Download - Marketing 3 0 Push And Pull Marketing Is No Longer Enough

  • 1. Marketing 3.0: Push and pull marketing is not enough!
    Riaz Kanani
    International Marketing Director
    @riazkanani @silverpop

2. 3. Message Overload
4. Consumers are Tuning Out
5. Trusted sources of information
Source: Edelman Trust Barometer 2010 UK
6. Social Media Explosion
7. Marketers must
think differently
8. Customer service has moved from a cost centre
to perhaps your most strategic initiative
9. Marketing sets the expectation, marketing creates demand, marketing helps a consumer differentiate why one choice is better than another choice.
Operations delivers.
Any gap between the two drives a conversationon the social Web.
Dave via Andrew Grill (@andrewgrill)
10. Push & Pull Marketing
Are no longer enough.
11. Sideways
12. 3Ps of Sideways Marketing
13. People
14. Customers
Traditional Press
15. In a Sideways world
customers and fans are the centre of your marketing department
16. Social Tribes
Social tribes are:
Tribe members are:
May be part of several tribes
17. Place
18. The 3 Planes of Place
19. Your website is not
the centre of your universe
Pre-Copernicus (1543)
20. Go Where They Are
21. Today - 400 million
12 months ago 175 million
22. Today - 24 million
24 months ago 10 million
23. Where Do Your Customers / Prospects Live?
Web analytics/traffic sources
Social networks
Specialised communities
Competitor activity
Survey customers
24. Devices
25. Mobile Data

  • 160% global growth in mobile data in past year

26. UK Mobile Internet in December 2009: 27. 16m people 28. 6.7bn pages 29. 4.8bn minutes (Facebook = 2bn minutes)