Download - March 2012


March is the third month of the year, many people are getting prepared to see

how much of goal set has been accomplished. It is an opportunity to make

corrections. This month CFM is featuring a night of Worship on Sunday

March 25th at 6pm. We encourage you to invite friends and families, tickets

are only $10.00.

Worship is to show reverence or devotion. Hebrew word “shachah” which

it means prostrate--bow (self) down, crouch, fall down (flat), humbly be-

seech, do (make) obeisance, do reverence, make to stoop.

Psalms 29:2 Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the

LORD in the beauty of holiness.

The team of Voice of Manifestation Newsletter challenge you to start a wor-

ship lifestyle. To worship God our father in everything that you do, every-

thing your say, to show reverence to Him in every step that you make in

every place you go. Remember that He is a holy God.

Visit page 3 to read Dr. Jones’ Words of Reflection. And remember, to visit

page 10 “Redemption” where with a simple prayer accepting Christ as your

Lord and Savior will change your life forever.

We are exited to present the spotlight for the month of March, Prophet Miller

please take a minute to read pages 16 & 17 that reveal such a great testi-


Very important, the continuation of the chronological bible reading. Teacher

Eva Johnson, using “Where in the World Is….” pages 18 & 19, provides

background information for each book of the Bible. This helps us gain a

better picture and insight into each book we will be reading.

…..On page 21 Brother Michael Daniel speaks about A Diary of a Christian

Single Man.

Voice of Manifestation Newsletter will continue to go across the country and

around the world spreading the gospel. As we go e-mail to e-mail speaking

in the lives of an audience that is hungry for the Word of God, He gets all the

glory and honor.

If you are interested in joining the newsletter’s team or would like to com-

municate with the community or partners, please email Yesmin Negron at

[email protected] or call 813-775-5381.

Partners, share the link with your friends, coworkers, & family. It is very

simple. Email the link, its FREE!!

...And remember; someone plants, someone waters and God gives

the increase.

Till the next time, Manifest!!

Yesmin Negron

VOM Newsletter Dept Leader

1John 5:4For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that over-

cometh the world, even our faith.

It seems that the enemy of our soul has undertaken a concentrated effort these days of under-

mining the faith of the believers. So many believers seem to be cratering and caving in to the

pressures of the demonic realm. Like never before, it's time for the church to understand its au-

thority, and work with all of our hearts to assert our position in the realm of the spirit, and to

endeavor to do great exploits that will bring our Lord and Father, great glory.

Believers, remember that you are overcomers, the greater one is in you to perform His will and

desire in the earth. You are unstoppable and undefeatable; all that remains is your need to assert

your God given position and authority.

Be ever mindful of the deliberate, strategic, attack that Satan has aimed at your life, and as one

deciding your next move in a chess match, be deliberate and intentional about how you live

your daily life.


God has a great purpose for each one of us. If you feel called to something better than

what you are doing now, it is probably because you are. If you have never sought God

about His plans and purposes for your life, do that now. Say, Lord, is what I am doing

consistent with Your purpose in my life? If it is Your will, I submit to it and embrace

You in it. If it isn't, then make me what You created me to be. As long as you are con-

sistently praying about it, God will either take you where you're supposed to be, or give

you grace to remain where you are until He says it's time to move on. God's call on all

of us is to be a light to those who are in darkness, but sometimes He has to take us

through our own darkness so we will learn to depend totally on His light.

Lord, I know You have purpose for me and a plan for my life. Open my ears to hear

Your voice leading me into all You have for me. Align my heart with Yours and prepare

me to understand where You would have me to go and what You would have me to do.

Help me to hear Your call. If my expectations and plans are out of alignment with Your

will for me, I surrender them to You. I let my desires for myself die. I would rather en-

dure the suffering of that than the pain of never realizing what you made me to be. Be-

cause I want to hear Your voice say, Well done, my good and faithful servant, when I

meet You face to face, I will listen for Your voice now. I don't want to be unfruitful and

unfilled because I never clearly heard Your call. I want You to fill me with Your great-

ness so that I may do great things for others as You have called me to do. I commit to

walking this road step by step with You so that I may fully become all that You have

made me to be. Amen

Heb 8:10

For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will PUT my

laws into their mind, and WRITE them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be my people.


