals.

yawiyi noun. one who is sorry or pitying. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

yawula verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to take a handful. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to scoop up something. Category: Holding and Transfer.

yawujayiti Variant: yawujayitu. descriptor. outside. From: English. Category: Direction and Location.

yawujayitu Variant: yawujayiti. descriptor. outside. Category: Direction and Location.

yawumani interrogative. how many. Category: Interrogatives.

Yayijaya noun. Isaiah. Category: Names and Place Names.

yayilurrupuwa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to call out ceremonially. Category: Vocalising and Thought,

Dreaming and Ceremony, Sounds.

yayinpa noun. iron. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

yiija noun. years. From: English. Category: Time.

yiilpurrjala verb, transitive (jala class). used to sip water. From edge of lake or creek. Category: Bodily

Functions, Food Cooking and Fire.

yiilurru noun. bird. Category: Birds.

yiilyjula verb, transitive (jula class). 1 • used to count something. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Number

and Quantity.

2 • used to list something. E.g. a person's children. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

yiipi particle. if. From: English. Category: Particles.

yiiya noun. 1 • year. Category: Time.

2 • used as part of an age number. From: English. Category: Time.

-yija noun suffix. suffix indicating inhabitant. Lit: hill inhabitant. purliyija hill kangaroo. parlkarrayija plains kangaroo.

Yijippa noun. Egypt. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

Yijurilpa noun. Israel. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

yikara noun. hot coals. Category: Elements, Food Cooking and Fire.

yikarra particle. you've got to. From: English 'you have got to'. Category: Particles.

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yikarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to laugh. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Sounds.

yikarrirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to laugh. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Sounds.

yiki verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to stand up. Category: Motion.

-yiki~ derivational suffix. verbalising suffix. parntiyikingu to smell (intransitive verb).

yikijula verb, transitive (jula class). used to stand something upright. Category: Holding and Transfer.

yiki-yiki verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to stand up as a group. The whole lot stands. Category: Motion.

-yiku noun suffix. like. Similative suffix. yapuyiku like a stone. walyjayiku like its own self. Category: Manner and Posture.

yikulpa noun. eagle. Category: Birds.

yikurntala verb, transitive (la class). used to recognise someone. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

yilala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to drag something. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to pull something out. Category: Holding and Transfer.

-yila suffix. then. Connective suffix. Kayila-laju karru wanarnu Kartaparlirtu. And then we followed the

creek to Kartaparli hill. Category: Time. Gram: Usually follows ka-.

-yilampa suffix. then. Connective suffix. Category: Time. Gram: Often follows palunyangka-.

-yilapa suffix. then. Connective suffix. Category: Time.

Yilayija noun. Elijah. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

yilijula verb, intransitive (rra/la class). 1 • used to point with the fingers. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to indicate with a hand gesture. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

yilikuru noun. 1 • juice from meat. Category: Food Cooking and Fire, Body Parts and Products.

2 • gravy. Karrkartangka-la jarlajunkuni. We are dipping it into the gravy/meat juice. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

yilipi noun. axe. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

yiliti descriptor. in a line. Category: Manner and Posture.

yilkari noun. sky. Category: Elements.

yilpijula verb, transitive (rra/la class). 1 • used to buckle up. Category: Impact.

2 • used to tie up. Category: Impact.

yilta descriptor. 1 • true. Category: Value.

2 • truth. Category: Value.

Yiltakaja? phrase. Is it really true?

yiltaminyirri descriptor. really true. Category: Value.

yiltanyju noun. truthful person. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

yiltapayi noun. 1 • person who is truthful. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

2 • person who can be trusted. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

yiltartu interjection. truly. Category: Interjections.

yiltayuru descriptor. like the real thing. Category: Manner and Posture.

yilyu descriptor. parent is yilyu when a son or daughter dies. Category: State, People and Kinship.

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yilyurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become sonless or daughterless. Used of a parent who has lost a son or daughter. Category: Stative Verbs.

yimiri noun. rib. Category: Body Parts and Products.

yimiyu noun. emu. From: English. Category: Birds.

yimiyuka noun. emu. From: English. Category: Birds.

yimpila verb, transitive (la class). used to talk about someone. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

yinala verb, transitive (la class). used to pick fruit. E.g. pura or wama. Category: Impact, Food Cooking and


yinalkatingu verb, transitive (unclassed). picked as a person went along. Category: Holding and Transfer. Gram: With -ngu in PAST sub entry.

yinara noun. relationship term. A relationship between those of the Karimarra/Milangka kinship sections and

those of the Panaka/Purungu sections. Category: People and Kinship.

Yingkiliji noun. English. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

yini noun. name. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

yinijula verb, transitive (jula class). 1 • used to name someone. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to say someone's name. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

yinini noun. 1 • wife. Usage depends on relationship between the speaker and the person addressed. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • husband. Usage depends on relationship between the speaker and the person addressed. Category: People and Kinship.

yiniparni descriptor. without a name. Category: State.

yinjayiti descriptor. inside. Category: Direction and Location.

yinkala verb, intransitive (la class). used to sing. Wintamarrangka-laju yinkalpayi. We were singing over

under the mulga tree. Category: Vocalising and Thought, Sounds.

yinkarni noun. relationship term ("like a brother/sister relationship"). Category: People and Kinship.

yinta noun. 1 • waterhole in home country. Category: Elements.

2 • birthplace. Category: Elements.

yintala verb, transitive (la class). used to recognise. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

-yinta pronoun suffix. 1 • suffix indicating reflexive. Category: Pronouns.

2 • suffix indicating reciprocal. Category: Pronouns.

3 • to himself. Category: Pronouns.

yinti verb, intransitive (Ø class). 1 • used to drip out of something. E.g., oil from a car. Category: Motion.

2 • used to leak out of something. Category: Motion.

3 • used to pour out of something. Category: Motion.

yinti noun. spindle. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

yintila verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to pour something out. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to spill something. Category: Holding and Transfer.

yintulpa Variant: yinturlpa. descriptor. 1 • true. Category: Value.

2 • correct. Category: Value.

yinturlpa Variant: yintulpa. descriptor. straight. Palujanu wakarnu yinturlju Mamalu. Then Father speared

it straight on. Category: Manner and Posture.

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yinyala verb, transitive (la class). used to rub oil or fat into a person or instrument. Category: Impact.

yinyjanu noun. 1 • gift. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

2 • ceremonial meat gift. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony, Food Cooking and Fire.

yinyja-yinyja descriptor. head-up. ngalya yinyja-yinyja face upward. Category: Manner and Posture.

yinyurrpa noun. wrong marriage. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

yipi noun. mother. This word is not used at Jigalong at the present time because of a death of a person with a

name with similar sounds. Category: People and Kinship.

yipilypa descriptor. false. Yipilyju-n wajarnu. What you said didn't prove to be true. Category: Value.

Yipurampa noun. Abraham. Biblical context. Category: Names and Place Names.

Yipuru noun. Hebrew language. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

yiri noun. rib. Category: Body Parts and Products.

yirila verb, transitive (la class). used to whittle the shaft of a spear. Yirilku-njananya kurlartalku. You will

shave the shaft to make a spear. Category: Impact.

yirna noun. 1 • man (fully initiated). Category: People and Kinship.

2 • husband. Category: People and Kinship. Socio: This word can be used in the way the respectful term,

"sir", is used in English.

yirna jukumunu noun. big man. Lit: man not small. Category: People and Kinship.

yirnakaja noun. 1 • the elders. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • the men. Category: People and Kinship.

yirnanyjarri noun. the elders. Category: People and Kinship.

yirnaparaku noun. 1 • the elders. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • the men. Category: People and Kinship.

yirnapunaja noun. widow. Lit: without a man. Category: People and Kinship.

yirni descriptor. 1 • loose. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • generous. Yirnilu-ra yungu. Out of generosity, he gave it to him. Category: Mood and Character.

See: pamparrju.

yirninyju descriptor. 1 • very obedient or willing. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • very generous. Category: Mood and Character.

yirnipayi noun. generous person. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

yirnirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become loose. E.g., a tooth, a screw. Category: Stative Verbs.

yirni-yirni descriptor. very loose. Category: Mood and Character.

yirnku descriptor. 1 • true. Category: Value.

2 • straight. Category: Value, Size Shape and Weight.

3 • correct. Category: Value.

yirntirri noun. ramp, usually for goanna. Category: Elements.

yirra noun. 1 • teeth. Category: Body Parts and Products.

2 • mouth. Used in a number of idioms. Category: Body Parts and Products.

-yirra noun suffix. coupling suffix. marlpayirra two mates.

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yirra kalyurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to salivate. Like when eating a lemon. Yirra kalyurringu. His mouth became watery. Category: Bodily Functions.

yirra kalyurrpa noun. person who doesn't really know what they are talking about. Lit: watery mouth. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

yirra nyawa verb, intransitive (wa class). used to look upward from a lower position. Category: Bodily


yirra pajala verb, (la class). used to grind one's teeth. Can be a gesture of anger or fear. Category: Bodily


yirra pakala verb, (la class). used to reveal teeth. The clenched teeth of a person in a fit. Category: Bodily


yirrijula verb, transitive (jula class). used to sic dogs on game. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

yirrirri noun. 1 • the bank of a creek. Category: Elements.

2 • the side of a creek. Category: Elements.

yirrirrikarti descriptor. to the side; to the bank. Category: Direction and Location.

yirriti descriptor. down the rise. Category: Direction and Location.

yirritijurra verb, transitive (rra class). used to tip out liquid. Category: Holding and Transfer. Gram: With -nu in

PAST headword.

Yirrkalyilyinya noun. name of place. Ram Creek. Category: Names and Place Names.

yirrkili noun. boomerang. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

yirrpila verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to insert. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to put inside. Category: Holding and Transfer.

yirrpirnkurlu noun. 1 • person with weapons. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • soldier. Biblical context. Category: People and Kinship.

yirrpirnpa noun. group of weapons. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

yiti descriptor. side. Category: Direction and Location.

-yiti suffix. side. Kujuyiti-nta yungu. He gave it to you--but you didn't give him anything in return.

yitijula verb, transitive (jula class). used to give a drink to someone. Category: Holding and Transfer, Food

Cooking and Fire.

yitingka descriptor. away from the mob. Category: Direction and Location, People and Kinship.

yitiwana descriptor. to one side. Ngarringu-lura yitiwana. He lay off to one side--away from her. Category: Direction and Location.

yiwarra noun. 1 • road. Category: Elements.

2 • track. Category: Elements.

3 • path. Category: Elements.

yiwarrarra verb, transitive (rra class). used to make a track by going over the same course many times. Category: Motion. Gram: With -nu in PAST headword.

yiwarra kujupa wanarnu phrase. 1 • to live the wrong way.

2 • to go after other things in life beside devotion to God.

yiwarrajula verb, intransitive (rra/la class). used to go up and down a path. Category: Motion.

yiwarrawana noun. along the track. Category: Direction and Location.

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yiwilyi descriptor. satisfied. Category: Mood and Character.

yiwilyirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to get satisfied. From eating, arguing, fighting. Category: Stative


yiyala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to let someone go. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to free someone or something. Category: Holding and Transfer.

3 • used to send. Category: Holding and Transfer.

yuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to give someone something. Yuwa-ra mirrka! Give some food to him!

Yuwa-jananya jii yarnngakuyarra! Give this to all of them! Category: Holding and Transfer.

yujunypuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to cook various animals in one hole. Category: Impact, Food

Cooking and Fire.

yukartu noun. afternoon. Category: Time.

yukartuminyirri noun. really late in the afternoon. Category: Time.

yukarturri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become afternoon. Category: Stative Verbs, Time.

yukartu-yukartu noun. late afternoon. Category: Time.

yuku interjection. 1 • joy. Yuku-ju! What joy for me! (You are going to give me something!) Category: Interjections.

2 • lucky to avoid a mishap. Yuku Mama yikipayi kurlarta wakujarra! It was a good thing that Father was standing there with his spear ready to throw. Category: Interjections.

yukula verb, transitive (la class). used to break off a plant from its roots. Category: Impact.

-yuku noun suffix. like. Similative suffix. jarntuyuku like a dog. nyuntuyuku just like you. Category: Manner and Posture.

yukunpuwa verb, transitive (wa class). used to pick on someone. May suggest constant needling of someone. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

yukuri noun. green grass. Category: Plants.

yukurikurrungka noun. at a grassy place. Category: Direction and Location.

yukuriwanpa noun. green coloured thing. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

yukuri-yukuri descriptor. green. Category: Colour Pattern and Texture.

yula noun. crying person. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

yula verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to cry. Yulaku-rnalu. I will cry with her. Category: Bodily Functions,


yulajingala verb, transitive (la class). used to make cry. Euphamism for becoming a man. Category: Impact.

yulara yiki verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to stand there crying. Category: Stative Verbs, Manner and

Posture. Gram: With -ngu in PAST sub entry.

yularntala verb, transitive (la class). used to make someone cry. Category: Impact.

yulpari descriptor. south. Category: Direction and Location.

yulpurru noun. dust. Category: Elements.

yulupirti descriptor. 1 • always. Category: Time.

2 • for keeps. Category: Time.

yulyju noun. leaf. Category: Plants.

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yumala verb, transitive (la class). used to set fire to something. E.g. spinifex grass. Category: Impact, Food

Cooking and Fire.

yumari noun. 1 • mother-in-law. Avoidance relationship. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • son-in-law. Avoidance relationship. Category: People and Kinship.

3 • father's sister. Category: People and Kinship.

4 • mother's brother's wife. Category: People and Kinship.

yumpu noun. sign of a curse. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

yumu particle. 1 • nothing. Category: Particles.

2 • for no particular reason. Yumu parra-yaninpa. He is just strolling about--for no reason. Yumulu

kurtingu. For no reason he let it go. Yumu-ya! They are nothing! (i.e., they aren't what they said

they were). Category: Particles.

yumuminyirri descriptor. really nothing. Category: Number and Quantity.

yumunyjurra verb, transitive (rra class). 1 • used to make another do something. Category: Impact.

2 • used to tempt. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

3 • used to persuade another. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

4 • used to punish. Category: Impact. Gram: With -nu in PAST headword.

yumurri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to become nothing. Category: Stative Verbs.

2 • used to become unconcerned. Category: Stative Verbs.

3 • used to give up on an issue. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

4 • used to lose one's purpose. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

5 • used to stop worrying about something. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

Yumurta! phrase. It's really nothing!

Yumurtuka! phrase. It's really nothing!

yumuwanpa noun. 1 • story. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • not direct teaching. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

3 • teaching contained in a figure. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

yungkala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to throw something. E.g. a boomerang, a hitting stick. Category: Holding and Transfer.

2 • used to grind something. E.g. seeds. Category: Impact.

3 • used to spin hair (for hair string). Category: Impact.

4 • used to crank a car. Category: Impact.

5 • used to turn a windlass. Category: Impact. See: juutamula.

yungkujarra noun. kin term referring to male cousins. Category: People and Kinship.

yungkujarra noun. 1 • with a gift. Category: Dreaming and Ceremony.

2 • mainly refers to a wife who has been given by appropriate relatives. Category: People and

Kinship, Dreaming and Ceremony.

yungkuri noun. relationship term (a kind of "cousin"). Category: People and Kinship.

yungku-yungku noun. dust storm. Category: Elements. See: kurluwa.

yungunjarra noun. 1 • in the morning; with daylight. Category: Time.

2 • morning. Category: Time.

yungunkujupa noun. 1 • next morning. Category: Time.

2 • previous morning. Category: Time.

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3 • another morning. Category: Time.

yungunpa noun. 1 • morning. Category: Time.

2 • tomorrow. Category: Time.

yungunpakala verb, intransitive (la class). used to become morning. Ka-laju yanu ngarringu

yungunpakarnu. And we went and slept and morning came. Category: Stative Verbs, Time.

yungun-yungunpa noun. before daylight. Category: Time.

yunturi noun. one who is sulking. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

yupalpa descriptor. 1 • few. Ngurra-rna ngarringu yupalpa. I stayed there for a few nights. Category: Number and Quantity.

2 • some. Yupalpa-laju nyininpa. There are only a few of us here in camp. Category: Number and


yupuji noun. office. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

yupujpa noun. office. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

yupunpa descriptor. 1 • open. Category: State.

2 • open building. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects.

yupunyju noun. nighttime. Category: Time.

yuranypa noun. species of insect. An edible insects which appear after rain--a kind of termite. Category: Insects.

yurila verb, transitive (la class). used to wipe oneself. Category: Impact.

yurlirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to die. Category: Bodily Functions.

yurlparirra descriptor. south. Category: Direction and Location.

yurlta noun. 1 • rest in camp. Category: State.

2 • have a spell. Category: State.

yurltu noun. hollow. Of a tree or log. Category: Plants, Elements.

yurlu noun. shelter. Category: Artefacts Constructions and Personal Objects, Elements.

yurl-yurlpa noun. afternoon. Category: Time.

yurna 1 • noun. pus. Category: Body Parts and Products, Healing Sickness and Ailments.

2 • descriptor. rotten. Category: State.

yurninypa noun. seed. Category: Plants.

yurnmi descriptor. 1 • ripe. Category: State.

2 • cooked. Category: State, Food Cooking and Fire.

yurnmirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to get done (of food). Category: Stative Verbs.

2 • used to get ripe. Category: Stative Verbs.

yurntalpa noun. 1 • daughter. Category: People and Kinship.

2 • niece (a man's sister's daughter). Category: People and Kinship.

yurntiri descriptor. 1 • sulky. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • leaving the mob in a huff. Category: Manner and Posture, Motion.

yurntula verb, transitive (la class). used to push something. Category: Holding and Transfer.

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yurnturnu ngarajula verb, (rra/la class). used to reject what a boss is saying and want to go against him. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

yurnturrpa noun. cloud. Category: Elements.

yurnturrpuru descriptor. cloudy. Category: State.

yurra descriptor. thirsty. Category: State.

yurrala verb, transitive (la class). used to tell a story. Not often used. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

yurrarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to get thirsty. Category: Bodily Functions, Food Cooking and


yurri noun. 1 • movement. Category: Motion.

2 • motion. Category: Motion.

yurri verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to move. Category: Motion.

yurrijingala verb, transitive (la class). 1 • used to shake some object. Category: Impact.

2 • used to move something around. Category: Impact.

yurrijula verb, transitive (rra/la class). used to cause to move. Of grass hoppers moving their wings. Category: Motion.

yurriparni descriptor. motionless. Category: State.

yurriparnirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become motionless; used to be still. Category: Motion.

yurripilyala verb, transitive (la class). used to shake something. Karlkilu-ya yurripilyarnu warta. The others

shook the tree. Category: Impact.

yurri-yurri verb, intransitive (Ø class). used to shake. Used of an earthquake. Category: Motion.

yurri-yurri descriptor. lots of movement. Category: State.

yurri-yurrirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to shake. Category: Motion.

2 • used to tremble. Used of earthquakes. Category: Motion.

yurrkanpa noun. young girl. Category: People and Kinship.

yurtijula verb, transitive (jula class). used to put something up in something. E.g., hang something up in a tree

out of the reach of the dogs. Category: Holding and Transfer.

yurtu 1 • descriptor. unaware. Category: Mood and Character.

2 • descriptor. ignorant. Category: Mood and Character.

3 • noun. one who takes no notice. Category: People and Kinship, Mood and Character.

yurturri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to stop looking at something. Category: Bodily Functions.

yurtu-yurtu descriptor. 1 • taking no notice. Category: Manner and Posture.

2 • ignoring instruction. Category: Manner and Posture.

-yuru noun suffix. like. Similative suffix. marluyuru like a marlu (plains kangaroo). Category: Manner and


yuta noun. food. Category: Food Cooking and Fire.

yuti descriptor. 1 • visible. Category: State.

2 • permissible to look at. E.g., a man's "auntie" who doesn't have to be avoided. Yuti-ju. I can look at her (she isn't an avoidance relation). Category: State.

yutila verb, transitive (la class). used to make visible. Category: Impact.

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yuti nintila verb, transitive (la class). used to teach the meaning of some written word. Category: Vocalising

and Thought.

yutijula verb, transitive (jula class). 1 • used to make something visible. Category: Impact.

2 • used to reveal something. Category: Impact.

yutimala verb, (rra/la class). 1 • used to be born. Category: Bodily Functions.

2 • used to bring to birth. Category: Bodily Functions.

yutirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to become visible. Category: Stative Verbs.

2 • used to appear from hiding. Category: Motion.

3 • used to be born. Category: Stative Verbs.

4 • used to be revealed. Category: Stative Verbs.

yuu particle. yes. Category: Particles.

yuujula verb, transitive (jula class). 1 • used to say 'yes'. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to agree to something. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

yuwa particle. yes. Category: Particles.

yuwajula verb, (rra/la class). 1 • used to say 'yes'. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

2 • used to agree. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

3 • used to give permission. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

yuwayi particle. yes. Category: Particles.

yuwilyi descriptor. satisfied. Category: Mood and Character.

yuwilyirri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). used to become satisfied. From food or fighting. Wirla-rna

yuwilyirringu. My heart has become satisfied. Category: Stative Verbs.

yuwinarri verb, intransitive (Ø+wa class). 1 • used to become big. Category: Stative Verbs, Size Shape and


2 • used to become mature (teenage). Category: Vocalising and Thought.

3 • used to become important. Category: Vocalising and Thought.

yuwinmarra verb, transitive (rra class). used to make large. Category: Impact, Size Shape and Weight. Gram:

With -nu in PAST headword.

yuwinpa Variant: yuwinypa. descriptor. 1 • big. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

2 • important. Category: Value.

yuwinyji noun. 1 • woollybutt grass. Category: Plants.

2 • species of edible seed. Eragrostis eriopoda. Category: Plants, Food Cooking and Fire.

yuwinypa Variant: yuwinpa. descriptor. 1 • big. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

2 • heavy. Category: Size Shape and Weight.

