Download - MANORVALE P SCHOOL N Newsletter 15 September 17th, 2019...towels, sheets, pillow cases and doona covers. Items collected are picked up by the SCR Group (Mondo) and sorted for reuse

Page 1: MANORVALE P SCHOOL N Newsletter 15 September 17th, 2019...towels, sheets, pillow cases and doona covers. Items collected are picked up by the SCR Group (Mondo) and sorted for reuse


It was great to see so many students and staff dressed in Space outfits

yesterday. Thank you to all of the family members who were able to join us at

the assembly. Thank you also to Ms Rieksts for hosting the event.

As third term finishes we start thinking about next term with plenty of

activities ahead. The big whole school event will be the Arts Festival in week


We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday. School re commences on

October 7, for all students.



End of term

Third term finishes this Friday, 20th September. Weather permitting a

short assembly will be held and the students will be dismissed at 2:30 pm.

The After School Care program will commence after assembly.

There will be no canteen lunches available on that day but counter snacks

can be purchased at recess time.

Parents’ Club will be holding a Hot Dog Day. Any extra help would be

gratefully received.

Arts Festival

Keep the date free Arts Festival

A huge amount of work is currently underway by students, teachers and

parent helpers to put together a remarkable display of students’ work.

Please keep Wednesday, 23rd October to share your child’s and their

teachers, enthusiasm and pride in their achievements at the family evening


District Athletics

Congratulations to these students who have progressed to the Western

Metropolitan Regional Finals on Tuesday, 15th October, next term.

12-13 boys relay team finished in 1st place (Gary , Hsa , Tony & Blut )

Blut – 1st place in 12/13 boys 100m & 80m hurdles

Both the relay team and Blut will now compete in the Western Metro Region

Finals on 15th October.

Thanks to Mr Saker for organising and training our school representatives and

to the parents who were able to take the boys to the event.


Individual Student Reports (ISRs) which were not collected from the office

have been posted. If you have difficulty understanding the report please

contact your child’s teacher.



Department of Education

and Training



Wednesday 2:45 - 3:15pm

Friday 8:45am - 9:15am

Please refer to our “Dates to

Remember“ section of the


Prep Transition Dates

Wednesday 06/11/2019

Wednesday 13/11/2019

Wednesday 20/11/2019

Tuesday 10/12/2019

Times for all above date are: - 10:30am

Out of Hours School Care Camp Australia

Ph: 0405 428 328


* Cash

* Eftpos

* Cheque

* BPay


Sponsored by Parents’ Club




9741 6300

Email: [email protected]

Newsletter 15

September 17th, 2019


The school’s purpose is to

develop optimistic and

aspirational students who

have the academic and social

foundations to become

responsible citizens.

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Year 1&2 Camping Program

Notes for the pizza dinner went home last week. The Grade 2 Sleepover will be sent home

this week.

Grade 1 Pizza Dinner - Thursday 10th, October

Next term the grade 1s will be staying at school Thursday afternoon, October 10th 2019. They will

participate in a range of activities; enjoy a pizza dinner, fruit, drink and an icy pole. At 6:15pm they will

leave the school with their parents.

Grade 2 Sleepover – Friday 18th, October

Our annual sleepover will be held on Friday night, 18th October 2019 for the grades 2s. Students will go

home, shower and return to school at 6:15pm. They will participate in a variety of activities, have dinner

and sleep at school. They must to be picked up by 8:00am on Saturday, 19th October 2019.

Year 6 Graduation

The graduation evening for year 6 students will be held in the school gymnasium on Wednesday, 18th December, at 7:00pm.

The student dress code includes these restrictions:

Minimum of make-up

No bare shoulders or midriff etc.

No clothing with offensive writing or pictures

No hats

The tickets will be available in December.

Year 5/6 end of year celebrations are being planned. Participation in these activities requires students to

have been able to demonstrate that they will be safe and reliable students for the remainder of the school



It is September and time to start wearing our broad brimmed school sunhats outside in the yard again. Hats must be worn during recess and lunch times as well as during outdoor learning activities, on

excursions and at sporting events. Students have this week to locate their sun hat at home or purchase a

school sun hat from Rushfords or the school office for $15.

Summer Uniform

Student should be wearing their summer uniform next term. Details are attached. Uniform can be

purchased at Rushfords Schoolwear, Shop 1/13 Barnes Place Werribee. Parents’ Club have a small

amount of second hand uniform and the shop is open Wednesday 2:45pm - 3:15pm and Friday 8:45am -


Grade Placements 2020

All requests for grade placement for next year should be received by the end of this week.

Students NOT Returning in 2020

Parents of students from Prep - 5 who will not be returning to Manorvale next year are asked to inform

the school in writing. Please include the intended school placement for next year.

Preps 2020

Families who are intending to enrol a Prep student for next year should complete enrolment forms as

soon as possible and return them to the office.

Helen Watson


Page 3: MANORVALE P SCHOOL N Newsletter 15 September 17th, 2019...towels, sheets, pillow cases and doona covers. Items collected are picked up by the SCR Group (Mondo) and sorted for reuse

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Manorvale Science Week - September 16th-20th 2019

The theme is:

Mission to the Moon…...and beyond!