To supply, furnish, necessary things

To furnish, endue (To invest or endow with some gift, quality)

(WRITE) - Means inscription

To write upon the mind that means to fix indelibly upon it, cause to cleave to it and to be always vividly present

to it.


To make marks that can't be erase. Invisible ink

Incapable of being erased or obliterated

Based on past experiences, we go back and forth with God over our heart & our minds.

We'll give our situation over to God, telling him he can have it. However, because we don't consistently allow

God to PUT his laws in our minds, we pick it back up in our emotions. We end up not trusting the word that

has been WRITTEN in our hearts. We must seek to move beyond our past events that dictate old reference

points, and our comfortability. So, until we renew our minds through the WORD, we will always find ourselves

coming back to things we thought we were delivered from.

For instance, in our before Christ days, we have temperaments and behaviors such as: unworthiness, rejections,

suicide, murder, gossipers, hustlers, liars, revenge, etc.

We come to the altar and give God our everything. We tell God he can have it. Then, a situation happens or we

get offended and all of a sudden we want to get revenge or start gossiping about the situation. Now, just that

quickly, we've picked it back up because we're not trusting in what God has written in our hearts. This is where

our minds talk more than our hearts. Our meditation has to be in the word. It is in getting quiet and still before

the Father. Allow him to establish our heart in him.

So how do I live from where my heart tells my mind what to think.

1. Give God your heart (everyday, in every situation, in every thought....YOUR ALL)

2. Feed your mind and heart (with the Word, prayer, & Worship)

3. Be committed to YOU (You know what it takes to be you)

Ps 1:2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

Ps 119:11Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

Is 26:3Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusted in thee.

Phil 2:5Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus

2 Tim 1:7 For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, love, and of a sound mind

One Focus,

It's when life gets contaminated with situations

That often time gets out of control

You, then get caught in playing the passive role

Which now brings you to the point of frustration

It's then time for a spiritual filtration

Many gravels may have been left sunken to the bottom

The dregs of advantage takers hovering around

Your heart is fighting against their elimination

It's then time for a spiritual filtration

While all the if, buts, and maybes

Within you become a controversy

Don't wait for the repercussion

It's then time for a spiritual filtration

Allow the WORD to penetrate your mind

The Holy Spirit never leads you blind

He will strain, purify and bring clarification

Just allow your spiritual filtration

When all is said and done

It's only through His grace we can become

Separated from the sediments

And forever remain relentless

I was talking to my friend the other day about our shared desire to help troubled youth. As we

shared different perspectives and experiences, he brought up the subject of identity. I lightly touched

on the topic in a prior writing some time ago. I commented that a person won’t experience a sense of

self-worth or value if they are unsure of their personal identity.

This is something that I struggled with in the past. As men, we are called to be leaders, but no

one will follow your lead if you’re unsure of yourself. The word of God says that we must gird up the

loins of our minds. One sure sign that we don’t have a firm grasp on who we are is the act of looking

up to others as though they are superior or more intelligent than ourselves. That leads to a co-

dependency in which we find others’ acceptance and/or approval is our key to personal happiness. We

begin to feel that others’ opinions and advice weigh more than the inward leading of the Holy Spirit

and/or the Word of God.

I’ve read somewhere that dependency is slavery by mutual agreement. Dependency does play

a role in our upbringing and education, but one must learn self-reliance as they grow older. Driving

home after talking with my friend, I started thinking about my childhood. I was taught to make a good

impression; that if I did ABC- XWZ, people will like me. I was unintentionally programmed from an

early age to depend on the approval of others. There are evil people in the world who use this knowl-

edge of general childhood training to control others. The process to gain control over others can mani-

fest in the subtle form of excluding someone from a group. It can advance to the issuing of looks of

disdain toward a person in order to persuade them to conform to a certain idea of what should be.