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A - a

abdomen nyuru

Aboriginal and European descent, person of marta-marta

Aboriginal people who had not lived on settlements pujimanpa

Aborigine puntu

· martu

about parra-

about now kuwarrilyu

about, just nguwanpa

· jamurnpa

about, scattered jirrja

about, sneaking wura

about, used to shift something parra-muurrkati

above kanka

· katu

· kankarra

· ngarnawarra

· kankararra

Abraham Yipurampa

accidentally bump, used to kakalpuwa

accidentally hit, used to kakalpuwa

accidently watarrku

accomplishment, proud of muku-muku

accuse another face to face, used to kuru wajala

across pirra-pirra

· -wati

across, motion wati-

act cleverly, used to wangurri

action, intermittent -ti~

action, the one doing -nyja

action, used to repeat an yarrala

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activity, sound of jaarlurrparlurrpa

affected by -ngkamarra

afraid, used to be ngurlurri

after kurlunga

· marla

after another, one purrini-purrini

after sunset mungarr-mungarrpa

after that palunyajanu

after then palunyajanu

afternoon yurl-yurlpa

· karrpulpi

· yukartu

afternoon, late yukartu-yukartu

· ruka

afternoon, really late in the yukartuminyirri

afternoon, used to become yukarturri

afternoon, very late ruka-ruka

afterwards marlakarti

again wituka

· kinpa

again and again -na~

again, used to do something yarrala

against ngalyangkarrka

age-mate yarlpu

age-mates, all of the yarlpururran

age-mates, two yarlpururra

agent, suffix -ju

ago, long nyukurni

· julyju

agree to something, used to yuujula

agree, used to yuwajula

agressive jarr-jarrpa

ahead kurranyu

· kurranyi

ahead, really kurranyu-kurranyu

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ahead, used to cause someone to go kurranyirra

ahead, used to charge partu-partula

aimless ngukarri

alcohol wamajanu

alcohol, person addicted to wamapayi

alcoholic drinks wama

alight, used to be tilingara

alive wanka

alive, used to make someone wankala

all wulikaja

· yarnnga

all of the age-mates yarlpururran

all over the place parlparri

all the sons kajapirti

all the time, sick ngarntapirla

all together wulikaja

all!, thats nyamurtuka

almost jamurnpa

· nguwanpa

almost did -ngkungara

almost, but not quite -lngara

alone nganyjarrpa

alone in the middle jarntilyirri

alone, used to become minyjilarri

alone, used to leave jurra

along -wana

along here ngaawana

along that way jiiwati

along the beach purnuwana

along the ground parnawana

along the sky ngarnkawana

along the track yiwarrawana

along there, used to go palawanarri

along, creeping wura

already jurntu

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· -kaja

already did something -nkumarranypa

already happened jurntulpi

also -lurrju

· wituka

always wulu

· kakuputu

· yulupirti

amazed nyunurra

amazed, used to be karratarri

· kuru majurri

· kuru jumarri

among the trees wartapuru

ancestor jamu

ancestors, male jamunyjanirri

and kaa

· ka

Andrew Yanturu

angrily jurtany-jurtany

angry pika

· rarru

· wirrilyi

angry person ngalya rarru

angry, person who is wirrilyipayi

angry, used to become rarrurri

· wirrilyirri

angry, used to cause to be wirrilyimala

angry, used to get wirrilyirri

· pikarri

angry, used to make wirrilyirra

angry, used to stir up and make jaarramula

animal kingkilypa

· kuka

animal intestine, used to squeeze faeces from junyipuwa

animal skin kiinpa

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animal track, used to smell parntilkatiwa

animal which bites jikipala

animal with young japuwinti

· japunyjarra

animal, edible kuwiyi

animal, fat rulypu

animal, lively person or pikalya

animal, savage pikalya

animal, young nyamanypa

animals, young kurlunypa

ankle luku

another kujupa

· kujupa

· -kujupa

another day karrpukujupa

· karrpuyampajara

another morning yungunkujupa

another one najawanpa

· -yampajara

another way kujupawayi

another, and -kamu

answering back jari-jari

ant minga

· pinga

ant hill tiipa

ant, bull karntakara

ant, white manyjurrpa

anteater manganya

· minguwa

anteater, spiny jilkamarta

Antioch Yantiyukpa

ants manyuru

anus kuna

anything? wurtu

apart partuka

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apart, used to take something wupulypuwa

apostle jakurlpurluka

appear from hiding, used to yutirri

appear then disappear kapurr-kapurrjula

appear, used to pakala

appeared, large group paka-pakala

approaching kalkurnijarra

area, sacred ngurlu

argue, used to paanypuwa

argument jurtakarra

argumentative jarr-jarrpa

arm mirna

· marumpu

· mara

arm in arm winijarra

armpit kiti-kiti

arms, used to raise someone's ngarnawarrajingala

· kankajingala

arms, used to take in yampula

army warnmarla

· jawulyjakaja

around parra-

around, going kurirri

around, turning nyankarra

around, used to turn kupirlangkawa

· kalkurnirri

· kupirlpuwa

around, used to turn something kupurljingala

around, waiting watanypa

arrangements for some activity, They are making Wangkaya pungkuni

arrangements to make jumangkarrala

arrive after some incident, used to marlapuwa

arrive following another, used to marlapuwa

arrive, used to warinykati

· pakala

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arrived, large group paka-pakala

arrow yaruwu

arrow, bow and puukamu yaru

artefact, reed jinyjira

ash colour jurnpaly-jurnpalypa

ashamed kurnta

ashamed, used to become kurntarri

ashamed, used to cause to be kurtangkala

ashamed, used to make another kurntajula

ashes jurnpa

ashes onto the skin, used to rub nyutila

ask someone to accompany a person, used to walala

ask, used to japila

· jamartapuwa

· ngajila

assemble, used to wururri

· wumurri

at -rta

· -ngka

· -ja

· -ja

· -ta

at night mungangka

at one end mulyakarti

at the edge mulya yikini

attracted to men kirtapayi

attractive wanganypa

augment -pa

auntie kurntili

aunties and mothers pipinyurra

authority, person who pays attention to pinalkarra

authority, submissive to nyira

authority, used to become submissive to nyirarri

avoid touching, used to wanti

avoidance jutu-jutu

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avoidance speech Yapura-yapura

awake kana

awake?, Are you still Kanamarta-n

away mawu-

away from mawu

away from family manyjarra

away from me -jura

away from the mob yitingka

· japirrpa

away from the speaker maa-

away, far tiwa

· wirrili

away, Get Maa!

away, right kuwarringulyu

away, used to climb maa-takala

away, used to send junkula yarra

away, used to shift something muurrkati

away, used to shoo manypuwa

away, used to take it maa-kati

axe marti

· kaana

· yilipi

· kaju

B - b

baby jiji

baby at the lying stage ngarrilara

baby at the sitting stage nyinalurru

baby talk juuwa

back warnnga

· marla

· marlaku

· murrpu

back east kakarrawarraku

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back of the neck, on nyankanyuku

back something up, used to murrurri

back, carry on one's jarnala

back, lower kala

· narnma

back, used to carry on one's jarnangkakati

back, used to get on someone's jarnangkarri

back, used to go marlayarra

back, used to put on one's jarnangkala

back, used to turn pijurriwa

backward look, a nyankarra

backwards murru

backwards, make someone walk jayira wanala

bad walyku

· kuya

· puta

bad one walykuwanpa

bad person or thing walykuwanpa

bad tasting water kalyjirrpa

bad thing, used to do a walykula

bad things about others, says jaaputa

bad, reckon oneself jankawa

bad, used to become putarri

bad, used to get walykurri

bad, used to make walykumarra

bag kurtanpa

bag sack payiki

baking powder pikinpawutu

bald ngalya pararra

· kata purli

bald head katakampu

Balfore Downs Palpatawunpa

banana, bush karlkula

bandage pantiji

bandage a wound, used to pantimula

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bandage something, used to karrpila

bandicoot marnkarrpa

bands, decorative chest wirrki-wirrki

bang tarl

bangle riingu

bangs, lots of loud tarl-tarlkaja

bank payingki

bank of a creek, the yirrirri

bank of creek tartalpa

bank of the creek, from the tartaljanu

bank, on the yirrirrikarti

Barabbas Parapajpa

barb of spear tarlku

· tarlka-tarlka

barbs ngarlirrpa

bark from tree, used to get likarrala

bark of tree likarra

bark off tree, used to strip likarrapuwa

bark sandles mangarrpa

· malkapiri

bark, used to get from tree likarrala

barley paali

Barnabas Panapajpa

barren country pararra

base of tail of kangaroo jirrji

base of tree jirrji

bash a person around while keeping them, used to pungkula kanyila

bat, a jarti

bathe oneself, used to jarlawa

bathe, used to kurruwa

bauhinia tree jikarra

be born, used to yutirri

be careful! wurlkumarta

be horizontal in position, used to ngarri

be, might -mpa

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be, used to nyina

beach, along the purnuwana

bean tree, species of pinarti

beard ngarnkurrpa

beard, person with a ngarnkurrjarra

beat another at a game, used to piitamula

beat another at an argument, used to winarri

beat another at racing or in competition, used to piitamula

beat someone, used to watala

beat time with boomerangs, used to tijilpuwa

beautiful, used to make jurimala

became weak, his spirit Wiyurrpa palyjalyarringu

because -janu

· jiiyurungkamarra

because of -jamarra

· -ngkamarra

beckon, used to witula

become a law breaker , used to kunkarri

become a man, used to punturri

· marturri

become alone, used to minyjilarri

become angry , used to wirrilyirri

become angry, used to rarrurri

become aware of danger, used to jukururri

become bad, used to putarri

become bereft of family, used to minyjilarri

become big, used to jumarri

· karlkarri

· yuwinarri

become blind, used to pampururri

become bloated, used to raparrkurri

become calm, used to mitirlarri

become cautious, used to pukunyarri

become cheeky, used to jurtawartarri

· jari-jarirri

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become clear, used to mururri

become cold, used to yaltarri

become completely silent, used to wurtuwa

become dark, used to mungajarrarri

· mungarri+Ø

become dark-coloured marurri

become daytime, used to raakawa

become deaf ngakumparri

become dim, used to puwalyarr

become dried up, used to yarntinarri

become dull, used to puwalyarr

become envious, used to muyurrarri

become excreta, used to pilkirri

become fat, used to jinyjimamarri

become frightened karratarri

become full, used to palyjarri

· munkurri

become happy, used to pukurlarri

become hollow, used to raku-rakurri

become homesick kujilarri

become hot, used to rarrurri

become hungry, used to kalyparturri

become in the north kayilirri

become irrelevant, used to pinyirri

become jealous, used to nyararri

· mikurri

become less than before, used to yarurri

become light/day karrpurri

become loose, used to yirnirri

become lost, used to kawarlirri

become lower, used to nyirrirri

become mad ngakumparri

become mad/deaf/confused kawarn-kawarnarri

become morning, used to yungunpakala

become motionless, used to yurriparnirri

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become night, used to mungajarrarri

become nothing, used to yumurri

· wiyarri

· munurri

· wiyarri

become old, used to jirlpirri

become one, used to kujungkarri

· kujurri

become orphaned?, used to pinyirri

become overweight, used to jinyjimamarri

become pregnant, used to munkurri

become quiet, used to kurnurri

become red, used to miji-mijirri

become ripe, used to munyjulyarri

become rubbish, used to pinyirri

· minyjilyarri

become satisfied, used to jarrulyurri

· yuwilyirri

· muku-mukurri

become secret, used to kumpirri

become sensible kuranarri

become serious minyirrarri

become simple-minded ngakumparri

become skinny, used to tarrkala

become small jukurri

become smooth, used to jiralyarri

become something -rri~

become something else, used to kujuparri

become something, used to -arri

become sonless or daughterless, used to yilyurri

become stiff, used to narntungula

become sunny, used to jirnturri

become sweaty, used to jinymirlarri

become swollen shut, used to juulyarri

become swollen, used to raparrkurri

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· mulyjarrarri

become tired jaka-jakarri

become twisted, used to lupurri

become uncertain, used to taju-tajurri

become unconcerned, used to yumurri

become uneasy, used to ralpurrarri

become upset, used to jurtarri

become visible, used to miralarri

· yutirri

become well, used to palyarri

becoming daytime karrpurrinyja

bed piiti

· paangka

bee, honey jantaru muunurrku

bees jurtipirri

· jantaru

before julyju

before daylight yungun-yungunpa

before too late karrpulpi

before whitefellas came kartiyaparningka

before you came nyuntupunajangka

before, less than yaru

before, like yangkayuru

beg, used to ngajila

beggar ngajijaka

behind marla

· marlakarti

behind back, hands wayarurru

behind, used to get marlarri

behind, used to leave someone junu yarra

being, cannibal jaamiji-miji

bellbird, crested warnparnparlarla

belly, big juniwarta

belong, used to raapamula

belonging to -mili

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belonging to someone, something ngulyu

belongings purninpa

· purnunpa

· wartakaja

· jantulpa

belongs above ngarnawarrapurluka

belongs to a thing or place ngurrara

belt, hair nanpa

bend over, used to pupa

bend to straighten, used to wartula

beneath the stars kurtalyapurungka

benefactive focus suffix -mpa

Benjamin Pinjimanpa

bent lupu

bereaved parent kampurta

bereaved parent, a kampu

bereaved parents kampukujarra

bereft of family, used to become minyjilarri

berries become ripe, the mirrka kampa~

berry, species of nganungu

· yawalyurru

beside -wati

beside here ngaawati

Bethany Piijani

Bethlehem Pijiliyampa

· Pijiliyamu

beware! wurlkumarta

beyond munkarra

big jarlu

· yuwinypa

· juma

· yuwinpa

· purlka

· jumawarta

· karlka

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· maju

big belly, a juniwarta

big boy jumanyjarri

· majunyjarri

big fire taarru

big man yirna jukumunu

big man, used to mistakenly think someone is a jumakukala

big mob japalpa

· wumungka

big one majuwarta

big person kaluyarntu

big stones karlka-karlkakaja

big toe mamartura

big, too lalypa

big, used to become yuwinarri

· karlkarri

big, used to get majurri

· jarlurri

big, used to make majumarra

big, used to make something jumala

biggest jumanyjarri

· majunyjarri

biggest one, the majujara

bird nyarlpijarra

· turru

· yiilurru

· pilurnpa

· wiru

bird flower jakapiri

bird's nest niijpa

bird, nestling marraka

bird, species of kiinirri

· katamijimiji

· piiny-piinypa

birthday paajayi

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birthplace yinta

bit for mouth of a horse piitpa

bitch milkarrpa

bite something, used to pajala

bitter kawirlpa

· kalyjirr

· wunya

black maru-maru

· mungapuru

black and white kurtirl-kurtirlpa

black gidgee marntila

black, used to make marumala

blackboy tree nyurntilirri

blackheads jaminypa

blame someone, used to ngukala

bland wunya

blanket pulanykarti

· warntu

blemish puta

blind kurujutu

· pampuru

blind, used to become pampururri

blind, used to make pampurula

blink, used to (of an eye) paarrmala

bloated raparrku

bloated, used to become raparrkurri

block a blow, used to ngarlkila

block a person's way, used to pulakamula

blockage, used to break a tangkurrpuwa

blockage, used to unplug a tangkurrpuwa

bloke, good pakipayi

blood miji

blood clot lungu

bloodwood tree mijarrpa

blossom purrungu

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blow air from mouth, used to puula

blow on something, used to puyula

blow out, used to tarlpala

blow, used to wangalju yungkala

blow, used to block a ngarlkila

bluetongue lizard lungkurta

· lungkarta

blunt naja

· nalya

· karalypa

blurred paly-palypa

blurred, used to become paly-palyarri

blurry paalypaalypa

boastful jarntarrngarapa

· jari-jari

boasting person marnin-marninpa

boat puutpa

body yarnangu

· kawu

body hair wurna

boil, a kurnturru

bold punparrju

· pirrka

· pirrkawanpa

bone tarrka

bone, leg tarrka

bone, used to split for marrow janyipuwa

bones, used to clean jalyirrjala

bonfire taarru

book mili-mili

boomerang yirrkili

· karli

boomerang, toy wuupayinpa

boomerang, type of warlanu

boomerangs together, used to rattle timpirirripuwa

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boomerangs, used to beat time with tijilpuwa

boots jantaparrpa

bore sample holes in the earth for mining samples, used to puuramula

bore, used to make a tapurrpuwa

born, used to be yutirri

· yutimala

· puunarri

· kururri

borrow, used to ngajirri

boss nyampali

· maaja

bosses, government kapamanpa

both sides kujarrakarti

bottle paatulpa

bottom marna

boulder, huge yarlawara

bounce along, used to kakal-kakalpuwa

bounce off ground, used to turrkulangkawa

bounce off the ground, used to jitapajala

bow and arrow puukamu yaru

bow one's head, used to nyuwurrarri

bowed head malurrpa

boy murtilya

boy with unpierced nasal septum mulyajutu

boy, big jumanyjarri

· majunyjarri

boy, young jarrkanpa

boys, small, group of murtilya-murtilya

brag about oneself, used to marninpuwa

brain nyunyunyu

branch lalapa

branch of tree pirrpilya

branch out, used to mirnalarri

branch, in a fork of a karlkajarrangka

branches kurrkalpa

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branching out, something jarrapa-jarrapa

brand puranta

brash kurntaparni

brave punparrpa

· kurrurnpa wiltu

· raka

· panyanyju

· pirrka

· ngurluparni

· punparrju

brave person rakajarra

brave, used to make punparrmala

bread puritpa

bread, loaf of karlu-karlu

· yampalpa

break (day), used to raakawa

break a blockage, used to tangkurrpuwa

break a damper, used to tampirrpuwa

break a promise, used to jamarta warla

break off a plant from its roots, used to yukula

break off firewood, used to murnila

break off, used to tukunypuwa

break or smash with an axe, used to kaartala

break something, used to warlawa

· karljarrpuwa

· karlpuwa

· kaarlala

· karljarrkawa

· kaarlpuwa

break up something, used to jarralypuwa

break up, used to raayala

break, used to warlawa

· karalyala

breakaway country wankurlpari

breast ngapurlu

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· pipi

· ngama

breast milk pipi

· ngapurlu

breast milk, ngama

breath ngaanypa

breath, used to gasp for rangamala

breathe, used to ngaanymala

bridge of nose nyurru-nyurru

· jirntajarra

bright yalyjirrpa

bright, really karrpuminyirri

bring back, used to jurntala

bring to birth, used to yutimala

bring together, used to kujungkala

bring, used to kawa

· kati

broadcast, used to yarlpirri wangka

broken heart wirla karalyanu

brother's wife, mother's yumari

brother, mother's kamuru

· kamparnu

· kaka

brother, older pupu

· papartu

· kurta

brother, older, person and kurtararra

brother, woman's nyarrumpa

brother-in-law mariji

· makurta

· wajirra

· makurnta

brush away something, used to puranypuwa

brush dirt off something , used to kuralypuwa

brush off burnt fur, used to purtilpuwa

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brush off, used to pantupuwa

bucket pakita

bucking manganpa

buckle a belt, used to tinkijurra

buckle up, used to yilpijula

· nanpajurra

build a nest, used to jangkujula

build a shelter, used to wuungkujula

build fire, used to jungula

build up a fire, used to nyuyula

building, open yupunpa

bull ant karntakara

bullock puluku

bullock or other meat animal kila

bump accidentally, used to kakalpuwa

bump into something, used to paampumula

bumping into someone wapukarlpa

bumps on skin putaly-putalypa

bunches of fruit latu-latu

bundle wurnti

bundle of possessions jantulpa

bundle, with jantuwinti

bung eye kurujuulypa

burn something, used to kampala

burn, used to kampa

burning fur smell jilururru

burning stick, used to touch with nyilyjijula

burnt fur, used to brush off purtilpuwa

burp, used to ngitarnmala

burst into flames, used to jarrangkawa

burst, used to taalpala

bury something, used to tuunyjula

· jampajula

bury, used to tuunjula

bush purnu

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bush banana karlkula

bush potato kulyu

· mata

bush shelter kanaja

bush time, used to describe pujimanpa

bush tobacco japiya

· jurntilyarr

bush tomato pura

· jinyjiwirrily

bush turkey jarrki

· ngarnurti

· ngarlpunyji

· tarrki

bush, green birdflower malkapiri

· mangarrpa

bushes, in the purnupuru

business, unsettled kamparr-kamparr

business, used to plan important jumangkarrala

bustard tarrki

· ngarnurti

· ngarlpunyji

busy ngarru

butt of spear kuna

buttocks marna

buy, used to payamula

buzzing noise, used to make nyirrmala

buzzy insect muunurrku-nurrku

C - c

cabbage gum kirtingarli

Caiaphas Kayapajpa

calf of leg nganyju

call another to your camp, used to wikarrala

call out ceremonially, used to yayilurrupuwa

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call out for someone, used to parlmala

call out, used to raamala

· yarltiwa

· mirra

call someone, used to mirra

· witula

calm yatarnpa

· mulypa

· mitirlpa

calm and peaceful wirla yalta-yalta

calm down, used to mulyarri

calm weather tilykuru

calm, used to become mitirlarri

calmness kaaly

camel kawajawalpa

· kamalpa

· murtitikirlpa

camp ngurra

camp for single people kirriji

camp, rest in yurlta

camp, to the ngurrakarti

camp, used to ngarri

camp, used to come into warinykati

· ngurrangkarri

camp, used to level ground for runngula

camp, used to prepare paljula

camping out ngurrakarta

can't purtu

· kanpa

Canaan Kayinanpa

cannibal martu-martu

cannibal being jaamiji-miji

cannibal devil jangara

canvas kaliki

Capernaum Kapaniyampa

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· Kapaniyamu

capture, used to ngampapuwa

car mutuka

car engine running, noise of a nguntirrila

car, old time jitartu-jitartu

car, used to crank a yungkala

car, used to drive kawa

card, six Jikulyungu

· jikaji

care ngampurrpa

care for, used to ngampurrju kanyila

care of, used to take ngampurrmala

careful pukunypa

careful, used to be wulkurri

carefully pukunyju

· purrkara

carefully, used to handle something pukunymala

caring karratanyju

carpenter kapanta

carry an object on the head, used to pangula

carry on head, to jarlijarra

carry on head, used to jarlila

carry something on back of neck, used to warati

carry something on head or shoulders jarli kati

carry something on one's head jarlitiwa

carry, on one's back jarnala

carry, used to kati

· kawa

carve wood, used to jinkala

case marker, dative -ku

case marker, ergative -tu

cat, feral jujukulyu

cat, native tarnpa

caterpillars, processional marlurlu-marlurlu

cattle station tiijanpa

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caught in something, used to get ngarrala

causative -rnta~

cause -ngkamarra

cause a gathering together, used to mirrjula

cause a glow, used to rantala

cause a person to be old, used to jirlpimala

cause a person to go another way, used to kujupawanala

cause a person to live wrongly, used to kujupawanala

cause an odour, used to parntijula

cause happiness by an action, used to pukurlmala

cause madness, used to ngakumpala

cause sickness, used to ngarntamala

cause something to be rubbish, used to minyjilymala

cause the hair to go grey, used to jirlpimala

cause to be angry, used to wirrilyimala

cause to be ashamed, used to kurtangkala

cause to be in the middle, used to kutu

cause to be quiet, used to yatarnmala

cause to fall, used to punkajula

cause to go a long way off, used to wirrirlimala

cause to move yurrijula

caution ngampurrpa

cautious jukuru

· pukunypa

cautious, used to become pukunyarri

cave jarri

· pirnki

· jurnti

cave, used to make pirnkila

centre of the mob, used to come to kuturri

ceremonial decorations ngurtarla

ceremonial language name Yapura-yapura

ceremonial leaves jalyirrpa

ceremonial meat gift yinyjanu

ceremonial meat or food gift mirtayirti

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ceremonial mourners karnku

ceremonial participants jinyjanungu

· jinyjanu

ceremonial workers jinyjanungu

ceremonially, used to call out yayilurrupuwa

ceremonies, sacred series of Tingarri

ceremony name Nyarnayi

· Wala-walangu

ceremony, decoration for winta-winta

ceremony, funeral Laka

ceremony, greeting milyangkulypa

ceremony, Law Maliki

certain information, one who knows nintilumarta

certainty suffix -ngulyu

chain jiinpa

chain some object securely, used to jiirnmuntula

chair nyinapinti

· jiiya

change a message, used to kujupakartila

change another, used to kujupamala

change money into smaller amounts, used to jiinyjamula

characterising suffix -rurru

· -puru

· -puri

· -rninti

· -warta

· -kurru

· -payi

· -puka

· -marta

· -para

charcoal miirnti

· ngamurru

charge ahead, used to partu-partula

chariot turila

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chase around, used to parrayila

chase something, used to kurlpura wanala

· ngurlula

· kurlpula

cheap one jiipwanpa

cheat, used to jitimula

cheeky pirrka

· pirrkawanpa

cheeky person jari-jari

· pirrkawarta

cheeky, used to become jari-jarirri

· jurtawartarri

chest ngarrka

chest bands, decorative wirrki-wirrki

chiefly a community of white people tawunu

child jiji

· parrka

· ngulyi

· ngumurlpa

child that can sit alone nyinalara

child who can crawl wayilara

child who has learned to speak wangkakurlu

child, as a japukurlu

child, first-born murrkangunya

child, middle malyurta

child, newborn jiji kuwarrijanu

child, used to have jijiwintirri

child, used to have a jijikurlurri

child, used to lose by death kampurri

child, used to raise jumala

child, youngest nyirti

· nyirtingunya

childhood, since japujanu

childless jijikanyilmunu

children born after the others jijilarlakarti

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· jijimarlajanu

children, no jijikanyilmunu

children, older woman with many jijiyarnngajarra

children, spirit jijikarrkaly

children, woman with many jijilaltujarra

chip something, used to pirtapuwa

chisel jimirlirri

chisel, small jintapalpa

choke someone, used to kiirntarra

choke, used to kinpirrjula

choose something, used to marra

chop a wedge, used to tingkila

chop something, used to janyipuwa

· kartala

· yatula

· putala

Christ Kuraji

· Kurayijpa

Christmas Day jukurta tayimu

Christmas pudding putingu

church jaaji

· jaajpa

cicada jiirrirri

circle of people jarnarti-jarnarti

· jarnayirra-jarnayirra

circle, sitting in a jarnayirra-jarnayirra

· jarnarti-jarnarti

circles, used to go around in rangkarriyarra

claim, used to kalayimula

clamp knees, used to ngurtila

clay yamarla

clay, white wira

· juurnpa

· kakinypa

· karlji

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claypan linyji

claypan, large warla

claypan, name of a Pirrkili

clean kilinpala

clean bones, used to jalyirrjala

clean or wipe dry with a cloth etc wayipamula

clean out, used to parntupuwa

clean something with water , used to kuralypuwa

clean, used to kilinpalala

cleaning seeds from fruit, stick for pirrkiri

clear palya

· junga

clear following punishment for breaking the law muru

clear, not too paly-palypa

clear, used to become mururri

clearly visible mirangarra

clever yalyjirrpa

clever person nintipuka

· pinalkarra

cleverly, used to act wangurri

clicking noise, used to make a tilkirrmala

clicking or rattling noise tilykirrmala

cliff, too steep to climb jiwalykarra

climb away to maa-takala

climb, used to tatila

· takala

climb, used to cause an animal to tatijula

close ngamu

· kinti

close by jungulkirra

close to the speaker yangarra

close together ngamulkirra

close up stomach incision, used to tipinypuwa

· tipinyjula

close up, used to jutula

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closed jutu

· murltu

closed up tirnu

closed, used to become juturri

closer!, Come Ngamumarta!

closer!, Get Kintimarta!

