Download - Marriage Tried and Tested Methods of Getting Pious Matches


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    Tried and Tested Methods of Getting

    Pious Matches

    By Hadhrat Moulana Muhammad Muhibbullaah Qaasimi

    Lecturer in Ahadeeth at Daarul Uloom Rahmatul Lil Aalameen, Federal B

    Area, Karachi



    I dedicate this humble effort to my Sheikh, Muhiyus Sunnah Hadhrat

    Moulana Shah Abraarul Haqq Sahib , whose blessings and attention

    have made something of this helpless servant.

    Muhammad Muhibbullaah Qaasimi

    17/07/1415 A.H.

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    People of all walks of life have been frequenting this helpless servant

    for a long time for duaas and Tawezaat (amulets) and most of them

    have been parents coming for finding suitable matches for their


    For the benefit of the public, I have collected all the practices and

    recitations for finding righteous matches that are found in the Qur'aan,

    the Ahadeeth, saints, my teachers and those that are found in the

    books of recitations and duaas.

    The primary condition for benefiting completely from these duaas and

    recitations is to follow the Sunnah, to be sincere and to possess Taqwa.

    To achieve ones objectives, it is necessary for one not to regard these

    practices as the cause for making a difference, but should know that

    Allaah is the only One who alleviates difficulties and fulfils objectives.

    It is Haraam to write or to touch the verses of the Qur'aan without

    wudhu and when doing so, ones intention must also be sincere. It is

    also necessary to avoid the whispering of Shaytaan and to turn to

    Allaah. There is greater hope of the practices being more successful if

    they are started on the first Thursday or Friday of the lunar month.

    When reciting any Taweez, writing it down or filling in a diagram, it is

    absolutely necessary to be in the state of wudhu. The person reciting

    must also fix a place for doing so because the effect of the practice will

    diminish by moving from place to place. The place for performing

    salaah must also be fixed. When the Taweez has been used, it is

    necessary to bury it in a graveyard or in any other safe place.

    The effect of the practices will also be greater if a person takes

    permission from this helpless servant before starting. There shall be no

    doubting the effectiveness if a person takes a vow to do something

    good like going for Hajj or Umrah or doing anything else according to

    ones means. Remember that fulfilling the vow afterwards is Waajib

    (compulsory). There is fear of ones efforts being wasted if one does

    not fulfil the above conditions.


    I hope that this compilation will be of benefit to people and a means of

    perpetual Sadaqah on my behalf. I appeal to all readers to remember

    me in their duaas.

    Muhammad Muhibbullaah Qaasimi

    27 Rajab 1415 A.H.

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    1. If a virgin does not receive any proposals and wishes to receive one

    very soon, the following verses of the Qur'aan should be written on

    the morning of the first Thursday of the lunar month and wrapped

    in a piece of a kurta of a man who is particular about the Shari'ah

    and his salaah and fasting. It must then be tied to the arm of the

    girl. She will Inshaa Allaah soon be married to a man of noble

    character. The verse of the Qur'aan is:

    !" * $%&' &()* !,-

    {Surah Aal Imraan, verses 73,74}1

    2. A virgin will also receive a proposal very quickly if the Huroof

    Muqattaaat are engraved on a silver ring and given to her to wear.

    These Huroof are:

    3. If a person wishes his virgin daughter to receive a proposal

    speedily, the following verse of the Qur'aan should be written in

    musk and saffron at the time of sunrise on a Sunday. It should then

    be tied to her arm. She will Inshaa Allaah soon be married to a

    pious man. The verse is:

    " & *+ ,-. 01 4-5 56. 7 89 > *@ 4" 40 A BC 4. DC EA 4. E01 89 DF &H *4 I14 IJ 4 K

    + 4 40 L6 7 D+ A6M

    {Surah Hajj, verses 5-7}2

    4. If the verse above is written on the musk bag of a deer on a Friday

    night or on the fourteenth of a lunar month, she will soon receive a

    1 Amaliyaat of Haaji Zardaar Khan pg.211 2 Amaliyaat of Haaji Zaraad Khan pg.211




    if the

    verse is


    into a


    and tied

    to her


    5. If a


    has a


    daughter who has not received a proposal, he should recite the

    following name of Allaah a hundred times after making wudhu with

    the intention that she receive a suitable proposal: NO . Inshaa Allaah, she will then receive a proposal within the next month.2

    6. If a person has a virgin daughter who has not received a proposal,

    he should recite the following name of Allaah eleven thousand times

    after the Isha salaah : P,D This should be done for eleven days, starting from a Thursday and ending on a Sunday. One will then see

    assistance from the unseen.3

    7. If a girl is not receiving any proposals, she should strike her right

    hand hard on her left hand after the Fajr salaah and then recite 45+ forty times. Her hopes will Inshaa Allaah be fulfilled within forty days.4

    8. If a girl is not receiving any proposals, the following diagram should

    be drawn on a comb made of bone and given to her. She should

    then use the comb at least thrice every day. It must however be

    used at night before sleeping. The diagram is as follows:

    9. If a girl is not getting married, she should recite Surah TaaHaa

    twenty one times every day or write it on a piece of green silk,

    which is to be worn around her neck. Inshaa Allaah, Allaah will

    marry her to a pious man and they will have pious offspring.