Other dramatic forms of manipulation can be used if necessary. Insecurity and inferiority leads to

bondage, but as men of God we must be free.

How can we be mature if we don’t know who we are? Our God-ordained assignments and

effectiveness in this season is dependent on us knowing our identity. Let’s solely depend on God; not

the fickleness of man’s assessment and opinion of us.

What is Faith? The dictionary defines faith as an unquestioning belief that does not require proof or evi-

dence. The Bible says that without faith we can not please God.

Heb 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that

he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

There are times in life whereby people are disappointed because of things not happening that have been

believed for. Or, maybe someone promised something, but didn't keep their word. One thing I am sure

of is that everything God promises come to pass. We must understand that only He knows the time.

Every thing that people do, one way or another, it has to be done by faith. Think about it… for those of

you that have children, what do you believe for them? When you graduate from college what are you

believing? Of course, I can go on and on.

Look at the examples of people in the Bible, like Noah, Hebrew 11:7 By faith, Noah built the ark be-

lieving that God had a plan. Genesis 22:2 By faith, Abraham took his son Isaac to offer him up as a sac-

rifice. Hebrew 11:11 By faith, Sarah conceived at an old age. Exodus 2:2 By faith, Moses was hidden

for 3 months because his parents believed he was a godly child. Exodus 14:22,29 By faith, the Israelites

crossed the Red Sea.

I believe each of these, that I mentioned, went through various difficulties in life that you can relate to.

Think about it, read about it and see that yes, you can relate. One thing I see is that they still made a

choice to believe what God promised them.

Would you make a step of faith and receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? If your answer is


Lets pray:

Father, I confess that I am a sinner, I have sinned against you. But today, I humble myself before you,

acknowledging You as who You are, Almighty God. I repent, please forgive me. I believe Jesus Christ

died for me. I welcome You into my heart. Holy Spirit, purify my heart, show me your ways, lead me

& guide me. Fill me with Your Spirit. I want to live for you. In Jesus name. Amen!

Welcome to God’s family!! Now, I encourage you to make time to spend with God; reading His Word,

in prayer and fasting. Find a Bible teaching church where the Word of God is taught. And, share the

Gospel, which is a commission to all.

For more information about Center for Manifestation, please visit If

you need prayer, call 813-325-5730.

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversa-tion, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12


Psalm 119:105

Paul told Timothy not to allow anyone to discredit the work that God had done or was positioning him to do, but to continue to be an example to others.

Isaiah 61:1-3 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to

preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to pro-

claim liberty unto the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; 2 To

proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort

all that mourn; 3 To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give to them beauty for

ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that

they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord that he might be glori-


As women of God, we often try to look our best as we go about our day. We do all the

natural things that cause us to look good daily. However, we must also have a daily spiri-

tual regimen that causes us to walk in the power, love, and anointing of God every single

day. This part of our regimen is essential. John 12:32 says: And I, if I be lifted up from the

earth will draw all men unto me. Everyday we must get into the presence of God and lift

Him up. The presence of God is real and can be seen on an individual. This is evidenced in

the Word with Moses and Jesus.

When Moses went into the presence of God, he returned shining with the light of God (Ex.

34:29-35). Luke 9:29 says: And as he (Jesus) prayed, the fashion of his countenance was

altered, and his raiment was white and glistening. Matthew 17:2 And was (Jesus) transfig-

ured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light.

These are just examples of what should come upon us every single time we get in the pres-

ence of God. We put Him on daily.