closer, used to get ngamurri

clot of blood lungu

clothes kulujpa

· kuluju

· wara

· wararri

clothing, one who has no food or maralpa

cloud yurnturrpa

cloud coming, used to see jalurapuwa

cloud going along jalurayarra

cloud, type of jalura

cloudy yurnturrpuru

clubs suit pujikatu

clubs, suit of kaarlapu

coals, hot lunngu

coat kuutu

· kuutpa

· kuurtu

cockatoo, species of ngakalyalya

· kakalyalya

cocky-boy kakipuwi

cogitate, used to wuurr kulila

coin yalyi

· purli

cold yalta

cold, a kinti-kinti

cold, used to become yaltarri

cold, very yalta-yalta

coldness, used to feel come over one kaalypuwa

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collect, used to jurntala

collision wapukarlpa

colour of ash jurnpaly-jurnpalypa

coloured hair, light jilyarrkura

column of smoke puyungara

COM -jarra

comb hair, used to kuumula

come along the creek, used to karruwanarri

come back, used to marlakurri

come close, not kintirri

come into camp, used to ngurrangkarri

· warinykati

come off, used to wupulyangkawa

come out, used to warntikala

come to the centre of the mob, used to kuturri

come, used to yarra

coming this way kalkurnijarra

command a person to some action, used to wirtula

community council kanjulpa

companion marlpa

companions -jirri

complete number wulikaja

completely covered pulpu-pulpu

completive suffix -lmarranypa

· -nkumarranypa

· -nirra

· -marranypa

compliment, used to ngukurnmala

conceal quickly, used to mutula

conception totem, jarrinypa

concern, personal watapirti

condemn to death, used to mitujurra

confident panyanyju

· punparrpa

· kurrurnpa wiltu

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confident, used to make murlpirrmarra

· punparrmala

conflict jurta

confuse, used to ngakumpala

confused kawarn-kawarnpa

confused, used to become kawarn-kawarnarri

confusion of sounds jaarlurrparlurrpa

congratulate, used to ngukurnmala

conjunction parrinya

· nyangka

conscious kana

constantly whip slaves, used to pungkula kanyila

consume food, used to ngalkula

consume, used to ngala

container wampurnpa

· jilpurnpa

· kartaku

container, water kalyupinti

continual, used to be wulurri

continually wulu

continually think about a problem wuurr kulila

continued to do something jalypajunu

continuous tense, future -ngamalpa

continuous tense, imperative -ngama

contrary to expectation ngaampa

converse, used to wangkanypuwa

cook something, used to paala

· kujala

· kampala

cook various animals in one hole, used to yujunypuwa

cook, a paalpa

cook, used to kampa

cooked yurnmi

· munyjulypa

cooking stones, hot kanyanpa

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· yapanpa

cool place yalta-yalta

coolness kaaly

copy an action, used to mapa

corner something, used to ngampapuwa

corpse kawu

· minyi-minyi

· pinyi-pinyi

correct kalyjirrpa

· yintulpa

· yirnku

correct, used to jungala

correctly, used to live junga nyina

costume, men's naka

cough wirla nguntu

cough, a kinti-kinti

cough, used to kinilypuwa

council, community kanjulpa

count something, used to yiilyjula

count, used to kantamula

· kawuntamula

country parna

· warrarnpa

country, barren pararra

country, breakaway wankurlpari

country, flat parlkarra

country, home ngurrara

country, plains pararra

country, spinifex parulyukurru

countryman ngulyju

couple in a wrong relationship ngakajirra

couple, used to tinkijurra

coupler -kamu

coupling suffix -rra

· -yirra

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· -rarra

course!, of pintupi

· -nyu

cousin makurnta

· wajirra

· makurta

cousin of a woman juwari

cousins, male juwarrparra

· yungkujarra

cousins, two female juwarirra

cover mouth, used to jaamurtula

cover something up, used to jatamapula

cover something, used to pulpujula

cover up, used to juulyjula

cover with dirt, used to tuunyiki

cover, used to jutula

covered with red ochre pujurrpara

covered, completely pulpu-pulpu

covering, pubic jani

coward ngurlujaka

cowardly mujarri

crack and spill, used to pintilyangkawa

crack something, used to pintilykawa

· patalypuwa

· pintilypuwa

crack, used to yarrangkawa

· yaarrangkawa

· yarrkatiwa

cracking noise when breaking a stick tiilymala

crackling sound, used to make tiilywangka

crafty person wangurlpa

crafty, used to get wangurri

cramp wuly-wulypa

cramp, used to get a wuly-wulyarri

crank a car, used to yungkala

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crawl about, used to parra-wayila

crawl, used to marala

· wayila

create something, used to palyala

creation place nyuka

creature, fat jinyjimarta

creature, feathered nyarlpijarra

creek karru

creek is full of water, the Wirla ngarrinpa

creek junction karlkanyjarra

· karlkajarra

creek, bank of tartalpa

creek, from the bank of the tartaljanu

creek, full karru wirla

creek, side of tartalpa

creek, the bank of a yirrirri

creek, the side of a yirrirri

creek, used to come along the karruwanarri

creep along, used to wura yarra

creep up on something, used to wurayarra

creeping along wura

crested bellbird warnparnparlarla

crested pigeon jarrarlakari

crime, used to get away with janarrirri

crippled mukuntu

criticise, used to minyjilypa jurra

· minyjilymala

crocodile kakatayilpa

crooked turli-turli

crookedly, used to throw kikirijula

cross a creek or road, used to kurujumula

cross cousin relationship jamirti

cross over, used to kartanypuwa

crossed, legs karnajarlpi

crow pinyi ngalku

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· jakilarta

· wangkurna

· waaku

· kaarnka

crowd, at japalja

crunch on something, used to murrjala

crush leaves, used to kanyjangkuwa

crush something, used to kuurrpuwa

· kurrpuwa

cry out, used to kiirlmala

cry, used to ula

· yula

· wula

cry, used to make someone yularntala

crying person yula

cup kaapu

· panikinpa

curled up wingka

· mulyji

curled up on the edges, with a hat wingkawinti

curly turli-turli

curse someone, used to wuramala

curse, sign of a yumpu

customarily murrarni

customs luwu

cut hair, used to katapuwa

cut off a piece, used to katupuwa

cut off, used to tawunpuwa

cut something, used to wirrkala

· kurntala

cut up meat, used to, jarralypuwa

cut, used to katuwa

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D - d

daddy tati

damper yampalpa

damper, used to break a tampirrpuwa

damper, used to make julyujula

damper, used to make a yampaljurra

damper, used to put on hot coals janmajula

dance yaku

dance steps jina

dance, a ninyji-ninyji

· pirrilyji

dance, used to yakurri

· kantula

· taanjirri

· nyarnpipuwa

· jurrkapuwa

· nyarnpi

dancing yakurripayi

danger, sense of jukuru

danger, used to become aware of jukururri

dangerous person jinakarrpil

· warnapa

dark mungajarra

dark, getting mungarr-mungarrpa

dark, used to become mungajarrarri

· mungarri+Ø

dark-coloured maru

· maru-maru

dark-coloured, used to become marurri

darken, used to mungarri+Ø

darkness wirlarrapunaja

· munga

dative case marker -ku

daughter yurntalpa

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daughter and mother jarnimirri

daughter/mother relationship jarnimirrirarra

daughter-in-law ngunyarri

daughterless or sonless, used to become yilyurri

David Tayipitpa

dawn kanarangu

dawn, used to raakawa

· raayala

day ngurra

day after tomorrow karrpukujupa

day before yesterday karrpukujupa

day break, used to raakawa

day time karrpuwati

day's outing purikarta

day, another karrpuyampajara

Day, Christmas jukurta tayimu

daylight!, Do while still Karrpungkalpi!

daylight, before yungun-yungunpa

daylight, while karrpukurlu

daylight, with yungunjarra

daytime karrpu

daytime hunting trip karrila

daytime, becoming karrpurrinyja

daytime, during karrpungka

daytime, used to become raakawa

dead marlkarri

· mitu

· pukurra

dead ancestors mitunyjanirri

· mitunyjarri

dead person nguyuwarra

dead person, a marlkarri

dead relation, a reminder of tawun-tawunpa

deaf ngakumpa

· kawarn-kawarnpa

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deaf, used to become kawarn-kawarnarri

· ngakumparri

death, used to lose a child by kampurri

debts, one who remembers to pay his pinalkarra

deceive, used to paki kajala

· mirnijurra

deceiver mayunyju

deceiving ones pakikajalpa

decision, used to take a wangka puwa

decorate something, used to walkajula

decoration for a ceremony winta-winta

decoration, men's wooden kukulypa

decorations, ceremonial ngurtarla

decorations, used to put on kukulyjula

decorative chest bands wirrki-wirrki

decorative marks walka

decrease, used to japurri

deep kaninypa

· mulyju

deep in kaninyjarrawarraku

defecate, used to kunala

defiant warrparn-warrparnpa

deflect something, used to pirtapuwa

demonstrated, do as jilanyala

descend, used to tiputi

· tirriti

· tupiti

· tukikala

· tupukala

· tikukala

· tipukala

descend, used to cause another to tirrijula

descendant marlajanu

descriptive of an expensive diamond puukuwana

desert dweller pujimanpa

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desert oak wikirrpa

Desert Pea, Sturts marlukururrpa

desert poplar karntarangu

desert, nomadic period in the pujimanpa

design walka

design, good juri

design, poor juriparni

desire to have sex muyurra

determined kurrurnpa kuju

determined, used to become manngarri

devil malpu

· mamu

· martu-martu

devil (jana), like a type of janayuru

devil, cannibal jangara

devil, giant jangara

devil, kind of kukurrpa

· pampa

· jarnpa

· jana

· mungayanu

· jaamiji-miji

devil, mountain mingari

· ngiyari

· kataputa

devotion to God, to go after other things in life beside yiwarra kujupa wanarnu

dew jinymirlpa

· kayukura

dialect name Kiyajarra

· Warnmanpa

diamond tayimunpa

diamond, expensive, descriptive of puukuwana

diarrhoea jurninyjirri

did something -nu

· -rnu

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· -ngu

did something, already -nkumarranypa

die, used to wiyarri

· yurlirri

· miturri

· pukurrarri

· marlkarrirri

different idea kuran kujupa

different way, used to be kujupakartirri

different, really kujupa-kujupa

different, used to make something kujupakartila

dig a cavelike hole, used to pirnkila

dig a shallow place jararrpuwa

dig along, used to jawara wanala

dig, used to jawala

digging dish wangkulyi

digging stick wana

dim paly-palypa

· puwalypa

dim, used to become puwalyarr

· paly-palyarri

dingo ngupanu

· tingku

· warnapari

dinner tina

dip grass sop into nectar , used to minala

dip in liquid, used to jarlajula

dip in the road takurru

dip something in, used to tupulyjula

direction, easterly kakarrakarta

direction, in that nyarrawaka

direction, northerly kayili-kayili

directional suffix -karta

· -waki

· -rra

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directly to a destination, go quickly or wuna

dirty parnapara

dirty person jaartipala

disagreeable person jukurupayi

· parlanpayi

disagreeable toward someone mingarrpa

· parlanpa

disappear, appear then kapurr-kapurrjula

disbelieve, used to pakikukala

disciple wangkapurluka

disciples wangkaninti

· wangkanintikaja

discuss together, used to paanypuwa

disgust mingarr-mingarrpa

dish tiiji

· puna

dish, digging wangkulyi

dish, small marnma

· nyayalypa

dish, wooden pingkilypa

· wirni

· piti

· karnilpa

dish, yandy karnilpa

· lupu

· karnampi

· jartu

disinclined toward something, used to become parlanarri

dislike jukuru

· parlanpa

· mingarr-mingarrpa

· mingarrpa

· kurrurnpa parlanpa

dislike, used to mingarr-mingarrarri

disobedient person kuran kirtijarra

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· kuran murltu

disown another, used to minyjilypa warni

disperse, used to partumparrarri

disregards another, one who jankanyjankanypa

dissatisfied kamparr-kamparr

distance, that nyarra

distant munkarra

distant glow juurra

distant place, at that nyarrangka

distant place, got to nyarrakartitingu

distant place, to that nyarrakarti

distant place, used to get to munkarrarri

distant place, used to get to a nyarrakartirri

dive in water, used to kurruwa

divide belongings, used to katapuwa

divide into portions, used to ngarranpuwa

divide something up, used to jarralypuwa

divide, used to yaapula

· jaalpumala

dizzy kakiri

dizzy, used to become kakirirri

do as demonstrated jilanyala

do like that, used to jilala

do like the demonstrated action , used to jilala

do something again, used to yarrala

do something! -rra

· -wa

do something, let's -ra

· -nkura

do something, might -nkujaku

· -lyjaku

do something, ought to -nkura

do something, to -mula

do something, used to palyala

· -rra

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· -jala

· ngapila

do something, wants to -nkukija

do something, will -nku

do the right thing, used to jungamala

do well, used to jungamala

do, to -mala

doctor, traditional maparnpa

doctors help, with maparnjanu

document, used to sign jayinamula

dog jarntu

· jangalyi

· wirta

dog barking continually ngalyjurrmala

dog that bites pikalya

dog, female milkarrpa

dog, hunting kukarninti

· mirtilya

dog, used to sic on game wapila

dog, wild jitirta

dog, with a jarntukurlu

dogs, used to hunt with wapila

doing something -ngkura

· -ra

· -nkura

doing something, for -raku

· -nkuraku

doing something, is -nkuni

· -rninpa

· -ni

· -ninpa

· -rni

doing something, keep -nama

doing something, used to be -ma

doing something, was -lpayi

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· -nkupayi

· -payi

· -nkuwara

doing something, will be -namalpa

· -malpa

· -nmalpa

doing, keep on -ma

doing, was -lwara

dollar tala

dollar note, five jijilaltujarra

domesticate a wild animal, used to ngulyjula

done munyjulypa

done something, has -ngu

done something, having -nta

· -ra

· -nkura

done, used to get yurnmirri

donkey tangki

door tuwu

door, shut jatamapu

doubt suffix -mpa

doubts, one who jankinpa

down nyirri

down from something, used to get tipukala

· tirriti

· tiputi

down from, used to get tukikala

· tupiti

· tupukala

down the rise yirriti

down, off and on, used to squat pupati

down, used to fall punkala

down, used to knock something punkajingala

down, used to squat pupa

downhill, used to roll kurti-kurtiyarra

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downwards jarrarra

doze off, used to nyurrmala

drag something, used to yilala

dream kapukurri

· jukurrpa

dream, used to jukurrmala

· kapukurrila

Dreaming Mangunypa

Dreaming women Minyipurru

· Jakulyukulyu

Dreamtime Jukurtani

· Jumangkarni

· jukurrpa

Dreamtime Law Jukurrjanu

Dreamtime man, name of Warlukulawu

Dreamtime rainmaker Jaramarra

Dreamtime, of Jumangkarnimili

dress kulujpa

· jina-jina

dress, used to kurruwa

dried pus lupurr-lupurrpa

dried up rawu-rawu

dried up, used to become yarntinarri

drink to someone, used to give a yitijula

drink, used to jikila

· jikirayila

drinking as he went along, he was jikilkatipayi

drinking, satisfied from jarrulyu

drinks, alcoholic wama

drip out of something, used to yinti

drip, used to jirlputala

drive a car, used to kawa

drive a nail niilamula

drive vehicle, used to jipala

drop of nectar kuru

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drop something, used to punkajingala

drum for flour or fuel turampu

drunk kakari

drunk from laughter, used to get karurri

drunk, used to be turangkarri

drunk, used to become kakarirri

dry jakarlpa

· tikirlpa

· punyunpa

dry country without water holes puurra

dry out, used to tikirlarri

dry up water, used to punyunmala

dry up, used to tarrirri

· juturri

· kalyuparnirri

dry up/out, used to punyunarri

dry, used to tikirlmala

duck jipulyuku

· kukakurra

dull puwalypa

dull, used to become paly-palyarri

· puwalyarr

dumb, used to become namurri

durative suffix -lpi

during daytime karrpungka

dust yulpurru

· parna

dust storm yungku-yungku

dust, used to kick up marnturrmala

dusty parnapuru

dweller -karrayija

dweller, desert pujimanpa

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E - e

each one kujun-kujunpa

each other -ngku

eagle yikulpa

eagle hawk warlawurru

ear munarta

· kulil-kulilpa

· pina

· kuranpa

· kurlka

early morning yaarli

· mungawana

· karrpu-karrpu

· yapurrapuri

· mungalypa

· yaarlipala

early summer tulparra

earth parna

· langa

east kakarra

· kakarrara

east , the mob from kakarramalu

east, from kakarrarni

east, the one further kakarramarni

easterly direction kakarrakarta

eastward, pointing kakarrawarraku

eastwards kakarrara

· kakarrawarraku

Eat it! jaja

eat something, used to ngala

eat, used to ngalkula

echidna jilkamarta

· manganya

· minguwa

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echidna spine manguji

· jilkarnpa

edge mulya

edge of something, used to lift the yarlila

edge, at the mulya yikini

edible animal kuwiyi

edible fungus majapurti

edible gall tarrunpa

edible grub lunki

edible plant, species of wamurla

edible seed, species of yuwinyji

egg ngampu

· janyji

egg, used to lay kunala

Egypt Yijippa

elbow ngurnku

elbow, on one kurlkupinti

· kurlkupirti

elder yatilypa

elders yatilykata

elders, the yirnakaja

· yirnanyjarri

· yirnaparaku

eleven liipanpa

Elijah Yilayija

embarrassed nyinganyinga

emerge, used to tarlpala

emphasising the duration of an action wulurri

emphatic suffix -rta

· -kaja

· -rtu

· -rtuka

empower, used to murlpirrmarra

empty likiri

empty feeling wirla tikirlpa

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emu jakipirri

· yimiyu

· karlaya

· yimiyuka

· wakilypirri

Emu People karlaya

encouraging words tungun-tungunpa

end mulya

end (of a story)!, The Palunyangulyu!

end of a stalk of wama mulyaparu

end of something marlarrpa

end, at one mulyakarti

end, from one mulyajanu

end, the palulyu

· nyamu

ends of wood into fire, used to put mulyajula

energetic ngarrurta

engine noise, used to make tututula

engine, used to startup ngurntirrirri

English Yingkiliji

enough nyamu

enough, used to have jangkulyarra

enter, used to kurruwa

· jarrpa

envious muyurrpa

envious, used to become muyurrarri

erase something, used to jutula

ergative case marker -tu

ergative case suffix -rtu

ergative suffix -lu

escape punishment janarriyarra

establish a community, used to wupuntamula

European walypala

European and Aboriginal descent, person of marta-marta

even though mannga

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evening ruka-ruka

evening meal jaapa

event -karra

everything nyaarnirrirnirri

examination ruu

exchange gift puntaju

exclamatory suffix -pi

· -pu

excreta, used to become pilkirri

exhausted from thirst puwarn-puwarnpa

exhaustion, used to pant from rangamala

expectation mira-mira

expectation, contrary to ngaampa

expecting woman nyurujarra

explode, used to tarlpala

· taalpala

expose, used to miralmala

extreme fright karrata-karrata

extreme hunger manyu-manyu

eye kuru

eye, bung kurujuulypa

eye, swollen kurujuulypa

eyebrow nyanpinypa

eyes open paarlpa

eyes!, Open Parlpuwa-ngku kuru

· Parlala-ngku kuru!

eyes, used to open paarlkawa

F - f

face miparrpa

· ngumpa

face, good looking ngumpa juri

face-downward ngamparlpa

face-downward, used to lie ngamparl-ngamparl ngarri

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face-downward, used to place ngamparljula

faeces kuna

· kiki

· jartayi

faeces, used to squeeze from intestine of animal junyipuwa

fail to recognise someone, used to nganarnpuwa

fail to share jajala

fail, used to try but purturri

fails, if the action pakingka

fair hair kilyarrkura

· jilyarrkura

fall down, used to julyulyuyarra

· punkala

fall, used to cause to punkajula

false yipilypa

family pamuli

family member -kurnu

family, away from manyjarra

family, used to become bereft of minyjilarri

family, used to worry about warlkula

far away tiwa

· wirrili

far away, used to get wirrilirri

far!, that nyamu

farm paampa

fast wala

· pipurru

· wirrurru

· pula

fast runner walawarta

fat ngakarlpa

· jira

· palyarri

· jinyji

· karnu

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· jinyjimama

· karnpi

fat animal rulypu

fat creature jinyjimarta

fat on an animal, used to feel karnujula

fat one karnumarta

fat to become jinyjimamarri

father mama

· tati

father and son kajararra

father or uncle japunyurra

father's sister wumari

· kurntili

· umari

· yumari

father, real mamapartanu

father, respectful address of mamarti

father, respectful reference to a mamapirrayi

father-in-law ngunyarri

fault, person's own walyjajanu

favour, one-sided kujuyiti

fear ngurlu

fear, paralysed with kurrurnpa palyjalypa

fear, used to shake with minirrngara

fear, with ngurluwinti

fearful karrata

fearful person ngurlujaka

fearless ngurluparni

feather foot karrpirlpa

feathered creature nyarlpijarra

featherfoot jinakarrpil

feathers wurna

· nyarlpi

feed someone, used to jaangkajula

· jaangkala

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feed, used to munkurra

feedback jakulypa

feel a presence karala

feel another's touch or close presence , used to nguntujurra

feel coldness come over one, used to kaalypuwa

feel coldness come over, used to kiilypuwa

feel nauseated, used to karunypuwa

feel something, used to pampula

feel the fat on an animal, used to karnujula

feeling ill kurlpakurlu

feeling lonely for relatives kurrurnpa marr-marr

feeling that something is about to happen wirla kamparr-kamparrpa

feeling, empty wirla tikirlpa

feeling, used to get tickling jukururri

feelings wuyurrpa

· wirla

· kurrurnpa

feelings have dried up wirla tikirlpa

feet to feet, two people lying down jinangka-pula kanturnuka ngarrini

feet, stamping jurrka

feet, used to stamp jurrkawa

feet, used to stamp one's kantula

fell back from the lead kurranyujanu

fell down, many punka-punkala

fellow, poor nyarru

female cousins, two juwarirra

female dog milkarrpa

female kangaroo (with a joey in the pouch) laparli

fence parriki

· piinyji

feral, cat, jujukulyu

fetch water, used to marnmala

· jayila

few yupalpa

· wupalpa

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· marnkurrpa

· upalpa

fifty pipiti

fig, rock kunawirnka

fight someone, used to mininyjula

fight, a jurta

· jarripi

fight, used to jurrkapuwa

fight, used to lose jijawa

fighter jurtapayi

· jurtawarta

fighting activity junpara

fighting person pikalya

fighting spear karu

fighting, used to stop someone ngarlkila

fights, person who often pikapayi

fill up a number of containers, used to pilamapurnu wanala

fill up, used to wirlarri

· kalyjala

fill with a liquid, used to pilamapula

fill with water, used to ngaapakala

filled up, used to be kaljala

finch, species of nyiinyinka

fine payinpa

finger missing, hand with a maratuti

fingernail milpinypa

finish piniji

finish something up, used to wiyala

finish something, used to pakila

· munula

· puujala

finish, used to wiyarri

finished, used to be pakirri

· wiyarri

fire karla

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· waru

fire to, used to set yumala

fire, big taarru

fire, from the warujanu

fire, go out juturri

fire, used to build jungula

fire, used to build up a nyuyula

fire, used to catch quickly jarrwangkawa

fire, used to keep going all night jungula

fire, used to light a tilila

· wiila

fire, used to make ngujurlpuwa

fire, used to put out juturntala

fire, used to quickly light kuja-kujala

firestick jangi

· ngijirri

firestick, used to give someone a ngijirrijula

firestick, used to shake a riripuwa

firewood waru

· karla

firewood, place with lots of warukurru

firewood, used to break off murnila

firewood, used to get murnila

first -palaji

· kurranyi

· kurranyu

first-born child murrkangunya

fish piijpa

fish net niitingpa

fist mara tirnu

· maratiinu

· maramulyji

fitting, loose lalypa

five payipu

· payippa

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five-dollar note jijilaltujarra

fix or make something, used to yanimarra

fix something, used to kunyjunyumala

· palyamala

flake off, used to tupirrkati

flaking tupirr-tupirrpa

flame tili

flame, used to be in parrjula

flames, used to burst into jarrangkawa

· jarrwangkawa

flank kapulyurru

flash of lightning, used to parrmala

flash, used to parl-parljula

flat country parlkarra

flat country between hills pila

flat country between sandhills or mountains larrku

flat one pulatwanpa

flat stone limpi-limpi

flavour, good juriwarta

flavour, used to lose the wunyarri

flavourless wunya

flesh mirla

· purlara

flint jalypa

flood water parlkurta

floor puluwu

flopping around jurrululypululypu

flour pulawa

· nyuma

flow (of creek), used to wayila

flow, used to marala

flower purrungu

· puritipulawa

flower, bird jakapiri

flowers, wild purtipulawu

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fly, a muungu

· ngurrinpa

· muunurrku

fly, March jatu

fly, used to parrpakala

· parrangkala

foam at the mouth, used to janga pakala

focus -nya

focus marker -ngurninyji

focus marker, stative -nga

focus suffix -mpa

focus suffix, benefactive -mpa

fog kayukura

fold up, used to mulyjila

follow a track, used to jinawanala

follow behind, used to marlangka yarra

follow something, used to wanala

fontanelle ngaany-ngaanypa

food mangarri

· jaja

· manyjirrpa

· yuta

· mayi

food for initiation ceremony juurnpa

food for in-laws nganykuru

food moving stick lilulypa

food or clothing, one who has no maralpa

food taboo jaji

food, seed kunaruntu

· kalyupijurlpa

food, small bite of janingu

food, species of seed kalaru

· pipi

food, used to gobble japuly-japulyjala

· janngala

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food, used to make mirrkamala

food, used to sample nyipilyjala

food, vegetable kunawirnka

· mirrka

food, without mayiparni

· mayipunaja

foods, to refrain from jaji

foot jina

· jamana

foot of something marlarrpa

foot or shoe, back area of tarta

foot, on jinangu

foot, sole of jina palyka

foot, underneath jina kaninykurti

foot, used to go on jinangurri

football puutpulpa

footprint jina

footprints, without jina yarrka-yarrka

for doing something -ngkuraku

· -lkuraku

for good kakuputu

for her -ra

for him -ra

for it -ra

for keeps yulupirti

for what reason nyaaku

forcefully without mercy minyirrju

forehead ngalya

· jirntajarra

forget, used to ngakumparri

forgot about it, I Ngakumparringu-rnalura.

