Download - Make a compass by yourself


Make a Compass by yourselfNERVEWANG

What you need?

A needle (or any sharp objects)can be magnetized)

A piece of paper (anything that can get you selected object floating on the surface of the stuff)

What do you need to do

Find a magnet (may be buttons on your backpack, or in your pencil case), with the magnet friction needle, make its magnetization.

Find a calm waters, put the needle wear on paper (just let the needle floating on the surface, whatever you do.)

Just like this.(But I did not success...

It is sank...

What should you do

Find anything that can get you selected object floating on the surface of the stuff(I change a piece of paper.)

It is work.

Let it stand for a few seconds in the stillness of the water, it will slowly turn, turning to north and south.

But this time, you just know the north and south to, do not know the exact location of the north and south, you need according to your area, the general location to determine the direction of the north and south of the sun.

Hope you can survival in the wildand have a good time~~(“▔□▔)