Download - March 11



AnnouncementsMarch 11, 2013

Safe Assign

If you don’t see access to Safe Assign in

your Bb course, try this fix:

Go to “Customization,” then find “Tool

Availability,” and make sure “SafeAssign”

is checked and it will reappear in the


March Newsletter

Training Team Update Dear Teachers,

This is just a quick update from the training team. Please remember to visit our Open House sessions M-F 11-1 Eastern and M-TH 6-8 Eastern. It is a great place to get those “how to” questions answered and to evaluate what may be perceived a technology issue that may possibly be something we can fix without escalating.

We are happy to announce a new category in our IST ticketing system – K12 Training/Tagging. If you visit K12training and search for a Quick Reference Guide you cannot locate please submit a ticket through this new category choice to let us know what you are searching for and cannot locate (see image on next slide). If it is a guide that does exist we will respond with how to locate and possibly adjust our tagging and if it is a document not created we will evaluate if one needs to be created. In any case we will be able to help you with the issue at hand.

Quick Reminder –IST teachers should submit all tickets through the IST portal located at Thanks Your Training Team

Online Summer CampWe need teachers to help provide Online Summer Camps Online Summer Camps are an important part of the Strong

Start offering! They give new students a fun way to get the hang of ClassConnect and returning students a chance to stay engaged. To learn more, see the attached PDF!

Stipend $750!!

Job Description Create 5 hours of interactive BbC content. Offer Online

Camp two weeks over the summer. Attached PDF has more info.

Deadline it submit an application is March 20

Link to submit application online is in the attached PDF

Questions Contact Sonja Howerton at [email protected]