fork lalapa

· jarrapa

fork of a branch, in karlkajarrangka

fork of a tree karlkanyjarra

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· karlkajarra

fork of tree jarrapa-jarrapa

fork, used to kalyuparnirri

· lalapuwa

· tarrirri

forked stick jarra

forking branches of a tree jarrapa

forth, go back and karrungara

forty puutiyi

four puu

fowl pawurla

fox jujuwurruwurru

· jitirta

· walytaki

free someone yiyala

free, used to kurtiwa

· walajurra

Friday Purayiti

friend mirti

friend to talk to wangkapinti

friendly ngulyju

fright, extreme karrata-karrata

fright, got a ngurlutingu

fright, used to get a julurrangkawa

· marrjula

fright, used to give someone a julurrjingala

frighten another, used to ngurlujula

frighten something away, used to ngurlura kurti

frightened ngurluwinti

frightened person, very ngurlujaka

frightened, used to be karratarri

· ngurlumala

frightened, used to become ngurlurri

· karratarri

frog, species of puupuka

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· ngaankura

from -nguru

· -ngka

from drinking wamajanu

from here ngaajanu

from Jigalong Jikulyungujanu

· Jikulyungunguru

from long ago julyjujanu

from one end mulyajanu

from sleep kunyalajanu

from that jiijanu

· jiinguru

from the speaker, away maa-

from where? -manta

front, in kurranyu

fruit, bunches of latu-latu

fruit, skin of likarra

fruit, used to pick yinala

fruit, used to pluck witala

fulfilled, used to be wangka yiltarri

full (of quantity) wirla

full creek karru wirla

full of something, used to be jangkulyarra

full stomach parlja

· munku

full, running parlkurta

full, used to become palyjarri

· munkurri

full, used to get parljarri

funeral activity jaminypa

funeral ceremony Laka

fungus, edible majapurti

fur wurna

fur, burning smell jilururru

future continuous tense -ngamalpa

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G - g

gait, smooth jitarr-jitarrpa

galah piyarrku

· kakipuwi

Galatia Kilijiya

Galilee lake and area Kaliliya

gall, edible tarrunpa

game, used to play a ngarlpurri

game, used to sic a dog on wapila

game, used to sic dogs on yirrijula

gaol jirnmuntu

garden kaatanmaya

· kaanpa

· kaatanpa

gasp for breath, used to rangamala

gate kiitu

· kiitpa

gather and winnow, used to nyurtula

gather berries or other objects , used to ngawula

gather into a group, used to kamu-kamula

gather those who are called to a ceremony, used to wikarrurra

gather together nyungkurri

gather together, used to kumungkarriwa

· wumala

· mirrjurri

· wurula

· kujungkarriwa

· kuju-kujungkala

gather, used to nyungkula

gecko, species of kanparrja

· piirnpa

generation above one's own, women in pipinyurra

generation who have died, former wulpipulpa

generous yirni

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· nyinkilpa

· munya

· munyja

generous person yirnipayi

generous, person munyjapayi

generous, very yirninyju

Gentile Juwuparni

gently blowing, wind kinti wangka

get a cramp, used to wuly-wulyarri

get a shock, used to julurrangkawa

get angry, used to wirrilyirri

· pikarri

get bad, used to walykurri

get bark from tree, used to likarrala

get closer, ngamurri

get down from something, used to tipukala

· tirriti

· tikukala

· tiputi

get down from, used to tupukala

· tukikala

· tupiti

get firewood, used to murnila

get in someone's way, used to yangajula

get on board something, used to tatila

get on board, used to takala

get quiet, used to yakarri

get rotten, used to pilkirri

get satisfied, used to yiwilyirri

get sick, used to ngarntarri

get slower, used to wanyurri

get smart, used to rakarri

get soft, used to runyurri

get something -rri~

get something, used to marra

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get thirsty, used to yurrarri

get to a distant place, used to nyarrakartirri

· munkarrarri

get up to a sitting position, used to nyinanyjarri

get up, used to pakala

get upset, used to yarrjurri

get water from creek or soak, used to jayila

get well kunyjunyurri

get well, used to wankarri

getting dark mungarr-mungarrpa

ghost gum jarturtu

giant devil jangara

gidgee tree janyjuru

gidgee, black marntila

gift yinyjanu

gift, ceremonial meat yinyjanu

gift, ceremonial meat or food mirtayirti

gift, exchange puntaju

gift, reciprocal murnaji

· puntaju

gift, with a yungkujarra

giggle, used to tartapuwa

girl wanti

girl, promised jamarta

girl, young mulyamulpa

· kuyurnpa

· yurrkanpa

· mulyamunmulpa

· turn-turnpa

girls, man who is always chasing wantipayi

give a drink to someone, used to yitijula

give birth, used to nyukapuwa

give off a smell, used to winyirirripuwa

give off odour, used to parntingara

· parntiyiki

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give orders, used to wajarnu yuwa

give permission, used to yuwajula

give someone something, used to yuwa

give up on an issue, used to yumurri

give, used to nyiijula

glisten, used to piirlangkala

glob of something on something, used to put yapalypuwa

glow in the distance, a juurra

go kuu

go along there, used to palawanarri

go along with claws just touching the ground, to karltaly-karltalypa

go along, used to wanala

go altogether, without any intention of returning wulu yarra

go around and return, used to yarunyarri

go around in circles, used to rangkarriyarra

go around, used to parrati

go back and forth karrungara

go back, used to marlayarra

go in, used to jarrpa

go on foot, used to jinangurri

· jina

go other way, used to kujupakartirri

go out, fire juturri

go quickly or directly to a destination wuna

go slowly, used to kinti yarra

go to jail for no reason, to pakiku jiilja jarrpa~

go toward and enter, used to jarrpatiwa

go up and down a path, used to yiwarrajula

go, used to yarra

go, used to let jalkala

go, used to let someone yiyala

go, used to let something kurtiwa

goal -nya

· jiilpa

goanna maruntu

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goanna meat, white pirntarlpa

goanna ramp yirntirri

goanna, species of yalapara

goat kuutpa

gobble food, used to japuly-japulyjala

· janngala

God ngarnawarrapurluka

going around kurirri

going, used to start warntikala

· warntitiwa

gold kuulu

gold thing kuuluwanpa

good kunyunyu

· palya

· kunyjunyu

· tukulku

· ngalypa

· puntanypa

· parntirrpa

good design juri

good flavour juriwarta

good looking face ngumpa juri

good melody juri

good one kunyjunyuwanpa

· kunyjunyumarta

good person palyalpayi

good taste juri

good thing kunyjunyuwanpa

good, for kakuputu

good, really kunyjunyuminyirri

· ngalypangulyu

good, used to become kunyjunyurri

good, used to make kunyunyula

· kunyjunyumala

good, used to make something kunyjunyula

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Good-bye! Palunyangulyu!

good-bye! palulyu

goosebumps, used to get jukururri

gossip, used to minyjilypa jurra

got a fright ngurlutingu

got up, large group paka-pakala

Government kapamanpa

government kamanpa

government bosses kapamanpa

grab something mamala

· kartimala

grab something from someone, used to muntala

grab something, used to ngalula

gracious karratanyju

grain, used to winnow jajarrapuwa

grandchild and grandmother kaparlirra

granddaughter kaparli

· nana

· nyami

· kami

grandfather nyamu

grandfather and grandson relationship jamujarra

· jamurarra

grandfather/grandson relationship jamu

· jamirti

grandfathers jamunyjanirri

grandmother yaparli

· nyami

· nana

· kaparli

· kami

grandmother and grandchild kaparlirra

grandson nyamu

grandson and grandfather relationship jamujarra

· jamurarra

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grandson/grandfather relationship jamirti

· jamu

grapes kuriipiji

· kuripijpa

grass, green yukuri

grass, species of janikurtinypa

grass, spinifex janpi

grass, woollybutt yuwinyji

grasshoper purntarlka

grassy place, at a yukurikurrungka

grave, at the jampangka

graveside jampangka

gravy karrkarta

· yilikuru

grease jinyji

great deal of something, having laltujarra

great many laltukuyarra

· pukalyarra

greedy kalypartu

· malya

Greek Kiriki

green yukuri-yukuri

green birdflower bush mangarrpa

· malkapiri

green coloured thing yukuriwanpa

green grass yukuri

greeting wanyjalpa

· yaalu

· wayi

greeting ceremony milyangkulypa

grevillea tree, species of parntalpa

grevillea, holly-leaf jakata

grevillea, rattlepod malypa

grevillea, species of jujurrumal

· jalpinypa

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grey hair jirlpi

grief wirla walyku

grief, used to hit head in janyipuwa

grind one's teeth, used to yirra pajala

grind something, used to yungkala

grind teeth, used to ngirrmala

grind, used to runyula

grinding of teeth ngirr-ngirrpa

grinding stone, lower jiwa

grinding stone, upper wakura

grip, tight karrpa-karrpa

groin mirlka

· kanya

ground parna

· langa

ground of people, large wamumpu

ground with prickle bushes jilkarnkurru

ground, level panka

ground, rough parnka

ground, used to bounce off turrkulangkawa

· jitapajala

ground, used to level for camp runngula

ground, used to scrape jarntila

· warrarnpuwa

group -malu

group of old men jirlpinyjarri

group of people wumungka

· ngarranpa

· japalpa

group of small boys murtilya-murtilya

group talking together secretly jaalpu wangkangu

group which goes around telling lies paki kajalkaja

group, large, appeared paka-pakala

group, large, arrived paka-pakala

group, large, got up paka-pakala

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group, used to gather into kamu-kamula

groups, into separate jaalpu-jaalpu

grow a baby up, used to majumarra

grow somebody up, used to jumala

grow up, used to jumarri

· jarlurri

growl at someone, used to warrkila

grub lukuti

grub, edible lunki

grub, species of ngurtuma

grunt, used to nguurrmala

guards jawulyjakaja

guitar kitawu

· kitaa

gully, small warli

gum tree, wide leaf jarturtu

gum, cabbage kirtingarli

gum, ghost jarturtu

gum, river walyji

gun jilamanpa

· tarlparlmarta

guts julu-julu

· janingu

· jarru

guts, used to remove from game warnjila

H - h

habitually murrarni

hail kunarta

hailstones purlijirta

hair purrunypa

· panku

hair belt nanpa

hair from, used to yank out tungkurrpuwa

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hair out, used to pull tungkurrpuwa

hair sticking up jalyjakarra

hair to go grey, used to cause jirlpimala

hair, body wurna

hair, fair kilyarrkura

· jilyarrkura

hair, grey jirlpi

hair, light-coloured kilyarrkura

hair, used to spin yungkala

hairline, receding ngalya pararra

hairy pankuly-pankulypa

half yaapu

half, used to split in pangkapuwa

halfway kutungka

halt suddenly jarr-jarr-jarr-jarrpa

halve up, used to yaapula

hand marumpu

· mara

· mirna

hand winnow, used to jajarrala

hand with finger missing maratuti

hand, left jampu

hand, right junga

· jurrku-jurrku

handful, used to take a yawula

handkerchief yangkiji

handle something carefully, used to pukunymala

hands behind back wayarurru

hang your head sleepily, used to nyuurrarri

hang, used to wiltijurra

hanging, used to be wiltiyiki

· wiltingara

hangup, used to wiltijurra

happen, used to wanyjalarri

happened, already jurntulpi

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happened, what? yaalurri

happiness pukurlpa

happy pukurlpa

happy, used to become pukurlarri

happy, very pukurl-pukurlpa

hard nantirrpa

· wiltu

hard, used to make strong or wiltula

harden, used to wilturri

harder! Wiltumarta!

Hare-wallaby, Rufous mala

has done something -ngu

hat jangkurru

· jankurru

have a child, used to jijiwintirri

have a nightmare, used to jukurrmala

have a spell yurlta

have had too much of something, used to puyila

have, used to kanyila

having -jarra

· -kurlu

· -winti

having a great deal of something laltujarra

having done an action -ka

having done something -ngkura

· -nta

· -nkura

· -ra

having seen him, without nyakupunajangka

hawk kirrki

hawk, eagle warlawurru

hawk, species of nyirrki

· nyirrkulyu

hawk, wedgetail winy-winypa

haze, heat puyulyurru

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· marrka-marrka

he palu

· palunya

head kata

head bowed nyuwurrpa

head hair mangka

head ornament jininypa

head over heels katakaninypa

head up ngalya yinyja-yinyja

head, bald katakampu

head, bowed malurrpa

head, carry on jarli kati

head, itchy kata wapaju

head, nodding nyuwurrpa

head, on jarlingka

head, the side of katawana

head, to carry on jarlijarra

head, top of the ngamunpa kata

head, used to bow one's nyuwurrarri

head, used to carry on jarlila

· jarlitiwa

head, used to nod in sleep nyurrmala

head, used to place on jarlirri

headache jukulypa

headband yakirri

head-cold nguntu

head-ring nyangi

head-up yinyja-yinyja

heal someone, used to palyamala

· kunyjunyumala

· wankala

heal, used to maparnjula

· wankamala

healing, used to manipulate for pampula

healthy pikalypa

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· jurnpurrpa

· kunyjunyu

heap wuru

· wumu

heap of sand juurlpa

heap something up, used to wumula

heap up, used to pirtijula

· wurumala

heap, used to wumurri

heap, used to become wururri

heap, used to put in a wurujula

hear a message and give it to others, used to kulirnu kati

hear, used to kulila

· ngangkula

heart kurturtu

· ngalkari

heart, broken wirla karalyanu

heat haze puyulyurru

· marrka-marrka

heat of the sun yarlka

heat something in fire, used to wangkujula

heat, used to punpala

heavy yuwinypa

· yapipala

· purtulypa

heavy rain karlkawarta

Hebrew language Yipuru

heel tarta

· luku

heels, sitting on tangkarra

help another, used to yarlpamula

· yaalpamula

helpful person karratanyju

helpful, not karrataparni

hem in, used to ngampapuwa

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her palunya

· palu

· -lu

her, at/with/to/off/on/in -lu

here! nyii

here, along ngaawana

here, beside ngaawati

here, from ngaajanu

here, right ngaangka

here, to ngalyarni

hers palunyamili

· -ra

· palumili

herself -ngku

hibernate, used to kunurri

· tumalpuwa

hiccough, used to ngitarnmala

hidden kumpi

hidden object kuku

hide something, used to kumpijula

· kukujula

hide, used to kukurri

· kumpila

hiding, used to appear from yutirri

high ngarnawarra

hill yapu

· yalyi

· purli

hill country, rough wankurlpari

hill kangaroo kanyala

hilly place turntururru

him palunya

· palu

· -lu

him, at/with/to/off/on/in -lu

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him?, Is it Jiipanta nyinani?

himself -ngku

himself, to -yinta

hip yangkarlpa

his palunyamili

· -ra

· palumili

hit accidentally, used to kakalpuwa

hit head in grief janyipuwa

hit him once, He Kujungka puwa!

hit on back with a switch, used to warlpunypuwa

hit someone, to just about pungkukijarringu

hit, used to puwa

· mitu puwa

hither ngalyarni

hitting sound, used to make rikirrmala

hitting stick jurna

· linmurru

· kurnti

· jurtinypa

hobbling about jarnti-jarnti

hold in lap, used to yampula

hold on, used to ngalula

hold something kartimala

hold something up, used to jikajula

holding thing ngalunyjapinti

hole tapurrpa

· pirti

· wiirnpa

hole in nasal septum nyiirnka

hole in, used to make a tapurrpuwa

· tapurryarra

hole, in the tapurrja

hole, shallow jata

hole, through the tapurrwana

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hollow papu

· raku-raku

· yurltu

hollow log nganmarlpa

hollow, used to become raku-rakurri

holly-leaf grevillea jakata

home country ngurrara

home country waterhole yinta

homesick kujilpa

· kurljirrpa

· kujilkujilpa

homesick, used to become kujilarri

homosexual, used to be kirriji ngarripayi

honey karluwayi

· jurtipirri

· karluwari

honey bee jantaru muunurrku

honey, wild jukapayiki

· jantaru

honeyants wuukarta

hook from a hole, used to narnngula

hook, a narnngu

hop, used to katuwa

horde, used to jajala

horn wirlkurru

horrified, used to be karratarri

horse yawarta

horse drawn wagon turila

horse, used to saddle jatulamula

horseback, used to go jarlingkarri

horseback, used to ride jarlingkala

hot yaatapala

· rarru

· parlti-parlti

hot coals lunngu

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· yikara

hot cooking stones yapanpa

hot meat jaapi

hot season puyulyurru

hot stones, cooking kanyanpa

hot time yalijarra

· kurli

hot time, the parrpakarra

hot weather yali

· pirtirr-pirtirrpa

hot, used to become rarrurri

hot, used to get warurri

hot-tempered parnu-parnu

house maya

how many nyaalyjirri

· nganamalu

· yawumani

how many? -lyjirri

how? yaalu

huff, leaving the mob in a yurntiri

hug someone, used to yampula

hug, used to murtula

huge boulder, yarlawara

hundred yantarta

hunger, extreme manyu-manyu

hungrily kalypartuwinti

hungry murlkurrpa

· kama

· kalypartu

hungry for meat jaapi

hungry, used to become kalyparturri

hunt with dogs, used to wapila

hunt, a wapira

· wartilpa

hunting wapira

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· wartilpa

hunting dog mirtilya

· kukarninti

hunting stealthily wura

hunting trip yarrkalpa

hunting trip, daytime karrila

hurry, used to walarri

· wirrjala

husband yinini

· martungu

· yarruwa

· kirta

· patu

· kirtapartanu

· nyupa

· nyukunu

· yirna

husband's sister juwari

husk seeds, used to nyurtula

I - i

I -rna

· ngayu

idea which is borrowed wartajanu wangka

idea, different kuran kujupa

identifying mark of a person walka

if puju

· yiipi

· jampa

ignite something, used to tilila

· wiila

ignite, used to jarrwangkawa

ignorant yurtu

ignorant of something maarra

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· ngurrpa

ignoring instruction yurtu-yurtu

ignoring something parlan-parlanpa

ill, feeling kurlpakurlu

ill, used to make someone kalyapuwa

illogical manyarrpa

illuminate, used to rantala

imagination ruu

imitate someone, used to mapa

imperative continuous tense -ngama

imperative tense -la

important yuwinpa

important business, used to plan jumangkarrala

important person yatilypa

important, used to become yuwinarri

improper kurntaparni

in -ta

· -ja

· -ngka

· -rta

· kaninyjarrangka

in exchange puntaji

in order to do something -ngkuraku

· -lkuraku

· -nkuraku

in return ngapurrju

· murnaji

· ngaparrji

· puntaji

in turn ngaparrpa

in turns purrini-purrini

in vain purtu

in, used to go jarrpa

in-between kutungka

increase in quantity, used to yarnngarri

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increase the size of some material, used to majuwartala

indicate an action to another with a hand signal, used to mara wangka

indicate with a hand gesture, used to yilijula

indistinct sight paalypaalypa

industrious ngarru

inhabitant ngaamartaji

inhabitant indicating suffix -yija

inhabits above ngarnawarrapurluka

initaite, relations who cry for karnku

initiate marlurlu

initiate, an jungan

initiate, new jangiwinti

initiate, recent jaminypa

initiate, with an junganwinti

initiate, young jaminpara

initiated man jamunu

initiation ceremony, food for juurnpa

initiator jarrpurta

· mangkalyi

inject with a needle, used to wakala

in-laws, food for nganykuru

insane ngakumpa

insect, buzzy muunurrku-nurrku

insect, species of yuranypa

insert into water, used to tupurljurra

· tupulyjurra

insert object in to a container, to takurljunu

insert, used to yirrpila

· kurrujula

inside kaninypa

· ngururrpa

· yinjayiti

· kaninykurti

· kaninyjarra

inside, from kaninyjarrajanu

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inside, from the ngururrjanu

inside, to kaninykarti

insolent, used to become rakarri

instantaneous action suffix -marntu

instruct a person, used to kuranmarra

instruct someone, used to pirntipuwa

instruct, used to kuranjula

· katangka yuwa

instruction, ignoring yurtu-yurtu

instructor maaja

instrument -lu

intensity indicating suffix -minyirri

intensively question a person, used to kintilu japira kulila

intent suffix -kija

interested in doing what one is told, used to be not jukururrula

interfer with another's sinew pulykumala

interjection kantilirri

· kanti

interjection, an jilkinpa

intermittent action -ti~

interrogative suffix -partu

· -pakayi

· -pa

interrogative word wurtu

intestines jarru

· julu-julu

· janingu

intestines, kangaroo julypa

intestines, waste material in kunakaja

introducer karu

· kapu

invisible rangkarrpa

iron yayinpa

irrascible person jantupayi

irrelevant, used to become pinyirri

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is doing something -ngkuni

· -nginpa

Isaac Yajikpa

Isaiah Yayijaya

Israel Yijurilpa

issue, used to give up on an yumurri

it palu

· palunya

· -lu

it, at/with/to/off/on/in -lu

itchy mirri-mirri

· minyji-minyji

itchy head kata wapaju

its palumili

· palunyamili

· -ra

itself -ngku

J - j

Jacob Jikuppa

jail for no reason, to go to pakiku jiilja jarrpa~

jakapiri plant string jakapiri

jakapiri sandle jakapiri

James Jayimijpa

jamirti relationship, two people in jamirtirra

jealous miku

· nyara

jealous person mikujaka

jealous, he's always mikupayi

jealous, used to become mikurri

· nyararri

jealously guards his things, one who mikujaka

Jeremiah Jirimaya

Jerusalem Jarujalumpa

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· Jarujalumu

Jesus Jiijajpa

Jesus' disciples wangkapurluka

Jesus' teaching, to live true to Jiijajpa wana~

Jew Juwu

Jewish festival Pajuwupa

Jigalong Jikulyungu

Jigalong language name Martu Wangka

Jigalong, from Jikulyungujanu

· Jikulyungunguru

Jigalong, rockhole near Ngujapunkanu

John Jaanpa

join together, used to kulula

join two things, used to tinyjila

join up ngaparrku

joking relationship jingkirtirra

Jordan Juutunpa

Jordan river Juutunpa

· Juutanpa

Joseph Juujappa

· Juujapu

Joshua Jajuwa

jostle, used to ngampapuwa

joy yuku

Judas Juutajpa

Judea Juutiya

juice from meat yilikuru

· karrkarta

juice, squeeze karljarrpuwa

· karljarrkawa

juice, used to squirt out purltujala

jump from a height, used to wuulangka

jump up, used to tatiwarrala

jump, used to wurlkala

junction of a creek karlkanyjarra

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· karlkajarra

just about nguwanpa

· jamurnpa

juxtaposed -kirra

K - k

kangaroo kangkuru

· kirti-kirti

· kurlpirrpa

· jarlparra

kangaroo etc, young yangupala

kangaroo intestines julypa

kangaroo tail, base of jirrji

kangaroo with young japunyjarra

· japuwinti

kangaroo, female (with a joey in the pouch) laparli

kangaroo, hill kanyala

kangaroo, plains marlu

kangaroo, species of nyurukirta

· parlkarrayija

· yapuwija

· purliyija

Karimarra/Panaka group Marntiyarra

keep a fire going all night, used to jungula

keep a word in your head, used to kuranju kanyila

keep on doing -ma

keep on doing something -nama

· -nma

keep one's word, used to wangka kanyila

keep, used to kanyila

keeps, for wulu

· yulupirti

key wupuna

kick up dust, used to marnturrmala

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kick, used to kantula

kill, used to puwa

· miturntala

· mitu puwa

killing time watanypa

kind karratanyju

kind of place -lyukurru

kind person karratapayi

kindling jikirr-jikirr

kingfisher luurnpa

kinship group, in the same kalyartu

kinship groups that can intermarry marirra

kinship groups, two marijirra

kinship section Panaka

· Purungu

kinship section name Karimarra

· Milangka

kinship suffix -purru

kiss someone, used to nyunyjula

knee murti

kneel, used to jantarrngara

kneeling murti jurrpu-jurrpu

· murtijurrpu

· jurrpu-jurrpu

· murtijurrpu-jurrpu

knees, used to clamp ngurtila

knife nayipu

knife, stone kanti

· jalypa

knock something down, used to punkajingala

knock, used to nanturrpuwa

knot, used to witurrpuwa

know something, used to nintirri

know, used to kuranarriwa

knowing ninti

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knowledge ninti

knowledgeable person nintipuka

known, a person nganmi

knows where waterholes are, one who kalyurninti

kudaicha man karrpirlpa

L - l

La Grange Likirinji

ladder jannga

lake warla

lame mukuntu

lamp laampa

· laampu

language wangka

language name Nyiyaparli

· Manyjilyjarra

· Mangala

· Jiwarlin

· Nyangumarta

· Manjiljarra

· Kartujarra

· Manyjiljarra

language name, ceremonial Yapura-yapura

language name, Jigalong Martu Wangka

language, in Martu Martujanu

language, strange japurr-japurrpa

lap, used to hold in yampula

large juma

· julipunaja

· jukumunu

large claypan warla

large group appeared paka-pakala

large group arrived paka-pakala

large group got up paka-pakala

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large number jina mara jina mara

