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Túlio CaracioloGame Producer @ Manifesto Games

PhD Candidate @ Cin - UFPE

• Manifesto– Who are we?

• Python in the game industry• Python at Manifesto

What we will see today?

Python in the Game Industry

I frequently used Python to run menial build tasks (recompiling art files or reorganizing files into new directories), or to enumerate complicated data sets.So I found a text-2-speech

package, and used Python to build all 800+ sounds based upon the weapon/material type. What would have taken someone hours (if not days) of cut/paste/rename was generated in a few lines of Python.

Interview With Steve MoretLead Programmer at Troika Games, LLC.

The problem I see with using python as a modding language is that it makes it very difficult to enforce safety in mods. It'd be nice if the modding language was sandboxed so that you could download a mod and know it won't format your hard drive.

Yeah, that's one of Python's shortcomings I think. There is the 'rexec' module which is meant to do this, but it apparently it has unspecified holes in it. The 'pickle' module has similar flaws. You could do some neat RPC stuff passing around picked objects, but only at the risk of introducing security holes. Oh well.

... from

Python at Manifesto Games

our history...

Dessa maneira, podemos dizer que as melhores equipes do ensino médio durante a competição são aquelas que:Jogam durante o dia, completando 75% dos desafios entre 8 da manhã e 8 da noite.Jogam 23 vezes mais que 94% das equipes.

fizeram sete vezes mais desafios de jogo.

Tem uma distribuição de jogadas nos jogos muito equilibrada com relação aos demais competidores. O jogo mais jogado, sonorus, é jogado só quatro vezes mais que o Manfred (o menos jogado). Nas outras equipes essa diferença chega a ser de 10 vezes.Essas equipes jogam, proporcionalmente, Operação Anti Mosquito MUITO mais que as demais. 8% das jogadas são nesse jogo, nas demais equipes só 1% das jogadas.

Essas equipes respondem, proporcionalmente, muito mais enigmas de Português que as equipes que não são finalistas. Nas equipes não finalistas 4% dos enigmas tentados são de português, nas finalistas esse número é de 14%.

It’s not all roses...

Smaller footprint than Python.

Look at the size of python22.dll, 824kb. A basic Lua engine, including parser/compiler/interpreter, but excluding standard libraries, weighs in at under 100kb.


Túlio CaracioloGame Producer @ Manifesto Games

PhD Candidate @ Cin - UFPE