What’s Happening?

Monday, 16th September 2019 Manorvale Primary School had the a whole school dress up parade in the

school gymnasium at 9:10am. Well done to those who came dressed in space theme. Please see

attached some of the photos taken yesterday.

Science Discovery Dome:

Monday, 16th and Tuesday, 17th September 2019 there will be free space themed incursion for all


Laser Beak Man Excursion:

On Wednesday, 18th September 2019 the students from years 5/6 will be attending an excursion to the

Melbourne Arts Centre.


Our Arts Festival is fast approaching. Please put Wednesday, 23rd October 2019 in your diaries for

the ‘Big Evening Community Event’ starting at 5:00pm with a picnic and performances. One of the

events in the Arts Festival is a ‘Yarn Bombing textile project’ in the Friendship Orchard garden.

During the Festival, the community will be invited to weave patterns and designs into the fence with

colourful yarn.

If you like to knit or crochet, and would like to make some colourful small flowers, circles, squares or

shapes for our project, please drop them into the art room or school office. We will be sewing these

woollen flowers and shapes onto the cyclone fence. If you have any questions, please visit me in the art

room to discuss the project further.

If you have any wool donations for our Yarn Bombing project, please drop them into the art room or

the office.


Sarah Metzner

Visual Arts Teacher

On Thursday 12th September 7 students represented Manorvale PS at the Wyndham Division Athletics


Some fantastic results eventuated on the day and as a result, we have a few students progressing on to

the Western Region Finals on the 15th October.

Blut will compete in the 12-13 boys 100m and 80m Hurdles

Our 12-13boys relay team (Gary, Hsa , Tony and Blut) have also progressed to the region


We wish you all the very best of luck at the next level boys!

Mr Saker

Page 4: MANORVALE P SCHOOL N Newsletter 15 September 17th, 2019...towels, sheets, pillow cases and doona covers. Items collected are picked up by the SCR Group (Mondo) and sorted for reuse

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Year 5/6 News

Laser Beak Man Excursion

Melbourne Arts Centre The year 5/6 students will be attending an excursion “Laser Beak Man” at the Melbourne Arts Centre on

Wednesday, 18th September 2019. Following the Stories on the Wall project, which involved a group of

our 5/6 students creating audio plays. Melbourne Arts Centre has offered all 5/6 students a free

excursion to see the play “Laser Beak Man”.

Date/Time/ Venue: Wednesday, 18th September 2019 @ 8:50am to 3:10pm - Melbourne Arts


Dress Code: Manorvale PS full school uniform What to bring: Students need to bring a packed snack/lunch and water bottle. (No glass, cans or

energy drinks)

Change of Departure time:

Students will need to arrive at school by 8:50am for an 9:10am departure. Students will travel

to and from the venue by bus.

There is NO COST for this excursion. Notes went home with students last week. Please sign the

consent form attached to the bottom of the note and return it to the classroom teacher no later than

Friday, 13th September 2019.

Student of the Week

Congratulations to these students who were presented with their “Student of the Week” certificates at assembly on Monday.

LLI Celebrations Congratulations to Jack , Benji and Lucia w ho have recently completed the LLI program. We hope that you continue to make reading an important part of every day. LLI Team

Page 5: MANORVALE P SCHOOL N Newsletter 15 September 17th, 2019...towels, sheets, pillow cases and doona covers. Items collected are picked up by the SCR Group (Mondo) and sorted for reuse

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Parents’ Club News

End of Term Lunch - Hot Dog Day

End of term lunch is being held on Friday, 20th September 2019, and will be a Hot Dog Day. All orders

have now been processed. We will need help on the day, so if you are available for an hour or so from 11:00 am please let the office know.

Mondo Recycling Fundraiser The next Mondo clothing collection is scheduled for Friday, 11th October 2019 for 9:00am, the first

week of term 4. Collection bags have been sent home. If you have any unwanted items including: All

clean wearable children and adult clothing, paired shoes, hats, handbags, belts, fashion accessories, toys,

towels, sheets, pillow cases and doona covers. Items collected are picked up by the SCR Group (Mondo)

and sorted for reuse and recycling. They are provided to charities on request and distributed in Australia

and globally to maximise their reuse and recycling potential. Additional bags are available at the office.

The next Parents’ Club meeting will be held in the staffroom from 9:00am Friday, 11th October 2019.

All welcome.

Rochelle Reynolds

Parents’ Club President

Canteen Specials The canteen does not operate on a Monday.

There are a few new items now available to purchase from the canteen throughout the week.

Tuesday - Steamed Dim Sims 1 for $1.00

Wednesday - Soup and a slice of bread $1.00

Thursday - Skinless Cocktail Frankfurts (snack only) 2 for $1.00

Warm milo, a bag of popcorn and banana pancakes (lunchtime only) are available Tuesday to Friday

for .50 each.

Congratulations to Chilali for her recent AFL achievement.