large number of men warnmarla

large, used to make yuwinmarra

late afternoon ruka

· yukartu-yukartu

late in the afternoon, really yukartuminyirri

late, before too karrpulpi

later kuwarrara

· kurlu

· ngula

· marlakarti

· ngulampa

· ngulawiyayiju

laugh in derision, used to nyurni yikarri

laugh, used to mantarrirri

· jurniwa

· yikarri

· yikarrirri

laugher, a jurniwarta

law luwu

law breaker, used to become a kunkarri

Law ceremony Maliki

Law from the Dreamtime Jukurrjanu

law or command which is current, used to be a wangka nyini

law, used to live in accordance to luwu wanala

lay an egg, used to kunala

lay face down wartuyiki

lay maggots, used to pirlpujula

Lazarus Lajarajpa

lazy person liijipaka

lead someone, used to winila

lead, fell back from kurranyujanu

leader maaja

· nyampali

leaf parrka

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· pirrpilya

· yulyju

· mipi

leafy jarrapa-jarrapa

leak out of something, used to yinti

lean on something, used to parlila

learn something, used to nintirri

learner, slow parrura-parrura

leave alone jurra

leave someone behind, used to junu yarra

· watala

leave, used to wanti

· junkula yarra

leaves pirrpilya

leaves on the mourner, he threw jalyirrjunu

leaves, ceremonial jalyirrpa

leaves, used to throw jalyirrjurra

leaving the mob in a huff yurntiri

left hand jampu

left hand, with the jampukarti

left side, on the jampungka

left, to the jampukarti

left-handed person jampu

leg bone tarrka

leg, calf of nganyju

leg, on one kanyjikujukarti

leg, spear wound in warnurra

legs apart, standing jarrarra yikinta

legs apart, used to walk with jangka-jangkati

legs crossed karnajarlpi

legs, used to straighten one's jirrarajula

legs, used to stretch out wirlkarri

leprosy lipuriji

lerp waranu

less than before yaru

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less than before, used to become yarurri

lessen something, used to yarula

let go, used to jalkala

let out a big breath ngaanypa kurtiwa

let someone go, used to yiyala

let something go, used to kurtiwa

let's do something -ngkura

· -lkura

· -nkura

· -ra

level ground panka

level ground for camp, used to runngula

Levi Lipayi

Levite Lipayimili wangkapurluka

liar mayunyju

· mayinyju

lick something, used to nyanyjula

lie down on belly, used to wartungara

lie down, used to ngarri

· ngarriti

lie face-downward, used to ngamparl-ngamparl ngarri

lie, a mayinyju

lie, used to kajala

· mirnijurra

lies, person who tells pakipayi

lies, used to tell mayula

· mayujula

· paki kajala

lifeless person mituny-mitunypa

lift an object , used to katula

lift someone up, used to ngarnawarrala

lift the edge of something, used to yarlila

lift up, used to jikajula

· yaanypuwa

light ralya

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· layiti

light a fire, quickly kuja-kujala

light a fire, used to wiila

· tilila

light coloured hair jilyarrkura

light rain jiimpi-jiimpi

light weight ranpu

light winter rain kurluwa

light, misty rain jil-jil

light, when it is karrpumarta

light, while there is still some karrpulpi

light/day, used to become karrpurri

light-coloured hair kilyarrkura

lighten something, used to ranpula

lighter, used to make something ranpumala

lighter, when it gets karrpu-karrpumarta

lightless puwalypa

lightning layitningpa

lightning flash, used to parrmala

like -yuru

· -yuku

· -yiku

· -pirti

like before yangkayuru

like that jiiyuru

· jingulanya

· -jaka

like that, used to do jilala

like the real thing yiltayuru

like this jingulpa

· jilanya

· jingula

· jingulanya

like this one ngaayiku

like/love, used to layikamurri

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likes/loves something, one who layikamu

limbs, unable to move parralayiji

limestone pulpurru

limitational suffix -ngurninyji

limp along following an injury, used to tunmurlyarra

limp along, used to narntatiwa

limping mukuntu

line ngalparra

line, in a yiliti

lion layinpa

lips murtirrpa

liquid, used to dip in jarlajula

list something, used to yiilyjula

listen carefully, used to kintilu kulila

listen to someone, used to kulila

listen, used to ngangkula

listen, won't kurrurnpa kalyurringu

little juku

· japu

· juli-juli

· juli

little ones jukunyjukunypa

· julinyjulinypa

· jukunjukunypa

live at a place, used to nyina

live correctly, used to junga nyina

live in accordance to the law, used to luwu wanala

live the wrong way, to yiwarra kujupa wanarnu

lively person or animal pikalya

liver mirliki

· yalu

lizard, bluetongue lungkurta

· lungkarta

lizard, species of talypirrngari

· parnajarrpa

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· tartayulu

· parnaparnti

· katapakarrpa

· narntarlpina

· mulumaru

· jinyjinyji

· jinyjila

· parnka

· tilti

· parla-parla

· papanymaru

· luma

· ngalyiwilirrpa

· pirurrpa

load a spearthrower, used to jurtila

load a truck or vehicle, used to luutumula

load, a luutu

loaf of bread karlu-karlu

· yampalpa

loaf, used to make a yampaljurra

lock up a person in goal , used to lakamapula

log, hollow nganmarlpa

lonely for one's relatives kurrurnpa marr-marr

long langupala

· warlpukurru

long ago nyukurni

· julyju

· julyjukurlu

· kurrarlka

long ago, really julyju-julyju

long distance wirrirli

long time rawa

long time, for a kakuputu

long way warnma

· wirrili

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· tiwa

long way off, used to cause to go a wirrirlimala

long, used to become warlpukurrurri

look after someone, used to marangka kanyila

· ngampurrmala

look after, used to ngankala

· ngampurrju kanyila

look at, used to nyawa

look for something, used to ngurrila

look for, used to nyawa

look the other way, used to wartarlarri

look upward from a lower position, used to yirra nyawa

look, a backward nyankarra

look, side ngiri

looking at something, used to stop yurturri

looking in opposite direction wartarlpa

looking, proud jarntarrngarapa

loose luujwanpa

· yirni

loose fitting lalypa

loose, used to become yirnirri

loose, very yirni-yirni

loosen a small shrub and pull it out muntulngunyjarri

lose a child by death, used to kampurri

lose a fight jijawa

lose one's purpose, used to yumurri

lose one's spirit, used to kuurtiparnirri

lose something, used to kawarlila

lose the flavour, used to wunyarri

lose weight, used to murrjinarri

lose, used to pujarri

lost, used to be luujarriwa

lot, a yarnngartuka

lots of loud bangs tarl-tarlkaja

lots of water kalyukuyarra

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loud wiltu

loud bangs, lots of tarl-tarlkaja

loud noise tarl

louder! Wiltumarta!

louse putinypa

· wirnka

love song, used to sing a magic wilykumala

love/like, used to layikamurri

loved greatly??? wirla walykurringu

loves/likes something, one who layikamu

low nyirri

lower back kala

· narnma

lower, used to become nyirrirri

lucky to avoid a mishap yuku

Luke Luukpa

lump turrku-turrku

lump, used to get a turrku-turrkurri

lungs ralyu-ralyu

lying down with feet to feet jinangka-pula kanturnuka ngarrini

lying on side karlipirtunu

· wingkurnpa

M - m

mad ngakumpa

· kawarn-kawarnpa

mad, bit kata kurirri-kurirri

mad, used to become kawarn-kawarnarri

· ngakumparri

made a step janngajunu

madness, used to cause ngakumpala

maggots pirlpu

maggots, used to lay pirlpujula

magic on someone, used to work wuramala

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magpie kurrparu

· kurrpanyji

make a bore, used to tapurrpuwa

make a cave, used to pirnkila

make a clicking noise, used to tilkirrmala

make a fire, used to ngujurlpuwa

· kujala

make a friend, used to ngulyjula

make a hole in something, used to tapurryarra

· tapurrpuwa

make a large amount, used to majula

make a noise, used to tuurnngurlwangka

make a ripping sound, used to yarrwangka

make a rustling noise karralmala

make a shade, used to purijula

make a spear, used to kurlartala

make a statement, used to wangka puwa

make a thudding sound, used to tujurrpuwa

make a track by going over the same course, used to yiwarrarra

make a vibrating noise lilyirrwangka

make a wind break, used to wuungkujula

make alive, used to wankamala

make angry, used to jaarramula

· wirrilyirra

make another ashamed, used to kurntajula

make another do something, used to yumunyjurra

make another, used to kujupala

make arrangements, used to jumangkarrala

make bad, used to walykumarra

make beautiful, used to jurimala

make black, used to marumala

make blind, used to pampurula

make confident, used to punparrmala

· murlpirrmarra

make cry, used to yulajingala

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make fire, used to pajipuwa

make good , used to kunyunyula

make hard or strong, used to wiltula

make hitting sound, used to rikirrmala

make into relatives, used to walyjamala

make known, used to miralmala

make large, used to majuwartala

· majumarra

· yuwinmarra

make paralysed, used to narntungula

make pubic coverings, used to nyimparrala

make quiet, used to yakamala

make right or correct, used to jungala

make room, used to rinyngumala

make rustling sound jurumala

make rustling sound, used to riilymala

make satisfied by feeding, used to parljamala

make smooth, used to jiralymala

make someone alive, used to wankala

make someone ill, used to kalyapuwa

make someone sit down, used to nyinajula

make someone well, used to wankala

make something , used to miikamula

make something big, used to jumala

make something different, used to kujupakartila

make something good, used to kunyjunyula

· kunyjunyumala

make something happen, used to -jinga~

make something lighter, used to ranpumala

make something new, used to nyuwanmala

make something slip, used to jirarrmala

make something visible, used to yutijula

make something, used to palyala

make strong, used to murlpirrmarra

make sure, used to purujula

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make visible, used to yutila

make well , used to maparnmala

make well, used to palyamala

· maparnjula

make, to -mala

male ancestors jamunyjanirri

male cousins yungkujarra

· juwarrparra

man kirta

· patu

· yirna

· puntu

· martu

man who is always chasing girls wantipayi

man's sister nyarrumpa

man's wife's brother wajirra

man, big yirna jukumunu

man, initiated jamunu

man, marriageable karntamarri

man, old jirlpi

man, used to become punturri

· marturri

man, young yangupala

· murturrpa

· warrinyji

manhood, stage of pukurti

manipulate for healing, used to pampula

manna waranu

many laltu

· yarnnga

· jina mara jina mara

many fell down punka-punkala

many?, how -lyjirri

maparn, person without munta

maparn, possessing maparnwinti

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maparn, visible only to karrpiri

Marble bar Mapulpa

marble tree tarrjarnpa

March fly jatu

mark puranta

mark of a person, identifying walka

marker, focus -ngurninyji

marker, question kaji

marks, decorative walka

marriage relationship, wrong ngakaji

marriage, wrong yinyurrpa

marriageable man karntamarri

married marriti

married, used to get nyupajarrarri

marrow nyunyjurnpa

marry, used to marra

marsupial pouch jara

marsupial, mole kakarrarturl

Martu language, in Martujanu

Mary Miiri

massage a sore muscle, used to kurntirrpuwa

massage someone, used to puranypuwa

mate, wrong warnngi

material that can be eaten ngalkupinti

mates marlpa

mates, two jamirti-jamirti

Mathew Maajurru

mature, used to become yuwinarri

maybe mawurra

· maarranyu

· jinguru

· mayitpi

me -rni

· ngayu

me, away from -jura

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· -julura

me, for -ju

me, on -rni

me, to -rni

me, with -rni

meal, evening jaapa

measure something, used to miijaramula

measure, used to miijaramula

meat kuka

· kuwiyi

meat for old people ngayikarla

meat gift, ceremonial yinyjanu

meat of goanna, white pirntarlpa

meat or food gift, ceremonial mirtayirti

meat, hot jaapi

meat, hungry for jaapi

meat, juice from yilikuru

· karrkarta

meat, tin of tinamiti

meat, to want kukakijalu

meat, used to cut up jarralypuwa

meat, without kukaparni

medicine mitijinpa

meet together, used to kumungkarriwa

meet up ngaparrku

meet up, used to kulula

meet, used to mirrjurri

meeting japalpa

· wangkakarra

· wumungka

· miitingu

· miitingpa

meeting up ngata-ngata

meeting, at japalja

melody, good juri

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member, family -kurnu

men's costume, naka

men's wooden decoration kukulypa

men, attracted to kirtapayi

men, the yirnaparaku

· yirnakaja

mend something, used to miintamula

message jakulypa

· jakurlpa

message, one who has jakurlpurluka

message, used to change kujupakartila

message, used to report jakulyjula

message, used to spread around jakulpa kawa

· jakulpa kati

messenger wangkapurluka

· wikarru

met up with, used to palipuwa

meteor malya

midday jirntu kutuwati

middle kurtururru

· kutu

middle child malyurta

middle of the night kutuwatini

middle, alone in the jarntilyirri

middle, from the kutuwanajanu

middle, in the kutungka

middle, used to cause to be in the kutu

midnight kutuwartini

· kutuwatini

might -jaku

· mayitpi

might be -mpa

· mawurra

· maarranyu

· mayiti

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might do something -ngkujaku

· -nkujaku

· -lyjaku

milk milki

milk, breast ngapurlu

· pipi

· ngama

Milky Way Warrukurnti

mine -ju

mine sample drill turilpa

mine, a mayinpa

miners mayinajpa

mirage marrka-marrka

mishap, lucky to avoid a yuku

miss hitting a target, used to jiwarrpuwa

miss, used to purtala

mission miijinpa

· mijinpa

mistaken for something else -karala

mistaken thought -kukala

mistakenly -karala

mistakenly think someone is a big man, used to jumakukala

mistakenly think something is not true or unimportant, used to pakikarala

mistletoe milyulyu

mistook you for someone else, I Kujupakararnu-rnanta.

misty warrkulypa

misty rain, light jil-jil

misty, used to get warrkulyarri

mix, used to runyula

mob wuru

· -malu

· -jirri

· maapu

mob from the east kakarramalu

mob from the north kayilimalu

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mob of young men warrinyji-warrinyji

mob, big yarnngartuka

· japalpa

· wumungka

mob, that jiikaja

mob, used to become wururri

mob, used to come to the centre of kuturri

mob, you nyunturtin

· nyuntunpa

mole, marsupial kakarrarturl

money mani

money, wage wijij mani

moon wirlarra

· panyalpa

moon, used to be a new karliyiki

· karlingara

moonless wirlarrapunaja

moonless, used to be wanirri

more muu

more softly yaru

morning yungunpa

· kanara-kanara

· yungunjarra

morning, next yungunkujupa

morning, another yungunkujupa

morning, early mungawana

· mungalypa

· karrpu-karrpu

· yapurrapuri

morning, in the yungunjarra

morning, previous yungunkujupa

morning, used to become yungunpakala

Moses Muuja

· Muujajpa

mosquito kimirikinypa

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· kumurikinypa

most important miinwanpa

mother yakurti

· mami

· ipi

· yipi

· tilypu

mother and daughter jarnimirri

mother and son kajararra

mother's brother kamparnu

· kaka

· kamuru

mother's brother's wife yumari

mother, real mamipartanu

mother/daughter relationship jarnimirrirarra

mother-in-law yumari

· wumari

· umari

· marruku

motherless mamipunaja

mothers and aunties pipinyurra

motion yurri

motion across wati-

motionless yurriparni

· pirtirr-pirtirrpa

motionless, used to be yurriparnirri

motorcar mutuka

Mount Newman Nyumanpa

mountain devil mingari

· ngiyari

· kataputa

mourners in a ceremony karnku

mourning, in wirla walyku

mouse kilu

mouse, species of jilyku

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· munyarri

mouth yirra

· jaa

mouth to become open jaamankarri

mouth, something in jungkujarra

mouth, used to cover jaamurtula

mouth, used to foam at janga pakala

mouth, used to open one's jaa pakala

mouth, used to pick up with jungkula

move food with a stick while cooking on fire lilula

move something around, used to yurrijingala

move something, used to muurrpuwa

move toward something, used to warntikala

move, used to yurri

movement yurri

movement to one side wati-

movement, lots yurri-yurri

movement, silent jakarrpunaja

much, too jumaji

muddy jupi

muddy water luka

· kalyu luka

muddy water, small puddle of luka-luka

muddy water, used to become lukarri

mudlark tiwily-tiwilypa

mug panikinpa

mulga seed jalyka

mulga tree wintamarra

mulgara papanyji

multiply, used to majula

Mundiwindi Mantuwinti

murderer winyjurru

mushroom, food like mijikirti

music nyuwijiki

musical sound from an instrument nyuwijiki

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myself -ju

N - n

nail niilpa

nail an object to another, used to nyiilamurra

nail, used to drive niilamula

naked nikitpala

name yini

· ini

name of a claypan Pirrkili

name of a song line Kurangarra

name of ceremony Nyarnayi

· Wala-walangu

name of Dreamtime man Warlukulawu

name of spring Mika

· Najarra

name since childhood jijijanu yini

name someone, used to yinijula

name, Jigalong language Martu Wangka

name, kinship section Karimarra

· Milangka

name, language Jiwarlin

· Kartujarra

name, subsection Jakamarra

· Jangala

name, substitute nyaparu

· Nyaparu

· kunmarnu

name, used to say someone's yinijula

name, what's its ngapi

name, without a yiniparni

nanna nana

nape of neck karlparrpa

· nyanka

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· tarn-tarnpa

narrow wujurnu

· wuju

narrow, really wujul-wujulpa

nasal septum hole nyiirnka

native cat tarnpa

native of a particular place -martaji

native plum bush munyurnpa

nauseated, used to feel karunypuwa

nauseous kurlpakurlu

navel nyunyjirnpa

Nazareth Najarijpa

nearby kinti

· ngamu

· jungulkirra

nearby, that one jii

nearby, this one jii

neck ngalyi

neck, back part nyanka

neck, nape of nyanka

· tarn-tarnpa

· karlparrpa

neck, on the back of nyankanyuku

necklace nikilijpa

nectar wama

nectar, drop of kuru

nectar, used to dip grass into minala

needle niitulpa

needle, used to inject with a wakala

negate, used to wiyamala

neighbor nganmi

nephew kaja

· karli

· puuyi

nephew and uncle kalyarra

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nephew, uncle and his wapujurra

nephew/niece and uncle kamururra

nervous ralpurrpa

nest jangku

nest, used to build a jangkujula

nestling bird marraka

net, fish niitingpa

netting wire parru-parru

netting, wire niitingpa

never naapa

nevertheless nyuri

new kamparra

· nyuwanpa

· jalykarra

new initiate jangiwinti

new one kuwarrijanu

newborn child jiji kuwarrijanu

next morning yungunkujupa

nice juri

niece yurntalpa

niece/nephew and uncle kamururra

night munga

night, at mungangka

night, I was there when it became Mungajarrarringu-rni

night, middle of the kutuwatini

night, used to become mungajarrarri

nightmare, used to have jukurrmala

nighttime mungajarra

· yupunyju

no maranypa

· wiya

· paki

no children jijiparni

· jijikanyilmunu

no notice, taking yurtu-yurtu

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no particular reason, for yumu

no room ruumuparni

no tune juriparni

no wind tilykuru

no, used to say wiyajula

· wiyamala

Noah Nuuwa

nod head in sleep, used to nyurrmala

nod off to sleep, used to nyuruti

nodding malurrpa

nodding head nyuwurrpa

noise of a car engine running nguntirrila

noise, engine, used to make tututula

noise, loud tarl

noise, scraping rarr-rarrpa

noise, used to make a buzzing nyirrmala

noise, used to make a clicking tilkirrmala

noise, used to make a vibrating lilyirrwangka

noisy, they were being jaarlurrpanyjanpa-ya

nomadic period in the desert pujimanpa

non Jew Juwuparni

non-achiever karnuja

noon jirntu ngarnawarra

· karrpuwati

north kayili

· kayilirra

north wind kayilirrangu

· kayilikarta

north, mob from kayilimalu

north, people from wayungarri

north, toward kayilirra

north, used to become in the kayilirri

northerly direction kayili-kayili

northwards kayilirra

· kayilikarti

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nose mulya

nose, bridge of nyurru-nyurru

· jirntajarra

not -munu

· mirta

not come close, used to kintirri

not direct teaching yumuwanpa

not helpful karrataparni

not only concerned with money, used to be raapamula

not skilled in karnujalka

not speaking kanmarrpa

note, ten dollar ngarnkurrjarra

nothing munu

· yumu

· wiya

· paki

· maranypa

nothing!, It's really Yumurta!

· Yumurtuka!

nothing, really yumuminyirri

nothing, used to become yumurri

· wiyarri

· pakirri

· munurri

notice something beyond one's immediate concentration , used to munkarrajula

novice jaminpara

now kuwarri

· nawu

now, about kuwarrilyu

Nullagine Nalakayinpa

number nampa

number, large jina mara jina mara

numeraliser -lyjirri

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O - o

oak, desert wikirrpa

obedient person kurlkawarta

obedient to another pamparrju

obedient, very yirninyju

object, hidden kuku

object, powerful maparnpa

object, straight jirumpu

objects from European source with unknown names, number of wartakaja

obligation to be met pulyi

obscured by rain kalyupuru

occupying oneself until something happens watanypa

ochre, red pujurrpa

· julkarrpa

· karrku

ochre, red, covered with pujurrpara

ochre, yellow karntawarra

odour, used to cause parntijula

odour, used to give off parntiyiki

· parntingara

of course! -nyu

· pintupi

of sand, heap juurlpa

off -ngka

off, used to come wupulyangkawa

offer something, used to jamartapuwa

office yupujpa

· yupuji

offspring kaja

· ngulyi

oh! paa

· panta

old man jirlpi

old people wulpipulpa

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old person jijipirla

old person or thing wuurlpala

old time car jitartu-jitartu

old woman parntanypa

· jaluru

old, used to become jirlpirri

old, used to cause a person to be jirlpimala

older brother pupu

· papartu

older brother, one's kurtapartanu

older brother, person and kurtararra

older sister jurtu-ra

· jurtu

older woman with many children jijiyarnngajarra

older, brother, kurta

on -ta

· -rta

· -nyuku

· -ja

· -ngka

on board something, used to get tatila

on board, used to get takala

on foot jinangu

on his own kujurninti

on the run walakurlukurlu

on top kankarra

on top of another katulkirra

once, He hit him Kujungka puwa!

one kuju

· wanpa

one (nearby), this ngaanya

· ngaampa

· ngaa

one after another purrini-purrini

one at a time kujumarriti

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one by one kujunguru kujunguru

· kujun-kujunpa

one elbow, on kurlkupinti

· kurlkupirti

one end, at mulyakarti

one end, from mulyajanu

one leg, on kanyjikujukarti

one side kujukarti

one side, to yitiwana

one sided favour kujukartiwiyayiju

one who acts deliberately minyirrju

one who despises nyurnipayi

one who does not fight kuwayitpala

one who doesn't care about others ngarruta

one who doubts jankinpa

one who feels strong and energetic after eating food wirla ngarrurta

one who gives quickly when asked pamparrju

one who goes around telling lies paki kajalpa

one who has a message jakurlpurluka

one who has just arrived yannga

one who is knowlegable about taboo ceremony ngurluninti

one who is sorry or pitying yawiyi

one who is sulking yunturi

one who is wanting sex kurlakurla

one who is wanting sex very much kurlanyju

one who knows certain information nintilumarta

one who knows words wangkarninti

one who persists under hard circumstances wamparu

one who remembers to pay his debts pinalkarra

one who stands up for another purntu

one who steals all the time ngulyunyju

one who strongly disregards or rejects another jankanyjankanypa

one who takes no notice yurtu

one's own kurrurnjarra

one's own man kirtapartanu

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one, another -yampajara

one, other kujupa

one, that nyarranya

· jiinya

one, used to become kujungkarri

· kujurri

ones, little jukunjukunypa

· jukunyjukunypa

· julinyjulinypa

oneself walyja

oneself, used to brag about marninpuwa

oneself, used to praise marninpuwa

one-sided favour kujuyiti

onion, wild jurnta

· jalirrpa

· minyarra

only -wiyayiju

oops! paa

· panta

open yupunpa

· wupunpa

open a cover or door, used to wupuntamula

open eyes paarlarnpa

open eyes, used to paarlkawa

open one's eyes after sleep, used to paarlala

open one's mouth, used to jaa pakala

open something, used to wupunamula

· lakarnpuwa

· paarlpuwa

· parlala

open up a bundle, used to warnmalypuwa

Open your eyes! Parlala-ngku kuru!

