Download - Marry before or after the military boot camp


Marry before or after the military boot camp

There are both advantages and disadvantages to getting married before the boot camp.

Military life is difficult, so it would be wise to take care of some precautions before deciding on this.

There are too many divorces thanks to the hardships, and this decision is not to be taken lightly.

If you have already made the decision to chase your army personals, these directions could help you decide whether to get married before or after the boot camp.

Housing Allowance

Even though soldiers live for free in military compounds, there is the tax free housing allowance during the training. It starts being payed the moment soldier leaves.

If one marries after the training, they have to give a proof in form of a marriage certificate and then wait for up to a month to get this allowance.

The allowance is payed back from the moment the soldier marries.

Medical Care

Active soldiers are covered by Military Medical System.

Every soldier gets an ID card.

Every spouse is eligible for the medical ID card too.

Family Separation Allowance

When separated due to the military orders, married soldiers are given this allowance.

It starts being payed 30 days after the separation commences.

Single soldiers don't have this right.

Movement of Dependents

A married soldier is offered the refund to move their belongings to the first duty station.

It only applies for the first duty station.

It does not apply to those who go overseas, only to the domestic terrain.