Chilali received an award for the best and fairest player of 2019 for her

AFL team, Werribee Centrals U12 Girls. This award came as a huge shock

to Chilali, but she was obviously a well-deserved recipient of this award for

playing great football all season.

Mr Saker

“This year I played my second season for Werribee Centrals U12 girls team. On 3rd September we had

our awards day. I tried my best all year and won the Best

And Fairest award by 1 vote. I was so shocked but so happy. I am looking forward

to next season.” Chilali

Page 6: MANORVALE P SCHOOL N Newsletter 15 September 17th, 2019...towels, sheets, pillow cases and doona covers. Items collected are picked up by the SCR Group (Mondo) and sorted for reuse


Katra for using a story plan to write a

narrative with a problem and a solution.

Riley -for

concentrating on “sounding out” words

during Guided reading sessions.

3/4 COLE Jake for creating an informative

non-fiction text about eclipses.



Arianna for her outstanding and crea-

tive narrative writing.

Blake for working productively during

maths lessons.



Patrick and Pyper for creating an infor-

mation poster including a description and a

labelled diagram.



Hudson for challenging

himself in his maths.

3/4 KOCISKI Kymberly for persistence and a

positive attitude when facing challenges in the


1/2 PARR Ester for looking after and

helping a new student.

Satina for showing

improvement and working hard in



1/2 DUTTA Oskar for respecting school

equipment and the property of others.

Caitlyn for sitting correctly on the

floor for group discussions.




Rhianne for showing a huge improve-

ment in multiplication and division.

Tyler for making great

improvements in writing, especially



Samuel for following instructions the first

time they are given and for helping

others around him.

K’Pru for using nice manners and

participating in class.

3/4 DAVIES Brandon for a good

understanding of Time in maths.

Mikayla for an

interesting information text on the

Milky Way.

5/6 RIEKSTS Joash for making confident and thoughtful

contributions to all classroom


Brody for showing respect to all people, all

the time.



Blut for being respectful, resilient, as-

piring and

creating excellent artworks.

Hsa for being hardworking, resilient,

inspiring and always creating outstand-

ing artworks.



Blut for making Region Athletics finals in 13

boys relay, 100m and 80m


Tony , Hsa and Gary for making the Re-

gion Athletics finals in 12/13 boys relay.






Elysha for being a good listener.

Rivalea for helping students in her class with



Congratulations to the following students for being named as Student of the Week for this

week. The certificates will be presented on Monday at 9.00am at whole school assembly.

When Monday is a public holiday certificates will be presented at assembly the

following week.


Page 7: MANORVALE P SCHOOL N Newsletter 15 September 17th, 2019...towels, sheets, pillow cases and doona covers. Items collected are picked up by the SCR Group (Mondo) and sorted for reuse

Community News

Manorvale Primary School

232-246 Greaves Street North

P.O. Box 591, Werribee. 3030

Principal: Helen Watson

Assistant Principal: Lily Ibrahim

Phone: 03 9741 6300 Fax: 03 9742 5703 E-mail: [email protected]


TERM DATES 2019 Term 1 29 January to 5 April Term 2 23April to 28 June Term 3 15 July to 20 September Term 4 7 October to 20 December

SCHOOL HOURS 2019 Start 8.55 am Recess Play 11.00 am to 11.30 am Medication Bell 12.30 pm Lunch in rooms 1.30 pm to 1.40 pm Lunch Play 1.40 pm to 2.10 pm Finish 3.10 pm

Department of Education

and Training

REPORTING STUDENT ABSENCES To avoid receiving a phone call or a note/letter from the school when your child is absent please remember to contact the school using one of the following methods:

1. Contact the school by telephone on 9741 6300

2. Send an email to

[email protected] 3. Write a letter or note to the classroom

teacher explaining your child’s absence 4. Verbally inform the classroom teacher.

If families have not advised the school of a student absence, a text message will be sent at 10:15am alerting the family. Families are expected to respond to the school with a reason for the absence as soon as possible.

Grades DATES TO REMEMBER 2019 Term 3 All Whole School Fancy Dress Parade - Destination 16/09/2019 Moon: More missions, more science Yr 5/6 Laser Beak Man excursion………………………….. 18/09/2019 All End of Term Lunch - Hot Dog Day…………………. 20/09/2019 All Early dismissal 2:30pm………………………………. 20/09/2019

Term 4 All Recycle Mondo Collection……………………………… 11/10/2019 Yr 1 Grade 1 Pizza Night……………………………………… 10/10/2019 Selected Western Metro Region Athletics……………………….. 15/10/2019 Yr 2 Grade 2 Sleepover………………………………………. 18/10/2019 All Arts Festival………………………………………………. 21/10 - 24/10/2019 Yr 6 Graduation Evening…………………………………….. 18/12/2019


Store location

Shop 1/13 Barnes Place, Werribee. Trading Hours Monday—Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Ph: 9741 3211 Email: [email protected]

Manorvale PS Class Presentation at Assembly

Term 4 14/10/19 3/4 JC 21/10/19 Arts Festival 28/10/19 Prep RB 04/11/19 5/6 TP 11/11/19 Prep MS 18/11/19 1/2 PC 25/11/19 1/2 AF