· Parlpuwa-ngku kuru

open, eyes paarlpa

open, mouth to become jaamankarri

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open, used to wupunumula

opened, used to be wupunarri

oppose another, used to kiinjamula

opposite direction, looking in wartarlpa

order to do something, in -raku

· -nkuraku

orders, used to give wajarnu yuwa

original, not wartajanu wangka

ornament, head jininypa

orphan minyjilpa

· kampurta

orphaned?, used to become pinyirri

other mob, the warrmala

other one kujupa

other one, the -kujupa

· kujupa

other way, the kujupakarti

other way, used to go the kujupakartirri

others who arrive after the main group kulupalarrpa

others, the karlki

· karlkinpa

· karlkin

ought to do something -ra

· -ngkura

· -nkura

· -lkura

ought to, but didn't -lngara

ours (including you) -lampa

ours (not including those spoken to) -limpaju

ours (not including you) -lampaju

ourselves -ngku

out of -janu

outing, day's purikarta

outside yawujayitu

· yawujayiti

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over heels, head katakaninypa

over, used to bend pupa

over, used to turn something kujupakartila

overweight jinyjimama

overweight, used to become jinyjimamarri

owl kurr-kurrpa

owl, species of piwi

own relation -partarnu

own, on its jarntilyirri

own, one's kurrurnjarra

owner walyjajarra

P - p

paddock or fenced off area yaartu

pain karr-karrpa

pain, person who won't admit to janarri

pain, used to karr-karrarri

painful wilyji-wilyji

paint some object with paint, used to payitamula

paint something, used to walkajula

paint, used to julkarrpuwa

Panaka people, all the Panaka-Panaka

Panaka/Karimarra group Marntiyarra

pant from exhaustion, used to rangamala

paper mili-mili

paperbark tree jalkurrpurta

· jalkuran

papers, working with mili-milikarra

paralysed parralayiji

· parralaji

paralysed, used to make narntungula

paralysed, with fear kurrurnpa palyjalypa

parent is yilyu when a son or daughter dies yilyu

parent, bereaved kampurta

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· kampu

parents, bereaved kampukujarra

Parnngurr Parnngurrpa

Parnpajinya Parnpajinya

parrot, species of turn-turnmarta

part way kutu

participants, ceremonial jinyjanungu

· jinyjanu

particular place, native of a -martaji

particularising suffix -rti

pass wind, used to pulypurrmala

Passover Pajuwupa

path yiwarra

· karru-karru

Paul Puulpa

pea, Sturts Desert marlukururrpa

peaceful jurtaparni

· kurrurnpa yalta

· kawalya

peaceful and calm wirla yalta-yalta

peek at something, used to nganpila

peel off, used to lakarnpuwa

· lakarnkawa

· tupirrkati

peel something, used to yakurrapuwa

peeled off, used to be lakarnyarra

peeling off tupirr-tupirrpa

pelican jurtarra

pen piinpa

Pentecost Pintikajpa

people martu

people from the north wayungarri

people in a punyayi relationship punyayi-punyayi

people, circle of jarnayirra-jarnayirra

· jarnarti-jarnarti

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People, Emu karlaya

people, group of wumungka

· japalpa

people, large ground of wamumpu

people, old wulpipulpa

people, these ngaakaja

permissible to look yuti

permission, used to give yuwajula

perplexed, used to be ngurinyjirri

perplexed, very ngunjul-ngunjulpa

persistent nyuri

· mannganyju

persistent, used to become nyurirri

person puntu

· martu

person addicted to alcohol wamapayi

person and older brother kurtararra

person and older sister jurturarra

person and spouse nyupararra

person clean from washing kilinpala

person from the bush pujimanpa

person of Aboriginal and European descent marta-marta

person or animal, lively pikalya

person who asks lots of questions japil-japilpa

person who avoids punishment janarri

person who can be trusted yiltapayi

person who doesn't know what they're talking about yirra kalyurrpa

person who fights jikipala

person who is about to go yannga

person who is almost well wankanyjanmarta

person who is always playful ngarlpu-ngarlpu

person who is often angry wirrilyipayi

person who is too sick or sore to move parralaji

person who is touchy jukururru

person who is truthful, a yiltapayi

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person who knows about sacred things ngurlurninti

person who knows the value of rocks and minerals yapupurluka

person who often fights pikapayi

person who pays attention to authority pinalkarra

person who talks big but does not do anything wangkawiyaju juma

person who tells lies pakipayi

person who won't admit to pain janarri

person with a beard ngarnkurrjarra

person with pierced nasal septum nyiirnkajarra

person with weapons yirrpirnkurlu

person without a maparn munta

person's own property walyja

person's own relations walyjamarri

person's real father mamapartanu

person, a good pakipayi

person, angry ngalya rarru

person, big kaluyarntu

person, brave rakajarra

person, caring karratapayi

person, cheeky pirrkawarta

person, clever pinalkarra

· nintipuka

person, dangerous jinakarrpil

· warnapa

person, dead marlkarri

person, disagreeable parlanpayi

person, disobedient kuran kirtijarra

· kuran murltu

person, generous yirnipayi

· munyjapayi

person, important yatilypa

person, irrascible jantupayi

person, jealous mikujaka

person, knowledgeable nintipuka

person, known nganmi

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person, lazy liijipaka

person, lifeless mituny-mitunypa

person, pot-bellied nyurukirta

person, quick acting waarr-waarrpa

person, quiet yakapayi

person, really clever nintikaja

person, short jilinypa

· yatu

person, simple parrura-parrura

person, single kirriji

person, stubborn ngalya wiltu

· ngalya

person, touchy jukuru

person, tough raka

person, unfeeling karratapayimunu

person, unhelpful karratanyjuparni

person, white kartiya

personal concern watapirti

persuade another, used to yumunyjurra

· muunpuwa

pet ngulyju

Peter Piija

petrol pitulpa

Pharisee Paraji

Pharisees Parajikaja

Philip Pilapu

· Pilappa

phlegm nguntu

phlegm, to spit out yellow jangajunu munyjuly

pick fruit, used to yinala

pick on someone, used to yukunpuwa

pick up seed by cupping hands, used to yarlala

pick up with the mouth, used to jungkula

pick up, used to jurntala

picked as a person went along yinalkatingu

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pierced nasal septum, person with nyiirnkajarra

pig pinyi ngalku

· ngurlturr-ngurlturrpa

· piki-piki

· minyingalku

· nguurr-nguurrpa

· ngurnturr-ngurnturrpa

· ngurr-ngurrpa

· pinyingalku

pigeon kurumijimiji

· kurumiji

pigeon, crested jarrarlakari

piggy-back jarnangka

Pilate Payilatpa

pillow piila

pimple puta

pimples putaly-putalypa

pinch someone, used to tiilyjala

pinched in tingki

pistol minyju

pitiless kurrin-kurrin

pitying/sorry, one who is yawiyi

place a damper on the ground or table to cool after cooking , used to taampajula

place an object on another, used to takajula

place face-downward, used to ngamparljula

place name Karrparti

· Kinyu

· Jilukurru

· Warturarra

· Pilyangunya

· Nyiyarnunya

· Yirrkalyilyinya

· Yarlkupajinya

· Ngurtulypa

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· Pinturiji

· Wirlurna

· Wari-wari

· Pantinti

· Pilurnnyuka

place on something, used to jurra

place on the head, used to jarlirri

place recklessly, used to watajula

place something upright, used to murrujula

place the initate on the backs of the mourners, used to ngawujula

place with lots of firewood warukurru

place, at that very jiingkartuka

place, cool yalta-yalta

place, creation nyuka

place, hilly turntururru

place, kind of -lyukurru

place, name of water Kurtakurta

place, sacred japiya

place, shallow jararrpa

place, this is the ngaangkalyu

place, to this ngaakarti

place, used to return to a ngaparrpuwa

place, used to stay at a place nyina

place, warm parn-parnpa

· parrpa

plain pila

plain, a larrku

plainly seen mirangarra

plains country pararra

plains kangaroo marlu

plant, species of kalyupijurlpa

· karrjulypa

· kanyjamarra

· munturu

· kalaru

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· juraly-juraly

· kuuri

· pipijarli

· karnti

· jirrpirlinypa

· kanyjilyi

· pirljiwirnpa

· mungkilypa

· kunaruntu

· pipi

plant, species of edible wamurla

plant, succulent, species of panma

plate puliti

· pulayiti

play ngarlpu

play a game, used to ngarlpurri

play a musical instrument, used to ngarlpuyuwa

play, used to parawa

· ngarlpurri

playful, person who is ngarlpu-ngarlpu

plaything ngarlpupinti

plenty laltu

· yarnnga

plenty, used to become yarnngarri

pluck fruit , used to warrpula

pluck fruit, used to witala

plum bush, native munyurnpa

plural (more than two) -paraku

plural suffix -rtin

· -nyjarri

· -kaja

pocket pakiti

point with the fingers, used to yilijula

point, by the jalinynguru

pointing eastward kakarrawarraku

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poison kungkungu

· payijinpa

poke someone, used to tirtila

police marntamarangka

policeman kalungarnarra

· ngalyikarrpilpa

· pulpayija

· pulijimanu

ponder, used to wuurr kulila

pools of water after rain kalyukuyarra

poor design juriparni

poor fellow! nyarru

poor person puupala

poor sight paalypaalypa

poor sighted, used to be paarlarri

poplar, desert karntarangu

position, squatting tangkarra

possessing -kurlu

possessing a maparn maparnwinti

possessing a topknot pukurtijarra

possession ngulyu

possessions purnunpa

possessions, bundle of jantulpa

possibility -lyjaku

· -jaku

· -nkujaku

possibly jinguru

potato, bush kulyu

· mata

pot-bellied person nyurukirta

pouch (of marsupial) jara

pour out of something, used to yinti

pour out, used to liwarrpuwa

pour something out, used to yintila

powerful object maparnpa

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praise oneself, used to marninpuwa

praising person marnin-marninpa

precious marululpi

precious thing kalipurra

pregnant, used to be raparrkurri

pregnant, used to become munkurri

prepare camp, used to paljula

prepare to go, used to raatirri

prepared wurlku

prepared, Be Wurlkumarta!

prepared, to be rayiti

presence, used to feel karala

press grapes or the like to produce juice, used to nyupila

press in closely, used to wumurri

pressure, used to put on parlila

pretty kunyjunyu

· jangkarri

· wanganypa

previous event, recall yangka

previous morning yungunkujupa

previously referred to yangka

prickle jilkarnpa

· manguji

prisoner pirijina

· purijina

processional caterpillars marlurlu-marlurlu

progress in growth indicating suffix -lara

promise jamarta

promise something, used to jamartapuwa

promise, used to jamartajula

promise, used to break a jamarta warla

promised girl jamarta

promised spouse pilyurrpa

proper tukulku

property, person's own walyja

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prophet jakurlpurluka

· mamamili


protect a person from harm, used to ngarlkilmala

proud looking jarntarrngarapa

proud of one's accomplishment muku-muku

proud stance warrparn-warrparnpa

pubic covering jani

· nyimparra

pubic coverings, used to make nyimparrala

puddle of muddy water, small luka-luka

pull hair out, used to tungkurrpuwa

pull something out, used to yilala

pull up a small bush or plant, used to wulykula

punish another, to panijimunu

punish, used to yumunyjurra

punishment, person who avoids deserved janarri

punishment, used to escape janarriyarra

Punmu Punmu

punyayi relationship, people in punyayi-punyayi

purpose, used to lose one's yumurri

purring noise nguntirrila

pus yurna

pus, dried lupurr-lupurrpa

push someone, used to nanturrpuwa

push something, used to yurntula

pussycat nyanyjarnpa

· mulyangamu

· ngalyangamu

· pujikatu

· minyawu

· wilykinngalku

put a glob of something on something, used to yapalypuwa

put decorations on, used to kukulyjula

put down, used to tipujula

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put ends of wood into fire, used to mulyajula

put inside, used to yirrpila

put it back marlajunu

put more and more things together in one place, used to pirtijula

put on top, used to katujula

put out a fire, used to juturntala

put pressure on, used to parlila

put resin on, used to milirrjula

put scars on kumurljunu

put something down on its belly, used to wartujula

put something in the sun, used to yarlkajula

put something in, used to jarrpajula

· kurrujula

put something up in something, used to yurtijula

put somewhere, used to jurra

put spinifex wax on, used to kirtijula

put wax on manyalyjula

put wax on, used to milirrjula

put, to -ju~

puzzled ngunjul-ngunjulpa

· ngunjurlpa

· ngurnjulpa

puzzled, used to be ngunjularriwa

· ngurnjularri

python, species of nanyjarnpa

Q - q

quandong jawirli

quantity suffix -purrja

query kaji

question -wa

question a person intensively, used to kintilu japira kulila

question marker kaji

question one's self , used to ngampa

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questioning ngampaku

quick acting person waarr-waarrpa

quickly pipurru

· jampalyu

· pula

· wirrurru

· wala

quickly or directly to a destination, go wuna

quickly run away, to jawarnu ya~

quiet mitirlpa

· yaka

· nganmi

· kurnu

· kawalya

· kanmarrpa

quiet person yakapayi

· kuwayitpala

· yakapurluka

quiet, used to cause to be yatarnmala

quiet, used to get yakarri

quiet, used to make yakamala

quieten a group, used to yakamala

quieten someone, used to kurnumala

quieter yaru

quietly jakarrpa

R - r

rabbit nani

· paparnarra

· malka-malka

· jipuku

race riiji

rag rayiki

raging kurrurnpa wirrilyi

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rain kalyu

· kapi

rain hitting people kurluwalu puwa

rain, heavy karlkawarta

rain, light jiimpi-jiimpi

rain, light misty jil-jil

rain, light winter kurluwa

rain, obscured by kalyupuru

rainbow jurtirangu

· junyju

rainbow, used to appear jurtirangujula

rained heavily on us kurluwalu puwa

rainmaker, Dreamtime Jaramarra

rainy kalyupuru

raise a child, used to jumala

raise an arm, used to ngarnawarramala

raise someone's arms, used to ngarnawarrajingala

· kankajingala

raise something, used to ngarnawarramala

ramp, goanna yirntirri

rattle boomerangs together, used to timpirirripuwa

rattlepod grevillea malypa

rattling noise, clicking or tilykirrmala

raw kunka

· wanka

· nguyu

reacting offensively to rebuke jarruly-jarrulypa

read, used to riitamula

· riitamurri

· wangka wajara wanala

ready to go, used to be raatirri

ready to work ngarrurta

ready, Be Wurlkumarta!

ready, to be rayiti

real father mamapartanu

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real mother mamipartanu

real thing, like the yiltayuru

really -lyu

really ahead kurranyu-kurranyu

really clever person nintikaja

really different kujupa-kujupa

really good kunyjunyuminyirri

· ngalypangulyu

really long ago julyju-julyju

really narrow wujul-wujulpa

really shy kurntaminyirri

really sick ngarntaminyirri

really true yiltaminyirri

reason, for no manyarrpa

reason, for no particular yumu

rebellious janykan-janykanpa

rebuke, reacting offensively to jarruly-jarrulypa

recall a previous event yangka

receding hairline ngalya pararra

recent kuwarrijanu

recent initiate jaminypa

recently kuwarri-kuwarri

recently rain watered area wuru-wuru

reciprocal gift murnaji

· puntaju

reciprocal suffix -yinta

reckless janykan-janykanpa

recklessly place something, used to watajula

reckon oneself bad jankawa

recognise someone, used to yikurntala

recognise someone, used to fail to nganarnpuwa

recognise, used to yintala

· palipuwa

red miny-miny

· miji-miji

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red ochre julkarrpa

· karrku

· pujurrpa

red ochre, covered with pujurrpara

red, used to become miji-mijirri

reed artefact jinyjira

reference to a father, respectful mamapirrayi

referred to, previously yangka

refers usually to cheap items jiipwanpa

reflexive suffix -yinta

reformed nyira

refrain from foods, to jaji

refused to stop doing something jalypajunu

reject another's advice, used to kulirnu jurra

reject someone or something, used to mingarrjurra

reject what a boss is saying and want to go against him, used to yurnturnu ngarajula

rejects another, one who jankanyjankanypa

relation, own -partarnu

relation, reminder of dead tawun-tawunpa

relations nganmi

relations who cry for initiate karnku

relations, person's own walyjamarri

relationship ngumpa

relationship term yapanypa

· yungkuri

· yinkarni

· yinara

· punyayi

· yartajirri

relationship, grandfather and grandson jamujarra

· jamurarra

relationship, joking jingkirtirra

relationship, people in a punyayi punyayi-punyayi

relationship, straight yawanyja

relationship, two people in jamirti jamirtirra

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relative -kurnu

relatives, lonely for kurrurnpa marr-marr

relatives, used to make into walyjamala

release, used to kurtiwa

remember nyampa

· nyingka

Remember that advice! Kuranju kanyila!

remind a person what they have been told, used to kuranjula

reminder of dead relation, a tawun-tawunpa

remove guts from game, used to warnjila

remove something, used to wupulypuwa

remove, used to wikilypuwa

repair something, used to palyamala

repair, used to kunyjunyula

repairman palyalpayi

repeat an action, used to yarrala

repeatedly -na~

report a message, used to jakulyjula

report of some incident jakurlpa

report, a jakulypa

resembles -pirti

resident -martaji

resin manyalypa

· kirti

· pira

resin, used to put on milirrjula

respect suffix -pirrayi

respectful address of father mamarti

respectful reference to a father mamapirrayi

rest in camp yurlta

rest, the karlki

· karlkinpa

· karlkin

restless karnngarrpa

restricted wujurnu

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return marlaku

return to a place, used to ngaparrpuwa

return, in murnaji

return, used to ngarrarri

· marlakurri

returning person ngaparri

reveal something, used to yutijula

reveal teeth, used to yirra pakala

revealed, used to be yutirri

revenge party warnmarla

rib yiri

· yimiri

· nyimiri

ride horseback, used to jarlingkala

ride, used to jarlipuwa

rifle tarlparlmarta

· rayipulpa

rifle, used to shoot with jutumula

right away kuwarringulyu

right hand jurrku-jurrku

· junga

right hand side, toward jungakarti

right here ngaangka

right side jurrku

right side, toward jurrkukarti

right there jiingulyu

· jiingkangulyu

· nyarrangulyu

right through wapirripirri

right way jungangkangulyu

right-handed jungakarti

ring riingu

rinse, used to jarlajula

rip something, used to yarrpuwa

rip, a yarrpa

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rip, used to yarrkatiwa

· tungkurrka

ripe munyjulypa

· yurnmi

ripe, used to become munyjulyarri

ripe, used to get yurnmirri

ripping sound, used to make a yarrwangka

ripples on the water murrpu-murrpu

rise, down the yirriti

rise, used to ngarnawarrarri

river karru

river gum walyji

road ruutu

· yiwarra

road, dip in the takurru

rob, used to raapamula

robber ngulyujaka

rock fig kunawirnka

rock wallaby warlpaju

rockhole near Jigalong Ngujapunkanu

rocky cliff, smooth, jiwalykarra

rocky ground yapulyukurru

rocky place yapulyukurru

rocky place, in a purlikurrungka

roll about, used to warli-warliyarra

roll an object, used to ruulumula

· ruulamula

roll around (on the ground), used to warli-warlirri

roll downhill, used to kurti-kurtiyarra

roll up a swag or blanket, used to rulumapila

roll up swag, used to mulyjila

roll, used to kuti-kutiyarra

Roman citizen Ruumanpa

room, used to make rinyngumala

rooster ruuja

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root wanalpa

roots nyirla

rope ruupu

· ruuppa

· mirrilyi

rotten pilki

· yurna

· pirninypa

rotten, used to get pilkirri

rough edges, used to shave off miilpuwa

rough ground parnka

rough hill country wankurlpari

round nurru-nurru

rounded surface wirla

row, a ngalparra

row, all in a wati-pirra-pirra

row, He put it in a Junkura wanalku

rub ashes onto the skin, used to nyutila

rub grain filled husks to obtain grain, used to ruurrpuwa

rub off lots of things, used to rurru-rurrupuwa

rub oil or fat into a person or instrument, used to yinyala

rub something off, used to rurrupuwa

rub something, used to puranypuwa

rubbish rapiji

· pinyi

rubbish a person, used to minyjiljula

rubbish another person, used to pinyijula

rubbish another, used to kiinjamula

· minyjilymala

rubbish, used to minyjilymala

· panypura

· ngarnanpuwa

rubbish, used to become minyjilyarri

· pinyirri

rubbish, used to yandy jajarrapuwa

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Rudall River Karlamilyi

rude kurntaparni

Rufous Hare-wallaby mala

ruin something, used to putamala

· walykula

ruined, used to be putarri

rule as a boss, used to ngampurrju kanyila

run away quickly, to jawarnu ya~

run away, used to jawa-jawara-ya yarra

run, used to pini

· pinirri

· wirrjala

· pini-pinirri

· pirta

running full parlkurta

runt japujara

rush at something, used to partu-partula

rustling noise, used to make karralmala

rustling sound , used to make jurumala

rustling sound, used to make riilymala

S - s

Sabbath Jarriti

sacred tarruku

· ngurlu

sacred area ngurlu

sacred place japiya

sacred series of ceremonies Tingarri

sacred things, person who knows about ngurlurninti

sad wirla walyku

· kurljirrpa

· pukurlparni

sad feeling kurrurnpa maju

sad, very kujilkujilpa

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saddle a horse, used to jatulamula

Sadducee Jatakmili wangkapurluka

sadness wirla walyku

· wirla karalyanu

safe kunyjunyu

saliva jarla

· janga

· jala

salivate, used to yirra kalyurri

salty water jawul-jawulpa

Samaria Jamiriya

sample food, used to nyipilyjala

sample something, used to yajila

Samuel Jamiyulpa

sand parna

sandhill tuwa

· tali

sandle, jakapiri jakapiri

sandles, bark mangarrpa

· malkapiri

sat intermittently nyinatingu

satisfied yuwilyi

· yiwilyi

· muku-muku

satisfied from drinking jarrulyu

satisfied, used to be jangkulyarra

· munkurri

satisfied, used to become muku-mukurri

· jarrulyurri

satisfied, used to cause to be munkurra

satisfied, used to get yiwilyirri

satisfied, used to make parljamala

Saturday Jarriti

Saul Juulpa

savage jikipala

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savage animal pikalya

savage person or animal pirrkawanpa

save from sin wankamala

save, used to wankamala

say 'yes', used to yuwajula

· yuujula

say another should die, used to mitujurra

say no , used to wiyajula

say no, used to wiyamala

say one is ignorant or inexperienced, used to ngurrpajula

say someone's name, used to yinijula

say something is bad against another, used to parlanyju jurra

say something that is not true, used to katangka wajala

say something, to -ju~

say something, used to wajala

say straight to someone's face, used to junga wajala

says bad things jaaputa

scales for measuring quantities wayitipinti

scar, a kumurlpa

scars on, put kumurljunu

scattered about jirrja

scattered in every direction, The mob Jirrjarringu-ya

school kuulpa

scissors karlkajarra

· karlkanyjarra

scold someone, used to warrkila

· payila

scold, used to ngumpala

scoop out, used to jawala

scoop up and drop, used to jayirnu punkajingala

scoop up something, used to yawula

scoop, used to marnmala

scorpion karnpa

scrape grain into heaps , used to warrula

scrape the ground, used to jarntila

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· warrarnpuwa

scraping noise rarr-rarrpa

scraping out seeds, stick kurru

scratch, used to jawala

scribes nintipuka

· muujamili luwuku ninti

sea kujungurru

search for a track, used to watijula

search for something, used to ngurrila

search for, used to parrila

season, hot puyulyurru

secret kumpi

secretly kukujarri

secretly, group talking together jaalpu wangkangu

section name, kinship Karimarra

· Milangka

section, kinship Panaka

· Purungu

see a cloud coming, used to jalurapuwa

see, in order to paarlarriraku

see, used to nyawa

seed yurninypa

· wilyki

seed food kalyupijurlpa

· kunaruntu

seed food, species of pipi

· kalaru

seed, mulga jalyka

seed, species of marnkal

· mungkilypa

· janikurtinypa

· jartarrpuka

seed, species of edible yuwinyji

seeds from grinding stone laja

seeds, stick for scraping out kurru

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seeds, used to husk nyurtula

seeds, used to winnow karnila

seeds, used to yandy karnila

seen, plainly mirangarra

selective suffix -purra

self walyja

· jaalpu

selfish janykan-janykanpa

self-willed jari-jari

sell, used to jalamula

send away, used to junkula yarra

send someone, used to wirtula

send, used to kurtiwa

· yiyala

· jalkala

sense of danger jukuru

sense something, used to karala

sensible, used to become kuranarri

separate partuka

· partumparra

separate groups, into jaalpu-jaalpu

separate into groups, used to lalawa

separate into two parts, used to kujarrarri

separate one group of people or animals from another, used to katamatula

separate, used to jaalpumala

sequentive suffix -marriti

serial suffix -ra

serious minyirrpa

· nyirrparnpa

· nyinyjarrpa

serious, become minyirrarri

serious, very minyirr-minyirrpa

set (of sun), used to kurruwa

set fire to something, used to yumala

set free, used to walajurra

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settle down, used to mulyarri

settle, used to paljula

settled mulypa

seven japanpa

sever completely, used to tawunpuwa

sever something, used to kurntala

sew something, used to wakala

sex desire nyirru

shade puri

· wilyja

shade shelter wilyja

shade, used to make a purijula

shadow puri

shaft of a spear, used to whittle the yirila

shake a firestick, used to riripuwa

shake off dirt from shoes, used to wiilypuwa

shake out, used to parntupuwa

shake some object, used to yurrijingala

shake something, used to yurripilyala

shake with fear , used to minirrngara

shake, used to tirritipuwa

· yurri-yurrirri

· yurri-yurri

shallow yarurnpa

· katu

shallow hole jata

shallow place jararrpa

shallow place, used to dig jararrpuwa

shame kurnta

shame towards the man, he felt kurntarringu-lura

shameless parnu-parnu

· kurntaparni

share around a group, used to nyarranypuwa

share around, used to ngarranypuwa

share, fail to jajala

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sharp jaapala

· jalinypa

sharpen a spear, used to jinkala

shave off rough edges, used to miilpuwa

shave, used to mulula

she palunya

· palu

shearing shed jirrarnjirti

shed, shearing jirrarnjirti

sheep jiipu

· kukurnjarri

· kukurnjari

sheep's wool wuuna

shelter yurlu

· mangkaja

· ngurra

· wuungku

· puri

shelter, bush kanaja

shelter, shade wilyja

shelter, used to build a wuungkujula

shepherd, used to kamu-kamula

shield jara

· yata

shift something a long way, used to warnmala

shift something about, used to parra-muurrkati

shift something away, used to muurrkati

shift something over muurrkati

shift something, used to muurrpuwa

shine in sun, used to piirlangkala

shine, used to pirrpala

shiney kapararra

ship puutpa

shirt jaarta

· kulujpa

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shirts wararri

shiver, used to tititipuwa

shock karrata

shock, used to get a julurrangkawa

shocked, used to be marrjula

shoe or foot, back area of tarta

shoes jijika

· jantaparrpa

· jujika

· jinapuka

shoes, used to undo tikamatula

shoo away, used to manypuwa

shoot with a rifle, used to jutumula

shoot, used to juutamula

short kuta

· mujurnpa

short of the mark ngalyarlpa

short person jilinypa

· yatu

short spear wurrumpuru

short while jampalyu

shortly rawapunaja

shorts juutu

shotgun jurtkan

· jurrkana

should have done something -nkungara

shoulder ngurnti

shoulder, something across wirrki-wirrki

shoulders ngurnti

· pirni

shoulders, carry on jarli kati

shoulders, on a person's ngurntingka

show something, used to mirajula

show, used to nintila

· nintijula

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shrub, wattle, species of nyalyka

shut jutu

shut a door, used to jatamapula

shut door, a jatamapu

shut, used to become swollen juulyarri

shy kurnta

shy!, He is Kurntangka!