Ephesians 4:22-24 AMP Strip yourselves of your former nature [put off and discard your

old unrenewed self] which characterized your previous manner of life and becomes cor-

rupt through lusts and desires that spring from delusion; 23 And be constantly renewed in

the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude], 24 And put on the

new nature (the regenerate self) created in God’s image, [Godlike] in true righteousness and


It is our duty to make a decisive effort to do this daily. We walk in this world as God’s rep-

resentatives- His ambassadors. We should carry characteristics of the kingdom inside and


If you do this daily, you will see the change in how people deal with you. You will be no-

ticed, not just because of how you look naturally, but also because of what you carry spiritu-

ally. We see this in the story of Ruth. She got noticed and was shown favor by Boaz. Keep

in mind this obviously did not have much to do with her natural appearance. He noticed her

while she was at work, doing manual labor! She took a bold stand and chose to forsake the

god of her fathers and to follow the God of Israel. God rewarded her for her faithfulness

with a man of valor in Boaz.

Boaz saw something in her and on her that made him stop and deal with her differently than

others. In the same way, people will see something different in you and on you that will

make them stop, take notice and deal with you a certain kind of way. However, this will not

happen unless we make it a priority to get into God’s marvelous presence daily by praising

Him, worshiping Him, spending that intimate time with Him. We will take away more than

our hearts can imagine by spending that quality time with Him.

2 Corinthians 5:20 "We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his

appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God."

Remember: You are an authorized representative of the Sovereign & Majesty King and

Lord. You have authority to speak life, to think royally, and to act courageously. As an am-

bassador, you do all things with a spirit of excellence. You reign in the newness of life and

know that you are called to something greater than make manifest the kingdom

of God, on earth as it is in heaven.

As always…thanks for reading until next time be empowered to be ALL that God created

YOU to be!

Where we develop and encourage our children to know God intimately, love Him passionately, and serve Him


Teaching Our Children to Tithe

Encourage your child to set aside their tithe as soon as they earn money. Talk to your child(ren) about when you started tithing. Share with your them how God has blessed your obedience. Demonstrate to your child the joy of giv-ing to God. Bible Verse: Matthew 6:3-4. “But when you give to the

needy, do not let your left hand know what your right

hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And

your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”

Ways to Teach our Children about Mis-

sions…...There are ways we can teach our

children about the nations and the great com-

mission from God.

1. Pray for missions with your children.

2. Read missionary prayer letters to your


Happy Birthday Jr

Welcome Back Pas-

tor Mapps!!! We are

very happy that you

are feeling better

and back to what

God created you for

and what you do


We Love You!

Do Not Forget to give your child money for tithing and offering. Let them know it is important to you because it is important to God.

Intimacy…. closeness, belongingness, oneness, personal relationship, deeply personal, affectionate. Inti-

macy with God brings peace. He brings an overwhelming love like no words can express. Intimacy with

God causes his profound love to permeate through your life. Everyone around you is touched by his


The closeness with him opens the heavens and an outpouring of his secrets and prophetic revelations.

The personal relationship developed through prayer, worship, and the word of the living God brings

steadfastness. Your heart becomes fixed to him. Nothing is able to separate you from the love of God

which is in Christ Jesus.

Oneness with God births wholeness. You are complete in him. You join God in your inward parts, the

hidden recesses of your being. His light illuminates from your belly and shines forth as a beacon to draw

all men to Christ.

Boldness, confidence, unwavering faith; all are produced through continued intimacy with Christ. His

consuming fire burns within, purifying you, making you a vessel unto honor, sanctified and meet for the

master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.

You are the bride of Christ. You belong to him. Your union with him is consummated through yielding

yourself like the bride does unto the bridegroom. Giving yourself to him and allowing his life to become

your life, you become one with Christ. Intimacy with God is not a forced relationship; it is willingly of-

fered and nurtured.

Bride of Christ, will you come? Will you dance before your King or are you like Vashti? Will you adorn

yourself in his glory alone? All that you need to please the King has already been given to you through

the process of purification. Draw close. Come before his presence with singing. Bask in the beauty of his

holiness. Prostrate yourself before the one who gives you all things.

