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Margaret Thatcher The Iron Lady

First published in the USA metaphysical magazine Oracle-20-20 mag


T.Stokes, U.K

Baroness Margaret Thatcher, (née Roberts, 13 October 1925 – 8 April 2013) was a

Conservative and longest serving British Prime Minister this century from 1979 to 1990

the Soviets called her the "Iron Lady", a nickname that became associated with her

uncompromising politics and leadership style. As Prime Minister, she implemented

policies that have come to be known as Thatcherism, the basis being " The open market

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economy" this means you buy from the cheapest source no matter what, this theory

meant the closure of Britain’s industrial base as it could all be bought cheaper abroad,

shipbuilding, steel, the mines, motor cars and motor bikes all closed down, and a

crippling VAT tax applied to all small industry closing that too, and many of those

thrown into unemployment are still unemployed 30 years after as the government

have had other priorities.

Incidentally Adolf Hitler wanted Britain to keep both its Empire and its industrial base,

the Rothschild banks who funded Britain's war effort demanded it all be dismantled,

and allow in mass immigration which has changed Britain's unique character and

cultural heritage.

As i write, the news media eulogises her while the people hold street parties to celebrate

that she’s gone, similar in fact to Churchill's demise, and there is public uproar at having

to pay for these huge funerals for politicians who never serve the electorate, the people

want the bankers to fund her funeral as she worked primarily for them, Stalin called

those who worked against their own "useful idiots"

Please take a close look at her hand (next page) The most noticeable aspects are the

strength length and thickness of the Jupiter or Index finger, strong straight thumb and

the low small bent Mercury finger.

(1) Long thick Jupiter fingers always show us someone who wants to be in charge, this

means authority responsibility and leadership, when as long as the second or Saturn

finger as this, you have what my friend the late chief Psychiatrist Prof. Henry Rey would

call a confirmed "superiority complex". In males these are usually military or sport

leaders, in women they show a dictatorial attitude with religious or political overtones, in

this an Ectomorph caucasian hand type, we have an inherited purely intellectual

leadership, in Indian palmistry this is seen a reincarnated master, someone back to show

the way.

It should be said that the fingers develop in the womb and an imbalance between

Estrogen/Testosterone will show an over-large first finger, these people always have

developed ego structures, Margaret Thatcher would brook no opposition and said on

record "This lady is not for turning" these people are convinced they are always right

because of their huge reserves of self confidence, also expect breast difficulties here from

monthly cycle pain to more serious issues around the time of the menopause, often allied

to Mercury amalgam teeth fillings.

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The small underdeveloped Mercury, and the Large prominent Jupiter finger infers the

power which should have been channelled sexually went instead to construct her

outward world, and controlling it would be a compensatory act for the lack of, and

inability to give or accept sexual closeness, Margaret was known to exist on 2 hours sleep

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per night, not conducive to any sort of marital life, because the Mercury fingers displays

every facet of the communicative faculties, this tells its own story right back to

babyhood, and explains Margaret’s untrusting nature in being unable to experience the

joys of the bonding process.

(2) The Long powerful straight thumb, here we see this with a strong headline an

unbending will, stubborn and self obsessed with much determination, when the headline

goes blurry at the end as here, this can be a sign of dementia.

(3) The Mercury Finger low set small and bent, when this print was taken the condition

was just becoming a nuisance and is known as Dupuytrens Contracture.

Most Caucasians are descended from Neanderthals, who became the Vikings,

Margaret's crooked Mercury finger is seen on Neanderthal skeletons and her skull

shape confirms this inheritance, the Hugenots who moved from France to England had

also inherited this characteristic which was called a Weavers finger, as the bent little

finger was ideal to hold the threads of the looms, eventually the tendon will pull the

finger into the palm, several types of surgery exist to correct this but the French method

is best as then it does not re occur.

The palmprint was taken at a birthday dinner in 2008 as her health was failing, she had

many regrets but treated the palmist there for the evening with respect and kindness,

squeezing my hand in a vice like grip as she asked curiously what lay in store for her

final years.

" Happy Palmistry"