shy, really kurntaminyirri

shy, someone who is always kurntapayi

shy, used to become kurntarri

sibling, younger marlangu

· marlaju

sic a dog on game, used to wapila

sic dogs on game, used to yirrijula

sick ngarnta

· pika

sick all over wapaju

sick all the time ngarntapirla

sick people ngarntakaja

sick, really ngarntaminyirri

sick, used to get ngarntarri

sickness causing thing liiti

sickness there, used to be ngarntangara

sickness, used to cause ngarntamala

sickness, without ngarntaparni

side kultu

· -yiti

· jayiti

· kapulyurru

· yiti

side look ngiri

side of a creek, the yirrirri

side of creek tartalpa

side of the head katawana

side, lying on karlipirtunu

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side, one kujukarti

side, our, used to take purntujula

side, right jurrku

side, to one yitiwana

side, to the yirrirrikarti

sigh, used to ngaanypa kurtiwa

sign (a document), used to jayinamula

sign of a curse yumpu

sign, used to make a wampipuwa

signal someone, used to mirajula

silence yaka

silent movement jakarrpunaja

silent, used to become completely wurtuwa

silver jilpa

Simon Jayimanpa

· Jayimunpa

simple person parrura-parrura

simple, typically ngakumpajaru

simple-minded ngakumpa

simple-minded, used to become ngakumparri

sin walykukaja

since childhood japujanu

sinew pulyku

sinew, used to interfer with another's pulykumala

sing a magic love song, used to wilykumala

sing a song, used to turlku yilala

sing out, used to mirra

sing, used to yinkala

single people's camp kirriji

single person kirriji

singly nganyjarrpa

sip water, used to yiilpurrjala

sip, used to kunyjala

sister's son puuyi

sister, father's kurntili

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· yumari

· umari

· wumari

sister, husband's juwari

sister, man's nyarrumpa

sister, older jurtu-ra

· jurtu

sister, person and older jurturarra

Sit down the proper way! Palyayirra nyinati!

sit down, used to make someone nyinajula

sit, used to nyina

sitting in a circle jarnarti-jarnarti

· jarnayirra-jarnayirra

sitting on heels tangkarra

sitting position, used to get up to a nyinanyjarri

sitting, while nyininyjanpa

six jikaji

six card Jikulyungu

· jikaji

sixty jikijiyi

skillful wakuwarta

skin an animal, to kiinanu

skin burning, smell of kinyimulyju parnti

skin of fruit likarra

skin, animal kiinpa

skin, bumps on putaly-putalypa

skin, what? yaalupurru

skink, species of jarlurli

skinny takarnpa

· murrjinpa

skinny, used to become tarrkala

sky ngarnka

· yilkari

sky, along the ngarnkawana

slanted tingki

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sleep kunyala

· kunyarla

sleep, from kunyalajanu

sleep, used to go to kunyalarri

sleep, used to nod off to nyuruti

sleep, used to open one's eyes after paarlala

sleepy kunyalakarra

slide something along, used to jirarrmala

slide, used to jirarrwangkawa

· jiralywangkawa

slip, make something jirarrmala

slip, used to jiralywangkawa

· jirarrwangkawa

· jirarrangkawa

· jiralykati

· kapuralykawa

· jiralykawa

slippery kapuraly

· kapuruly

· jiralypa

slow purrka

· wanyu

· walapunaja

Slow down! Wanyumarta!

slow down, used to yarurri

slow someone down, used to wanyula

slow zigzag, in a parlan-parlanpa

slower, used to get wanyurri

slow-learner parrura-parrura

slowly, used to go kinti yarra

small juli-juli

· juli

· juku-juku

· japu

· juku

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· jukujuku

small boys, group of murtilya-murtilya

small chisel jintapalpa

small dish marnma

· nyayalypa

small one japuwarta

small, become jukurri

small, gully, warli

small, used to become japurri

small, very julijuli

small/young, while jukuwulu

smallest one japujara

smart clothes kuluju juriwanpa

smart!, You think you're Rakakaraningku-n!

smart, used to get rakarri

smash by throwing stones, used to kaartala

smash something, used to karljarrpuwa

· karljarrkawa

smell parnti-parnti

smell animal track, used to parntilkatiwa

smell either good or bad parnti

smell of burning fur jilururru

smell of skin burning kinyimulyju parnti

smell something, used to parntila

smell, strong minyi

smell, used to parntiyiki

· parntingara

smell, used to give off winyirirripuwa

smoke puyu

· jungan

smoke column puyungara

smoke or wind from the west yapurrakarta

smooth kapararra

· jiralypa

· karulypa

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· jarntirri

· kapuruly

· kapuraly

smooth gait jitarr-jitarrpa

smooth out something, used to runngula

smooth skin karulypa

smooth surface runngu

smooth, rocky cliff jiwalykarra

smooth, used to jarntirripuwa

smooth, used to become jiralyarri

smooth, used to make jiralymala

snake jila

snake, species of kanaji

· nyanyjarnpa

· larrja

· purruyuru

· kararrpa

· panaka-panaka

snap in two, used to turlwangka

sneaking about wura

sneeze, used to nyurrjipuwa

soak, a jurnu

soap juupu

soft runyu

soft, used to get runyurri

soften something, used to yarula

softly katu

softly, more yaru

soil, white piirl-piirlpa

soldier yirrpirnkurlu

· jawulyja

soldiers jawulyjakaja

sole of the foot jina palyka

solemn minyirrpa

solitary jarntilyirri

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Solomon Jalamanpa

some karlkin

· yupalpa

· karlkinpa

· karlki

· marnkurrpa

someone always having wrong relationship ngakajipayi

someone who can't walk jinaparni

· jinapunaja

someone's way, used to get in yangajula

someone, used to tell on jakulyjula

someone/something, away from -lura

something belonging to someone ngulyu

something in mouth jungkujarra

something, become -rri~

something, did -nu

something, doing -ra

something, get -rri~

something, used to become -arri

something? wurtu

somewhere maarra

somewhere else, from kujupajanu

somewhere, used to put jurra

son kaja

· karli

· katin-katinpa

son and father kajararra

son and mother kajararra

song turlku

song cycle warlawarlangu

song line name Kurangarra

song time turlkukarra

song, used to sing a turlku yilala

son-in-law marruku

· yumari

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· umari

· wumari

sonless or daughterless, used to become yilyurri

sons, all kajapirti

soon rawapunaja

· jampakarta

sorcerer warnapa

· karrpilpa

· mangu

· jinakarrpilpa

sore wilyji-wilyji

· juuwa

sore, used to get wilyji-wilyjirri

sore, very bad jantalypa

soreness yarnma

sorry for, used to feel nyarrurri

sorry! panta

· paa

sorry/pitying, one who is yawiyi

sound like swift water flowing, used to lalalajula

sound of a thud tujurrpa

sound of activity jaarlurrparlurrpa

soundlessly jakarrpa

sounds, confusion of jaarlurrparlurrpa

sour kalyjirr

· kalyjirrpa

south ngaparti

· yulpari

· yurlparirra

spade suit jayipul

spark tiirru

speak against, used to ngarnanpuwa

· panypura

speak along a different line, to wajarnu wangkangu


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speak an extended discourse, used to wajara wanala

speak disparagingly about another, used to minyjiljula

speak disparagingly of another, used to minyjilypa warni

Speak louder Wiltumarta!

speak, child who has learned to wangkakurlu

speaker, close to the yangarra

speaker, toward the -rni

spear karrparta

· jarraparn

· nyinyji

· tawu

spear barb tarlku

spear shaft, used to whittle yirila

spear something, used to wakala

spear wound in leg warnurra

spear, a kurlarta

spear, barb of tarlka-tarlka

spear, butt of kuna

spear, fighting karu

spear, short wurrumpuru

spear, used to make kurlartala

spear, used to sharpen jinkala

spearthrower warlparra

· marapaku

spearthrower, used to load jurtila

speech wangka

speech, avoidance Yapura-yapura

speechless wangkaramunu

· wangkapunaja

speed up to hurry another , used to walamala

spell, have a yurlta

spherical nurru-nurru

spider taapari

spill something, used to yintila

spill, used to crack and pintilyangkawa

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spin hair, used to yungkala

spindle yinti

spine of echidna jilkarnpa

· manguji

spinifex paru

spinifex country parulyukurru

spinifex grass janpi

spinifex wax kirti

· manyalypa

spinifex wax, used to put on kirtijula

spinifex, species of marnkal

spinning kurirri

spiny anteater jilkamarta

spirit kuurti

· kurrurnpa

· ngunu

· pilurrpa

spirit became weak, his Wiyurrpa palyjalyarringu

spirit children jijikarrkaly

spirit, used to lose one's kuurtiparnirri

spit jala

· jarla

· janga

spit out yellow phlegm, to jangajunu munyjuly

spit something out, used to juupupuwa

spit, used to jangajula

· jarlajula

splash down into water quickly by jumping off some object, used to lalyurrangka

splinter jikirr-jikirr

split bone for marrow, used to janyipuwa

split in half, used to pangkapuwa

split in two, used to kujarrala

split into groups, used to lalawa

· lalapuwa

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split up, used to be lalayarra

split, used to yarrkatiwa

spoil something, used to lurrpala

· putamala

spoil, used to walykurri

spotted waputirr-waputirrpa

spouse martungu

· nyupa

· yarruwa

· nyukunu

spouse with a nyupajarra

spouse, person and nyupararra

spouse, promised pilyurrpa

spouse, used to take nyupajarrarri

spouse, with nyupakurlu

spouse, with a nyupawinti

spouse, wrong warnngi

spray water on someone, used to kurrpila

spread a message around, used to jakulpa kati

· jakulpa kawa

spread something, used to nyirtila

spring of water puringu

spring time, used to be parna yukurirri

spring, name of Najarra

· Mika

sprinkle water with hand, used to kurrpi-kurrpila

sprinkle with water, used to kurrpila

squat down off and on, used to pupati

squat down, used to pupa

squatting position tangkarra

squeeze faeces from animal intestines, used to junyipuwa

squeeze juice karljarrpuwa

· karljarrkawa

squeeze orange, used to mulyjila

squeeze out, used to junyila

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squirt out juice, used to purltujala

stab something, used to wakala

stab with a stick, used to tarrwarniwa

stage of manhood pukurti

stagger, used to karurri

staggering kakari

staggering back and forth from too much wama, he was Kakari-kakarirringu


stalk of wama, the end of mulyaparu

stamp about, used to jutarriwa

stamp along, used to kantulkati

stamp feet, used to jurrkawa

stamp on, used to piturrmala

stamp one's feet, used to kantula

stamping feet jurrka

stance to receive sentence nguyalpa

stance, proud warrparn-warrparnpa

stand before a group for rebuke kantula

stand something upright, used to yikijula

stand there crying, used to yulara yiki

stand up as a group, used to yiki-yiki

stand up for someone, used to purnturri

stand up, used to yiki

stand upright, used to ngarajula

stand, used to ngara

standing upright, used to be murrungarati

standing, legs apart jarrarra yikinta

star malya

· kurtalya

· wiirlpa

stare at someone, used to tarrkula

start going, used to warntitiwa

· warntikala

start up (of an engine), used to ngurntirrirri

start, used to jaarramurri

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starving manyu-manyu

state Government in Perth kapamanpa

statement, used to make a wangka puwa

stative focus marker -nga

stay at a place, used to nyina

steady someone down, used to marrku-marrkula

steady something, used to purujula

steal, used to ngulyula

· ngulyu marra

stealthily hunting wura

step jannga

step, made a janngajunu

steps of a dance jina

stick mungka

· warta

· ngarna

stick (tipiny) in place, with a tipinyjarra

stick for cleaning seeds from fruit pirrkiri

stick for closing stomach incision tipinypa

stick for moving food on fire lilulypa

stick for scraping out seeds kurru

stick, digging wana

stick, forked jarra

stick, hitting jurtinypa

· kurnti

· linmurru

· jurna

stick, used to stab with a tarrwarniwa

sticking up, hair jalyjakarra

stiff wiltu

stiff, used to become narntungula

still mannga

· pirtirr-pirtirrpa

· tilykuru

· jalypa

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· nyuri

still, used to be yurriparnirri

stinking minyi

stir something, used to murli-murlila

stir up and make angry, used to jaarramula

stomach nyuru

· wirla

· juni

stomach incision, stick for closing tipinypa

stomach incision, used to close up tipinypuwa

· tipinyjula

stomach, full parlja

· munku

stomach, upset jurninyjirri

stone yapu

· purli

· yalyi

stone knife kanti

· jalypa

stone, flat limpi-limpi

stone, lower grinding jiwa

stone, upper grinding wakura

stones, big karlka-karlkakaja

stones, hot cooking yapanpa

· kanyanpa

stony place, at a purlikurrungka

stop looking at something, used to yurturri

stop someone fighting, used to ngarlkila

stop someone or something, used to marrkula

stop suddenly jarr-jarr-jarr-jarrpa

stop worrying about something, used to yumurri

Stop! Maa-yiki!

store tuumaya

· tuuwa

· tuuwamaya

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storm, dust yungku-yungku

story tuuri

· wangka

· jukurrpa

· yumuwanpa

story, used to tell a yurrala

stragglers kulupalarrpa

straight jukarurru

· yirnku

· yinturlpa

· murru-murru

· junga

· jurrku-jurrku

· turitpala

straight manner jungangkangulyu

straight object jirumpu

straight relationship yawanyja

straighten one's legs, used to jirrarajula

strange language japurr-japurrpa

stranger wukurlu

· wamparla

· wayungarri

· ngajarri

· warrmala

strengthen, used to rakamarra

stretch kuulypa

stretch onself, used to wartula

stretch out legs, used to wirlkarri

stretch something out, used to winymirala

string turingu

string, jakapiri plant jakapiri

strip bark off tree, used to likarrapuwa

strong kurnpu

· jurnpurrpa

· murlpirrpa

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· panyanyju

strong dislike mingarrju

strong smell minyi

strong, used to make murlpirrmarra

strong, used to make hard or wiltula

stubborn marlirrpa

· mannganyju

· juni marlirr-marlirrpa

stubborn person ngalya wiltu

· ngalya

stuck on something, used to be tapayiki

stuck on, used to be mantalyngara

stumped ngunjurlpa

· ngurnjulpa

Sturts Desert Pea marlukururrpa

submissive to authority nyira

submissive to authority, used to become nyirarri

subordinate clause suffix -ngka

subsection name Jakamarra

· Jangala

substitute name nyaparu

· kunmarnu

· Nyaparu

succulent plant, species of panma

suck out, used to kuunyjala

suck something, used to kunyjala

suddenly ngaamarntu

suddenly realise something important happening, used to kutunjanu kanarri

suffix agent -ju

suffix characterising -rninti

suffix indicating completion -ngkumarranypa

suffix indicating inhabitant -yija

suffix indicating intensity -minyirri

suffix indicating progress in growth -lara

suffix transitive -ju

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suffix, certainty -ngulyu

suffix, characterising -marta

· -warta

· -puri

· -puka

· -para

· -payi

· -rurru

· -puru

suffix, completive -nirra

· -nkumarranypa

· -marranypa

· -lmarranypa

suffix, coupling -rra

· -rarra

· -yirra

suffix, directional -rra

· -karta

· -waki

suffix, doubt -mpa

suffix, durative -lpi

suffix, emphatic -kaja

· -rtu

· -rtuka

· -rta

suffix, ergative -lu

suffix, exclamatory -pi

· -pu

suffix, focus -mpa

suffix, instantaneous action -marntu

suffix, intent -kija

suffix, interrogative -pakayi

· -partu

· -pa

suffix, kinship -purru

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suffix, limitational -ngurninyji

suffix, particularising -rti

suffix, plural -rtin

· -nyjarri

· -kaja

suffix, quantity -purrja

suffix, reciprocal -yinta

suffix, reflexive -yinta

suffix, respect -pirrayi

suffix, selective -purra

suffix, sequentive -marriti

suffix, serial -ra

suffix, target -nyuku

suffix, terminative -lyu

suffix, transitivising -jinga~

suffix, verbalising -ju~

· -kawa

· pu~

· -yiki~

· -ya~

· -wangka~

· -kati

suffix, warning -rta

sugar jaangkayuwulypa

· jukurta

· juuka

· jangkayurrulypa

sugarbag waranu

· jurtipirri

· jukapayiki

suit of clubs kaarlapu

suit, clubs pujikatu

suit, spade jayipul

sulk, used to mulyarrarri

sulky yurntiri

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summer yali

· kurlijarra

summer, early tulparra

summertime yalipuru

· yalijarra

sun jirntu

sun shining and causing a person to be happy about life parrjula

sun, heat of the yarlka

sun, used to put something in he yarlkajula

Sunday Jaanti

· Wiiki

· Jantayi

sunless jirntuparni

sunny spot yararri

sunny, used to become jirnturri

sunset karrany-karrany-pa

· jirntujirrpa

sunset, after mungarr-mungarrpa

sure, used to make purujula

surface, from katujanu

surface, rounded wirla

surface, smooth runngu

surprise ngampaku

surprised, used to be kuru majurri

· kuru pakala

· kuru jumarri

· ngurinyjirri

surround(?) kutu

surround, used to tinkila

swag warntu

swallow something, used to nyuulkula

· kurljula

· ngukala

swear at someone, used to karrjapuwa

sweat warrkulypa

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· jinymirlpa

sweater juwita

sweaty, used to become jinymirlarri

sweaty, used to get warrkulyarri

sweet talk someone, used to jukaramula

sweet taste juri

swell up from some sickness, used to juurlaparri

swift water flowing, used to sound like water flowing swiftly, used to sound like lalalajula

swim, used to jarrpa

· jarlawa

swirl something, used to murli-murlila

swollen mulyjarra

· raparrku

swollen eye kurujuulypa

swollen shut, used to become juulyarri

swollen, used to become mulyjarrarri

· raparrkurri

sympathetic, used to be nyarrurri

synagogue jaaji

T - t

table tiipulpa

taboo ngurlu

taboo, food jaji

tadpole wipu-wipu

tail ngulpurru

· wipu

tail of kangaroo, base of jirrji

take a decision, used to wangka puwa

take a fit, used to karurri

take a girl for sexual reasons who has not been given to you , used to warnngila

take a handful, used to yawula

take another's wife, used to raapamula

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take away maa-kati

take care of someone, used to ngampurrmala

take clothes off, used to tikamatula

take in arms, used to yampula

take off (into the air), used to parrpakala

take off clothing warrmalypuwa

take other's the land, used to parna murntala

take our side, used to purntujula

take over for someone, used to purnturri

take something apart, used to wupulypuwa

take something off some other object, used to wikilypuwa

take something off someone, used to muntala

take something, used to marra

take the lead, used to kurranyurri

take, used to kawa

· kati

taking no notice yurtu-yurtu

talk about someone, used to jantipuwa

· yimpila

talk among themselves wangkanypuwa

talk constantly, used to wangka nguunypuwa

talk continually, used to nguunypuwa

· ngalyjurrmala

talk to someone, used to wangka

talk to, a friend to wangkapinti

talk, a wangkakarra

talk, baby juuwa

talked while others were sleeping, He still Kana wangkapayi

tall warlpukurru

tall, used to get warlpukurrurri

tame ngulyju

tap someone, used to nunupuwa

target suffix -nyuku

target, used to miss hitting jiwarrpuwa

taste something, used to yajila

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taste, good juri

taste, just a jaaku

taste, sweet juri

tea parrka

· tii

teach or give a discourse, used to wangkaya

· ngampurrarri

teach someone something, used to nintipuwa

teach someone, used to nintila

· nintimala

· minyirrpuwa

teach something, used to pirntipuwa

teach the meaning of some written word, used to yuti nintila

teach, used to katangka yuwa

· kuranjula

teacher nintipurluka

teaching contained in a figure yumuwanpa

tear cloth, used to yaarrpuwa

tear something down, used to wupulypuwa

tear something off, used to lakarnpuwa

tear something, used to yarrpuwa

tear, a yarrpa

tear, used to yaarryarra

· tungkurrka

· yarrkawa

tears milyarnpa

tease someone, used to tirtila

· nyurnimala

tease, a lanyma

tease, used to jitila

teasing nyurni

teeth yirra

teeth chattering minmirrmala

teeth, grinding of ngirr-ngirrpa

tell a story, used to yurrala

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tell lies , used to mayujula

tell lies, used to mayula

· paki kajala

tell off, used to ngumpala

tell on another, used to juntumala

tell on someone, used to jakulyjula

tell someone something, used to wajala

tell, used to kuranjula

temperature, used to get warurri

tempt, used to yumunyjurra

ten dollar note ngarnkurrjarra

tendon pulyku

tent tiinpa

term, relationship punyayi

· yapanypa

· yartajirri

· yinkarni

· yinara

terminative suffix -lyu

termite manyjurrpa

test something, used to yajila

testes kurlurrpa

that direction, in nyarrawaka

that distant place, at nyarrangka

that far! nyamu

That is really it! Palunyangulyu!

