Download - March 16th bulletin 2013

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Sabbath: A

Gift From Eden Matthew 12:8

The Church at Study 9:30 a.m. to 10:40 a.m. Superintendent: Alonso Lopez

WORSHIP HOUR Praise and Worship……………………………………..Biggs Family

Hymn of Praise…………No.530………It Is Well with my Soul

Intercessory Prayer……………………………………….Lo Richards

Praying for Revival & Transformation, Parents of preschoolers and their children,

Pennsylvania Conference Next week: Personal Ministry, Birthdays & Anniversaries, Potomac Conference

Offering Appeal………Church Budget……….Alex Golovenko Next Week……Conf. Advance

Baby Dedication of Michael Arthur Druzcz

Children Story…………………………………………Marilyn Topper

Scripture Reading….Revelation 6: 12-17….Mavis & Family

Could you picture a

“Raging Lamb”? Pastor Alex Golovenko

Song of Com……No.528……A Shelter in the Time of Storm

Benediction…………………………………………………Gord Rayner

Sunset this Sabbath 7:33 pm Next week 7:40 pm

Please send all the bulletin related information to: [email protected]

Announcements Today

1. FIRST Reading: membership transfers IN: Meza Ramirez & Carlos Echeverri Naranjo from London Spanish Company. OUT: Aroldo Anniehs to Heritage Green Adventist Church, Stoney Creek, ON.

2. TODAY! School of Evangelism class at our church, from 4 to 6 pm. Class will be taught by Dr. David Baker on “Understanding Ellen G. White.” This class will be open to all interested, as we are substituting the Bible Study time.

3. TONIGHT! 8 pm – Kingsway College Aerials – in London! Gymnastics performance, FREE admission, at the Carling Heights Optimist Community Centre, 656 Elizabeth Street, behind the Wolseley Barracks.


4. Men’s ministry breakfast tomorrow, March 17 at 8:30 am. The discussion book is “A Place for us guys.” How do guys, men, fit into church today? What is our place and role in family and society?

5. Pathfinders Club meeting TOMORROW at 10 am – Spiritual Discovery, Witnessing Classes.

Later Events

6. March 21-23, 7 pm. Western University outreach. “Taste & See: Healthy Living” with Dr. Shon Darcy sharing simple and practical tips on how to improve our mental, physical and spiritual health. He will be exploring the ways in which nutrition, exercise, water, sunlight, temperance, air, rest, and trust in a divine power can help us live healthier more meaningful lives. Free admission to meetings at the Council Chamber (University Community Centre). For more details and to register, please visit

7. Bible Conference in London – March 23, 2:30 - 6 pm. Darius, Jankiewicz, PhD from Andrews University presents on topics of Authority, Ordination & Fundamentalism. As the topic of women ordination is being researched in our church, you get a chance to hear directly the matters at stake.

8. Boys & Girls Club – March 24 from 5 to 7:30 pm. Swimming Pool is from 5 to 6 pm. Time for social fun and games – basketball, volleyball, floor hokey, and more.

9. The next general church potluck will be held on Sabbath March 30th .Please bring an item from the section of the first letter of your last name. Feel free to bring additional items from any category. A-C Drink/Juice, D-F Salad/Raw vegetables, G-I Bread/Bun, J-M Main course/Casserole, N-R Cooked vegetable/Soup, S-Z Dessert/ Fruit.

10. Disaster Preparedness Certification Training is offered April 5-7 at Oshawa. Community Service is preparing a team at each church prepared to coordinate relief efforts in cases of disaster. Additional training for Chaplaincy is available in addition to this on June 16-20 at Camp Frenda.

11. The harsh weather getting you down? Need to get away? How is that Spiritual life of yours? Good news. Want to get away come to the Women's Ministries Convention in Niagara Falls April 5-7, 2013. We all can use a refreshing break. Please keep in touch with your Women's Ministry Team for all the details.

12. Adventurers will be visiting a nursing home in May. We would like to distribute small packages of useful items to the residents. We are looking for donations of the following items: travel size hand lotions/shampoos/conditioners/body wash, hand soap, purse size kleenex, denture tablets, small combs, etc. (no food items please). Our goal is to have enough for at least 50 packages for distribution. If you can donate any of these items, please contact Lucy Simoes by April 6th.

13. Our regular weekly Bible Studies will resume April 7 with Bob Reeve teaching on living sinless. This week and next week we have guest speakers presenting on important subjects. We welcome your questions and suggestion of topics for study. For more details see the schedule in the foyer.

14. Evangelism rally - April 12-13. In preparation for evangelistic process of soul winning the Church Board is calling all members for a time of prayer, refocusing, training and preparation. Friday night, April 12 we will begin at 7 pm and then continue during the Sabbath School & Worship Hour on Sabbath, April 13 concentrated focus on Evangelism.

15. School Constituency meeting – April 13 at 7 pm. A.C.E.S of London calls all members of three constituent churches to the annual meeting, reporting on school progress, and development plans. This meeting is for all members, donors, parents will take place at 805 Shelborne Street, London (South) Seventh-day Adventist Church.