Intimacy requires a concerted effort through time alone and connecting with God. Prophetic and soaking

worship have helped me to draw closer to my lover. A song that I recently incorporated into my blissful

[the ecstasy of salvation; spiritual joy] time with God is William McDowell’s I Belong to You. The

words are simple, yet ring true to my heart’s cry: “I’ve been captured by a love I can’t explain. And now

you have me, and I’m forever changed. I’ve abandoned everything I’ve ever known. Now I surrender,

my life is not my own. I belong to you. My life is not my own, to you I belong, I give myself to you. I

belong to you.”

Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through

the power of the Holy Ghost. Romans 15:13.

On a cold winter Sunday- January 17, 1960 in Reynolds, Georgia on Horse Creek, my mother, Mrs. Viola Miller

gave birth to me. Ms. Eula Dawson, the mid-wife, and my cousin Mr. Marshall Lockhart were present to assist

my mother with my delivery. According to my mother she had become paralyzed in the lower portion of her

body and wasn’t sure if I was going to come into the world alive. Being born the fifth child of eight siblings and

being the second son of the family, the twelve year difference between my older brother and I proved to be un-

comfortable for me at times. This was understandable because my brother had been the only boy in the house

for a long time.

My memory of learning the importance of hard work began around the tender age of five. I very well re-

member being put on a row of cotton holding a cotton sack to pick cotton at my own pace during the daytime

when not attending head start school. Two phrases were often expressed to me from my great grandmother,

mom, dad, and grand dad, aunts, uncles and close friends…..“Family will understand that you have to work for

what you get in life” and “A lazy person is of no good to themselves and anyone else”. As time went on I helped

feed and slaughter pigs, plant sweet potatoes, make soap, pull weeds, house cleaning, good cooking, and how to

stitch and mend my own clothes that tore quickly.

My mother’s most famous line was “I will make sure that you can read and live self sufficient where ever

you go in this world and depend on no one”. Our home was heated by fire places and a large metal wood

burning heater. Food was cooked on wood burning stoves that had no dials to adjust the temperature. I often

wondered how my mom and family were able to cook such wonderful, flawless breads and cakes. Our water

was acquired from an outdoor hand pump that supplied water from an underground well. The restroom was an

out house not far from the pig pen. We used oil lanterns to read at night. Having been a large family, our one

toy which was shared among my siblings was a new bicycle. Our Christmas gift was being treated once a year

to eat at Dairy Queen or Kentucky Fried Chicken in Fort Valley fifteen miles east from our home in Rey-

nolds, GA.

As I look back over the first ten years of my life, my foundation was one of humble beginnings and a lot of

life training skills. In the year of 1969, my Father had us assist in harvesting the different crops that he had

grown; sweet potatoes, various vegetables, pecans, and livestock that was raised to sell at the market place. I am

told that one day my Dad went to make a withdrawal from a bank where he had deposited his money and was

told “No Niggers have any money in this bank”! Being said, my dad became very angry and caused uproar in

the bank and was sent to prison. My grandfather, J. W. Miller, a.k.a “Big Daddy”, came to my father’s aid and

told him “Son you need to get a new start some where else”. My grandfather purchased my father’s portion of

acreage and gave my father, A. J. Miller the money to move the family. Therefore, in the summer of 1970 we

relocated to St. Petersburg, Florida which was a drastic change from the country life to the city.

The first place we all stayed until the final closing on our new home was with my mom’s sister, Ms. Beatrice

Davis. My memory of that experience at ten years old was stressful. Nothing anyone ever did pleased my

mom’s sister even if she asked you to do it like she wanted it done. Finally one day, my mom told us

“Children I am sorry for what you have had to go through but let this be a lesson, depend on no one to help you

unless it’s really necessary”. When school started in the fall I did not have the clothing needed, so there were

a few times I wore what’s called “High Water” pants too short, but they were clean. I knew my parents were

doing the best they could. This struggle went on in elementary school for about a year or more.

