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Make Money Selling eBooks

Anyone will be ready to start making money after listening to the following great

Podcasters and Content CreatorsHere’s The Facts!

1. You Don’t Need to be a Writer. You’ll learn how to have others do it for you!

2. You don’t need to be Tech Savvy3. You don’t need Money to Start4. You can Start Part-Time Immediately after listening to

each of these great Entrepreneurs.

Brought to you by My Jobs ItHelping You Open For Business!

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Millionaire by 25 and Selling Ebooks is Paving the Path!

Learn how Corey dropped out of school and drifted till age 23. He decided to turn his life around and set a goal of $1 Million By the Age of 25 and he’s on track!

Corey Shares how he’s creating Ebooks by outsourcing a lot of the content creation. He shares tools, resources and inspires!Pete Sveen is an Amazing Interviewer who engages Corey to share all! Listen Here Now & Prepare to Want to take Action!

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How To Become A Bestselling Author By Watching TV

How To Write An Amazon Bestseller EVERY Single Week, With Sean Platt

Meron Bareket Interviews Sean Michael Platt who is making $100,000+ doing

what he loves!

You’ll learn the tools you need, how to start and key principles to

make this a great opportunity possibly for

yourself! Grab A Pen & Pad & Click Here

To Begin Learning!

Page 4: Make Money Selling eBooks

Learn How To Make Big Money Selling Books On Amazon

Without Having to Ever Write any Books Yourself!

Internet Mastery Interviews Michal Rank a Successful Ebook Creator on “HISTORY”

Michael Shares:

• How to Rank on Top In Amazon• How to Get Help having Others write the Content• Steps to get it on Amazon

Listen To Michaels Successes & How you can also do this by Clicking Here!

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Learn the step-by-step system to make money selling ebooks. Learn how to make a 6-figure eBook publishing company.

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You might be saying now – I get it, I see how to create something people want to buy, but I don’t know how to create a website or more importantly

how to get Paid! Have no Fear – Gumroad is Near! Their system will help you

get paid and they’ll even hold the content you create (or that someone creates for you). They’ll even handle getting

paid. You just need to drive traffic (learn how in next slide)!

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Learn How to Build A Following The Right Way & What To

Create! Kevin DaSilva rocks consistent

great ideas to make money online – But He Shows you Step By Step

as he’s doing it with You!

1. Learn How to Build a Twitter Tribe Here! Great Tips! How to build a following. You’ll need this when you create a product to sell! Start this process TODAY!

2. Learn How to Get Found Online! This blew me away – Tremendous tips! He’ll share tips on what people want to learn more of. Now either go create it yourself or Use the tips shared by Corey in the slide above to have it created for you!

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Leveraging Resources of Others!Maybe you don’t want to create a product yourself! No problem.

Learn how John Dumas’s 2 separate guest this week would leverage the resources of someone else’s network and someone else’s intellectual property!

The Ultimate of Low Cost Business Ideas!

Learn How Each Start A Low Cost Business by Clicking Here!

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Email is Essential in Selling Products! Learn from 2 Masters

John McIntyre “The Autoresponder Guy”

Interviews Dane Maxwell – Listen By Clicking Here!

Dane helps entrepreneurs start businesses that the market really wants! Most Entrepreneurs feel they have to have ideas to start and often end up never getting started!

Dane owns The where the Mindset is completely the opposite. Don’t have an idea - learn how to listen, ask the right questions and make businesses that people want and pay for - before you spend any money! Brilliant

Learn more about Dane & The Foundation in these great interviews (this one is also one of Dane’s best, though you need to be a Premium Member on Mixergy which I so Recommend – Here’s a Cheat Sheet Though):

Entrepreneur On Fire – Dane’s Journey Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income discusses with Dane how to Build a Lucrative Business with no ideas, money or expertise.

Jaime of Eventual Millionaire interviews Dane and he shares How to Start a Sucessful Company in just 6 months with no Idea!

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Listen to Ryan’s Story By Clicking Here!

Ryan’s Philosophy to life is Why Not!

He thinks like an artist! An artist appreciates the picture they’re painting, but the space they haven’t also. He looks to guide people struggling or just looking for a kick in the butt.

He and his wife almost lost everything. 7 Months Pregnant and ready to close on a home and everything changed overnight. He lost his home and job. Instead of putting his head down, learn what he did. In less than a year they have Six Figure++ Businesses by taking action.



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The Distance Between Your Dreams and Reality

is Called Action!

You can do this! Take Action.

Have Questions Visit My Jobs It and Send a Message! We’ll get the Answer for you.

If this idea isn’t for you visit other Low Cost Business Ideas Here!