16. April 20th is Bring a Friend Day at our Adventurers Club! You and your child(ren) 4 to 9 years of age are invited to participate in an age appropriate class followed by a social hour. Guests will be given a gift by their class Counselor and, if you were invited by an Adventurer, he or she will be given a special certificate. So mark April 20th at 4:30 p.m. in your calendar. For more information, please contact Lucy Simoes.

17. Youth Mission Trip - A mission trip will be taking place this summer to Manitoulin Island, Ontario (July 4-15). This mission trip will consist of running a Vacation Bible School, as well as other community-related projects. Application forms and a deposit of $50 are due THIS Thursday (March 14). If you would like more information about this mission trip, or are in need of an application form, please talk to Lanita ([email protected] or 519-852-9360)

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18. Next week, we’ll be asking God to help us reach just one person for Christ in an easy-going and non-threatening way. Ask God this week to lay a burden for one individual on your heart, and come prepared to pray for that person.

19. Mark your calendars: October 10-26 Evangelistic Proclamation Event.

20. For all the events on the church calendar, booking of the fellowship hall, and ministry planning please contact Sandi Rusek [email protected]

21. Sanctuary London – ministry for homeless is located at 513 Talbot Street Church. Following times are open for people to come and offer friendship, build relationships with friendless. Monday – 11-2 pm lunch, followed by 2-3 pm Bible Study. Wednesday – 3-7 pm supper; 7-9 pm art and writing class. Sunday – 6 – 9 pm – worship, bible discussion, fellowship.

22. Inviting ALL to our mid-week church service on Wednesday night at 7 pm. It is time for extra prayer, deeper Bible study, and testimonies.

23. Family Ministries Cruise - The eight-day cruise aboard Carnival’s Splendor departs from New York on October 24 and travels to San Juan, St Thomas, Grand Turk, and back to New York on November 1, 2013. Payment Plan available. Registration has been extended. Give undivided attention to your spouse; receive resources and Christian marriage tips from dedicated professionals. Visit and click on Events to register.

24. The Church Board voted to sponsor subscription of the Religious Liberty Magazine to the leaders of our city – City Counselors, Mayor, MPs, MPPs, school principals, lawyers. Over 120 people will receive the annual subscription. The cost is $6 per person. We are allocating funds from personal ministries and evangelism. If you are moved to support this cause financially, please donate and mark on the envelope “Religious Liberty subscription.”

HAPPY BIRTHDAYS Mar 16 Marka Stajfer Mar 22 Dayna Munro

Mar 20 Ivan Lima Mar 23 Raphael Gyamfi

Mar 20 Marice Mckechnie Mar 25 Jenny Jonker

Mar 21 Nevaeh Beckles Mar 27 Marko Maletic

Fulfilling our day at a time This week has been full of interesting happenings. The Church Council

(Board) meeting had a lengthy discussion about outreach and evangelism. It was agreed to organize a special rally to refocus the church family on Evangelism April 12-13. Last week I invited you to consider mentoring as a method for disciple-making process. The Great Commission of Christ is very explicit about “going to make disciples” (Matthew 28:19-20). It is our main purpose and goal. Are we doing it? Believers mentoring other believers, and walking together in accountability is vital not only for the Kingdom of God but for our personal growth and development.

Last Sabbath I shared in the sermon that the difference between a Christian and a secular person is their attitude. Christ follower has the spirit of “GIVE-GIVE.” Satan’s spirit is all about “GET-GET” (quoted from E.G.White, 1886). When we invest in others, when we share blessings to bless we grow in the process!

While the world is looking for “signs” of the end in pope’s election, or political situations, the Bible invites us to consider the sign of character development, filling with the Holy Spirit, having Character of Christ produced in us, as the sign of soon Coming of Christ. The only way we may hasten the Coming of our Lord Jesus is by submitting to the Holy Spirit. When our lives are transformed by the Holy Spirit, when we are filled up to completion, then we show how sincere our faith is.

Recently I read an old book (1979 ) by Herb Douglass, entitled “The End: Unique Voice of Adventists about the Return of Jesus.” One paragraph at p.107made me stop and pull a highlighter. Talking about being filled with the Holy Spirit the author sets a high challenge: “The nurse or physician who does not to his homework well, who memorizes only to pass the next test, who doesn’t reach out for the latest research – will rarely be the cool, adept human solution to desperate medical emergencies. Self-development is the route to genuine service. Self-development is the only habit pattern that truly loves.” Then he gives a few examples, one of them is on parenting: “no parent learns how to be a caring parent overnight...Self-development for the parent means that he or she learns everything possible about child development and about basic problems...a prepared parent is the truly loving parent, a parent that young people can trust and respect.”

Some people learn by reacting to things that happen, after the fact. The best learning is being prepared for whatever may come. When Jesus mentored the twelve he taught them for all possible situations, so that when things happened their faith was strengthened (John 14:29). They were taught in advance! They were developed! Believers of all ages are promised that the Holy Spirit will instruct us. Are you growing in Christ? Are you being developed by the Holy Spirit for the task that may come in the future?

I am inviting you to reflect that evangelism is not an event we do once in a while, but a life of growing in Christ, developing self and people around us in the process, and letting God to demonstrate his power in our lives.

your servant, pastor Alex Golovenko