    1 Amaliyaat of Haaji Zaraad Khan pg.211 2 Sheikh Ibraheem Dehlawi pg. 29. 3 Sheikh Ibraheem Dehlawi pg.61. 4 Kitaabut Taweezaat (Vol.4 Pg.15) by Sheikh Muhammad Siddeeq Marseena .

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    10. An unmarried girl who is not receiving any proposals should use a

    comb made of bone that has the following diagram on it:

    11. The following words should be written and worn around the neck by

    an unmarried woman who wishes to marry a pious man or by a

    woman whose husband is unfaithful or short-tempered:

    In place of the words R+ 7 R+ , the name of the girl and her mother should be written.1

    12. When a girl is not receiving any proposals, the following duaa

    should be engraved on a silver plate and worn around her neck.

    Inshaa Allaah, she will soon be betrothed. The duaa2 is:

    1 Iqbal Ahmad Nuri (Vol.1 Pg.94). 2 Sheikh Ahmad Ali Booni (Vol.4 Pg.545).


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    For a Girls Good Fortune

    13. A girl will have good fortune if the following Taweez is written and

    worn about the waist. She will then be able to get married to a

    wonderful husband:

    14. If a boy or girls parents are anxious for them to be married, the

    boy or girl should recite ST 1111 times and the parents should recite ON also 1111 times every day and make duaa to Allaah. Their hopes will Inshaa Allaah be fulfilled within forty days.

    (This has been proven to be very successful).1

    1 From a gathering presided by Hadhrat Shah Abraarul Haqq Sahib .

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    To Increase the Beauty of a Bride

    15. If the following diagram is written on a piecve of silk and worn

    around the brides neck, she will appear to be extremely beautiful:


    A Proposal for a Widow

    16. If a widow wishes to remarry, she should recite the following verse

    of the Qur'aan 101 times daily, adding Durood 11 times before the

    verse and then 11 times after the verse. If this is done for 21 days,

    she will Inshaa Allaah be assisted from the unseen. The verse is:

    !. / /( 0 /( 23 /( ( $2- $5 *' /7 8" 9 0

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    Getting Married Quickly and to a Good Person

    18. If a person wants his son or daughter to get married quickly and to

    a good person, he should recite the following verse 3313 times after

    the Isha salaah for twenty one days, adding Durood 11 times before

    the verse and then 11 times after the verse. Inshaa Allaah, the

    objective will be fulfilled very soon. The verse is:

    IE 5 @A L . ( ME3 L !.F7 ( =(-

    {Surah Yaaseen, verse 36}

    19. If a person cannot get married, the following verse should be

    written and worn around the neck. Inshaa Allaah, a pious husband

    or wife will soon be found. The verse is:

    !FP * / R &T E( * UP * / R R*V & E * !FP * / R &T E(


    For a Proposal to be Accepted

    20. A marriage proposal will Inshaa Allaah be accepted when the

    following verse is written on a paper and tied to the right arm:

    !" * $%&' &()* !,-

    {Surah Aal Imraan, verses 73, 74}

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    For Men

    21. If a man wants a good wife, he should fast for three consecutive

    days and recite the following verse 21 times every night before

    sleeping. He should then make duaa to Allaah and sleep. He will

    Inshaa Allaah get a pious wife very soon afterwards. The verse is:

    3 W 3 3X 39 * " 3-X V&( * /Z 2C [D*\ ( *EG =V .D [I * A .D M3F) ]*V&F V

    {Surah Furqaan, verses 74-76}

    22. If a person wants a pious wife very quickly, he should write the

    following verse with musk and saffron after the Jumuah salaah. And

    tie it to his right arm. Inshaa Allaah, he will soon see his need

    fulfilled1. The verse is:

    . 7C.AM450 I6H @H

    23. If a girl or widow wishes to get married and the situation seems

    hopeless to her, she should perform two Rakaahs Nafl salaah every

    day before sleeping and then recite the following verse 70 times.

    When this practice is maintained for seven weeks without missing a

    single day in between, her desire will materialize soon Inshaa

    Allaah. The verse is:

    @& -C X*' * * ^ ) WF&I =& 8" =.D EF) _ ` * -X 9T 0

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    28. The man or woman who cannot get married or whose proposal was

    not accepted should recite the 99 names of Allah every day after

    Fajr and after Isha and then make duaa to Allaah. S/he should add

    Durood 11 times before and then 11 times afterwards. Inshaa

    Allaah, the objective will be fulfilled very soon.


    Take Note:

    Our pious predecessors have compiled many recitations and practices

    and Taweezaat (amulets) and whoever has used them has found much

    success, especially girls who had lost all hope of getting married. They

    now have homes and fulfilled lives.

    Readers are free to meet me for further advice and are requested to

    make duaa for me.

    oo.pdf (p.1)tried-and-tested-methods-of-getting-pious-matches.pdf (p.2-10)