Download - Maja DB - Week 1 Assignment - Lesson Frequency

  • 7/29/2019 Maja DB - Week 1 Assignment - Lesson Frequency


    About the Course

    Course: Introduction To Music Productionat byLoudon Stearns

    Week OneAssignment

    Lesson: Audio Basics - Frequency
  • 7/29/2019 Maja DB - Week 1 Assignment - Lesson Frequency


    About Me

    About Me

    My name is Maya.I am a piano teacherfrom Serbia.

    You can watch my introvideo onYoutube.(duration: 32 sec.)

    Maja Dakic-Brkovic
  • 7/29/2019 Maja DB - Week 1 Assignment - Lesson Frequency


    Frequency - Lesson Content

    Definition Measuring Frequency vs. Pitch

    Human Hearing Range Frequency Response See Examples

    Listen to Examples

  • 7/29/2019 Maja DB - Week 1 Assignment - Lesson Frequency


    Definition of Frequency

    Periodic vibration or the number of cyclesper unit of time, audible to the averagehuman

    Property of sound that most determinespitch

  • 7/29/2019 Maja DB - Week 1 Assignment - Lesson Frequency



    For convenience, frequency is most oftenmeasured in cycles per second (cps) or theinterchangeable Hertz (Hz) (60 cps = 60

    Hz), named after the 19th C. physicist

    1000 Hz is often referred to as 1 kHz

    (kilohertz) or simply '1k' in studioparlance

  • 7/29/2019 Maja DB - Week 1 Assignment - Lesson Frequency


    Frequency vs. Pitch

    The perceived pitch of a sound is ourear/mind's subjective interpretation of itsfrequency

    Pitch - we hear low to high sounds Frequency - what equipments measure in

    cps (Hz)

    More Hz - higher sound Fewer Hz - lower sound

  • 7/29/2019 Maja DB - Week 1 Assignment - Lesson Frequency


    Human Hearing Range

    Roughly: 20 to 20,000 Hz

    Greatly influenced by environmental


    The perception of higher range tends to

    decrease with age

  • 7/29/2019 Maja DB - Week 1 Assignment - Lesson Frequency


    Human Hearing Range

    Below 20 Hz - felt rather than heard,assuming the amplitude of the vibration isgreat enough

    Above 20,000 Hz - sometimes sensed byyoung people

    High frequencies are the first to be

    affected by hearing loss due to age and/orprolonged exposure to extreme noise

  • 7/29/2019 Maja DB - Week 1 Assignment - Lesson Frequency


    Frequency Response

    We don't hear equally across the entirehearing range

    He hear less as we go the lower and higher

    end of frequency range Human ears as well as audio equipments

    act as EQ (set of frequency filters)

  • 7/29/2019 Maja DB - Week 1 Assignment - Lesson Frequency


    See Examples

    Low Frequency Higher Frequency* We can't hear these frequencies, since they are below 20 Hz.

  • 7/29/2019 Maja DB - Week 1 Assignment - Lesson Frequency


    Listen to Examples

    Low Sound (Voice)High Sound (Voice)
  • 7/29/2019 Maja DB - Week 1 Assignment - Lesson Frequency


    Personal Reflections

    I wanted to make my lesson simple, clear and brief.Really like the thought:Brevity is respect for another's time.

    If there is anything I missed or could have explainedbetter, I would like to hear your thoughts. :) Thanks. Since I wanted to add short audio examples to my

    google presentation, I had problems to find a simpleservice for sharing audio files. Finally, liked theShoutomatic .
  • 7/29/2019 Maja DB - Week 1 Assignment - Lesson Frequency


    Feedback Welcome!

    Thank you for taking your time to gothrough my presentation.

    Hope we learn more together.

    If you have any comment, please contactme: @maja_prolece or leave your voicemessage here.
  • 7/29/2019 Maja DB - Week 1 Assignment - Lesson Frequency


    Thank you!

    Here I want to give a big thank to my dearhusband, who always helps me about allpossible things on and away of computer!