that mob jiikaja

that one jiinya

· nyarranya

· jiinpa

that one nearby jii

that one there jiingka

that situation jiinpa

that time palutayimu

that way palawarraku

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that way, along jiiwati

· nyarrawana

that's it! palulyu

that's them! partu

that, after palunyajanu

that, in distance nyarra

thats all! nyamurtuka

the ground, along parnawana

the noise of a boomerang after it bounces off the ground tuurnngurlwangka

the Son of Man puntu yarnngaku marlpa

theirs -janampa

theirs (two) -pulampa

them -jananya

them (plural) palunyanpa

· palunyakaja

· palukaja

· palurtin

them (two) palukujarra

· -pulanya

them (two), to -pulanya

them two -pula

them two, for -pulampa

them, at -jananya

them, away from -janampalura

them, for -janampa

them, to -jananya

themselves -ngku

then palunyangka

· -yilapa

· -yila

· -yilampa

· kapu

· palunyangkayilampa

· ka

· kaa

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· -kayila

then, after palunyajanu

then, well karu

there palanya

· jiinpa

· pala

there, right nyarrangulyu

· jiingulyu

there, that one jiingka

there, to nyarrakarti

there, used to go along palawanarri

these people ngaakaja

these persons or things ngaanpa

these two ngaakujarra

they (plural) palunyanpa

· palunyakaja

· palurtin

· -ya

· palukaja

they (two) palukujarra

they two -pula

thick kurnpu

thick one kurnpumarta

thicket purnu

thief ngulyunyju

· ngulyujaka

thigh junta

· jawali

thigh wound lani

thin murrjinpa

· takarnpa

thin something down, used to ranpula

thin wedge tingki

thing -pinti

thing causing sickness liiti

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thing that you blow puulpinti

thing used for holding things ngalunyjapinti

thing, green coloured yukuriwanpa

things jantu

· jantukaja

· wartakaja

think about someone, used to wurrkulila

think about something, used to kulila

think about, used to wurrngangkula

· ngangkula

think continually about a problem wuurr kulila

think mistakenly that something is unimportant, used to pakikukala

think or live a different way from the norm, used to kujupakartirri

think someone is a big man, used to mistakenly jumakukala

thirst, exhausted from puwarn-puwarnpa

thirsty marrku

· yurra

thirsty, used to get yurrarri

this is the place ngaangkalyu

this one ngaangulyu

· ngaanga

this one (nearby) ngaanya

· ngaa

· ngaampa

this one nearby jii

this one, like ngaayiku

this one, too? ngaapa

this person or thing ngaanpa

this place, to ngaakarti

this side ngalyarni

this way jingulpa

this way, coming kalkurnijarra

this, like jilanya

· jingulpa

· jingula

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Thomas Tamajpa

thorn jilkarnpa

· manguji

thoroughly purapuli

those same ones palunyanpa

those two jiikujarra

those two, away from -pulampalura

those who dispise parlanypayi

though, even mannga

thought, mistaken -kukala

thousand jawujunpa

three jurri

threw the leaves on the mourner, he jalyirrjunu

throat kuurljulkuurljulpa

· kuurljulpa

· ngalyi

through -rrany

through the hole tapurrwana

through, right wapirripirri

throw crookedly, used to kikirijula

throw dirt up into the air when angry, to ngarnkangka warningu

throw down, used to wirru-wirrupuwa

throw leaves, used to jalyirrjurra

throw out liquids, used to wiilypuwa

throw out rubbish, used to ngankala

throw out, used to wirru-wirrupuwa

throw something forcefully to the ground warntipuwa

throw something, used to wirrupuwa

· yungkala

· warniwa

thud sound tujurrpa

thudding sound, used to make a tujurrpuwa

thunder jantaju

Thursday Kapara

· Jayaji

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thus jiiyuru

· -jaka

· jingulpa

· jilanya

· jilala

· jingula

thus, become jilanyarri

· jingularri

tickle, a kiji-kiji

tickling feeling, used to get jukururri

tie something with a rope or binding , used to tayimapula

tie two things together, used to tinyjila

tie up, used to karrpila

· nanpajurra

· yilpijula

tight grip karrpa-karrpa

tighten a fastening, used to witurrpuwa

tighter, used to make wiltumala

time tayimpa

time, for a long kakuputu

time, hot parrpakarra

time, killing watanypa

time, long rawa

time, particular tayimu

time, used to beat with boomerangs tijilpuwa

tin of meat tinamiti

tip out liquid, used to yirritijurra

tip-toe, used to narntatiwa

tired jawalyurru

· jaka-jaka

· manarr

tired, become jaka-jakarri

tired, used to become manarrarri

to -kurna

· -rtu

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· -kutu

· -wakara

· -karti

tobacco wama

· tupaka

· jangu

· janyungu

tobacco wad panyja

· purlku

tobacco, bush jurntilyarr

· japiya

tobacco, wad kulyja

today kuwarri

toe, big mamartura

together lurrju

· jartangkalu

· jungulkirra

· kujungka

· kumu

tomato, bush pura

· jinyjiwirrily

tomorrow mungalypa

· yungunpa

tomorrow, day after karrpukujupa

tongue nyarlinypa

· jarlinypa

· nyanyjarla

too -lurrju

too big lalypa

too much tumaji

too steep to climb, cliff, jiwalykarra

top katarlpa

· katu

top of the head ngamunpa kata

top, on kankarra

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· kankararra

topknot pukurti

topknot, possessing pukurtijarra

tortoise wuku

totem, conception jarrinypa

totem, used to get jarrinypuwa

· jarrinymarra

touch something, used to pampula

touchy person jukurupayi

· jukuru

· jukururru

tough nantirrpa

tough person raka

toward -karti

· -wakara

· -kurna

· -rtu

· -kutu

toward right hand side jungakarti

toward someone, disagreeable parlanpa

· mingarrpa

toward something, used to move warntikala

toward the north kayilirra

toward the right side jurrkukarti

toward the speaker -rni

toward the west yapurrkura

towel tawulpa

town tawunpa

· tawunu

toy boomerang wuupayinpa

track yiwarra

track something, used to jinawatijula

track, along the yiwarrawana

track, animal, used to smell parntilkatiwa

track, used to watijula

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track, used to follow jinawanala

track, used to search for a watijula

traditional chewing tobacco mingkurlpa

traditional doctor maparnpa

train particularly for football, used to turayinamula

transitive suffix -ju

transitivising suffix -jinga~

travellers jilkaja

· jilkangkaja

tread on, used to kantula

tree warta

tree branch pirrpilya

tree fork karlkajarra

· karlkanyjarra

tree, bark of likarra

tree, base of jirrji

tree, bauhinia jikarra

tree, bean, species of pinarti

tree, blackboy nyurntilirri

tree, bloodwood mijarrpa

tree, fork of jarrapa-jarrapa

tree, forking branches of jarrapa

tree, gidgee janyjuru

tree, like a wartayuru

tree, marble tarrjarnpa

tree, mulga wintamarra

tree, paperbark jalkurrpurta

· jalkuran

tree, species of jukutany

· junturru

· jaakampa

· jima

· jawalyurru

· kurarra

· munyjanpa

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· junturta

· ngurtuma

tree, species of acacia jipari

· marntarru

· jilyili

· parlpirr

· parlpiny

tree, species of cassia punti

tree, species of eucalyptus kurrulyu

tree, species of grevillea parntalpa

tree, used to strip bark off likarrapuwa

tree, wattle karntawarra

tree, young ngurntilya

trees, among wartapuru

tremble, used to yurri-yurrirri

· tirritipuwa

· minmirrmala

· tititipuwa

trim wood, used to jinkala

trip up someone, used to kurlpila

trip up, used to karlpila

trip, daytime hunting karrila

trip, hunting yarrkalpa

trouble jarripi

· jurta

trouble maker pikapayi

trouble-maker jurtawarta

· jurtapayi

troublesome, used to become jurtawartarri

trousers jawuja

· jaawaja

· juntakurrungku

· kulujpa

truck turaka

true yirnku

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· mularrpa

· yilta

· yintulpa

· jukarurru

true, really yiltaminyirri

true?, Is it really Yiltakaja?

truly yiltartu

trumpet, a puyulpinti

· puulpinti

trusted, person who can be yiltapayi

truth yilta

truthful person yiltanyju

· yiltapayi

try out something, used to yajila

try something, used to nyipilyjala

try to do something, but fail purturri

try to get past a barrier, used to nguunjula

tune, no juriparni

turkey, bush jarrki

· ngarlpunyji

· ngarnurti

· tarrki

turn a vehicle around to go back the same way, used to marlakula

turn a windlass, used to yungkala

turn around, used to kalkurnirri

· kupirlangkawa

turn back, used to pijurriwa

· marlakula

turn some object, used to tarnamula

turn something around, used to kupurljingala

· kupirlpuwa

turn something over, used to kujupakartila

· kujupakartinala

turn something, used to payinpuwa

turn toward, used to kalkurniwarrakurri

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turn, in ngaparrpa

turned something quickly walakupilyangka

turning around, a nyankarra

turns, in purrini-purrini

twelve tuwalpa

twenty four tuwintipuu

twice kujarrangka

twin yarlpu

twirl something around, used to kurirrijingala

twirl something, used to riwi-riwipuwa

twist, used to (of a spear as it flies through the air) mamurlpa yarra

twisted lupu

· turli-turli

twisted, used to become lupurri

two kujarra

· tuu

· -kujarra

two age-mates yarlpururra

two at a time kujarramarriti

two female cousins juwarirra

two kinship groups marijirra

two mates jamirti-jamirti

two parts, used to separate into kujarrarri

two things together , used to tie tinyjila

two things, used to join tinyjila

two, these ngaakujarra

two, those jiikujarra

two, used to split in kujarrala

type of boomerang, warlanu

typical of him -jaru

typically simple ngakumpajaru

tyre taaya

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U - u

umbilicus nyunyjirnpa

unable to move limbs parralayiji

unafraid kurrurnpa wiltu

unaware yurtu

uncertain ngurinyji

· taju-taju

uncertain, used to be ngukarrila

· ngurinyjirri

uncertain, used to become taju-tajurri

uncle wapuju

uncle and his nephew wapujurra

uncle and nephew kalyarra

uncle and nephew/niece kamururra

uncle or father japunyurra

unconcerned, used to become yumurri

unconscious person nguyuwarra

uncover, used to miralmala

undecided ngurnjulpa

· ngurinyji

· ngunjurlpa

undecided, used to be ngurnjularri

· ngunjularriwa

undecided, used to become ngurinyjirri

under kaninyjarrangka

under water kalyupuru

underneath kaninyjarra

· ngururrpa

· kaninykurti

underneath the foot jina kaninykurti

understand, used to kuranarriwa

· kulila

undo shoes, used to tikamatula

undone, used to be wupulyarra

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uneasy ralpurrpa

uneasy, used to become ralpurrarri

unfastened, used to be wupulyarra

unfeeling person karratapayimunu

unhelpful person karratanyjuparni

unknowing ngurrpa

unknown maarra

unnecessary, used to become pinyirri

unplug a blockage, used to tangkurrpuwa

unreasonable panyjarrpa

unrelated situation minyjilpa

unrelated, used to be minyjilyarri

unripe kunka

unsettled business kamparr-kamparr

unskilled karnujalka

unsuccessfully purtu

unsure taju-taju

unsure, used to be ngukarrila

untamed wayilwanpa

untie bush sandles and take them off, used to warrmalypuwa

untie, used to yarralypuwa

up kankarra

· kanka

· ngarnawarra

up, closed tirnu

up, curled mulyji

up, head ngalya yinyja-yinyja

up, join ngaparrku

up, used to fill wirlarri

· kalyjala

up, used to hold something jikajula

up, used to jump tatiwarrala

up, used to lift yaanypuwa

up, used to lift something jikajula

up?, what's wanyjalpa

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upper back jarna

upright, used to be standing murrungarati

upright, used to place murrujula

upright, used to stand ngarajula

upright, used to stand something yikijula

upset yarrju

· kamparr-kamparr

· nyinganyinga

· wirla

upset stomach jurninyjirri

upset, used to become jurtarri

upset, used to get yarrjurri

urinate, used to kumpujala

urine kumpu

urine in or on kumpupara

us (including you), away from -lampalura

us all (including those spoken to) -lanya

us all (including those spoken to), to -lanya

us all (including you), for -lampa

us all (not including those spoken to) -lanyaju

us all (not including you), away from -lampajulura

us all (not including you), for -lampaju

us all, to (not including those spoken to) -lanyaju

us two (including hearer), away from -limpalura

us two (including the one spoken to) -linya

us two (including the one spoken to), for -limpa

us two (including the one spoken to), to -linya

us two (not including hearer), away from -limpajulura

us two (not including the one's spoken to) -linyaju

us two (not including those spoken to), for -limpaju

us two(not including the one's spoken to), to -linyaju

used as part of an age number yiiya

used to -la

used to be doing something -ma

used to do something -wa

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· -rra

used together, used to bring kujungkala

used together, used to gather kumungkarriwa

used together, used to meet kumungkarriwa

used top, used to put something on katujula

used touch, with burning stick nyilyjijula

used toward, used to go and enter jarrpatiwa

used towards, used to turn kalkurniwarrakurri

uselessly purtu

V - v

vain, in purtu

valley larrku

· pila

vegetable food mirrka

· kunawirnka

vehicle, used to drive jipala

vein pulyku

· jirliwa

verbalising suffix -ju~

· -yiki~

· -kawa

· pu~

· -kati

· -ya~

· -wangka~

vertical, used to be ngara

very afraid ngurluny-ngurlunypa

very bad putaputa

very carefully purinyju

very confident murlpirrju

· rapanyju

very deliberate minyirrju

very happy pukurl-pukurlpa

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very homesick kurljirrkurljirrpa

very late afternoon ruka-ruka

very loose yirni-yirni

very perplexed ngunjul-ngunjulpa

very playful ngarlpungarlpu

very sad kujilkujilpa

· kurljirrkurljirrpa

very small julijuli

· karri-karri

very top of hills katukatu

vibrate, used to lilyirrmala

vibrating noise, used to make lilyirrwangka

visible miralpa

· yuti

visible only to maparn karrpiri

visible, clearly mirangarra

visible, used to become yutirri

· miralarri

visible, used to make yutila

visible, used to make something yutijula

vision, poor pampuru

visit, a mayajarri

visitor yannga

vomit, used to jarntarajula

· kurlpa-kurlparri

· kurlpajula

· karunypuwa

W - w

wad of tobacco panyja

· kulyja

· purlku

wad up something, used to tirnula

wadded up tirnu

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waddle along, used to jangkati

wage money wijij mani

wages wiijijpa

· wiijiji

wagon, horse drawn turila

waist kultu

· kapulyurru

wait for someone, used to mirangara

wait for, used to majala

wait with patience, used to kinti majala

wait, used to majala

waiting mira-mira

waiting around watanypa

wake everyone up, used to kanalkati

wake someone up, used to kanala

wake up, used to kanarri

waking-up time kanara-kanara

walk around in no particular direction, used to parrati

walk backwards, make someone jayira wanala

walk up and down, used to karrujurra

walk with legs apart jangka-jangkati

walk, used to jina

wall wuulpa

wallaby, rock warlpaju

wallaby, species of jamparnpa

· pakulyarra

wallet pawuji

want someone, used to wangka

want something badly jarla ngukarnu

want that very much, he Jangakulyjurni-ra jiiku

wants that very much, he Janga-ra kulyjurni jiiku

wants to do something -nkukija

· -lkija

· -ngkukija

warm wuumpala

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· junpurrpa

warm area wuumpala

warm oneself to nganyjila

warm person wuumpala

warm place parrpa

· parn-parnpa

warm spot yararri

warmth junpurrpurtayi

· junpurrpa

warn of frightening consequences, used to ngurlujula

warning suffix -rta

warped lupu

wart puta

was doing -lwara

was doing something -wara

· -nkuwara

· -ngkuwara

· -nkupayi

· -lpayi

· -payi

· -ngkupayi

wash dirt off, used to kilinpalala

wash someone, used to jarlajula

wash something, used to wajamula

wash, used to jarlawa

· waajamula

washing, one who needs jaartipala

waste material in the intestines kunakaja

waste some valuable material, used to wiijamula

Watchpoint Hill Mirtikanya

Watchpoint windmill Kartaparli

water kapi

· jalyu

· kalyu

water container kalyupinti

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water pools after rain kalyukuyarra

water prevented an action, because kalyuparrarningka

· kalyuwapayingka

water, dive in to kurruwa

water, flood parlkurta

water, muddy kalyu luka

· luka

water, ripples on the murrpu-murrpu

water, salty jawul-jawulpa

water, sprinkle kurrpi-kurrpila

water, the creek is full of Wirla ngarrinpa

water, under kalyupuru

water, used to become muddy lukarri

water, used to become without kalyupunajarri

water, used to dry up juturri

water, used to fetch marnmala

· jayila

water, used to fill with ngaapakala

water, used to get from creek jayila

water, used to sip yiilpurrjala

water, used to spray on someone kurrpila

water, used to sprinkle with kurrpila

water, without kalyuparni

water,small puddle of muddy luka-luka

waterbird, species of tarrkaru

waterhole jurnu

waterhole in home country yinta

waterholes, one who knows where they are kalyurninti

wattle shrub, species of nyalyka

wattle tree karntawarra

wax, spinifex manyalypa

· kirti

wax, used to put on manyalyjula

· milirrjula

way, part kutu

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way, this jingulpa

way, wrong wuumurru

we all ngayurtinpa

· -laju

· ngayun

· ngayurtin

· -la

we all (not you) -ju

we two ngayukujarra

we two (including the one spoken to) -li

we two (not including those spoken to) -liju

weak ralya

· palyjalypa

· kalyurrpa

weak, his spirit became Wiyurrpa palyjalyarringu

weapons, group of yirrpirnpa

weather, calm tilykuru

weather, hot pirtirr-pirtirrpa

· yali

wedding wiitingu

wedge, thin tingki

wedge, used to chop tingkila

wedge-shaped tingki

wedgetail hawk winy-winypa

Wednesday Tuupakatayi

· Wiiniji

· Julkulypari

weigh down something, used to parlila

weigh down something, used to weigh parlila

weight, light ranpu

weight, used to lose murrjinarri

welcoming karratanyju

well wanka

· kunyjunyu

· kunyunyu

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· kurnpu

· wiilpa

· palya

· ngarntaparni

· ngalypa

well then karu

well, person who is almost wankanyjanmarta

well, used to become palyarri

well, used to do jungamala

well, used to get wankarri

well, used to make palyamala

well, used to make someone wankala

well-behaved kawalya

west yapurrpa

· yapurra

west, toward yapurrkura

westwards yapurrkura

wet kalyupara

· wirna

· milya

· jupi

what nganawa

· nyaa

· ngana

· ngaapa

what did he/she do? yaalula

· wanyjalmala

What do you want? Nganaku-ran wangkinpa?

what group was it nganartinpa

what happened? yaalurri

what he said ngana wajarnu

what instrument?, with nganawintilu

what is it ngananga

what is it like nganayuru

what other person, with nganakamu

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what reason, for nyaangkamarra

what reason, for nganangkamarra

· nyaaku

what relation is that person to me nganaju

what relation is that person to you nganangku

what skin? yaalupurru

what source, from nganajanu

what was that nganapa

what will we do? jijika

what's its name ngapi

what's up? wanyjalpa

what's up?, well, kayi

what, from nganangkamarra

what, on nganangka

wheat wiiti

wheat fields wiiti

when nyaarta

· jamurnpa

· nyaangula

· jampa

· puju

when it gets lighter karrpu-karrpumarta

when it is light karrpumarta

where wanyja

where? from -manta

which wanyja

while jamurnpa

· jampa

while daylight karrpukurlu

while sitting nyininyjanpa

while there is still some light karrpulpi

whip wiipu

· wiippa

whisper jaamalya

· yaalypa

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whisper, a jaalypa

whistle, used to winypurala

white mirta-mirta

· nyumpurlpa

· pirl-pirlpa

· ngintarlpa

· piirl-piirlpa

white and black kurtirl-kurtirlpa

white ant manyjurrpa

white clay juurnpa

· kakinypa

· wira

· karlji

white coloured object wayitwanpa

white meat of goanna pirntarlpa

white one piirl-piirlwanpa

white person kartiya

white soil piirl-piirlpa

white woman mijiji

whitefellas, before kartiyaparningka

whitefellow walypala

whiteman muntungu

whittle the shaft of a spear, used to yirila

who ngana

who did something to someone nganalu

whole lot, the yarnngakuyarra

whose is it nganamili

why nyaaku

· nyaangkamarra

· nganangkamarra

wide lipi

wide leaf gum tree jarturtu

widow parnalyji

· yirnapunaja

wife martungu

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· yarruwa

· tuju

· nyupa

· yinini

· nyukunu

· kartungu

wife who has been given by appropriate relatives yungkujarra

wild kurrurnpa wirrilyi

· wirrilyi

wild dog jitirta

wild flowers purtipulawu

wild honey jukapayiki

· jantaru

wild ones wayilwanpa

wild onion jurnta

· jalirrpa

· minyarra

will -lku

· -ku

will be doing something -nmalpa

· -malpa

· -namalpa

will do something -ngku

· -nku

willing yirninyju

· ngarru

willing to do a job, used to be ngarrurri

willy-wagtail jirntirr-jirntirr

win a race or contest, used to winamurri

win an event, used to winarri

win, used to piitamula

wind wangalpa

· wilinypa

· karripartu

wind blowing gently kinti wangka

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wind break, used to make a wuungkujula

wind or smoke from the west yapurrakarta

wind, no tilykuru

wind, north kayilirrangu

· kayilikarta

wind, used to pass pulypurrmala

windbreak wuungku

winding kupirl-kupirlpa

windlass, used to turn a yungkala

windless yatarnpa

windmill winmilpa

· wiinymaya

windmill, Watchpoint Kartaparli

window winta

wine wayinpa

· pulakinpa

· wayinu

wing wiingu

wings nyarlpi

wink, used to kurukujukartirri

winnow and gather, used to nyurtula

winnow by hand, used to jajarrala

winnow grain, used to jajarrapuwa

winnow seeds karnila

winnow, used to karnampila

winter wantapuru

· wantajarra

winter rain, light kurluwa

wipe dry or clean with a cloth etc, used to wayipamula

wipe oneself, used to yurila

wire waya

wire netting niitingpa

wire, netting parru-parru

with -ngka

· -kurlu

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· -winti

· -jarra

without -jirrija

· -punaja

· -parni

without a maparn, person munta

without asking japilparni

without footprints jina yarrka-yarrka

without having seen him nyakupunajangka

without meat kukaparni

without sickness ngarntaparni

without water kalyuparni

without water, used to become kalyupunajarri

witness mirangka

woman wanajarra

· tuju

· wanti

· kartungu

· mirrkajarra

· ngilypi

woman who is expecting a child nyurujarra

woman with one child jijikujujarra

woman's brother nyarrumpa

woman's brother's wife wajirra

woman's cousin juwari

woman, old jaluru

· parntanypa

woman, older, with many children jijiyarnngajarra

woman, with many children jijilaltujarra

woman, young yangupala

women in generation above one's own pipinyurra

women, Dreaming Minyipurru

· Jakulyukulyu

wood, flat crate type pukuju

wood, flat thin pukuji

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wood, used to carve jinkala

wood, used to trim jinkala

wooden decoration, men's kukulypa

wooden dish wirni

· karnilpa

· piti

· pingkilypa

wool, sheep's wuuna

woolly pankuly-pankulypa

woollybutt grass yuwinyji

word wangka

word, interrogative wurtu

words jukurrpa

words, encouraging tungun-tungunpa

words, one who knows wangkarninti

work warrkamu

work magic on someone, used to wuramala

work out a mathematical result, used to kawuntamula

work, to warrkamunu

work, used to warrkamurri

worker warrkam

workers, ceremonial jinyjanungu

working with papers mili-milikarra

worms kiwily-kiwilypa

worries, no kurrurnpa wiltu

worry about family, used to warlkula

worse, used to get walykurri

would have done something -nkungara

would have done something but didn't -ngkungara

would have, but didn't -lngara

wound in leg, spear warnurra

wound in thigh lani

wound, a limi

wound, used to bandage a pantimula

wounded kulyu

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wrap up something, used to murljila

wren, species of jily-jilyka

· jiwilyirrwilyirr

wrestle with someone tuulyala

wrinkles wilirrpa

write something, used to wakala

wrong raangu

wrong doing against the laws of God walykukaja

wrong marriage yinyurrpa

wrong marriage relationship ngakaji

wrong mate warnngi

wrong relationship, couple in a ngakajirra

wrong relationship, someone always having ngakajipayi

wrong spouse warnngi

wrong things, he went back to doing Marlaku walykukarti yanu.

wrong way wuumurru

· pakiwana

Y - y

yandy dish jartu

· karnilpa

· lupu

· karnampi

yandy rubbish, used to jajarrapuwa

yandy seeds karnila

yandy something, used to wanpuwa

yandy, used to jartula

· karnampila

yank out hair from, used to tungkurrpuwa

yard yaartu

yarn, used to jumangkarrala

yawn, used to jaawarlula

year yiiya

years yiija

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yellow ochre karntawarra

yes yuu

· yuwa

· yuwayi

yes, used to say yuujula

· yuwajula

yesterday karrpungka

yesterday, day before karrpukujupa

yet jalypa

· nyuri

· mannga

yonder nyarra

you -nta

· nyuntu

you (plural) nyurrartin

· -nyurranya

you (plural), away from -nyurrampalura

you (singular) -n

you (singular), away from -lungkura

you all nyurrartinpa

you all, for -nyurrampa

you came, before nyuntupunajangka

you mob nyunturtin

· nyuntunpa

you plural -nyurra

you two -npulanya

· nyuntukujarra

· -npula

you two, at -npulanya

you two, away from -ngkurapula

· -npulampalura

you two, for -npulampa

· -ngkupula

you two, to -npulanya

you've got to yikarra

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you, all of -nyurranya

· -nyurra

you, at -nta

you, away from -ngkura

you, for -ngku

you, off -nta

you, to -nta

you, to all of -nyurranya

you?, and kapu

young animal nyamanypa

young animals kurlunypa

young boy jarrkanpa

young girl mulyamunmulpa

· turn-turnpa

· kuyurnpa

· mulyamulpa

· yurrkanpa

young initiate jaminpara

young kangaroo etc yangupala

young man yangupala

· murturrpa

· warrinyji

young men, mob of warrinyji-warrinyji

young thing kalirtura

young tree ngurntilya

young woman yangupala

young/small, while jukuwulu

younger sibling marlanypa

· marlaju

· marlangu

youngest child nyirtingunya

· nyirti

yours -nyurrampa

· -ngku

yours (two people) -npulampa

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· -ngkupula

yourself -ngku

yourselves -ngku

Z - z

zigzag, in a slow parlan-parlanpa