Needless to say I was the child being laughed at and picked on at school. I did not tell my family entrepre-

neurship started early in my life because of suffering with lack. By the age of twelve (which I am not proud of

this), I began to make drug drops for my uncle who paid me for doing so. My uncle also paid me to pick up

money used for number bookings at the Greyhound Dog track and the Jai Lai. Within a five month period, my

uncle’s home was raided for drug dealing and then another time for number bookings. The fortunate part is

that I was not exposed in the prosecution process; on the other hand, I had no more cash flow.

At the age of thirteen I started filling out applications as a dishwasher. No one would hire me because of

my size and age for liability reasons. However, Michael had a “No Quit Spirit”. I talked my mom into al-

lowing me to apply at Eckerd College; the manager of course told my mom that I was too small and will get

hurt. Well, that day I had enough of someone telling me what they thought I could not do and answered for

myself. So I said, “I can do it! I can do it!”. When the manager saw my

determination he told my mom that if she signed a release not holding him liable for any injury or mishaps, he

would hire me. Therefore, my mom did so. At that time minimum wage was $1.13 per hour. They gave me

20 hours a week. Looking back I realize my mother had walked out on Faith that I would not get hurt.

Not long after working, I was sitting out in our yard thinking about ways to help the family have proper

school clothing. I noticed the avocado tree that dropped avocados to the ground while in season but rotted

because no one ate them. I cleaned a bucket, picked some nice ones, washed them clean and took them to the

produce market on Ninth Street. I asked for the owner and made a deal to bring fresh buckets of clean avoca-

dos as long as the tree produced during the season if he would purchase them at 25 cents each. He agreed, we

shook hands on it and I have never been broke in my life since. My mind from that day forth has never been

without ideas of how to create cash flow.

Now I was able to buy school clothes as I grew, help the family with groceries, buy my first car, and pay

my own insurance. To celebrate I decided to go out clubbing with friends one weekend. The music was nice

and loud, everyone seemed to be having fun. I then noticed some flashing lights other than the strobe light and

thought it looked nice. Well, the music lowered but we found out those other flashing lights were actually

bullets that ricocheted inside the building. Someone was unloading a gun. Everyone panicked! I found an exit

and ran all the way home. My clubbing days were over. In the mean time my Dad and I were struggling terri-

bly. He showed favoritism to my older and younger brother, but always gave me drama, though I never disre-

spected him.

I could not understand it. At seventeen, I could not take it no more. One day, he attacked me and began to

beat me with his bear hands for no reason. A rage had risen up in me that had never happened in my mind

before toward my father. I told my mom and family today I am leaving because my thoughts are,” If he

touches me one more time, I will kill him”! I loved my family and especially my Dad even though I did not

agree how he treated me. At seventeen I was on my own still in High School, my GPA dropped due to having

to afford an apartment, car insurance, work, and try to keep school academics up. It seemed there were not

enough hours in the day.

In the midst of this, I made a decision to take the Armed Forces ASVAB test. I passed with a high enough

score without studying to go into the US Air Force. I graduated early from High School and on April 16 th

1978 I officially arrived in San Antonio Texas, Lackland Air Force Base. Guam was my first duty station as a

military policeman guarding nuclear weapons. It was then while guarding Nuclear weapons some time 18

hours a day, that the Holy Spirit drew me to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. On a Sunday evening, De-

cember 10th at Andersen Air Force Base Chapel, I made a commitment to Jesus.

From this work of the Holy Spirit in 1978 up until now as a Prophet of God, the Holy Spirit has taken all of

my things to create a registered Life Coaching Concept “Make the World A Better Place”. In the NOW

2012 dispensation I am living in, expect the book with more details on how my “Then Created My


Following along with the Chronological Bible Reading……..


The Book of Numbers begins at Mt. Sinai and describes Israel’s adventures as they wander in the wilderness.

An 11 day journey turned into 40 long years of wandering be- cause of their murmuring and complain-

ing. And what were they whining about? Everything from

the choice of meat to the kinds of vegetables, from bread

(manna) to “wishing they were slaves in Egypt again!”

