Download - Manchester Beacon Brochure

  • 8/8/2019 Manchester Beacon Brochure


    Manchester Beaconfor Public Engagement

    Connecting people, place and knowledge

  • 8/8/2019 Manchester Beacon Brochure


    Welcome to an update on the progress and activities of the

    Manchester Beacon for Public Engagement. The Manchester Beacon

    is one of six Beacon partnerships across the UK. There is also a

    National Coordinating Centre that shares learning across the Higher

    Education Sector.

    The Beacons explore and support the many ways that the activity

    and benets of higher education and research can be shared with,and informed by, the public.

    The Manchester Beacon is a partnership between the University

    of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University, the University

    of Salford, the Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI) and

    Manchester: Knowledge Capital.

  • 8/8/2019 Manchester Beacon Brochure


    The Manchester Beacon facilitates staff, students and community groups to create a culture thatencourages public and community engagement to become a valued part of everyday universitylife. We engage par ticipants to inuence culture change, develop creative learning partnershipsand attract local audiences. This is an overview of the many activities, collaborations and eventswe have supported, the learning so far and the challenges still ahead.

    What we do

    Our approach focuses on networking, collaboration andcelebrating and sharing learning. Here are some examples

    Culture Change Labs

    Create time and space for senior staff to share

    and explore the vision, priorities and challenges for

    supporting public engagement within their institutions.

    Community Science Awards

    Collaborative awards inspire public engagement projects

    between academics and culturally diverse community

    groups for the Manchester Science Festival.

    Early Career Researchers Awards

    Opportunities for researchers at an early stage in theircareers to work with and learn from experienced

    public engagement practitioners from different sectors,

    organisations and communities.

    Mapping Creativity

    The Manchester public chose a project to address

    Manchesters local needs. ArcSpace Manchester, the

    winning project, is a social enterprise run by local

    artists and academics, linking the creative industries,

    community groups and academic knowledge to

    promote sustainable living.

    Evaluating Impact

    A bespoke evaluation and monitoring framework and

    support pack were created to measure success and

    gather learning, with the input of participants in the


    Sharing and Celebrating Learning

    Annual Beacon Summit and dissemination events

    bring people together to share learning, showcase

    achievements and shape future plans.

    Community LeadershipStep Up and Inspiring Leaders build leadership skills

    with Manchester residents to build the capacity o f

    community organisations.

    University of Manchester Development

    Awards and Manchester Metropolitan

    University Fellowships support the long-term

    goal of valuing public engagement as part of everyday

    university life.

    University of Salford Networking Lunches

    and Crescent Network bring together staff,

    students and the public to share knowledge and share

    best practice.

    We do this by The Beacon is an engine for culturalchange and is enabling us to makeconnections and embed publicengagement across the university.

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    Interim Evaluation and evaluation framework by EKOS, social and economic regeneration consultants.

    I will defnitely re-think my approach

    to research in terms of why and who

    I could involve with what I do. My

    experience of working directly with the

    local community has had a huge impact

    on my thinking about the potential of

    my work outside its usual and expected

    application this is really inspiring!

    Progress so farAn independent Interim Evaluation based on consultation withpartners, stakeholders, community organisations and participantsacross 30 projects highlights the learning so far.

    Infuencing culture change

    Participants report an increase in skills

    Public engagement more valued

    Positive impact on university strategy plans and policies to support PE

    Engaging participants and new audiences

    More staff and students involved

    Community perceptions of universities more positive

    Learning and personal benets reported by participants

    Developing creative learning partnerships

    New relationships built with deeper, broader partnership working

    Partnerships shaped by shared learning

    More networks created linking between universities and local communities

    Future prioritiesThe Interim Evaluation also highlighted some priorities for the future

    Making a difference

    Understand how and why weve

    made a difference and communicate

    the learning widely


    Build deeper partnerships and

    explore collaborative opportunities


    Sustain momentum and connections

    beyond the Beacon initiative

    Recognise and support

    Demonstrate the value , incentivise

    and encourage public engagement

  • 8/8/2019 Manchester Beacon Brochure


    The Manchester Beacon is a partnership between the University of Manchester,Manchester Metropolitan University, the University of Salford, the Museum of Science

    and Industry (MOSI) and Manchester: Knowledge Capital.

    The Beacons for Public Engagement are funded by the Higher Education Funding

    Council for England and Research Councils UK, in association with the Wellcome Trust,

    the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales and the Scottish Funding Council.

    The Manchester Beacon was also funded by the North West Development Agency.

    With thanks to the many staff, students, community and public partners involved in the programme so far.

    Produced by Dovetail, November 2010. Photography by Jan Chlebik.

    Cover image: Transforming Guns into Goodsevent at the Manchester Science Festival.

    Manchester Beacon for Public Engagement

    The University of Manchester, Room 2.43b Simon Building,

    Brunswick Street, Manchester, M13 9PL

    Tel: 0161 275 5261

    www.manchesterbeacon.orgFollow us on Twitter@mcrbeacon

    Join the network, showcase your work, share resources

    and nd out more at

    or contact one of the Manchester Beacon team:

    General Enquiries

    [email protected]

    Sam Gray

    Manchester Metropolitan University

    [email protected]

    Suzanne Spicer

    University of Manchester

    [email protected]

    Chris Guthrie

    University of Salford

    [email protected]

    Antonio Benitez


    [email protected]

    Get involved