Wow. Can things get so bad that you wish you were back in

bondage being beaten by Slave Masters! ( Numbers 21:4-6)

Well, God’s judgment was swift because you can’t com-

plain if you’re dead! (Numbers 14:20-38) All of that gen-

eration 20 and older will die in the wilderness. What a

blow to the Israelites. Only their children will see the prom-

ised land. The Hebrew word for Numbers is “Bemidbar” –

meaning “In The Wilderness.” The Greek name for Num-

bers is “Arithmoi” – where we get the word “Arithmetic.”

The Latin word is “Liber Numeri” or “Book of Numbers.”

The Authorship of Numbers is attributed to Moses. The

Israelites entire journey through the wilderness is recorded

in Numbers 33.

(See Map of Journey)

In the book of Numbers, God gives Moses commands

on how to count the people or take a census. Moses is given spe-

cific instructions that were to be followed strictly. It is estimated

to be about 2.5 million people wandering through the desert.

(See Map of Divisions of the Tribes – on left)

Some key scriptures are Numbers 14:22-23; 20:12.

Did you know that Non-Israelites were also in the mix – called mixed

multitudes? (Read Exodus 12:37)

Chapter 14 describes the theme of Numbers – consequences of unbelief and disobedience to God.

But God also shows His patience, Holiness, justice, mercy and Sovereignty as well. Read John 3:14; I Corin-

thians 10:4 and John 6:31-33 which shows how Christ is portrayed in Numbers. Even Balaam (who tried to

curse the Israelites) had a vision of a coming Messiah in Number 24:17. So many wonderful stories in the

Book of Numbers. This is the book where you’ll find the donkey that spoke!


Eva Johnson


The Book of Numbers is divided as follows: (Simplified Version)

Old Generation – Order/Preparation – Chapters 1 – 10:10

Tragic Transition – Disorder/Postponement – Chapters 10:11 – 25:18

New Generation – Re-Order/Preparation – Chapters 26 – 36:13

Things to Think About:

Although we do not have a cloud by day and fire by night to guide us, we do have the Holy Spirit. Let Him

lead and guide your life.

Also, read chapter 13 regarding the spies that surveyed Canaan. What was their response to the land? Who

had the good report? Remember Joshua and Caleb when you read Deuteronomy and find out something

very interesting about them in Joshua chapter 14 – BUT STOP! Don’t cheat and look it up now – wait

until you get to the book of Joshua . Great adventures await you!

Did you know? – Moses was a great warrior. He conquered King Sihon of the Amorites and

King Og of Bashan. (Read Numbers chapters 21 & 22)


Deuteronomy was written at the end of the 40 years of wanderings and covers about 1 month, when the New

Generation of Israel was about to enter the promised land of Canaan. Moses addresses the New Generation on

the plains of Moab with a review of God’s laws shortly before they minus Moses enter the Promised Land.

Moses only gets to see an overview of the land. How would you like to see a glimpse of what God wanted to

give you and know that you will never have it because of an act of disobedience! There are several Hebrew

words for Deuteronomy, one of which is Haddebharim – meaning “The Words.” The Jews call it Mishneh Hat-

torah – meaning “repetition of the law.” The Greek word is Deuteronomion – “second law” even though it is

not a second law but a second time the law is given and expanded. Moses is the author of Deuteronomy as well

and since Deuteronomy completes the Pentateuch or 5 Books of Moses, it is sometimes called “5 fifths of the

law.” Many scriptures in the Bible attribute Moses as the writer of not only Deuteronomy but the Pentateuch

(Read Matthew 8:4; 19:7-9; Mark 1:44; 7:10; 10:3; 12:26; and throughout John, Acts, Romans, I & 2 Corin-

thians, Hebrews, etc). Jesus even quotes from Deuteronomy several times when He was tempted in the wilder-

ness (Matthew 4:4-10) and also when he addresses one of the scribes (Mark 12:28 – 34 – compare to Deuteron-

omy 6:4-5). Some key verses are Deuteronomy 10:12-13 and Deuteronomy 30:19-20. One of the themes in

Deuteronomy is the renewal of the covenant.

The Book of Deuteronomy is divided as follows: (Simplified version):

Moses 1st Sermon – What God Has Done

Chapter 1 – 4:43

Moses 2nd Sermon – What God Expected of Israel

Chapter 4:44 – 26:19

Moses 3rd Sermon – What God Will Do

Chapter 27:1 – 34:12

Things to Think About As You Read Deuteronomy:

What have you learned from reading this book? It is packed full of judgments, promises, conditions, hope,

prophetic words, laws, security, and most of all God’s love, mercy and grace.

Underline key words such as covenant, commands, observe, obey, disobey, curses, blessings , love and the

phrase “the Lord your God.”

Note to the newly married – read Deuteronomy 24:5 – Did you know this? Okay, so ask your boss for a year off

to stay home with your wife because the Bible says so and see what they say. Just joking but is it actually

possible to do this in today’s culture?

This is a great receipt. It takes only 25minutes to prepare and cook. The family will love it.

¼ c all-purpose flour

2 ½ tsp. salt-free Italian seasoning

1 lb thin-sliced boneless, skinless chicken breast

2 Tbsp. olive oil

3 pt. grape tomatoes

2 cloves garlic, minced

2 ½ oz sliced part-skim mozzarella

¼ c fresh basil leaves

Whisk together flour, 2 tsp. of the seasoning, and ¼ tsp. each of salt and black pepper. Dredge

chicken in flour mixture to coat.

Heat the oil in a large broiler-safe nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add chicken and

brown, turning, until golden and cooked through, for 4 to 6 minutes. Transfer to plate.

Heat your broiler.

Add tomatoes and remaining ½ tsp. seasoning to skillet. Cook stirring until tomatoes are bro-

ken down and becoming saucy, about 6 minutes. Add garlic and cook for another minute. Re-

move pan from heat and nestle chicken into sauce and top with cheese.

Broil chicken 6” from heat until cheese is golden and that should take about 2 minutes. Serve

topped with basil.

This is for four servings. Just double the ingredients if you are preparing dinner for more.


Diary of a Single Christian Man is a radio program on,

Manifesting Praise Radio. Diary of a Christian Single Man is a show

that gives the man's perspective on various issues. I try to do things

when I'm on the air. 1) I try to give women my honest opinion on

things from "Do men really like weaves?" to "What are you REALLY looking for in a mate?"

2) I try to encourage our men, and be their voice. For instance, "Just because a man is star-

ing does not mean that he likes what he sees. He may be staring because he's looking at a

train wreck and can't look away. That's why it's important to accurately SELF EVALUATE

yourself." All of this comes from my own personal observations and studies in Biblical Dat-

ing, and because of that I give a lot of examples from my own personal life.

What was the inspiration for the show? There is a show on the television where a profes-

sional matchmaker gives the honest opinion on things women do and how they look etc. The

goal of the show is that the women get to see why they are attracting the wrong man, no man,

etc. Usually if the women make some subtle adjustments, they find good men. So when I

was asked if I would do a radio show, I thought about how much an honest perspective from

a man, helped those women, and how good it felt for me to hear someone say what I have al-

ways thought. Now I'm a Christian so there are things that apply to us Christian folk, that

may not apply to a regular person. Therefore, I had to do things from a Christian man's per-

spective, don't worry I keep it real.

Please tune in to Manifesting Praise Radio on at 5pm


2012 Goal: One Million Souls for Christ

Join the Invasion Team every 2nd & 4th Saturday

(at CFM) for evangelism outreach

Manifestations Worldwide has joined with other churches in this area, with a goal to

reach one million souls for Christ. The Invasion Team is asking us to join them, every

2nd & 4th Saturday at 10 am, for evangelism outreach.

Please contact Evangelist Agnes Huggins

([email protected]) for more information.